Vision Newspaper - Issue 02 - 2017

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Issue 02 - 2017


“When month end come, every cent spend off... When were done paying bills we have nothing left to check off” >>page 10




The Caribbean Jamaican Government to Roll out Polices to Address the Country’s Crime Rate Prime Minister Andrew Holness has revealed that in the coming months the government will be rolling out strategic policies to address the country’s homicide rate and put in place a plan to secure Jamaica. Speaking at a brunch with Destination Experience at Devon House on Saturday, January 28, Prime Minister Holness said, “We are making the investments in national security assets to put us in a position to cut the flow of illegal weapons into the island, to limit the movement and activities of gangs, to be able to intercept criminals in the act and to create a real deterrent.” The prime minister pointed out that all of this is being done in addition to putting in place a new national security architecture that will better integrate all the crime fighting resources which are not all in the Ministry of National Security. “We have appointed a national security advisor whose job it is to bring together all the national security assets to fight crime. So I am confident that we will be able to bring the homicide rate down significantly,” he declared. According to Mr Holness, in making Jamaica the centre of the Caribbean, the government must ensure that the rule of law is never challenged. Acknowledging that the present situation with crime, specifically murders, poses a challenge, he declared that the country will not be defeated, while noting that in general most crimes are trending down. for the full story please visit

Women Worldwide March Against US President Donald Trump They traveled near and far to protest Trump’s planned immigration policies. America Ferrera in an address to the assembled masses declared: “We will not go from being a nation of immigrants to a nation of ignorance.”

On the first full day in office, the newly sworn in 45th USA President was welcomed with mass protests. The police were so fearful that they placed barriers some 2 blocks around the Trump Towers in New York to deter any possible damage to the building. During the inauguration walk through near Pennsylvania Avenue, several buildings had their glass fronts shattered by protesters. Police responded with tear gas bombs while they donned riot gear. 95 protesters were arrested. In Boston alone, some 125,000 persons, mainly women, predominantly dressed in white, gathered and marched in an anti-Trump rally.

“Law enforcement now is significantly different than when I joined the force in 1981. Back then we didn’t even have computers,” the Acting Commissioner points out. She notes that the JCF’s engagements have transitioned beyond the use of basic core policing activities to include technological devices such as a cell phones and the incorporation of scientific inputs like Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) testing. Ms. Grant points out that DNA testing has been successful in the investigation of several high profile cases and has proved to be very effective in combating criminality. for the full story visit

Time will tell how he responds to these protests. Will they define his Presidency? and how will these plans affect his plans to make America strong again?

Poll Rating

The report that the Obamas have donated a wooden playhouse to a shelter is good news. This leaves a good taste in my mouth. We feel that this is the right thing to do. Sasha and Malia are being taught life lessons as to the value of sharing. This gesture is not surprising to us as the Obamas have been model parents who never seem to fail to pass on positive and wholesome values to their girl children. This gift of a playhouse can be used by the whole community, both black and white … Latinos, Chinese, or any other ethnic group. They could have easily thrown same to the landfill but they

Trump fires chief US lawyer who defied him on migrant ban WASHINGTON, United States (AFP) — US President Donald Trump recently fired the acting attorney general, a holdover from the Obama administration, after she ordered Justice Department attorneys not to defend his controversial immigration orders. In a sharply worded statement, the White House called Sally Yates “weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration” and also criticized Democrats for not yet confirming the appointment of attorney general-designate Jeff Sessions. “The acting attorney general, Sally Yates, has betrayed the Department of Justice by refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States,” the White House said in a statement. “This order was approved as to form and legality by the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel,” it said.

Ex Gambia President Refuses to Hand Over Power?

choose a more altruistic route to have this playhouse serve the wider American society. A commendable move indeed.

For 150 years, the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) has championed the fight against crime.

Acting Police Commissioner, Novelette Grant, tells JIS News that technological advancements have greatly changed police operations.

You will recall that during the campaign Trump was accused by several women of improper sexual advances which alleged occurred over a long period, suggesting a pattern of behaviour, which appeared to be endemic to his personality.

Obama Kids White House Playground Donated to Homeless Shelter

JCF Celebrates 150 Years

Over time, the institution has utilized technology to boost its operational efficiency in a bid to further enhance national security and citizens’ safety.

They travelled to Washington DC from Boston, New York, Berlin, London and as far away as Toronto, Canada. Chartering buses and even sleeping 2 days on the road to get there … they were determined to make a statement.

The World

On an unrelated matter, President Obama has the third highest approval rating leaving the White House of 84 percentage points. Republican President Ronald Reagan is ahead of him. Mr. Trump you cannot destroy Obama’s legacy. Try as you may, tamper with Obamacare if you wish … President Obama will go down in the annals of American history as one of the greatest presidents to occupy the White House. Tamper with that fact if you can Mr. President-Elect Donald Trump. We wish you luck! What is your perspective? We invite your comments.

We carried a series entitled “Trials of black men.” We had gotten a feedback from a reader named Marsha, that at times their trials and by extension their problems are often more than not self inflicted. Is this a prime example for disgraced Gambian leader who refused to had over power?. Like Ivory Coast, their leader refused to hand over power peacefully after democratically held elections in which they have been beaten fair and square. They are power seeking zealots, are they not? Power corrupts and flies to their heads. What a shame! We welcome President Barrow who has been democratically elected … we wish him all the best. We hope good sense will prevail and our black brothers will stop making themselves look stupid. What is your perspective? Let us respect the ballot and not the bullet.

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Exposing the talent in our communities.

Vision Newspaper UK: Editor in Chief : Junior Whyte, Senior International Correspondent in Jamaica: Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie Vision Newspaper Canada: Editor in Chief: Alwin Marshall-Squire, Editors: Samantha Deschamps, Marilyn Marshall, Maresa Cadienhead BSc., NCCP, Kati Palmer



Former Deputy Commissioner Mark Shields Recommends Outside Search for new Jamaican Police Commissioner

As the impact of the impending departure of Commissioners Dr. Carl Williams is being felt, there have been rapid developments in the matter. Mark Shields, a former Scotland Yard top cop who was recruited from outside Jamaica and made Deputy Commissioner has since retired from the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF). Shields has recommended that an outside search should be made to replace Dr. Carl Williams when he leaves in early 2017. Shields acknowledges that this decision could attract

resistance from within the JCF. Mark Shields also said that he did not see anyone within the JCF suitable to replace Williams.

in a radio interview monitored by Vision Newspapers’ SIC recently.

Novelette Grant

New Police Service

Ms. Novlette Grant is a 35 year veteran of the police force and has been appointed to act as commissioner. She is only the second woman to reach the rank of Deputy Commissioner and did apply to replace Owen Ellington when he suddenly departed. Dr. Carl Williams was selected instead of Grant. Now that Williams is leaving she (Novelette Grant) has been asked to act as commissioner for 90 days beginning January 7, 2017. “I will apply for the job of Commissioner” she asserts

Pride Toronto Bans Toronto Police Participation in Parade

Jevene Bent now retired did act as Commissioner of Police, and left as a deputy commissioner on her retirement.

There is talk about a new Police Act to transform the force into a Police Service … will Gant be able to effectively do so if appointed Commissioner? Is Mark Shields, who is now married to a Journalist/lawyer Emily Crooks, correct when he said we should look outside to replace Dr. Carl Williams? After all he is from the belly of the beast. Let us get your feedback, please.

We embrace all and do agree with the ban on the police parading floats in the Pride Event. Police should keep,a professional distance and be available to keep the peace. We are aware that police may wish to want to seem to be friends of the LBGTQ’s communities but law enforcement is your core function that of security. You should ensure that all goes well and the event is incident free. This cannot and should not be viewed as discrimination, it is just the right thing to do. Just as we would not want to see police outriders escort the Bikers Gang or have bike crews in their events. A line needs to be drawn somewhere. Do Not Discriminate

The fact the Premier Kathleen is openly gay does not mean

the police need to be so transformed. Certainly if individuals in the police force wish to make their own statement they should not be prevented. That would be downright discrimination, we do not support that at all. Canada is still a free society and individuals are free to choose their own sexual orientation, as long as in doing so they do not negatively impact others or minors who are not legally allowed to engage in such activities. This perspective should not be seen as an endorsement or rejection of a gay lifestyle. To each his or her own. People are free to choose their own path in life. From a Christian perspective, such a gay lifestyle is not considered appropriate. What is your perspective? Join the debate .. we may publish your view point, if space allows. The police at all times in serving, must allow itself to be viewed with Pride.




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Garvey’s family gifts National Hero’s medal to Liberty Hall by the Government of Jamaica during Seaga’s Administration of the 1980s to be established as a living monument of Marcus Garvey. The Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport runs Liberty Hall: the Legacy of Marcus Garvey through the Institute of Jamaica.

Kingston, January 5, 2016 – The insignia of the Order of National Hero which was presented posthumously to Marcus Garvey when he was made Jamaica’s first National Hero in 1969, has been donated by Mr Garvey’s family to the Museum at Liberty Hall in Downtown, Kingston. The former Prime Minister, the Most Honourable Edward Seaga, received

the insignia on behalf of the nation from Garvey’s son, Julius, at a special ceremony at Liberty Hall: the Legacy of Marcus Garvey today (Thursday).

The Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia Grange, said it was significant that Mr Seaga should accept Garvey’s medal on behalf of the nation.

Liberty Hall: the Legacy of Marcus Garvey (at King Street) is a cultural institution dedicated to information about Garvey’s life and work. The property had been Garvey’s headquarters in the 1920s. It was purchased

Minister Grange in her message, read by Mrs Laleta Davis-Mattis, recalled that Mr Seaga, as Minister of Development and Welfare with responsibility for Arts and Culture in the 1960s “played a principal role in

the return of the body of Marcus Garvey to Jamaica and in establishing the nation’s highest order, that of National Hero, of which Garvey was the first recipient.” Reflecting on the decision to declare Marcus Garvey a Nation Hero, Mr Seaga said it was “one of the best things” that he ever did. Minister Seaga said: “(Marcus Garvey) was the most important man in the history of Jamaica. He was important because of his message. He was important because of the way he believed that message. He was important because of the way he could confer and pass on the inspiration that he felt and the message that he had.” Garvey’s family also donated a bible to Lib-

erty Hall and indicated that the National Hero’s walking stick would also be donated shortly. Commentary The gift of these memorabilia to the Garvey Museum, at Liberty Hall, is an excellent move, and we commend the family for their generosity. We hope this gift will not end up being lost. We must protect this invaluable if not irreplaceable gift/ medal jealously. We support this move. Congrats from us at Vision Newspaper. See release attached from Culture Minister, Olivia “Bagsy” Grange’s office. Commentary by Hopeton O’ConnorDennie (senior international correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper.)

Moravian Minister Accused of Raping 15 Year Old Girl in Jamaica overseas travel as a condition of his bail. Background Age of Consent The age of consent to legally engage in sexual activity is age 16. Rape

Pastor Rupert Clarke 64, a well respected clergyman who is assigned to Maidstone, at the Nazarine Moravian, Church, St. Elizabeth, has been caught in what the police has described as “a compromising position in his car, parked on a lonely road in Austin, Myersville, St. Elizabeth, December 28, 2016, late evening. The suspect has been arrested by police after being investigated by the Centre For The Investigation OF Sexual Offences and Child Abuse (CISOCA). The pastor was charged for

Statutory Rape. The investigation is ongoing as the police suspect that there may have been other victims and as such additional charges may be laid against the accused pastor. Bail The pastor had a bail hearing yesterday Wednesday, January 4, 2017, at the Black River Parish Court. Parish Judge Howard Mitchell, presided and offered Pastor Rupert Clarke, a married father of two boys, “bail to the sum of J$80, 000 dollars with restrictions on

Recent police statistics reveal that rape figures for 2016 shows a dramatic decline by 24 percent over the corresponding period 2015. Figures were not released to the media, just the percentage decrease. Public Support Television footage viewed by Vision SIC show strong support for the rape accused Pastor Rupert Clarke. Noteworthy was the presence of Mrs. Heather Murray, who is principal of a prominent Girl’s school in the Parish. Her presence at the Courtyard has raised many

eyebrows. Talk Show Host Cliff Hughes, speaking on his Show Thursday January 5, 2017, said Mrs. Heather Murray “has questions to answer”. Mrs. K. Reynolds, a journalist of foreign vintage, now married to a Jamaican was scathing in her comment “I would not be seen supporting my husband caught with a 15 year old girl.” Media Blocked The media was blocked from filming and taping the rape accused by mainly women believed pastored by Reverend Rupert Clarke. Mrs. Heather murray was filmed as one of the women blocking the media. Mrs. HEATHER Murray, principal of Hampton High School, was one of those women who blocked the media from doing their lawful duty. A cameraman reportedly said ” I felt intimidated by the mob, mainly of women.” It is not illegal to film an ac-

cused in Jamaica as long as it is not in a courtroom … unless not permitted by the Judge by Court Order … we are not sure if this order would be legal. Hampton Board Chair The Chairman Mr. Trevor Blake said “She (Murray) showed poor judgment …. she went to the court to support her friend. She is a good principal. We would probably give her a rap on the wrist” Chairman Blake, responding to media concerns. We presume that the accused is innocent and await the verdict until proven otherwise. The right of the accused to a fair trial is respected and honoured. We do not take this alleged betrayal of trust lightly. Stay tuned to Vision as this saga unfolds. by: Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper

Community Perspective: Kevin O’Leary announces Conservative leadership bid Prime Minister. Pierre, daddy Trudeau is loved by West Indians, especially Jamaicans. He did a lot for us as an outstanding statesman and humanitarian.

Kevin O’Leary has an excellent chance to be leader of the Conservative Party. He is not bilingual, but as he stated he will be in 2019. The candidate has name recognition and is not considered scarce on cash. Jobs As he has also advised he will focus on jobs and to provide jobs does not require the provider to be bilingual. Quebec will be

Kevin’s main target. The Conservatives have 12 seats there and has to pay close attention to this region if they can have a realistic chance to unseat the Liberals. PM Justin Trudeau has the youth vote locked up as we like to say in the West Indies. Pierre Trudeau has paved the way for his son Justin. Some say it is a form of dynasty Having followed the footsteps of his father as

Pierre Trudeau is a well respected world leader. Kevin O’Leary has big shoes to fill if he dreams to unseat PM Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister of Canada. We wish him all the success in his leadership bid for the Conservative Party. They must win Quebec to go forward. A strong Opposition is critical for the success of any democracy. by Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent for Vision Newspaper.


World Biggest Nightclub Could be Coming to Toronto

Amidst objection from neighbourhood residents and politicians, the biggest nightclub in the world might still be coming to Toronto. To be situated on the site which was once home to the Docks, on Toronto's newly developing Waterfront, in the Portlands. At present, Spain holds the reign for having the biggest nightclub in the world. A club called Privilege, in Ibiza Spain boasts itself as the world's largest with a capacity of about 10,000 people. In an application from Powerhouse Corporation, their proposal call for a prospective indoor capacity of 7,584 people, and a magnanimous 7,971 patrons outdoor on the patios for the new venue. Currently the club is limited to 3,163 patrons indoors and 2,510 outdoor.

In days of old, opposition from neighbourhood groups over noise disturbances, inside and outside the Docks eventually lead to a revoked liquor license. However, a new licence was eventually issued for a new club, named Rebel. It included strict conditions that limited noise levels and capacity. The company owners of Rebel and an adjacent bar, Cabana, in the Portlands, have applied for a new liquor licence for the site with a much larger scope. Owners argue that they should be permitted to operate with a clean slate, given that it's a new business. The application is scheduled to be heard by the province's Licensing Appeals Tribunal on Feb. 9. Counsellor Pam McConnell, who represents many of the residents said she'll fight the proposal once it goes to the tribunal next month.




Toronto Pot Shops Targeted

Statement by Minister Laura Albanese Citizenship and Immigration

The federal government have yet to fully establish laws permitting the legal operation of dispensaries across the nation. Police and business owners are between a hard place in transition of the surrounding legalities to the herb. Several Marijuana shops have been the target of robbers, it’s a trend that started around June of 2016 onward into 2017. So far, there have been reports of incidents involving dispensary owners who were victimized but chose not to report the incidents to authorities. In at least two cases, owners themselves have also been charged. It’s seems dispensaries are operating illegally in lieu of delayed regulations. Opportunists are targeting dispensaries knowing full well, owners and employees won’t report it to police for fear

of being charged themselves. There exists a real risk to shop owners and the public who are witnessing these attacks and reporting them to police. Steve Watts with the drug squad has said, “This is absolutely a public safety issue now.” Of 13 robberies, there were at least a record 10 cases involving armed assailants, armed with hand guns and in some instances the suspects were reportedly carrying knives. Large amounts of cash and marijuana make dispensaries attractive targets for robbers.

Although police began a crackdown on illegal operators since spring of 2016. Many stores continue to operate, neglecting the risk to their establishment. Currently only licensed growers are permitted to sell, only to patients with prescription. Rates run as high as $7.50-$12.50 Per gram. Until further notice from legislators and police Marijuana dispensaries are still illegal and people are continuing to risk their lives for the love of money.

Perspective: Ontario Education Minister Mitzie Hunter Puts York Region School Board Under Scrutiny that the system is so broken it is no longer in need of medicine but surgery.

Minister Hunter has kept up the pressure on the York Region School Board and we somehow are left with the perception that these problems are like an endemic disease that is possibly cemented in the cultural DNA of Canada’s largest populated Province, Ontario. Sensitivity Training We hear about wanton disregard for the views of stakeholders like parents and their negative views of the Board. The perception is that no amount of “sensitivity training” will make any difference. In short the image emerging is

Can Education Minister Hunter dissolve the York Region School Board in the public’s interest? There are disturbing reports of runaway travel and the perception of endemic racism. For example at least there is one Trustee who is in her 80s and who is under fire for an alleged racist comment. At least one parent appears to be not amused with recent negative reports coming out of the York Region School Board. This woman of colour who was seen on CBC TV airing her views, appears to be a frustrated parent.

across the globe.

Earlier today I spoke to the federal Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, and reiterated Ontario's open door stance with respect to receiving immigrants and refugees from all countries, irrespective of race, ethnicity or faith. Ontario's economic and social strength is built on our traditions of openness and diversity. Since December 2015, Ontario has received approximately 20,000 refugees, including over 16,000 refugees fleeing the Syrian crisis and the remainder coming from other countries

There is obviously a crisis of trust gripping the York Region School Board and the Trustees cannot be unmindful of this unsatisfactory state of affairs. We hope in the final analysis good sense will prevail. Are they sensitive enough to seriously take note of public perception or do the Trustees see this as much ado about nothing? Time will tell … what is your perspective?

I want to emphasize that the Ontario government is committed to ensuring that our province continues to be a safe destination for members of all faiths, including our brothers and sisters who practice the Muslim faith. We will proudly continue to welcome people from all parts of the world as we continue to create economic security and opportunity and develop the diverse and inclusive communities where all people thrive.

$7-million Gift in Celebration of Ontario’s 150th Anniversary

Education is so important to national development that we cannot take our eyes off this matter. We wonder how the woes will be resolved in the best interest of all the actors? Let us not forget that the interest of the impressionable little minds we are supposed to be developing … we could scar these children for life.

Communities across the province have embraced our new neighbours and through the collaborative efforts of governments, settlement agencies, the broader non-profit sector, the private sector as well as everyday Ontarians, refugees are finding homes, their children are attending school, jobs are being found and the process of integration is well underway.

Minister of Culture and Tourism Eleanor McMahon was on hand Tuesday, January 24th, 2017, Downtown Toronto at Yonge -Dundas Square to initiate the start of celebrations in honour of Ontario’s 150th anniversary. The ministers’ announcement; that the Ontario government is gifting 367 community groups with a $7-million

present which will serve to help with the creation of programs in celebration of the marked occasion. “My City, My Six” is one such community program to have received funds geared towards their public participatory art project. The funds’ gesture serves to promote the people, places and events that adds to Ontario’s diversity, as well as to highlight its characteristics.

Community What `’s On

Events TI: Us Or Else Canadian Promo Tour

Talib Kweli

Maroon 5

Billy Ocean

Lionel Richie


Family & Children Paw Patrol Live

Your Event Here

Your Event here $25 Rebel Toronto, ON January 26th 2017

Phoenix Concert Theater Toronto, ON February 3rd 2017

First Hamilton Center Hamilton, ON March 1st 2017

Woodbine Concert Hall Etobicoke, ON March 16th 2017

Air Canada Centre Toronto, ON March 30th 2017

Sony Center Toronto ON February 23rd 26th 2017

To Place your ad here call 647-386-3419 or email info@ visionnewspaper. ca

Your Event Here

Tribute to Legends Ken Booth, Exco Levi & More

Redemption The Bob & Lovers Rock Edition


Welcome to Jam Rock Tour

Bubble Guppies Live

Peppa Pig Live

Opera House 735 Queen Street E. Toronto, ON February 25th 2017

Rebel 11 Polson Street Toronto, ON February 3rd 2017

Rebel 11 Polson Street Toronto, ON April 28th 2017

Ocho Rios - Montego Bay Jamaica, West Indies November 13th 2017

Hamilton Place Theater Hamilton, ON March 19th 2017

Sony Center Toronto ON April 18th 2017

Your Event here $25 To Place your ad call 647-386-3419 email: info@




Jr. Pinchers & Montreal Reggae Artist "Ijah Iba" Colab On “Glad to be Rich” Known as Montreal’s hardest working Reggae artist, “IJah Iba” is back again with a new track titled “Glad to be rich”. The song features rising star “Jr. Pincher”, son of veteran Reggae star “Pincher” (known for hits “Bandelero” and “I’m a Don”.) “This collaboration has been a long time coming, we have been looking to work with each other for about two years now! The

opportunity came when he made the trip to come to Montreal and we put a song together at the same time.” said IJah. With reggae topping pop charts worldwide, Ijah Iba aims to reach his next step of success for 2017. “Glad to be rich” falls in line with current music trends and both artists hope to reach the charts with talks of a music video to be released as well. Ijah continues to work in studio on his debut album “The Signature” while he prepares to release his next mixtape project titled “Tuff Ras”. Both are set to release this year.

Mr. Vegas Releases First Single From Upcoming Soul Therapy Album - All That & More Therapy, takes a look at the veteran dancehall star's journey to Christianity.

International recording artist Mr. Vegas is set to stir up a lot of interest with his new single titled All That & More. The song which is the first official single off his soon to be released Gospel album, Soul

All That & More begins with Vegas singing, "There was a time in my life I was so defeated without a fight. My spirit was broken, good Lord day and night. But when I started believing in you Lord you showed me the light. You say that I'm all that, all that, all that, all that and more. You say that I'm all that, all that, all that, all that and more." Digging deep into his vocal

abilities Vegas delves even further into the experiences which lead to him embracing the Christian faith as he sings, "I spent all my dough in the bank but I feel rich with this joy that I have. I lost a few a friends that I had they gave up on me when things were so bad. But Lord if they only knew there's no other friend like you. You lifted me up and start me a new it shows in the things that you do." Vegas said he's confident that his fans will respond positively to All That & More. "I believe my new single will be well received, it has a very

strong message that many people can relate to." He also added, "Since I've found Christ I'm in a better place and I'm happy that I am using my voice to glorify his wondrous works. God's name is worthy to be praised," said Mr. Vegas. All That & More was produced and released on the MV Music label. The rhythm of the song was created by Dutch musician Rowen Reecks. Vegas' first full-length gospel project Soul Therapy will be released February 24th.

Keynote Records Alongside Canada’s RAW Media Announce K’Coneils' First Canadian Tour week stint as he takes on the central-east coast of Canada. Besides the obvious strong Caribbean diaspora in Canada, along with the influence of reggae and dancehall in mainstream music displayed in such hits as "Sorry" by Canadian native Justin Bieber, or Tory Lanez various hits, Canada is a melting pot of music and culture which falls in place with K'Coneil's "Genre Fluid" mantra as his music establishes his brand of successfully blending the genres to create a masterpiece of sonic perfection. On the heels of closing the year with a successful tour alongside Grammy winning Morgan Heritage, billboard charting artist K’Coneil will be arriving in Toronto at the end of January for approximately a two

To press day, K’Coneil will perform on Tuesday, January 31st at STAGES in Toronto, Ontario, Saturday, February 4th in Ottawa, Ontario and Sunday, February 5th in Montreal, Quebec, with more dates to be

announced. The artist will also be completing a media tour taking the time to introduce himself to the various media houses and fans alike, while linking with such celebrities as renowned soccer star Dwayne “ Dero” De Rosario. On his northern journey, K’Coneil will take advantage of Montreal’s historical landscape blended with modern scenery to film the music video for his next single “Loving You Right” off his hit debut “Love/Lust” EP. Peaking at # 25 on on Billboard Reggae Album Sales Chart and in top 10 iTunes reggae chart, “Love/ Lust” is rooted in the foundations of Reggae from his birth country Jamaica, on each track he expertly taps into the grit and grime of his homeland of New York City to tell stories of “Love and Lust.” With

romantic punctuation’s of bedroom trysts, K’coneil seeps in a raw accented Caribbean dialect anchored in simple RnB melodies to visually provide glimpses of his current state of mind. With contributing production from Billboard charting, Seanizzle and New York Radio DJ Cali B, “Love/Lust’s” songs, subject matters, and inspirations, is truly a masterpiece of genre fluidity. “I am very excited to introduce myself to Canada and take in the vibes of such a diverse and beautiful country. The diversity excites me as it reflects who I am and my music.” For more tour dates OR Media inquiries contact Reeva Ann Walker at 1-514-2456113 or e-mail



RDX starts 2017 with a Bang

Renigade and Delomar of RDX are quite certain that 2017 will be one of the best years yet for the chart topping, world touring Dancehall Duo. They are not only celebrating another addition to their vast catalog of number one hits in Jamaica with the LOL single, but the duo also is poised to hit number one again with their brand new female inspired single called Bang. Produced by True Blue and Blaqk Sheep of Apartment 19

Music, the Bang single is a freestyle on a remake of the 1994 released Car Crash riddim and was inspired by another freestyle on the same riddim that the Duo saw females reacting to in and outside of the Dancehall space. “We heard a freestyle on the Car Crash riddim that the ladies were bruking out to so we watched their movements inside & outside Dancehall and just go in the studio & spit a freestyle of our own talking bout all we saw them doing.” Delomar explained

The single took on wings of its own while the duo completed their extended tour of Europe last November due partially to the familiarity of the Car Crash Riddim, but more so due to the RDX energy that cemented Bang as a hit. The single was amped even more throughout the festive season with the release of the dynamic visuals late last month. The music video, shot in Bamboo district, St. Ann Jamaica and directed by the artistes themselves, stars popular dancehall dancers Marvin The Beast, DHQ Nickeisha Dani Boo and Cojo. After taking the time to rest and enjoy their families throughout the holidays, RDX is now back on the grind with plans to churn out new projects this year, a year that also marks the 10th anniversary of the successful RDX brand.

“2017 is our 10th anniversary and we intend to celebrate our continued success, so look forward to additional international recordings this year as well as seeing RDX properly enter the Carnival market with our collaborative single with Nadia Batson called Reverse It. We have some serious surprises as well as we continue the RDX evolution so listen out!” Renigade added Fans can look forward to hearing more of RDX’s new single Level Up produced by Not Nice Records this month, as well as the release of the official video for RDX’s female dancing single Chrome Wine. Their Bang Video is now available for viewing on RDXVEVO on YouTube. For all RDX 10th Anniversary updates for them on social media @rdxmusic.

Wasp gets Bad and Bougee with new hip hop freestyle ular Bad and Bougee riddim. The single,‘New Gyal’, is the first release for Wasp in 2017 and can be considered a follow up to his 2014 hit ‘Tek Whey Bwoy Gyal’. With an extremely potent lyrical flow; Wasp said the New Year brings everything new for him as well, even when it comes to the females and knows that hip hop freestyles give him the opportunity to say a lot more than on some dancehall beats. Dancehall Lyricist Wasp has re-energized his Hip Hop persona with a brand new rap freestyle single on the pop-

“I’m definitely a Dancehall artiste first and I know that no one has a flow like Wasp, on the hip hop beat

though, I get to be more unorthodox. No one knows what I’m going to say because I’m a lyrist by nature, so in the ‘New Gyal’ freestyle I get to show my versatility ” Wasp shared

me calling their names because it’s just showing some popular females love and support. Their men shouldn’t get offended either once they are secure in themselves” Wasp added

The single, produced by Jovi DIpree and ZJ Chrome, has been gaining momentum since its release earlier this month and already Wasp is certain it will garner the same success or more so than its 2014 predecessor. Wasp also mentions a few popular females in the single including stage show boss Spice and Dancehall newcomer Shensea, mentions he declares should only be taken as compliments.

Wasp has other recently singles also making waves locally including ‘Hard at Dem’ produced by Notnice records, he also looks forward to the release of Notnice’s Kingston City project on which he has recorded the title track.

“I’m just being creative so no one should be offended by

Wasp can be seen next performing on the RJR Cross Country Invasion all island Road Shows this February. For all updates on Wasp follow him on social media @ waspaboveaverage.

Entertainment Former Stone Love recording artist 14K resonates with his new single “When Month End Come”


Love Label, which was his debut single.

done four albums thus far with Dean Fraser, Steve of Truck Back Label, Computer Paul of Booth Camp Label and Manager/Producer Rupert Blackwood of Super 100 Entertainment.

Rupert Blackwood’s “Don’t Give Up” also released by VP Records in December 2016 is the second and the third single is “Once I was 7yrs Old” on the Stone Love Label.

14K has three singles currently promoting that are now in heavy rotation and has already topped charts. Two of which are, Dean Fraser’s “When Month end Come” which He toured Formerly known as was released by VP on Belgium, Switzerland Markie B, his name was November 04, 2016 and changed to 14K by Stone and the Caribbean just has already topped the Love’s CEO Father Wee to name a few. This Vision Newspaper Top success en routed him Pow who told him he to work with several top Ten Reggae Countdown sounded like gold after producers and musicians Video Chart, sitting at the he did a rendition of R. Kelly’s song,“Fiesta” back in Jamaica, such as Clive #1 spot. Hunt, Wee Pow and has in 2002 on the Stone

14k is looking forward to his album which is coming soon as well as his European tour which is in the works.

It was a mega success which led to his resignation at his job after which he migrated to England where the song was #1.




Award Nomination for The Comeback Queen of Caribbean Media, Nikki Z

If bringing in the new year with a mention in billboard magazine recognizing her emcee role on the Jamrock Reggae Cruise, and spinning music for the Duchess of Austria is any indication of what 2017 has in stores, the Queen of Caribbean radio, Nikki Z welcomes it with open arms.

And indeed 2017 has already recognized Nikki Z’s hard work and professionalism etiquette with a Youth View Awards nomination for Favorite Media Personality (TV or Radio). “When I got the news I actually cried, it was that unexpected… i made

the decision to move back a little over a year ago without a plan, I just knew I needed to be here… this just reminded me I made the right choice and I’m on the right path” said Nikki Z.

come synonymous with all things materialistic and gets a negative connotation… I like nice things like everyone but I’m far from defined by it.” simply explained Nikki.

Regarded as Jamaica’s premiere award show, the YVAs is the voice of the people. Born in 2008 out of appreciation for Jamaica’s culture of music, dance and entertainment, the Youth View Awards allows fans a voice on who they want to nominate and ultimately want to win. Voting is now open to the public, please visit

The Youth View Awards will take place February 18th, 2017 at the National Indoor Stadium, in Kingston Jamaica

Fans of Nikki Z have been abuzz and puzzled when her “Diva” moniker was removed from her social media handles, ” For a while now I have felt like I’ve out grown that word, “Diva” has be-

The vision of the YVAs is a combination of the BET Awards and the Teen Choice Awards fused into one with Jamaica’s own distinct flavour! Our red carpet experience is the only one of it’s kind in the region! From the 360 degree live fashion web cam to capturing the hottest red carpet trends, from nail cam to shoe cam to Live streaming on social media from our fashion panel review!

Dance JA Studio re-brands as Dance Jamaica Academy nightlife excursions.

Formerly known as Dance Jamaica Cultural Centre, Kingston based dance tutorial hub has officially changed its registered name to Dance Jamaica Academy at the start of 2017. The official change was done in order to properly signify the growth and expansion of the local dance space and properly certify the inclusion of more formal training courses going forward. The International Dance Studio and Cultural Centre opened its

doors in late 2012 and has been operating in Kingston at 22 Barbican Road Liguanea since the summer of 2013. A diverse set of activities have developed over the years for the Academy and it is now considered a holistic centre for cultural arts development. Outside of adult dance workshops and fitness classes the Academy also offers classes for children and teens as well as; Cultural workshops, Patois lessons, authentic Jamaican cooking tutorials, local tours and

“We go way beyond offering just dance classes as other studios do. Our local and international tours are a major part of business. Jamaican Culture includes dance, entertainment, food, fashion, music and language and we incorporate all of that in our experience. We also invite people from all over the world to participate in these activities and workshops” Latonya Style, CEO of Dance JA Academy, explained With the rebranding of the institution, they will now start collaborations with local schools inviting them to Dance Jamaica Academy for educational school trips. This year they will also be executing their outreach program, targeting inner city communities, in search of new dancers to train, develop and mentor. “We want DanceJA to be the goto-place for dancehall dance and the official space that preserves,

protects and promotes Jamaican Culture in all aspects. During our travels around the world dancers and dancehall fans are increasingly visiting Jamaica to study and experience the culture positively impacting tourism while showing the worldwide appreciation for brand Jamaica.” Latonya added This February and March Latonya will be embarking on her 4th annual tour of Australia and 3rd tour of major parts of Asia. This year, for the first time, she will be lecturing and teaching in the Philippines. While Latonya is on tour, it will be business as usual for Dance Jamaica Academy as the over 15 competent dance instructors will conduct classes on the extensive DanceJA monthly schedule. For all updates on Latonya’s tour and all Dance JA workshops and classes visit their website www. and on social media @dancejamaica.



Oscars Diversification Celebrated nies, they listened. It's a beautiful thing when movie goers are given fair chance to select from the best of the best movies based on variety, authenticity and strong creative expression, rather than great but limited variety.

Some of our most influential veteran Nubian actors are at last being celebrated amongst the top contenders included in the 2017 Oscar list of nominations, in all categories. Six actors to be noted, which is a record for the usual seemingly all white affair. Mentionable nods are going to; “Fences” stars Denzil Washington and Viola Davis also “Hidden Figures” a revelation of significant pieces of a masked black history which is based on a true story, in the best pictures category Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer and Janelle Monáe to

name a few. Last year's Oscar Award Ceremony was a ground breaking year, one for the history books. A number of actors bravely took the initiative to publicly address their issues with inequality as they courageously took a stand for the right to change the lack of representation of African American actors presented for awards at the long established Oscars ceremony. In a advocating show of solidarity for themselves and peers, they called on organizers to respectfully change the lack of diversity, fairness and equity displayed in the ceremo-

All throughout much controversy, Chris Rock did not disappoint. As many wondered whether or not he would accept the offer to host the show. He went on to host the show, in a somewhat neutralizing stance to shine light in the dark places of movie entertainment. Nonetheless with truths and realness as always, he tactfully delved into the matter with satire to quickly put to rest any questions about his choice and character. Although, no one knows for sure what the future holds for the Oscars. People are resilient and can easily separate the good from the bad, usually by taking the good as it comes.

New TV Series ‘First Family of Hip Hop’ Explores The Robinsons Family

Last month was the series premiere of the show “First Family of Hip Hop”. This series tells the story of the next generation of Robinsons as they fight for control and try to get their name back on the map. The Robinsons family first came to light in the 1970’s with their record label ‘Sugarhill Records’. Being named the first hip hop record label ever created, the

Robinsons paved the way for hip hop and rap music and helped change the face of music. Now the next generation of Robinsons are trying to make a name for themselves while upholding the brand of Sugarhill Records. Having not had a hit on the charts in 30 years, the next generation of Robinsons are looking for the next big thing to further propel their record label into the next level of success. Advertisment

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2nd Annual Timehri Film Festival Announces 2017 Dates and Call for Submissions Timehri for the opportunity to connect with Guyanese audiences and forge stronger regional alliances, in both the environmental and creative sectors.”

BROOKLYN, NY – January 17, 2017 – Returning for its second year, the Timehri Film Festival (TFF), presented by the Caribbean Film Academy (CAFA), Rewind and Come Again (RACA) and Studio Anansi (SA), will be held from May 31 to June 4, 2017 in Georgetown, Guyana. In an effort to ensure that there are many other opportunities for the films in the Festival to be viewed, TFF will travel to various locations around the country. Continuing its mission of highlighting the work of Guyanese and Caribbean

filmmakers, TFF will again showcase the work of local filmmakers as well as that of their peers in the Caribbean diaspora. Alysia S. Christiani, RACA founder and TFF Marketing & Logistics Director says, “The Caribbean as a whole has a rich storytelling culture with stories we can all enjoy, so the Festival is also a way of bringing the stories and cultures of other Caribbean countries to Guyana.” Also, this year TFF will be partnering with Trinidad & Tobago’s own Green Screen | The Environmental Film Festival, to present a day

of film screenings highlighting environmental issues of particular significance to Guyana and the Caribbean. Carver Bacchus, founder & director of Sustain T&T, the environmental and sustainability education non-profit behind Green Screen, will lead a panel discussion following the screening. “We see Green Screen as a vehicle for regional and international exchange.” says Bacchus, “With climate change already impacting us, all communities must become better informed, and empowered, to make decisions about their future. We’re keen to partner with

Romola Lucas, CAFA co-founder and TFF Director adds, “Partnering with Green Screen, affords us the opportunity to open up conversations about preserving Guyana’s traditional practices, protecting our environment, and using our resources in a sustainable manner, in the film context, without duplicating efforts already begun in other places. Our hope is to not only inform and inspire the work of future narrative filmmakers in Guyana, but also the documentarians, painstakingly working in aspects of Guyanese culture and environment.” One of TFF’s primary missions is to encourage, support and celebrate the work of Guyanese filmmakers, as well as to shine a light on films that speak

to the country’s history, landscape and culture. To this end, TFF announces the opening of their call for submissions for narrative and documentary features and short films - including films on the environment, music videos and animations - made in Guyana and/ or by Guyanese filmmakers See our submission deadlines below: 1. January 17, 2017: Submissions open 2. February 28, 2017: Early deadline 3. April 15, 2017: Official entry deadline 4. May 2, 2017: Notification Date Complete information regarding eligibility, and rules and regulations for the 2017 Timehri Film Festival are available at filmfreeway. com/festival/TimehriFilmFestival Advertisment

#SCOPES™ #CERISE_ FAIRFAX #ASTROLOGY #HOROSCOPES #ZODIAC #Aries (March 21-April 19) You can realize your ultimate dream as long as you apply time, patience, and allow room for mistakes. #Taurus (April 20May 20) Your personality will be noteworthy to someone who will want to see you advance in your career. Don’t be surprised when in a few months you get a raise, a promotion, or a new position. #Gemini (May 21June 20) Blunt words will show


how serious you can be, but be sure to not use too much of a strong word, otherwise you will stir up way too much strife.

#Cancer (June 21July 22) Being partial is not the way to deal with love. Treat it fairly, or leave it, but don’t take advantage of it. or make it nothing, but don’t stress yourself over what others who are half in. #Leo (July 23-August 22) You will have great effectiveness today when dealing with issues that are not only yours, but close friends and family too. #Virgo (August

23-September 22) Prove your love to your family and friends by speaking what’s on your mind, and without worrying how they’ll perceive you. #Libra (September 23-October 22) Do what’s in your best interest. If you don’t then who will? You must set the standard first.

#Scorpio (October 23-November 21) When speaking on your behalf, specify what it is you want and make certain others completely comprehend your expectations as well. #Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)

Being nice is not mandatory, and you know that. Nevertheless, your moral meter is not one that can be cruel, just because you want to be, and if you are, then within no time you will feel a little guilty. #Capricorn (December 22-January 19) You are not one to demand, per se, however, you will certainly speak up and get what’s owed to you, and today will be the proof of that. #Aquarius (January 20-February 19) Your passion should be bottled and sold! Why? Well it sure is something that will help you to advance and also get noticed,

and especially if you are starting a new career, business idea, or relationship. #Pisces (February 20-March 20) Determination is the way to get what you want, and to also share your rewards with those who are in need. Cerise Fairfax Life Coach | (416) 722-5233 | cerisefairfax@gmail. com | www.cerisefairfax. com | cerisefairfax Cerise’s book URBAN PROVERBS: How to create and maintain good karma is available. To order your copy please email. (available in Audio, Ebook and Paperback)


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