Vision Newspaper Canada (April 30th - May 6th, 2015)

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April 30th - May 6th, 2015

Mariah Carey ready for new Vegas job >>page 6

Jay Z to perform rare Obama: Too many songs to promote Tidal troubling police streaming service. interactions with >> page 08 3:20 PM blacks in US 265x112_BlakeRealEstate_1-4page_ad.pdf 1 2013-05-22 >> page 04

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Vision/ Spring 2015

The Caribbean Jamaica police find no evidence against teen detained on suspicion being would be militant

KINGSTON, Jamaica _ Jamaica police say they have found no evidence to prove that a teenager suspected of being a would-be militant was indeed trying to join Islamic extremists. Earlier in April, the Jamaican 16-year-old boy was detained by police at Suriname’s main airport. They said a regional intelligence agency told them the boy intended to travel to Turkey and then cross into Syria to join militants from the Islamic State group. He was flown back to Jamaica and kept in police custody for days. Ot the end of April, Jamaican police said their investigations “have not confirmed that ISIS was recruiting the student or that he was providing any material support’’ to terrorist groups. But they say anomalies that emerged about the boy’s itinerary and plans had to be verified to protect “national security interests.’’ The Associated Press

British Virgin Islands opens expanded pier aimed at drawing more cruise ships

ROAD TOWN, British Virgin Islands _ The British Virgin Islands has completed a cruise ship pier expansion project that officials say will bring tens of thousands of more tourists to the Caribbean territory. BVI and cruise industry officials attending an official opening ceremony Wednesday say ships carrying at least 425,000 people are expected to land in Tortola because of the expansion project. Officials say the BVI has signed berthing agreements with Disney Cruise Lines and Norwegian Cruise Lines. Communications and Works Minister Mark Vanterpool said the 21 per cent increase over current arrivals should benefit the rest of the territory’s service sector. The $57 million project lengthened nearly doubled the length of the pier and included construction of space for about three dozen retail outlets in the terminal. Only three of the stores have yet to open. The Associated Press



The World

Elderly North Dakota woman talks about losing money in 1st trial of Jamaican lottery scam case defendants have pleaded and others are awaiting extradition from Jamaica. Williams is the first person to go to trial.

BISMARCK, N.D. _ An elderly woman from North Dakota who was identified by investigators as the first victim in a Jamaican lottery scam says she lost $300,000 and cashed in her insurance policy. Sanjay Williams is one of 32 defendants charged in a global case that allegedly involves at least 72 victims, most of them elderly. Several

Eighty-six-year-old Edna Schmeets of Harvey, North Dakota, testified that scammers told her not to tell anybody about the lottery until she collected her prize. She says she planned to give the money to her children.

FERGUSON, Mo. _ Protesters have returned to Ferguson a day after looting, fires and gunfire broke out during demonstrations over the death of a black man who died of spinal injuries after his arrest by Baltimore police.

Defence attorney Charlie Stock told jurors it's difficult to believe witnesses because a lot of them used fake names and IDs.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports (http://bit. ly/1JCb12T ) several dozen people marched down West Florissant Avenue in the St. Louis suburb on April 29th protesting the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray. That same area was the site of numerous protests following the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was black and unarmed, by a white Ferguson police officer in August.

The Associated Press

A Ferguson Police Department spokesman says three people were shot during protests and four police cars were damaged when they were pelted by rocks and chunks of asphalt thrown by demonstrators.

Jamaica revokes charity status of prominent watchdog group, forcing it to slash operations

The Associated Press

latest renewal application was rejected, forcing it to cut its operations and shutter its legal department. It now also faces some $100,000 in back taxes.

KINGSTON, Jamaica _ Jamaica's most prominent human rights group has closed its legal department and laid off staff after losing its status as a charity. Barry Wade is chairman of Jamaicans for Justice, a watchdog group that long has been recognized by the government as a charitable organization.

Wade said Tuesday the denial came due to concerns about the group's advocacy of legislation, a reason he said is “puzzling.'' The government did not immediately respond to requests for comment. JFJ's founder has been honoured by the U.N. for her work against police slayings. However some politicians have accused it of harming Jamaica's reputation. The Associated Press

But Wade says the group's

Ferguson demonstrators protest death of man in Baltimore for second night

Former commander of US nuclear force urges taking missiles off high alert, citing cyberthreats

WASHINGTON _ A former commander of U.S. nuclear forces is leading a call for taking American and Russian nuclear missiles off high alert. Retired Gen. James Cartwright argues that longer fuses could keep a possible cyberattack from starting a nuclear war. Cartwright headed Strategic Command from 2004 to 2007, and was vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff before retiring in 2011. He says that “de-alerting’’ nuclear arsenals could foil hackers without eroding the weapons’ deterrent value. The Obama administration has considered and rejected the idea of taking nuclear missiles off high alert. There also appears to be little near-term chance that Moscow would agree to pursue this or any other kind of nuclear arms control measure, given deteriorating U.S.-Russian relations. The Associated Press

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Vision Newspaper UK: Editor in Chief : Anthony Whyte, Editor: Nadia Akram, Correspondent in Jamaica: Deana Meyers Contributors: Francesca Quass, Yemi Abiade, Samantha Dennis, Claire Daley, Christopher Miller Vision Newspaper Canada: Editor in Chief: Alwin Squire, Editors: Samantha Deschamps, Kelly Deschamps, Marilyn Marshall, Front page feature photo credit: (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais), Suge Knight: (AP Photo/Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department)


Vision/ Spring 2015

US Virgin Islands senator says ex governor must return more money for upgrades to home

KINGSTON, Jamaica _ A former governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands has paid back just over $200,000 to the Caribbean territory for security upgrades made to his personal home when he was in office, but an influential senator said Monday that it's not even half of what he actually owes taxpayers. Sen. Kenneth Gittens, a committee chairman in the U.S. islands' Senate, said that the money returned in recent days by former Gov. John deJongh is not nearly enough. Taxpayers spent almost $300,000 more on a perimeter fence, driveway expansion and other upgrades

to deJongh's private house and 9.5 per cent interest is also owed, he said.

he “committed to pay to the government the present value of whatever security measures were to remain on my property after my term in office.''

Local lawmakers last year passed a resolution demanding full repayment, and Gittens called for a “full-scale criminal investigation'' to be launched if the money is not repaid.

When he came into office in 2007, deJongh chose to live in his own house rather than the ornate mansion that has served as the official residence of previous governors. He has asserted that renovating the official residence to accommodate his family and pay for other expenses would have cost $2.1 million of public money so staying at his upgraded private residence resulted in savings for islanders.

DeJongh said over the weekend that the current value of the security installations remaining at his home were independently appraised at roughly $222,000. He returned $202,831, a figure arrived at when subtracting the cost of a guardhouse that he says is no longer in use now that he's out of office.

But in 2010, the U.S. Department of the Interior's Office of the Inspector General found that use of the public purse to upgrade deJongh's residence circumvented the authority of the islands' legislature. By David McFadden

DeJongh could not immediately be contacted about Gittens' assertions. In a Saturday statement, the former governor said


David McFadden on Twitter: http://


Loretta Lynch sworn in as new US attorney general Vice-President Joe Biden administered the oath of office to Lynch at a Justice Department ceremony. Lynch replaces Eric Holder, who left the job Friday after six years as head of the department.

WASHINGTON _ Loretta Lynch was sworn in Monday as the 83rd attorney general, becoming the first African-American woman to serve as the top U.S. law enforcement official. She said her confirmation as attorney general showed that “we can do anything'' and pledged to deal with cyberattacks and other threats facing the country. “We can restore trust and faith both in our laws and those who enforce them,'' Lynch said, an apparent reference to ongoing efforts to repair relations between police departments and minority communities.

The 55-year-old Lynch was confirmed by the Senate on Thursday following a monthslong delay in which her nomination became caught up in a dispute over human trafficking legislation. “It's about time,'' Biden said to applause. She was previously the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, which encompasses much of New York City, and is expected to serve as the top federal law enforcement official for the remaining 20 months of the Obama administration. By Eric Tucker THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

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Vision/ Spring 2015

Obama: Too many troubling police interactions with blacks in US open doors to loot, they're not protesting, they're not making a statement, they're stealing.'' Obama said the case should prompt some “soul searching'' in America about communities where young men are more likely to end up in jail or dead than completing school. He said solutions should involve early education, criminal justice reform and job training. Obama said officials should not just pay attention to these communities a store burns “or when ''a young man gets shot or has his spine snapped.” WASHINGTON _ President Barack Obama said Tuesday there have been too many troubling police interactions with black citizens across American in what he called “a slow-rolling crisis.'' But he said there was no excuse for rioters to engage in senseless violence. He spoke as National Guard troops responded to rioting in Baltimore. Obama, the first black American president, said those in that city who stole from businesses and burned buildings and cars should be treated as criminals. “They aren't protesting, they aren't making a statement, they're stealing,'' Obama said.

The president spoke at a White House news conference with the Japanese prime minister the day after violence broke out 40 miles (65 kilometres) north of the U.SD. capital after the funeral for Freddie Gray, a black man who died in Baltimore police custody under mysterious circumstances. At least 15 police officers were hurt and nearly 200 people arrested in Monday's disturbance. “There's no excuse for the kind of violence that we saw yesterday,'' Obama said. “It is counterproductive. When individuals get crowbars and start prying

At one point Obama apologized to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for taking nearly 15 minutes of their news conference to discuss it. “I felt pretty strongly about it,'' he said. Obama said rioters distracted from days of peaceful protests focused on legitimate concerns “over the possibility that our laws were not applied evenly in the case of Mr. Gray and that accountability needs to exist.'' “We have seen too many instances of what appears to be police officers interacting with individuals, primarily African-American, often poor, in ways that raise troubling questions. It comes up, it

seems like, once a week now,'' Obama said. He said it's not new, but there's new awareness as a result of cameras and social media. Obama said he can't force police departments across the country to retrain their officers, but he can work with them and help pay for body cameras to improve accountability. “In those environments, if we think that we're just going to send the police to do the dirty work of containing the problems that arise there, without as a nation and as a society saying what can we do to change those communities, to help lift up those communities and give those kids opportunity, then we're not going to solve this problem,'' he said. “And we'll go through the same cycles of periodic conflicts between the police and communities and the occasional riots in the streets. And everybody will feign concern until it goes away and then we go about our business as usual.'' By Nedra Pickler

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ___ Follow Nedra Pickler on Twitter:

or call 647-386-3419


Vision/ Spring 2015


Mavado will be presenting 40 scholarships to qualifying students in Haiti. sic/entertainment industry. The coordinators of Haiti Live Fest, Inc. use their experience to host benefit concerts, events & fundraisers for the Caribbean & South America Regions; raising awareness in the Caribbean & South America to help local communities grow as a society.

Executive Director of Haiti Live Fest, Inc. alongside Reggae/Dancehall Icon Mavado will be presenting 20 one-year scholarships for the 2016 – 2017 academic year to qualifying students in Haiti.

The core business of Haiti Live Fest, Inc. is to conceptualize, program and deliver a unique experience for the Haitian Community. Working together with the Top DJ’s and artist in the world; aiming to deliver what most people have not experienced before. Haiti Live Fest is more than Haiti Live Fest Inc. is coman event; it is an experience prised of private investors and to be remembered as one of artist with vast knowledge your best memories. and contacts within the mu-

What ’s On


A world class festival presented by world class sponsors all to position students to be able to obtain higher education and benefit their society by being a world class student. “Haitian youth come first to me” says first lady Sophia Martelly, aware that Haiti’s youth are the country’s future; Haiti Live Fest would like to create avenues to teach and mentor the younger youth for a better Haiti.

Family & Children

Ca$h Out - Special Guests

Das EFX & Raekwon

Jully Black

Summer Of Soca Festival


Mount Pleasent Village Kids “Fun Day”

Canada’s National MOM show

Venue: The Opera House 735 Queen St E

Venue: The Phoenix Concert Theatre

Venue: Mount Pleasent Village Mount Pleasent Rd

Venue: International Center Hall #6

410 Sherbourne St Toronto, ON

Venue: Wild Water Kindom 7855 finch Ave W Brampton, ON Date: May 30th, 2015

Venue: Sound Academy Address: 11 Polson St

Toronto, ON Date: May 8th, 2015

Venue: The Phoenix Concert Theatre 410 Sherbourne Toronto, ON

Toronto, ON Date: May9th, 2015

6900 Airport Rd Woodbridge, ON

Date: May 22nd, 2015

Date: May 5th, 2015

Bunji Garlin & Fay Ann Lyons

Joey Bada$$

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Venue: LUXY

Venue: Danforth Music Hall

Venue: Oshawa Music Hall

60 interchange Way Date: May 8th, 2015

147 Danforth Rd Toronto ON Date: May 9th, 2015 Tickets:

Oshawa ON Date: May 2nd, 2015

Feast Of Laughter

Venue: Jamacian Canadian Assocation 995 Arrow Rd Toronto, ON Date: May 2nd, 2015

Toronto, ON Date: May 8th, 2015

Date: May 10th, 2015

To place your event in the “What’s ON” section please email or call 647-386-3419

Mayfair in Rosedale

Harbourkids Toronto International Circus Festival

Venue: Rose Dale Park

Venue: Harbourfront

38 Scholfiels Av Toronto, ON Date: May 9th, 2015

235 Queens Quay Toronto, ON Date: May 16th-17th 2015



Vision/ Spring 2015

Pop star Mariah Carey makes grand Las Vegas Strip entrance for new show at Caesars label behind you, it's not going to work. It's just the way it is.'' The Grammy winner, among the bestselling female solo artists of all time known for hitting the highest of notes, has also been criticized for recent live vocal performances. Asked if her Vegas shows would include backing vocals in addition to her own, she said “I have so many overlapping parts and background vocalists and background things that there's always some confusion in something about it,'' but offered that if any confusion persisted, she would welcome anyone to hear her while she sings naturally around her house.

LAS VEGAS _ For anyone wondering what to expect from Mariah Carey's upcoming series of Las Vegas shows at Caesars Palace beyond her 18 number one hit singles, her grand entrance on Monday provided a hint of what's to come. “No matter what, we're going to make it into a festive moment darling. It's an extravaganza,'' she said Monday evening, backstage at The Colosseum. The songstress arrived to the venue earlier to cheering screams at Caesars Palace's entrance in a classic 1936 pink convertible trailing behind 18 mobile billboards bearing the titles of her number one hits including ``Always be my baby'' from 1996 and “Heartbreaker'' from 1999. The gladiator-clad men took it from there, carrying Carey through the casino on a platform fit for Cleopatra. The entrance marked her Las Vegas Strip arrival bringing her chart-topping hits to The Colos-

seum starting May 6 with performances through July on the same stage where Celine Dion, Cher, Bette Midler and Shania Twain have called home for their residencies. “Everyone in Vegas, there's a new girl in town,'' she told the crowd of smartphone-filming fans gathered inside the casino. Called “Mariah #1 to Infinity,'' the show has 18 scheduled performances so far and has been timed with the debut of Carey's newest breakup single and music video dubbed ``Infinity.'' Listeners have already drawn comparisons between the song and the end of Carey's marriage to Nick Cannon, the comedian and television host. When asked what “Infinity'' is about, the mother of young twins with Cannon said it was about loving oneself first. “It's kind of emancipating, a re-emancipation for me,'' she

said, referring to her 2005 album “The Emancipation of Mimi''. Carey sang along to the new song on a stage inside the casino, at one point filming herself and the crowd with an iPhone. The singer's career hasn't always put her at the top of the charts. Her last album, “Me. I am Mariah ... The Elusive Chanteuse,'' was less than well-received. She stands by the album, produced by label Def Jam before she returned to Sony Music, rather Epic Records, for the chance to work with Antonio “L.A.'' Reid again.

Carey said she's getting ready to produce a new album, although she's not sure what it's going to be yet. For now, her Vegas show will feature all 18 of her number one singles spanning 1990 to 2008. Tickets are priced from $55 to $250. Devin Cole, 28, expects to be back soon to witness it. The Queens resident with a Carey collage on his phone hopped a flight to Las Vegas for the weekend when he heard about the Caesars event. Cole credited Carey's songs for keeping him alive as he battled depression at 16 years old. “She's a lyrical goddess,'' he said. By Kimberly Pierceall

“I think giving your last album to a label that you're leaving is never a good idea because there's just not that incentive,'' she said, adding it's a new world for selling albums. “If you don't go out there and promote it in the proper way and you don't have 100 per cent of the



Vision/ Spring 2015

Konshens collaborates with Eva Simmons for dance song


MIA Awards calls it quits was launched in January 2015.

'messing around with a bubbling snare', adding that, "Soon as Sidney heard my demo he was like, 'Yo! can I produce this, I would totally smash it'."

"We'll be shifting our focus to QMIA Radio and QMIA TV as well our booking and public relations arm MIA Productions," she said.

Konshens was recommended by a mutual friend.

DUTCH singer/songwriter Eva Simons recently collaborated with dancehall star Konshens on the song Policeman. Produced by Dutch DJ/dance musician Sidney Samson, the track is expected to be a major summer hit in Europe. Simons, who is big in European Electronic Dance Music circles, had a massive dance hit in 2010 with Take Over Control (credited as Afrojack featuring Eva Simons). That song sold over one million copies in the United States, and peaked at number 24 in the United Kingdom.

Her subsequent hits include the collaboration This is Love featuring Will I Am of the Black Eyed Peas. It went to number one in the UK, Belgium and Ireland. In an interview with the Sunday Observer, Simons spoke about Policeman. "For a while I wanted to make a song with the theme (being) police. One of my favorite samples of all times is the KRS-1 Sound of da Police, and that song is already 20 years old! So I thought it's time for a new police track, right?" she explained. The 30-year-old artiste said she got the initial beat after

"When the song was done, something was still missing, I really wanted a sick rapper on the track. Sidney connected me to Rodney Hill (Jamaican producer and A&R for dance music DJ Bob Sinclar) who knows Konshens, and he was like, 'lemme see if Konshens is interested', and he was!" Simons exclaimed Born to a Dutch father and black mother from Suriname, Simons grew up in Amsterdam and is a former member of the group Raffish. She has collaborated with Chris Brown, and opened for Beyonce on The Netherlands leg of her 'Mrs Carter Show The World Tour' in 2013.

Meanwhile, the MIA Awards saw Chronixx and Spice dominating the event with three trophies each. AFTER five years, the curtains have come down on the Music Industry Achievers (MIA) Awards, held at the Courtleigh Auditiorium in New Kingston, last Saturday. Conceptualiser Nackesha 'Queenie' Doyley said the event -- which recognises persons who have contributed significantly towards the entertainment industry -- simply "ran its course". "It's time to say goodbye. I want to thank everyone who supported me in one way or the other as it relates to this show," she told the Jamaica Observer yesterday. Doyley said she would be focusing her attention on her online radio and TV, which

Chronixx picked up trophies for Reggae Artiste of the Year; Reggae Song of the Year -- Clean Like A Whistle; and Best Collab of the Year -- Who Knows featuring Protoje. Spice won Female Artiste of the Year; Best Dressed Female of the Year; and Best Video of the Year -- So Me Like It. Ding Dong and incarcerated deejay Vybz Kartel received two awards each. Kevin Downswell took home the Gospel Artiste of the Year Award, while Producer of the Year went to Not Nice.

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Vision/ Spring 2015

Dexta Daps, cops clash at airport Popular dancehall artiste Dexta Daps was once again the topic of discussion last week. However, this time, it was not for his hit-making abilities.

The artiste was involved in a tussle with police officers at the Sangter International Airport in Montego-Bay, Jamaica. According to reports, the artiste parked

his car in a restricted area and was accosted by the police. This resulted in a verbal altercation, which then became physical. In a video, which is being circulated by social media, you can see a crowd gathered outside the airport as several officers attempted to put handcuffs on him. They were however met with resistance, as he refused to be placed under arrest without a valid reason.

visit for the rest of the story.



ATLANTA -- Police are investigating an incident in which Lil Wayne's two tour buses were hit by gunshots while travelling on a highway near Atlanta early yesterday. A Cobb County police spokesman tells the Atlanta Journal-Constitution no one was injured. Lil Wayne was on one of the buses at the time. Authorities do not have any suspects.

crew in February was the result of an argument after he walked a bartender to her car, according to testimony. Minaj pianist Marcus Kincy testified in Philadelphia yesterday Devon “Day Day'' Pickett had escorted a bartender to her car and defendant Pierce Boykin took issue with that. Pickett died from stab wounds and another member of Minaj's crew was injured. Boykin's lawyer says there's no evidence that Boykin was the culprit. A judge disagreed and ordered Boykin on trial for murder and attempted murder.

The Canadian Press

JUSTIN BIEBER SETTLES WITH PHOTOGRAPHER MIAMI -- Canadian megapop-star Justin Bieber has reached a settlement with a photographer who claimed he was assaulted by Bieber's bodyguard outside a South Florida recording studio. An attorney for photographer Jeffrey Binion confirms the settlement, and terms of the agreement are confidential. Binion sued Bieber in 2013, claiming he was roughed up while shooting pictures from a sidewalk outside the studio. The Canadian Press THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP, HO, Miami Beach Police Dept.

PHILADELPHIA (AP) _ The death of a member of Nicki Minaj's

The Canadian Press (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Jay Z to perform rare songs to promote Tidal streaming service and subscribers can submit a playlist on the service to win tickets.

LOS ANGELES _ Jay Z is breaking out his B-sides to hype his fledgling music streaming service. The rap mogul announced plans Wednesday to unearth songs he hasn't performed in a decade _ or ever _ at a free New York concert titled “Tidal X: Jay Z B-Sides.'' The performance will be held May 13

Jay Z took to Twitter on Sunday to defend Tidal's slow start. He co-owns the service with Beyonce, Rihanna, Madonna and other artists. He said Tidal currently has 770,000 subscribers. He wrote: “The iTunes Store wasn't built in a day. It took Spotify 9 years to be successful. We are here for the long haul. Please give us a chance to grow and get better.'' The concert will be streamed on The Associated Press (AP Photo/Gary He, File)

DEEJAY Elephant Man is the latest act to appear on Beachfest, an increasingly popular dancehall/reggae event in Dubai. He is scheduled to perform there on Saturday. "Elephant Man is a big name in dancehall and has a lot of fans in Dubai. People expect a good show from him," said Beachfest promoter Kenya Don. This is the fourth Beachfest for 2015. Mr Vegas kicked things off in February, followed by Diana King in March. Red Rat was headliner this month. Since its launch in 2013, Beachfest has grown in stature, especially among expatriates in Dubai, an oil-rich country in the United Arab Emirates. Wayne Wonder, Dawn Penn and Tanto Metro and Devonte have also done the show, which is held on the first Saturday of each month at XL Beach Club's Dubai Marina.


Vision/ Spring 2015


Album Review

Bush Snoop Dogg

Time Flys, Life Dies... Canibus

Bush is the upcoming thirteenth studio album by American rapper Snoop Dogg, which is due for release on May 12, 2015 by Doggystyle, I Am Other and Columbia Records. The album was entirely produced by Pharrell Williams, and has the confirmed participation of Stevie Wonder,Charlie Wilson, and other noted musicians in the R&B genre.

For Canibus is returning with a new album titled, Time Flys, Life Dies...Phoenix Rise. The project serves as Canibus’ sixteenth studio LP and is the follow-up to his last solo effort, 2014’s Fait Accompli. This time around, the album will be released via RBC Records and Canibus has called upon Wu-Tang Clan affiliate Bronze Nazareth to steer most of the project’s production.

The 17-track album also features guest appearances from Raekwon, Kurupt, Pete Rock, Killah Priest, Craig G and Dizaster. Time Flys, Life Dies...Phoenix Rise is slated for a May 12 release.


Sizzla With such an expansive resume of music under his belt one would think that the 38-year old artist would show some sign of easing his time in the studio, but Sizzla has already caught fans attention with a new album that is slated for release in April 2015. In September last year he took to Twitter and asked fans for input on naming his upcoming album, and just last month he followed up by releasing a tracklist and revealing that the 13-track project would be called 876. The numbers represent Jamaica’s area code and are a subtle nod to his birthplace. While there is not too much information available on the album as of yet, Sizzla has expressed his gratitude to Vychalle Singh of 868 Music for making the project possible. Singh was previously one of the main producers on Sizzla’s The Messiah album.

Acousticalevy Barrington Levy AcousticaLevy is a phenomenal album which features the unmistakable signature voice of the man known affectionately as the “mellow canary.” Featuring brilliant guitar work from Lamont “Monty” Savory of the C Sharp band, the album includes fifteen tracks, all of which were voiced by Barrington Levy between 2012 and 2014 at Mixing Lab Studios. Levy’s voice is raw and unfiltered – every bit as soulful and smooth as it was when he burst upon the sound system scene in the late 1970s, catching the ears of Jamaica’s top producers. Unlike many of today’s lackluster singers, whose voices often require modulation, Levy’s voice stands alone, unmodulated, and backed by nothing

more than an acoustic guitar.


Porscha Lucas leads Team USA to victory in women's 800 meter relay at Penn Relays


Usain Bolt to compete in 200m at Golden Spike in Ostrava in May

PRAGUE, Czech Republic _ Usain Bolt will compete again at the Golden Spike in the Czech city of Ostrava in May.

Leslie Cole, Tawanna Meadows and Cambrya Jones also were on the relay team that beat Jamaica by seven-thousandths of a second in the first 800 relay at the meet since 2004.

Organizers say the Jamaican great will run the 200 metres on May 26 at the meet, which is part of the IAAF world challenge series. They say it will be his only European meet in the first part of the season.

The Americans added relay victories in the men's 1,600 and 400.

Bolt previously said his goal still was to break his own 200 world record of 19.19 seconds he set in 2009. Bolt has publicly said he will race in the Diamond League meets in New York in June, and in Paris and Lausanne, Switzerland, the next month.

Canadian Andrew Wiggins started his NBA career at the front of his rookie class. He finished his first season there, too.The Minnesota Timberwolves' forward from Vaughan, Ont., will be named rookie of the year on Thursday, a person with knowledge of the announcement told The Associated Press on Wednesday night. The person requested anonymity because an official announcement has not been made.

Usain Bolt headed to big screen in documentary Mayweather weighs about his preparations for the 2016 Olympics in on his future look back at the Jamaican sprinter's previous exploits, including his back-to-back Olympic gold medals in the 100 and 200 metres, and his world records in those events.

The Americans finished in 1 minute, 31.972 seconds at Franklin Field. Team USA won the men's 800 relay more comfortably with Joe Morris, Maurice Mitchell, Ameer Webb and Wallace Spearmon clocking in at 1:20.64 to beat Jamaica by eight-tenths of a second.

Wiggins named NBA's top rookie

The six-time Olympic champion will race for the seventh time at the meet, and returns after a two-year break. Bolt says: “I look forward to the race and coming back to run in the new stadium for the first time.''

PHILADELPHIA _ Porscha Lucas led Team USA to victory in the women's 800-meter relay at the Penn Relays on Saturday and the Americans won four of six events in the U.S.A. vs. The World races.

Vision/ Spring 2015

Ben and Gabe Turner will direct the film. The Turner brothers have also worked with pop band One Direction. LONDON _ Usain Bolt is headed for the big screen in a documentary about his preparations for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro and his subsequent retirement a year later. Made by British filmmakers Fulwell 73, the film will also

Bolt says, “When I met Gabe and Ben and heard about their previous work I felt they would be the right people to tell my story and capture my journey to Rio 2016.'' ___ On the Net:

LAS VEGAS _ Floyd Mayweather Jr. plans to stick to his contract and fight only once more after Manny Pacquiao. By September, he says, he will be done with boxing after a spectacular career that earned him more than any other fighter.

Vision/ Spring 2015



Capitals and Rangers meeting in the playoffs for the 4th time in 5 seasons last two have gone seven games, with the Rangers winning both in 2012 and '13. This year's best-ofseven conference semifinal gets underway Thursday night at Madison Square Garden.

NEW YORK _ The New York Rangers and Washington Capitals are becoming one of the NHL's annual spring attractions. Four the fourth time in five years and the fifth time in seven, the Eastern Conference clubs are meeting in the playoffs. If history is any indicator, expect a long series. The

“It's just a rivalry between the two teams, facing each other,'' Rangers centre Derick Brassard said. “We have the same core, they have the same core. We know a lot of their players. They know a lot of our players. It's going to be a tough series. It's going to be a big test for us to see how big we want to compete. I think this team is ready for another challenge.''

Calvin Peete, most successful black golfer before arrival of Tiger Woods, dies

New York, which won the Presidents' Trophy as the league's top team in the regular season and knocked off Pittsburgh in five games in the first round, beat Washington three of four times in the regular season. The last win was on the final day of the regular season and it temporarily denied Washington home-ice advantage in the opening round of the playoffs. The Caps got it later that night when the Islanders lost to Columbus, and they were at home Monday night when they beat the Isles 2-1 in Game 7 of their firstround series. “They've changed. We've changed,'' Capitals forward Joel Ward said. “The only things that haven't changed are the buildings and the uniforms. They've got a new coach. We've got a new coach. They've got new players. We've got new players. So it's a whole different ballgame.'' When the teams last met in the

ATLANTA _ Calvin Peete, the most successful black player on the PGA Tour before the arrival of Tiger Woods, died Wednesday morning. He was 71. The PGA Tour did not have a cause of death. Murray Brothers Funeral Home confirmed

He won The Players Championship in 1985 and played on two Ryder Cup teams. He is survived by his wife, Pepper, and seven children.

Barry Trotz is finishing his first season as the Capitals coach. He has combined the team's physical play with an aggressive forecheck, transforming them into one of the league's top defensive teams. Vigneault's Rangers are a high-tempo north-south team that likes to get the puck out of its end and go on the attack. “We can't try to play their game _ they have an extremely fast team, they have great transition,'' Capitals forward Brooks Laich said. “ We don't want to get into that type of a run-and-gun game. We just want to stick to our identity.'' By Tom Canavan THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (AP Photo/George Nikitin)

Tiger Woods commits to play in Greenbrier Classic; he missed cut in only appearance in 2012 only appearance in 2012.

it was handling the arrangement but did not release additional information. Peete won 12 times on the PGA Tour and was the most accurate driver of his generation. He led the tour in driving accuracy every year from 1981 to 1990. Peete's biggest year was in 1982 when he won four times. He won the Vardon Trophy for the lowest scoring average in 1984 by edging Jack Nicklaus.

playoffs, Adam Oates coached the Capitals and John Tortorella led the Rangers.

Jack Nicklaus said earlier this month that Woods told him he would be at the Memorial, which is June 4-7. On his website and Twitter feed, Woods said he's also playing in the U.S. Open at Chambers Bay, the British WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Open at St. Andrews and the W.Va. _ Tiger Woods has added the Greenbrier Classic Quicken Loans National in in West Virginia to his summer late July. schedule. Woods is No. 116 in the world and did not qualify for the The tournament announced Match Play Championship this Wednesday that Woods has week in San Francisco. His committed to the PGA Tour event at The Greenbrier resort next tournament is The Players Championship starting starting July 2. May 7. Woods missed the cut in his



Vision / Spring 2015

Harriet Tubman HBO movie to star Viola Davis of 'Black ish' creator Kenya Barris set to 'How to Get Away with Murder' as abolitionist write 'Good Times' movie for Sony the South to freedom along the Underground Railroad. An air date for the untitled project and other cast members were not announced. The Underground Railroad, a network of secret routes and safe houses for escaped slaves, is the subject of other announced TV projects.

LOS ANGELES _ “How to Get Away with Murder'' star Viola Davis will play Harriet Tubman in a HBO movie about the abolitionist hero. HBO said Monday that the project is based on

the biography “Bound for the Promised Land: Harriet Tubman,'' by historian Kate Clifford Larson. Tubman was born into slavery in Maryland, escaped in 1849 and led countless slaves from

They include a Stevie Wonder-produced miniseries for NBC, “Freedom Run,'' and a WGN America drama, “Underground,'' starring Christopher Meloni and Jurnee Smollett-Bell. The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES _ Good times are coming to the big screen. “Black-ish'' creator Kenya Barris has been set to write the screenplay for a “Good Times'' film based on the hit '70s sitcom, his manager confirmed to The Associated Press. “Good Times,'' which aired on CBS from 1974 to 1979, was about an African-American family living in a poor neighbourhood in Chicago.

Barris, who is also writing the screenplay for “Barbershop 3,'' tweeted Monday that he was excited about the project. Known primarily for his work on the ABC sitcom “Black-ish'' and creating “America's Next Top Model,'' Barris has also written for “Girlfriends,'' ''The Game,” and ''Are We There Yet?” No director or stars have been set for the project yet. A representative from Sony Pictures had no comment.

Jelani Daniel



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Vision/ Spring 2015



BANG ON TREND! FASHION BITES Public School's Dao Yi Chow and Maxwell Osborne hired as creative directors of DKNY

NEW YORK _ Two fashion companies with New York roots have come together.

charge of all DKNY collections immediately.

Donna Karan International announced Wednesday that designers Dao-Yi Chow and Maxwell Osborne have been hired as creative directors of the DKNY brand.

“I started DKNY with the goal of creating a brand that captured the very best of New York and could bring that great energy to the world,'' Karan said in a statement. “Now is the right moment for its evolution.''

Chow and Osborne will split their time between DKNY and their own company, Public School. They took

The Council of Fashion Designers of America named Chow and Osborne menswear designers of 2014. They

won the prestigious CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund award in 2013. Both Chow and Osborne grew up in New York and said in a joint statement that “DKNY has always been part of the landscape of this city in our formative years as designers and as New Yorkers. It is one of the brands that helped change the game for us and for American fashion.'' The Associated Press (AP Photo/Mark Von Holden)

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