Vision Newspaper - Issue 13 - 2016

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November 1st - 15th 2016


D’Angel releases controversial new dancehall single accompanied with hot new music video >> page 9 Advertisment

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The Caribbean Rastas Want Ganja Legal For Sacramental Rights & Religious/Commercial Use

Ganja use of up to two ounces has been decriminalized in Jamaica but Rastafarians want more. Decriminalization is not full legalization, they have long argued. They have called on government to “free up the herb.” Press Conference The groups held a press conference in Jamaica recently and boldly demanded that they wanted the weed to be legalized and they be given legal protection as it relates to their “sacramental use on religious grounds.” At the press conference held November 1st 2016, the demand was made. They also want fees to be waived.

Jamaica to set up new Youth Parliament

JLP Announces Local Polls for Nov., 28, 2016 and Nomination Day Nov.,11th 2016

Deputy Leader Desmond McKenzie announced in the presence of 228 Councillor/Candidates at Jamaica Conference Centre, Kingston, who will be seeking to take control of 13 Councils and the Municipality of Portmore which has a direct elected Mayor. The other Mayors are selected from the elected Councilors. PM Holness “You Must Have Vision” The Prime Minister charged the assembled “To take local elections seriously as there is need for transparency and efficiency. You must have vision and know what the mission is. We are calling the election, not because we

want to change Councillors but we have a plan to have Councillors in the community for prosperity. We want to elevate Local Government to a higher level. Local Government needs to be transparent and efficient . . you are responsible for the issuing of permits for local development. I charge you to do a hand to hand campaign. Go to yard to yard and shake 70 percent of the hands of your constituents. I know we will be victorious, there is still a lot of work to be done … I am proud of those selected … in you we want to move from progress to prosperity” the Pm concluded to thunderous applause. “Many political careers are relying on this local elections”. reacting to the announcement of the local elections was social media manager/journalist with Nationwde News Network (NNN) Dennis Brooks. Vision wishes all the best to the candidates and hope we will have a united government at both national and local.

November 1st - 15th 2016

The World Voter turnout ‘explodes’ among Blacks, Hispanics in US

Voter turnout among African American and Hispanic voters in the United States has surged in early voting, and this swell of minority participation could spell trouble for Donald Trump’s White House hopes. On Sunday — the last day of early voting before Election Day on November 8 — hundreds of people attended “Souls to the Polls” events, aimed at encouraging churchgoers to vote across the key swing state of Florida. Some came straight from morning worship, wearing three-piece suits and dresses as they made their way past dozens of campaigners hoisting signs for local candidates and urging support for solar energy and education issues.

Two dead as tornado strikes quake-hit Italy

Gun File Missing To Acquitted Murderer Patrick Powell in X6 Murder Trial Case CH: How could such a weapon be not turned over in murder investigation?

Jamaica is getting ready to set up its new Youth Parliament. We support this initiative as it exposes and better prepares youth for future leadership. The baton must be passed for continuity.

ACP Strong: It would be strange for two licence was issued for one firearm …

We will report on the National Youth Parliament 2016 as it deepens the democratic process.

I left the FLA in early 2012.

See release from The Houses Of Parliament which is available online at

Allana Mais mother of Khajeel Mais’, murdered X6 trail victim, is running for the PNP

Allana Mais mother of Khajeel Mais’ is running for the PNP in the local area (ward) of Norbrook Division, Upper St Anderw Jamaica. She seems to be trying to capitalize on the death and name recognition due to the X6 murder of her son. “Looking for possible sympathy votes” The division/ward is firmly held by the JLP for quite some time and is likely to stay that way.

As the web of deception begins to unravel. A release from the Firearm licensing Authority (FLA) indicates that Mr. Patrick Powell’s firearm file is now gone missing. “We are up against a wall of corruption” according to Cliff Hughes, Talk Show host speaking on “What’s On His Mind” on the programme “Cliff Hughes on Line” Former Chairman of FLA Mr. Armstrong. “We got a request from the Police requesting that Patrick Powell’s firearm licence be revoked. We asked the Police to send us a statement formally requesting that this be done” The request was apparently never complied with. The police could have turned to the manufacturer for the finger prints of that weapon.

File became missing April 2015 records show that a request was made for same internally. The question of the status of the case now before the Court of the refusal of acquitted X6 murderer Patrick Powell for his refusal to turn over his gun, a criminal case, is now in doubt. The file is missing, the gun has not been turned over for ballistic testing and identification. How can there be a credible case with these components missing? This appears to be corruption in uniform. Where do we go from here? As usual, the verdict is yours.

ROME, Italy (AFP) — An Indian national was amongst two people who died after the outskirts of Rome were hit by a tornado powerful enough to uproot trees, overturn cars and damage buildings, Italian authorities said. Schools were closed and a clean-up operation was underway in Ladispoli, a coastal town west of Rome where the whirlwind hit last Sunday evening. “It came in from the sea and swept through the town centre. There were fishing boats in the harbour that were moved over 100 metres,” the town’s mayor, Crescenzo Paliotta, told reporters. The tornado struck as Italy continues to grapple with the damage done to central regions by three powerful earthquakes in just over two months. A new wave of violent storms was forecast for southern Italy on Monday and authorities in Florence issued a potential flood alert with torrential rain having left the River Arno in danger of bursting its banks.

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Exposing the talent in our communities.

Vision Newspaper UK: Editor in Chief : Junior Whyte, Senior International Correspondent in Jamaica: Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie Vision Newspaper Canada: Editor in Chief: Alwin Marshall-Squire, Editors: Samantha Deschamps, Marilyn Marshall, Maresa Cadienhead BSc., NCCP


November 1st - 15th 2016


Perspective: Jamaicas Banking Services (Deposit Taking Institutions) (Agent Banking) Regulations Resolution, 2016 dialogue.

The IMF has been urging the government to broaden the financial landscape so there will be more competition which hopefully should benefit the consumer by lowering interest rates and reduce spreads of banks etc. There has been a Special House Committee … advocated by MP, PNP’s Fitz Jackson which has been examining banking fees. This new Banking Services (Agent Banking) Regulations Resolution 2016 is intended to address the IMF and Fitz Jackson’s et al concerns. The Jamaica Bankers’ Association is being engaged in the

The Financial Services meltdown of the 1990�s that led to the collapse of giants like Jamaica Mutual Life, Island Life, Century National Bank, Worker’s Bank to name a few and subsequently the FINSAC Enquiry into the Financial Sector. The FINSAC Report is yet to be published. There was a J$10 million dollars said to be required to complete this report. The PNP when in power, refused to release the funds. There is the feeling that the PNP was not anxious to let the FINSAC Eeport see the light of day due to their actions which have been viewed as responsible for the Financial meltdown

Jamaican Economy Grows 2.3 Percent Last Quarter… Highest in 14 Years

of the1990s. This Agent Banking initiative is a return to better financial management and the restoration of loss ground. This is a visionary move at this time and we support Agent Banking as it is long overdue. It does widen if not level the playing field as it is estimated that 37 percent of Jamaicans do not have a bank account. Mobile Banking The Opposition PNP reacted by calling for legislation to make mobile banking a reality while acknowledging that work in this regard has already started. There are some 2 million cellphone subscribers and 1 million internet customers in Jamaica with an estimated population of 2. 9 million people locally. by Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie who is Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

A growing Jamaican Economy but a sliding dollar. “There is no shortage of foreign exchange in excess of $3 billion dollars. ” declares Jamaica’s Finance Minister. Finance Minister Audley Shaw has announced in Parliament on November 1, 2016 that the “Jamaican economy has grown some 2.3 percent, the highest growth since 2002. The Agricultural Sector grew by 28 percent . The domestic agricultural sector grew 43 percent. The Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ). has adjusted its projection from 1.2 to 1.8 percent.” Declares Audley Shaw.

The Finance Minister has also announced that a Committee has been set up to look at the sliding dollar. This working group has been asked to meet weekly under the guidance of the Bank Of Jamaica (BOJ). Despite the growing Jamaican economy the Jamaican dollar continues to slide in relation to our major/regular trading partners mainly the $US and CAD$. This growth is good news and shows the improved confidence being shown in the JLP led government which has been transforming our economy to positive results and prosperity for not only the Jamaican consumer but the national economy. Growth of 2.3 percent is the highest growth rate in 14 years. This is very good news. We at Vision congratulate the Andrew Holness led administration.

Committee For Sliding Dollar Advertisment


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November 1st - 15th 2016

Jamaican National Security Minister Robert Montague Holds Town Hall Meeting Re Local Police Post Being Asked to Vacate the Space They Occupy

DPP takes over criminal case against Patrick Powell, for Failure to hand over his firearm

for acquitted murder accused Patrick Powell from the Firearm Licensing Authority (FLA). On Friday Nov.,4, 2016.”

try to secure a Patrick Powell conviction. She is obviously taking no chances in light of reports that Patrick Powell, the acquitted X6 alleged murder’s gun file is reportedly missing from the Firearm Licencing Authority (FLA).

National Security Minister Robert Montague addressing Town Hall, Nov. 3, 2016, in New Kingston, a premier business district with residential areas mostly high rised apartment type living. Their Police Post has been asked to vacate the space they occupy The National Security Minister assured a crowded room over-

flowing with residents and business people that even a mobile station will be used in the event that a suitable location is not found. Press Release Police Commissioner Dr. Karl Williams told Vision Newspaper exclusively that “the Police High Command will issue a comprehensive statement on the missing gun file

The JCF head appears anxious to set the record straight … despite ACP Elon Powell’s clear statements that “the JCF did everything humanly possible to ask the FLA to revoke the Firearm license for Patrick Powell 5 years ago. You can trust Vision Newspaper for the latest on this unfolding story. Hopeton O’Connor Dennie, SIC was at the Town Hall and filed this story for Vision Newspaper Canada.

In a dramatic development in the other criminal case against Patrick Powell, for Failure to hand over his firearm … now before the Court, the Director Of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has used her Constitutional Authority to take over the case. “The law gives me that authority” a strident Paula Llewellyn, DPP declared with a defiant tone. Normally, a case of this nature is prosecuted by a Clerk of the Courts. “My office does not have any oversight over the Clerks” she explained. By inserting herself in the case, she will be able to put more mental and legal resources to

The DPP further said “I will assign a Senior Prosecutor from my office to the case.” The missing firearm case to which Powell is criminally charged, is due for hearing on November 18, 2016. In another twist about the accused Powell, it has been revealed that three firearms were issued to Powell over a fifteen plus year period. Will other criminal charges be laid? Interesting times are ahead. Stay tuned to Vision Newspaper for the latest on this unfolding drama of corruption, deceit and incompetence. Advertisment


November 1st - 15th 2016

Jamaicans Fall For Hillary in Florida Jamaicans have woken up and are said to have been assisting with registration of voters and transporting them to voting centres. Immigration Platform

America Votes 2016 … With immigration a divisive campaign issue in the USA presidential elections, reports monitored by Vision show that Jamaicans are taking the campaign for the White House very seriously. An estimated one million Jamaicans have deep roots in the Americas. Canada is also a high volume population centre for Jamaicans. Polls by CNN put Hillary 47 42 ahead of Trump Nationally. ABC Just one point ahead for Hillary. Florida two points ahead for Hillary. All polls have her ahead across America.

The heads of diaspora organizations which tend to be mainly Jamaicans have been mobilizing for a Democratic White House. “Immigration and deportation are the hot button issues” we are told by Floridian who ask not to be identified. The highest amount of undocumented West Indians are from Jamaica, so we have a lot to lose if the Republicans occupy the White House. Trump plans to build a wall to shut out Mexicans, his neighbours … his plans for us as people of colour could be as or more drastic. Our votes may not be plenty but “one one cocoa full basket” as we like to say in Jamaica. Hillary wants to implement a comprehensive immigration reform to unite families. Jamaicans and people of colour have embraced this platform. We think it is a good plan.

We have to bond together and that seems to what the Jamaican/Caribbean people are doing to shut Trump from the corridors of power. Is it too rich for his blood? We seem to agree with that assertion by an unknown Talk Show caller in Florida. Florida is believed to be one of the battle ground states. In our next perspective we will look at how the JLP see the Republicans … are they aligned in any way? We need to protect our self interests … what do you think? The verdict as usual is yours. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

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Hillary Clinton Is No Criminal them ... without editors we would probably have very few books or articles that make much sense. So why try to distort accepted wisdom?

On November 8, West Indians must send a clear signal that racist and or divisive policies have no place and will not make the USA which has been built by our sweat and blood strong. In fact it is likely to weaken the Union.

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The Red Herring being used by the Trump camp to use ill advised email use by Hillary Clinton as a political issue seems to be grinding to a halt. The FBI director has by letter said there is no criminal culpability on Hillary Clinton's part. The Democratic Party's leading Presidential Candidate as long taken responsibility for her perceived poor judgment. A mistake is not necessarily criminal ... humans are imperfect beings, that is why many pencils have an eraser. Criminal Conduct? Donald Trump has failed to take responsibility for documented sexual indiscretions which no one or court of law has ruled as yet, as not criminal. Trump has been accused of unwanted sexual misconduct ... and allegedly been labelled a "sexual predator." We all try to correct errors if we see

It is just cheap politics .... no one in their right mind will be fooled even in this silly season. Much damage has been done by you Mr. FBI DIRECTOR ... we hope your conduct was only professional and was not Trumped by political flavour. Politics has no place in law enforcement. Justice must be colour blind and be fair to all. Not to be influenced by any political considerations. Do we need to de-sanitize the FBI or ensure we insulate it with other layers of protection which would make the FBI impenetrable to all politicians? We did not think Hillary Clinton was a criminal. What is your view?. The verdict as usual is yours. By Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie is International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada/Caribbean Region.




November 1st - 15th 2016

Racial Profiling: A Modern Day Injustice 2013 public meeting in city hall, where individuals from Toronto and surrounding communities called for an end to the practice of a specific type of profiling, “carding�. Though once again the pleas of Canadian citizens seemed to be of no concern to the provincial government, as it still took another three years before changes were put into effect.

Racism, systematic oppression, and abuse of power, these terms are often heavily debated as racially motivated interactions between police and citizens ensue on a daily basis. This discussion was brought up once again with the recent police killing of Terrence Crutcher. The Guardian reports that Crutcher had his car stalled on a Tulsa, Oklahoma street on September 16, 2016, when he was fatally shot by Officer Betty Shelby. Terrence Crutcher was racially profiled. As a Black man who simply had his car stalled on the street, the colour of his skin caught the attention of police. The Guardian also states that Shelby was on her way to an unrelated domestic violence report when she came across Crutcher and decided to investigate. According to reports by NBC News and the Toronto Star, Black citizens and other minorities are stopped by police significantly more than Whites. Due to this inequity the Ontario government has decided to implement regulations to end this practice, after decades of injustice. Though, these new rules are too broad and do not actually put an end to the unreasonable questioning of racial minorities by the police. The discriminatory practice of unduly questioning minorities should have been addressed and remedied decades ago. This practice has been a serious issue in the province of Ontario for at least the past forty years. Ac-

cording to the Ontario Human Rights Commission there have been numerous studies conducted that confirmed inequalities in the treatment of racial minorities dating back to the 1970’s. This means that for at least the past four decades Blacks and other minorities have been subject to mistreatment and abuse on the sole basis of the colour of their skin. In fact, racial profiling became such a common practice with the Toronto police that the Toronto Star conducted an almost seven-year in-depth analysis of contact card data from police. The findings from this analysis which were released to the public in 2002 were astounding. The Toronto Star found that black males aged fifteen to twenty-four were stopped and documented 2.5 times more than their white counterparts. The fact that there was reputable data that clearly demonstrated inequities between Black and White Torontonians is motive enough for the action of the province. Unfortunately, this report did not spur any substantial intervention from the Ontario government. It still took them another fourteen years to execute any significant changes. The horrendous practice of stopping and questioning racial minorities has not been an unquestioned occurrence within communities. Activists, lawyers, and citizens have consistently asked councillors, and policy makers to end this unjust form of policing. The Toronto Star specifically reported on a

These changes which took forty years to be implemented are not enough to eradicate this grand issue. In a Toronto Star article Howard Morton, of the Law Union of Ontario points out that police may still stop, and approach individuals as long as they do not force them to provide identifying information. The reason why these regulations needed to be implemented is due to the fact that minorities are unjustly stopped and questioned by police.

Just because these individuals no longer have to identify themselves it does not mean the disastrous effects of this practice are not felt. Ethnic minorities can and will still be subjected to singling out by the police. The new regulations posted by the Ontario Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services state officers must inform the individual that they do not have to provide identifying information, and if they do request such information officers need a justifiable reason. What about the cases where police stop

and question minorities for no reason, without asking for identification? According to these new regulations police would be able to do so. As a result, the present inequities between Whites and racial minorities will still be prevalent within communities. What is the point of addressing the issue of disproportionate questioning of minorities, then implementing guidelines too broad to yield any beneficial results? The complete elimination of police ability to stop and question individuals without probable cause or justified reasoning would be a better measure to stop this practice. Canada is a country which claims to consider the fundamental rights of its citizens to be of utmost importance. Yet, it took the government forty years to make regulations which addressed the

pressing issue of racial inequity in policing. Inequity which allows for the marginalization, and criminalization of innocent citizens. Regulations which do not put an end or solve any of the core issues of discriminatory policing practices. Although the new rules are a step in the right direction, they are ultimately much overdue and inadequate to resolve these obstructions of human rights. by Chanelle Thomas

Community What `’s On

November 1st - 15th 2016

Events Dave East

Jonny P

Sister Nancy & Brigadier Jerry

Kodi Shane


Family & Children

Martin Lawrence

The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair

Your Event Here

Your Event here $25 Mod Club Toronto, ON Wed, 11/09/16 08:00 PM

Mike & Honey Toronto, ON Thu, 11/12/2016 09:00 PM

Sat, 11/12/16 10:00 PM for more info call: 647.784.1615

Chris Mitchell: Let it Snow

Maxwell & Mary J Blidge

Your Event Here

The Colosseum at Caesars Windsor Windsor, ON Thu, 11/10/16 08:00 PM

Revival Bar Toronto, ON Fri, 12/02/16 10:00 PM

Exhibition Place Lake Shore Boulevard West Toronto, ON Nov 4, 2016 to Nov 13, 2016

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Party Next Door & Jeremih

A$AP Ferg

Toopy and Binoo: Fun and Games

Santa Train at YorkDurham Heritage Railway

Rebel (formerlySound Academy) Toronto, ON Sat, 11/24/16 Sun, 11/25/16

Phoenix Concert Theatre Toronto, ON Fri, 11/27/16

Queen Elizabeth Theatre 190 Princes’ Blvd, Toronto, ON M6K 3C3 Date: November 19, 2016

Uxbridge Train Station 19 Railway St Uxbridge, ON Nov 26, 2016 to Dec 18, 2016 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM

Your Event here $25 Queen Elizabeth Theatre Toronto, ON Sat, 12/17/16 08:00 PM

Air Canada Centre Toronto, ON Sat, 11/14/16 07:00 PM

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a music video competition.

November 1st - 15th 2016

Sample King hosts contest Canada-based deejay Sample King takes the promotion of his hit song Video Me to Jamaica with the launch of ‘Video Me Challenge’,

According to his publicist, Alicia-Ann Roxborough, “The song depicts the biggest trend on social media with persons making videos and going viral.” Winner of the Video Me Challenge receives Can$250 and gift basket, and runner-up Can$100 and gift

Statement from Michael Dawson, business partner & friend of Adidjah Palmer

Vybz Kartel must be justly granted his freedom if we are going to convince the people of Jamaica that there are the same set of rules for the sons of poor people and the sons of rich people. This has to be done either by the DPP’s office in the name of equal rights and

justice, initiating the process to have his conviction overturned, or not oppose his appeal. Justice must be equitable if our nation is to move forward. Sam Sharpe and Paul Bogle did not die so a rich person has a better chance at justice than a poor person, that should have ended in the 1800s; this generation in 2016 must believe that they will be treated fairly under the law, if they are going to respect the law. “Him name start to mention So him going get an indefinite detention Dem say him a nuh nobody So him after remain in custody” – Peter Tosh 1976

basket. Requirements for entry are: Video must be no longer than one minute, with title song playing in background; contestants must be 18 years or older; contest is open to youth groups and ‘crews’. Entries should be posted (starting today) on Facebook to Alician Roxborough and Sample King. Born Marlon Hull in Kingston, Sample King migrated to Canada in 1989. A fitness trainer by profession, his popular songs include I Will Survive and Stinkin’ Rich with Tanto Blacks.

Lil Wayne walks out on Black Lives Matter questions Lil Wayne walked out of a television interview after being questioned about the Black Lives Matter movement and whether he supports it, angrily telling an interviewer that he's not a "politician."

"It's not a name, it's not 'whatever, whatever,' it's somebody got shot by police for a f----up reason," he said, using an expletive. He described himself as a "young, black, rich" man, which he says shows America understands that black lives do matter.

Linsey Davis of ABC News was following up on Wayne's comments to Fox Sports in September when he said there's "no such thing as racism".

"I don't feel connected to a damn thing that ain't got nothing to do with me," he said.

Davis' interview was broadcast on Tuesday's Nightline. Wayne, whose real name is Dwayne Carter, stood by the comment. When asked about his thoughts on Black Lives Matter, he said it "sounds weird", apparently referring to the name.

He added: "My life matter, especially to my b." Wayne also doesn't see any connection between him and the Black Lives Matter movement.

The 34-year-old rapper angrily told Davis he isn't a "politician" while taking his microphone off after ending the interview. Wayne is promoting a new biography detailing his eight-month stint in New York's Rikers Island prison in 2010 following a weapons conviction.

Christopher Daley makes it to Semi Finals in international Comedy Competition chances especially when it is difficult for an international audience to fully understand the Jamaican Patois. “I was originally concerned that the language would have been a barrier however now having made it to the top 20 semifinalists I think the language may have been what pulled persons to watch my video entry over and over again and increase the votes!” Chris commented

After announcing in September that he was selected as one of over 80 comedians worldwide competing in the Laugh Factory’s ‘Funniest Person in the World’ competition; Actor, TV and Radio personality, Christopher Johnny Daley, is now pleased to reveal that he has made it to the second round of the international comedy contest! With 89 international comedians from 56 countries entering Laugh Factory’s “The Funniest Person in the World” competition, Chris admitted that he was a tad nervous about his

This is the first time this talented comedian and actor has entered a contest of any kind and so the idea of campaigning for online votes and going up against other comedians is new to him; a challenge however he has certainly taken on with fervor. With his immense popularity in Film, Radio, TV and the Theatre in Jamaica, the Caribbean and the Diaspora, Christopher Johnny Daley believes that this also accounted for many of the votes that qualified him to now compete in Finland this December. This will also be Daley’s first time in Finland

and its capital Helsinki, already he is doing the needed research to be prepared for the semifinals and then the finals with the hope of taking home the grand prize of USD $100,000. “At this stage of the competition its 50% online voting and 50% on stage in Helsinki, so the campaigning continues. I am also preparing material that can connect to that audience. I’m working closely with Tony ‘PaleFace’ Hendricks and Dr Michael Abrahams to balance the language, the content and the delivery so I’m very confident right now” Daley added With this international highlight on Jamaican and by extension Caribbean comedy, Chris hopes to put our talented comedy players on the world map and already by making it to the semifinals of this highly recognized competition, the process has begun. Christopher Johnny Daley needs your votes to continue on his journey to become the Funniest Person In The World. Go to and scroll down to Jamaica to vote for Christopher Johnny Daley , voting ends on December 5, 2016. For all updates on his journey to Helsinki Finland follow Chris on

social media @chrisjohnnydaley. WATCH HIS VIDEO AND LIKE IT HERE, LIKE AS MANY TIMES AS YOU LIKE, EVERY VIEW COUNTS! Commentary We are elated that our born Jamaican has so far kept our flag flying high. Hats off to you Sir Daley we are sure you will beat the odds and come out on top. We at Vision believe in you and will continue to support your campaign. We do the good Lord to be with you as you approach the next hurdle. You are from the rock and as such you are solid. Congrats so far and we await the results with great expectations as you go to the finals. Commentary is by Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie who is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

November 1st - 15th 2016



Marley to go Live!

D’Angel releases controversial new dancehall single called ‘Badmind Buk’ accompanied by a hot music video

nternational Recording Artiste D’AnGeL has released a controversial dancehall single called ‘Badmind Buk’ accompanied by a hot music video. The single, produced by Kadeem/ UMI Records is currently creating quite a buzz and has been gaining steam in Jamaica, across the Caribbean and the United States. Since its release months ago, it

has been posted on dozens of popular dancehall YouTube channels and online dancehall music sites and forums. D’Angel couldn’t be happier with the feedback she has been getting. After the sudden lost of her Father D'AnGeL have decided to she has now embarked on a new musical journey with a (cover song) in tribute

to her father entitled 'Warrior' by Demi Lovato which is also accompanied with a hot new music video that has been creating quite a stir is getting heavy rotation worldwide . “Ever since the release of this song, this is the most talk about song on the internet and the response has been overwhelming. The Unstoppable Stronger, and Warrior Artiste is poised for greatness as she is currently working on several new projects, and also just released another new single called "Damaged Goods" which is getting great responses since the release. D'AnGeL is also schedule to perform on several upcoming events local and international.

The vinyl package revisits both shows with previously unreleased performances of Trenchtown Rock, Burnin’ And Lootin’, Them Belly Full (But We Hungry) and Rebel Music (3 O’Clock Roadblock).

A THREE-LP vinyl edition of Bob Marley and The Wailers’ epic 1975 Live! album will be released December 16 through the Marley family and Universal Music. A digital version is also being released that day, as well as a limited edition seven-inch live vinyl with No Woman, No Cry backed with Natty Dread. The original Live! was released by Island Records in December 1975, five months after Marley and his band performed at the Lyceum Theatre in London. It contained seven songs from the second show on July 18.

There are also previously unreleased full length versions of Lively Up Yourself and Get Up, Stand Up. Live! is a pivotal title in the Marley catalogue, which is owned by Universal Music. It was released one year after Natty Dread, his first ‘solo’ album for Island, which was hailed by critics internationally. In 2014 the Marleys and Universal Music released a vinyl edition of Legend to celebrate that album’s 30th anniversary. Legend, which contains 14 of Marley’s popular songs, was released three years after his death from cancer at age 36.

Upcoming Albums

Ciara Regrettings Jackie’’ was the last album Ciara releasedand it didn’t get a great response from the music lovers. Since Ciara is concentrating on her career now, maybe the fans can expect something great from her upcoming studio album Regrettings.

Alicia Keys Here Here is the sixth studio album by American singer-songwriter Alicia Keys. It was released on November 4, 2016, by RCA Records. The first single from the standard edition, “Blended Family (What You Do for Love)”, was released on October 7, 2016. “In Common” and “Hallelujah” were featured on the deluxe edition of the album.

The Game 1992 1992 is the eighth studio album by American rapper The Game. It is due to be released on October 14, 2016, by Blood Money Entertainment and eOne Music.[1] The album features one single guest appearance by R&B singer Jeremih, as well as uncredited appearances by Osbe Chill and Jason Derulo. Two months after releasing his previous double album The Documentary 2 and The Documentary 2.5 respectively, The Game took to Instagram to announce his next project entitled “1992”. Without saying too much about the album, he did reveal the album will have no guest appearances and the project will be executive produced by Nigerian producer and frequent collaborator Bongo.[2] The album’s artwork was designed by Joe Cool, famed artist who is most famous for designing the cover of Snoop Dogg’s famed album Doggystyle.

Wyclef Jean J’Ouvert Wyclef Jean will follow up his new single “Hendrix” with an EP titled J’ouvert, a new five-song collection that serves as an appetizer for his upcoming album. RELATED Wyclef Jean’s New Mixtape Is ‘the Journey Back’ Would welcome a Fugees reunion: ‘The door is always open’ J’ouvert, out September 30th, takes its name from the official start of Carnival in the eastern Caribbean. Appropriately, the EP sets the tone for Wyclef ’s in-the-works album Carnival III: Road to Clefication.


Entertainment Spice Speaks Out Her attire and performance was regarded as inappropriate for the audience and the set was cut by organizers. Observers have opined that it was fool hardy to have expected Spice not to “spice up” the scene …. that is the nature of the “beast.”

“I have broken off from my man .. I just looking after my kids … I am celibate … ” says Spice … “The Spice you know out there … Is not the Spice you see out there …” You just have to face up to reality … As I am no longer partaking in sexual activity …

The internationally acclaimed dancehall deva was responding to a controversy regarding her performance in front of a packed Indoor Centre to honour Rio Athletes, Ja. W.I. attended by, Govenor General Patrick AllenLady Allen, PM Holness & Wife Juliet, Usain Bolt, other high ranking Jamaican officials, athletes and citizens of all walks of life.

Spice Responds “Mi know mi good and mi body is finest of all … I wasn’t briefed properly I was aware it would be live on TV. Mr Salmon was a little uncomfortable. Indicator was played immediately after my set I felt in the second song … I felt I was not welcome. I saw the video after and heard my fans giving me rhythm. The upper class did not like this …

I was told that I would be backed by the Rough Cut Band … then I was told at the last minute that I would have to use the sound track. Then the engineers told me they were hearing rumblings and pulled the track on me. There is a big debate If I should be there. If I was briefed properly … If they wanted the brand Spice to be watered down … definitely. I will apologize to anyone I may have offended. I have been in a lot of controversies before but this is the biggest one. I am a strong woman … I will get pass this …” On another matter Spice, you are being criticized by fellow artiste Starface that you are not helping other artistes …?

November 1st - 15th 2016

Asks Winford Williams, host of “On Stage.” “Make wi level … some of them no have a talent. She just come in the business like Gully Bop and Miss Chin … The person I know as “Nadiesha” who “slept around” I don’t know her as any artiste. They have a crab in the barrel mentality. She has never called me for a colab. Mi and Tiffa did a show together also Cecille and I … them no want come out of a them bed. It’s just crazy … them get a forward fi just call Spice name.” “I am now celibate,” Spice finally said. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.



Sept 24th - Oct 7th, 2015

Grange: outstanding Alia brings glory with world record swim

Kingston, Jamaica– Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia Grange, has sent congratulations to Jamaica’s Alia Atkinson who broke the world record in the 50 metres short course breaststroke event in Tokyo, Japan on October 27th 2016). Minister Grange said: “What a joy it is to receive this great news and to see the wonderful headline across the world — ‘Jamaica’s Alia Atkinson breaks world record’. We should add the word ‘again’ to that headline because Alia has done this before. Alia consistently brings glory to Jamaica and continues

to be an inspiration to us all. I congratulate her on this magnificent achievement, which adds to a long, growing and impressive list of outstanding performances. Let us all celebrate with her and wish her continued success.”

year. At the 2016 Rio Games, she became a two-time olympic swimming finalist — no one else in Jamaica has achieved that distinction. Commentary

We have not done much on Alia Atkinson who has swam her way into our Atkinson posted hearts. We join with 28.64 seconds to Minister Grange in break the previous congratulating her world record of 28.80 on her success in the for the 50 metres pool. Alia has been short course breasta great ambassador stroke which was set for us … people of in 2009. colour are not known to do well in swimAtkinson is also curming … Alia has brorently a joint world ken that glass ceiling. record holder for the 100 metres breastCongrats to you Alia! stroke after tying Commentary by Hopeton O’ConnorDennie who is Senior International the record in 2014 Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada. and again earlier this


Jamaican Government providing sport facilities to support healthy lifestyle

KINGSTON, Jamaica – Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, the Honourable Olivia Grange, says her Ministry is on a programme to ensure that Jamaicans have access to sports facilities at the grassroots level as part of efforts to encourage healthy lifestyles and wellness. According to the Minister, “there are several lifestyle illnesses that can be avoided or managed more effectively if more Jamaicans participated in sports. This is one of the reasons we are putting so much emphasis on sports at the grassroots level.” The Minister says the government is spending significant sums on the development of fields, courts and tracks in schools and communities across the country. “This year alone, my Ministry — through the SDF — will be spending more than J$300 million on infrastructure development,” said Minister

Grange. The Minister was speaking at the launch of the Heart Foundation of Jamaica ‘Run for your Heart’ event yesterday (Wednesday) at Emancipation Park. “We support every attempt by entities such as the Heart Foundation of Jamaica to promote awareness about the importance of physical activity and fitness and how to reduce the risk of certain lifestyle diseases.” The ‘Run for Your Heart’ event is geared towards highlighting the value of exercise as an important part of a healthy lifestyle and will raise funds for health education and health promotion programme in schools. The event is scheduled to take place on Sunday, November 27, 2016 from 7am to 11am at the National Stadium – East Field. Minister Grange urged all Jamaicans to get active for their health’s sake.



November 1st - 15th 2016

Honoree Veteran DJ Sister Nancy closes the show at the first staging of QORIHC Ceremonies

Kingston Jamaica If the first staging of the Queens of Reggae Island Honorary CeremoniesQORIHC, held at the Courtleigh Auditorium on Sunday night is a depiction of what the annual event will look like, then we can certainly look forward to a fantastic yearly showcase. The event, although getting off to a slightly

late start, definitely fulfilled its promise to honor women in the arts and entertainment with tangible and intangible tributes throughout the night. With all eight nominees present, the seamless transition between presentations and performances heralded by host Francois St Juste kept the ample audience thoroughly entertained. The honorees; Veteran Reggae Artiste Sister Nancy, Video Director Nordia Rose, TV Broadcaster Elaine Wint, Founder of Sun City

Radio Doreen Billings, Dancehall Fashion Designer Audrey Farquharson, Dancehall Queen Carlene, Government Minister The Honorable Babsy Grange and Dancehall Dancing Instructors Latonya Styles and Dance Ja studios, also got the opportunity to say a few words after receiving gifts from sponsors including bottles from Remy Martin. The event also presented a video tribute to Rita Marley for her contribution to Jamaica’s music and culture while offering special words of encouragement from guest speaker, Media and Cultural expert Dahlia Harris. Well received performances of the night came from talented male acts; Sadeke Lennox, Kingston Rock (formerly To-Isis) and

Reggae Crooner Duane Stephenson, topped by a rare and enjoyable show stopping set from honoree Sister Nancy herself. Promoters of the event NyteNursePro are excited about this year’s showcase and are already looking forward to start the preparations for the 2017 staging. “We are so excited that we received such rave reviews for our first ever staging of QORIHC, the honorees are very appreciative of this highlight and we look forward to next year’s show being even bigger and better so that we are able to give much more to our special cause, the Gregory Issacs Foundation Children’s charities” Mye Laurell, CEO of NyteNursePro shared “There are so few events

like this that show appreciation to hard working women while they are alive and able to appreciate it. Even though I’m honored every year, somewhere in the world, QORIHC is special to me because this is all women and there is strength in that, congratulations to Laurell for the QORIHC vision and a great first event!” Sister Nancy added The QORIHC committee will meet later this year to discuss the list of prospective honorees for 2017 which will include nontraditional areas including makeup artistry and background vocalists. This year’s QORIHC Ceremonies were under the patronage of the Mayor of Kingston Councillor Dr. Angela Brown Burke.

The Bob Curry Fellowship returns to The Second City ican alum, Bob Curry, who performed on the mainstage in 1966.

The Second City is pleased to announce the return of The Bob Curry Fellowship in Toronto. The Bob Curry Fellowship is the first master

comedy fellowship of it’s kind offered at Second City Chicago and Toronto locations. The fellowship honours Second City’s first African Amer-

The Bob Curry Fellowship consists of a sixteen-week master program launched by The Second City Diversity and Training Center divisions. Up to twelve performers will work with various Second City Artists to create an Industry Showcase from start to finish. These chosen performers will also have a chance to be a part of the Second City and NBC Breakout Festival happening in Chicago in Summer 2017. Applications for the Bob

Curry Fellowship have been pouring in, with auditions taking place on Tuesday, November 1st, 2016. For more information, please visit: The Second City’s Diversity and Inclusion division also presents DiverCity, the monthly showcase where comedy meets culture. DiverCity returns Saturday, November 19 with sketch, improv, and stand-up performances at the John Candy Box Theatre. The Second City Outreach & Diversity program is seeking talent

including but not limited to those who identify as Asian Pacific, Sub Continent Asian, Black, Hispanic, First Nations, Metis, Inuk, or Middle Eastern. About The Second City: The Second City, a 100% Canadian-owned company, is the world’s premier improv and sketch comedy theatre company, with resident stages in Toronto and Chicago, Training Centres in Toronto, Chicago and Los Angeles, as well as touring companies performing throughout the world.


November 1st - 15th 2016


Tourism Outlook Seminar 2016 to Focus on Navigating Global Changes to Drive Growth Caribbean is arguably the slowest growing destination in world tourism,” said Minister Bartlett.

KINGSTON, Jamaica; October 28, 2016: Minister of Tourism Hon. Edmund Bartlett is urging his fellow Ministers of Tourism and other tourism partners across the region to use the forum which will be provided at the upcoming Tourism Outlook Seminar (TOS) 2016 to develop a model that will drive growth in regional tourism, despite numerous global challenges. Speaking at the press launch for the event on October 27, 2016, at Kingston’s iconic Devon House, Minister Bartlett outlined that while tourism is undoubtedly one of the world’s largest and fastest growing sectors it faces many complex challenges. These include terrorism, pandemics, natural disasters, catastrophes,

economic uncertainty in source markets and the ever-changing demands of travelers; all of which pose serious threats to the sustainable growth of tourism.

“At the seminar, I will be hosting a Summit of Tourism Ministers from the region. We are going to discuss how we can change the game from the highly competitive tourism strategies that have not given us growth, to a new more collaborative approach. We have extended invitations to tourism ministers from the Bahamas, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago and the Cayman Islands,” Minister Bartlett added.

He emphasized that TOS 2016, which is slated for December 6-8 at the Montego Bay Convention Centre, will provide the ideal opportunity for national and regional tourism policy makers and stakeholders to examine these and other issues and discuss ways to address them in order to foster continued growth.

The event will be held under the theme: ‘Tourism: Navigating Global Changes for Continued Growth’. This year’s staging is being hosted by the Ministry of Tourism and the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) in collaboration with the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The seminar is being funded by the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF).

“The seminar will also look at how we in the Northern Caribbean space can develop a model that is going to make us grow at rates that are higher than the current position – because the

It will see contributions from global experts on critical topics, such as managing communications in the face of issues such as pandemics, terrorism and natural disasters; establishing

multi-destination tourism; travel facilitation and connectivity and packaging destination experiences among other topics. TOS 2016 will feature presenters and panellists from renowned local and international organizations, such as: the UNWTO, Airbnb; TUI; Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health; the World Travel & Tourism Council; the Caribbean Tourism Organization; the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA); and Sandals Resorts International. The Minister also announced that Caribbean Airlines has thrown its support behind the initiative and is the preferred airline partner for the seminar. Registration for the event is already open. Persons are being encouraged to register online and access additional information at tourismseminar . “I encourage everyone – policy makers, representatives of government ministries and agencies, hotel owners and senior managers, investors, academics, airline executives, travel agents, travel media, tour operators and other business partners – to go to the

JTB website and register for TOS 2016 today,” Minister Bartlett emphasized. Commentary We endorse this Tourism Outlook Seminar (TOS) and will make every effort to attend. Earnings from an enhanced tourism product will greatly benefit not only the tourism as a product but the national economy as a whole. Bank of Jamaica govenor Brian Wynter is on record as saying our foreign currency reserves will soon be showing a surplus. This surplus will positively impact the strength of the Jamaican dollar which in 1975/6 was stronger than the American dollar. In other words it took more US dollars to buy one Jamaican dollar. I saw this first hand. A brighter future awaits the tourism sector with a prosperous outlook to be experienced under Minister Bartlett’s dynamic leadership. Commentary is by Hopeton O’ConnorDennie who is Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.


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#SCOPES™ #CEmindful. RISE_FAIRFAX #ASTROLOGY #HORO- #GEMINI (May 21SCOPES #ZODIAC June 20) Say yes only if you #ARIES (March can do it, and not be21-April 19) cause you feel presBeing generous not sured. Otherwise, only makes others when you have to feel good, it also cancel it may create helps to increase more chaos than your good energy. what’s necessary. #TAURUS (April 20May 20) Although the lights are on, nobody may be home and the same goes for people too. You see, they may be present, but not aware. Try not to be one of those people today. After all, it’s not your nature to be unaware, because you are usually quite

#CANCER (June 21July 22) Your intuition will be on point today, so listen to your inner wisdom, because your consciousness will guide you. #LEO (July 23-August 22) Energetic Leo will persuade others to do things they would

usually be reluctant doing, and when the person(s) do it, they will love it.

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being crass.

Out of nowhere you will be blessed with #SCORPIO (October an amazing creative 23-November 21) idea. Courage will be your guide today. Go forth #PISCES (February and be bold. 20-March 20) Do not fear the un#SAGITTARIUS (No- known, and instead vember 22- Decem- go forth through the ber 21) forest of trees, and Do not allow thoughts the clearing will come of worry to intrude soon, and what is upon the beauty of unknown now will your mind. Think be yours to discover more productively later. and faithfully. #CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) You’re a star, so shine and don’t dim down for anyone. #AQUARIUS (January 20-February 19)

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November 1st - 15th 2016 / Page 15

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