Vision Newspaper - Issue 12 - 2016

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October 16th - 31st, 2016


Internationally acclaimed recording artiste Shabba Ranks receives his National Award on Heroes’ Day at King’s House Kingston, Jamaica COVER STORY ON PAGE 8




The Caribbean Jamaica Celebrates Rio Ambassadors & National Hereos

Jamaican PM Andrew Holness announces new National Identification System

October 16th - 31st, 2016

The World Blacks Lose Faith In Democrats

Counter-Financing Of Terrorism Conference under the theme “Understanding our Obligations … Safeguarding our Future.” being held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, October 10/11, 2016. Biometrics will be a part of this proposed identification system. asserted the P.M.

Olympian, Juliet Cuthbert Flynn (left) metting Rio athletes on behalf of the Minister of Sport at the Norman Manley International Airport. Member of Parliament Cuthbert Flynn in conversation with (r-l) two-time Olympic 200m champion, Veronica Campbell-Brown; Nathon Allen, member of the silver medal 4x400 relay team and; Natoya Goule who represented Jamaica in the women’s 800m at the Rio Olympics.

This Heroes weekend was extra special as three days were set aside for celebrating the excellent performances of our Rio athletes. October 14-16, 2016 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) were the days so designated. On the Monday October 17th, National Heroes’ Day, an official holiday in Jamaica, awards were Presented of medals to deserving individuals at King’s House, official residence of our head of State the Governor- General Sir Patrick Allen and Lady Allen. They represent the Queen locally We congratulate the Andrew Holness led JLP Government for combining for the first time both celebrations. It is a fitting tribute to all. For more on 2016 Heroes Day Celebrations in Jamaica visit

BBC Reporting 452 Deaths From Hurricane Matthew

Prime Minister Andrew Michael Holness announced to a packed room of financial sector leaders at the Pegasus Hotel, Monday, October 10, 2016, that a National Identification System (NIDS) will soon be implemented. Holness declared that this long promised identification system would be implemented two years before the projected date of 2020 … “A cradle to grave ” identification system the PM declared to thunderous applause. This new National Identification System is coming January 2018. The long tooted National Identification System (NIDS). has been promoted by Vernon Derby, a media personality on local radio, in Jamaica The Prime Minister was speaking at the 5th Annual staging of an awareness session being held in Kingston, Jamaica W.I. entitled “Anti- Money Laundering/

Money-Laundering Turning to the money laundering issue, the PM warned that: “There are those who try to use our financial network for criminal reasons. White collar crimes are more difficult to prosecute. Money-laundering saps up about 2.5 percent of global economy.”

There is little or no development in Chicago … a second recession is the new depression. If blacks don’t vote it will damage the Democrats. It was seen as a duty to vote … blacks used to vote Republican. John Kennedy introduced the Civil Rights Bill. A 97 year old Civil Rights veteran asserted: I think the situation for blacks has not improved under Obama. US President Bill Clinton did little to improve the plight of blacks.

The PM set two main goals;

Glove thinks Clinton is counting on blacks to fear Trump.

Reduce hassle on low risk transactions for example, insurance premium payments Strengthen the seizure of assets acquired from ill gotten funds. In concluding the PM stressed that: We have to collectively maintain our focus. Unified approach is the key to safeguard our future & ultimately prosperity.

One black resident interviewed said : “Trump is successful, it is all about the numbers. He is a businessman … I will vote for Trump. Declares a black voter who openly spoke on camera.

Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie was there and filed this report for Vision Newspaper Canada.

“If you want to give me a good legacy … go out and vote. Change is gonna come.” declared a frustrated sounding President Obama on the campaign trail. Photo from

White Helmets in Aleppo

Canadian Troops Set Up Operations Base in Kingston Jamaica in this exclusive interview. It was an eagle eyed SIC who caught up with these Canadians at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel. After welcoming them to Jamaica he enquired about their presence on the island.

The true impact of the killer hurricane Matthew is just begin to show his deadly colours as the bodies are piling up. The BBC is reporting some 452 dead. There is little or no telephone communication … 400 rescues were effected. Many cars are submerged in several feet of flood water. Bahamas Rodney March, a Jamaican living in the Bahamas, is reporting that New Providence has about seventy percent of the population in the Bahamas string of Islands. Seventy percent of the population has no gas as there is no power as stated above. There are no reported deaths so far from hurricane Matthew. Roofs are off, power is cut but sun is shining. Light poles are uprooted. There is water but without power life is very rough.

The tiny island of Jamaica with a population of approximately 2.8 million is host to troops from Canada who are on a non-combat role to assist in the Haiti humanitarian relief effort following the devastation of Haiti from hurricane Matthew. The death toll in Haiti has climbed to over 500. We last reported that 452 were reportedly killed by the killer hurricane Matthew. “We await instructions to proceed with our mission on the ground in Haiti. We have set up a base at the Norman Manley International Airport where we have resources” a Canadian Soldier tells Vision Newspaper

We are very pleased to welcome our Canadian Forces to Jamaica. We wish them a very successful tour of duty in Haiti and a memorable stay in Jamaica. I was honoured to have met these fine ambassadors of Canada. “We are staying here, but our real purpose is we are enroute to Haiti.” Jamaica has been playing a key role in the Haiti relief effort following the passage of hurricane Matthew as previously reported in Vision Newspaper. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

The humanitarian group labelled the white hats is believed to have saved 60, 000 lives in Aleppo, Syria. This war torn country is very dangerous. The white hats are being tipped to be awarded with the upcoming Nobel Prize …. This would be most fitting tribute for a very dangerous volunteer job. A service of true sacrifice. “If service to humanity is the best work of life” a line from the Junior Chamber International (JCI)., a leadership training & volunteer service organization. Some 140 white helmets have been killed in Aleppo in the course of their humanitarian activities. These are former plumbers, carpenters and general construction workers who have banded themselves together to rescue those trapped in rubble and successfully pulled many a helpless victim out of danger.

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Vision Newspaper UK: Editor in Chief : Junior Whyte, Senior International Correspondent in Jamaica: Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie Vision Newspaper Canada: Editor in Chief: Alwin Marshall-Squire, Editors: Samantha Deschamps, Marilyn Marshall, Maresa Cadienhead BSc., NCCP


October 16th - 31st, 2016


IMF Reaches Staff-Level Agreement with Jamaica on Three-Year Precautionary Stand-By Arrangement and the important commitment of IMF resources that it entails, is a firm vote of confidence in Jamaica. The request to move to a precautionary arrangement is a sign of strength and reflects the policy credibility and strong macroeconomic management of the government.

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission led by Uma Ramakrishnan visited Kingston during September 21–30, 2016, to conduct discussions on a new IMF-supported economic program with Jamaica. To underscore the positive outcomes of these discussions, The Most Honourable Prime Minister Andrew Holness of Jamaica and Alejandro Werner, Director of the IMF’s Western Hemisphere Department, issued the following statement in Kingston: “The IMF team and the Jamaican authorities have reached a staff-level agreement on a new economic program for Jamaica that would be supported by a

36-month Stand-By Arrangement (SBA) with the IMF with access of SDR 1.2 billion (equivalent to 312 percent of quota or about US$1.7 billion). If approved by the IMF’s Executive Board, SDR300 million (about US$430 million) would be immediately available. Given the Bank of Jamaica’s comfortable foreign reserves position, the Jamaican authorities have indicated their intention to treat the SBA as precautionary, that is, effectively an insurance policy against unforeseen economic shocks that are beyond the control of Jamaica. “This new proposed program,

“Jamaica has made commendable progress in its economic adjustment program over the past thre and a half years under the existing IMF-supported program Fiscal discipline and proactive debt management have helped reduce public debt by more than 25 percent of GDP since the start of the arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF). Macroeconomic stability is becoming entrenched as evidenced by low inflation, the buildup of foreign currency reserves, and a decline in the current account deficit. And important reforms are being undertaken to unlock Jamaica’s growth potential. “Nevertheless, a renewed focus on growth and job creation is needed and the new program is aimed at sustaining macroeco-

nomic stability, boosting employment, raising the living standards of the Jamaican people, and progressively reducing a poverty level that remains too high. “ The government’s goals—which the IMF staff team will recommend that the IMF’s Management and Executive Board support—are to: (i) re-orient public resource allocation toward infrastructure, social protection, and security-related spending, while transforming the public sector to be more efficient and delivery-focused; (ii) modernize the monetary policy framework and build the foundation for an eventual move to inflation targeting; (iii) bolster the resilience of the financial system; and (iv) work with the Economic Growth Council to implement initiatives that unlock Jamaica’s growth potential and promote private sector jobs. “The Jamaican government’s request for IMF support is tentatively scheduled for consideration by the Executive Board

in November, at which point the arrangement under the EFF would be replaced with the precautionary SBA. “The IMF staff team and the Jamaican authorities look forward to a continued productive collaboration, as the Government of Jamaica implements its ambitious reform program.” The IMF team met with Prime Minister Andrew Holness, Finance Minister Audley Shaw, Bank of Jamaica Governor Brian Wynter, State Minister Fayval Williams, Ambassador of Economic Affairs Nigel Clarke, Financial Secretary Everton MacFarlane, senior government officials, as well as members of the private sector and civil society. Commentary Some 1.7 billion US$ will be available during the 3 year period to the government. We congratulate the Andrew Holiness led JLP Government for successfully inking this deal.



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October 16th - 31st, 2016

NATIONAL HEROES DAY MESSAGE 2016 BY THE MOST HON ANDREW HOLNESS, ON, MP PRIME MINISTER OF JAMAICA deepen civic engagement, let us remember the examples of our Heroes, whose lives were characterized by self-sacrifice. In some cases, quite literally. The legacy of Queen Nanny of the Maroons, Sam Sharpe, Paul Bogle, George William Gordon, Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Sir Alxander Bustamante and Norman Washington Manley, challenges us to be our best selves.

My fellow Jamaicans: We celebrate National Heroes Day at a time when its deep meaning and relevance could not be more significant. The life lessons bequeathed to us by our National Heroes, whose voices echo so eloquently across the span of time, prepare us for our present challenges. Now more than ever we need to rediscover the things which bind us together. Our National Heroes, through their fixity of purpose, common vision of liberation and focused determination, summon us to find common cause. They remind us of the ongoing struggle of ensuring that every Jamaican is given the opportunity to fulfil his or her full potential. There was an overarching ideal which united the struggle of all our National Heroes: Freedom. • Freedom from slavery and subjugation • Freedom to assert our humanity • Freedom to craft our own destiny • Freedom to preserve and promote our unique culture • Freedom to carve out our own path to nationhood • Freedom to create our own national identity • Freedom from the tyranny of poverty • Freedom to construct a society of peace and prosperity For our National Heroes, freedom was the essence of our humanity. They knew that what distinguishes us as a people is our capacity for

free action and our free will. But there are things which constrain our freedom and which, therefore, militate against the work of our Heroes. Crime constrains our freedom. The right to life is the most basic freedom. As a society, we have to deeply embed the concept of the sanctity of life.We have to find ways to inculcate and reinforce that in our children. In the home, at basic school, through the media and in the popular culture, we have to teach our very young ones that each life, including theirs, is precious and inviolable. We can’t wait until they reach adolescence to teach them respect for life. One way to internalize our Heritage week motto, which is “Our Heritage…Our Legacy… Our Strength”, is to teach our history to our children. Let them know that the freedoms they enjoy came at a great price. These freedoms must be cherished and protected. When we take the lives of our own brothers and sisters, essentially taking over from our slave-masters in destroying lives, we are dishonouring our Heroes. Let us recommit on this National Heroes Day to respect life; to continue the tradition of our forebears to promote the liberty and happiness of our fellow Jamaicans; not their demise. Our heritage, indeed, can provide the wellsprings from which we draw strength. At a time when we need to

The way we came together recently and to be our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers in preparing for Hurricane Matthew was an example of the kind of cooperative spirit that must become the new normal. We must pull together, not pull apart. We must build bridges, not walls. We must shake hands, not clench fists. On this National Heroes Day, let us rekindle the flame of cooperation, consensus-building and caring.

occasional and slight correction he had received when a boy. But he thought and learnt from his Bible that the whites had no more right to hold back black people and for his own part he would rather die than live in slavery”. What an enlightened attitude! Sam Sharpe fought slavery not because of personal oppression, but on principle, and in selfless devotion to others. This is the spirit we must nurture in Jamaica today. This is how we truly honour our Heroes. On this National Heroes Day, I salute all those Jamaicans at home and abroad who in their own way are heroes. Those who are: • Heroes to their families, providing moral leadership, love and guidance.

We would not be where we are today as a nation were it not for the heroic actions of those whom we celebrate today.

• Heroes to their communities, working tirelessly to build bonds and to rescue those floundering in despair.

What are we leaving for the generations to come?

• Heroes in civic life, many of whom are being honoured today, providing sterling examples of service.

What are we sowing today for others to reap tomorrow? Are we building a foundation that will last or are we merely living for ourselves? Our Heroes remind us that life is best lived in community; in fulfilling a purpose that is bigger than ourselves. We need to recapture that spirit of self-sacrifice. We can’t build a society with each person just looking out for “me, myself and I”. It is fascinating to note that Sam Sharpe, who played such a pivotal role in the struggle to end slavery, was himself not one of the most mistreated enslaved. Methodist Missionary Henry Bleby recounted, and I quote: “Sharpe acknowledged to me that he had, as an individual, no reason to find fault with the treatment he had received as a slave. His master… was always kind to him and he had never been flogged beyond the

• Heroes in business, professional and vocational life, demonstrating excellence, high performance and dedication. • Heroes in sports and culture, providing inspiration to thousands of Jamaicans who see in them their best selves. • Heroes in academics, as exemplary students, teachers and researchers, building up the storehouse of knowledge and showing that, globally, we are second to none. Our National Heroes would want us to carry on their work. Let us not disappoint them. As we mark this day, let us rededicate ourselves to building a greater society on the foundations of freedom they left us. May God bless our heroes, and may God bless Jamaica


October 16th - 31st, 2016

Jamaica’s First Lady & Member of Parliament Juliet Holness Attends Cyber Security Workshop in the US


JAMAICA DISPATCHES RESCUE MISSION TO HAITI love to be there to get a first hand look of the devastation and to assist in my small way at recovery.

and oversight mechanisms in their respective jurisdictions and aims to produce an international e-Handbook on cyber security. Mrs. Holness is joined by MP for South Eastern St. Andrew Julian Robinson. She left the Island on Monday, October 17 after celebrating National Heroes Day events. Commentary Jamaica's First Lady and Member of Parliament for East Rural St. Andrew, Mrs. Juliet Holness is currently attending the Caribbean Regional Workshop for Parliamentarians and Policy Makers on Cyber Security in Washington DC. The Workshop began on the 17th of October and will end on the 20th. The workshop is organized in partnership between the Commonwealth Parliaments Association (CPA) and the Organisation of American States (OAS) as a part of the OAS’s Cyber Security Program and will bring together an audience of parliamentarians and policy makers across the

region as well as high profile experts from international and non-governmental organisations, civil society and academia. Mrs. Holness said, “We depend heavily on the internet, it brings many opportunities and while it facilitates this openness, it also makes individuals and companies easy prey for hackers and fraudsters. The government has a responsibility and a mandate to ensure that cyber security is high on the national agenda”. The workshop seeks to strengthen parliamentarians’ awareness of cyber security threats and promote the implementation of appropriate legislative scrutiny

We are pleased to see our parliamentarians getting themselves updated on issues especially like cyber security. You cannot lead without credible knowledge of the new developments in the areas of fraud and hacking into cyber systems. All the success to you The Most Honourable Juliet Holness, wife of our Prime Minister Andrew Holness. Knowledge is power. Commentary by Hopeton O'Connor-Dennie who is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada..

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Jamaica has dispatched two sets of army officers to Haiti and the Bahamas, to assist with disaster relief following the devastating effects of hurricane Matthew. Over a million JMD has been collected so far for Haiti. Containers of drinking water are being shipped, and an account has opened at NATIONAL COMMERCIAL BANK (NCB) Jamaica W.I., local Bank for donations. Jamaicans have strong links with Haiti. Many Jamaicans work and live in the Bahamas .... some believed to be illegally doing so. Personally I have visited Haiti on at least three occasions and would really

The latest death toll in Haiti is 452 and cholera is said to be taking lives, to add to the misery. USA/Bahamas/Cuba There are 4 reported deaths there due to hurricane Matthew. Bahamas has no reports of deaths. Jamaica did not report any deaths either. We did not get a direct hit by Matthew. Cuba has no reported deaths, but massive structural damage. God has been very good to us. Did we deserve this? The verdict as usual is yours. Hopeton O’Connor- Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.




Trump the Sexual Predator? The exposure of Trump’s conduct is indeed an embarrassment to the Republicans. McCain, Ryan and other top Republicans are distancing themselves from him as if he possesses leprosy.

Trump has denied media reports that he is a sexual predator. He accuses mainstream media of ganging up against him.

Trump the Sexual Predator, Grooming Pre-Teens From Cradle to ….. Is This So? Many locker roomers are dismissing Trump’s comments as garbage, some are even offended and a number of hockey players interviewed claim that Trump is “skating on thin ice.” Perspective: The moral dilemma facing the American voter should not be ignored. As reported in Vision Newspaper we did look at how people in America have been viewing the current race to the White House. Here is an in-depth look at the race to the White House at this stage from a moral perspective. Looking at both Candidates Hiliary Clinton 68, and Donald Trump 70: Some blacks are disillusioned by the Democrats. They say their social and economic status has not changed

much since Obama, the first black person to be elected president in the USA. Blacks are killed by police and black lives appear not to matter. The Republicans on the other hand have to be looking down on the Democrats, saying their support for example of Obama Care is misplaced. They say they are for sound family values, firm on illegal immigration and strong on crime. Trump even promised to build a wall to shut out Mexicans, referring to them as “rapists and criminals” Sexual Predator Even as the videos and sound bites point to Trumps crude behaviour, which shows a pattern of misconduct that spans up to thirty years, he dismisses the evidence. Women are now coming forward, putting a face to these claims of sexual assault/ misconduct.

Mr. Donald Trump never fails to highlight the immorality of Bill Clinton … yet he dismisses his own indiscretions. Hiliary Clinton has her problems too. Her email mess and doubts about her truthfulness is being used by Donald Trump to deflect the voters from his wrongs. We call this double standards. What I do is right but if you do the same or similar thing you are wrong and must be condemned. Not Fit For Duty The job of President of the USA, probably the most powerful person in the world needs to be seen as being held by a person who is seen as a positive role model. Such an individual is expected to portray the highest standards of morality and must be the gold standard that others are measured by. Trump is not seen by

October 16th - 31st, 2016

many as fit for duty…. certainly not for the job of president of the USA. Many including Republicans likely do not see Mrs. Hilary Clinton as such a person either.

.. “for better or worse …” She has been married only to Bill Clinton.

Are they fit for duty? … is one more than the other?

Should we agree with Trump that his utterances were just “locker room talk?” A number of hockey players interviewed dismiss that claim … full stop! … some are even embarrassed at such a claim.

Polls Recent polls after last Sunday’s debate, the latest in the series (the second to be exact) show Hiliary leading Donald by over 5 percent. They were locked close to each other each other. The latest media revelations may give her a greater surge. Interesting times are ahead in this race …Donald Trump should not be allowed to use Bill Clinton’s behaviour to stain Hiliary. Each tub must sit on its own bottom. Stability It is widely known that Trump has married three times and has children. That in itself is not immoral but speaks volumes of the man’s private life. Is Donald Trump the best example, in this regard, to emulate or be put up as a role model? Hiliary Clinton has demonstrated real stability for sticking to her husband despite his much public “girly girly” behaviour. Hilary honoured her vows

Is she stupid for staying with her man?

On the other hand, will we all accept that Clinton apologized for her poor judgement.? She accepted full responsibility for the email mess. Have we accepted that as the Justice Department said: “her conduct was not criminal?” Are we faced with making a choice between the better of the two evils/ devils? Isn’t that what the choice is? In my perspective, Hillary has experience and she is no sexual predator, and appears to pay her fair share of taxes. My choice is therefore quite clear. What is yours? Do let us get your feedback. Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.


Community What `’s On

October 16th - 31st, 2016

Events Rae Sremmurd





Family & Children

Stephaine Mills

Markham Fair

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Your Event here $25 Markham Fairgrounds 10801 McCowan Road Markham, ON

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Camp Spooky at Canada’s Wonderland

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Canada’s Wonderland 9580 Jane St Vaughan, ON October 1st - 30th, 2016

Downsview Park 35 Carl Hall Road Toronto, ON, Oct 8, 2016 to Oct 10, 2016

Rebel (formerlySound Academy) Toronto, ON Sat, 10/18/16 07:00 PM

Phoenix Concert Theatre Toronto, ON Fri, 10/21/16 08:00 PM

Air Canada Centre Toronto, ON Sat, 10/22/16 07:00 PM

Danforth Music Hall Toronto, ON Sat, 10/22/16 07:00 PM

Woodbine Concert Hall Etobicoke, ON Thu, 10/27/16 08:00 PM

Billy Ocean

Maxwell & Mary J Blidge

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Party Next Door & Jeremih

Rebel (formerlySound Academy) Toronto, ON Sat, 11/24/16 Sun, 11/25/16

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October 16th - 31st, 2016

Charly Black’s hits Latin Billboard charts Charly Black is enjoying attention from the Latin market thanks to his song Pa Que Me Invitan, with singer Jencarlos. “The collaboration came about after I was contacted by Rvssian, who is one of the producers of the

song. He reached out to me and that’s basically how it happened,” said Charly Black. Pa Que Me Invitan is his second Billboard entry. Last week it rose to number 22 on the Latin Airplay Chart and number 16 on the Latin Pop Songs Chart. It fell one place to number 32 on the Hot Latin Songs Chart. His previous Billboard hit, Gyal You A Party Animal peaked at number 13 on Billboard’s Dance/Electronic Songs Chart and number 32 on the Dance/Electronic Digital Songs Chart.

King Turbo ‘Clenches’ World Clash Title

New York, New York – October 2016 (Irish and Chin) -- Within the corridors of Queens, New York's second most populous borough, amidst a damp fall night, one of Jamaica's oldest music art forms came to life. Incredibly, the rich art of sound clash (an intense competition between sounds/ DJs specializing in Reggae and Dancehall music) illuminated Amazura, a colossal-sized venue known for entertainment concerts and events. The night in particular was that of World

Clash, sound clash's premiere annual staging with a cult-like following. Produced by Caribbean entertainment specialists Irish and Chin, “World Clash” saw a new champion in the wee hours of Sunday morning, October 9. Following an intense and exciting 5 hour musical war, after a final showdown between Canada’s King Turbo and Germany's Warrior sound, King Turbo clenched the “World Clash” victory. The hard working sound became the second Canadian sound to win the coveted clash during its famed 18 year history. Referred to as the "big” league of clashes by industry standards, World Clash attracted scores of revelers over the weekend. Built on the theme “The Rise

of New Champions,” sound clash fans converged to witness a burgeoning fleet of sounds take their shots at international fame and bragging rights on the “big” stage. The line-up of 7 sound systems from 5 countries, included Innocent (US), Young Hawk (US), Warrior (Germany), Jugglerz (Germany), King Tubby's (United Kingdom), Renaissance (Jamaica) and King Turbo (Canada). “The Rise of New Champions is the start of a new beginning for global visibility of sound clash culture,” says Garfield “Chin” Bourne of Irish and Chin. “It’s the cultivation of new stars, which help the sound industry move into the future.” From a spectator's standpoint "World Clash" boasted the lights, bells and whistles of a mega concert, complete with video montages and electronic signage. But it was up to competing sounds, via music, speech, stage presence and timing, to live up to “World Clash’s” high standards. While some sounds excelled, offering patrons larger-than-life authentic sound clash experiences, others missed the

mark a bit. The tough New York audience eliminated Innocent, Young Hawk, Jugglerz, King Tubby’s and Renaissance in early rounds, resulting in a heated “tune-fi-tune” (one on one music selection battle) between King Turbo and Warrior. Notably, consistent performances from these remaining sounds throughout the night, made them the clash’s shining stars. Warrior thrived with good music, while King Turbo’s verbal and musical assault, delivered by sharp MC Ricky Turbo, thrust them into the final stretch. The crowd showed no mercy during the most important round of the clash, either avidly standing behind or against the sounds for their selections. Both sounds took chances with tunes that were sometimes deemed “too regular” by the audience to win. At the end of the clash, Warrior and King Turbo were deadlocked 5 to 5, with one song left to determine the winner. Anxiety was high, as the audience gasped before the final tune. Then, King Turbo befittingly unleashed “Burial” by Andrew Tosh and the rest was history!

Peter Tosh Museum one of Jamaica’s most important music heritage sites – Grange entertainment tours will further enhance Jamaica’s heritage tourism package,” she said. “I am pleased with the work of Pulse Chairman, Kingsley Cooper and the Peter Tosh estate for making this vision a reality as this museum was long overdue,” Minister Grange said.

KINGSTON, Jamaica – Thursday, October 20, 2016 – Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Honourable Olivia Grange, has described the new Peter Tosh Museum as one of the most important music heritage sites in Kingston. Minister Grange was speak-

ing at the opening of the museum at the Peter Tosh Square, located in the courtyard at the Pulse Centre, New Kingston, Jamaica on Wednesday. “Kingston was recently designated a UNESCO Creative City of Music and adding the Peter Tosh Museum to the list of

She said the establishment of the museum is in keeping with the Government’s commitment to foster further development of the cultural and creative industries for increased opportunities for human development and wealth creation. Minister Grange also highlighted that a key objective of her Ministry this term, is to estab-

lish a state of the art cultural complex to house a modern Jamaican Music Museum and performance hall. In recounting her personal encounters and interactions with Peter Tosh, the Minister said “he was great artist who saw the world from a unique perspective and he expressed it — often in colourful and creative ways — that caused the rest of us to rethink beliefs, to take action against an injustice, among a host of other feelings and actions.” “Those of us who were blessed to know Peter personally, live with many memories of this one-of-a-kind, exceptional man. Without a doubt, Peter Tosh was

one of Jamaica’s most illustrious musicians, a nationalist, a Pan-Africanist, and an advocate for human rights,” the Minister added. Commentary We congratulate all for launching this museum. Peter Tosh lived under the shadow of Bob Marley, so it is most appropriate that Tosh got his own long overdue recognition. Visit for more details on Tosh’s museum opening, we were there. Commentary is by Hopeton O’ConnorDennie who is Senior International Correspondent & Photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.

October 16th - 31st, 2016



GOOD GOOD Productions drops new Vybz Kartel Video Zum, CEO of Good Good Productions, shared

DeeWunn Announces Release Of Street Album BUNX UP Rum” ft. Marcy Chin and Sly Rankin. Additionally the recently released single “In The Ghetto”, which premiered via Reggaeville on September 26th will also be highlighted and serve as DeeWunn’s first official North American radio release.

Good Good productions has also seen recent success with the Cure Pain Riddim project that features; Alkaline, Jahmiel, Bugle, Demarco, I Octane, Kymani Marley, Masicka, Mavado, Vybz Kartel among others. The label also has upcoming projects that will feature Vybz Kartel and his former Gaza Empire protégés; Noted music and promotions label, Good Good Productions, has released a brand new video project from Incarcerated Dancehall Superstar Vybz Kartel. The video was shot for the single ‘Who Trouble Dem’, a track that forms a part of the label’s recent Dancehall juggling project – the Success Riddim released this July. Kartel’s ‘Who Trouble Dem’ single speaks about the age old subject of jealousy, this time however if details someone who faces ‘badmind’ from friends who he grew up with but are now unhappy with his success. The video itself, directed by

Georgia based film crew HD Genesis Films, was shot in Atlanta and brings to life the concept of the single with the lead character seeing his former friends’ jealousy when he returns to his hometown. Good Good Productions is no stranger to working with Vybz Kartel and has been recording with him since 2010, the year the label itself was officially established. “Kartel’s writing style is very different and very unique. He uses certain topics that you wouldn’t think could be made into a song and he makes it work, that’s what impresses me about his lyrics”

“I will be staging Vybz Kartel’s Birthday Bash on January 7th at Dump Up Beach Montego Bay, it will feature Vybz Kartel’s former students like Tommy Lee, Lisa Hyper, Merital, Blak Ryno and more. To preempt that event we will be releasing the Vybz School Riddim that will feature all these artistes as well” Zum added The ‘Who Trouble Dem’ single on the Success Riddim from Good Good Productions can be purchased on all digital platforms including ITunes. The Official Music Video can be viewed on Vybz Kartel’s Vevo Channel and on YouTube.

Hybrid Culture is proud to announce the release of DeeWunn’s Street LP, BUNX UP, featuring his recent viral smash “Mek It Bunx Up” alongside an additional 9 banging tunes produced by Kunley McCarthy of the famed, Ward 21. BUNX UP oozes with modern dancehall charisma yet still holds true to the core elements that created some of the most beloved Jamaican hits of the 80�s, 90�s and early 00�s. The album includes the viral sensation “Mek It Bunx Up”, which was recently made famous thanks to a washer of fan made dance videos led by Parris Goebels contribution which now stands at almost 3 million views. Other notable collaborations featured are “Get Vex” ft. Timberlee, “Gimme 60” ft. Natalie Storm, “Highgrade, White

BUNX UP is a showcase of DeeWunns best recordings over the last few years,sourcing material from his with Ward 21’s Camp; Bada Bada Gang, it compiles fan and D.J favorites to form a versatile, fiery, lyrical and danceable journey through DeeWunn’s musical history to date. Distributed by Zojak World Wide, BUNX UP is now available on all major digital retailers as well as can be streamed on Spotify. Stay tuned by following @DeeWunn on Twitter and Instagram and make sure to check out the #BunxUpChallenge happening now on Instagram! For more information concerning DeeWunn or Hybrid Culture please contact their management team at info@imsoomg. com today!

Upcoming Albums

Gucci Mane Woptober

Joe Budden Rage and the Machine

Woptober (styled as “WOPTOBER”) is the tenth studio album by American rapper Gucci Mane. It was released on October 14, 2016, by Atlantic Records and 1017 Records.[1] The album features guest appearances from Rick Ross and Young Dolph, as well as the production that was provided by London on da Track, Honorable C.N.O.T.E., Zaytoven, Will-A-Fool, Southside, Metro Boomin and Drumma Boy, among others.

After several collaborations together over the past couple years, Joe Budden & producer Araabmuzik are taking their chemistry to the next level. At the stroke of midnight, the two released their new joint project Rage & The Machine, which is obviously a play off the 90’s rock-band “Rage Against The Machine.” Containing 11 tracks in total, the follow up to Joe’s All Love Lost album features guest appearances from Tory Lanez, Fabolous, Joell Ortiz, Stacy Barthe, Jazzy, and Emanny. Led by the previously heard singles “Flex” & “I Gotta Ask,” fans can now stream the entire project via Apple Music. To coincide with the album, Joe is about to hit the road this Fall for “The Rage” tour,

The Game 1992 1992 is the eighth studio album by American rapper The Game. It is due to be released on October 14, 2016, by Blood Money Entertainment and eOne Music.[1] The album features one single guest appearance by R&B singer Jeremih, as well as uncredited appearances by Osbe Chill and Jason Derulo. Two months after releasing his previous double album The Documentary 2 and The Documentary 2.5 respectively, The Game took to Instagram to announce his next project entitled “1992”. Without saying too much about the album, he did reveal the album will have no guest appearances and the project will be executive produced by Nigerian producer and frequent collaborator Bongo.[2] The album’s artwork was designed by Joe Cool, famed artist who is most famous for designing the cover of Snoop Dogg’s famed album Doggystyle.

The Outlawz Living Legends Outlawz, formerly known as Outlaw Immortalz and Dramacydal, is an American hip hop group founded by Tupac Shakur in late 1995 after Shakur’s release from prison. Collectively, they are best known for their association with Tupac Shakur. This October 30th the rap group returns with there latest album Living Legends.



October 16th - 31st, 2016

Kartel Clothing Line Ready For Jamaican Market In Time For Fashion Night Out

After a grand launch party held at the end of July, where they announced they were ready for international orders on, Official VK Line is announcing they are now ready for Jamaica. The website currently receives orders from as close as the United States and as far as Switzerland. Official VK Line’s decision to make this big announcement is partially due to the continuous usage of Vybz Kartel’s name and image to market products not authorized by the

artist. “We’ve had prospective customers send us pictures of and attempt to place orders for merchandise that isn’t from our brand” said brand manager, Shona-Lee S. Thompson, “so we have decided to make an announcement detailing where locals can get official and authorized Vybz Kartel merchandise and to issue a warning to those violating his intellectual property rights.” To purchase in Jamaica, Gaza fans can message via Whatsapp on (876) 480-9300 or visit House of Dancehall. “Due to the chal-

lenges with piracy and counterfeit goods, we are adamant that retailers in Jamaica must go through a stringent application process, for example, Urbana Stryd went through the process and was approved,” said Thompson. She stated that the brand looks forward to working with other stores, provided they apply and are approved. “…especially those outside of the corporate area so we can meet the demand that exists in Western Jamaica.” Their retailers are however not limited to Jamaica as stores as far as Italy are stocked with Official VK Line merchandise. Usain Bolt’s camp issued a similar warning recently, with mention that they would take legal action against those using his intellectual-property without permission. About a month after Jamaica’s biggest athlete having to issue a warning, is one being issued from Jamaica’s biggest artiste. One has to wonder if this all stems

from the success of “brand Jamaica”. “The priority for Vybz Kartel in this venture has been the charitable work, so whilst dealing with issue of piracy in Jamaica and abroad, we continue to work with schools in Portmore to assist in ways we see fit. Although if anyone of them reach out to us to assist in other ways we’re wiling” said Ms. Thompson. At their launch party, she had announced their plans for a robotics class. gaza bannerThe launch party was held at House of Dancehall, located at 6 Cargill Avenue, set to be the next it restaurant/bar. The event was by invitation only and saw the likes of K’Shema Francis, DJ Sparks and Dr. Carolyn Cooper. Guests were treated to complimentary Gaza Rum mixes given names like Summertime and Buss Mi Gun, and were fed by a jerk chicken/soup man and coconut jelly man in true Dancehall form. Entertainment was provided by Ricky Trooper

on the turntables playing Vybz Kartel hits, vocal renditions of Vybz Kartel’s songs in R&B remixes and a saxophonist wowing the crowd playing several of “di Teacha’s” songs. The event culminated with a fashion show with the House of Dancehall bar counter serving as the runway. The models then handed out gift boxes to all the guests, filled with goodies from the clothing line, “The Voice of the Jamaican Ghetto“ and Urbana Stryd. The brand is based on Vybz Kartel’s Gaza Movement and is poised to take over urban fashion globally. It currently features shirts for both male and female, shorts and intimate wear for the “Gaza girls”, caps, beanies, and more. House of Dancehall is now open and is the only place to get the Summertime, Buss Mi Gun and Colouring Book Gaza Rum mixes. Advertisment


Sept 24th - Oct 7th, 2015

DIGICEL KICKSTART PLAYERS JET OFF TO MANCHESTER CITY This year, the selected players will get to see the likes of Kevin De Bruyne, Raheem Sterling and Sergio Aguero in action against Southampton FC.

Thursday 20th October 2016 – Castries, St. Lucia: The Digicel Kickstart programme is giving 12 young aspiring footballers an opportunity of a lifetime – to visit Manchester City to train with, and learn from, some of the best coaches in the world. The 12 boys were handpicked from a total of 420 boys who participated in the Kickstart Programme which hosted fourteen Clinics across the Caribbean and Central America, followed by the Academy in Jamaica in June. The Manchester City experience the twelve boys are embarking on is a bespoke training programme delivered by City Football Schools at the City Football Academy, Manchester City’s elite training and youth development facility. Throughout the week, they will have the opportunity to train like a professional footballer and to learn how to improve their skills on and off the pitch. In advance of the upcoming visit, Alan Dixon, City Football Schools Project Manager, who led the coaching team for the Kickstart Clinics and Academy, said: “Everyone at Manchester City is looking forward to welcoming the boys to the City Football Academy. During the Clinics and the Academy, they

all demonstrated a great work ethic and their skills improved greatly as a result of their hard work and commitment. “Initiatives like Digicel’s Kickstart programme are important for young players who want to improve their game and we are delighted to support it. We encourage the boys coming to Manchester to keep working hard to ensure they can make the most of this experience.” According to Peter Lloyd, Director of Marketing for Digicel Group, “It’s been very encouraging to watch the boys’ growth over the past few months and to hear the great feedback from the coaches. They’ve all worked very hard and I implore them to soak up as much as they can from this once in a lifetime opportunity.” Lloyd continued; “Our partnership with Manchester City continues to go from strength to strength and it shows in the number of participants and the overall engagement numbers which have grown by over 40% across our social media platforms compared to last year.” The six boys who took part in last year’s programme, also visited the Etihad Stadium to watch Manchester City battle against Everton, which finished in a 0-0 stalemate.

The Digicel Kickstart programme provides an avenue for young footballers to improve their talents and skills, but what is truly remarkable about the programme is its emphasis on character building for growth and maturity in all facets of life. The entire Manchester City Experience will be captured by and shared through 30-minute programmes on SportsMax Other highlights from the experience will be shared via Digicel’s social media platforms in the form of live updates and 15 seconds to one minute clips. Commentary It is an established fact that we have been supportive of Digicel’s initiative to assist youngsters to improve their lives through football. The Kickstart programme is excellent. Many young talents have been unearthed and lives/futures brightened as a result of this futuristic initiative. We think this is a visionary move that has a certain payday down the road. Keep up the good work Digicel! Commentary by Hopeton O’ConnorDennie who is Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada.


Jamaican Vashil Fernandez Signs NBA Deal with Miami Heat

Former Calabar High School star basketballer Vashil Fernandez has signed a contract to play for the Miami Heat in this season's National Basketball Association (NBA) championship in the United States of America. The Heat announced the signing of Fernandez yesterday, but did not disclose the terms of the deal, citing club policy. The 24-year-old Fernandez is the all-time leading shot blocker at Valparaiso University, playing all four seasons with the Crusaders and appearing in 131 games. The 6'10" Fernandez last represented the Jamaica senior team at the Tournament of Americas in Venezuela in 2013. President of the Jamaica Basketball Association, Dr Mark Broomfield, said he is elated with Fernandez's achievement and expects him to do well in the NBA. "I know where Fernandez is coming from because he has worked hard, and so he deserves to be where he is at now," said Broomfield. "It's also good to see a bas-

ketball player coming out of our high-school system and signing for a team in the NBA, because it augurs well for the development of basketball in Jamaica," he said. "This goes to show that we have the talent here in Jamaica, but we just need the support to help our players to get to the next level," Broomfield said. Fernandez averaged 4.7 points, 5.1 rebounds and two blocks while shooting 54 per cent from the field during his collegiate career. As a senior, he led the National Collegiate Athletic Association in blocks per game and was named the Horizon League Defensive Player of the Year for the second consecutive season. Fernandez, who finished his career with 289 blocks, will wear the number 14 jersey for the Heat. Former Jamaica College star Jerome Jordan is the last local player to suit up for an NBA team. Jordan, who plays centre, represented the Brooklyn Nets in 2015.



October 16th - 31st, 2016

Miss Lou Archives Launched at the National Library of Jamaica Speaking at the launch of the Archives on Thursday, Minister Grange, said her Ministry, through its agency, the National Library of Jamaica, continues to take steps to further promote the works of the Honourable Louise Bennett Coverley.

confine to our glorious past. She is still relevant today… And her legacy lives in us and here at the National Library,” the Minister expressed. The launch comes on the heels of the 97th anniversary of Miss Lou’s birth. Commentary

Professor Mervyn Morris presents a copy of his book, Miss Lou: Louise Bennett and Jamaican Culture, to Honourable Olivia Grange at the launch of the Miss Lou Archive at the National Library of Jamaica today, Thursday, October 20, 2016.

KINGSTON, Jamaica – Friday, October 21, 2016 – The Minister of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, Honourable Olivia Grange, has officially launched the Miss Lou Archives at the National Library of Jamaica. “I am very pleased to open the Miss Lou Archives at the National Library of Jamaica. Miss Lou has played so many roles in Jamaican culture. She was folklorist, poet, actress, author, songwriter, singer, comedienne and activist. However, through this new resource — the Miss Lou Archives — we get a glimpse into the life of this Jamai-

can cultural icon as we’ve never seen before,” the Minister said. According to Minister Grange, the Miss Lou Archives includes her personal collection of unpublished material including photographs, recordings, diaries, letters & drafts in her own hand, and among other artefacts. The Minister said, “The Archive adds to the vast treasure trove of works by Jamaicans and about Jamaica housed at the National Library of Jamaica; and which we proudly share with the rest of the world.”

She used the opportunity to encourage literary masters and content creators in various sectors to deposit their works at the National Library, “as we have a competent team that will manage, preserve and share the archives with the nation (and the world) for all times.”

It is great that the Culture Ministry has seen it fit to focus on collaborating with entities in the performing arts in paticular to preserve Jamaica’s cultural Heritage for posterity.

She thanked the leadership and staff of the National Library of Jamaica for their hard work in cataloguing and presenting the Miss Lou Archives.

This late reggae artiste was immortalized recently when a museum was opened in Kingston, Jamaica W.I. to keep alive his work.

“We also pay tribute to archivist Rosemary Dodd who worked with the National Library staff on this important project and to McMaster University, which will work with our National Library team on innovative ways to manage this national resource,” Minister Grange added. “Miss Lou will not and cannot be

Peter Tosh Museum

Miss Lou is one such cultural icon who retired and died in Canada. Minister Grange must be congratulated for her support/ work, and for all concerned for their Vision. Without vision the people will perish. Commentary is by Hopeton O’ConnorDennie, SIC … who was at Peter Tosh’s museum opening.


The highly anticipated ‘Queens of Reggae Island Honorary Ceremonies –QORIHC - set for October 30 2016, will see proceeds of the event going towards assisting the various charities of the Gregory Isaacs foundation. The Foundation, which was established in 2010 to continue the charity work already started by the Cool Ruler - Gregory Issacs while he was alive, has successfully supported various initiatives at locations that require that assistance. Locations include; the St. Barnabas Basic

School in Fletchers Land, Walkers Place of Safety on Lyndhurst Road, the Black Harmony Basic School in Spanish Town as well as general support to the National Council on Drug Abuse in Jamaica. The decision to support the foundation through part proceeds of QORIHC was a simple one, the CEO of the event, Mye Laurell, had covered Issacs’ infamous ‘Night Nurse’ single with the permission of June Issacs, Gregory’s widow and Colln Leslie, Chairman of the Foundation. Through this interaction Mye got to see firsthand the work the foundation was doing and wanted to assist not only with musical tributes but with actual monetary contributions.

“ I’m all for supporting great initiatives and the Gregory Issacs Foundation has done so much since its inception and will be doing so much more that I had to be a part of that” Mye Laurell, CEO of NyteNursePro, coordinators of QORIHC, shared The Gregory Isaacs foundation is also in full support of the QORIHC event concept of honoring women in Jamaican Culture and Entertainment Arts sectors as an annual initiative. “This is a fantastic idea and the first of its kind so the Gregory Isaacs foundation had to support QORIHC. It’s also a special month for us as we are celebrating Gregory’s Order Of Distinction which was accepted by his widow on Heroes Day in Kingston. In London, where he spend a bit of time prior to his death, he has been honored with a Blue Plaque as well” Colin Leslie, Chairman of the Gregory Issacs Foundation explained Specific females to be honored at this year’s ceremonies are; Veteran Reggae Artiste Sister Nancy, whose worldwide hit "Bam Bam" is the most sampled female hit in the history

of modern reggae music, Gifted Video Director Nordia Rose, TV Broadcaster Elaine Wint, Founder of Sun City Radio Doreen Billings or ‘Mama B’, Dancehall Fashion Designer Audrey Farquharson,Renowned Dancehall Queen Carlene, Government Minister The Honorable Babsy Grange andDancehall Dancing Instructors Latonya Styles and Dance Ja studios. “The 2016 ceremony will be held on October 30 at the Courtleigh Auditorium and is hosted by veteran broadcaster Francois St Juste, QORIRC is proudly under the patronage of the Mayor of Kingston Councillor Dr. Angela Brown Burke. The event will see a slew of appearances including a special performance from Reggae Crooner Duane Stephenson and a special tribute to Reggae pioneer Rita Marley. For more information on the honorary awards ceremony and to purchase tickets, follow the NyteNursePro foundation or ‘Queens of Reggae Island Honorary Ceremonies –QORIHC on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram

October 16th - 31st, 2016



Minister Bartlett Outlines Plans to Use Gastronomy Tourism to Transform Key Jamaican Cities having talks with the Prime Minister and his fellow Members of Parliament in the city “to see how we can move this process forward because it can redefine Montego Bay in so many ways.” He is aware that a number of elements must come together to create this new experience and is hoping for buy-in from other stakeholders including the Montego Bay Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the Parish Council and the Urban Development Corporation.

MONTEGO BAY, Jamaica; Two of the busiest streets in two of the island’s key cities could become major tourism hubs, based on the vision outlined by Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett. He also foresees the town of Buff Bay in Portland being transformed by cottage industries utilizing coffee. Montego Bay’s St. James Street and Kingston’s Knutsford Boulevard have already taken on certain characteristics of their own but Minister Bartlett believes so much more can be done to make them appeal to the growing gastronomy or food-based tourism market. The Minister explained his vision while addressing journalists at the first gastronomy seminar on fats and oils, hosted jointly by the Ministry’s Tourism Linkages Network and Seprod Group at the Hilton Rose Hall Resort and Spa yesterday (October 12, 2016). The event was dubbed; The Gastronomy of Fats and Oils – The Art of Choosing, Preparing and Cooking Good Food. It entailed a series of presentations

by chefs and experts on how to effectively use fats and oils to further enhance culinary delights within the tourism sector. Minister Bartlett said in the context of a development strategy, “while we talk about gastronomy in the broad sense of consumption, it is also a development tool because it gives an opportunity for infrastructural development.”

“Where I have seen these things work well it’s a mix of commercial activity and dormitory with people living on the upper floors along the corridor and at the base there are the restaurants and shops,” he added. Numerous examples exist in various countries on how this can be achieved but the will is needed, noted Mr. Bartlett, adding “we will get investment; investors will come in to do it.”

Regarding Montego Bay, he said the city had to be looked at in that way. “We need to reinvent the tourism product in Montego Bay and to create a new vista for expansion and growth.” Mr. Bartlett is adamant that for Montego Bay to grow, a new destination needs to be created. “I think that the new destination can definitely revolve around food and entertainment.”

Regarding Kingston’s Knutsford Boulevard, this would complement Devon House which is being positioned as a major centre for gastronomy tourism. “Knutsford Boulevard right now offers itself because we have all the key hotels along the strip, and then we have high-rise buildings and a number of restaurants already on the ground floor,” noted the Tourism Minister.

His vision is that from City Centre, running the length of St. James Street in the heart of the commercial district to Barnett Street “is a perfect area that literally invites itself for that kind of development.” In pursuit of this initiative Mr. Bartlett said he would be

He added, “it’s an opportunity for us to think it through a little deeper and to bring the stakeholders together. I can see it happening and I believe that is something that we definitely are going to be pursuing.”

Minister Bartlett then outlined that the proposal for Portland’s Buff Bay Valley takes into consideration that only 20 percent of the coffee bean it produces goes into the production of the world famous Blue Mountain brand beverage. Minister Bartlett envisages the remaining 80 percent being the raw material for a range of cottage industries. “In other countries people use the unused portion of the coffee beans to make products such as colognes, coffee oil and even fabric. I am excited about that because I think Buff Bay is the right place for it and it will create a new vista of hope for people and jobs and it is not only those who plant coffee or the big producers who will benefit, but the average man in the street can have the chance to benefit also,” said Minister Bartlett. Commentary We congratulate Minister Bartlett for focusing on gastronomical matters … people must eat to live whether local or tourist. We have already published an article on this matter and plan to continue to support the Tourism Ministry’s initiative to pay closer attention to the food aspects of the tourism offerings. The development of cities is a great idea as proposed by Minister Bartlett. Commentary by Hopeton O’Connor-Dennie (Senior International Correspondent & photojournalist for Vision Newspaper Canada)


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others who you hold in high esteem.

on the path of love as it wishes.

#CANCER (June 21July 22) Love is about to show you how sweet you are.

#LIBRA (September 23-October 22) Being a bystander for now, and not getting too involved with the issues of life, and the complications that others cause, could teach you a thing or two about yourself.

#LEO (July 23-August 22) Paying attention to the spiritual signs and symbols around you is the best way to increase your awareness, and not neglect your higher calling. #VIRGO (August 23-September 22) Feeling the love around you getting dormant? Perhaps it’s not as spicy as you would want it to be. Regardless, be patient and continue to allow life to lead you

#SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Open your eyes to your inner peace and love. You have so much of it, so don’t hesitate to share it. Love others and be free to say the words as well. #SAGITTARIUS (November 22- December 21)

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