(c) Revista Diseño Floral Online n.3/2012
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 1
DIRECTORIO: Directores: Roxana Barrientos y Alberto Zaverio Diseño y Diagramación: Alberto Zaverio Textos, Traducción y Revisión: Marianna Martínez Alberto Zaverio Roxana Barrientos Fotografía: Alberto Zaverio Roxana Barrientos
Colaboradores: Gregor Lersch Daniel Santamaria Llum Benedicto Chang Sung Won Natalia Zhizhko Pavel Chernyak
Asesoria Legal: Sandra Matos Ron sandmato@gmail.com
Venta y Publicidad: AlyroInternational Floral Events www.alyrofloralevents.com alyrofloralevents@gmail.com revistadisenofloral@gmail.com +39 338 1349974 R.B. Producciones mariannaemb@gmail.com +58 412 7487153
Reproducción parcial o completa con previa autorización de AlyroInternational Floral Events y R.B. Producciones.
Revista “Diseño Floral”, una editorial de vanguardia que recopila los más importantes eventos del arte floral de América Latina y el mundo, con más de 8 años de trayectoria se ha posicionado como una referencia importante que reúne culturas, tendencias de diseño floral, memorables encuentros y mucho más, convirtiéndola de este modo, incluso, como una gran inversión en materia publicitaria para aquellas marcas y servicios que quieren traspasar fronteras. Este año 2012 “Diseño Floral” llega por primera vez en versión digital para llegar a más personas alrededor del mundo y satisfacer la demanda de sus lectores. Un gran paso en esta era digital pero la misma esencia de calidad y compromiso.
“Diseño Floral” magazine, a leading publishing that collects the most important events of floral art from Latin America and the world, with over 8 years of experience has positioned itself as an important reference that brings together cultures, floral design trends, and more memorable encounters, making it even as a large investment in advertising for those brands and services that want to cross borders. This year 2012 "Floral Design" comes for the first time in digital format to reach more people around the world and meet the demand of its readers. A major step in this digital age but the very essence of quality and commitment. Roxana Barrientos and Alberto Zaverio
Roxana Barrientos y Alberto Zaverio
Rivista“Diseño Floral” , il prodotto editoriale che presenta al lettore i piu' interessanti appuntamenti di arte floreale dell'America Latina e del mondo, una pubblicazione che vanta più di 8 anni di presenza sul mercato editoriale, un punto di riferimento che si propone di riunire culture e tendenze dell'arte floreale, fornire il resoconto dei piu' significativi momenti di incontro nel campo del fiore e del verde, un investimento pubblicitario garantito ed uno strumento di promozione di aziende, imprese e fornitori che vogliano superare le frontiere nazionali per proiettarsi nel mercato globale. In questo 2012 la rivista “Diseño Floral” si traforma in formato digitale con l'obiettivo di raggiungere vette di diffusione ancora piu' interessanti e venire incontro alle esigenze di un numero sempre maggiore di lettori. Un passo nel mondo di Internet, un formato facile da consultare, con la qualità e l'attenzione di sempre. Roxana Barrientos e Alberto Zaverio
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 3
INDEX 03/2012 cover by (c) Luciano Lessio
2012 WORLD FAIRS pag. 58-63
p.4 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 5
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 7
Volvemos aquí a los días de Iberiada Argentina 2012 presentando el trabajo realizado por los diseñadores florales invitados a la 29 ª edición del Congreso IberoAmericano de Floristas, Daniel Santamaría, España, Natalia Zhizhko y Pavel Chernyak, Rusia y Chang Sung Won, Corea del Sur, con el apoyo de los colegas argentinos e internacionales de la Escuela
Let's go back to the beautiful days of Iberiada Argentina 2012 presenting you a full reportage of the floral arrangements realized by the invited guests during the past XXIX edition of the Congress of the lberoamerican florists. Daniel Santamaria, from Spain, Natalia Zhizhko and Pavel Chernyak, from Russia, and Chang Sugng Won, from South Korea, assisted by argentinian and
Revista “Diseño 03/2012 p. 9 p.9 , Revista “DiseñoFloral” Floral” n.03/2012
Torniamo qui alle giornate di Iberiada Argentina 2012 presentandovi i lavori realizzati dai floral designer invitati alla 29° edizione del Congresso Iberoamericano dei Fioristi. Daniel Santamaria, Spagna, Natalia Zhizhko e Pavel Chernyak, Russia, e Chang Sugng Won, Corea del Sud, assistiti dai colleghi argentini ed internazionali della Escuela
Cada uno de ellos ha llevado a Buenos Aires, un poco de su país de origen, la sensibilidad y las características, estilos y modas de su naciones, en una combinación de técnicas, colores y profesionalismo demostrado facilmentemente cuál es el objetivo del arte floral: unir a la gente, a los profesionales del arte floral, cada uno aportando un poco de sí mismos, de su propia cultura, contribuyendo a la creación de arte floral sin límites. Una semana muy ocupada, donde la flor y el arte fueron los protagonistas, donde la elaboración floral despertó el asombro y la admiración de los participantes quienes se comprometieron a aprovechar al máximo la oportunidad de capacitación que EIAF y ADEFI ofrecen cada año a los floristas de América Latina haciendo de Iberiada gran evento. Volvemos aquí a los días de Iberiada Argentina 2012 presentando el trabajo realizado por los diseñadores florales invitados a la 29 ª edición del Congreso Ibero Americano de Floristas, Daniel Santamaría, España, Natalia Zhizhko y Pavel Chernyak, Rusia y Chang Sung Won, Corea del Sur, con el apoyo de los colegas argentinos e internacionales de la Escuela Iberoamericana de Arte FloralEIAF, quienes brindaron a los 120 participantes de 21 países del mundo una clase de arte al más alto nivel floral. Una fórmula que parece funcionar perfectamente, incluyendo talleres, demostraciones y oportunidades para la socialización entre los participantes. Una forma de compartir, crecer, aprender nuevas técnicas y nuevas tendencias para estar a la par con la evolución del mundo floral, en un clima de amistad y de compañerismo. Iberiada Argentina 2012 resultó ser el encuentro adecuado de diseñadores florales de Europa y Asia y y amantes de este hermoso arte, todos reunidos para dar vida a un espectáculo inolvidable. El mundo está cambiando, todas las ediciones de Iberiada tienen su propia singularidad y poder de atracción, el próximo año Iberiada 2013 seguirá desarrollandose en el nombre de las novedades y con cambios importantes en el programa: todavía hay mucho por descubrir en el arte floral. .. y el próximo año ¿Qué país será el afortunado?
Let's go back to the be Argentina 2012 presentin the floral arrangements guests during the past Congress of the lbero Santamaria, from Spain Pavel Chernyak, from R Won, from South Korea, and international florists partecipants from 21 Cou master class in floral art some of the country characteristics, styles an tecniques, colours and the final aim of floral culture, to meet toget flowers lover, with no bo language of beauty. An in Buenos Aires, flowers protagonist of this gr opportunity that EIAF latinamerican colleagu professionalism. Int expectacular demonstra together with internatio this is the winning formu share experiences, to le trends, to be abreast with world. Iberiada achieved will take you important n
eautiful days of Iberiada ng you a full reportage of realized by the invited t XXIX edition of the oamerican florists.Daniel n, Natalia Zhizhko and Russia, and Chang SuNg , assisted by argentinian s of the EIAF, gave 120 untries, a special top level t. Each of them bringing of origin, sensibility, nd habits, in a mix of professionalism. This is art: to join people and ther professionals and orders, speaking the some eventful week we spent s and floral art were the reat event, the annual And ADEFI give all ue to improve their teresting workshop, ations, time to spent onal colleagues, tourism: ula of Iberiadas. A way to earn new tecniques and h the times, in a changing d its goal, next Iberiada news too...
Torniamo qui alle giornate di Iberiada Argentina 2012 presentandovi i lavori realizzati dai floral designer invitati alla 29° edizione del Congresso Iberoamericano dei Fioristi. Daniel Santamaria, Spagna, Natalia Zhizhko e Pavel Chernyak, Russia, e Chang Sung Won, Corea del Sud, assistiti dai colleghi argentini ed internazionali della Escuela Iberoamericana de Arte Floral EIAF, hanno regalato ai 120 partecipanti, provenienti da 21 Paesi del mondo, una lezione di arte floerale ad altissimo livello. Ciascuno di loro ha portato a Buenos Aires un po' del Paese di provenienza, la sensibilità e le caratteristiche, gli stili e le mode del proprio Paese, in un mix di tecniche, di colori e di professionalità che dimostrato in maniera incontrovertibile qual è l'obiettivo dell'arte floreale: unire le genti, il popolo dei professionisti dell'arte floreale, ciascuno apportando un poco di sé, della propria cultura contribuendo alla creazione di un'arte floreale senza confini. Una settimana intensa, dove il fiore e l'arte floreale sono stati i protagonisti indiscussi, dove gli elaborati floreali hanno suscitato lo stupore e l'ammirazione de partecipanti, impegnati a sfruttare al massimo l'opportunità formativa che EIAF e ADEFI offrono ogni anno ai fioristi latinoamericani in occasione del grande evento Iberiada.Una formula che sembra funzionare alla perfezione, tra workshop, dimostrazioni e momenti di socializzazione tra i partecipanti. Un modo per confrontarsi, per crescere, per apprendere nuove tecniche e nuove tendenze, per rimanere al passo con l'evoluzione del mondo floreale, in un clima di amicizia e condivisione. Iberiada Argentina 2012 si è rivelata il contenitore adatto, i floral designer invitati il meglio dell'arte floreale internazionale, tutti insieme riuniti per dar vita ad uno spettacolo indimenticabile. Il mondo cambia e Iberiada cavalca il cambiamento, tutte le edizioni hanno una propria particolarità e forza di attrazione, la prossima Iberiada 2013 sarà ancora all'insegna della novità e con importanti cambiamenti nel programma: vi è ancora molto da scoprire nell'arte floreale...ed il prossimo anno ne vedremo delle belle!
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 11
Quédate con nosotros, siguenos desde las páginas de nuestra revista, del sitio Web de Alyro International Floral Events www.alyrofloralevents.com y la página de la Escuela Iberoamericana www.eiaf.net, el portal ADEFI www.adefi.org.ve y por Twitter y Facebook, páginas Alyro. En las siguientes imágenes te ofrecemos lo mejor de Iberiada Argentina 2012, un evento pensado para apasionarnos cada día más por el mundo floral, para dar una oportunidad más para aumentar la capacidad para hacer frente a un mercado de trabajo dimánico y estimular la propuesta de Daniel Santamaría, con obras inspiradas en la búsqueda de la creatividad y la originalidad, la propuesta Chang Sung Won, donde se encuentra la fusión de la cultura asiática con las tradiciones del país de acogida, donde la atención al detalle es un equilibrio con sus flores y colores de América Latina, las propuestas de los diseñadores rusos Natalia floral Zhizkho y Chernyak Pavel donde se refleja el estilo europeo en composiciones vigentes y de vanguardia, para impresionar al cliente y para ofrecer nuevas soluciones bajo la novedad y singularidad. Todo el trabajo presente es el resultado de una cuidadosa investigación, de un diseño nacido en la tabla, una hoja de papel, un diseño dinámico que ha sido capaz de adaptarse a los materiales y las hermosas flores las cuales contribuyen al éxito de Iberiada Argentina 2012. El '"Homenaje a Buenos Aires" con la construcción de la Catedral a pocos pasos del 5 de mayo, emblema de la historia reciente de la Argentina, sella esta XXIX edición y ofrece a los fieles, visitantes y extranjeros una visión diferente del monumento, una simbiosis perfecta entre la perfección del interior y la minuciosidad de los arreglos florales donde la flor blanca se convierte en la protagonista absoluta del arte floral que quiere salir del estrecho círculo de los profesionales para conseguir un golpe e inspirar al público en general.
p.12 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
Stay tuned, have a www.alyrofloralevents.co www.adefi.org.ve and a page and Twitter.In the the best of Iberiada Ar young florists tailorma colleagues giving them markets and clients: start Daniel Santamaria, focus proposal of the south Kor fusion between asiatic an right balance between latinamerican colours extraordinary arrangeme Pavel Chernyak, an euro trend and new compos idea to astonish the clie works that we present result of careful research sheet of paper, but of a d been able to adapt it to beautiful flowers at d 2012's Tribute to Bue decoration of the Cathed 5th May Square 5, symbo Argentina, closed this X different view of the m symbiosis between the p and the minuteness of where the white flowe protagonist.
look at our websites om, www.eiaf.net, at Alyro Facebook fan next pages we offer you rgentina 2012, an event ade, to approach new the tools to face new ting with the proposal of sed on creativity, to the rean Chang Sung Won, a nd latinamerican habits, a n asiatic details and and flowers, to the ents of Natalia Zhizkho e opean style redisgned in sitions, with the precise ent and the public. All here are of course the hes, of a design born in a dynamic design that has o the materials and the disposasalThe “Iberiada enos Aires” with the dral just a few steps from ol of the recent history of XXIX Iberiada offering a monument , in a perfect perfection of the interior the floral arrangements er became the absolute
State con noi, seguiteci dalle pagine della nostra rivista, dal sito internet di AlyroInternational Floral Events www.alyrofloralevents.com e dalla pagina della Escuela Iberoamericana www.eiaf.net, dal portale di Adefi www.adefi.org.ve nonché dalle pagine Twitter e Facebook di Alyro. Nelle immagini seguenti vi offriamo il meglio di Iberiada Argentina 2012, un'evento pensato sulle giovani leve, per avvicinare nuovi colleghi, per appassionarli al mondo floreale, per dare loro un'opportunità in più per accrescere la propria capacità di affrontare un mercato del lavoro dimanico e stimolante: dalla proposta di Daniel Santamaria, con lavori inspirati alla ricerca della creatività e dell'originalità, alla proposta di Chang Sung Won, dove si registra la fusione della cultura asiatica con le tradizioni del Paese ospitante, dove l'attenzione e la cura del particolare trova un proprio equilibrio con i fiori ed i colori dell'America Latina, alle proposte dei floral designer russi Natalia Zhizkho e Pavel Chernyak dove il tocco europeo si riflette in composizioni d'effetto e di avanguardia, per stupire il cliente e per farlo innamorare dell'arte floreale, per offrire nuove soluzioni all'insegna della novità e dell'unicità. Tutti i lavori che vi presentiamo sono naturalmente il frutto di un'accurata ricerca, sono il risultato di una progettazione nata a tavolino, da un foglio di carta, ma di una progettazione dinamica che ha saputo ben adattarsi ai materiali ed agli splendidi fiori che hanno contribuito al successo anche di Iberiada Argentina 2012. L'”Omaggio a Buenos Aires”, con l'allestimento della Cattedrale a pochi passi da Piazza 5 maggio, emblema della storia recente dell'Argentina, suggella questa XXIX edizione ed offre ai fedeli ed ai visitatori argentini e stranieri una visione diversa del monumento, una simbiosi perfetta tra la perfezione degli interni e la minuziosità degli allestimenti floreali dove il fiore bianco diventa l'assoluto protagonista di un'arte floreale che vuole uscire dalle ristretta cerchia dei professionisti di settore per arrivare a colpire ed entusiasmare il grande pubblico.
Revista “Diseño 03/2012 p. 13 p.13 ,Floral” Revista “Diseño Floral”
Cuenco textural Textural bowl
Ciotola testurizzata
DANIEL SANTAMARIA Revista“Diseño “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 15 p.15 , Revista Floral” n.03/2012
p.16 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
Corona con magnolia y crisantemo
Wreath with magnolia leaves and chrysanthemum Corona con foglie di magnolia e crisantemi
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 17
Estructura de mimbre con trabajo te
Wicker structure with a textural wo
Struttura di vimini con un lavoro te
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 19
Estructura floral p.20 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
Floral str
Struttura floreale
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 21
Esfera de Eucaliptus Eucaliptus sphere
Sfera di Eucaliptus
p.22 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
NATALIA ZHIZHKO Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 23
Centro de mesa Centrepiece
Centro tavola
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 25 p.25 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
Bouquet de mano
Hand tied bouquet Bouquet
“Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 27 p.27 ,Revista Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
Escultura floral
Floral sculpture
Scultura floreale
NATALIA ZH p.28 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
HIZHKO Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 29
Esfera c Sphere
Sfera co
p.30 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
con 3 puntos florales
with three floral spots
on tre punti di fiori
Estructura con acento floral Structure with floral accent
Struttura con accento floreale
Bouquet con estructura Structure bouquet
Bouquet con struttura Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 31
En la Catedral Metrop
p.32 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
politana de Buenos Aires
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 33
p.33 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
In the Metropolitan Ca
p.34 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
athedral of Buenos Aires
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 35
Nella Cattedrale Metrop
politana di Buenos Aires
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 37 p.37 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
p.38 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
arch 2012
Horizontal textural Horizontal texture
Texture orizzontale
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 39
Cientos de personas asistieron a estas demostraciones del Maestro Lersch en ambas ciudades, en Ciudad de Guatemala el escenario fue el hermoso Gran Hotel Futura, el cual se convirtió posteriormente en una impresionante galería para todos los diseños del maestro invitado, esta presentación fue todo un éxito tanto en taquilla como el show en sí, aflorando como siempre el talento innovador y diferente de Gregor Lersch, a esta exposición asistieron incluso personas de Honduras y El Salvador. Su segunda presentación, se realizó el día 26 de abril junto con el Club de Jardinería de Guatemala en Antigua, un lugar lleno de historia y belleza la cual se fusionó perfectamente con la propuesta artística que trajo Lersch a la ciudad. De estas actividades se obtuvieron grandes logros, entre los cuales resalta, la incorporación de nuevos alumnos a la Escuela Iberoamericana de Arte Floral. EIAF, los cuales inspirados por estas demostraciones, decidieron iniciar sus estudios profesionales, y formar parte de nuestra gran familia EIAF.
Past April, on the ini Iberoamericana de Arte F two big interesting dem conducted by Gregor protagonist of floral art direction of EIAF Guatem organizing committee c Casellas, Clara de Falla EIAF teacher Adolfo Events gave the public a quality and Hundreds of people demonstrations of the Guatemala City the hall was the scenario of a innovative and breat admired by many partec Honduras and E The second presenta cooperation with the Gar in the beautiful setting o place full of history an welcomed the artistic p master. Two activities from w results, first of all the app at the Escuela Iberoame demonstrations found th study in
Bouquet lineal con plataforma redonda Linear bouquet on a round base
Bouquet lineare su base rotonda
itiative of the Escuela Floral, Guatemala hosted monstrations masterfully r Lersch, undisputed in the world. Under the mala, its students and the composed of Olga de a, Lisbeth Casiano and Cujulun, Guatemala's an extraordinary show of d elegance. e attended the two e German master, in l of Grand Hotel Futura a big floral display of thtaking arrangements, cipants from Guatemala, El Salvador too. ation took place, in rden Club of Guatemala, of Antigua Guatemala, a nd charm that perfectly proposal of the German
which sprang important proach of new colleagues ericana that from these he incentive for further floral art.
Lo scorso mese di aprile, per iniziativa della Escuela Iberoamericana de Arte Floral, in Guatemala si sono realizzate due grandi dimostrazioni magistralmente condotte da Gregor Lersch, indiscusso protagonista dell'arte floreale a livello mondiale. La regia impeccabile del Coordinamento EIAf Guatemala e dei suoi alunni, il lavoro organizzativo e pratico di Olga de Casellas, Clara de Falla, Lisbeth Casiano e del Prof. EIAF Adolfo Cujulun hanno regalato al pubblico uno spettacolo di qualità ed eleganza. Centinaia di persone hanno assistito alle dimostrazioni del maestro tedesco, a Città del Guatemala lo scenario è stato il prestigioso Gran Hotel Futura, i cui spazi si sono trasformati nella quinta di un'installazione di arte floreale da togliere il fiato dove il talento innovatore e la ricerca di Gregor Lersch hanno dato vita ad uno spettacolo entusiasmante per i tanti partecipanti provenienti dall'intero Guatemala ed anche dai vicini Honduras e El Salvador. La seconda presentazione si è realizzata, insieme al Club de Jardineria d Guatemala, nell'incantevole cornice di Antigua Guatemala, luogo pieno di storia e di fascino che ha accolto perfettamente la proposta artistica del maestro tedesco. Due attività dalle quali scaturirono importanti risultati, primo fra tutti l'avvicinamento di nuovo colleghi alla Escuela Iberoamericana che proprio da queste dimostrazioni hanno trovato lo stimolo per proseguire nello studio e nell'aggiornamento dell'arte floreale.
Floral” 03/2012 p. 41 p.41 , Revista “DiseñoRevista Floral”“Diseño n.03/2012
p.42 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
Bouquet textural con plataforma cuadrada Textural bouquet on a square base
Bouquet su struttura a base quadrata
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 43
p.44 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
Copa de mimbre con acento floral Wicker cup with a floral accent
Coppa in vimini con un accento floreale
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 45
floral scul
scultura fl
p.46 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
a floral
Revista “Diseño Floral” Floral” 03/2012 n.03/2012 p. 47 p.47 , Revista “Diseño
Estructura con punto focal
Structure wit
Gregor Lersch y Roxana Barrientos, Directora EIAF, junto a Enrique Vita, Gerente General y Beatriz López, Gerente de Ventas de Arte y Diseño de Guatemala, Representantes de Smither Oasis para su pais y Patrocinantes de los eventos.
Gregor Lersch and Roxana Barrientos, EIAF Director, together with Enrique Vita, General Manager and Beatriz López, Sales Director of Arte y Diseño de Guatemala, representatives of Smither Oasis for Guatemala and sponsor of the Events. Gregor Lersch e Roxana Barrientos, Direttrice EIAF, assieme a Enrique Vita, Direttore Generale e Beatriz López, Direttore Vendite di Arte y Diseño de Guatemala, rappresentanti di Smither Oasis in Guatemala e sponsor degli Eventi.
th a focal point
Struttura con punto focale Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 49
Gregor Lersch y Roxana Barrientos junto al grupo de Coordinadores EIAF Guatemala, Organizadores del evento: Clara de Falla, Olga de Casellas, Lisbeth Casiano, Adolfo Cujulun y el Equipo de Colegas EIAF que apoyo al Maestro en la preparacion de su Demostracion en Ciudad de Guatemala.
Gregor Lersch and Roxana Barrientos together with the Coordinators EIAF Guatemala, organizers of the Event: Clara de Falla, Olga de Casellas, Lisbeth Casiano, Adolfo Cujulun and the team of EIAF's colleagues that assisted Gregor Lersch during preparation and demonstration in Guatemala City. Gregor Lersch e Roxana Barrientos insieme ai Coordinatori EIAF Guatemala, organizzatori dell'Evento: Clara de Falla, Olga de Casellas, Lisbeth Casiano, Adolfo Cujulun ed il team dei colleghi Eiaf assistenti del maestro nella preparazione e nella dimostrazione a CittĂ del Guatemala.
Gregor Lersch y Roxana Barrientos junto al Equipo EIAF de apoyo para la Demostracion en Ciudad de Gregor Lersch and Roxana Barrientos together with Eiaf's team that helped during Antigua's demonst Gregor Lersch e Roxana Barrientos assieme al team EIAF che ha assistito il Maestro durante la dimost
e Antigua. tration. trazione ad Antigua.
Estructura con textural en el borde Structure with texture border Struttura con bordo in texture
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 51
Valla textural
ural fence
Cortina texturale
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 53
Autoestable vertical
Autostable vertical arrangement
Composizione autostabile verticale
Floral” 03/2012 p. 55 p.55 , Revista Revista“Diseño “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
Autoestable vertical
Autostable vertical arrangement
Composizione autostabile verticale
“Diseño Floral” Floral” 03/2012 n.03/2012 p. 57 p.57Revista , Revista “Diseño
2012 World WHEN WHERE
2123 september HUNGARY Hortus Hungaricus International Horticultural Exhibition and Trade Fair
This event is the most prestigious expo of the Hungarian horticultural sector where the novelties of all important groups of horticultural products and service providers are presented year after year. The Expo means an important meeting point for the Hungarian and foreign professionals of the sector. In addition to the products and services, the prevailing trends of flower arrangement and landscape architecture are also presented at Hortus Hungaricus. This expo provides a wide variety of trends and supply of ornamental cultivation in Hungary as well as of the market of ancillary products related to the green sector.Besides the business success of every single company exhibiting at Hortus Hungaricus, the expo also aims at encouraging the purchase of gardening products by the public, educating to their taste, and giving advice on the products and their use.Groups of products exhibited at Hortus Hungaricus: cut flowers, potted ornamentals, nursery products, propagating materials, landscaping and greenery design, gardening technique, dried flowers, herbs and medicinal plants, fresh and processed fruits and vegetables, fertilisation, plant protection, packaging and decoration. Hortus Hungaricus 2012 – meeting point for cultivators, distributors and technicians of horticultural products and backend professionals of Central EuropeThis event with a great past is a unique expo due to the international interest increasing year by year.
Flora Hungaria Nagybani Virágpiac H2310 Szigetszentmiklós, Leshegy út 1/A
http://www.hortushungaricus.hu/index.php/en/ Email: info@hortushungaricus.hu
2124 Septemb Fleuramour – PASSIO
The 17th edition of the intern EventFleuramour, Passion fo the National Commandery o the 21st until Monday 2012. Numerous varieties of latest floral trends and deco bridal bouqets on th Thousands of flowers will b and nostalgic floral designs o arrangements and professio world will gather here ag masterpieces Location: National Comma Web: http://www.happen amour/
Buy tickets
http://www.happenings.be/ mo E.mail: happen
23 25 Septemb GREEN
Green Expo has grown into where green professionals co to make gardens and pu attractive with a co Green Expo is not only a pro where more than 200 exhib necessary explanations abou
Location: Flanders Exp
expos Maaltekouter 1 Website: www
Free entrance tick
E.mail: greenex p.58 , Revista “Diseño Floral” n.03/2012
Exhibitions: WHAT & INFOS
national Flower Arrangement or Flowers will take place in of Alden Biesen from Friday the 24th of September new plants and flowers, the oration tendencies, original he catwalk and so on. be part of all sorts of trendy on top level. Lovers of flower onal florists from all over the gain to admire the unique s of floral art. andery Alden Biesen (Bilzen) nings.be/en/events/fleur /home s presale: /en/catalog/products/fleura our nings@rekad.be
the Benelux green platform ome to spot the latest trends ublic green spaces more ontemporary look. ofessional fair. It’s a platform bitors are there to provide all ut their products and services.
26 29 September (TURKEY) FLORPLANT Ornamental Plants and Landscape Architecture Exhibition Antalya has taken the right to organize the World Botanic Expo in 2016! For the World Expo 2016 a big garden, a big landscape area of 900 hectares will be constructed. It is expected that more than 90 countries will participate in the Expo, that will last 6 months and it is expected that it will be visited by more than 10 million tourists. We are organizing FLORPLANT Exhibition in Antalya, before the preparations of Expo 2016, in order to create an environment, that the ornamental plants sector will meet with its national and international partners, will enhance the exports, imports, trade and production and increase the cooperations in between them. We are inviting all landscape designers, project implementers, producers, importers, exporters, to participate to our exhibition as exhibitiors in order to meet the parks and garden administrators of the municipalities, owners and managers of the hotels industry, construction industry's parks and landscape executives, foreign trade executives coming from Europe, Middle East, North Africa and Turkic Republic.
Location: Antalya Cam Piramit, Antalya
Website: www.agoras.com.tr; www.florplant.org/en E.mail: info@agoras.com.tr
po, Gent (Hal 1) + outer sitions 1 9051 Gent w.greenexpo.be ket: http://www.green tors/Registratie xpo@artexis.com Revista “Diseño 03/2012 p. 59Floral” p.59 Floral” , Revista “Diseño
3 5 October (THE NERHERLANDS) GROOTGROENPLUS The international tree nursery stock trade fair About 280 participants will welcome you during the International tree nursery trade fair GrootGroenPlus 2012 in Zundert. At this innovating fair nurseries, dealers, manufacturers and subcontractors from machinery and working equipment and many suppliers from The Netherlands and Belgium will bring you up to date with the latest developments in the branch. GrootGroenPlus offers the visitor a huge number of suppliers and other participants. Moreover, GrootGroenPlus offers excellent networking opportunities. GrootGroenPlus focuses on: Decision makers, advisors or executors at governments, institutions, housing corporations, developers, etc. in the business of construction and maintenance of public/institutional green. Retailers, i.e. garden centres and other sales channels Gardeners And of course the: Tree nurseries and dealers of tree nursery products
Location: Zundert, Meirseweg 48.
Website: www.grootgroenplus.nl Registration for ticket (free access):
http://grootgroenplus.nl/index.php?page=voorregistrati etoegangsbewijs&hl=en_US E.mail: info@grootgroenplus.nl
Location: Feria Valencia, A Website: http://iberflo E.mail: feriavalencia
Ecuador is one of the major fl and has hosted before succ "FlorEcuador • Agriflor" in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, the next edition will take pla the most important trad Reach the largest collection o and decision mak Showcase your newest, m Build stronger, more profita existing custome Network with the Industry's Take advantage of yearround buy See what your competition is indu Join the Growers & Breeders by an interna
Location: Ce Web
http://www.hppexhibitions. dor/, www.agriflor.com manelja@hpp.nl; meflo
Av. de las Ferias s.n., Valencia ora.feriavalencia.com/ a@feriavalencia.com
lower producers in the world cessful editions of the Expo 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2006, 2008 and 2010. In 2012 ace and can be considered as de exhibition of its kind. of worldwide flower buyers kers in one place. most innovative products. able relationships with your ers and suppliers. s leading buyers and sellers. d opportunities to reach your yers. s up to and what's new in the ustry. Quality Competition judged ational jury.
emexpo, Quito bsite: .com/floriculture/2012/ecua m. You can also Email: ores@hppecuador.com
2012 World Exhibitions: WHEN WHERE WHAT & INFOS
The 4th edition of Italy's top home and garden show. Location: Villa Erba, Cernobbio (CO) Website: www.orticolario.it Email: info@orticolario.it
10 12 October (JAPAN) IFEX 9th International Flower Expo
IFEX is Asia's largest and most significant business generating trade venue in the industry. Exhibitors who deal with cut flowers, artificial flowers, wrapping papers, vases, and many more gather all at once. Japan is the center of Asia’s flower consuming market and you can see the latest trend here at IFEX. Visit IFEX – the perfect place to source and meet suppliers face to face!
Location: Tokyo, Makuhari Messe, Tokio. Website: www.ifex.jp Invitation Ticket Request:
https://contact.reedexpo.co.jp/expo/FGEX/?lg=en&tp=i nv&ec=IFEX Email: ifexeng@reedexpo.co.jp
30 October 2 November (THE NETHERLANDS) HORTI FAIR The Horti Fair is the biggest international trade fair for Technology, Innovation and Inspiration in Horticulture. The Horti Fair has 600 exhibitors from 32 countries, seminars, the International HortiCongress, network gatherings and high profile events. The Horti Fair is the horticultural trade show with the most innovations in the fields of plant breeding, greenhouse technique and cultivation technique. All of this makes the Horti Fair the main event for the professional international producer of fresh vegetables, flowers and plants. Location: RAI Congress Center, Amsterdama Websites: www.hortifair.com
Register for free admission:
https://form.n200.com/?s=1w69ho3lkt7k1&check=1 Email: info@hortifair.nl
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 61
19 21 Nove IPM D
The third edition of the International Floriculture Trade Fair (IFTF Expo) will be held next year in 2012 from Wednesday October 31st to Friday November 2nd. It will be the industry wide event serving all segments of the floriculture industry chain: from breeders, propagators, technical & service suppliers and growers, to importers, wholesalers and retailers. It is all about buying and selling within the floriculture chain. IFTF has found an excellent home base in Expo Haarlemmermeer, a former Floriade Hall designed and built as a state of the art green house. It is situated in the town of Vijfhuizen near Aalsmeer, where the FloraHolland Flower Auction is located which hosts a trade show for their members only at the same dates as the IFTF is being held. A beautiful venue that currently has 13.000 m² exhibition space with an extension possibility of another 10.000 m², making it a total of 23.000 m² available exhibition space. It is now being planned to make an extra 5.000 extra m² available, du to the high demand for exhibit space for the third edition in 2012.
IPM 2012 is the ideal platform professionals of the plants an the local or regional ones b order to maximize the opport and get updated with the lat tren
Location: Expo Haarlemmermeer, Stelling 1, 2141 SB Vijfhuizen Website: www.iftf.nl
31 October 2 November (THE NETHERLANDS) FLORAHOLLAND TRADE FAIR AALSMEER The FloraHolland Trade Fair Aalsmeer is one of the most important fairs of the year for exporters, wholesalers, and their clients. As growerentrepreneur you cannot actually be absent from the fair.For three days the FloraHolland Trade Fair Aalsmeer will be the place to do business. National and international trade professionals will discover a complete overview of the supply of flowers, plants, product concepts, trend presentations, and new products. The trade fair will have in total more than 500 growers' stands and a number of themed plazas.
Location: FloraHolland Trade Fair, Aalsmeer Website: www.aalsmeer.com; www.floraholland.com
Location: Dubai World Tra
Website: www Visitor registration
23 25 Novem FLORA XVII Internat
Location: Nuovo Mercato Website: www.m Email: info.mercatofio
m that allows you to meet the nd flowers industry not only but also the international in tunity to grow your business test market technologies and nds.
2012 World Exhibitions: WHEN WHERE WHAT & INFOS
ember (UAE) DUBAI
w.ipmdubai.net n: http://www.ipm /registration.html
Agriculture development takes the priority place in economic of the Republic of Uzbekistan. It makes for increased interest of companies to the exhibition and Uzbekistan market as well. Uzbekistan is agrarian, specialists from CIS and from foreign countries show interest and the most active participation with the framework of exhibition. They are representatives of trade companies and branches, finance structures, embassies and business circles. Leading producers of agricultural machinery and technics has become regular exhibitors.
mber (ITALY)
ade Center, Hall 5 & 6, Dubai AE)
tional Floriculture Expo
o dei Fiori di Ercolano (NA) mercatofiori.com ori@mercatofiori.com
Location: 1st Pavilion, Uzexpocentre, Tashkent Website: www.ieguzexpo.com Invitation ticket: 13 16 Dicember (TURKEY) FLOWER SHOW TURKEY
Istanbul Plants, Landscape and Subindustries Specialization Fair Flower Show Istanbul is the largest trade fair in this field in Turkey. Flower Show Istanbul will be a real commercial platform where the representatives of plant sector and the related sectors will have the opportunity to establish business contacts, to strengthen the current connections and to access to new markets. Besides following the innovations and developments in the sector, Flower Show Istanbul will also create the opportunity to increase the exportation potentials of the producers in our country and will have an important role in breaking the foreign companies into the Turkish market.
Location: Istanbul Fair Centre / Yesilkoy Istanbul ( 9 – 10 – 11 Halls )
Website: www.flowershow.com.tr
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 63
en Septiembre ...EN PUERT
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 65
en Octubre ...EN HONDURAS
Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 67
Dear Sir, we invite you to be part in this project and to contact our review, a magazine that, from the first issue, is working to give all international colleagues informations about new trends and most recognized floral designers' activities in floral art, offering a special windows for the best suppliers in the floral field too. Join this special group of selected sponsors! Our best regards.
Estim Les in anunc su cre ultima recono nuestr Esper desped
Ge la no no sem ma ult att int de ca Co qu ip
mados Señores, nvitamos a participar activamente de este proyecto y ciarse en nuestra revista, la cual se ha caracterizado desde eacion en mantener actualizado a sus seguidores en las as tendencias y estilos en el arte floral de la mano de ocidos maestros mundiales, asi como la informacion de ros suplidores. rando contar con ustedes en este selecto grupo, nos dimos con un cordial saludo.
Roxana Barrientos Alberto Zaverio Alyro International Floral Events
WWW.ALYROFLORALEVENTS.COM alyrofloralevents@gmail.com
entile Signore, invitiamo a partecipare attivamente al ostro progetto ed a prendere contatto con la ostra rivista, una pubblicazione che si è mpre contraddistinta per l'obbiettivo di antenere aggiornati i colleghi fioristi sulle time tendenze a livello mondiale e sulle tività dei più importanti floral designer ternazionali, nonché di offrire una vetrina elle eccellenze delle aziende che operano nel ampo floreale. on la speranza che Lei voglia far parte di uesto gruppo selezuionato ci congediamo con più cordiali saluti. Revista “Diseño Floral” 03/2012 p. 69