[Seminar] v0306

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[Seminar] 專題進度 蔡寧 v0306


WHY: The 'womb' shape inspires very different feelings in different people; to me it is a warm, cosy space, for contemplation and rest… By creating an enclosed space HUSH provides a personal retreat, an escape into a dark, quiet, natural space, or state of mind.

MATERIALS: It is made of 100% wool felt. ( 質地輕軟,移動方便然體 積過大且因縫紉方式及其 厚度,收納不易 )

THE FABRIC: 通 過 剪 裁、 縫 紉 及 折 疊, 利用厚質羊毛氈的塑性形 成一可敞開可關閉之空間。

Emergency Shelter

WHY: The project aimed at the production of an emergency eco-park strategically designed with the potential to transform within a few days into a settlement to shelter people affected by natural disasters and particularly earthquakes which are common in the region of Thessaloniki, Greece. In terms of urban design the proposal highlighted opportunities for the reappropriation of the redundant terrains of former military camps in the city. The proposed shelter unit is energy-efficient, recyclable, polymorphic and extendable, easy to transfer and install and capable of engaging the dwellers in its construction process.

THE FABRIC: The dwelling core is a selfsupporting pleated tube to which deployable components – sleeping areas, veranda and bathroom – adhere. Dwelling parts were stored in the location in flat packages and erected in situ. The pleated surface is multilayered, including structural strata (honeycomb cardboard, Tectan board) and insulation strata (Actis, GoreTex). On its south-facing side, the hot air accumulated between the pleats can be released into the interior. Side and top facets can rotate into openings. The ambition behind the formal aspects of the design of the pleated shelter was to combine knowledge from the domain of folded plate shells and deployable structures employing pleat patterns deriving from origami.

MATERIALS: c o r r u g a t e d paperboard (prototype)

The performance of these origami based surface prototypes in terms of kinematics is fascinating; they manifest translational and rotational deployment,flat packaging, axial revolutions. They bare the potential to become a prime field of research for kinetic responsive surfaces.


WHY: The idea derives from a reflection on the change in our relationship with the domestic environment, due to the effects of our increasing mobility, and how this has affected our concept of intimacy, creating new demands.

MATERIALS: made from paper bonded to polyethylene and fabric. THE FABRIC: folding





使用者設定:自己 Define the user function: architectural student, stay up late at school, no space to lie down, no private space to clean up your body, travel to somewhere for increasing our experience...

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[ 參考材料 ]: 聚丙烯板、金屬支架、特多龍銀膠布、尼龍平織布 ( 防水帆 布 )、棉布、防水膠、金屬鎖件、蠟線、麻繩 ...

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