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01 cube

[Sep 2010]

02 stand-up

[Sep-Oct 2010]

03 blow-up

[Oct-Nov 2010]

04 morphological evolutions


05 urban construct

[Feb-Apr 2011]

06 bridge & tower

[Apr-Jun 2011]

01 cube Sep 2010│personal

Projectďźša three-dimensional solid object bounded by six square faces, facets and sides, with three meeting at each vertex.


Things I learned from this program which is how to Jipoj control the time and make good use of prioritizing my schedule.

When manufactured this model, I tried to make tension on its shape, for thing which felt more vitality by viewers.

02 stand-up Sep-Oct 2010│personal

Projectďźšmake practice of the combination in the three-dimensional and find out its feasibility.

03 blow-up Oct-Nov 2010│personal

Projectďźšby observing and explaining the essence of things, analyzing its composition then making a re-creation and representation on it.

The eyeball structure.

04 morphological evolutions Nov-Jan2010│personal

Projectďźšit suggest that evolution is motivated by an "vital impetus" that can also be understood as humanity's natural creative impulse.

05 urban construct Feb-Apr 2011│personal

Projectďźšto earn more lore in many aspects through this manipulating.

Sketch 01


-the growth

“The image of the city� was written by American urban planner Kevin Andrew Lynch (1918 – 1984). On this concern, Lynch states that, unlike Architecture, Urbanism is in constant change: today, fifty years later, t his issue could be regarded and discussed with further attention, as architecture, too, is subject to external factors and different perceptions, scale, but mostly a cultural aspect, involving the fact that In the 1960s the life-cycle of a building was still not wholly taken into account, as it came up about twenty years later with sustainability issues. Lynch focuses on four main concepts, correlated to a wise urban planning:a urban system has to be held legible, through definite sensory cuesits image has to be perceived by the observer, arbitrarily selected by the community and finally manipulated by city planners. legibility and imageability would then lead to the identification of a structure, and therefore a precise identity, which are both parameters through which it is possible to analyse an urban system and its own elements. Lynch reckons that there might be different relations of complexity within every structure: these consist in the relations between definite elements, which are identified in:path_landmark_edge_node_district.

-path:the channel of the observer

-districts: 2-dimensional elements within which we spot a common character

-nodes::strategic points

-landmarks: external references -edges:breaking in continuity with the surrounding areas

06 bridge & tower Apr-Jun 2011│personal

Project:Section one, building a bridge which can greatly sustain the weight. Section two, according to the text you’ve designed, forming a space of bridge and tower.


withstanding loadďźš12.9kg



Bionic architecture is a movement for the design and construction of expressive buildings whose layout and lines borrow from natural (i.e. biological) forms. The movement began to mature in the early 21st century, and thus in early designs research was stressed over practicality. Bionic architecture sets itself in opposition to traditional rectangular layouts and design schemes by using curved forms and surfaces reminiscent of structures in biology and fractal mathematics. One of the tasks set themselves by the movement's early pioneers was the development of aesthetic and economic justifications for their approach to architecture.

Other works

Museum of World Religions/photo by Ning Tsai

Carton king/photo by Ning Tsai

Taipei train station/photo by Ning Tsai

Taichung city government/photo by Ning Tsai

Yuanshan MRT station/Ning Tsai

Chung-Yo department store/Taichung city/photo by Ning Tsai

今年二月替小阿姨新家油漆。 01 下雨了, 02 趕快戴上帽子擋雨。

03 雨開始變大了, 04 快跑!

我是蔡寧。 台中縣霧峰鄉是我的出生地,九二一大地震時曾在鹿港就讀半年小學,霧峰國小畢業。 國 中時母親因大里市成功國中辦學趨於好評而參加英文檢定考試進入就讀。 三年後考上國立台中文華 高中,人生累積至目前的價值觀皆從此奠定。個性偏沉悶保守,不擅與人相處,需耗費長久時間方能 與人深交。熱愛閱讀,電影,旅行,購物, 下廚,手作,以上皆單獨作業。或者和家人從事任何活 動皆為敝人心之所向。 對於服務陌生人有其一定熱誠,但無法接受任何社交性質之行為。認為人的 成就是以現階段衡量, 面對喜愛之人事物能投入無以倫比之熱誠和大 量精力,然而此面相十分兩極, 如:完全不能也不願關 心無興趣之事物。極容易只著重自己,愛好和平卻會對無法認同之事物產生 強烈批判。 對事物的一體兩面理論堅信不移。認定矛盾是永恆存在,苛薄是表現機敏的一種態度。 不 想隨俗也不想突出,要不斷揶揄自己的人生,回頭時才不致羞愧得不敢檢視。 相信腳踏實地和心安 理得,認為人無所不能的適應力令人畏懼。 厭惡和喜愛的情緒皆非常徹底,同時亦秉持中庸之道。 強 調每一刻感受的真實。 每一種形式的表達只要真切而誠懇便是值得思考方可令人再三咀嚼。

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