RAI Amsterdam - Annual report 2021

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Annualreport 2021 Anotherchallengingyear Twoconsecutiveyearsoflockdown:fullrestartonlypossibleinspring2022 Physicalmeetingsareheretostay Reopeningconfirmed:communitieseagerforphysicalcontacts RAIVision2030gettingcloser Modernconventioncentreintheheartofthecity,combinedwithurbanfunctions


Disclaimer:Wheneverthisannualreportmentions‘RAIAmsterdam’,‘we’,‘thecompany’orsimilarindications,itreferstoRAIHoldingB.V.asexplainedinthe’Corporate governance’section.Segmentsofthisannualreportcontainopinionsregardingthefuture.Thesesegmentscan–withoutlimitations–containexpectationsonfuturerealisedand unrealisedresults,profits,payments,governmentmeasures,theimpactofotherregulatingmeasuresontheactivitiesofRAIAmsterdam,subsidiariesandmacro-economictrends andtheperformanceofRAIAmsterdam.Suchstatementsareprecededorfollowedbyorincludetermssuchas‘believe’,‘expect’,‘prognosticate’,‘feel’,‘anticipate’orsimilar. Thesefuture-orientedstatementsarebasedoncurrentassumptionsoffutureactivitiesandaresubjecttoknownandunknownfactorsandotheruncertainties,manyofwhichare outsideRAIAmsterdam’ssphereofinfluence.Thismeansthatfutureresultscan,infact,differsubstantivelyfromtheseexpectations.

InviewofTitle9,Book2oftheNetherlandsCivilCode,theinformationgiveninthesections‘welcomeattheRAI!''Governanceandriskmanagement','Aboutreporting'and 'Annexes'isalsopartofthesection‘ExecutiveBoardreport’.Forreasonsofpresentation,thisinformationisnotrepeatedinthissection.

4 Contents Contents 4 01 Welcome at the RAI! 6 Physical meetings are here to stay 7 Prole 10 Key gures 13 Strategy and value creation 18 Future Vision 2030 24 Composition of the Executive Board 27 Composition of the Supervisory Board 28 02 Executive Board report 30 2021, the COVID crisis continued 31 For organisers and exhibitors 34 For visitors 40 For community, city and society 45 For employees 58 For shareholders and nancers 64 Prospects for 2022 66 03 Statement by the Supervisory Board 68 Foreword 69 Supervisory Board statement 70 04 Governance and risk management 76 Corporate governance 77 Risk management 82 Compliance management 87
5 05 Financial statement 88 1 1 Consolidated balance sheet (before proposed appropriation of results) 89 2 1 Consolidated prot and loss account 92 3 1 Consolidated cash ow statement 93 Consolidated overview of total result 96 General 97 Notes on the consolidated balance sheet as on 31 December 2021 103 Notes on the consolidated prot and loss accounts 2021 111 4 1 Company balance sheet (before appropriation of results) 117 5 1 Company prot and loss account 118 Notes on the company balance sheet as on 31 December 2021 119 Proposed appropriation of prot 122 06 Other information 124 Result appropriation in accordance with the statutes 125 Reference to the audit statement by the independent accountant 126 07 About this report 128 Stakeholder dialogue, materiality and reporting 129 GRI-table 131 08 Annex 140 Personal details management and works council 141

#01 Welcomeatthe RAI!



FESPAGlobalPrintExpoisEurope'slargestinternationalspecialityprinting exhibition.Hundredsofexhibitorsshowcasedtheirlatestinnovationsindigital andscreenprintingforgraphics,signage,decorations,packaging,and industrialandtextileapplications.

Physical meetings are here to stay

Our review of the year 2021 took place via a Teams meeting with Paul Riemens (CEO) and Maurits van der Sluis (COO). “Mostly closed, that’s about all we can say” is how they spontaneously reply to our question of how things have been As understandable as this response – and as factually correct – we soon discover that a lot has still been happening during a year dominated by the pandemic Despite the mandatory closure of the largest venue in the Netherlands for three quarters of the year, the RAI worked tirelessly to move and reschedule events, make the venue COVID-proof, build the organisation and its future, and deploy its people, tools and facilities to support the city from a social perspective The limited period that the venue was open in the autumn conrmed that the need for people to have physical meetings has remained strong even after this unprecedented period. In-person meetings are inextricably linked to nding inspiration, exchanging knowledge, doing business and sharing emotions With that light at the end of the tunnel, 2022 began with a phase of recovery and the restoration of events to their rightful place

The year 2021 started with doors rmly shut and a slimmed-down organisation. Take us to that moment, if you will, Paul.

"At the start of the year, the RAI was closed for events That had already been the case for nine months, with a brief interlude in the autumn of 2020 when we were able to open our doors We formed a crisis organisation that focused on four tracks: a fast reopening of the RAI, accelerated development of new revenue models, nancial continuity and a further modernisation of the venue into an attractive multifunctional location In concrete terms, these issues were translated into the development of COVID protocols, a focus on cash management, savings and a reorganisation, early renancing, accessing COVID-related support schemes, the maximum use of digital and hybrid events, and the further development of our premises and the RAI’s logistics concept.”

"We had already implemented a far-reaching reorganisation during 2020 that safeguarded our specialist knowledge,” Maurits continues “This involved a deliberate choice to expand our exible team of organisation partners and seconded sta At the start of 2021 we were simultaneously postponing events and working on the further development of new processes. In addition, many departments were actively providing resources to the city and the GGD municipal health service. We facilitated all aspects of COVID testing and this was further expanded in 2021 with the provision of vaccination areas The RAI eventually became the largest vaccination venue in the Netherlands ”

A conversation with the Board Paul Riemens (left) and Maurits van der Sluis

How did the continued postponement of events aect the organisation?

Paul: “The uncertainty combined with the continuously shifting horizon sapped a great deal of energy I especially remember the moment it was announced that public events such as festivals, concerts, sporting events and business events would be starting again on 1 July But not exhibitions and conferences Our employees found this rather unfair and the RAI then sat down with other venues and the trade associations to obtain a status that would designate exhibitions and conferences as ow-through events The doors were nally unlocked in September ”

Maurits: " We really thought we’d be opening before the summer and I don’t think anyone saw almost an entire second year of COVID coming The doors were rst slightly opened in summer This allowed us to gain experience with smaller groups within our COVID-proof concept The Stage is Yours! and practice and optimise our scripts. The RAI was nally fully opened in September and we had never put on so many events in such a short time. Unfortunately, we had to close again on 18 December although this was not due to any lack of safety related to COVID-19 All the adaptations and precautionary measures we had taken made our events safe and responsible "

What did you learn personally from the short period in which the RAI was open?

Paul: "We became even more convinced of our vision that physical meetings cannot be replaced by PC screens and online connections Society yearns for inspirational locations, times and contacts They are fuel for our mind and wellbeing While the RAI provides this location, we don’t do so alone but together with the organisers and other stakeholders who serve the related communities It’s our home that accommodates organisers and exhibitors and facilitates these meetings. Moreover, our people take the initiative and create opportunities for the new experiences and meetings of tomorrow That makes me proud!”

Maurits: "When we reopened in September it initially seemed virtually impossible to put on so many large events in four months We succeeded although were unfortunately not able to keep all clients happy Sometimes we had to postpone an event to another date yet again or move them to another location in the RAI. We tried to distribute the nuisance as evenly as possible and thankfully also received a lot of support and positive feedback."

What were the experiences of the exhibitors and visitors attending a business event after such a long time?

Maurits: “It was a unique moment to see so many enthusiastic people meeting again, happy and upbeat, sometimes even visibly emotional to talk again in person. This was the impression of our organisers, exhibitors and visitors, and we felt it too Everyone agreed that the feeling was back Yes, with fewer people, but the vibe was still there I knew then that it would never disappear ”

Looking back at 2021, what would you like to say to RAI employees?

Paul: "I would truly like to thank them for their perseverance and the way they supported each other at a time when this was needed most. We managed to maintain our creativity and, despite the concerns about job losses and an future, incredible levels of engagement This was also seen in the reorganisation, for which we must again pay our sincere compliments to the works council ”

Maurits: "I couldn’t agree more Our exibility and endurance were put to the test, but in a very dierent way than we’d have expected several years ago. To a certain extent we also got the chance to take our distance and reect. From the employees’ perspective we are now entering an interesting and educational period ”


It’s now March 2022 The rst quarter was lost for events but the RAI has reopened How do you look ahead?

Paul: "We are working hard to recover The new organisation is fully involved in the long list of events that are coming to the RAI These include large-scale events such as Intertrac and Amsterdam Drone Week which we will be welcoming in just a few weeks. Then we will be busy non-stop until mid-July. It is hard work, but we are very much looking forward to it ”




is an international exhibition and conference organisation; is at the service of organisers and provides everything needed to facilitate successful events; has a range of its own public and trade events and organises them on-site as well as in other cities outside of Europe; conducts its business in a socially responsible manner; aims to redevelop the RAI premises, improve connections to the city centre and make the logistical process involved in the build-up and breakdown of events more sustainable; stimulates the sustainable development of people, markets and the local neighbourhood via its business activities, creating value for the city and its stakeholders.


RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre

Our venue on the Europaplein square in Amsterdam hosts around 500 events every year and welcomes an average of some 1 5 million visitors From trade shows and congresses that ll the RAI with 50,000 people to meetings of ten, from entirely virtual to fully physical, everything is taken care of down to the smallest detail as the RAI guarantees a hospitable reception. All the multifunctional facilities one could need are available and we continuously strive to increase sustainability and enhance our business operations, products and service provision

Our convention centre is located at the edge of the city centre, next to the A10 ring road The Amsterdam RAI train/metro station and Europaplein metro station are adjacent. It takes just ten minutes to get to the central hall of Schiphol Airport and even less to the heart of the Dutch capital. At just four kilometres, the distance from the RAI to the heart of the city centre is very short and visitors can easily combine their business trip with a pleasant urban stay in Amsterdam

> For organisers and exhibitors

> For visitors

RAI events in the Netherlands and abroad

RAI Amsterdam has a portfolio of its own events that are organised in Amsterdam and in other convention centres outside of Europe. We are active in various key sectors including professional cleaning, remanufacturing, trac technology, maritime, water technology and horticulture. These events all contribute to the realisation of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs)

We also have our own national events, including trade exhibitions such as Horecava (food service and hospitality) and consumer events like the Huishoudbeurs (lifestyle). All in all, the RAI has a well-rounded portfolio of titles which generate turnover, protect our market share and facilitate knowledge sharing, network expansion and business in the relevant sectors

> For visitors


Stimulating the economy, complementing a city

The (international) meetings we organise and the networks created as a result are very important for the exchange of knowledge, information and capital They stimulate the economy in Amsterdam and the wider region Hotels, restaurants, museums, transport operators and suppliers all benet from the exhibitors and visitors who come to the city for the (often international) exhibitions, conventions and events in RAI Amsterdam Business visitors who stay for a few days are also good for the city and the wider region, contributing more to the local economy, on average, than tourists. The added value of exhibitions and conferences to the capital was measured on behalf of the city council to help determine the RAI’s economic signicance for Amsterdam. According to the most recent research report from 2020, the RAI provides an added value of 580 million euros and the equivalent of 6,300 FTEs On average, one euro of turnover for the RAI equals seven euros for the region

> For neighbourhood, city and society

CSR is integral to the way we think and act

We aim to stimulate the sustainable development of people, markets and the society at large, with a constant focus on our ecological footprint and social environment Any (in)direct damage created by our activities is reduced or prevented as much as possible At the same time, we are continually looking for ways to increase our contribution to society, for instance by working with local suppliers and social partners, and by helping organisers develop a sustainable and responsible event. We also increase the sustainability of our operational processes and stimulating eco-friendly innovations at our own events In doing so we contribute to new ideas and greater sustainability in a range of sectors

> For neighbourhood, city and society

RAI Amsterdam brings people together, connects and inspires by organising and facilitating meaningful meetings. These business activities help stimulate the sustainable development of people, markets and our neighbourhood, creating value for the city and our stakeholders

RAI employees: a warm welcome

Our employees are proud of being able to oer a wide range of services which guarantee a hospitable reception At the end of 2021, RAI Amsterdam had 327 employees (304 FTE). It is energising for employees to work in teams to set up events and quickly switch from one event to the next Working at the RAI is always a challenge We are also proud of our sta members and the volunteers who help us with our various donation programmes, and the many students who come to us to learn (and from whom we learn in turn). Every day brings something new at the RAI!

> For our employees


Our shareholders

RAI Holding BV has two shareholders: the RAI Association and the City of Amsterdam. The RAI Association is a trade association which owns 75% of the shares The remaining 25% of shares are owned by the City of Amsterdam

> For our shareholders and nancers

RAI Amsterdam was hit hard by the COVID crisis While 2020 and 2021 had promised to be exceptional years, these prospects were dashed by the pandemic A wide range of measures aimed at preventing hospital admissions in the Netherlands applied between March 2020 and February 2022, with events being cancelled for long periods. RAI Amsterdam made an active eort to open in a safe and responsible way and searched for alternative sources of income in the meantime We were also forced to implement signicant cost savings and a reorganisation was implemented in 2020 to structurally lower cost levels. The COVID pandemic obviously also led to a much lower number of events taking place than normal. The impact of the above have not been taken into consideration in RAI Amsterdam’s prole


Key gures

* No comparable gures are available. Due to the pandemic and related government measures designed the RAI was closed for most of 2021 and 2020



Customer satisfaction

Employee satisfaction

Percentage of scores 4 ('agree') and 5 ('agree strongly') on a ve-point scale of overall satisfaction. The biennial research was intensied in 2021

Centre 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Organisers (events for third parties) * * 8,4 8,2 8,1 Exhibitors (RAI events) * * 7,5 7,5 7,3 Visitors (RAI events) * * 7,6 7,8 7,5
(from 1 to 10) for satisfaction with RAI Amsterdam Convention
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Employee satisfaction 77% 82% - 81%Visitors Numbers x 1,000 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 International events 86 68 444 616 372 National events 117 291 719 725 734 Stage shows 9 9 77 21 37 Other events 1 305 645 209 353 281 Total in Amsterdam 1 517 1 013 1 449 1 715 1 425 Elsewhere in the Netherlands - - - -Outside of the Netherlands 142 106 169 109 96 Total outside of Amsterdam 142 106 169 109 96 Total 1.659 1.119 1.618 1.824 1.520

Employed by the group, average

15 Exhibitors Numbers 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Exhibitors 4.322 3.836 16.694 20.769 17.786 Exhibitors from outside the Netherlands 62% 38% 64% 65% 63% Organisers Numbers 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 External organisers 157 86 386 387 421 RAI Amsterdam 20 13 20 18 22 Total 177 99 406 405 443 Events Numbers 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 International events 18 4 73 65 64 National events 17 10 35 35 29 Stage shows 14 7 61 18 48 Other events 120 74 227 281 293 Total in Amsterdam 169 95 396 399 434 Elsewhere in the Netherlands - - - -Outside of the Netherlands 8 4 10 6 9 Total outside of Amsterdam 8 4 10 6 9 Total 177 99 406 405 443 Personnel
2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Employees, FTE 304 433 389 383 376 In the Netherlands 96% 99% 99% 100% 100%

Natural resources

Energy: consumed and generated CO2 emissions involve scope 1 and 2, and, from 2019, partly scope 3 See the clarication in the Executive Board Report in the section ‘For neighbourhood, city and society’.

2020* 2019 2018 2017 2016 Electricity consumption (GJ) 42 703 * 68 103 75 085 69 572 Gas consumption (GJ) 1 * 5 617 6 613 3 034 District heating (GJ) 53 080 * 51 371 57 395 61 452 Total energy consumption (GJ) 95 784 * 125 091 139 093 134 058 Of which generated by RAI solar panels (GJ) 1 819 * 3 273 1 697 1 482 Percentage of green electricity purchased 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% CO2 emissions by RAI Amsterdam (tonnes) 2 948 * 4 491 2 128 2 043 Water consumption (m3) 26 706 * 57 255 64 631 62 336 Balance sheet Group equity and balance sheet total x € 1 million 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Shareholder equity 60,1 62,2 91,9 98,2 90,4 Balance total 243,6 244,9 219,3 210,8 208,3 Solvency 24,7% 25,3% 41,9% 46,6% 43,4% Financial

Turnover and result

x € 1 million 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Letting to third parties 10,0 6,8 28,0 29,5 23,8 Exhibitions and events 14,4 10,0 29,8 39,9 29,1 Catering 4,0 5,1 19,1 20,9 18,0 Hotel commission 0,3 0,6 2,3 3,4 2,8 Parking 4,6 4,1 7,0 6,5 5,7 Facility services 6,6 7,5 17,1 19,6 17,1 Interior 7,6 3,1 16,4 17,8 12,9 Building-related letting 4,0 3,8 9,7 11,2 10,4 Other 2,1 1,3 6,0 3,5 2,4 Turnover 53,6 42,3 135,4 152,3 122,2 Outsourced work 20,1 26,3 55,1 60,7 46,0 Wages and salaries, incl social security and pension contributions 19,8 32,3 33,2 32,2 29,8 Amortisation 14,3 15,4 13,6 14,9 14,5 NOW government wage subsidy -14,3 -19,3 Other operating expenses 12,4 22,0 24,7 29,0 22,3 Operating expenses 52,4 76,7 126,6 136,8 112,6 EBITDA 15,6 -19,0 22,4 30,4 24,0 Operating result 1,3 -34,4 8,8 15,5 9,6 As % of turnover 2,4% -81,3% 6,5% 10,2% 7,9% Net result -2,4 -29,2 3,6 9,9 5,3

Strategy and value creation STRATEGY

The strategy for the period from 2019 to 2022 was formulated in 2018. It has six pillars and is aimed at strengthening the core business and creating an optimal balance between social benets and costs It identies issues and goals for each calendar year up to and including 2022


The RAI Roadmap gives direction to our brand and the implementation of the strategy.


Taking into account a full event calendar from the spring of 2022 for the years to come, our starting point is that no essential changes will be needed to our strategy We are and will continue to be an events business and a valuable meeting place for everyone As a key aspect for future activities, the ‘Client solutions’ pillar was extended with making events in the RAI ‘COVID-proof’. In addition, the focus of the ‘Learning organisation’ pillar has shifted toward the further development of leadership and competence management


We aim to contribute to the sustainable development of people, markets and the local neighbourhood We implement this mission by:

Organising and facilitating high-quality events which bring together, connect and inspire people and communities;

Being an ideal, attractive meeting place for everyone;

Conducting business in a socially responsible manner and creating both economic and social value


The strategic objectives help us attain our ambition Until 2022 we will:

Strengthen our core business by helping events and communities grow We will become more future-proof by anticipating changing client needs and investing in even greater exibility and cost control; In doing so we will create an optimal balance of social costs and benets in the framework of our business activities, increasing our social value. We will continue to integrate corporate socially responsibility (CSR) within our operations, stay in constant contact with our stakeholders, remain valuable and indispensable for the city of Amsterdam, and make a substantial contribution (relative to our size) to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

We have dened six pillars to help us achieve strong, stable results within a social balance of costs and benets:

Client solutions: We provide our clients with an even better service by constantly expanding our service portfolio and facilitating them to realise safe, responsible and hospitable events;

Portfolio development: we work on the (continued) development, purchasing and acquisition of (new) titles, focusing on business-to-business events both in Amsterdam and abroad;


Data & digitalisation: we apply technological developments to create value for our clients and work more eciently We also use it to develop new business models;

Multifunctional area development: we are a meeting place for everyone We aim to facilitate business meetings and spontaneous encounters at our unique location in the heart of Amsterdam. RAI Amsterdam should be an attractive environment, before, during and after events; Building & infrastructure: we oer an accessible and safe place for valuable meetings We increase the available square metres of exhibition space within the existing options and substantially improve logistics and trac management. The location is fully equipped for business and leisure purposes; A learning organisation: we challenge ourselves to constantly work in smarter ways and ensure an optimal working environment for our employees

RAI Vision 2030

To many (inter)national visitors, RAI Amsterdam is one of the main central meeting places and business cards of the city of Amsterdam. We plan to improve our connections with the city, becoming even more a place where the people of Amsterdam eat, play sports and take part in cultural activities The idea is to better serve visitors to and residents of Amsterdam and to improve the overall quality of life in our neighbourhood

One part of the transition plan is to adapt the logistics involved in supplying our location, including the construction of a tunnel under part of the RAI complex Our new plan envisages emission-free vehicles entering the tunnel on the side of the A10 ring road, while the actual deliveries are made to transfer centres outside the city. In addition, we wish to add public functions to our site in order to create more urban space for restaurants, sport centres and cultural experiences The plans also envisage more public green spaces for cyclists and pedestrians The facilities of the RAI are already being widely used due to the social sponsoring policy. We remain open to the social needs of the city and want to stay connected to current developments and demands.

We aim to enhance our position and the added value for our local surroundings by being a place where Amsterdam and the rest of the world come together, now and in the future Social, ecological and economic value creation are major aspects of this approach

> 2030 vision

Brand values

RAI Amsterdam has six brand values as explained below


At RAI Amsterdam you will be received personally, professionally and, above all, with a warm welcome Our doors are always open, whoever you may be and whatever drives you The RAI is for everyone


RAI Amsterdam appreciates who you are and what you need. We think along with you, look ahead and are dedicated to being of service so that you feel supported


RAI Amsterdam is a stage for creativity and innovation. We can push the window of innovation in a signicant way because our applications are widely applicable. This ensures that you get ahead.



The quality of our location, concepts, products, facilities, services and people ensures that you nd all the elements for success at RAI Amsterdam We are ready to make the most of every opportunity, working together as partners and making an active contribution to your success.


RAI Amsterdam understands well that the quality of an event depends on solid preparation and sticking to agreements. We carefully manage expectations and oer you peace of mind.


We are embedded in the community and committed to sustainability We take seriously our responsibilities to people, our city and the world Sustainable business

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an integral part of our strategy and we always aim to perform our activities in a socially responsible way. We work with our clients and suppliers to integrate CSR within our business on a daily basis

We are proud that many of our activities make a genuine contribution to society At the same time, we also realise that our activities consume natural resources, take up space, produce sound and have other impacts on people We are working to minimise these aspects and continue to search for ways to increase our social value. Our eorts are focused on four main aspects:

The venue

We are working towards being an exhibition and conference centre that has a positive impact on the environment This involves making constant eorts to prevent and/or reduce any negative eects of our venue (via ways such as reducing our CO2 footprint) and actively looking for ways in which our venue can contribute to our local surroundings


We actively stimulate the sustainable development of the sector related to each event that takes place in the RAI This is achieved by highlighting social challenges, often linked to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, on the exhibition oor.


We work hard to increase our social added value for the region via our activities Where possible, we make connections between any chances and opportunities oered by our daily activities to societal demands This enables us to transform the (unused) value of the business into social value.

The organisation

Our employees are challenged to perform their tasks in a socially responsible way and provided with opportunities to use their knowledge, expertise, time and skills for the greater good We have a socially responsible and sustainable HR policy that focuses on inclusivity, wellbeing, vitality and a healthy lifestyle among employees

The related eorts made in 2021 are described in the Executive Board report and on www rai nl/mvo


Conference participants are valuable visitors so conferences are an economically interesting part of the visitor chain They generate income and create employment, training opportunities and benets or residents, all of which is needed by the city and region. At the same time, conferences strengthen the local economic sectors. This is why Amsterdam council is investing €3.7 million euros over the next four years in the latest conference strategy as part of the economic recovery and investment plan. The RAI is an indispensable part of this strategy.

Contributions to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

The 17 development goals set by the United Nations are the international reference point for sustainable development for all countries in the world As an organisation that aims to be at the heart of society, we are also committed to these SDGs The overview below explains our contribution

SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

Worldwide objectives of the United Nations to which the RAI contributes

SDG RAI strategy

8 Work and economic growth We stimulate business and create spinos via the growth of our core activities

9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure Our events and operational management provide a platform for industry, innovation and infrastructure

11 Sustainable cities and communities We create value for the city of Amsterdam and the Netherlands

12 Responsible consumption and production As an early adopter of proven technology/processes, we help build a circular economy and climate action

13 Climate action See 12

17 Partnerships Meetings in the RAI contribute to partnerships to achieve the SDGs In addition, RAI Amsterdam establishes partnerships that contribute to these goals via social matchmaking

Value creation

The diagram on the next page indicates how we create value for our stakeholders


Future Vision 2030

The RAI has been working on its future in the form of a masterplan since mid-2019 The masterplan is focused on making the RAI future-proof and transforming its premises into a sustainable and multifunctional meeting place where working, staying, living, learning, innovating, doing business and a healthy lifestyle go hand in hand The masterplan enhances the connection of the location to the city and reduces any negative impact on the neighbourhood.

Vision of the City of Amsterdam: a ourishing RAI in a ourishing environment

In line with the new policy framework for ‘connected parties’, the City of Amsterdam’s municipal executive has combined the various public interests involving the RAI in a unilateral municipal vision. The vision can be summarised as working toward a ourishing RAI in a ourishing environment For the council, the vision is the starting point for reaching agreements with the RAI on how public interests can best be served and how Amsterdam, the RAI and other partners can contribute. The executive is positive about the plans and sees the potential added value of the masterplan At the same time, there are many steps to take toward its realisation and many choices remain open The executive plans to make these choices within the frameworks of the formulated vision and in close consultation with the RAI

Artist Impression November 2021, concept

Masterplan 2030

Modern convention centre, in the heart of the city

The masterplan is initially focused on investing in the digitisation and modernisation of the venue. These investments are crucial for preserving the economic spin-o value of the RAI for the city.


Secondly, the masterplan is focused on transforming the RAI premises into a sustainable and multifunctional meeting place The starting point is the installation of an underground tunnel infrastructure which will make the logistical processes of the RAI more ecient, eective and exible It also means that cargo transport would no longer put pressure on the surrounding road network, benetting the quality of the local environment and enhancing mobility in the surrounding residential areas An inextricable part of the masterplan is the planned realisation of a logistics hub (possibly in Muiden or Vinkeveen) where goods can be combined and transhipped to a number of smaller, emission-free trucks. This would considerably reduce the number of trac movements on and to the RAI premises. The application of this concept is very interesting to the city of Amsterdam and the region, and may even be used more broadly than just for the RAI alone

More urban functions

In addition to new real estate for RAI functions – to replace outdated halls – the masterplan also has potential opportunities for the signicant housing challenge in Amsterdam. Adding residential buildings and the related infrastructure and facilities will make the RAI premises more accessible to non-exhibition visitors The transformation and blending of RAI and non-RAI functions will make the RAI premises more attractive to Amsterdam residents and more a part of the city around it. Increased accessibility will improve the user value of the area in a recreational and sporting sense as well A limited addition of retail and hospitality in the area along Europaweg will enhance the appeal of the route from the RAI train station via the hotel nhow to the RAI premises Further development of the plan aims to ensure that the route design and any limited addition of commercial facilities on the RAI premises does not aect the already available retail and hospitality venues in the nearby surroundings, instead having a strengthening and complementary eect The realisation of a logistics solution should be realised at a dierent level (namely underground) to ensure residential additions– situated above RAI functions – oer an attractive living environment. Realising a well-organised and safe (main) cycling route from Beatrixpark through the heart of the RAI premises to the surrounding neighbourhoods (Kop Zuidas, Rivierenbuurt) and vice versa is a major pillar of the masterplan In addition, the RAI aims to reduce waste streams and recycle any remaining waste via various routes, including modular and circular standbuilding

Artist Impression November 2021, concept

In development and further details

The masterplan is not strictly outlined and needs to be further developed by the RAI and the council into nancial, programme-based and legal agreements It is crucial to simplify this process, reduce the number of dependencies and integrate exibility and freedom of choice into the detailed plan. The masterplan will be shaped step-by-step as a growth and choice model in which development areas are prepared and realised in stages

Interest to the city

The public added value of the masterplan translates into the addition of residential housing, making the RAI premises more accessible to local residents by adding a ‘non-RAI’ element, and reducing pressure on the surrounding road network On behalf of the RAI, Arcadis performed a social costs and benets analysis of the masterplan in 2020 This concluded that the masterplan will make a positive contribution to the earning capacity of the Netherlands and improve the living environment of Amsterdam and the region.

Signicant positive eects of the masterplan include an improved ow-through on the Dutch road network, improved trac safety and air quality in the city and a reduction of noise pollution for the surroundings These eects are mainly related to the logistical aspects of the masterplan The urban eects in the eld of air quality, noise and trac safety are important to the residents of Amsterdam, and contribute to city council goals related to its programmes for reducing trac in the city (Amsterdam Autoluw) and realising cleaner air (Actieplan Schone Lucht) The realisation of a green strip on Wielingenstraat and green roofs contribute to council goals related to biodiversity and climate. The masterplan also includes a reduction of the number of trac movements (because of the hub and developments in standbuilding/circularity, among other things), which has a positive eect on the climate This in turn allows Amsterdam to contribute to the national climate agreement


Composition of the Executive Board

Executive Board

The statutory Executive Board consists of two people

Mr P. (Paul) Riemens (1962), CEO

Appointed to rst term on 7 April 2016. Reappointed on 16 December 2019 to second term until 16 December 2023

Dutch national. Areas of expertise: nance, HR, ICT, legal and venue. Additional functions: member of the Supervisory Board of Twynstra Gudde, chair of the Supervisory Board of St Jansdal Ziekenhuis (until 31 December 2021), chair of Concours Hippique International 'Jumping Amsterdam', member of the Supervisory Board of NEMO Science Museum, member of the Advisory Board of the University of Amsterdam, Economics & Business

Mr M. (Maurits) van der Sluis (1965), COO

Appointed to rst term on 7 April 2016. Reappointed on 16 December 2019 to second term until 16 December 2023

Dutch national. Areas of expertise: marketing & digital, commercial, clients and operations & CSR Additional functions: chair of The Leading Centers of Europe, treasurer of the Voornanciering- en Garantie Fonds foundation, vice-chair of Nederlandse Ski Vereniging, president of EMECA (European Major Exhibition Centre Association), board member of Stichting Vrienden Stadsarchief Amsterdam, member of the Supervisory Board of Stichting Cardiologie Centra Nederland, ambassador for Ambassadeurs tegen Armoede


Composition of the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board consists of ve members

Mr O. (Otto) Ambagtsheer (1969)

Chair since 1 September 2021, member of the Remuneration Committee, member of the Selection and Appointment Committee

appointed as member on 29 October 2020 and to rst term until rst general meeting after 28 October 2024. Chair as of 1 September 2021.

Dutch national. Additional commissionerships: none. Otto Ambagtsheer is CEO at VIA Outlets, known for premium fashion outlets such as Batavia Stad, since 2018 He was previously active as regional managing director Benelux at Unibail-RodamcoWesteld and held various positions in the Schiphol Group, including for Schiphol Real Estate

Ms A.M.H. (Annemarie) Macnack-van Gaal (1962)

Vice-chair, member of the Remuneration Committee, member of the Selection and Appointment Committee per 22 September

appointed on 15 September 2015 Reappointed to second term on 16 December 2019 until rst general meeting after 16 December 2023 Chair until 1 September 2021 Vice-chair as of 1 September 2021

Dutch national Additional commissionerships: member of the Supervisory Board of Pathé Holding BV. Additional functions: member of the Board of Governors of VNONCW, board member of Start Foundation, member of the Committee of Recommendation for the foundation Het Vergeten Kind, member of the Advisory Board of Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO), ambassador for SOS Kinderdorpen.

Mr M P (Michiel) Boere (1982)

Chair of the Audit Committee

appointed to rst term on 29 October 2020 until rst general meeting after 28 October 2024.

Dutch national. Additional commissionerships: none. Michiel Boere has held various positions at Uber since 2016, and is currently Finance Director for Uber Eats. He was previously active as CFO at Greetz and an Associate at McKinsey


Ms W C M (Mariëlle) de Macker (1967)

Chair of the Remuneration Committee Chair of the Selection and Appointment Committee

appointed to rst term on 17 March 2017 until rst general meeting after 17 March 2021 Reappointed to second term per 21 April 2021.

Dutch national. Other commissionerships: member of the Supervisory Board of Maastro Protonen BV, member of the Supervisory Board of MSD Animal Health Nederland Functions: owner of MCKR-in-business, associate partner in The Leadership Advisory. Additional functions: Board member of Talent to the Top foundation, Advisory Board chair Teamshape BV, member of the Supervisory Board of Maastro Clinic, member of the Advisory Board of Stichting Cancer Foundation

Mr R.J. (René) Takens (1954)

Member of the Audit Committee

appointed to rst term on 1 October 2021 until rst general meeting after 1 October 2025 On the recommendation of shareholder RAI Association

Former CEO Accell Group Chair of the Bicycle section of the RAI Association from 2005 to 2015, and as such Board member of RAI Association Also acted as treasurer for the Board from 2008 he. Being in these functions meant Takens was always closely involved in RAI Holding

Membership ended in year under review

Mr J.W.Th. (John) van der Steen (1954)

appointed 7 April 2011 Vice- chair as of 2014 Reappointed to third term on 16 April 2019 until rst general meeting after 16 April 2021. Position ended on 20 April 2021.


#02 ExecutiveBoard report

Amsterdamreopensasconferencedestination Pressconference.26August2021

MayorofAmsterdam,FemkeHalsemaandaldermanVictorEverhardt (EconomicAffairs)markedthereturnofcorporateeventstothecityduringa pressconferenceinRAIAmsterdam.TogetherwithCEOPaulRiemensand TraceyDavies,presidentofMoney20/20,theyofficiallyopenedthe exhibitionandconferenceseason2021/2022.

2021, the COVID crisis continued

With the introduction of the rst vaccinations against COVID-19, 2021 promised to be the year in which the Netherlands would return to ‘normal’. It was expected that the vaccination process would be a lengthy one in which infection rates and hospital admissions in the Netherlands would slowly decline This proved to be correct and led to a reduction in the various protection measures By the summer of 2021 the results were so positive that the government decided to open the door to events under certain conditions.

Six months of physical meetings in the RAI had been lost at this point, although RAI employees were kept very busy during this period. The rst half of the year revolved around intensive client contact, meetings with municipal bodies, the development and implementation of COVID-proof concepts, supporting the municipal health service (GGD) and social initiatives, and preparations for the reopening of RAI Amsterdam This report illustrates how many of these activities made a positive contribution to enabling events to take place in the Netherlands as a whole under certain conditions

The start of the (corporate) event season and reopening of Amsterdam as a conference destination took place in August during a press meeting in the RAI in the presence of the Mayor of Amsterdam, Femke Halsema, alderman Victor Everhardt and the President of Money20/20, Tracey Davies This marked the end of a long period – 18 months – without international corporate exhibitions and conferences in the Netherlands

With a large number of postponed events in the autumn, we were preparing for the busiest months in our long existence A huge catch-up programme of physical meetings was underway until December when the new Omicron variant caused the year to end as it had started, with a complete halt to events.

We are ready to receive, organise and facilitate international events in the city and the RAI Visiting Amsterdam is completely safe and I have the utmost condence in our partners, including the hotels, Schiphol Airport and RAI Amsterdam. They all have their protocols fully in order.

Femke Halsema, Mayor of Amsterdam, 26 August 2021

The road to reopening events in the Netherlands

As in 2020, the doors of the RAI were open to visitors to the municipal health service throughout 2021 as we oered the GGD our support in the management and organisation of testing and vaccination The vaccination facilities opened in mid-January 2021 for people who were eligible and alderman Simone Kukenheim (Health Care) expressed her appreciation for the cooperation of RAI Amsterdam at the time

By the end of 2021 the process had to be upscaled to enable the desired number of booster vaccinations With a capacity of 17,000 shots a day, RAI Amsterdam became an XXL location for GGD and the largest vaccination venue in the Netherlands


The RAI has played an important role in the rapid upscaling of the number of COVID tests and is now facilitating the vaccination process Moreover, it has all the facilities the municipal health service requires and I’m pleased the city has such an excellent partner.

Simone Kukenheim, Amsterdam alderman responsible for Care, Youth, Vocational Education and Training, and Sport, 11 January 2021

We were also open to other valuable social initiatives during the year. These included the RAI being used as a classroom and exam location, as a parking location for educational sta, as a gym for students and as a logistic hub for packing food parcels for vulnerable Amsterdam residents In addition, the RAI was used as safe location for local residents to vote in the national elections.

In the period we opened our door to events, we also set up donation rooms – a project which was successful in 2019 and 2020 and provided various social organisation with materials and food products. Moreover, our employees contributed their expertise, time and network to society in various ways while any leftover provisions from our kitchens were provided to the initiatives that needed them most

Further development of four-track policy

The RAI’s four-track policy formulated in April 2020 to come through the crisis was further developed in 2021 The policy was focused on (1) the fast reopening of the RAI, (2) the accelerated development of new revenue models, (3) securing nancial continuity and (4) the further modernisation of the venue into an attractive multifunctional location

Fieldlab events: Back to Live

In cooperation with trade associations and partners in the event sector, the RAI provided key insights to the national government regarding the holding of events in times of COVID Of particular value was the fast provision of ways in which events could take place safely and responsibly. As such, the RAI was an active partner to Fieldlab Events, which was established to develop validated building blocks as proof for the accelerated return to a full opening of events The experiments took place in co-creation with companies, government bodies, scientists, interest groups and the general public. Under the title 'Back to Live!' various test events took place in locations in the Netherlands in the rst half of 2021, ranging from corporate meetings to festivals and football matches.

The Stage is Yours!

Under the title ‘The Stage is Yours!’, the RAI developed a COVID-proof concept that would allow sectors such as the event industry, arts & culture and hospitality to open to the public quickly and safely in a responsible way The concept provided space to 800 conference visitors, 1,175 visitors in a (duo)theatre setup and 300 guests at round dining tables.

Alderman Victor Everhardt reviewed the concept and commended the RAI for working on solutions that were applicable in times of COVID “So much more is possible in these times – for instance by using smart technology or applying this superb initiative from the RAI Let us use the insights and concepts of the businesses in this city to adjust the roadmap in collaboration with the national government It is essential that Amsterdam residents once again have the opportunity to get together, and businesses need future perspectives. While the national government determines the pace, we can try and nd even smarter solutions locally ”


Shortly before larger events became possible again, the concept was used for various smaller conferences As the hall accommodating the concept was booked for September we also had to disassemble it again in the summer

So much more is possible in these times by using smart technology and applying this superb initiative from the RAI.

Virtual and blended events

We accelerated the development of an online portfolio back in 2020 – on the one hand to support our titles and the related communities at a time when events were impossible, on the other to organise and facilitate independent virtual events and combinations of physical and virtual events (blended events) Although our own titles played a crucial role in this development, we also worked closely with other event organisers.

State-of-the-art studios

All our trade exhibitions were active online in 2021 in the form of webinars for the related communities. We built three complete professional studios in RAI Amsterdam from where we could air online seminars and conferences The studios accommodated virtual editions of Aquatech, Horecava and Intertrac, while Provada, Greentech and Metstrade integrated virtual aspects in their physical events and used them for live shows from the exhibition oor and other elements via a virtual platform focused on meeting and sharing knowledge.

Continued development of COVID protocol and access policy for safe, responsible and hospitable events

In 2021 the COVID protocols of RAI Amsterdam were updated based on new information about the spread of the virus and protective measures implemented and/or mandated by the Dutch government From the cleaning policy and xed routing to enrichment of the ventilation systems, all necessary changes were made based on government guidelines

The implementation of an EU Digital Covid Certicate, or COVID access pass, led to a new access policy being established for events This gave visitors clarity about which regulations applied when visiting the RAI

Focus on nancial continuity

As was the case in 2020, the main source of income for the RAI largely disappeared after our core activities were suspended by the government Compensation schemes from the Dutch government were implemented for aected companies and we also made use of these in 2021 to cover part of the wage costs


A ourishing RAI in a ourishing environment

Behind the scenes the RAI also continued to work on our spatial future vision in 2021. This plan is not strictly outlined and is being further developed by the RAI together with various government bodies. A number of starting points and scenarios were formulated and submitted to the city council in October 2021 The scenario that the RAI and the council will be working towards will reduce trac pressure on the surrounding neighbourhoods, enhance the accessibility and user options of the RAI, and improve the residential and living climate via public and social facilities. The plan will be further developed based on this scenario and discussed with various stakeholders


For organisers and exhibitors

With the continued restrictions on physical events in the rst half of 2021, this period again largely focused on intensive client contact Major developments in the Netherlands regarding the measures for events along with developments in RAI Amsterdam were actively communicated in due time to organisers and exhibitors, giving them a good insight into possible consequences for events.

This type of client contact continued during the second half of the year. Multi-day corporate events were once again allowed from September 2021, albeit under various government conditions These rules were regularly adapted based on the developments in the Netherlands This also applied to the conditions for travel to the Netherlands, which aected our international exhibitors and visitors

RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre facilities

The following table shows the facilities we oer

Future Vision 2030

RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre facilities


Total surface area

Conference centres



Foyers and lounges


Restaurants and bars

Parking garages


116,600 m²

3 interlinked conference locations

12 interconnected halls, expandable with two semi-permanent halls

2 auditoriums, one large ballroom with 2,000 seats A total of 70 conference and meeting rooms Accommodation for 10 to 10,000 people per room

Multifunctional space for exhibitions, parties and celebrations

9 separate entrances: own entrance for each event

9 restaurants, bars and lounges. From buet to à la carte

Capacity for 4,000 spaces on the premises

Marina Own marina directly connected to the Amsterdam canals

Train station

Called Amsterdam RAI, right next to the RAI Amsterdam Convention Centre

Two metro stations Amsterdam RAI Station connects to the metro line that forms a circle around the city The new Europaplein metro station is situated just 50 m from the entrance to the RAI and connects the RAI to the city centre

Hotel (nhow) On-site congress hotel with 650 rooms and 200 parking spaces


Organiser Services

Maximum results for clients

RAI Amsterdam oers know-how and a wide range of services to ensure that organisers’ events run as smoothly as possible From virtual representations of the exhibition oor to hotel services for the visitors, our specialists provide organisers with advice and support on every aspect Expertise and networking are deployed to ensure that the opportunities provided by the Netherlands, the city of Amsterdam and RAI Amsterdam as a convention centre are used to the max on behalf of the success of the event We also oer solutions in the eld of IT, registration, logistics, audio-visual and media Our sta work closely with clients to look at ways to achieve the highest possible return on investment. The experience our employees gain during the events we organise ourselves are often developed into a proposition for clients.

Safe, responsible and hospitable

We had extensive contacts with organisers during 2021, supporting and assisting them with the necessary COVIDrelated safety precautions and working together on postponing any events that were unable to go ahead due to government measures in the Netherlands. These close contacts meant that only a minimal number of events were cancelled altogether with most being postponed to the second half of 2021 and beyond

The ‘RAI Amsterdam – Safe, Responsible and Hospitable’ protocol developed in 2020 presents our regulations and guidelines for anyone involved in the organisation of (trade) exhibitions, conferences, stage shows and meetings It describes a detailed description of how events can take place in a safe and responsible way in the framework of COVID-19. The realisation of the protocol involved a wide range of activities which were also carried out in 2021, such as:

reviewing maps and oor plans making aisles COVID-proof implementing hygiene measures establishing and realising a supervision plan setting up a people counting system making the registration of visitors COVID-proof researching temperature tests and rapid testing options enhancing the ventilation systems making the standardised F&B range COVID-proof reviewing payment methods for catering points and parking garages (etc )

Our COVID-19 protocol is based on the protocol that was co-created with the event industry and conrmed by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Aairs and Climate Policy. The Ministry issued a statement which underlines that the starting points in this document were a solid basis for business meetings

Three days together in RAI Amsterdam represents a time investment equivalent to some three months of meetings outside of the RAI. This says a great deal about the value of live events. In addition, the coincidental meetings that take place here are invaluable. You never know in advance who you haven’t (yet) met and who you will meet during the event.

Money20/20 president Tracey Davies on the value of live events -26 August 2021


Money20/20 - 21-23 September 2021

Europe’s largest ntech trade exhibition, Money20/20 Europe, took place in RAI Amsterdam in September. It oered visitors from 73 countries a three-day platform lled with conversations, premium content, sales and connections related to the global money ecosystem In addition to being updated on the latest business developments, visitors also had the opportunity to determine the future of ntech together

Money20/20 was the rst multi-day international trade exhibition in the RAI since the global outbreak of COVID-19. The reopening of Amsterdam as a conference destination generated a lot of interest in the event. The Mayor of Amsterdam Femke Halsema, alderman Victor Everhardt and the president of Money20/20

Tracey Davies underlined the importance of corporate events like Money 20/20 to the related community and the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region in a press conference.

Virtual tour makes life easier for organisers

Travel restrictions and COVID measures made it dicult to visit our venue in 2021, especially for organisers based abroad The RAI Virtual Tour gives organisers the chance see around our venue and decide whether it meets their event requirements. All 178 spaces are digitised and there are hundreds of 360-degree images, photos, factsheets and summaries about dimensions and facilities which present these spaces in a variety of setups The result is a complete 360-degree overview and interactive 3D map of the entire venue Our customer journey surveys show a considerable demand for an online guide that easily shows people through the RAI. For this reason, we have also made the application available to exhibitors and visitors so they can prepare for their event participation or visit.

Virtual meetings and knowledge sessions anchor connections

Due to the lack of options to meet physically, various virtual meetings and knowledge sessions were organised, especially in the rst half of 2021 All RAI titles held online events to maintain contact with their related communities and connect participants. Visitors interacted via a virtual platform and attended various events organised by companies and prominent speakers from the related sectors

We used three complete studios for various meetings In the rst half of 2021, Aquatech, Horecava and Intertrac used them for knowledge sessions and talk shows to connect with their audience Under the title RAI Talks, the RAI itself also organised a knowledge session for organisers and exhibitors, focused on the then applicable measures and their eect on organising events in the Netherlands. In the second half of 2021 Provada, Greentech and Metstrade integrated this concept into their physical events to create a blended event Live sessions were aired from the exhibition show via a virtual platform aimed at meeting and sharing knowledge


METSTRADE 2021 - 16-18 November 2021

METSTRADE 2021 took place in November just before the new COVID measures were introduced which stopped trade exhibitions and conferences from taking place METSTRADE is the world’s largest trade exhibition for marine equipment, materials and systems and is held in RAI Amsterdam every year Although somewhat overshadowed by the announced measures, the event welcomed a tremendous number of visitors and exhibitors. During the three-day event, some 3,477 exhibitors met with 8,459 unique visitors from 63 countries to share knowledge and expertise and do business

A unique aspect of the November event was the combination of physical and virtual elements A professional TV studio at a central location on the exhibition oor hosted METSTRADE TV via a new virtual platform called METSTRADE Connect, built to connect professionals in the marine sector. The METSTRADE Connect platform, also available via an app, provides matchmaking tools and relevant information for the industry. The video below is a review from METSTRADE TV

Exhibitor Services

Webshop for exhibitors oers 'stay safe' catering range

RAI Amsterdam Exhibitor Services supports exhibitors in their preparations to make their event participation a success. Exhibitors can order products and services for stands via a special webshop, including uniform stand constructions, host services, furniture, catering, owers & plants, telecommunication & ICT facilities, parking tickets and stand cleaning Contracts are in place with preferred suppliers for uniform stands, and the webshop oers a range of sustainable choices and alternatives.

In 2021, the exhibitor webshop enriched further with products and services to guarantee the safety and welfare of participants and visitors In view of COVID, it was expanded with a 'stay safe' catering range in which certain products were provided with extra packaging options The range was successfully deployed at various events in the second half of 2021.

Further development of modular standbuilding packages

Standbuilding packages for exhibitors were optimised further and we worked on an option package for modular stands In 2021, four major exhibition titles agreed to a partnership for which the RAI provided the modular standbuilding and features We also developed various standbuilding packages for Intertrac 2022

RAI Amsterdam is committed to increasing the use of modular stands, while continuing to provide custom solutions Oering this ourselves creates an extra source of income and makes a major step in increasing the sustainability of standbuilding in the RAI Smart choices are made in the materials applied and the number of logistical movements is limited The use of modular stands also provides signicant cost savings to organisers and exhibitors We will continue to increase the use of modular standbuilding and meet with various organisers to discuss the subject in 2022.

COVID protocol for exhibitors developed and applied

In addition to our COVID protocol for the safe organisation of events, we also developed a specic protocol for exhibitors This protocol is a supplement to the previously developed protocol and describes how exhibitors can safely and responsibly participate in events. In addition to regulations, it also includes guidelines for stand build-up and breakdown, stand setup and cleaning


Integrated safety approach

RAI Amsterdam ensures a safe and hospitable visiting and working environment We understand the importance of eliminating dangers, minimising risks and maintaining a safe place to visit and work In addition to issues related to COVID, 2021 was also focused on various other safety aspects. Cybercrime, fraud and terrorism have become increasingly complex in recent years Companies cannot resolve these threats alone so a combined and integrated approach is required

The integrated safety policy of RAI Amsterdam contributes to our ambition to organise and facilitate meaningful meetings. It is aimed at creating and ensuring a safe environment, and protecting our property and that of our sta, visitors and clients from (physical and digital) accidents, theft and damage in accordance with all the relevant legal and statutory provisions These goals were further developed based on a dynamic and integrated safety management system that ensures the demonstrability of the measures In this framework we’ve made agreements with the police, emergency services and control room, the district council, companies in the Zuidas district, public transport bodies and advisors to the Mayor of Amsterdam The integrated safety policy is categorised as follows:

Occupational health & safety

Building security

Event security ICT/Cyber

ICT/Cyber security

How we guarantee safety outside of and around the build-up and breakdown of events is described in the ‘Safe working conditions’ policy statement and the Safety at Work handbook The latter addresses the company emergency plan, the use of modes of transportation, tools for personal protection, standbuilding, working at heights, the use of hazardous substances and the environment, enforcement, and a procedure for activities on the RAI premises to prevent exposure to asbestos.

> Safety at Work handbook

The safety regulations for the build-up and breakdown of events were extended in 2020 with regulations to prevent contamination with and the spread of the COVID-19 virus They involve issues such as pre-registration, presenting a COVID pass, presenting health statements, social distancing and frequently disinfecting hands We also recommended wearing a mask during the build-up and breakdown of events in some cases when this was desired by the government


For visitors

Despite the limited number of physical events in 2021, RAI Amsterdam received many visitors throughout the year. This included the 1.14 million people who came to our premises as a testing and vaccination location for the municipal health service In addition, we brought many visitors together in the virtual world via digital platforms, enabling them to meet and attend various virtual meetings, organised by businesses and featuring prominent speakers from the relevant industries.

The physical events that took place from August were still subject to compulsory government regulations regarding event size and visitor numbers. This was not the case for events organised abroad.

Visitor Services

RAI Amsterdam oers services to visitors to optimise their experience. We can arrange hotel accommodation and transport, parking, a courtesy lounge (help desk, work and meeting places, etc ) and visitor catering

Food & beverage

The delivery of food & beverages is an important component of every event. We organise this independently or together with external specialists, supervising the quality and realisation in all cases

Various restaurants and catering points and many catering options on the exhibition oor ensure a comfortable stay Our culinary team is ambitious and innovative and driven to work in a locally and socially responsible way This is expressed in a new catering range which was launched in mid-2021. Under the name 'Discover the Taste of Amsterdam' we provide organisers with an insight into the extensive range and options we can oer their visitors, with products that often come from local and regional partners

Seven restaurants, two run by third parties

Our Convention Centre has ve restaurants: the Grand Café, First Floor Restaurant, Holland Restaurant, Café Amsterdam and the Amtrium restaurant, all opened as required when events or conferences are taking place There are another two restaurants which are operated by third parties: Strandzuid and The Traveller, opened in 2021 In addition to the restaurants, various catering points in each complex are operated during exhibitions and conferences by cafés and eateries such as La Place, Sushi Time, Number 1 Catering, Catering Creators and various other concepts

In 2019, a programme of requirements was established for renovating the Grand Café and First Floor Restaurant, to connect them together and set them up in such a way that they become more accessible to the neighbourhood and city. The realisation of these activities has been postponed indenitely as a result of the COVID crisis.


The Traveller and Strandzuid

The Traveller restaurant opened its doors in the building of the former Roast Room in October 2021. It has been designed as an inspiring place where residents, entrepreneurs, students and exhibition & conference visitors are welcomed morning to night to enjoy traditional dishes from around the world in a brightly decorated modern restaurant. The menu is adventurous, featuring a mix of colourful, traditional dishes made using modern cooking techniques. The international drinks menu is also a journey of exploration, with craft beers, great wines and unique cocktails from all continents

Strandzuid is also being renovated and expanding its terrace capacity with an island-shaped ‘water terrace’ The work began in February 2022 and will be ready before the summer

RAI Hotel Services

RAI Hotel Services is the largest accommodation intermediary in Amsterdam and the surrounding region, mainly booking hotel reservations for visitors to international events The pandemic meant that we processed considerably fewer hotel reservations in 2021 than is normally the case. In the last year that we were fully operational (2019), some 31,500 bookings were made involving over 105,000 overnight stays

RAI Hotel Services only works with hotels that have the ‘I Amsterdam approved’ quality label This label is granted by Amsterdam&partners (formerly Amsterdam Marketing) to hotels that meet certain standards and agree to reserve available rooms at a xed rate for organisers, visitors and exhibitors during large city-wide events


nhow Amsterdam RAI most 'Instagrammable' hotel in Europe

nhow Amsterdam RAI oers conference visitors a four-star hotel, with 650 rooms and parking for around 200 cars Delivered in 2020, the hotel is a strategic addition to the RAI’s core activities Responding to the needs of the market by creating an adjacent ‘headquarters hotel’ where event organisers and key exhibitors, speakers & visitors can all stay seriously strengthens our international position.

The world-renowned architectural rm OMA created the design of nhow Amsterdam RAI. The hotel has six dierent room designs and four types of room Design inuences from around the world create a dynamic mix of colours and patterns, while the full-height windows provide a spectacular view of Amsterdam Luxury Travel Advisor has called nhow Amsterdam RAI the 'most Instagrammable hotel' in Europe.

Events abroad

Based upon and inspired by the trade events that take place in Amsterdam we also organise a number of similar events abroad. There were eight such events in 2021 and they welcomed over 142,000 visitors.

Aquatech China breaks records

The largest exhibition abroad in 2021 was Aquatech China with around 80,000 visitors and some 1,900 exhibitors spread across 60,000 square metres of exhibition oor. This 14th edition of Aquatech China was a successful mix of business, content and networking opportunities. While the world was navigating the complexity of the global pandemic, Aquatech China maintained an unparalleled level


of loyalty among Chinese visitors Opportunities in China continue to increase, and investments to guarantee water quality are high on the agenda Challenges are directly in line with a growing sector looking for innovations and solutions in China and beyond

1. China

Interclean China - 19 april

Aquatech China - 2-4 juni

Intertrac China - 17-19 juni

ReMaTec Asia - 11-13 november

2. Mexico

Greentech America’s - 24-26 augustus

Aquatech Mexico - 6-8 september

Intertrac Mexico - 9-11 november

Bienvenido a México: start GreenTech Americas

After various postponements due to the measures against COVID, GreenTech took place from 24 to 26 August for the rst time in Querétaro, Mexico. The spin-o edition of GreenTech was organised together with our partner Tarsus. The Governor of Querétaro, Francisco Domínguez Servién, attended the opening of the event. In his opening speech he indicated that protected agriculture had increased from 250 to 661 hectares in Querétaro during the period from 2016 to 2020 This sector is extremely important to the state as the agricultural and horticultural markets in the region have a lot of potential in Mexico and the neighbouring countries. The exhibition attracted some 2,800 visitors and more than 130 exhibitors from 13 countries on approximately 6,400 square metres of exhibition oor The success of GreenTech Americas was conrmed when a second edition was announced for 27, 28 and 29 April 2022

3. VS IBEX Florida - 28-30 september 1. 2. 3.

RAI event titles

The table below shows the exhibition titles of RAI Amsterdam.

Intertrac is the leading trade exhibition for the trac and transport industry.

Interclean is the world’s largest and most comprehensive exhibition for the cleaning industry.

GreenTech is the heart of the international horticulture technology sector, with a unique focus on the start of the horticulture chain.

Horecava is an inspiring and innovative platform for professionals in the food service industry.

METSTRADE is the world’s largest trade exhibition for marine equipment, materials and systems.

Rematec is the largest and most important trade exhibition in the eld of revision for automotive, industry and heavy duty applications.

The Nine Month Fair provides everything for soon to be and new parents; from pregnancy to the rst steps.

The Huishoudbeurs is the most enjoyable event in the Netherlands for everyone who loves tasting, sampling and shopping.

Amsterdam Drone Week features the latest technologies and future applications related to drones.

Aquatech is the world’s leading trade exhibition in the eld of process, drinking and waste water.


For community, city and society

RAI Amsterdam contributes to the prosperity of Amsterdam and its hinterland as well as society as a whole, and the events bring revenue into the city. In 2020, Ecorys was commissioned by the City of Amsterdam to research the economic value of the RAI for the city Based on the gures from 2019 when we had a turnover of around 690 million euros, the RAI’s added value represented some 580 million euros and employment for 6,300 FTEs. On average, one euro of turnover in the RAI generates seven euros for the region.

At the same time, we are aware that our activities utilise natural resources, take up space, make noise and have an impact on society in other ways. We try to keep any negative eects of major events on daily life in the neighbourhood, the wider surroundings and society as a whole to a minimum, continue to look for ways to increase our social contribution, and have an active dialogue with our stakeholders A selection of our many initiatives in this eld is provided below.

Neighbourhood Neighbourhood

Under the name 'RAI council', the City of Amsterdam and RAI Amsterdam regularly organise neighbourhood meetings In 2021 we evaluated the goal and setup of the council with all stakeholders and the expectation is that the city authorities will continue the RAI council with us in a slightly dierent format in 2022

A neighbourhood meeting as a result of the noise produced by deliveries for an event took place in November – see the ‘Noise’ section below for more information.

Neighbourhood letters

November also saw us deliver door-to-door a newsletter to 12,000 households informing residents about relevant developments in and around RAI Amsterdam. We also sent four digital neighbourhood letters throughout the year by email to some 600 residents

Topics discussed in 2021 included visitor trac during events, safety, the application of measures to combat COVID at the RAI, and social initiatives for the neighbourhood

Trac and parking

RAI Amsterdam has 4,200 parking spaces, around 200 of which are under the nhow Amsterdam RAI hotel. Some 38 parking spaces at the RAI have charging stations for electric vehicles Concentrating parking spaces on the premises strengthens our position by increasing customer satisfaction, stimulating smooth trac ows and reducing any nuisance to the neighbourhood.

The concept of registration-based payment for parking reduces the use of physical tickets and stimulates the ow at peak times, which in turn reduces the trac on surrounding streets.

Garages P1 to P4 are open as a P+R option for the city on days when no large events are taking place. They are accessible at an attractive rate to visitors to Amsterdam who can then travel further into the city by bike, tram, metro, bus or taxi The limited number of events in 2021 meant we had more days to provide this service, which was used by over 200,000 visitors to Amsterdam over the past year.


Various measures are deployed to reduce excessive car trac around the complex:

Proactively stimulating the use of public transport to oer clients an alternative to driving Deals that combine tickets to exhibitions and transport, oered in partnership with public transport companies NS and GVB, are more convenient and cheaper for visitors; Smoother service provision via our parking webshop, with more than 20,000 online transactions in 2021; Use of neighbourhood trac controllers on busy days; Partnerships with NS, GVB and Taxicentrale Amsterdam (TCA); Facilitating bike rentals.

During exhibitions for which busy build-up and/or breakdown periods are expected, 15,000 m² of external premises in Westpoort (outside the Amsterdam ring-road) are used as a buer zone Incoming trac is directed to this area, where the vehicles are registered and then invited to drive through to RAI Amsterdam in an orderly fashion. This signicantly spreads lorry trac around the RAI and the buer facilities can accommodate 90 trucks

The RAI Logistics Management System allows us to manage truck transport from departure to arrival and help drivers optimise their journey, ensuring they reach their nal destination at the right time and preventing inactivity when they arrive The aim is to further reduce the number of vehicles roaming in the neighbourhood and any congestion caused by cargo transport. A system pilot project was held during Aquatech and METSTRADE in 2021 and the new RAI Logistics Management System will be used for all events that take place in the RAI halls in 2022

Changes were made to the environmental zones in Amsterdam in 2020 as part of the 'Clean Air’ action plan designed to make transportation in the city emission-free by 2030. RAI Amsterdam is now situated in an environmental zone except for our access road on the ring road side that leads to garages P1-P6 and nhow Amsterdam RAI This exception was arranged together with the council to allow vehicles which cannot enter the city from the A10 to turn around The impact of the environmental measures on the RAI is limited: nearly all cargo transport, buses and taxis comply with the environmental zone regulations.


We try to prevent excessive noise as much as possible using a so-called acoustic map This enables us to accurately predict when we need to apply for a noise exemption permit – four such permits are allowed per year. Monitoring the standards enables us to take preventive measures when necessary. The acoustic map was not used in 2021, and we didn’t receive any complaints related to exemption permit events All events that took place in the RAI in 2021 were realised within the noise standards of the RAI’s environmental permit Some disturbance was reported during the delivery of materials for a single event in 2021. The experiences of the relevant residents were entered into the RAI Logistics Management System to prevent similar issues occurring in the future


City and society

While stimulating the economy and development of the city, the inuence of RAI Amsterdam has a much broader scope than nance alone Our responsible and sustainable HR policy generates a greater social return for the city of Amsterdam We are involved in various initiatives focused on creating more opportunities for unemployed youth (work agreement for tackling youth unemployment), and our social matchmaking programme is aimed at further increasing our added value to society. Our heartwarming Amsterdam programme purchases local and fair trade ingredients, and our future vision will see us transformed into an attractive meeting place for everyone A number of initiatives are highlighted below, others can be found via rai nl/mvo

Social matchmaking

Linking social issues and demands to suitable solutions resulting from our activities helps us nd options for adding social value to the (unused) value of our business

An event is the ideal place to attract attention to social challenges in the sector or community related to that event We always look for opportunities to link events to relevant social initiatives, and explore the options for organising a donation programme that links demands from associated social initiatives to leftover materials and/or products In 2021 we organised a Donation Room during Aquatech and METSTRADE, where exhibitors could donate materials and products for reuse on the nal exhibition days.


Catching up on lost education

The pandemic had a major impact on education with teachers and students having to get used to remote schooling This wasn’t always easy and many students ended up lagging behind in their schooling In April the Keizer Karel College and the RAI organised ‘the bRAIn academy’, with a fully COVID-proof environment developed in the RAI for 270 secondary school students to work on subjects they were struggling with. This represented a unique partnership between an educational institute and a commercial company; never before had students in secondary education had the opportunity to take classes in the RAI They were able to take masterclasses about a variety of subjects and work in small groups under the supervision of teachers, mentors and coaches from Remind Learning.

In 2021 various locations in our exhibition and conference centre were also used for taking exams. The RAI was the epicentre of Amsterdam academics in late October, hosting exams from VU University, the University of Amsterdam and the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) More exams took place in the Europa Hall in December We have accommodated many exams and examinations throughout the years, and have plenty of halls and rooms to ensure safe and responsible education in a time of COVID-19



We actively invest in partnerships with a long-lasting character, including working together with the ROC Amsterdam College in various areas. A good example is the establishment of a hybrid learning environment aimed at securing a high-quality hospitality standard The co-creation worked on setting up a two-year Food & Beverage educational programme (BBL) at level 2 The RAI chose to oer the study to refugees with a newly acquired residence permit The course was due to start in 2020 after a successful pilot with interns in 2019 but had to be postponed indenitely due to COVID-19.

Discussions to provide space to student chefs to gain practical experience started in late 2020. In early 2021, 16 students from various levels began their training at the RAI They were taught by their own teachers in a professional environment and supervised by two RAI chefs authorised to act as instructors This was judged a positive experience by the students and RAI chefs alike.

Heartwarming Amsterdam

The ‘Heartwarming Amsterdam’ project deployed in our kitchens showcases a deliberate choice to work with regional products The concept is aimed at oering RAI visitors a taste of Amsterdam via more organic and regional products. We also support local and sometimes vulnerable producers who depend on clients like the RAI. We now have a substantial network of local suppliers with products that oer added value to the Amsterdam metropolitan region or society in general Care farms for outings or education, small local farms, urban greenhouses and dairy farms in the region are seen both as suppliers and a key source of inspiration.

This supports vulnerable products in our urban region while enabling us to oer people a chance to enjoy distinctive products grown in the region and dependent on the season. In addition, keeping the route and distance between production and consumption as short as possible helps reduce our CO2 emissions

on their practical skills within a business environment in safe conditions reduces the eect of lost education and allows us to help students succeed in their practical exams We are delighted with the options the RAI has oered us.
50 Heartwarming Amsterdam

Our Basement Chefs contribute to the welfare of the city’s residents Remaining stock from the RAI was repurposed via the Food Bank, De Regenboog Group and the Salvation Army during the cold winter period of early 2021 "The RAI had many packets of chocolate milk powder which we were able to distribute to vulnerable Amsterdam residents,” says Yvonne from the Salvation Army. “We are very grateful for this heart-warming gesture! The stock donated by the Basement Chefs was the perfect basis for many litres of soup, and the other donations were also given to people who needed them most ” This partnership with the Salvation Army is of a long-term nature and our chefs maintain close contact with the organisers in order to provide help whenever possible.

Too Good To Go pick-up point

A new initiative started in May 2021 on the northside of our exhibition and conference complex as our chefs supplied meals, snacks, bread, surprises and cake boxes via a Too Good To Go pick-up point The boxes were composed from leftover stock that couldn’t be used in the RAI’s business due to the COVID situation The meals were sold at very attractive rates via an app and the response to this project was very high, with a satisfaction rate of 4.87 out of 5

Open houses and homeless shelters like those run by De Regenboog Group in Amsterdam were busier than ever during the pandemic The RAI made multiple donations in 2021, including one in collaboration with the City of Amsterdam. In March, RAI Amsterdam served as one of the larger voting locations in the city for the national elections The leftover red pencils as well as hundreds of t-shirts, boxes of masks, disinfection products, gloves, oce items and kitchen rolls were donated to De Regenboog Group to benet the organisation’s homeless shelter

This is really impressive: the huge increase in vaccinations in Amsterdam and the massive upscaling of the location has been an exceptional achievement by the GGD, the council and everyone who supported them


RAI Amsterdam largest XXL vaccination location in the Netherlands

In January 2021 the municipal health service (GGD) added a vaccination centre to the existing test location in RAI Amsterdam This kept various halls and rooms in use throughout the year Depending on the COVID situation in the Netherlands and the measures applicable at any given time, the GGD was able to scale its use of space up or down as necessary. The RAI also facilitated the ‘testing for access’ policy for a long period as the GGD’s commercial partner. In the times that the food service industry and the cultural, recreational and event sectors were open, ‘testing for access’ was a fast way to get a temporary COVID pass and enter the various venues With the regular up and downscaling of the testing and vaccination spaces and being open to events at the same time, the RAI’s exibility as a multifunctional exhibition and conference centre proved very useful

The vaccination capacity was at its largest by the end of the year as the government hoped to achieve a high level of immunity among the Dutch population For a while we were was the largest (booster) location in the Netherlands and health minister Hugo de Jonge visited the GGD location in the RAI where 17,000 booster shots were given.

Almost 426,000 people visited RAI Amsterdam in 2021 for a COVID test and over 888,000 shots were given.

53 A sustainable venue


Reduced energy consumption and CO2 emissions

The long-term absence of events due to the pandemic resulted in signicant reductions in all types of consumption in 2021. The need to make extra savings also saw us shut down as much equipment as possible, excluding anything required to keep the convention centre safely open In the same year we also returned electricity to the grid via our solar panels for the rst time – a total of 8,968 kWh

All energy consumed by the RAI is green power, which has no CO2 footprint. We receive certicates from Centriq conrming the purchase from provider Vattenfall of green power generated via water power in Scandinavia.

We have no less than 1,806 solar panels available, including 1,632 panels on the roof of Hall 8 Hall 8 measures 12,000 m² and more than 60% of its roof surface is covered in panels – the maximum proportion allowed given its structure and use. The roof of the Amtrium accommodates an additional 174 panels. A total of 2,164 panels have been placed on the nhow Amsterdam RAI hotel As the generated energy is provided to and used by the hotel, this does not aect our CO2 footprint In 2021, the solar panels produced over 1 8 terajoules of energy

Like many other companies, the RAI has previously been subject to energy audits to prove we are implementing sustainable energy savings in relation to the increasingly strict European energy legislation and regulations (EED). The transition to the EarthCheck 4 0 certication means no more energy audits will be necessary

District heating vs gas consumption

Gas consumption has dropped considerably in recent years since the RAI switched to more sustainable district heating The NUON pipeline has have a capacity of up to 12 MWh On balance, the RAI consumed 53 terajoules of district heating energy and just one gigajoule in gas

* no information available

CO2 footprint

We have been calculating our carbon footprint since 2012 The calculation method was evaluated in 2019 under the supervision of an energy consulting rm and various changes were made to the principles: scope 3 was partially included and the reported emissions increased. Total emissions in 2021 were 2,948 tonnes of CO2. District heating, which is distributed via the city grid, is a more sustainable energy source than natural gas as it is based on the residual heat produced during industrial processes, power generation and/or waste separation No gures are available for 2020 as the company was closed due to the COVID pandemic

54 Water consumption in m3 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Water consumption 26 706 * 57 255 64 631 62 336

Together with 55 other parties in the Zuidas business district, RAI Amsterdam signed the Green Business Club Zuidas 2021 – 2025 statement in March 2021 presenting concrete ambitions to realise in the coming years It includes plans such as taking Zuidas o the natural gas grid, operating a virtually emission-free eet, installing 25,000 m² of water-storing green roof, creating a plan for more green and nesting boxes, and working toward a Zero Waste Zuidas. The statement of intent is fully in line with the sustainable vision of RAI Amsterdam. Corporate Social Responsibility is an integrated part of our organisation and business strategy. By signing the statement, the RAI underlines the importance of and works toward its own sustainable operations and an eco-friendly environment

Waste management

The RAI aims to consume and produce in a sustainable way, and everything possible is done to prevent waste Where unavoidable we work closely with partner CSU and subcontractor Beelen to enable high-quality recycling

Where possible, the RAI applies the ‘polluter pays’ principle This means that the parties who produce waste are responsible for its proper separation – separated waste is more sustainable and cheaper than unseparated waste We also use reusable materials whenever possible and actively search for market demands outside of the RAI to ensure valuable residual streams are identied and repurposed and the entire chain is involved The donation programme mentioned at the start of this section is a good example

55 Statement
of intent
56 Waste management

* no information available


RAI Amsterdam has the following certications:

Recognised conference venue

YOIN Excellent Meeting Places (previously 5-hammers)


EarthCheck 4 0 Platinum*

ITs (Integrated Access Standard)

ISO-9001 (Quality management)

ISO-14001 (Environmental management)

UN Global Compact

BREEAM-Excellent certication (for construction of the Amtrium)

Recognised training company (Samenwerkingsorganisatie Beroepsonderwijs - Bedrijfsleven)

* In 2020 the RAI was the RAI the rst convention centre in Europe to be awarded the Platinum EarthCheck certicate

57 Waste in ton 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 wood 147 * 1 285 1 464 1 074 carpet 58 * 257 342 284 paper 66 * 204 260 250 plastic 10 * 18 2swill 3 * 86 150 167 iron 8 * 45 31 40 glass 11 * 94 77 73 construction & demolition 74 * 273 849 744 other specialist waste* 12 2 6 equipment** 3 -clean rubble** 51 -residual 366 * 1 609 1 977 1 583 Total 742 * 3 937 5 154 4 221

For employees

RAI Amsterdam is a company for people, by people Our employees are the outward face of the RAI and function as hosts during events. We realise our company goals in a large part by empowering employees with responsibilities, streamlining their tasks and enabling them to make the most of their talents The fact that the RAI is for everyone is also clear from our HR policy

Since March 2020 the Dutch government has implemented an urgent recommendation to work from home whenever possible in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. Employees were connected remotely and actively participated in savings programmes and new initiatives.

Satisfaction within the organisation remains high despite the considerable impact of the COVID crisis and resulting internal changes

In 2021, we focused on the implementation of R E I S, a new leadership prole for all employees within the RAI The prole anchors the main competencies and behaviours that contribute to reaching the strategic goals of the RAI. The main themes herein are result-orientation, taking responsibility, innovation and cooperation

Staying connected

Maintaining engagement and connectivity in the organisation were key themes throughout 2020 and 2021 A large part of the organisation continued to work mainly from home in 2021 A taskforce to help keep employees engaged and connected had already been established in 2020. Recommendations from the ‘connectivity’ taskforce were taken onboard by various departments, resulting in a wide range of initiatives that started in 2021.

The internal webinar of the Board was changed to a live show called RAI Talks. Executive and Supervisory Board members are regularly invited as guests to update the organisation on the latest developments In addition, the Board and its members share brief video messages on specic initiatives and activities in the RAI at a time of COVID;

There are periodic virtual meetings with team members, managers (management days) and the organisation as a whole Social interaction is stimulated via virtual and blended coee breaks, social gatherings and a virtual Christmas celebration, all in accordance with the latest COVID measures;

The intranet, available via an app for smartphones (among others), is actively used by employees to retrieve information and share tips about issues like working from home


Operational services for municipal health service

Another way to keep employees engaged was introduced in 2020, with operational employees of the RAI being asked to perform operational services for the municipal health service (GGD) The success of the concept led to these eorts being extended to all RAI employees in 2021. In every case this involved services which could not be performed by the GGD itself, such as trac and crowd control at the test sites and hosting services at the entrances


All RAI employees involved in crowd-control and access checks

A type of multi-tasking was also applied to the events that took place in the RAI as of September In this period, visitors could only access an event when they could show a valid COVID pass in addition to their ticket and be subjected to a health check. To make this process as smooth as possible employees from all layers of our organisation performed these tasks

Employee satisfaction

More surveys

Employee satisfaction is a crucial yardstick and instrument for the continuous improvement of our company The long period without physical events and working from home made it even more important to monitor employee satisfaction on a regular basis. This was done twice in 2021, with a focus on dierent themes in March and September The focal point of surveys is to map the experience of the employees and collect their suggestions for improvement This input is then used to try and increase the satisfaction, involvement and enthusiasm levels of our sta.

Good general satisfaction under the circumstances

The general satisfaction of employees was measured in both surveys In contrast to previous years, participants were asked to give a mark (1 to 10) for the level of satisfaction they felt regarding their work at the RAI This was added as an additional question in the last survey of 2020 to allow for comparison in 2021

Thanks to the steps taken towards engagement and connectivity, the satisfaction level was high In 2021, employees gave working at the RAI an average score of 7.1. In 2020 this was 7.5. The lower score could easily be explained by the circumstances we had to work in and the pressure this placed on our personal and professional lives The good score can be largely attributed to the enormous engagement among employees and the high level of interconnectivity (76% feel a (very) strong connection to the RAI). The willingness to help other employees also scored very highly (96%).

May survey: job satisfaction

The main theme in the May survey was job satisfaction In this period, working from home was still the standard and this had a signicant eect on employees as many jobs in the RAI depend on the events taking place there Multitasking helped maintain job satisfaction at a good level. The prospect that events would be starting after the summer kept employees going

September survey: cooperation

The main theme of the September survey was cooperation within and outside of people’s own team Cooperation in the RAI is often experienced as positive Giving and receiving feedback was shown to be a focal point and will become part of the RAI’s leadership programme in 2022.



Focus on maintaining employee tness

RAI Amsterdam’s goal to promote the vitality of its employees so that they can be t, energetic and healthy at work has become even more challenging with so many working from home Over the course of 2020 and 2021 we promoted exercises to keep employees t and energetic, including desk exercises, and facilitated bike and walking tours with employees who live in the same area. We also introduced a 'coee to go' walking map for which employees could register and organise outdoor walks with other employees In periods that sport classes could take place outdoors (individually and in groups) we also facilitated bootcamps at the RAI for employees


We strive to ensure the diversity of our departments in terms of age, experience, gender and competencies, and aim to further broaden the concept of diversity in the years to come. We are convinced that diverse teams also have a positive inuence on our results.

Balanced male/female ratio

In late 2021 we had a well-balanced employee database with 51% female and 49% male sta (on an FT basis)

Goal of Talent to the Top charter achieved

The objective in the eld of gender diversity as described in the Talent to the Top charter was also met: the share of women in the policy team and second echelon of managers is 47%.


Composition of personnel

Below are some cross-sections of the RAI’s employees.


Balance at the end of the year

Personnel, by age

Percentage / FTE (balance at the end of the year)

2021 2020 EMPLOYEES Male 153 47% 192 46% Female 174 53% 226 54% Total 327 100% 418 100% FTE Male 148 49% 185 48% Female 156 51% 200 52% Total 304 100% 385 100%
2021 2020
25 and under 4% 4% 26 to 35 30% 26% 36 to 45 22% 26% 46 to 55 29% 28% 56+ 15% 16% Total 100% 100%

Personnel, by specialism

Percentage / FTE (balance at the end of the year)

2021 2020
Commercial 49% 46% Operational 31% 39% Financial/management 20% 15% Total 100% 100%

Absence due to illness

The absence due to illness rate in 2021 was 5.0% (5.1% in 2020), which we consider a reasonable gure.

Absence due to illness

Organisation setup and pay ratios

Flat organisational structure

In implementing the reorganisation in 2020 due to the COVID crisis, we applied a horizontal organisational structure without too many intermediary management layers. The statutory Executive Board heads the management team comprised of business unit directors and business support managers They manage departments with managers (depending on the scope) and employees


policy in line with market

average Directors, managers and employees are paid salaries in line with the market average The pay ratio that reects the total remuneration of the best-earning director compared to the average employee is 7 3 (end 2020: 7 4) The pay ratio decreased slightly in 2021.

Cooperation with RAI works council

Frequent and constructive dialogue

A frequent and constructive dialogue was held with the works council in 2021. This year’s meetings mainly focused on the transition plans related to the reorganisation in 2020, as well as the steps to be taken by the company in view of the COVID crisis

In addition to formal meetings with the Board, the dialogue continued in a number of subcommittees such as the HRM Committee, Financial Committee, Working Conditions Committee, Terms of Employment Committee, Pensions Committee and Temps Committee.

Works council provides support and information

The works council itself organised virtual meetings for employees to oer support and inform them about any issues it was involved in

New works council elected

The works council organised elections in October and there were sucient candidates among the sta for all seats to be lled

Percentage 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Total 5,0% 5,1% 4,3% 3,2% 2,5%

For shareholders and nancers

RAI Amsterdam has two shareholders: the RAI Association and the City of Amsterdam

In April 2020 we agreed to a new nancing scheme with three banks, which concluded the renancing process. This has assured a portfolio of long-term nancing and current accounts for the years ahead. The club deal nancing agreement with Deutsche Bank and Rabobank Amsterdam established in 2013 was hereby completely amortised

We applied and received funds from the NOW 1, 2 and 3 government support schemes We were also given a tax deferral and benet from the GO-C corporate nancing guarantee.


RAI Amsterdam (RAI Holding BV) has two shareholders: the RAI Association and the City of Amsterdam.

RAI Association: 75 percent

The RAI Association owns 75% of the shares in RAI Amsterdam This trade association promotes the interests of 700 manufacturers and importers of passenger cars, trucks, trailers, bodywork and special vehicles, motorcycles and scooters, mopeds and bicycles

City of Amsterdam: 25 percent

The remaining shares are owned by the City of Amsterdam.

Shareholder meetings

There were two shareholder meetings in 2021: the regular annual meeting and an extraordinary shareholder meeting based on proxy voting in October

General meeting

The following matters were addressed during the general meeting in April:

Ms De Macker was reappointed as a Supervisory Board member after being unanimously nominated by the Supervisory Board Both shareholders had already announced they were in agreement with the reappointment before the meeting took place. The decision was conrmed during the meeting and Ms De Macker was reappointed for a period of four years

The 2020 Annual Report was discussed and the Financial Statement conrmed The general meeting was informed about the statements from the Supervisory and Executive Boards and agreed with osetting the negative result over book year 2020 of €34.4 million with the Other Reserves item in the company equity.

The Executive Board was discharged for its policy and the Supervisory Board

for its supervision

The status of the four-track policy was discussed in detail (see 2021, the COVID crisis continued for more information);

The general meeting was informed of the shareholder report; The general meeting was informed of the 2021 plan, including budget; The general meeting said goodbye to Supervisory Board member John van der Steen


General meeting in October

Mr Takens was appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board during the meeting in October The decision was made with an absolute majority of the votes and the RAI Association voted in agreement The City of Amsterdam withheld its vote because Mr Takens will be oered the usual remuneration for Supervisory Board members, which is above the WNT- II standard


Dividend policy

The most recent dividend policy was determined for the period 2013-2018 and included the provision that we pay our shareholders a xed dividend per year of €2 24 million (price level 2014; indexed annually based on the consumer price index CBS). Should the net result be lower, the dividend is reduced to at most the net result, and the unpaid dividend paid in the following year, if the net result was sucient. The cumulatively owed dividend over the previous book years will therein never be higher than the (indexed) xed dividend over the last book year

By way of derogation from the aforementioned policy, we determined a one-o dividend in 2019 of €9 9 million to be paid over 2019 (€2 4 million) and 2020 (€7 5 million) Only part of the 2020 payment was made due to the situation in which we found ourselves as a result of the COVID pandemic: in January 2020 we provided €3.75 million in payments In view of the pandemic, it was decided in the spring of 2020 not to make any dividend decisions for 2019

A similar decision was made for 2020: not paying a dividend is one of the conditions of the government’s corporate nancing guarantee (GO-C) Dividend payments are not possible before the GO-C has been fully paid o in December 2023 or as early as possible. A similar decision should be made for 2021.


In April 2020 we agreed to a renancing scheme consisting of a nancing arrangement with three banks: ING Bank NV, Deutsche Bank AG and Coöperatieve Rabobank UA, in equal parts The scheme consists of three parts:

Facility A: with a value of €24 million;

Facility B: Bullit loan with a value of €36 million;

Facility C: current account with a value of €30 million

An amount of €7 million was paid o in the year under review

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, RAI Holding BV agreed to additional nancing worth €20 million with the aforementioned banks in December 2020 This loan has a term of three years and is based on the corporate nancing guarantee (GO-C) by which the state guarantees 80%. Further information is provided in the notes of the consolidated balance sheet per 21 December 2020 under ‘long-term loans’


Two loans were taken out in 2014 for the nancing of solar panels with Triodos Bank and the Amsterdam Investment Fund of the City of Amsterdam The scope of both loans amounts to €0 3 million by the end of 2020

For further clarication of the nancing positions please see the notes on the consolidated balance sheet in the nancial statement (1.1.7 and 1.1.8).

COVID-19 support schemes

In 2021 the RAI was eligible for the Dutch government’s NOW and TVL schemes. The NOW scheme is intended for employers who are suering a loss in turnover in order to safeguard jobs The TVL scheme reimburses xed costs for employers suering a turnover loss of at least 30% RAI Amsterdam received a total of €14 2 million from these schemes.

Prospects for 2022

Large-scale vaccination took place in the Netherlands and in most countries where the RAI’s international visitors come from. In February 2022 it became clear that the Omicron variant was mild enough for the Dutch government to allow the reopening of conferences and events We expect 2022 to contribute to the recovery of society, initially in a social sense, as well as the recovery of the RAI itself And that means a busy year awaits. We have mainly focused on events postponed from 2020 and 2021. At the same time we have continued to successfully acquire new international exhibitions such as Silicone Expo and Interspill for the agenda We will also be welcoming back Women in Tech to the RAI, and are seeing an increase in the return of relevant medical conferences such as EAU, ESC, IASP Word on Pain and ESCRS The challenge will lie in fast upscaling and optimal cooperation with suppliers and exible employees.

Expected recovery in 2022

COVID restrictions ended

Based on the most likely realistic insights at this time, we expect to be functioning without any limits from March 2022. Work methods related to access checks and control and other COVID-related measures will be kept on standby and can easily be scaled up or down if necessary. Organisers and exhibitors have faith in a strong recovery and the RAI shares this condence The expectations are therefore positive, although uncertainty remains a factor

Developments in Eastern Europe

The recent geopolitical tensions and international conict between countries may also aect our future Although the turnover from Russia and Ukraine is in itself limited and non-material, and a further, even signicant rise in energy costs will not be a risk for our continuity according to current insights, we are and will continue to be dependent on the willingness of exhibitors and visitors to travel to Amsterdam for international events While there are no reasons to doubt people’s willingness to do so at present, developments can change The consequences of the war in Ukraine remain uncertain.


For a company like RAI Amsterdam that was at a near standstill in terms of turnover due to government measures, there are – like any company in a similar situation – inevitable questions about continuity Taking into account the current insights and estimates, including those related to the aforementioned developments and the closure of our


company for a large part of Q1 2022, we expect to be able to end the year with a positive result The current conclusion of the Board, based on the analysis and latest insights, is that the organisation will be able to resolve the expected consequences using its own resources

In conclusion

The Board thanks all stakeholders for their involvement, eorts and perseverance – and also thanks our employees. The consequences of the second period of closure were challenging for the entire sector

A special word of gratitude goes to John van de Steen, active as Supervisory Board member until April 2021 The Board thanks John for the way he fullled his role as vice chair and Supervisory Board member.

Amsterdam, 9 June 2022

Executive Board of RAI Holding BV

P (Paul) Riemens, CEO

M (Maurits) van der Sluis, COO

Going concern assumption

The Board declares that these consolidated nancial statements have been prepared assuming that the company will continue as a going concern


#03 Statementbythe SupervisoryBoard



PANAmsterdamistheexhibitionforart,antiquesanddesign.Everyyearover 45,000artafficionadosareinspiredandattractedbythemanythousandsof artworksfeaturedduringtheevent;fromancientclassics,antiquesandOld Masterstodesignerfurniture,photographyandcontemporaryart.The34th editionofthelargestartexhibitionintheNetherlandswasagaintheplaceto compareart,sourceinformationandmakeexcitingdiscoveries.


Dear reader,

‘A ourishing RAI in a ourishing environment’ is RAI Amsterdam’s motto, although 2021 was unfortunately once again signicantly aected by COVID and the related restrictions on organising exhibitions and conferences Our location was closed for a long period and like many others we found ourselves in a challenging position.

There was some respite after the summer when the RAI was able to organise and facilitate several major exhibitions, and in the process see the resilience of the event sector be conrmed A large number of exhibitors and visitors were welcomed to the RAI during this autumn period until the Omicron variant forced us to close our doors again in mid-November We would like to emphasise here our deep admiration for the way in which the employees, the Executive Board and relations of the RAI dealt with this extremely dicult period for the event sector. All stakeholders fought hard to preserve what they had built up with the RAI over the years and we are very grateful

In November 2021, and for the rst time since my appointment as Supervisory Board member in October 2021, my fellow new Supervisory Board members – Michiel Boere and René Takens – and I were able to see at rst hand the operational processes involved in a large exhibition, namely METSTRADE. This had not been possible before due to COVID and it was great to see how hard all the people of the RAI worked to make this renowned show a success. Who would have thought that it would take a year after my appointment before I was able to attend an international event?

Over the past year the Board has focused not just on crisis management and supporting the Executive Board in guiding the company through the pandemic. We will also remember 2021 for the time spent developing future scenarios as part of a focus on the long term The goal has always been to realise ‘a ourishing RAI in a ourishing environment’ and that requires inspiring urban surroundings; an attractive area that serves as a meeting place for local residents and is of an added value to exhibition and event visitors The plans for the spatial development started as a blueprint for the RAI but have since become part of the vision of the City of Amsterdam itself.

It is looking increasingly likely that we can have denitively left the worst of the pandemic behind us. Although the dramatic developments in Ukraine have confronted Europe with a new crisis, the RAI retains a positive outlook for 2022 along with the recovery of the international exhibition and conference market After two tough COVID years, we hope the RAI can once again do what it does best: successfully organising exhibitions and conferences.

As members of the Supervisory Board we all understand that the past years have been a huge disappointment to all stakeholders in the event sector. It thankfully seems that the year ahead will see a recovery from the eects of the pandemic and we wish everyone the best of luck

We would like to thank the Executive Board for its relentless ambition to make the RAI the best exhibition and event venue in the world, in good times and bad Finally, thanks to the shareholders and other stakeholders for their understanding, involvement and support.

On behalf of my fellow Supervisory Board members,


Supervisory Board statement

The Supervisory Board hereby presents the Annual Report of RAI Holding BV It was compiled by the Executive Board and includes the nancial statement for 2021. Deloitte Accountants BV has checked the nancial statement and provided it with an approved audit statement

Our supervisory role

The responsibilities of the Supervisory Board include internal supervision of the Executive Board and the general aairs of the company Throughout the year we full our supervisory activities with several xed agenda items, including:

discussing the year to date (YTD) and shareholder report, two progress reports that monitor nancial and nonnancial goals with the Executive Board; going through a business update from the Executive Board that highlights the main developments related to events and clients in every Supervisory Board meeting

In addition to the xed agenda items, the Supervisory Board tackles many specic subjects throughout the year, both during regular Supervisory Board meetings and at individual informal meetings and meetings with the Board. The pandemic continued in 2021 and had a signicant impact on the RAI From the emergence of COVID in 2020, the Supervisory Board and Executive Board had regular contact about the status of the company, possible scenarios and how to survive the crisis

The main issues as discussed by the Supervisory Board are listed below, with an indication of whether they were previously prepared in one of the separate Supervisory Board committees: the Audit Committee (AC), Selection and Appointment Committee (SC) or Remuneration Committee (RC)

Business and venue Strategy

The bookings, including the postponement thereof, the legal and nancial consequences, and the prognosis; The sentiment among organisers;

The municipal test location;

Joining forces with the trade association to lobby for exhibitions and conferences to take place; Making the desired investments to fully modernise the venue and the priorities herein;

Postponing maintenance and changes to save costs;

The exhibition titles, including the strategic course to be followed and the scenarios;

The status of the ‘The Stage is Yours’ concept

The update of the policy followed to survive the consequences of the pandemic, including research into dierent activities and revenue models;

Future Vision 2030, including the masterplan, planning, ground exploitation model, possible and desired shareholder and nancing structures, subsidies, relations with real estate developers and investors, and the process to arrange a corporate nance advisor;

The CSR strategy.


Cash ow analyses, including in relation to various reopening scenarios, milestone overviews and interim measurements;

Meetings with banks;

The 2020 accountant’s report (AC);

The 2020 annual report, discussed in the presence of the external accountant (AC);

The turnover development and cost savings (AC), based on the year to date reports, among others;

The 2021 audit plan (AC);

The forecast for 2021 (AC);

The 2022 annual plan, including budget and investments (AC);

The NOW and TVL schemes and GO-C nancing (AC);

The support fund for conference acquisitions from the City of Amsterdam;

Safety Organisation

Developments related to the safety & security policy (AC);

The IT landscape including the main systems used (AC)

The Employee Experience Survey MBO;

Remuneration including variable pay (RC);

Research into the male/female wage ratio (RC);

The culture trajectory (RC);

The state of aairs regarding the reorganisation and vacancies in the organisation (RC);

The condential advisor and related procedure (RC);

Temporary stang, partially related to the tight labour market (RC);

The COVID scan/triage, and the policy to have personnel and temporary sta follow the same triage as event visitors;

The continuity steering group and its members, including the Supervisory Board (RC);

The compliance dashboard (AC).

Risk and compliance management

The Board Liability Insurance, including the consequences of the pandemic on the coverage and conditions; The activities abroad and weighing the benets and risks (AC);


The corporate governance documents, which remained unchanged (AC);

The acquisition and (re)appointment of Supervisory Board members (SC);

The step-down roster, including changes;

Overview of the address details of Supervisory Board members;

The additional functions of the Supervisory Board members;

The meeting schedule

71 Financial

Our advisory/sounding board role

In its advisory role, the Supervisory Board acts as a sparring partner for the Executive Board. As was the case in 2020, this role took on an extra dimension in 2021 due to the COVID crisis The Executive Board and Supervisory Board met many times to discuss developments and constantly test the various scenarios for topicality and proportionality

Our employer role

The Supervisory Board has discussed the following topics based on our employer role: Executive

Board Supervisory Board Secretary

The evaluation and remuneration meetings with the two Executive Board members about reporting year 2020 (RC). The appointment of René Takens and reappointment of Mariëlle de Macker (SC).

The acquisition of the general counsel / head of the legal aairs department and secretary of the Supervisory Board (RC)

General meeting

The general meetings took place on 20 April and 28 October The topics discussed are indicated in the Executive Board report

At the request of the shareholders, the Executive Board presented a plan on 8 April 2021 designed to ensure the company a ourishing future at its current location. The shareholders indicated that they agreed with the proposal. To take it to the next stage, a steering group was established at the request of the shareholders that functions as a preparatory committee for the general meeting The steering group consists of representatives from both shareholders, the CEO, the nancial director and Board secretary of RAI Amsterdam, and Supervisory Board members Annemarie van Gaal (chair of the steering group) and Otto Ambagtsheer. The steering group will meet on a monthly basis


About the Supervisory Board

Composition of the Supervisory Board and its committees

The Supervisory Board formatively consists of ve members, but started 2021 with four.

On 21 April 2021 Supervisory Board member Mariëlle de Macker was reappointed for a second term.

René Takens joined the Supervisory Board on 1 October 2021. He is the former CEO of Accell Group, chaired the Bicycle section of the RAI Association from 2005 to 2015 and served as RAI Association treasurer He was appointed based on the nomination of shareholder RAI Association

The personal details of the members, including their membership in the committees, are included in the 'Welcome to the RAI!' section under ‘Composition of the Supervisory Board'


All Supervisory Board and Executive Board members have been declared exempt by the company.

Consultations between Supervisory Board and committees

The Supervisory Board held ve scheduled meetings in 2021 Each was attended by all Supervisory Board members, statutory Executive Board members and the Financial Director. In addition to regular meetings, there were ve meetings of the AC and two of the RC and SC The attendance of each Supervisory Board member was 100 percent

Pre-consultation between the Supervisory Board members usually takes place in advance of the normal meetings. Supervisory Board members also keep in touch outside of meetings where necessary.

In addition to the aforementioned meetings with the Executive Board, the Supervisory Board also met behind closed doors Those meetings mainly involved the impact of the COVID crisis and the related scenarios and approach

The chair of the Supervisory Board and the CEO met regularly to discuss progress on various topics in 2021.

The Audit Committee prepares the Supervisory Board’s decision-making and advises the Supervisory and Executive Boards of its ndings in elds such as nance, internal risk management & control systems, risk analysis, applications of information technology (IT) and the activities and recommendations of the accountant The committee members, the CEO, the COO and the nancial director attended all meetings. The concept report of the Audit Committee was a xed agenda item in each subsequent meeting of the Supervisory Board In all these meetings the Supervisory Board received advice on the decisions to be taken by the Supervisory Board as prepared by the Audit Committee. The chair of the Audit Committee and the nancial director met regularly during the year under review to discuss the progress of various matters.

The task of the Remuneration Committee includes making proposals to the Supervisory Board and preparing accountability regarding the recommended remuneration policy and the actual remuneration of the members of the company’s Executive Board. The Remuneration Committee met twice, discussing issues such as the reorganisation, organisational culture, leadership development and the annual evaluation of the CEO and COO

The task of the Selection and Appointment Committee includes drawing up selection criteria and appointment procedures for members of the Supervisory and Executive Boards, assessing the size and composition of both boards. Other tasks include making proposals on the prole of the Supervisory Board at least once a year, reviewing


the functioning of individual Supervisory and Executive Board members and reporting on it to the Supervisory Board at least once a year, making suggestions for appointments and reappointments, and supervising the policy of the Executive Board with regards to selection criteria and appointment procedures for senior management The Selection and Appointment Committee met together with the Remuneration Committee on two occasions.

Annual report and nancial statement 2021

The Audit Committee has discussed the nancial statement and annual report with the Executive Board and the external accountant Deloitte at length The Supervisory Board then discussed the annual report with the Executive Board

The 2021 nancial statement that will be presented to the general meeting on 28 April 2022 was approved by the Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board proposes that the nancial statement be approved, that the Executive Board be given discharge for its management and that the Supervisory Board be given discharge for its supervision


In conclusion

The Supervisory Board thanks all stakeholders, employees and the Executive Board for their eorts in 2021.

Amsterdam, 9 June 2022

Supervisory Board RAI Holding BV

O (Otto) Ambagtsheer, chair

A M H (Annemarie) Macnack-van Gaal, vice-chair

M P (Michiel) Boere

W.C.M. (Mariëlle) de Macker

R J (René) Takens




Throughouttheyear,theAmsterdammunicipalhealthserviceGGDused varioushallsandspacesinRAIAmsterdamasaCOVIDtestingand vaccinationlocation.Nearly426,000peoplevisitedtheRAIforatestin2021 andover888,000peoplewerevaccinated.Attheendof2021,RAI AmsterdamwasthelargestXXL(booster)vaccinationlocationinthe Netherlands,allowingfor17,000boosterstobegivenonadailybasis.


Governanceand riskmanagement

Corporate governance


RAI Holding BV is a private company in accordance with Dutch law. Our governance is based on Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code (BW), the statues, various internal regulations and the 2016 Corporate Governance Code


The governance structure of RAI Holding BV includes a general meeting, a Supervisory Board, an Executive Board and a works council (OR).

Legal structure

RAI Holding BV is a holding. The nancial statement indicates which companies it comprises. Wherever this annual report mentions ‘RAI Amsterdam’, this should be understood to refer to RAI Holding BV and all its group companies.


The most recent statutes of RAI Holding BV are dated 18 July 2008. The latest statutes of the subsidiary RAI Amsterdam BV are dated 2 June 2015

Corporate Governance Code

The Executive Board and Supervisory Board of RAI Amsterdam recognise the 2016 Dutch Corporate Governance Code and apply the principles and best practice denitions therein insofar as they can be said to apply to RAI Holding BV.

The principles and best-practice denitions do not apply in some cases as RAI Holding BV is not quoted on the stock exchange and only has two shareholders The following recommendations from the code are not applied or not fully applied:

provision 2.8.3 (publication of standpoint in takeover situations); principle 4 2 (supplying information to the general meeting)

In addition, RAI Holding BV deviates from the code regarding the term of the employment contracts of the Executive Board The Executive Board has an indenite employment contract, but the management agreement applies for a period of four years, which means that the code is recognised:

provision 2 2 1 (appointment and reappointment terms for management)


Governance of Supervisory Board

The regulations of the Supervisory Board and its committees refer to the chapters, principles and provisions of the 2016 Corporate Governance Code in two ways First, a large part of the code has become part of the regulations themselves Secondly, the regulations state that the Supervisory Board and Executive Board endorse the Corporate Governance Code By making the chapters, principles and provisions part of the regulations, the code has eect in hindsight (with regard to accountability) and can be implemented by authorities as determined by the regulations. The Supervisory Board regulations are published on www rai nl


The task of the Supervisory Board is to supervise the policy of the Executive Board and the general course of aairs within Amsterdam RAI and its associated companies. In addition, the Supervisory Board acts as employer to the Executive Board and abides by the remuneration ratios and company culture Finally, the Supervisory Board has an advisory role in which it assists the Executive Board In fullling its duties, the Supervisory Board is focused on the interests of RAI Amsterdam and its associated companies, and takes into account the interests of all those involved in the company The Supervisory Board is responsible for the quality of its own activities

Size and composition

The Supervisory Board should have at least three but preferably ve members.

The prole is related to the composition of the Supervisory Board. It is discussed at the general meeting and with the works council whenever there are any changes The prole is published on the RAI Amsterdam website (www rai nl)

The Supervisory Board is composed in such a way that its members can function independently and critically with regard to other members, the Executive Board and any other partial interest, in accordance with the Corporate Governance Code Each Supervisory Board member should be able to evaluate the outlines of the overall policy Additionally, all members have a specic eld of expertise and related competences required for fullling their duties. The Supervisory Board aims to be composed in such a way that continuity is guaranteed and membership well-balanced with regard to the age, experience and gender ratio


As the Supervisory Board in its complete conguration has more than four members, there are three core committees (in accordance with the regulations), namely an audit committee, a remuneration committee, and a selection & appointment committee The committees are established and composed by the Supervisory Board The full Supervisory Board remains responsible for all decisions, whether or not prepared by one of the committees The regulations of the committees are published on the RAI Amsterdam website. The participation of Supervisory Board members in the committees (composition of the committees) is indicated in the ‘In brief’ segment in the ‘Composition of the Supervisory Board and Executive Board’ section


Step-down roster

Supervisory Board members are appointed for a period of four years, and can be reappointed for another period of four years After eight years, Executive Board members can be reappointed two more times for terms of two years – however, the reasoning behind this must be explicitly explained in the Supervisory Board report.

The step-down roster is indicated below and is published on www.rai.nl.

Step-down roster

Maximum is three terms (4+4+2+2)


After their appointment, every member of the Supervisory Board follows an introductory programme designed and nanced by RAI Amsterdam This focuses on general nancial and legal aairs, nancial reporting by the company, topics specic to RAI Amsterdam and its business activities, and the responsibilities of the Supervisory Board members. Otto Ambagtsheer, Michiel Boere and René Takens were introduced to the Board in 2021.

Once a year, the Supervisory Board also discusses any additional education that is desirable/required during the terms of the members

Shares, options and loans

No Supervisory Board member was provided with shares and/or options or similar rights for obtaining shares in the capital of the company No personal loans or securities were provided to Supervisory Board members

Remuneration policy & remuneration in 2021

The remuneration is described in the nancial statement in the section ‘notes on consolidated annual account'. This describes the remuneration policy and accounts for its application in 2021.

Governance of the Executive Board

The regulations for the Executive Board were last changed on 25 June 2014 They are based on Article 13, section 3 of the company statutes and serve as a supplement to the regulations and instructions that apply to the Executive Board in accordance with Dutch legislation and company statutes The task of the Executive Board and its working

Name Date of rst appointment Current term Upcoming proposal for stepping down or (re)appointment: rst General Meeting after: O. (Otto) Ambagtsheer 01.11.2020 (1st term) 1st 01.11.2024 M.P. (Michiel) Boere 01 11 2020 (1st term) 1st 01 11 2024 A M H (Annemarie) Macnack-van Gaal 15 09 2015 (1st term), 16.12.2019 (2nd term) 2nd 16 12 2023 W.C.M. (Mariëlle) de Macker 17 03 2017 (1st term), 17 03 2021 (2nd term) 2nd 17 03 2025 R J (René) Takens 01 10 2021 (1st term) 1st 01 10 2025

methods are included in the regulations, which are published on www rai nl

Shares, options and loans

No Executive Board member received any shares and/or options or similar rights for obtaining shares in the capital of the company. No personal loans and/or securities were provided to Executive Board members.

Remuneration policy & remuneration in 2021

The remuneration of the Executive Board is also included in the nancial statement in the section ‘notes on the consolidated annual account' as well as in the remuneration report.

Management structure

The RAI Amsterdam policy team consists of two members who form the management team with six titular directors and three business support managers The organigram below shows the management team, with the statutory board and Executive Board members and directors in red and business support managers in grey

Employee governance

Code of conduct

RAI Amsterdam is aware of its social role and the resulting responsibilities towards all parties Our actions and those of RAI employees are founded on the core values and business principles formulated by RAI Amsterdam The code of conduct provides clarity by describing standards related to the actions and statements of everyone who represents RAI Amsterdam. The instructions given by the code of conduct are unconditional and not inuenced by nancial objectives The code of conduct was implemented on 1 September 2006

Whistleblower scheme

The whistleblower scheme determines how employees can report suspected violations to their employer. It details the procedure to be taken by the employer and determines that employees who report suspected violations in


accordance with provisions and in good faith will not be put at any disadvantage in their position as a result of the report The whistleblower scheme was implemented on 1 September 2006


Risk management


RAI Amsterdam continued and further enhanced its risk management activities during 2021, with policy steps taken in relation to the structural and systematic control of risks. Risk management is embedded in the strategic and operational processes The integrated risk management system covers all levels of the operational management and all parts of the company Risk and control measures are periodically analysed, recorded in a register and monitored, as was the case in 2021 too. A risk & compliance board oversees progress every quarter, with the Executive Board, senior management and risk & compliance ocer taking part The Board monitors the eective functioning of the system and, together with the company, aims for continuous improvement and strengthening COVID-19 obviously led to a great deal of attention being paid to acute crisis management. While 2020 was mainly focused on acute crisis management, in 2021 working with COVID-related measures become an integral part of the regular structures

Focus on realising goals

Risk management and internal control are dynamic processes. RAI Amsterdam aims to analyse and manage the risks that may arise in realising strategic, tactical and operational goals with a reasonable level of certainty. Management measures taken in this framework are focused on reducing the chance that the risk will occur and/or reducing the impact that the risk might have should that be the case

Risk management needs to be solidly embedded in the operational processes and fully applied in order to properly function The risk management system set up by the RAI is based on the principles and starting point of standards such as ISO 31000 and COSO

Although we try to limit them as much as possible, it cannot be excluded that certain risks not currently identied or considered signicant may later have a negative eect on the capacity of the RAI to realise its goals.

Risk attitude and tolerance

Entrepreneurship is one of the core values of the RAI This involves the tolerance to take risks in a controlled way The goal of risk management is therefore not to exclude risks, but to gain insights that enable us to properly address opportunities and threats

RAI Amsterdam does limit its risk tolerance Financial risks, for instance, may not threaten the nancial resilience of the RAI. The RAI always aims for a healthy safety margin with regard to its main nancing ratio (net debt/EBITDA) of 15%. This implies a continuous availability of contracted nancing capacity of at least 10 million euros as a liquidity buer

RAI Amsterdam aims to be a safe place to meet and is aware of its responsibilities in keeping our locations and events secure, healthy and accessible. In addition, we limit all safety and health risks as much as possible. Compliance with laws and regulations is the starting point The RAI seeks to minimise the risks of non-compliance and applies a very low tolerance in this eld

Integrity is important and the RAI applies a zero-tolerance policy with regard to bribery and corruption. The risk attitude of RAI Amsterdam can be schematically represented as follows.


RAI Amsterdam risk attitude

Organisation in accordance with 'three lines of defence' model

In setting up its risk management system, RAI Amsterdam applied the 'three lines of defence' model, a structure of measures comprised of an operational line, risk management function and internal audit function.

The rst line of defence is primarily responsible for the operational management and takes ownership of controlling related risks This is realised via a proper set-up of the organisation, which involves both structure and processes as well as culture.

The second line of defence consists of the risk & compliance function that supervises the set-up and functioning of the risk management system The second line reports to the Board and line management

The third line of defence comprises an independent internal audit function. Based on an internal audit plan that is updated annually, the function supervises the set-up, existence and functioning of the administrative organisation, internal audit and control measures At this time, RAI Amsterdam has an internal audit approach that is limited to ISO certications We aim to further broaden this approach during 2022, something which was not possible in 2021 due to the COVID related suspension of events.



The Supervisory Board monitors the operational management of RAI Amsterdam, among others. It approves (changes to) the risk management policy, and risk management is regularly included on the agendas of meetings of the audit committee and Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board employs the external accountant and approves its audit plan on an annual basis

The external accountant also acts as supervisor and monitors the set-up, existence and functioning of the administrative organisation and internal supervision based on an annually updated audit plan The external accountant reports to the Supervisory Board via a management letter and an accountant statement in the annual report.


An update of the risk assessment was implemented during 2021 in light of the cyclical assessment of current developments & the adjusted goals of the organisation Due to the explicit link to the goals of RAI Amsterdam, risk management strengthens the performance management. In total there are 17 risks which are considered most relevant The uncertainty caused by the COVID situation is described in this chapter under ‘changing environmental factors’

Evaluating the actual risks for RAI Amsterdam involves assessing both the current risk of an incident occurring and the current consequences (measured in nancial terms) this might have on RAI Amsterdam.

The combination of the current risk and current consequences determines whether the current risk level is seen as low, medium or high The evaluation explicitly takes into account the monitoring procedures and measures taken to mitigate the relevant risk. The determination of risk and consequence is indicated in the matrix table. The letters in the matrix indicate the type of risk, with S representing strategic risks, O operational risks, and F nancial/administrative risks The associated numbers refer to the specic risks as described above The colours represent the following risk levels: low (green), medium (yellow) and high (red).

'Three lines of defence' model

Main risks and mitigating measures

Market and competition

The commercial playing eld and competitive position of RAI Amsterdam can be aected by activities or developments by competitive parties and potential market partners. With this in mind, the RAI has developed a strategic portfolio policy and keeps a close eye on the market position of its portfolio The merits of and conditions related to potential partners are identied and we proactively assess the options available in this eld This is translated into a market strategy for each domain, with changing client preferences taken into account. The new business process is aimed at developing new propositions with or without partnerships.

Changing environmental factors

The pandemic hit the RAI very hard and is therefore still the most relevant external environmental factor, one which is having enormous consequences. How the crisis will develop in the future remains uncertain, but the impact on the RAI is clearly long term While it remains uncertain how and when restrictions related to travel and event visits will be lifted, the RAI continues to believe in the strength of personal meetings The highly successful, temporary resumption of the events in the autumn of 2021 is seen as encouraging in this framework. To get through the COVID crisis the RAI will continue to aim for the fast reopening of the RAI, securing nancial continuity, the accelerated development of new revenue models, and the further modernisation of the venue into an attractive multifunctional location Concretely, this was translated into ensuring the availability of COVID protocols, a focus on digital and hybrid events, and optimising the post-COVID event calendar.

Strategy execution and change management

Strategic and operational manoeuvrability are crucial in turbulent times A newly enhanced strategy was translated into a Masterplan RAI 2030 that will be realised programmatically and makes use of external expertise The risks and insecurities related to the programme were systematically mapped, and alignment with the various stakeholders (shareholders, Supervisory Board, municipality and works council) intensied With regard to change management, we are focusing on streamlining processes in a slimmed down organisation, the continued development of the logistics concept for the RAI, and dening the desired and required investments in the modernisation and digitisation of the venue.


Financial risks

Financial risks usually originate from underlying strategic, operational or compliance risks, and the related control measures take place within the spectrum of nancial management and treasury From 2020, the RAI responded to the COVID crisis via a savings programme, a nancing programme and with a maximum focus on cashows. We are consulting closely with clients about how to deal with advance payments related to cancelled events The majority of these advance payments have been kept for postponed events rather than remunerated No dividend was paid over 2020, and tax payments were phased over time.

Investments were reduced to a bare minimum level during the pandemic crisis. The intensive cash management was strengthened via scenario-based planning and helps support the organisation through these turbulent times.


Cybercrime is one of the greatest threats to businesses worldwide, and RAI Amsterdam is not immune We have therefore dened a cyber security policy and are taking organisational and physical measures to mitigate this risk as much as possible It is also intended to reduce consequential risks such as operational disruptions and the loss of privacy-sensitive information A periodical external audit of the soundness of these measures is part of this approach


Any damage to the reputation of the RAI can have major long-term consequences so a range of instruments have been deployed to mitigate these A compliance management system has been set up to ensure that laws and regulations are closely observed. An integrity policy helps prevent undesirable or dishonest behaviour. Intensive stakeholder management is partly focused on consolidating the good reputation of the RAI, while a corporate communication policy ensures eective communication to all stakeholders

Safety and security

RAI Amsterdam is a multifunctional venue where in normal times lots of people come together. This implies health & safety risks for visitors and employees and the risk of damage to or theft of their property The RAI has therefore developed an integrated safety management system that involves a risk-based focus on strategic and operational safety management issues. It also mitigates as much as possible the risk of business interruption caused by calamities. The eective functioning of these measures is monitored. COVID protocols for safely visiting the RAI venue were logically a major focal point throughout the year and proved their worth in the autumn


Compliance management

RAI Amsterdam aims to comply with all legal and licence-related requirements and guidelines that apply to the organisation. We also strive to comply with and work in accordance with the standards and guidelines that the RAI itself has established The RAI aims to minimise the risks of non-compliance as much as possible and has a low tolerance in this respect, hence the establishment of a compliance management system

In setting up its compliance management system the RAI closely followed the starting points and principles of the ISO 19600 standard for compliance management wherever possible Key starting points included:

a dedicated, structured approach in a continuous process;

a clearly dened scope and a risk analysis-based prioritisation in the context of the specic characteristics of the RAI organisation;

a clear division and appointment of tasks and responsibilities, with a leading and committed role for senior management;

a cyclical process that enables the RAI to be a learning organisation; a focus on culture and behaviour in line with the core values; transparency regarding the compliance approach and the way non-compliance is handled.

The compliance management system has integrally mapped the compliance obligations of the RAI and secured compliance via programmes The progress is constantly monitored and discussed in the risk & compliance board, which includes the Board, senior management and the risk & compliance ocer.

We have placed a strong focus on renewing the RAI’s occupancy permit Based on a new re safety concept and detailed re safety plans per sub-location, the RAI worked closely with the local Environmental Service to get the new permit approved

Moreover, the RAI took steps to update its internal guidelines and policy formulation, and increase its transparency via documentation and specic reports in 2021 As the activities had been suspended for a long period, the development of reports has not yet reached the desired level It is our goal to achieve this in 2022


#05 Financialstatement

GreenTechLive&Online Horticultureandseedmaterials,28-30September2021

GreenTechistheheartoftheinternationalhorticulturetechnologysector, withauniquefocusonthestartofthehorticulturechain.In2021,GreenTech organisedvariousonlineandphysicalmeetings.Theglobalhorticulture technologycommunitycametogetherliveinRAIAmsterdamandviaavirtual platformatthesametime.Thefirstspin-offofGreenTechalsotookplacein 2021,inQuerétaro,Mexico.

1.1. Consolidated balance sheet (before proposed appropriation of results)


Consolidated balance sheet

Before appropriation of results Amounts x € 1,000 Ref. 2021 2020 ASSETS Fixed assets Intangible xed assets 1 1 1 7 434 7 986 Tangible xed assets 1.1.2. 156.036 167.525 Financial xed assets 1 1 3 1 134 1 134 164 604 176 645 Current assets Stock 459 312 Receivables 1 1 4 21 366 10 955 Securities 41 41 Deferred taxes 3 323 4 830 Cash 53.827 52.126 79 016 68 264 243.620 244.909
91 Ref 2021 2020 LIABILITIES Shareholder equity 1 1 5 Subscribed capital 2.730 2.730 Share premium 22 006 22 006 Statutory translation dierences -460 -683 Other reserves 38 180 67 351 Unappropriated prots -2 361 -29 171 60.095 62.233 Provisions 1 1 6 Deferred taxesOther provisions 928 918 928 918 Debts Long-term liabilities 1.1.7. 64.765 78.985 Short-term liabilities 1 1 8 117 832 102 773 243 620 244 909

2.1. Consolidated prot and loss account

Consolidated prot and loss account

Amounts x € 1,000 Ref 2021 2020 Net turnover 2 1 1 53 632 42 310 Sum of operating revenues 53 632 42 310 Costs of outsourced work and other external costs 2.1.2. 20.145 26.264 Wages and salaries 2 1 3 17 667 25 198 Social security contributions 2 685 3 783 Pension contributions -545 3 361 NOW government wage subsidy and (TVL) xed costs subsidy -14 248 -19 291 Depreciation of intangible and tangible xed assets 2.1.4. 14.318 15.369 Other operating expenses (including other personnel costs) 2 1 5 12 353 22 041 Sum of operating expenses 52 376 76 725 Operating results 1.256 -34.415 Interest proceeds and similar -Interest costs and similar -2 207 -2 272 Sum of nancial proceeds and costs 2.1.6. -2.207 -2.272 Prot on ordinary activities before tax -951 -36 687 Taxes on prot on ordinary activities 2 1 7 -1 411 7 516 Results after tax -2 361 -29 171

3.1. Consolidated cash ow statement


Consolidated cash ow statement

Amounts x € 1,000 2021 2020 Cash ow from operational activities Operating prot 1 256 -34 415 Adjustments for: Depreciation on intangible and tangible xed assets 14.318 15.371 Changes in provisions 10 -479 14 328 14 892 Changes in stock and receivables -9 051 14 820 Changes in short-term liabilities (excluding bank credit) 13.021 13.750 3 970 28 570 Paid interest -1.682 -1.548 Paid taxes on prot on ordinary activities --1 682 -1 548 Total cash ow from operational activities 17 872 7 499 Cash ow from investment activities Investment in tangible xed assets -1 350 -3 791 Investment in intangible xed assets -601 -968 Divestment in nancial xed assets -Total cash ow from investment activities -1.951 -4.759 Cash ow from nancing activities Dividend payment -Change in debts to credit institutions -14 220 48 732 Repayment of long-term liabilities in book year
95 2021 2020 Total cash ow from nancing activities -14 220 48 732 Changes in cash and bank credit 1 701 51 472 Cash and bank credit as on 1 January 52 126 654 Cash and bank credit as on 31 December 53 827 52 126

Consolidated overview of total result

total result

Consolidated overview of the
Amounts x € 1,000 2021 2020 Consolidated net result after taxes attributable to the legal entity -2 361 -29 171 Translation dierences foreign participating interests 223 -474 Total of the direct changes in the shareholder equity of the legal entity as part of the group equity 223 -474 Total result of the legal entity -2 138 -29 645


RAI Holding BV has its registered oce in Amsterdam (Europaplein 24), Chamber of Commerce number 33093880 The company’s nancial year runs from 1 January to 31 December.


RAI Holding BV is a holding company. The main activities of the RAI are accommodating RAI-organised events, and providing facilities to third parties for exhibitions, conferences, corporate events, theatre productions and niche events


These consolidated nancial statements have been prepared assuming that the company will continue as a going concern.

COVID-19 virus: continuity assumption still applies

This annual report is published at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken by the Dutch government are still having a major impact on the activities of the RAI. In response to these developments, the RAI has maximised its focus on savings, postponing non-essential investments and focusing on liquidity Based on the currently available facts and taking into account the measures taken by the RAI and the nancial position of the company, management believes that the continuity of the company in the current circumstances is secure. For a detailed clarication of the continuity assumption, we refer to the related section on page 66 of this report

General principles for valuation

The annual accounts were drawn up in accordance with the generally accepted principles for nancial reporting in the Netherlands and meet the legal provisions regarding the annual accounts as recorded in Title 9, Book 2 of the Netherlands Civil Code (BW) The principles for the valuation of assets and liabilities were applied consistently during the previous and current year. The principles for valuation and result determination apply to both the consolidated and company annual accounts

Shareholder structure

The RAI Association has a 75 per cent interest in RAI Holding BV The remaining 25 per cent of the shares are held by the Municipality of Amsterdam

Principles of consolidation

The nancial data of RAI Holding BV and all its group companies are consolidated Group companies are participations over which RAI Holding BV has decisive control The other participating interests are not consolidated

The nancial information of companies acquired during the year under review is consolidated from the moment that RAI Holding BV acquires decisive control over the companies concerned until the moment this control is terminated Transactions between companies that are consolidated are eliminated

The company owns 100% of the shares in the following participations: RAI Amsterdam BV and Arfora BV, Amsterdam


These group companies include the results of the following indirect participations (100%): RAI Solar Energy BV, Amsterdam; RAI USA, Inc , Delaware; Rui Ang Exhibition and Convention Co , Ltd , Shanghai; RAI TURKEY


The company in Turkey was established in 2016. The results of the indirect participation (50%): IBEX LLC, Maine USA.

Functional currency

The items in the annual accounts of the group companies are valued in accordance with the currency of the economic environment in which the group company mainly performs its activities (the functional currency) The consolidated annual accounts were drawn up in euros; the functional and presentation currency of RAI Holding BV

Transactions, receivables and liabilities

Transactions in foreign currencies are converted at the exchange rates at the time of the transaction

Monetary assets and liabilities are converted into the functional currency at the exchange rates on the balance sheet date. The resulting exchange dierences are included in the prot and loss account, unless hedge accounting is applied.

Non-monetary assets that are valued in a foreign currency at acquisition cost are converted at the exchange rates valid at the time of transaction

Non-monetary assets valued in a foreign currency at the current value are converted at the exchange rates which applied at the time the current value was determined

Conversion dierences in long-term inter-group loans which are actually an expansion or reduction of the net investment of foreign participations will be credited or charged directly to the equity in the statutory reserve for exchange dierences

If loans were entered into in a foreign currency to nance or cover the net investment in a foreign participation, the exchange dierences that result from the loan will be processed in the statutory conversion dierences reserve insofar as the loan is eective as coverage for the exchange dierences on the net investment in the foreign participation.

The assets and liabilities of the participations included in the consolidation at a functional currency that is dierent than the presentation currency will be converted at the exchange rates on the balance sheet date The prots and losses are converted at the exchange rates at the time of transaction The resulting conversion dierences will be credited or charged directly to the equity in the statutory conversion dierences reserve.


Use of estimates

In order to help determine the included gures when drawing up the annual accounts, the management of RAI Holding BV makes certain estimates and suppositions in accordance with the generally accepted principles of nancial reporting The factual results can deviate from these estimates

The estimates and underlying suppositions are regularly evaluated The consequences of the COVID virus and the related uncertainties have been included in the annual account estimates Revisions of estimates are recorded in the period in which the estimate is revised and in future periods aected by the revision.

Financial tools

Financial tools include both primary nancial tools such as receivables or debts, and nancial derivatives. Please see the description per balance sheet item for the principles of the primary nancial tools

RAI Holding BV applies hedge accounting based on documentation for each individual hedge relation, and documents how the hedge relations t in with the goals of the risk management, hedge strategy and expectations regarding the eectiveness of the hedge

The eective part of the nancial derivatives assigned to cost-price hedge-accounting is measured at cost value while the ineective part is measured at fair value. The valuation changes of the fair value of the ineective part are immediately processed in the prot and loss account

Principles for the valuation of assets and liabilities

The assets and liabilities are valued at nominal value unless the notes for the individual items indicate otherwise

Intangible xed assets

Externally obtained exhibition titles are valued at cost price or market value if lower, and are depreciated over their economic life, which is assumed to be 20 years at most

The economic life of the IBEX exhibition title is assumed to be 15 years at most

Software is valued at historic cost and is depreciated over its economic life, which is assumed to be ten years at most Operating rights are valued at acquisition price and depreciated annually based on the term of these rights

Tangible xed assets

Tangible xed assets are valued at their acquisition price, minus straight-line depreciation based on their economic life and minus any special depreciation

Maintenance costs for buildings owned are immediately charged to the results, or entered as assets and depreciated if the asset criteria allow The depreciation calculation takes the residual value into account, which is expected to be nil in all cases

Financial xed assets

Participating interests over which signicant control is exercised over business and nancial policy are stated at their net asset value determined on the basis of the accounting principles of RAI Holding BV Participating interests over which no signicant control is exercised are stated at the acquisition price or current value if lower.


Receivables from and loans to participating interests as well as other receivables are stated at the fair value in the initial processing, and then valued at the amortised cost minus the necessary provisions

Special depreciation of xed assets

An evaluation is made each year to check for any indications that intangible, tangible or nancial xed assets are subject to special depreciation Special depreciations apply when the balance sheet value of the asset is higher than the realisable value In such cases the relevant asset is devalued to the realisable value The loss is immediately processed as an expense in the prot and loss accounts


Receivables are stated at the fair value in the initial processing, then valued at the amortised cost, which is the same as the nominal value minus any provisions for doubtful debts These provisions are determined based on an individual assessment of the receivables.

The receivables have an expected term of up to one year, unless stated otherwise.


The stock mainly involves food & beverage products of which the valuation is determined at acquisition costs, minus a provision for obsolescence where necessary


Securities are stated at their cost or market value on the balance sheet date, whichever is the lower The market value is in principle equal to the value quoted on the stock exchange If a sale is expected in the short term, the directly realisable value is considered the market value.


Liquidities are at the disposal of the company


Provisions are included for all rightful enforceable or factual obligations resulting from an event before the balance sheet date, which are expected to require an export of capital for the fullment thereof and of which the scope can be reliably estimated

A provision for long-service payments is included based on the valid long-service scheme per balance sheet date, taking into account the likelihood of continued employment, future labour cost developments and discount provisions

A provision is included for bonus schemes and participations based on relevant performance schemes This provision is included under current liabilities

Pension scheme

The company has two active pension schemes for its employees. Those who started working for the company before 1 January 2013 are subject to a pension provision that qualies as a dened benet plan, in which the dened pension payments are based on average pay This pension scheme has been placed with a pension insurer, and is processed in the nancial statement as a dened contribution scheme due to the fact that the obligations for realising this pension scheme are entirely reinsured.


Employees who started working for the company since 1 January 2013 or those who have voluntarily switched to the new pension scheme are subject to a premium scheme with the nature of a dened contribution agreement in which the company obligations are limited to making an annual contribution to the insurance company Future payable contributions will partly depend on the development of the employment conditions and the returns on the invested contributions achieved by the insurer

Long-term liabilities

Long-term liabilities include debts with a remaining term of over one year. These debts are stated at the fair value in the rst processing and then valued at the amortised cost.

Current liabilities

Current liabilities are stated at their fair value in the rst processing and then at the amortised costs They have an expected term of less than one year. A provision is included for bonus schemes and participations based on relevant performance schemes There is also a provision included for contractual agreements with employees

(Deferred) corporation tax

Temporary dierences between the determination of prot for commercial and tax purposes are stated at their nominal value in the balance sheet as a tax deferral or asset. Deferred claims for corporation tax on account of taxdeductible losses are valued at the future tax rate on the balance sheet date in so far as it can reasonably be expected that the claims are realisable

RAI Holding BV is the leading company of a group that is treated as a single entity for tax purposes. The other members of the group are RAI Amsterdam BV, RAI Solar Energy BV and Arfora BV

Principles for determination of results Revenue

The nancial statements have been prepared on the basis of historical cost The revenue recognition applies to all categories as specied under 2 1 1 The net turnover includes revenue from the delivery of goods and services as specied under 2.1.1, minus discounts and the like and turnover tax. Revenue and expenses are accounted for in the period during which the activity is performed For exhibitions and events this is the period in which the event takes place Prots are accounted for in that period Losses and risks that originated before the end of the nancial year are processed if and insofar as they became known before the annual accounts were drawn up.

The revenue and expenses for participations in which the RAI plays a deciding role are consolidated proportionally. For participations in which the RAI does not play a deciding role, the result attributable to RAI Holding BV is included.

Costs of outsourced work

The costs for outsourced work and other external costs involve direct and indirect costs, including purchasing costs of sold catering stock that can be attributed to the turnover.

NOW wage cost support

In the reporting year 2021, the RAI benetted from the Dutch government’s COVID-related support schemes, including the NOW scheme. The sum processed as a contribution in 2021 is €12.4 million in subsidies. The NOW


scheme was included in the prot and loss accounts as an individual item, together with the compensation of the xed costs (TVL) scheme The denitive determination of the subsidy amount had not yet been made on the date the nancial statement was drawn up

Compensation of xed costs (TVL) scheme

In the reporting year 2021, the RAI benetted from the Dutch government’s TVL support scheme. The sum processed as a contribution in 2021 is €1 8 million in subsidies The TVL scheme was included in the prot and loss accounts as an individual item, together with the NOW scheme The denitive determination of the subsidy amount had not yet been made on the date that the nancial statement was drawn up.


The depreciation on tangible xed assets is calculated on a linear basis by reference to the expected economic life

The applied depreciation rates are between 2% and 20% The depreciation of the intangible xed assets is related to the acquisition value, and ranges between 5% and 20% Possible residual values of tangible and/or intangible xed assets are not taken into account.

Financial revenue and expenditure

The nancial revenue and expenditure involve the exchange rate dierences, interest revenue and costs and similar results attributable to the period concerned.

Participating interest results

The participating interest results concern the share of the company in the results of the net asset value of the participating interests The share that the company is due is stated as the result of a specic participating interest in the participating interest results.

Corporation tax

The corporation tax is calculated on the commercial pre-tax prot, taking into account tax facilities The change in the provision for deferred corporation tax is taken into account in the calculations.

A continuous evaluation is made as to whether the nancial reporting should or could be adapted in the framework of new scal legislation

Cash ow statement

The cash ow statement has been drawn up in accordance with the indirect method. The resources in the cash ow statement consist of liquidities.


Notes on the consolidated balance sheet as on 31 December 2021

1.1.1. Intangible xed assets

Intangible xed assets

Investments in exhibition titles (paid goodwill) are depreciated over a maximum period of 20 years An impairment test on titles that were externally acquired in the past is performed annually The latest test gives no rise to depreciate the externally acquired titles Software is depreciated over a period of ten years at most, calculated from the time it is rst used.

The ‘other’ category primarily concerns the use of a lounge in the Johan Cruij ArenA These rights will be depreciated until the year 2026 Divestments are related to assets that are no longer used The work in progress concerns investments in software for projects that have not yet been taken into use.

Amounts x € 1,000 Exhibition titles Software Other Work in progress Total Cost as on 1-1-2021 5 876 11 362 1 684 281 19 203 Finished work in progress - 271 - -271Acquisitions - -24 - 625 601 Translation dierences 470 - - - 470 Divestments - - - -Cost as at 31-12-2021 6 346 11 610 1 684 635 20 275 Depreciation and amortisation as on 1-1-2021 1 885 7 946 1 386 - 11 216 Depreciation 386 1 041 53 - 1 480 Translation dierences 144 - - - 144 Divestments - - - -Depreciation and amortisation as on 31-122021 2.415 8.986 1.438 - 12.840 Book value as on 1-1-2021 3.991 3.416 298 281 7.987 Book value as on 31-12-2021 3 930 2 623 246 635 7 434

1.1.2. Tangible xed assets

Tangible xed assets

Buildings and land are depreciated over a period of ve to 50 years, the Convention Centre over a period of 20 years, and installations over a period of 10 to 20 years The other xed assets are depreciated over a period of ve to 20 years Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the RAI performed an impairment analysis of the tangible xed assets which showed there was no reason for them to be depreciated.

In 2017 the RAI renewed its long-term land lease retroactively from 1 November 2016 The paid land lease until 2066 amounts to €2,959,407 (2020: €3,025,416) Divestments are related to xed assets that are no longer used The paid land lease is depreciated over the entire canon period until 2066

Amounts x € 1,000 Buildings, installations and land Inventory Work in progress Total Cost as on 1-1-2021 373 318 29 806 1 098 404 222 Investments 534 90 725 1 350 Finished work in progress 765 94 -859Divestments -363 - - -363 Cost as on 31-12-2021 374 254 29 990 964 405 208 Depreciation and amortisation as on 1-1-2021 210.627 26.070 -0 236.697 Depreciation 11 474 1 170 18 12 662 Divestments -186 - - -186 Depreciation and amortisation as on 31-122021 221 915 27 239 18 249 173 Book value as on 1-1-2021 162 691 3 736 1 098 167 525 Book value as on 31-12-2021 152.339 2.751 946 156.036

1.1.3. Financial xed assets

Financial xed assets

The nancial xed assets refer to a capital interest in Stadion Amsterdam CV of 1/9 share of the limited capital The valuation of this capital interest is valued at the acquisition price or current value if lower

1.1.4. Current assets, receivables

The trade receivables include, among other items, receivables for future events to an amount of €8,532,838 (2020: €5,043,604).

The other receivables include, among other items, yet to be billed invoices to an amount of €3,721,154 (2020: €2,989,182)

The accrued assets include, among other items, costs paid in advance to the amount of €913,826 (2020: €1,188,110) and paid personnel and other costs for future exhibitions to an amount of €1,800,954 (2020: €1,156,032)

Amounts x € 1,000 Total Balance as on 1-1-2021 1 134 Other changesBalance as on 31-12-2021 1 134
assets, receivables Amounts x € 1,000 2021 2020 Trade receivables 14 493 8 195 Allowance for doubtful debts -1 798 -2 422 12 695 5 773 Other receivables 6 075 3 297 Receivables from shareholders 98Accrued assets 2 498 1 885 21 366 10 955

1.1.5. Shareholder equity

For an explanation of the changes in the shareholder equity in 2021 and 2020 see the notes on the company annual accounts of RAI Holding BV (see 4 1 2 )

1.1.6. Provisions

The other provisions mainly involve a provision for long-service payments and other personnel-related provisions. The above provisions are primarily of a long-term nature.

1.1.7. Long-term liabilities

Long-term liabilities

106 Provisions Amounts x € 1,000 Deferred taxes Other Total Balance as on 1-1-2021 - 918 918 Allocation - 47 47 Withdrawal - -37 -37 Balance as on 31-12-2021 - 928 928
x € 1,000 2021 2020 Loans Deutsche Bank AG 19 333 24 000 Loan Coöperatieve Rabobank Amsterdam U A 19 333 24 000 Loan ING Bank 19 333 24 000 Loan Triodos Bank 180 195 Loan Klimaatfonds Amsterdam 100 100 Other liabilities 6 485 6 690 64 765 78 985

Overview long-term loans

Per 31 December 2020, amounts x € 1,000

RAI Holding was renanced in 2020. After the nancing trajectory, a nancing agreement with three banks – ING Bank NV, Deutsche Bank AG and Coöperatieve Rabobank UA – was concluded in April 2020

The credit agreement is a supplement to the current accounts with a value of €30 million from two loans with a total value of € 60 million (33 3% ING Bank NV, 33 3% Deutsche Bank AG and 33 3% Coöperatieve Rabobank UA)

The interest on the loans is Euribor with a margin of 1.50%.

In December 2020, the RAI entered into an additional nancing agreement related to liquidity requirements during the COVID crisis, and based on the government’s Corporate Financing Guarantee C (GO-C) This GO-C was established with the same banks as the renancing and amounts to €20 million over a term of three years. The interest on the GO-C loan is Euribor with a margin of + 2.65%.

In 2020 and 2021, the RAI entered into an interest swap contract with ING Bank NV, Coöperatieve Rabobank UA and Deutsche Bank AG worth approximately €30 million

Based on this interest swap, RAI Holding BV pays an interest percentage of -0 46% (excluding margin)

The GO-C nancing issues a waiver for the applicable covenants until Q2 2022. The current covenant involves minimum EBITDA level during the quarters from Q4 2020 The previously existing covenants will be re-established as of 30 June 2022

The business premises at Europaplein have been mortgaged as security for the repayment of the long-term debts and overdraft facility

A credit agreement with the Triodos Bank for the nancing of solar panels was concluded in 2014. It consists of a loan of €0 29 million for the period until 1 January 2034 The loan is being repaid in 79 quarterly terms, starting 1 July 2014 The interest rate is 3 5% on an annual basis for the period until 17 January 2026

Principle Payment in book year Amount remaining Loan Deutsche Bank AG 26 333 2 333 24 000 Loan Coöperatieve Rabobank U A 26 333 2 333 24 000 Loan ING Bank N.V. 26 333 2 333 24 000 Loan Triodos Bank 205 15 190 Loan Klimaatfonds Amsterdam 100 - 100 Other liabilities 7 473 205 7 268 86 778 7 220 79 558 Minus short-term part of long-term liabilities 7 793 14 793 78 985 64 765

A credit agreement to nance solar panels was concluded with the Amsterdam Investment Fund of the Municipality of Amsterdam in 2014 It consists of a loan of €0 1 million for the period until 5 March 2029 The loan will be repaid at the latest by 5 March 2029 and the interest rate is 0%

The other long-term liabilities concern a lump-sum payment received in 1988 from the Municipality of Amsterdam for the operating losses of the convention centre in the period until 2038 This lump-sum payment was acquired in the past for an interest of 7 46% This lump-sum payment is mainly of a long-term nature The release benets the operational costs. The annual interest increase is at the expense of the nancial revenue and expenditure.

Of the long-term liabilities, a total of €6.5 million has a term of over ve years.


1.1.8. Current liabilities

Current liabilities

The accrued liabilities largely consist of receivable invoices for incurred costs of €10,674,339 (2020: €4,719,954) and accrued liabilities related to personnel to an amount of € 1,687,846 (2020: €5,536,403).

O-balance sheet information

1. 1. Since the start of 2020 the RAI has had available the parking garage of the nhow hotel. The rental contract started as soon as the parking garage was delivered and has a term of 20 years The rent for 2022 is €674,884 (2021: €656,990)a year and will be indexed annually The total contractual obligation is €12,147,188 (2020: €12,381,426) of which €674,844 (2020: € 51,654) expired within a year, and a sum of €3,374,219 (2020: €3,258,270) in ve years. The remainder involves the period 2026 to 2039.

2 There were bank guarantees issued to an amount of €219,975 (2020: €219,975)

3 There are operational lease commitments for 24 (2020: 28) cars At the end of the nancial year the contractual commitments totalled €441,777 (2020: €588,595), of which €211,901 is due within one year. The remainder is due within ve years.

4 A total of €396,489 (2020: €375,270) in lease payments were made in 2021

5 In 2017 an agreement was reached with the Land Lease and the Land Issuance and Development department of the Municipality of Amsterdam on an advanced change of the long-term land lease agreement. The new agreement has a term of 50 years until 30 October 2066 The available part of the capitalised acquired longterm land lease as of 1 November 2016 will be depreciated over the new term of 50 years The total liability for long-term land lease (until 2066) is €12,455,112 of which €276,780 expires in one year, and a sum of €1,383,901 which expires in ve years. The remaining sum involves the period from 2027 to 2066. The amounts due are indexed annually

6 RAI Holding BV is the leading company of a group that is treated as a single entity for corporation tax purposes The other members of the group are RAI Amsterdam BV, RAI Solar Energy BV and Arfora BV. Each company is severally liable for the liabilities of the scal entity.

Amounts x € 1,000 2021 2020 Bank overdrafts 29 780 29 780 Short-term part of long-term liabilities 14 793 7 793 Advance payments 30 058 31 216 Debts to suppliers 9 187 5 907 Debts to shareholders 3 774 3 775 Corporation tax - 23 Other taxes and social security contributions 16 943 10 800 Accruals and deferred income 13 297 13 480 117 832 102 773

Financial tools

The risks associated with the nancial tools are claried below.

Credit risk

Exposure is constantly monitored and acted upon in order to manage the credit risk There was no major concentration of credit risks at the end of the nancial year Credit risks relate to debtors and other short-term receivables. Sucient provisions were included accordingly.

Currency risk

There are no substantial currency risks as the operational cash ows and nancing activities mainly take place in euros.

Interest risk

Interest risks mainly concern long-term loans RAI Amsterdam BV has interest rate swap contracts to cover interest risks. In order to x the interest rates, interest rate swaps were concluded in 2020 for the period until March 2024 amounting to €28.5 million at the end of 2021. RAI Amsterdam BV pays an interest rate of 0.46% on the interest swap with ING Bank NV, Deutsche Bank AG and Coöperatieve Rabobank UA The amounts covered by the interest swaps are smaller than or equal to the outstanding principle of the loans from ING Bank NV, Deutsche Bank A and Coöperatieve Rabobank UA.

On 31 December 2021, the interest swaps had a fair value of minus €99,197 (2020: minus €40,000).

The nominal value will be reduced to zero over the remaining interest swap period (until 2024).

A variable interest rate of three months Euribor plus an individual surcharge is paid on the bank overdrafts.


Notes on the consolidated prot and loss accounts 2021

2.1.1. Turnover

As was the case in 2020, the RAI rented out its premises to the Amsterdam health service (GGD) to use as a COVID19 test location throughout 2021 GGD Amsterdam is a municipal institution connected to the city council We gave a signicant discount on the normal rates in recognition of the social aspect of these services, the letting term and the demand from society for accessible test locations.

Turnover Amounts x € 1,000 2021 2020 By geographical area The Netherlands 50 212 41 897 Other countries 3.420 413 53 632 42 310 By activity Letting to third parties 10 011 6 787 Exhibition events 14 434 10 009 Catering 4 000 5 148 Hotel commissions 246 629 Parking 4 640 4 052 Facility Services 6 619 7 465 Interior 7 593 3 079 Building-related letting 3 979 3 812 Other 2.108 1.328 53 632 42 310

2.1.2. Costs of outsourced work and other external costs

Costs of outsourced work and other external costs

2.1.3. Personnel costs

The RAI has two pension schemes in its working conditions:

Premium pension scheme (the standard from 2013)

Dened benet plan based on average pay (for employees working for the company before 2013)

The average pay is a conditional indexed average in which indexation occurs under specic conditions

Over the period 2018 to 2020, reservations for conditional indexation were processed in the results

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the RAI decided in 2021 to perform indexation over the year 2018, and not provide additional means for an indexation of the average pay over the years 2019 and 2020

Due to this decision, the surplus in reserved funds over the years 2019 and 2020 was processed in the results of book year 2021

The salary (including benets) paid to (two) Board members totalled €766,255 (in 2020: € 777,027).

The salary paid to Supervisory Board members (an average of ve) amounted to €124,102 (2020: €99,093, average of four)

Amounts x € 1,000 2021 2020 Accommodation 606 1 467 Catering 2 551 3 160 Outsourcing costs 4.713 3.906 Marketing costs 1 193 1 610 Organisation costs 2 826 5 942 Safety & security costs 2 175 1 366 Facility 4 384 6 841 Other 1.698 1.972 20 145 26 264

Average number of employees

2.1.4. Depreciation on intangible and tangible xed assets

The depreciation on intangible and tangible xed assets consists of €14.1 million in regular depreciations and €0.2 million in book losses on divested tangible xed assets

In FTE, working for the group 2021 2020 In the Netherlands 292 424 Abroad 12 9 304 433 Personnel,
2021 2020
Percentage / FTE (balance at the end of the year)
Commercial 49% 46% Operational 31% 39% Financial/management 20% 15% Total 100% 100%

2.1.5. Other operational costs

Other operational costs

Amounts x € 1,000 2021 2020 Consultancy costs 961 1 764 Automation costs 3 210 3 999 Agency costs 559 756 Building and accommodation 5 389 6 273 Marketing 185 731 Other costs -773 -9 Maintenance 2 046 1 937 Temporary personnel 548 1.153 Other personnel costs 146 5 291 Travel and representation costs 85 146 12 355 22 041

Accountancy costs

In accordance with Article 382a Book 2 of the Netherlands Civil Code, an amount of €164,975 (2020: €141,300) is due to Deloitte Accountants BV in the book year, of which €122,500 (2020: € 125,000) relates to the annual audit and € 42,475 to other audit assignments.

2.1.6. Interest revenue and costs and similar

The interest costs and similar expenses such as nancing costs consist of €2,250,909 in owed interest and €43,715 in costs from exchange rate results and similar results.

2.1.7. Taxes

The eective taxation rate over 2021 is 148.1% (2020: 20.5%) which is above the generally applicable tax rate for negative results in the Netherlands The reason for the dierence is the implementation of the WOZ write-o restriction for buildings in own use as of 1 January 2019

In view of its activities, the RAI has since 2020 been consulting with the direct tax inspector about the (im)possibilities of creating a tax maintenance provision. For more information about the possible creation of a tax maintenance provision, see the ‘events after the balance sheet date’ section

The eective tax burden can be specied as follows

115 Interest revenue and costs and similar Amounts x € 1,000 2021 2020 Interest proceeds and similar -Interest costs and similar -2 207 -2 272 Interest costs and similar in the prot and loss account -2 207 -2 272 Taxes Amounts x € 1,000 2021 2020 Deferred corporation tax -Acute corporation tax for current book year 1 411 -7 516 Corporation tax for previous years -Tax charged in the prot and loss account 1.411 -7.516

Taxes, specied

Amounts x € 1,000 % 2021 % 2020 Prot before tax -951 -36.687 Tax burden based on Dutch nominal rate 25% -238 25% -9 172 Application local nominal rates (higher/lower rates) 10,7% -102 Non-tax-deductible costs -2,1% 20 -0,1% 28 Exempt income 47,3% -450 Tax on non-local activities 28,2% -268 -0,4% 152 Eect of compensated tax losses and temporary losses Settlement of non-capitalised tax losses Deferred tax benet/(burden) from previous book years 8,0% -2 925 Non-deductible losses Other -257,6% 2 449 -12,0% 4 401 148,5% 1 411 20,5% -7 516

4.1. Company balance sheet (before appropriation of results)

Company balance sheet

Before appropriation of results, amounts x € 1,000 ASSETS ref 2021 2020 Fixed assets Financial xed assets 4 1 1 62 211 64 350 Receivables from group companies 4.1.3. 1.657 1.657 63 868 66 007 LIABILITIES Shareholder equity 4 1 2 Issued capital 2 730 2 730 Share premium 22 006 22 006 Statutory translation reserve -460 -683 Other reserves 38 179 67 351 Unappropriated prot -2.361 -29.171 60 095 62 233 Debts Debts to shareholders 3 774 3 774 Debts to credit institutions -Debts to group companies 4 1 3 -63.868 66.007

5.1. Company prot and loss account

Company prot and loss account

The company prot and loss account has been drawn up in accordance with Article 402 of Book 2 of the Netherlands Civil Code

The nancial data of RAI Holding BV is included in the consolidated annual account. As a result, the prot and loss account of RAI Holding BV only states the share in prots after taxation of participating interests and the other result after taxes, in accordance with Article 402 of Book 9 of the Netherlands Civil Code

Amounts x € 1,000 2021 2020 Company result after taxes -Result from participating interests after taxes -2 361 -29 171 Net result -2 361 -29 171

Notes on the company balance sheet as on 31 December 2021

4.1.1. Financial xed assets

Financial xed assets

The company owns 100 percent (unless otherwise stated) of the shares in the following major participations: RAI Amsterdam BV, Amsterdam; Arfora BV, Amsterdam

The results of these group companies include those of the following indirect participations (100%): RAI Solar Energy BV, Amsterdam; RAI USA, Inc., Delaware; Rui Ang Exhibition and Convention Co., Ltd., Shanghai and RAI TURKEY


Amounts x € 1,000 Participation in group companies Balance as on 1-1-2021 64 350 Statutory translation reserve 223 Other changesResult -2.361 Balance as on 31-12-2021 62 211

4.1.2. Shareholder equity

Shareholder equity

The authorised capital is €13,650,000, divided into 225,000 ordinary ‘A’ shares and 75,000 ordinary ‘B’ shares, each having a nominal value of €45.50. Of these, 45,000 ‘A’ shares and 15,000 ‘B’ shares have been issued and fully paid up

Amounts x € 1,000 Share capital Share premium Statutory exchange reserve Other reserves Unapprop prot Total Balance as on 01-01-2020 2 730 22 006 -209 63 789 3 562 91 877 Appropriation of result - - - 3 562 -3 562 0 Statutory translation reserve - - -474 - - -474 Result book year - - - - -29 171 -29 171 Dividend - - - - -Balance as on 12-12-2020 2 730 22 006 -683 67 351 -29 171 62 233 Balance as on 01-01-2021 2.730 22.006 -683 67.351 -29.171 62.233 Result appropriation - - - -29 171 29 171Statutory translation reserve - - 223 - - 223 Result book year - - - - -2 361 -2 361 Dividend - - - - -Balance as on 31-12-2021 2 730 22 006 -460 38 180 -2 361 60 095

4.1.3. Receivables from group companies

Receivables from group companies

The determined dividend for the year 2018 is paid via the subsidiary RAI Amsterdam BV to the shareholders and charged to RAI Holding via a current account relationship. No interest applies to receivables from group companies.

Corporate tax is passed on to the subsidiaries if they are independently taxable, and in a similar way to the calculation method at the level of the mother company As such, no latency or corporate tax benets are included in the non-consolidated nancial statement.


As was the case in 2020, the holding did not employ any sta in 2021.

O-balance sheet information

Letters of liability in accordance with Article 403 of Book 2 of the Netherlands Civil Code have been issued and deposited for the participating interests in RAI Amsterdam BV and RAI Solar Energy BV

Amsterdam, 9 June 2022

Executive Board of RAI Holding BV

P. (Paul) Riemens, CEO

M. (Maurits) van der Sluis, COO

Supervisory Board of RAI Holding BV

O (Otto) Ambagtsheer, chair

A M H (Annemarie) Macnack-van Gaal, vice-chair

M.P. (Michiel) Boere

W C M (Mariëlle) de Macker

R J (René) Takens

Amounts x € 1,000 Debts to group companies Balance as on 1-1-2021 1 657 Dividend paymentDividendOther changesBalance as on 31-12-2021 1 657

Proposed appropriation of prot

Proposed appropriation of prot

The loss or negative result after tax over 2021 is included in the unappropriated prot item under shareholder equity In view of the negative result, the agreements made for the renancing and the requirements of the GO-C nancing, the negative result after taxes will be netted to the ‘Other reserves’ item in the shareholder equity.

Events after the balance sheet date

On the publication date of this report, the pandemic-related measures taken by the Dutch government had just been scaled down Nonetheless COVID-19 is still having a major impact on the RAI’s operations Although the vaccination programme promises structural recovery, it is still uncertain when the RAI will be able to organise events for a full year.

The government has limited the economic consequences of the crisis as much as possible by establishing a number of support measures. The RAI beneted from support options such as the NOW and VRT schemes in 2020 and 2021 for a total sum of €13 2 million We have also submitted requests for related schemes in 2022

The recent geopolitical tensions and international conict situation between countries could also aect our future Although the turnover from Russia and Ukraine is very limited and can be considered non-material, and any further (perhaps considerable) increase of energy costs would not threaten our continuity in line with our current insights, international events always depend on the willingness of exhibitors and visitors to travel to Amsterdam

At this time, there is no reason to think that this willingness has been diminished The situation can change, however, and the consequences of the developments in and around Eastern Europe continue to be uncertain The economic eects may aect the RAI’s future if Europe’s economy were to contract The indirect eects of an economic contraction are also part of the risk management as described in the risk management section of this report

Historically, the RAI is a healthy company with a (usually) well-lled order portfolio and the ability to be reasonably exible in terms of costs and investments Nonetheless, the cancellation of a substantial part of the 2020 and 2021 turnover has obviously had a signicant impact. Solvency ended up below the covenants as agreed with the nancers.

After the balance sheet date, the management of RAI Holding BV discovered that the covenants with the banks were not all met in March 2022 In response, the banks provided the RAI with a waiver for the non-realised covenants conrming that they will be revised for the remainder of the loan term The remaining term of the loans was also extended by a period of two years and now runs up to and including 2026.

The additional nancing and the implemented measures contribute to the liquidity level that the RAI needs in the coming months

In view of a process optimisation and investment and capitalisation regime related to the RAI’s buildings, we led an objection in January 2020 to the company tax declaration submitted in 2017 The reason was that the established commercial guidelines related to the capitalisation criteria were not properly aligned to the scal starting points


Frequent (digital and email) meetings were held with the tax authorities regarding this subject from January 2020 The tax authorities assessed various aspects of the creation of a tax maintenance provision, while the RAI’s advisors had a dierent perspective The assessment from the tax authorities is also related to the issues with housing cooperatives in which unauthorised system changes and the lack of a peak requirement play a role.

In January 2022, the tax authorities reiterated its opinion and made a compromise proposal pending the court’s judgement in a legal case related to a housing cooperative The compromise means that the creation of a maintenance provision is allowed for the tax declaration of 2017, and that it must be reduced to zero in 2023, after which a new meeting can be scheduled, depending on the progress of the aforementioned court case.

The compromise proposed by the tax authorities, i.e., the implementation of the tax maintenance provision, is currently being evaluated by the RAI for future eects. The implementation of the tax maintenance provision for the declaration of 2017 creates a tax loss over book year 2017 This tax loss leads to a correction of the already paid advance in company tax 2017 to the sum of €2 0 million and a carry back to 2016 with a correction of the paid company tax of €924,000.

For the years until 2021, the tax result depends on the realisation of the tax authorities’ compromise proposal. The tax result for 2018 to 2021 can be determined once denitive acceptance of the proposal and the details thereof has taken place

The acceptance and denitive details via a settlement agreement between the RAI and the tax authorities were not yet completed at the time this nancial statement was drawn up


#06 Otherinformation



The53rdmeetingoftheEuropeanSocietyforPaediatricNephrology(ESPN) tookplaceinRAIAmsterdam.TheacademiccommitteeoftheESPN2021 proposedacombinedliveandvirtualprogrammetostimulatethedebate betweenvariousspecialistsinvolvedinthetreatmentofchildrenwithkidney andbladderissues.Internationalexpertsgavelecturesandtookpartin debates.

Result appropriation in accordance with the statutes

Article 24 of the company statutes states the following regarding the appropriation of prot

Article 24

1 In addition to several other reserves, the company can keep a general reserve, a share premium reserve A, a share premium reserve B, a dividend reserve A, and a dividend reserve B in its books. The respective rights to these reserves go to owners of shares A and shares B, pro rata to the number and type of shares they own

2 Payments to shares A and shares B that exceed the nominal value of those shares are added to the share premium reserve concerned.

3. Without prejudice to that determined elsewhere in this article, the distributable prot is freely at the disposal of the general meeting for the payment of dividend, reservations or other such purposes within the company’s goal as determined by the general meeting

4. The general meeting can determine, with the prior approval of the owners of shares of the type concerned, to not pay prot on those shares but to reserve that part of the prot and add it to the dividend reserve A or B respectively Payment against dividend reserve A or B respectively can only be made to the owners of the type of shares concerned if the general meeting determines as such after prior approval by a meeting of those owners.

5 Without prejudice to that determined elsewhere in this article, if the general meeting decides to reserve prot or pay dividend on all shares regardless of the type, equal amounts of the prot will be reserved or paid as dividend.

6. The company can only make payments to shareholders and other parties that have a right to the payable prots insofar as the shareholder capital is larger than the paid and requested part of the capital increased by the reserves that must be applied in accordance with the law or statutes

7. The shares kept in the capital of the company are not included in the calculation of the appropriation of prot.

8. Appropriation of prot will occur after the determination and approval of the annual accounts which show that payment is permissible

9 The general meeting is authorised to determine payments on one or multiple interim dividends, with due regard to point seven.

10 Unless the general meeting determines another date, dividends are payable immediately after determination

11 The right to claim for payment of dividend lapses after a period of ve years


Reference to the audit statement by the independent accountant

To: the shareholders and Supervisory Board of RAI Holding BV

RAI Holding B V prepares it's annual Financial Statements in the Dutch language

In order to be able to distribute the Financial Statements to international stakeholders, management has decided to prepare an exact translation into the English language of the 2021 Financial Statements.

The 2021 Financial Statements as prepared by management, were nalized and approved by the Supervisory Board of RAI Holding B V on 9 June 2022 On that same date, Deloitte Accountants B V issued an unqualied independent auditor’s report on these nancial statements


Amsterdam, 9 June 2022

Deloitte Accountants BV






TheMETSTRADEShowistheworld’slargesttradeexhibitionformarine equipment,materialsandsystemsonseagoingleisurevessels.Inadditionto theoverallrecreationalindustry,METSTRADEservesthreespecialised sectors,namelysuperyachts,marinas&yardsandconstructionmaterials.The three-dayeventin2021saw3,477exhibitorswelcome8,459uniquevisitors from63countries.AnewvirtualplatformcalledMETSTRADEConnect sharedmatchmakingtoolsandrelevantsectoralinformationwiththemany onlineparticipants.

Stakeholder dialogue, materiality and reporting

RAI Amsterdam has periodic meetings with its stakeholders to nd out which issues they nd important The overview below shows how and how often these structural dialogues are held.

Stakeholder dialogue

Stakeholder group Dialogue type Frequency Topic

Internal stakeholders, shareholders, clients, suppliers

Extensive stakeholder consultation 2016

1x approx every 3 years

Clients Surveys After event


Policy review

Client satisfaction

Social media Continuous Activities related to the RAI, reachability

Neighbourhood residents Programming meeting 8-10x a year Activities in and around the RAI

Suppliers Inspiration and feedback sessions

Regularly Sustainable procurement, realisation of activities and work environment


Employee satisfaction survey

1x every 2 years

Employee satisfaction

Transport companies (e g , NS, GVB) Meeting Regularly Reachability RAI around events

An extensive stakeholder consultation and materiality determination took place in 2016 The scope was corporate social responsibility and it consisted of three stages: stakeholder mapping; stakeholder consultation (internal and external interviews and surveys), and analysis and reporting

CSR themes

The most common topics named by the consulted stakeholders were: waste and energy, employees, sustainable procurement, social engagement and safety & security Another topic mentioned involved event content – which was deemed as very important by internal stakeholders. The aforementioned topics are the most material and thus form the foundation for the CSR reporting which has been integrated with the nancial report as of the Annual Report 2017



The gure below shows the materiality matrix, in which CSR themes are represented in terms of their relative according to stakeholders and RAI Amsterdam.


This report was drawn up in accordance with the guidelines version 4 0 (G4) of the Global Reporting Initiative

application level ‘core’. The GRI guidelines are available via www.globalreporting.org.

131 GRI-table

changes during the reporting period regarding size, structure or ownership


developed economic, environmental and social charters, principles, or other initiatives to which the organisation subscribes


GRI code GRI G4 Information directives Clarication Pag. Strategy and analysis G4-1 Statement from the Executive Board about the relevance of sustainability to the organisation and its strategy https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/welcome-at-the-rai/strategy-andvalue-creation 18 Organisation prole G4-3 Name of the organisation RAI Amsterdam B V G4-4 Primary brands, products, and/or services and events https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/welcome-at-the-rai/prole 10 G4-5 Location of the organisation’s headquarters RAI Amsterdam Europaplein ML 1078 GZ Amsterdam G4-6 Number of countries where the organisation operates (as relevant to sustainability issues) RAI Amsterdam is active within several countries 43 G4-7 Nature of ownership and legal form https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/welcome-at-the-rai/prole 10 G4-8 Markets served (including geographic breakdown, sectors served, and types of customers) https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/welcome-at-the-rai/prole 10 G4-9 Scale of the reporting organisation https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/welcome-at-the-rai/prole 10 https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/welcome-at-the-rai/key-gures 13 G4-10 Details of workforce by type of work, work agreement and region https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/executive-board-report/foremployees 61 G4-11 Percentage of total employees
by collective bargaining agreements RAI Amsterdam has its own work conditions package and is not covered by a collective labour agreement G4-12 Description
G4-13 Signicant
Part 1
of the supply chain -
No signicant changes to size, structure or ownership have occurred during the period under review G4-14 Whether and how the precautionary approach or principle is addressed by the organisation https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/executive-board-report/forcommunity-city-and-society

topics and concerns that have been raised through stakeholder engagement, and how the organisation has responded to those key topics and concerns, including through its reporting

Report prole

133 GRI code GRI G4 Information directives Clarication Pag G4-16 Membership in associations Not included G4-17 A list of all entities included in the organisation’s consolidated nancial statements https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/nancial-statement/general 97 G4-18 Process for dening report content https://jaarverslagen.rai.nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/about-this-report/stakeholderdialogue-materiality-and-reporting 130 G4-19 Material aspects https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/about-this-report/stakeholderdialogue-materiality-and-reporting 130 G4-20 Report the Aspect Boundary within the organisation https://jaarverslagen.rai.nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/about-this-report/stakeholderdialogue-materiality-and-reporting 130 G4-21 Report the Aspect Boundary outside the organisation https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/about-this-report/stakeholderdialogue-materiality-and-reporting 130 G4-22 The eect of any restatements of information provided in previous reports n/a G4-23 Signicant changes from previous reporting periods n/a G4-24 Stakeholder groups engaged by the organisation https://jaarverslagen.rai.nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/about-this-report/stakeholderdialogue-materiality-and-reporting 130 G4-25 Basis for identication and selection of stakeholders https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/about-this-report/stakeholderdialogue-materiality-and-reporting 130 G4-26 Approach to stakeholder engagement, including the frequency of contacts per type and group of stakeholders https://jaarverslagen.rai.nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/about-this-report/stakeholderdialogue-materiality-and-reporting 130 G4-27 Key
G4-28 Reporting period for information
1 January – 31 December 2021 G4-29 Date of most recent previous report 06/ 9/2022 G4-30 Reporting cycle Annual G4-31 Contact
Corporate Communication Department via corcom@rai nl
questions regarding the report or
contents G4-32 The ‘in
GRI table of
accordance’ option chosen

G4-42 Role of the highest governance body in the development, approval and updating of the mission, vision, goals and strategy related to economic, environmental and social topics

G4-43 Measures taken to enhance the highest governance body’s collective knowledge of economic, environmental and social topics

G4-44 Processes for evaluation of the highest governance body’s performance, especially with respect to economic, environmental and social impact, opportunities and risks

Final approval is given by the Executive Board The Board is supported in this by the CSR Board

G4-45 Procedures of the highest governance body for overseeing economic, environmental and social impact, opportunities and risks

134 GRI code GRI G4 Information directives Clarication Pag G4-33 Policy and current practice with regard to involving external assurance for the report RAI Amsterdam has not had the sustainability report veried externally by an accountant Governance, commitments and engagement G4-34 Governance structure of the organisation, including committees under the highest governance body https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/welcome-at-the-rai/compositionof-the-supervisory-board 28 https://jaarverslagen.rai.nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/welcome-at-the-rai/compositionof-the-executive-board 27 G4-35 Process for delegating authority for economic, environmental and social topics https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/about-this-report/stakeholderdialogue-materiality-and-reporting 130 G4-36 Executive roles/positions for economic, environmental and social topics https://jaarverslagen.rai.nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/about-this-report/stakeholderdialogue-materiality-and-reporting 130 G4-37 Mechanisms which give shareholders and employees the opportunity to make recommendations or exercise joint authority with the highest governance body on economic, environmental and social topics https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/about-this-report/stakeholderdialogue-materiality-and-reporting 130 G4-38 The number of members of the highest governance body who are independent and/or non-executive members 0 G4-39 Chair of the highest governance body CEO G4-41 Processes in
for the
are avoided https://jaarverslagen.rai.nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/governance-and-risk-
ensure conicts
https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/governance-and-riskmanagement/corporate-governance 77 https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/governance-and-riskmanagement/risk-management 80
https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annual-

G4-46 The role of the highest governance body in reviewing the eectiveness of risk management processes in the eld of economic, environmental and social topics

G4-47 Frequency of the highest governance body’s review of economic, environmental and social opportunities, risks and impact

G4-48 Highest committee or role/position that reviews and approves the annual sustainability report and ensures that all material aspects are covered

G4-49 Process for communicating critical concerns to the highest governance body

G4-50 Nature and number of critical concerns that were communicated to the highest governance body and the manner in which they were addressed

G4-51 Manner in which the remuneration policies of the highest governance body, top managers and senior executives (including severance pay) are linked with the performance of the organisation (including social and environmental performance)

G4-52 Process for determining remuneration Remuneration report

G4-53 How employees’ and shareholders’ views are sought and taken into account where remuneration is concerned

Ethics and integrity

https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/welcome-at-the-rai/strategy-andvalue-creation

135 GRI code GRI G4 Information directives Clarication Pag
https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/governance-and-riskmanagement/risk-management 82
Executive board
https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/governance-and-riskmanagement/risk-management 82
Remuneration report
G4-56 Internally developed mission statement or statement of principles, norms of behaviour and assumptions which are important for economic, environmental and social performance 18

Economic performance

Information about the management approach

RAI Amsterdam’s Annual Report and Sustainability Report describe the economic and nancial approach

indirect economic impact, including the eects of that impact

Procurement -

Information about the management approach

EO9 Type and sustainability performance of procurement

EO1 Direct economic impact and value creation as a result of sustainable initiatives


Information about the management approach




We try to minimise our environmental impact To guarantee a systematic approach in our business operations, we use an environmental management system based on international guidelines and standards. The objectives are established in our CSR policy plan


Information about the management approach

We invest in reducing the use of fossil fuels and our energy consumption

G4-EN3 Energy consumption within the organisation Niet weergegeven, gezien ontbreken van vergelijkbare data ivm bedrijfssluiting als gevolg van de Coronapandemie

G4-EN6 Reduction of energy consumption https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/executive-board-report/forcommunity-city-and-society

Air emissions, wastewater and waste substances

GRI code GRI G4 Information directives Clarication Pag.
Part 2
G4-EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed https://jaarverslagen.rai.nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/executive-board-report 30 G4-EC8 Signicant
https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/executive-board-report 30

Information about the management approach

G4-EN15 Direct emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHG) scope 1

G4-EN16 Indirect emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHG) scope 1

G4-EN19 Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions

G4-EN23 Total weight of waste by type and disposal method


Information about the management approach

EO2 Modes of transport taken by visitors as a percentage of total transportation, and initiatives to encourage the use of sustainable transport options


Information about the management approach

Waste is one of the priority areas within the RAI’s CSR policy Our goal is that the RAI's waste management be among the best in the world within the convention and events industry

Not disclosed No comparable data available due to business closure

Not disclosed No comparable data available due to business closure

Not disclosed No comparable data available due to business closure

Not disclosed No comparable data available due to business closure

Not disclosed No comparable data available due to business closure

Not disclosed No comparable data available due to business closure

Work conditions and decent work

Information about the management approach

To improve wellbeing, we focus on creating social value for both internal and external stakeholders RAI Amsterdam has been connecting people since 1893, and as such occupies a central space in its social environment


LA1 Total number of personnel by type of work, work agreement and region

RAI Amsterdam aims to contribute to the wellbeing of current and future employees in an active and visible way We therefore have a sustainable HR policy oriented toward wellbeing, vitality and lifestyle, and invest in the local community

https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/welcome-at-the-rai/key-gures

https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/executive-board-report/foremployees

137 GRI code GRI G4 Information directives Clarication Pag

Health and safety

Information about the management approach

LA4 Minimum notice periods in case of operational changes, including the specications in collective agreements

LA6 Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatalities, by region and by gender

LA8 Health and safety topics covered in formal agreements with trade unions

RAI Amsterdam aims to contribute to the sustainable employability of its workers by deploying specic policies that target health, safety and vitality

This indicator is dened by law in the Netherlands

https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/executive-board-report/foremployees

In the covenant for the cleaning and window cleaning sector, RAI Amsterdam has established agreements to ensure good working conditions for its employees

LA11 Percentage of employees who receive regular reports on performance and career development per gender and employee category

LA12 Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees according to gender, age group, minority group membership, and other indicators of diversity

All employees go through a yearly evaluation and assessment in which individual performances and career development are discussed.

https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/welcome-at-the-rai/compositionof-the-executive-board


Equal remuneration for women and men

LA13 Ratio of basic salaries and remuneration of women and men per employee category and signicant business location

Local communities (society)

Information about the management approach

G4-S01 Implemented local community engagement programmes, impact assessments, and development programmes

RAI Amsterdam has xed salary scales which do not dierentiate between women and men

To improve wellbeing, we focus on creating social value for both internal and external stakeholders RAI Amsterdam has been connecting people since 1893, and as such occupies a central space in its social environment

https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/welcome-at-the-rai/strategy-andvalue-creation

https://jaarverslagen rai nl/en/reports/annualreport-2021/executive-board-report/forcommunity-city-and-society

138 GRI code GRI G4 Information directives Clarication Pag

Screening of suppliers for social impact

Information about the management approach

G4-S09 Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using criteria for impact on society

Health and safety of customers/visitors

Information about the management approach

RAI selects local suppliers if possible


G4-PR1 Percentage of signicant product and service categories for which health and safety impacts must be improved

EO7 Numbers and types of injuries, fatalities and incidents involving visitors and other relevant stakeholders

RAI Amsterdam is one of the leading European convention centres as far as safety is concerned The Safe Working Practices Manual describes the relevant rules and procedures



139 GRI code GRI G4 Information directives Clarication Pag

#08 Annex



Inits2021edition,Europe’sexclusivebusinesseventthemedaround authenticity,craftsmanshipandsustainabilitywasmainlyfocusedon entrepreneurshipandconnections.MASTERSEXPOhighlightsopportunities foreco-friendlyandfuture-proofpremiumbusinessesthatsettrendsand facilitateconnections.Duetoitsfuture-orientedapproach,theeventinthe RAIwasentitled‘TheForwardEdition’.

Personal details management and works council

Management RAI Amsterdam

Name Occupation

Paul Riemens CEO

Maurits van der Sluis COO

Jules Broex Director Operations

Bas Dalm Director Commerce

Bart van der Heijden Director Clients

Francoise Dechesne Director Real Estate a i

Menno Roodenburg Director Finance

Bret Baas Manager IT & Digital

Christine Schouwenaar General counsel & Company secretary

Bianca van den Oever Manager HR

Works council RAI Amsterdam

Name Title

Edo Kayser chair

Rocco Stokvis vice-chair

Sandra Braat member

Dieuxdonnee Denneman member

Jean-Paul ten Kleij member

Hugo Rosenberg member

Yorien de Ruijter member

Jolanda Visser member

Suzanne van Vliet member

Hélène Schouten ocial clerk

RAI Amsterdam Europaplein 1078 GZ Amsterdam TheNetherlands
77777 1070 MS Amsterdam
12 12
69 www rai.nl
TheNetherlands Tel. +31 20 549
Fax +31 20 646 44

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