1 minute read
Based out Gurugram, AnupamaJain is the author of 4 well-received books and 12 anthologies across genres, one of which is a LIM CA record holder as India?s first Composite N ovel
She is an acclaimed community builder, mentor, and multi-award-winning blogger across various coveted forums.
H er books are
?Tales from Katha Sarita Sagara - Retold by A nupama Jain? . This book is included as a supplementary read for middle graders of leading schools across multiple cities
?Kings Saviours & Scoundrels -Timeless Tales from Katha Sarita Sagara? , listed as ?one of the best reads of 20 22?by @W ordsopedia, and the winner, BTB W ordsmiths A wards 20 22 in # BTBKidsFaveBooks category.
'M asala M ix: Potpourri O f Shorts', a vibrant short story collection on myriad manifestations of love
'W hen Padma Bani Paula', a book on acing second chances, listed as ?O ne of the 5 best books of 20 18, Fiction? , byreadwriteinspirecom
A nupama is the founder-admin of ?SeniorSchoolM oms?community, included in FCLL?s first-ever WA cohort and the H ead (Content & Collaborations ) at Incredible W omen
O f India