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Anuradha(Anu)Kumar was born in Sambalpur, O disha, and has lived in various places in India and elsewhere. She now lives in N ew Jersey with her family


H er first novel, Letters for Paul, appeared in 20 0 6 and was published by M apinlit, A hmedabad She has since then written ten novels, including three works of historical fiction, under the pseudonym of A dity Kay. "The H ottest Summer in Years" was published in 20 21by Yoda Press, and her work of nonfiction, "O ne M an, M any Lives: Bhagwan SIngh and the Early South A sians in A merica" appeared last year from Yoda Press and Simon & Schuster India

A nu has also written for younger readers. H er most recent books are Kings and Q ueens of India, and H er N ame was Freedom: 35 Fearless W omen who Fought for India's Independence She also writes regularly for Scroll in She studied history at D elhi U niversity, and has a degree in management from the XLRI School of Business, and an M FA in W riting from the Vermont College of Fine A rts

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