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Dr,Hassan Abbas is a Professor of International Relations at the N ear East South A sia Strategic Studies Centre (N ESA ), at the N ational D efense U niversity in W ashington D C. H e also serves as a senior advisor at H arvard U niversity?s Program on Shiism and Global A ffairs at the W eather head Center for International A ffairs

H e held various fellowships including at H arvard Law School?s Islamic Legal Studies Program & Program on N egotiation(20 0 2-0 4); the Belfer Center for Science and International A ffairs at the H arvard?s Kennedy School of Government (20 0 5-0 9); A sia Society in N ew York as Bernard Schwartz fellow (20 0 9-20 11); and as a Carnegie fellow at the N ew A merica Foundation (20 16-20 18).


H is earlier publications include Pakistan?s N uclear Bomb: A Story of D efiance, D eterrence & D eviance (O xford U niversity Press, 20 18), The Taliban Revival (Yale U niversity Press, 20 15) & Pakistan?s D rift into Extremism: A llah, the A rmy and A merica?s W ar on Terror (M ESharpe & Routledge, 20 0 5) H e edited and authored various reports and monographs including The M yth and Reality of Iraq?s al-H ashd al-Shaabi (Popular M obilization Forces): A W ay Forward (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 20 17), ISIS Eyes Influence in Pakistan: Focus, Fears and Future Prospects (Jinnah Institute, Islamabad, 20 14) and Stabilizing Pakistan through Police Reforms (A sia Society, 20 11)

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