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HudaFakhreddine?s work focuses on modernist movements or trends in A rabic poetry and their relationship to the A rabic literary tradition. She is interested in the role of the A rabic qa??da as a space for negotiating the foreign and the indigenous, the modern and the traditional, and its relationship to other poetic forms such as the free verse poem and the prose poem
She is the author of M etapoesis in the A rabic Tradition (Brill, 20 15) and The A rabic Prose Poem: Poetic Theory and Practice (Edinburgh U niversity Press, 20 21) She is the co-translator of Lighthouse for the D rowning (BO A editions, 20 17); The Sky That D enied M e (U niversity of Texas Press, 20 20 ); and Come Take a Gentle Stab: Selections from Salim Barakat (Seagull Books, 20 21) H er translations of modern A rabic poems have appeared in Banipal, W orld Literature Today, N imrod, A rabLit Q uarterly and A symptote among others. H er book of creative non-fiction titled Zaman saghir taht shams thaniya (A Small Time U nder a D ifferent Sun) was published by D ar al-N ahda, Beirut in 20 19

She is co-editor of M iddle Eastern Literatures and an editor of the Library of A rabic Literature.