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Jayson Iwen?s book Roze & Blud won the 20 20 M iller W illiams Poetry Prize and was a finalist for the N ational Poetry Series. H is other published books are D ick, Gnarly W ounds, A M omentary Jokebook, and Six Trips in Two D irections H e co-translated Jawdat Fakhreddine?s Lighthouse for the D rowning and Salim Barakat?s Come, Take a Gentle Stab H is poetry, prose, and translations have appeared in many journals, including Cream City Review, Fence, N ew A merican W riting, N imrod, Painted Bride Q uarterly, Pleiades, Tikkun, W ater~Stone Review, and W orld
Literature Today. H e lives and works in the Twin Ports.