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Mehr Husain is a British-Pakistani journalist and founder of independent publishing house Zuka Books ?a groundbreaking organization as it not only focuses on sustainable publishing but is the first ?in Pakistan ?if not the region to talk about issues of climate change and sustainability vis-à-vis the publishing landscape A uthor of ?Pakistan: A Fashionable H istory? , she has worked in different roles in the media industry; as an A ssistant Editor at Good Times (GT) magazine and as a columnist for India?s M ail Today where her column ?The Lahore Log?also appeared in The D aily M ail/M ailO nline. M ehr?s commentary has appeared in The Economist?s 1843, The Times of London, The D iplomat, India?s M ail Today, The D aily M ail/M ailO nline, Libas, The Friday Times, H erald, Pakistan Today, The N ews, The N ation and Pakistan Link She was also the Editor for ?M ultan: A Spiritual Legacy?which was presented to H M Q ueen Elizabeth in 20 13 In 20 18 she founded ZU KA , a social enterprise and set up ZU KA BO O KS in 20 20 M ehr holds a M Sc in A sian Politics from SO A S, U niversity of London and a BSc in Politics with Business M anagement (H ons.) from Q ueen M ary, U niversity of London. She was also accepted into an M Phil in South A sian Studies at St Edmunds College, Cambridge She is currently working as a N ew Editor of N aya D aur and The Friday Times Pakistan.


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