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Shalini 'Mullick's book Stars from the Borderless Sea (20 22) was longlisted for the A uther A wards 20 23 (D ebutcategory) The book is an unconventional, empathetic look at the most universal human emotion ?love. The book has been featured on many websites and platforms like Kitaab org and W omen?s W eb
Shalini was awarded a Jury A ppreciation Citation at the U N FPA Laadli M edia and A dvertising
A wards for Gender Sensitivity (20 22)
H er stories on women?s identity have won many short story contests and two O range Flower awards (Fiction, 20 22 and LGBTQ issues, 20 21) Five of her short stories have found a home in 3 anthologies A humorous short story was selected for the Juggernaut Selects program (20 20 ) She is a columnist and panellist for platforms like eShe, Golden D oor D ialogues, Beyond the Box, W omen?s W eb, A nanke and Incredible W omen of India Shalini is a practising doctor, specialising in pathology. She is based in Gurgaon, india