Corporate Brochure, Q1 2014

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We believe in Branding Beyond Difference. Call it a soft revolution or Ander-standing. Every idea has a unique purpose that needs to be nurtured and understood, rather than simply changed for the sake of being new. Our duty is to go beyond mere difference and help you unpack the many narratives of your organisation. What’s your brand’s story?

Printed in Switzerland January 2014

Ander Group SA, BSW Via Cantonale 2b 6928 Manno, Switzerland T. +41 91 966 99 66 Av. des Communes-RĂŠunies 51 1212 Geneva, Switzerland T. +41 22 588 33 88

neutral Printed Matter


08 06

WORK ASG, Swiss Golf Association


European Society for Medical Oncology


Human Tecar


NestlĂŠ Suisse




Swiss Education Group


Swiss Federal Office of Sport



8 70 72 74 76 78

Wild Places Safaris


Corporate Identity Restyling Website Design Promotional campaigns Application Development

Swiss Golf Association Corporate Communication Design for The Swiss Clubs’ Club

Sun, the open-air and a group of friends chasing a small white ball around a vast, beautifully manicured garden. Yes, you can’t beat golf. This amazing sport attracts (and frustrates) millions of passionate fans and players around the world and Switzerland is no different. In Switzerland you’ll find that most golfers, amateur and professional, are members of the Association Suisse de Golf (ASG), the Swiss Golf Association. Founded more than a century ago, ASG is the key national golfing organisation, with more than 90 subscribed clubs and 11 affiliated organisations. As golf’s popularity continues to increase globally, ASG wanted to create a new, appealing and professional corporate identity. They came to the Ander Group and we had the pleasure of working together. The work entailed: ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■

Visual Identity Logo Restyling Stationery Design Website Design Website Launch Campaign Membership Card

06 Work – Swiss Golf Association

Corporate identity is vital to any business, organisation and association because it it’s basically the building block of your brand. This is your core identity and it reflects not only on your organisation but on anybody who engages with you. Up until this stage, ASG had no official corporate logo but only a recognisable badge they used for official events and meetings, often pinned on the lapel of jackets or shirts. Starting from this original iconographic item, we created the new logo. Specifically, we added a 3 letters acronym (ASG) with a descriptive tagline. Association Suisse de Golf. Simple. Then we converted the logo into vector graphics, leaving the client with an easy working tool. In 2012, we gave their homepage a facelift, improving the main menu and sidebar for more effective banner advertising display. At the same time, part of our team focused on Golfsuisse, the monthly magazine issued by ASG, and turned it into a mobile experience. Coded entirely in HTML5, Golfsuisse is now a digital magazine with interactive content for smartphones and tablets, available through all major online Newsstands.

Work – Swiss Golf Association 09

Work – Swiss Golf Association


House style Re-Design Copywriting Corporate Image Graphic Design Branding

European Society for Medical Oncology Corporate Communication that “Speaks”

The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) is a non-profit organisation which represents approximately 7,000 medical oncologists. Its mission is to support oncology professionals in providing cancer patients with the most effective treatment and care. Dealing with the subject of cancer and its treatment, meant that we came to this job with a unique sense of purpose.

This panorama of needs led our creatives towards a design solution featuring dialogue bubbles to push specific highlights, strong colors to attract the observer’s attention and a background image aligned to the subject of the communication. We wanted to give ESMO a toolbox which could simplify their different communication needs.

The relationship between ESMO and Ander Group started back in early 2010 when we were invited to pitch for their House Style. They felt that their strategic atmosphere was confused and the Association was looking for a graphic frame which could streamline corporate and marketing communication.

The dialogue box design was launched at Milan’s Congress in 2010 and was further developed in 2012 through a corporate advertising campaign. During 2012 we also had the chance to work on the restyling of their website which now features a fully responsive design perfectly aligned with the overall look and feel.

From a strategic point of view the terms “Community” and “European Reference” played a central role in the briefing and needed to be leveraged through the suggested solution. This was a highly complex brief because ESMO needed to unify a vast diversity of communication activities in order to be both recognisable and unique.

We are proud to be a longstanding partner of ESMO and look forward to adapting and evolving our solutions to its ever changing needs. Believe it or not, the best design solutions show their true value over the long haul, when their elements become part of the corporate culture and the team is empowered by their simplicity.


Work – European Society for Medical Oncology

Work – European Society for Medical Oncology 15

Work – European Society for Medical Oncology 17

Work – European Society for Medical Oncology 19

Branding Corporate Image Design Development Web Brochure

Human Tecar Turning a philosophy into a brand

The ball is in the perfect position – it’s going to be an incredible shot. You swing, strike, follow through… when suddenly a burning pain flares up in your leg. This isn’t just discomfort; something’s badly wrong. You need help. For more than 20 years, injured athletes have relied for relief and recovery on the physiotherapy equipment and techniques of Mario Scerri, now available across Europe under the Human Tecar brand through WHTcare, a company headquartered in Stabio (Ticino) developing new Human Tecar devices. The equipment uses medium-frequency transdermal electromagnetic stimulation to boost local blood circulation and accelerate tissue repair. But that’s only the beginning of true healing. People are not machines, to be treated by equipment alone. The Human Tecar approach combines sophisticated manual techniques, cutting-edge technology, and products formulated with functional ingredients into a Synergistic Healthcare Methodology, with applications from rehabilitation and sports medicine to prevention and even veterinary work. People at every level of fitness can now have access to the holistic care previously available to Olympic competitors; physiotherapists can now offer effective, rapid treatment that complements curative medicine. There is the basis here for an entirely new business model. 20 Work – Human Tecar

How does a company with such a revolutionary vision go about transforming its industry? Simple: search strong partners in Ticino and contact Ander Group. At the same time, WHTCare SA decided to completely redefine the brand as it expanded into markets across Europe. We took up their challenge as we always do: with enthusiasm. Our interviews with a wide range of internal and external stakeholders made clear that the heart of the Human Tecar brand is its holistic philosophy and method: the phrase we found, “Synergistic Healthcare Methodology,” sums it up and gives a solid foundation for brand-building. We talk a lot about “simplexity” here: discovering in a complex situation the one element that makes the rest simple. For Human Tecar, it’s the methodology. Founding the brand on the company’s ideas, not its products, gives a powerful and coherent push to its marketing and communications. The rest of our work – corporate identity, content creation and management, illustration and photography, catalogue brochure, website, trade stand, social media channels – all flow straight and clear from this source. Like Human Tecar, we see excellent products as the natural result of deep, effective philosophy. For Ander Group, our “synergistic methodology” is simple: listen, engage, find the “simplexity” – then build along with the client.

Synergistic Healthcare Methodology






Experience and technology towards a new physiotherapy








Work – Human Tecar 23

Work – Human Tecar 25

28 Work – Human Tecar

Work – Human Tecar 29

Website Design Branding Concept Localization & Adaptation Video Consultancy

Nestlé Suisse When Ideas Fuel a Long Business Relationship

As an independent brand consultancy, meeting with a great international company such as Nestlé is a life changing moment. It’s the kind of key opportunity that we’d always dreamed about and one we were lucky enough to embrace. But while we envisioned a long-lasting business journey together, our first challenge was to deliver on their requirement of providing a way for their many brands to show their specific identities and values, while still being able to communicate their belonging to the main brand Purina. It’s not just a matter of adapting European guidelines to the Swiss region. Nor was it only about localization and editing international materials targeted to European customers for the Swiss market. It’s way more complex than this. Essentially it’s about safeguarding the client’s assets and making them locally relevant and responsive, it’s about providing useful branding support and delivering meaningful product stories over time.

30 Work – Nestlé Suisse

We’ve been working with Nestlé since 2007 and have built our relationship on the cornerstones of mutual collaboration, reciprocal understanding and shared goals and values. The Ander Group is now the Lead Digital Agency in Switzerland for Purina and its brands Matzinger, Purina One, Gourmet, Felix, Friskies and Vital Balance. That’s why we feel tremendously honored and proud of our work with Nestlé for the Swiss market.

32 Work – Nestlé Suisse

Work – Nestlé Suisse 35

36 Work – Nestlé Suisse

Work – Nestlé Suisse 39

Work – Nestlé Suisse 41

Corporate Image Branding Design Development

PocketBook Branding as a Premium Experience

With a 50% market share in Eastern Europe and Russia, PocketBook is an international producer of multifunctional electronic devices. They engaged the Ander Group to rebrand and support their market entry strategy for Western Europe. Specifically, we crafted the following services for them: ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■

Identity & Tagline Below and Above the Line Materials Products Packaging Design Presentation Templates Website (Design and Development)

42 Work – PocketBook

“A world of literature is waiting for you. We make it possible for you to take that world-and put it in your pocket”. This punch line describes PocketBook’s corporate concept. “Easily, comfortably, conveniently” are echoed by the core values of simplicity, freedom and comfort. Each of these three steps are represented in the core image of the logo: A simple black and white beach scene with three footprints. Rebranding and strategising for entry into a new market is a great business opportunity but can be risky and stressful. Throughout the process we provided our full and unwavering support to PocketBook, addressing every concern, doubt or issue that arose along the way.

44 Work – PocketBook

Frutiger Next Pro Light Corporate Font abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Frutiger Next Pro ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890?!$%&/ ( ) ?°


Frutiger Next Pro Light

абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ 1234567890?!$%&/ ( ) ?°

Frutiger Next Pro Regular

Frutiger Next Pro Regular

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890?!$%&/ ( ) ?°

абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ 1234567890?!$%&/ ( ) ?°

Frutiger Next Pro Regular Condensed

Frutiger Next Pro Regular Condensed

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890?!$%&/ ( ) ?°

абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ 1234567890?!$%&/ ( ) ?°

Frutiger Next Pro Italic

Frutiger Next Pro Italic

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890?!$%&/ ( ) ?°

абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ 1234567890?!$%&/ ( ) ?°

Frutiger Next Bold

Frutiger Next Bold

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ PocketBook – Brand Book 1234567890?!$%&/ ( ) ?°

абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ 1234567890?!$%&/ ( ) ?°

Work – PocketBook 47

Corporate Brochure Web Design Web Development Photo Shoots Consultancy

Swiss Education Group Communication Strategy Applied to Education

Swiss Education Group (SEG) is a Swiss Hospitality Education Network headquartered in Montreux (Switzerland), comprising 5 schools located in both the French and German speaking regions of Switzerland. Their curriculum covers all aspects of the hospitality management field and they attract thousands of students from all over the world. SEG’s working environment is complex because they have 5 schools that need to preserve their unique identities and specific commercial approaches, while still functioning as a single educational network. We supported the client on a daily basis for anything related to their off and online communication needs, such as: ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■

Corporate Website for each School Microsites Presentation Brochures Shooting Sessions Worldwide Advertising Campaigns

48 Work – Swiss Education Group

The long lasting relationship and our widespread brand consultancy expertise allowed us to advise SEG on strategic communication issues. Accordingly, we managed an online marketing lead generation activity to attract new students. With this aim, we designed custom microsites for each school in the SEG network, (SHMS, IHTTI, Culinary Institute, HIM, SEG). Whenever they needed something pertaining to their brand’s communication or promotion, we were there to offer our experience and help them out.

50 Work – Swiss Education Group

Work – Swiss Education Group 53

Nomenclature and Identifiers Visualisation Design CMS Development Graphic Design

Swiss Federal Office of Sport Designing a New User-friendly Learning Path

Thanks to a new Federal Law, the Swiss Confederation committed to improving all learning processes related to sporting activities. The Swiss Federal Office of Sport (BASPO) asked us to help them to re-design their huge collection of content (more than 1,800 documents in German, French and Italian, and that’s just the online aspect). BASPO provides this content for anyone interested in becoming a training expert in any nationally supported sporting code. We started by establishing a better way to present, manage and collect all the relevant information: 53 learning path sheets and structures, covering every sport in Switzerland recognised by BASPO. We re-designed and presented this content in a way that allows people to find their specific training information intuitively, at a glance. To achieve this, we structured the available information into single blocks of educational content, which can be easily inspected, indexed and read. The new design is based on a specific and unique visualization of Jugend+Sport’s formative structure which is perfectly suitable for different kinds of sports and, most importantly, coherent with the Federal guidelines and colors.

56 Work – Swiss Federal Office of Sport

Next we made the presentation of these materials easier by creating a specific template which allows all the 220 thousand stakeholders of BASPO to create public presentations in a licensed and sanctioned format. We then “translated” all of this into Jugend+Sport’s website, focusing our work on creating a clean and interactive navigation menu, always giving users their actual position within the navigation path and providing an overview look. Thanks to this feature, users can navigate content on multiple levels and easily gain information about their learning path, without the annoyance of feeling lost in or swamped by the information. Working with an important Federal institution, characterized by many stakeholders in charge of each specific sporting code, with strict guidelines and a “heavy” technological ecosystem, we challenged ourselves to create something simple, useful and userfriendly while working with what the client already had. The result is an accessible and professional resource, for all sports teaching professionals.



58 Work – Swiss Federal Office of Sport

Before After

House Style Visual Identity Responsive Development Photo Shoot

Trasfor Branded Power Generation by ABB

Trasfor is an international industry leader in the invention, design, and manufacture of electrical transformers and reactors, with over 40 years’ experience. The company is a major part of the industrial fabric of Canton Ticino in Switzerland. We are proud to be Trasfor’s design and branding agency: Our partnership with them goes back to 2009. In July 2011, Trasfor was acquired by ABB, the world’s leading power and automation technology group and one of the largest suppliers to the energy, industrial, and transportation sectors. We therefore brought Trasfor’s brand identity into line with its parent company’s and used this opportunity to upgrade their website into a fully responsive platform, built on the open-source Expression Engine CMS, which is also employed by companies like Adobe and Sony. Over the last five years, Ander Group has been responsible for establishing and maintaining the Trasfor brand’s house style. We developed the company’s tagline, “The future is made of transformations:” A simple and effective statement for a transformer-making company that serves a great variety of innovative industries across the world.

60 Work – Trasfor

In creating the Trasfor house style, we applied the Ander Group view that “design should simplify your daily business.” The house style codifies the rules by which all creative assets – text, images, colors, logos, etc. – are coordinated in any Trasfor communication. Once this is defined, it frees the client’s brand from distracting influences and ensures that its unique look and feel is preserved in all communications and channels. We ourselves have expressed Trasfor’s brand identity in a number of media during the past five years, including: ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■

Corporate brochures Company profile leaflets Industry-specific leaflets CD Roms Advertising Exhibition stands Website

Our long and productive working relationship with Trasfor allows us, as design and branding specialists, to engage deeply with their world and supply profound yet simple executions that improve how they do business. We could do the same for your brand – let’s talk.

Work – Trasfor 63

Corporate Identity Stationery Responsive Web Design

Wild Places Safaris Responsive Design Gone Wild

Benedetta Mazzini channels her profound passion for Africa, the Cradle of Humankind, where every human can find their roots, into a unique luxury travel business called Wild Places Safaris. This was always Benedetta’s life dream and we at the Ander Group are proud to have helped her make this dream a reality. Together we travelled a long way searching for the best creative execution for her unique business. A vision that embraces the spirit of Africa. Something that hints at both opportunity and the intensity of a life changing experience. Not many safari tour operators can boast a “Pure Life Experiences” membership, a seal synonymous with truly exceptional, high end, life-enriching travel. Our journey with Benedetta has always been a very personal one. The beginning stages, were devoted to transforming her passion into a business. To start, we focused on Benedetta’s vision, in all it’s facets, these were the first building blocks in creating the identity. Then we needed a shape, a logo capable of transferring the values that Africa represents: opportunity, culture and raw nature.

64 Work – Wild Places Safaris

Suddenly we were seated under an acacia tree with a herd of zebras grazing in the sunset. The images overlapped depicting an icon which perfectly fitted the character. Meanwhile the sun was melting into the earth. A clear direction for the journey was set. The time was ripe to explore the African continent and deliver the magical safari experience of Benedetta’s vision. We built the website around a selection of pictures shot by major wildlife photographers, affiliated to companies like Wilderness Safaris. Behind the scenes, our designers and developers, built a responsive digital experience which guarantees a seamless navigation on all devices.

Work – Wild Places Safaris 67

68 Work – Wild Places Safaris





Listening before speaking, understanding before doing.

From complexity to clarity, from possibility to choice.

Content is the heart, design is the shape.

We love to dig into the complexity of your business challenges. Deep ander-standing of our client’s ideas and goals is at the heart of our brand consultancy. Products, markets, audiences and opportunities need in-depth analysis to define your brand’s context clearly. Stakeholder interviews, strategic content assessment and competitive analysis help us envision the future of your ideas.

Sifting through values and retaining the pure gold, we refine an idea into a brand. We go beyond mere difference, focusing on the core values that truly express your business personality. Uniqueness arises when complexity becomes “simplexity.” Engaging brands demand focus and clarity: In a world full of possibilities, choice is the most crucial variable.

Words blossom into metaphors and pictures unleash the imagination. Values translate into stories, while emotions provide a shortcut to connect customers with the brand. This is why we focus on content in all its many forms. We shape and organize it to convey your message effectively, no matter the channel.





Design should simplify your daily business.

Brands thrive in a multi-channel reality.

Measuring results brings you closer to perfection.

In a changeable, distracting environment, design cannot just be a matter of creative expression: It is an iterative process to make information more accessible. We ander-stand design as a set of guidelines and standards; This is why we provide you with straightforward graphic rules and permanent web-based access to your brand’s assets, wherever your team might be.

What really matters is how quickly and easily you can shift your assets from, say, a brochure to an app. Since branding is an experience that grows day by day, it should never be tied to a single communication channel. To establish true connection with your audience, you need a framework that frees you from channel-specific requirements.

Branding needs constant care. We strive for perfection and challenging our achievements daily. We continually measure, evaluate and share results with our clients, ensuring sustained momentum and precise alignment. A brand’s strength will always be underpinned by its ability to understand a changing environment and respond to new opportunities.



INDEPENDENT BRAND COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANCY Ander Group is an independent brand communications consultancy. We have a team of 15 people, with our headquarters in Lugano and a branch in Geneva. Founded in June 2006 by Florian Anderhub and Manuel Gamper, the agency has consistently grown over the years, becoming the first (and only) communication consultancy in the Ticino Canton affiliated to the “bsw leading swiss agencies”, an association of the 75 leading advertising, media and specialist agencies in Switzerland. Our goal is to take our client’s objectives and create measurable and successful business experiences through branding, design and intelligent communication strategies and executions.


We strive to distinguish ourselves in everything we do, focusing on the creative path as much as the end result. Our aim is to nurture longlasting and successful business relationships with our clients and partners. Most of all, Ander Group is a unique collection of people, constantly challenging their talents and riding the boundaries between creativity and innovation. Simply put, we thrive on a culture of collaboration, creativity and human understanding.

Since: 2006 Owners: Florian Anderhub, Manuel Gamper Capabilities: Strategy, Design, Technology Turnover: 2 Mio. Offices: Lugano, Geneva Languages: English, French, German and Italian Team: 15



Florian Anderhub Chief Executive Officer Manuel Gamper Managing Partner Giorgio Parisi Production Director Aron Martinez Digital Key Account Luciano Marx Creative Director

Mirco Frรถhlicher Senior Web Developer Alessandra Doratiotto Senior Designer Claudio Cappelletti Web Developer Silvia Vicario Designer Giovanna Capelli Management Assistant



Anita Dello Russo Senior Designer Enrico Nocente Senior Web Designer Rosanna Marletta Designer Luca Dioli Senior Web Developer Debora Torriani Designer




WE ALSO PROUDLY WORKED FOR Arner Bank Christa Rigozzi Cooperativa MIGROS Ticino Darwin Airline Delcò Mobili Ginsana LATI Tecnopinz Turbomach (Caterpillar) Swiss Education Group Zambon



Memorial EDO


Red Cross Lugano

Generazioni & Sinergie


Dyslexia Association


Masaba Coffee



Ander Group SA, BSW Via Cantonale 2b 6928 Manno, Switzerland T. +41 91 966 99 66 Av. des Communes-RĂŠunies 51 1212 Geneva, Switzerland T. +41 22 588 33 88

neutral Printed Matter




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