1 minute read
Movie Activity
by Tellus Mind
Watch the Movie: "Amazing Grace" and try to answer the questions while you are watching.
"Amazing Grace" tells the story of William Wilberforce and shows the struggles and setbacks Wilberforce had to face in his effort to abolish Slavery.
1.WhenWilberforcegoestovisithisold preacher(JohnNewton)andasksadvice,John Newtonsaid“liveswithhiminthechurch…”?
a.…theghostsof20,000slaves b.…Jesus c hisfamily d mice a. 10 b. 545 c. 50,000 d. 2million a 390,000 b 50,000 c. 1,000,000 d. 4
2 HowmanycopiesofhisbookdoesEquiano sellin2months?
3 HowmanyBritishpeoplesignedthepetition tostoptheslavetrade?
4.InordertostopWilberforceandthe abolitionists,theOppositiongivesaspeechto suggesttheslavetradeshouldbeended: a immediately b gradually c bytheendoftheyear d never
5.Becauseofhisdisease,Wilberforce collapseswhileheis: a cookingdinner b takingashower c choppingwood d singingintherain a. Wilberforcegavethem ticketstoseehorseraces b. theyareallsick c theysleptin d theywereallmurdered a. 150-150 b. 500-0 c. 283-16 d. 5-3
6.Whycan’ttheOppositionfindanyone tovoteagainstthebill?
7 Whatwasthefinalvotecountto abolishslavery?
8. What problems did William Wilberforce have to face in the Parliament?
"Hollywood needs to pay attention and make more positive and moving films like this one!!!! Great Job."
9. Watch the scene where Wilberforce is on the Slave Ship "Madagascar" and describe what was Wilberforce's aim on this scene.
10. Why is William Wilberforce such an important man?
A Dialogue of the movie:
William Wilberforce: No matter how loud you shout, you will not drown out the voice of the people!
Lord Tarleton:People?
William Wilberforce: Yes People!
Lord Tarleton:I can hardly believe my ears!
William Wilberforce: And I can hardly believe your mouth!
Wilberforcewaswellknown forhisanswers
11. Why do we learn what Wilberforce did in History lesson?