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Mahatma Gandhi
by Tellus Mind
Gandhi was the first world leader to fight for political and social justice while advocating for nonviolence movement
Mohandas Gandhi is one of the most famous leaders and champions for justice in the world.
He organized several non-violent protests to promote social progress in India His campaigns aimed to ease poverty, expand women’s rights, build religious and ethnic harmony and eliminate the injustices of the caste system* in India During these protests, large groups of people would do things like refusing to work, sitting in the streets and peacefully disrupting Social Life
Full Name:Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Born:October 2, 1869 in India
Died:January30, 1948
Best Known for:Organising non-violent protests
Gandhiinspiredmillionsof Indiansasalivingexamplewith hislifeinsimplicity,kindness andlove.Forthisreasonhewas giventhehonorifictitleMahatma whichmeans"GreatSoul,".The nameMahatmaGandhiisnow oneofthemostuniversally recognizedonearth
ThePowerof NonViolence
Mahatma Gandhi is known in the whole world for his principles of non-violence. He fought for India's independence from British rule without using any violet tactic. He demanded from his followers to stay loyal to their aim of a non-violent movement in order to succeed their goal. In his memory and honor, today “International Day of Non-Violence” is observed worldwide.
HisSuperpower: Compassion
GandhiattendedlawschoolinLondonand wasfamousamongthefacultyforhisbad handwriting.
Gandhiisconsidered oneofthemost remarkablemenof20th centurymostlybecause hisactionswerefocused incompassion.Gandhi wasalsoverycaringto othersandconstantly tryingtoalleviatetheir suffering.
Both Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela have credited Gandhi as a source of inspiration in their struggles to achieve equal rights for their people.
ThePowerof Forgiveness
MahatmaGandhihadalsoan extraordinaryabilitytoforgivepeople thatmighthavehurthiminanyway. Hewasthrownintojail, humiliatedby hisenemies;beateninthestreets; manypeopleconspiredtokillhim andmanyassassinationswere attemptedonhislife.Howeverhehad thepowertoforgivethemall.
Despitethefactthat hewasn’tagreat oratorandhedidn’t haveaveryattractive physique;hehad greatmotivational skills.
Gandhiwasputin prisonseveraltimes fororganizing protests.Hewould oftenfast(noteat) whilehewasin prison.
Mahatma Gandhi is a man that changed the world with his compassion, vision, tolerance, and patience. Mahatma Gandhi is a great reminder of how one person can inspire a community, a nation, and the world. Gandhi led by example and refused to dress any other way than what he thought was right for him and his mission.
*Kurta: a loose collarless shirt.
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