1 minute read
And now you:
by Tellus Mind
Full Name:
Best Known for:
Who are your favourite Superheroes and why?
Choose your superpower for today:
Here are the 10 Superpowers presented in this book. follow the dotted lines to cut them out. Then place them on the breakfast table for your family members and ask them to choose one superpower and act according to that superpower the whole day.
Choose your superpower for today:
Here are the 10 Superpowers presented in this book. follow the dotted lines to cut them out. Then place them on the breakfast table for your family members and ask them to choose one superpower and act according to that superppower the whole day.
Choose your superpower for today:
This is a nice demonstration of superpowers that are presented in this book, you can follow the dotted lines to cut it. Once you cut it you can stick it on a place where the members of your family can see it before leave from home in the morning. Tell them that by getting one of the superpowers they will have to act according to that superpower the whole day.
Choose your superpower for today:
This is a nice demonstration of superpowers that are presented in this book, you can follow the dotted lines to cut it. Once you cut it you can stick it on a place where the members of your family can see it before leave from home in the morning. Tell them that by getting one of the superpowers they will have to act according to that superpower the whole day.
e Resilient - William Wilberforce ente - Eleanor Roosevelt

Be Compassionate - Mahatma G

Be Imaginative - John Lennon
Be Adaptable - Maya Angelou e Courageous - Nelson Mandela ul - Thich Nhat Hanh

Be Generous - Princes ent - Martin Luther King

Be Determined - Helen Keller