1 minute read

Walking Meditation

Walking meditation is a wonderful way of establishing calm in ourselves and getting nourished by the wonders of life in the present moment.



You can complete a walking meditation using just three words:

"Yes" and "Thankyou"

2.When you 'breathe in' you can make three steps and say three times: "yes", "yes" "yes". Say "yes" every time you make a step.

Keep in mind that you say yes to life and yes to the earth.


When you breathe out you say: "Thank you", "Thank you", "Thank you". Say thanks to the earth, thanks to life.

In walking meditation we coordinate our breathing with the steps we make.

As human kind, we have done a lot of damage to the earth, now it's time to go back and say thank you to the earth

You can write down how you felt at the end of this exercise:

Whileyoupracticewalking meditationfocusyour attentionattheareaunder yourfeetandtheground.

Rememberyoutouchthe earthwithyourfeetsodoit withmindfulness.

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