Movie Recommendations using Collaborative Filtering

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lecture material for DTU course



The world of media today can be characterized by us being exposed to incredible amounts of content - new movies, songs, books and all the other media are being released every day. Is this a problem? NO! This is great since it gives us a variety we never had before! But what is not so good is that it’s hard for us to keep up with all the new stuff. So the problem with the media today is how to find good stuff. And I may add, that due to the huge amounts of media we need it to be done automatically. This is where the recommendation systems come into the picture...

DTU The lecture notes for the course


In the next 2 weeks we will explore how recommendation systems produce recommendations. Even though we’ll be talking about movie recommendations have in mind that the process itself is the same for music, books, cars, clothes, and the rest of the things that possibly can be recommended.

Formulas are the same, I just thought that it may be easier for us to relate to the results if they happen to be the popular movies. Besides these 2 weeks have to be fun, right?... You’ll learn the math behind the most popular recommendation approach - Collaborative Filtering. You’ll also try out several ways to calculate the similarity between people based on their movie taste, as well as several ways to combine multiple user ratings into one prediction. First we will do a small exercise (just 8 people and 4 movies) by hand, so that you can really see what is happening. Later we’ll try a bigger example (60+ users and 50 movies) using popular programming language Python. In the end you’ll have to write a report (in groups of 5-6 people) and also with several of you I’ll have a pleasure to meet during an oral exam at the end of the semester :) So without further delay, lets start...


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