Local Committee Vice President AIESEC in UMM 18/19
Talent Management Questions
ď śAs Executive Board of this entity, you are managing talent in your entity and make decisions related to them. We called this the role of talent management, which aim to make people decisions. Explain what are those people decisions? People decision consist of GET, KEEP, and DEVELOP. - GET
Planning: planning for the membership needs of our entity based on our pipeline, strategy, jobs/operations that need to be done and the culture we want to build Recruiting: process of finding and hiring people to be aiesec member in our entity based on our membership planning Selecting: the process to select the best and most qualified candidate to become our member.
Inducting: fisrt education that we give to our members about aiesec - Keep consist of Engagement : the process to engage our member being involved in our activities and their work as an aiesecer
Retention : An effort to maintain a working environment which supports current member in remaining and
staying with our organization. Team Standards : use as a guide for team leaders to create good team experience - Develop is more about education and leadership development ď śMembership planning is about planning for the membership needs of your entity based on your pipeline, strategy, jobs/operations that need to be done and the culture you want to build. But it is not just a process that you complete every recruitment. It is an ongoing process of membership review and planning that needs to happen every month. Explain how membership planning works! Membership planning consist of 3 elements which are the review, the pool and GTCM. ďƒ˜ The review That start from the initial membership reviews, this process is usually led by CEO and HR responsible (LCP and LCVPTM). With the whole leadership team asking the following question which are what we are trying to achieve, the environment we want to build, the people requirement for the strategy, operations, and culture, and the current pipeline. And then the process of membership review every month, to make sure that we are matching the right performance, capability, and displaying the right behaviours to build the right culture and achieve our goals.
The pool The current pipeline of people we have waiting for AIESEC membership Talent Marketing Find GTCM (goal, target, channel, Message) to help us create talent marketing plan. After completing membership planning, entity has known how many people required per function and talent pool data of your entity. Then the next thing to do is to attract your pool through doing talent marketing. How do you attract your pool through doing talent marketing? There are three contents • Start from talent planning o A video about talent planning o An exercise about personal building o An action plan for coaching LCs • Market analysis What does young people need or want in your market? • How do I package AIESEC membership?
You now have applicants and ready for the selection process. The next step is, how do you ensure that you recruit the right people in the right place and in the right time through doing membership selection? We need to trainee our self as a committee of requruitment, we have to make sure that we are ability on intervewing process, asking the question, look their attitude during process selection, after that we can make an evaluation and assessment based on LDQ Congratulations! You now have people that is ready to under go Management Trainee program. But within the first 10 days of their AIESEC experience, you must onboard them into organization through talent onboarding. How talent onboarding works? • Have a special lunch/ coffee, here we just talk about personal things, like their hoby, strength/ weakness, their experiences, and step by step we help them to find their value and passion. • Doing at least 1 real awesome, here we give them a based practical about their function before their had given education well. • Peer buddy experience, we divide them to be a couple as a peer buddy, they will meet every week and sharing about their experience, and anything that they feel in AIESEC. • Get to know the team, they will meet with their team an doing activity that make them know each other, can be a games, or anything. • PGS, here they will set their personal goals to know in the next they had achieve or not yet, and to improve their skill to achieve it.
• •
Induction, member will get education about generally aiesec and their functional clearly, and its good to follow up what they understand and not. The ‘Building’ Team Standards is a part of the Onboarding checklist of AIESEC. This includes A) Introduction (Get to know, Team Bonding Induction to the function/area) B) Plan (Co-creation of Team Purpose, Expectations, Goals, Strategies, Budget, JD, Deadlines) C) Personal Goal Setting (Set the Individual Goals and Action Plan, Make Personal Goals for Development)
The people you recruited has officially become your Management Trainee. You now must do one of the most challenging part in managing them, which are engage and retaining them through implementing Team Standard. Explain about Team Standard and how do you achieve 100% implementation of Team Standard? Team standards was originally team minimum (the lowest amount of) expectations that team leaders had to deliver. How to implement of team standards there are 3 stages: • Building, the first stage of a team. People starts to work together and understand who is in the team. This stage is about introduction, plan, and personal setting goals.. • Performing, the second stage of a team. This is where you are able to see team and individual progress. High performance happens here through team members knowing who does what, where, and when and regular touch points to coach and develop. In this stage
Closing, this is the final stage of a team. It is a closing but also a new beginning. People reflect on what worked and didn’t and what’s next. The team prepare the next team. In this stage what we do are report, transition, and debrief
After you succeed to engage and retain your trainee, the other most challenging part is that you must build their capacity to achieve organization’s goal through implementing Learning and Development program. Explain about Learning and Development Program and how do you achieve 100% implementation of Learning & Development program? Learning and development program is a guide for team leader to educate and training their member to increase their knowledge, ability, and attitude to support them doing their operational. We have to tell to our member that we can start the y real work after they folloew the leadership and development program.
You almost did whole talent management process, now how do you ensure the ultimate goal of AIESEC which is leadership development of your member can successfully happen? We have to always checked the right of membership planning, we have to giving education and give them practical based on leadership and development program. We have people analytics every quarter to monitor, analyze and improve your member and organization. • What are the things that included into people analytic? Know more about our member (major and functional), do our member believe in our product?, member satisfied of AIESEC experience and understand their role in AIESEC, how is our leadership?, performance of team standard, NPS, LDA. • How people analytic works? Analyze the whole talent management process for improvement, member alignment to strategic management and organizational goal.
development and better
How do you successfully implement people analytic every quarter to improve your member and organization?
We have to make sure: 1.
Measuring GET, DEVELOP, and KEEP the Leadership in our Entity
collecting the right kind of DATA, to make the right decision
ď ś What are the measurements (LAG and LEAD measure) of talent management? LAG: Productivity, Retention rate, NPS and Leadership development LEAD measure: Team standard implementation, LDA, LnD implementation, Monthly RnR, and HR
fulfillment on time based on profiling
What is driving you to continue your journey as Local Committee Vice President? I continue my journey by applying this position because I want to give my contribution more in my last term in university. I think 2 years in AIESEC I haven’t give more contribution yet. And I want to continue what EB current done for take AIESEC UMM back after disbanded. And also I want to developed myself more with AIESEC. What is your personal SWOT? How you optimize your strengths and overcome your weakness? How can you implement your strength to your LC needs? How can you implement your strength to your EB dynamic? My strength are hardwork, responsible, adaptable, open minded, like trying something new. My weakness are lazy, easy to sleepy, bad to time and money management My opportunity are I take from my strengh that I like to trying something new, I always try something that I haven’t do before, even that really challenging for me. I always try and learning if I don’t understand. My threats is I can’t make a good time management, but I always trying with I put my deadline and doing it one by one.
If I get lazy to do something, I just remember I have responsible on that and I have to finished that. And also I will hardwork to achieve that with my best. I will implement my strength to LC needs with my hardwork and responsible in everything that I do. I also will be adaptable with every changing in LC, understand and face it. What is your value? Tell us 3 about that My value is responsible, adaptable, and trust. Responsible is when I take something, I will finished and do with my best. Adaptable is when I can approach stranger people, I also make a comfortable with my new environment, not only adapt with people I also adapt with my environment, I can handle every problem that I face. Trust is I always trust with my ability, and I always trust if I get a problem, I can handle it. I also trust with my teammate, with trust everythings will solved.
Who is your leadership role model? Please tell what and why you admire the most from him/her? My leadership role model is kak Vena. Because I think she has a good personality, and she has a good way to lead her member. She also can differentiate between worklife and personal life. She can being proffesional person. When I tell my personal problem, she can give an advice that make me so inspiring. What is your ultimate goal in life? What are your SMART Goals in 3,5,10, and 15 years from now? In 3 years from now I want to work in international company and in the food based. which is like nestle In 5 years from now I want to have a bakery that sell a healthy bread and get married In 10 years from now I want have community that walk about education and how to eat a health food In 15 years from now I want to being a person who inspiring many peoples and give an impact for the people around me.
What was your greatest achievement in your life? Why you choose that as your greatest achievement? How was your effort behind the achievement? My greatest achievement in my life is when I’m being a faci in LJC. I choose it as my greatest achievement because for me its too hard to talk in front of many peoples to deliver session. Because we have to make sure they get my session well. My effort behind this achievement are I have to prepare the session well, and think how to deliver the session in a good way. So they can understand what I deliver. What was your greatest failure in your life? What was the biggest learning you got from it? My biggest failure in my life when I cannot study in state university. I had trying very hard, I take intensive course, I study every day, I take another exams in much university, but I cannot achieve that. What I can learning from that is success is not just we study in good university, but when we can do it maximum, we can do something corresponding our passion and we enjoy it, I think we can be success.
ď ś Summarize your MBTI test result and correlate to yourself! ďƒ˜ My MBTI test result is ESFJ-T which is extraverted, observant, feeling, judging, and turbulency. ďƒ˜ I like to sharing with other people and I like to meet other people, I also a practical people, but I have to know the theory first and learning about it well. I also a feeling person, sometimes I feel sensitive with people who show a different face or their attitude to me. I also can feel if someone angry or disappointed to me. I also like to do something by the fact. If I have take something, I will give my best and hardwork to achieve it.
ď ś If you have reach the peak of your life and you are about to die, what will be written in your life biography? What is the title? Create a synopsis consist with Opening, Main and Closing part.
Putri’s Journey Putri is a girl who was born in Batam 2nd July 1996, she is the first child from two. She has one brother. She takes her final education in University of Muhammadiyah Malang. She study in Food Science and Technology.She likes watching Korean Drama, sometimes she spent her one day for watching drama. She is an adaptable people, she likes to make a friend to many peoples. time by time, she find her passion that she likes to meet new people and make a communication with many peoples twho has different characteristics. She is a responsible person and hardworker. She always struggle with everything that she takes, never give up and always learning. She has a dream for make a bakery that sell a healthy bread. She also help other people and give good impact for her environment.
Rank 3 main areas in AIESEC where you had the most experience! Highlight briefly in each and how your experience can benefit your LC ? 3 main areas where I had most experience are in Sales, OCP LCP election , and OC SMT. How my experience can benefit my LC is because as sales, I can support project in LC and get the partner for LC, so we can make impact to our environment by the project it self. As OCP also give more experience, because I have to handle my OC and make a event running well. As OC SMT benefit that I give for LC is I can show to others what the difference between sales and marketing in AIESEC and other place. Explain your most impactful inner and outer journey moment in AIESEC! My inner journey moment in AIESEC are I can find my passion and can enjoy everything I did, I can find my SWOT, and I know my value My outer journey moment are I can meet different people, I learn how to face them
Based on your AIESEC experience, please explain and elaborate 12 defining elements in AIESEC LQ to your member! There are 12 elements in AIESEC LQ 1. Self aware a. Understands and lives personal value which mean we have to find our value can by we do something, after we find we understand and always keep our value in every things that we do b. Focuses on strength over weakness which mean all of people must be have their strength and weakness, and sometimes too hard to left our weakness, but we can just focus to our strength, so time by time we can less our weakness. c. Explore’s one passion which mean we can find our passion by we do something and always try something new, if we enjoy to did it, it can be your passion. 2. a.
Empowering others Communicates effectively in diverse environment which mean we have to can communicates effectively in every condition, because in different environment, we have different characteristic also. We can learn the condition first, and communicate corresponding the condition. Develops and empowers other people which mean after we had developed ourself, we also have to develop other people by we share our experience, we show our changing to them.
Engage with others to achieve a bigger purpose which mean we have to engage other people to achieve our bigger purpose, so not just we who can make contribution, but other people also.
3. a.
Solution Oriented Adapts and show resilience in the face of challenges which mean we have to adapted with the problem that we face, and then we can find the solution even that problem really challenging us Transmit positivity to move forward throughout uncertainty which mean always show the positive minded to move forward, if we always have a positive minded, we can face anything. Takes risks when it needed which mean in every our decision, we always find the risk, everything that we do, there is the risk inside. We just have to take the risk, face it and handle it.
4. a.
World Citizen Believes in their ability to make a difference in the world which mean we have a difference ability in ourself, we have to believe that our ability can give a contribution to make a good difference in the world Interested in the world issues which mean our world is really big and have each issues that they had, as a youth who live in this world, we have to interested and care about the issues Enjoys taking responsibility for improving the world which mean if we had interested with world issues, we can take responsibility like give a contribution, and we enjey to do that.
Please explain about every point in AIESEC Way that can make people who read that see your personal connection with it. AIESEC way talk about why, how and what • Why is about why AIESEC exist, why must be there AIESEC in this world. It because of 2nd world war, the youth make an organization to achieve peace in this world. That the vision of AISEC is we strive to achieve peace and fulfillment of humankinds potensial. • How is about how we achieve our why. We can invite the youth to achieve it, because youth is dynamic, so that’s why we can collaboration with youth. And then we believe that leadership is a fundamental solution and leadership can be developed in anyone. • What we do to achieve are why is enable young people to develop their leadership through learning from practical experience in chalenging environment. And here we also tell about value in AIESEC, which are striving for excellent, enjoying participantion, living diversity, activating leadership, demonstrating integrity, acting sustainably.
What is AIESEC to you? Explain in one sentence. For me AIESEC is not just an organization, but AIESEC is a platform for the youth to developed our leadership and find our passion, and also enjoyed it.
What is AIESEC 2020 means to you? What will be your contribution? AIESEC 2020 means our ambition that we have to achieve in 2020. There are shaping what we do around what the world needs, growing disruptively, and being accessible to everyone, everywhere. My contribution are I will change my minded first for being what world needed, after that I will invite the people around me to have a same minded, and also give an action. I will try to being innovative to solve the problem that I faced. I also share about AIESEC experience by ask them to join exchange, or join AIESEC event to make them know what kinds of our activity.
What is the top 3 needs of (your city/university)? How can AIESEC contribute to answer those needs? Please be specific with action step and measurement of success! The student haven’t know their passion The student poor of open minded Education for Malang in “Kabupaten” How AIESEC can give contribution are we can invite them to join our event, to make them relize that world is big and we live with the different people. And also put our value in the event and give them the chance to find their passion by join our activity. For Malang in “Kabupaten”, we can engage them to join our event and make a project about education for Malang Kabupaten itself.
Strategic Questions
Outgoing Global Volunteer 〒Please elaborate your role as LCVP OGV 18/19 〒Explain the standards implementation in each stage of the customer flow, and what are your strategies to increase the quality implementation it in 18/19? 〒What is the STDP for OGV product? 〒Create a SWOT analysis of OGV term 17! 〒What are your action plan to do OGV operation? Explain your three main focuses in operation of OGV next term and What are the MoS and how will you achieve your target? 〒What are your action plan to do OGV marketing? Explain what kind of innovation that you want to create for marketing of OGV next term and What are the MoS and how will you achieve your target? 〒What is your strategies to ensure good flow legality to fulfill audit checklist from OGV? 〒Please visualize your OGV structure for 18/19 based on what you think OGV UMM needed for next term! And mention the main role and job description
Brand IM How can AIESEC be perceived, recognized, and positioned, as a youth leadership organization that can bring every single experience to who has been involved? Please explain what is the current and the last brand that AIESEC UMM already have in last term, which is from 15/16 till 17/18? do you think that you want to change the current brand that already bring by last EB? What will be your main activity to increase the brand image of AIESEC in UMM? What will be your contribution as VP Brand IM to increase brand awareness of AIESEC in UMM 17/18? What will be your concern for Digital Marketing to boost product knowledge in our customer (content consistency) How will you manage social media area to boost the brand of AIESEC UMM? Please draw your virtual structure for BRAND/IM Department?
Brand IM For 2nd Preference What will be your main activity to increase the brand image of AIESEC in UMM? What will be your contribution as VP Brand IM to increase brand awareness of AIESEC in UMM 17/18? What will be your concern for Digital Marketing to boost product knowledge in our customer (content consistency) How will you manage social media area to boost the brand of AIESEC UMM? Please draw your virtual structure for BRAND/IM Department?
Incoming Global Volunteer What kind of promotional tools that needed to boost iGV project publication? Mention and explain briefly 3 stages of doing marketing start from pra? What kind of improvement that needed by iGV in AIESEC in UMM to do Marketing Give me your idea and innovation about marketing in iGV to boost the number of EP Applicant? What is stakeholder? What is the different between learning partner, in kind partner and OP taker? What is CEM and CRM? What are the strategies to make the process time faster? Beside using astronaut? What will you do to keep your member in a good performance? Please define the contribution each functional in every part of customer flow?
Incoming Global Volunteer For 2nd Preference 〒 What are the strategies to make the process time faster ? beside using astronaut. × The strategies are we have to make a timeline clearly, know the project clearly, and also have a good preparation 〒 What will you do to keep your member in a good performance × For keep my member in a good performance, I will make them comfort with me and also their job, I will make them to understand about their job well, I also will make tracking to know their progress in personality and performance. 〒 Please tell me how the way boost the quantity of Eps for next term ? • For boost the Eps for next term, we can increase our promotion about our project in social media, we can engage general social media that can promote our project, like account youtube, instagram, twitter, etc. and we have to package our project to more creative for make EP more interest, like show much about testimonials, it can make EP more believe with our project.
〒 Please define the contribution each fucntional in every part of customer flow ? × Programmer : they support the project to make a rundown, create the project, and the event in the project × Sales : they support to engage partner to support our project, like financial partner, learning partner, inkind partner, government, etc × Marketing : they support to promotion the project, in social media, they also support to package our project to make EP interest with our project. × CEM : they support to contact with EP, to engage EP for join our project, they who doing intervew with EP to find EP who has same value with us. they always handle EP since the EP before come to Indonesia until they come back to their country.
〒 What are your strategies to make our product have a good NPS ? × The strategies to have a good NPS are give an EP a good services, always tracking EP during they in here, make sure they get a job based on agreement, and make sure they get a good facilitate here, give they expectation based on the fact.
Public Relation What public relation means to you? Public relations means a face of AIESEC and bridge between AIESEC and other, PR is the function that make other know that AIESEC exist and know the purpose and goals of AIESEC itself. PR also the function that show the branding of AIESEC.
What do you think of the changing behind the External Relation department to be Public Relation? I think the reason external relation changing to be public relation is because in public relations also doing what external relation do. But the differences are in PR we also engage media partner and community. And we also make a decision to change ER to PR based on our entity needs, for now we need to build our branding in internal and external university. In PR beside engage the stakeholder, also maintain about branding. So because of that, its possible if external relations changing to be public relations.
How can you ensure yourself to handle not only the operational thing but also the talent capacity of your team? I’ll give them enough knowledge about their JD and all of about PR, I’ll show them the practical, and let them to practice step by step to know deeply. I also will always tracking them based their personality and performance. I will doing meeting to give education and doing tracking once in a week. In the beginning I also will make a good planning, build my team capacity, and make them comfort with me to make them also comfort work with me and their job.
What is your strategy to change the AIESEC branding in university? I will get closer with internal institution in university like HMJ, BEM, UKM and I will invite them into our event to make them know the purpose and value of our organization well. I will make an event about leadership and based international, to make external know our main activity and the value inside. I also will invite personage in university like “wakil rektor”, our BoA Pak Haris as a opening speaker for our event.
Please make a SWOT of branding awareness in university area based on external view! Strength almost all of student in UMM know about AIESEC and know our activity, our brand as an international organizational Weakness are they don’t know what we deliver inside our activity, they just know about we dispatch and bring in exchange participants. Opportunities of branding itself we can easy to engage the student for join our event because we can make branding about international organization. They will interesting especially for international relation student. Threats of branding is we will really hard to make AIESEC branding good in university because that they just know about our exchange activity.
What kind of PR Team do you want to form? I want to form PR team that have a good communication, can be adaptable, always want to learning, and always to know what people needs. The structural of PR itsef there are: a. Outreach b. External Relations c. PR Agenda d. Digital PR PR is about branding and make an event. What kind of event do u want to make to increase the branding awareness of AIESEC UMM in university? I want to make an event about how to make other know what our organization do and deliver. In this event I want to invite communities that have same goals and purpose. I also want to invite internal institution like HMJ, BEM, UKM, etc, also community as external institution and media partner to recording and publication our event. The event that I want to make is like youth speak. In youth speak the event will talk about youth and insert about our brand which is international and leadership organizational, and the target of this event is youth. Thiz event also involve personage in university like “wakil rektor”, our BoA Pak Haris as a opening speaker. And if it possible I will also invite governance like “walikota”, DPRD, etc.
Public Relation For 2nd Preference What public relation means to you? How can you ensure yourself to handle not only the operational thing but also the talent capacity of your team? What is your strategy to change the AIESEC branding in university? Please make a SWOT of branding awareness in university area based on external view! PR is about branding and make an event. What kind of event do u want to make to increase the branding awareness of AIESEC UMM in university?
Application Video
Based on the current condition of AIESEC UMM, what are the things that you want to start, stop, and continue in term 17/18 ? Why ? As the person who will participate in the LC establishment, what innovation you will bring support AIESEC UMM sustainability in Finance Area? As VP FGL, what is your action to support member investment ? What do you know about administration system in your entity? What is your innovation to make it better ? Explain about Internal Policy, SOP, Local Compendium, National Compendium, Audit and MMC ? Why it’s important ? If you are selected, explain at least 3 biggest innovation (must be different from previous terms) you can do as LCVP Finance and Governance in 2018/2019? Also, what will be your top three targets and priorities as LCVP Finance and Governance in 2018/2019 ? How is your strategy to make all of members understand about financial condition ? How is your strategy to make member in finance understand about their position to developing their self? If you has Rp 50.000.000, how do you use or budgeting those money? Please explain the financial functional structure in your term ?
Finance & Governance