Rahma yunita vp fgl applicant booklet

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watch my candidacy video here: https://youtu.be/5yqj8tjP15c

Local Committee Vice President AIESEC in UMM 18/19

Talent Management Questions

v As Executive Board of this entity, you are managing talent in your entity and make decisions related to them. We called this the role of talent management, which aim to make people decisions. Explain what are those people decisions? People decision consist of GET, KEEP, and DEVELOP. - GET are about Planning: planning for the membership needs of our entity based on our pipeline, strategy, jobs/operations that need to be done and the culture we want to build Recruiting: process of finding and hiring people to be aiesec member in our entity based on our membership planning Selecting: the process to select the best and most qualified candidate to become our member. Inducting: fisrt education that we give to our members about aiesec

- Keep consist of Engagement : the process to engage our member being involved in our activities and their work as an aiesecer Retention : An effort to maintain a working environment which supports current member in remaining and staying with our organization. Team Standards : use as a guide for team leaders to create good team experience - Develop is more about education and leadership development v Membership planning is about planning for the membership needs of your entity based on your pipeline, strategy, jobs/operations that need to be done and the culture you want to build. But it is not just a process that you complete every recruitment. It is an ongoing process of membership review and planning that needs to happen every month. Explain how membership planning works! Membership planning GTCM.


of 3 element

which are the review,

the poll, 4

- The review. We should do the initial membership review by determining the entity goal and strategy, the culture we want to build, membership (what JD and structure are required to support the operations and strategy?, what worked in previous years structures? What didn’t work? Whats is the ideal productivity we aim for?), characteristic (what are the characteristics and qualities are needed within certain JD’s?, what attitudes and qualities have made previous people in these JD’s successful?). To doing all of this, it’s important to using efficiency as a guide measure on how much people we need based on the efficiency. We also need to doing membership review every month by asking these question: Are our people currently matching the right performance, capability and displaying the right behaviour

to build the right culture and achieve our goals?, What

behaviour are missing in who?, What jobs needs to be done and what people are required for that? - The pool. The current pipeline of people we have waiting for AIESEC membership


- Talent Marketing. Find GTCM (goal, target, channel, Message) to help us create talent marketing plan. Start from talent planning, market analysis, and how do I package aiesec membership v After completing membership


entity has

known how


people required per function and talent pool data of your entity. Then the next thing to do is to attract your pool through doing talent marketing. How do you attract your pool through doing talent marketing? The things to do consist of: 1.

Make a target and conduct market analysis

How do we use the current pool? , Do we need to launch a new recruitment?, Which faculties should we address?, How many people/applicants do we want to reach to recruit needed number of members? (based on last years conversion) 2.

Determine the channel

What channels were the most effective for us last year?, What channels can reach the type of membership we need?



Content of message

What is the message we are sending to recruit the profiles that we need?, What is the value of AIESEC Membership for them? 4.

Clarify our value proposition

value proposition of AIESEC membership should be fitting 1) AIESEC’s need and 2) Market’s need. The outcome could be: -

A set of statements, slogan and keywords for recruitment (this could be reflected our your website, posters, or Tshirts)


A revamp of the visual creatives that reflects your value proportions (a recruitment video, website/ landing pages)


A well design recruitment campaign (including both verbal and visuals)


v You now have applicants and ready for the selection process. The next step is, how do you ensure that you recruit the right people in the right place and in the right time through doing membership selection? We have to prepare our team to doing membership selection so firstly, we need training our members for recruitment and assess our member ability in: Interviewing, Asking Ques.ons/ Probing, Reading body language and Making evaluation and assessment. After that, we can do selection based on the leadership qualities through task or LGD and interview. v Congratulations!


now have people that is

ready to undergo

Management Trainee program. But within the first 10 days of their AIESEC experience, you must onboard them into organization through talent onboarding. How talent onboarding works? 1.

ensure that your members gain clarity on why they are in AIESEC through Have a special lunch/coffee with them: Try to understand who they are and


why they are in AIESEC and help them to gain their awareness of who they are (What are their strengths and weaknesses? What do they enjoy working in? What do they not enjoy?) 2.

Give them real work: Allow them to jump right into their work within the first 3 days. Even if they don’t have training, allow them to cold-call companies or talk with students about AIESEC products. Give feedback and allow them to grow.


Connect them with a peer buddy: Ensure they find a friend who is going through the same thing they are so they can find a place they belong


Help them build a social network: Ensure that your new member is being integrated into different social groups so they can find people they click and bond with


Get to know the team: Host a team bonding/welcoming and GTK activities to ensure everyone is feeling comfortable and welcome. 9


Bring up the AIESEC Values and LDM in conversation: Make the AIESEC Values part of your conversations and social media in your own authentic way! #strivingforexcellence. The stories you tell show who you are and who AIESEC is.


Follow up induction day with a personal talk: It’s ofen good to follow up a lot of information with a personal talk about what they understand and what they don’t understand.


The ‘Building’ Team Standards is a part of the Onboarding checklist of AIESEC. This includes A) Introduction (Get to know, Team Bonding Induction to the function/area) B) Plan (Co-creation of Team Purpose, Expectations, Goals, Strategies, Budget, JD, Deadlines) C) Personal Goal Setting (Set the Individual Goals and Action Plan, Make Personal Goals for Development) 10

The elements to consider are: -

Peer-buddy Program


Mentoring / Home Group


Induction Day


Operational Induction


First Team Meeting


Induction Conference

Notes: New member directly allocated into project based operation is 270% more productive rather than new member allocated with Business as Usual JD v The people you



officially become your Management

Trainee. You now must do one of the most challenging part in managing









implementing Team Standard. Explain about Team Standard and how do you achieve 100% implementation of Team Standard?

Team standard is The Team Minimums were the minimum (The lowest amount of) expectations that Team Leaders had to deliver. There are 3 main stages of tema standard which are: - Building: The first stage of a team. People start to work together and understand who is in the team, what the team is about and what we will achieve together. This stage consist of introduction, plan, and personal goal setting. - Performing: The second stage of a team. This is where we are able to see team and individual progress. High performance happens here through team members knowing who does what, where, and when and regular touch points to coach and develop. This stage consist of regular team meeting, one to one, and team days. - Closing: It is a closing but also a new beginning. People reflect on what worked and didn’t and what’s next. The team prepares the next team. The things we do in this stage are report, transition, and debrief to make sure 100 % implementation, we should do tracking and rewarding 12

v After you succeed to engage and retain your trainee, the other most challenging organization’s

part goal


that through












program. Explain about Learning and Development Program and how do you achieve 100% implementation of Learning & Development program? Learning and development program is a guide for team leader to educate and training their member to increase their knowledge, ability, and attitude to support them doing their operational. Tell to our members that they can start their real work after participate in learning and development program v You almost did whole talent management process, now how do you ensure the ultimate goal of AIESEC which is leadership development of your member can successfully happen? We should have the correct membership planning, implement 100 % of team standard and giving training or education based on learning and development program


v We have people analytics every quarter to monitor, analyze and improve your member and organization. ---

What are the things that included

into people analytic? - Who are our member? (major and functional), do our member believe in our product?, member satisfied of AIESEC experience and understand their role in AIESEC, how is our leadership?, performance of team standard, NPS, LDA. - How people analytic works? Analyze the whole talent management process for improvement, member development and better alignment to strategic management and organizational goal. - How do you successfully implement people analytic every quarter to improve your member and organization? We have to make sure: 1.

Measuring GET, DEVELOP, and KEEP the Leadership in our Entity


collecting the right kind of DATA, to make the right decision


v What are the measurements (LAG and LEAD measure) of talent management? LAG:







development LEAD measure: Team standard implementation, LDA, LnD implementation, Monthly RnR, and HR fulfillment on time based on profiling





v What is driving you to continue your journey as Local Committee Vice President? Beside I want to challenge myself, I also want to contribute more for this entity, I think what I have done is not enough. I still have chance and time, so why I have to stop with the current position? v What is your personal SWOT? - Strength: Personal Mastery, Issue interpretate or analysis, Fast learner, good for netwoking, making everything as efficient as possible, Strong-Willed - Weakness: little relevant work experience, forgetful, bad in design, Stubborn and Dominant, Intolerant, Impatient, Cold and Ruthless - Opportunity: always adapt and develop new intervention which could help me in clinical psychology field, have experience in mental hospital, and have certificate of mandarin and japanese languange which could help me a lot - Threat: not a good team leader, start learn something new that I never do before

v How you optimize your strengths and overcome your weakness? Because one of my strength is personal mastery so I know how to improve myself and it supported by my other strength which is I am good in analysis so I can analysis what I need to improve myself. It doesn’t take time cause I can learn fast, I just need to push myself. v How can you implement your strength to your LC needs? I think all of my strength can implemented for LC need for example I could use my analyzed thinking to know what the improvement needed for my entity and how to handle it. v How can you implement your strength to your EB dynamic? I think I could use my personal mastery to know which side of me that I need to control to keep teamwork and building good environment in my team v What is your value? Tell us 3 about that. My values are bravery, perseverance, and accuracy. I put these three value because I want to have these value in myself through real action to represent the better of me


v Who is your leadership role model? Please tell what and why you admire the most from him/her? My parents. Because they give me the best life lesson, always let their children to face the problems and take decision by our self. v What is your ultimate goal in life? What are your SMART Goals in 3,5,10, and 15 years from now? -

My ultimate goal is I want to give contribution to other as much as I can.


My smart goal for 3 years later: by December 2020, I want to having volunteering in UNICEF to help children’s


My smart goal for 5 years later: by July 2022, I want to continue my study in UK to take international business to increase my skill in business development and to prepare myself to build start up


My smart goal for 10 years later: by July 2032, I want to have an institution engaged in social enterprenuership that empowers drop out children from school to create their own small business that can improve their family welfare


- My smart goal for 15 years later: by September 2037, my institution already

expanded in 10 big city of Indonesia to be able to reach out the children in other areas so every children could have an equally beneficial impact v What was your greatest achievement in your life? Why you choose that as your









achievement? My greatest achievement is when I success did forgiveness therapy to elderly. Because this is the first time that I can help someone through what I learned. I had to struggling with the elderly itself, he always slept when I come and its over than ten times, I also should wait for long time when he having meals, I should put full attention when he talked even out of the context and sometimes it takes more than an hour. v What was your greatest failure in your life? What was the biggest learning you got from it?


The greatest failure in my life is when I was in senior high school, most of my teachers put high expectation on me. At that time, I felt it as a pressured so in every olympic or contest, I always became as second winner. It because I can’t focus and their expectation distracted me so much. But at the end, what I realized is I don’t need to afraid of what people expect from me, I just need to enjoy the process and do it v Summarize your MBTI test result and correlate to yourself! Commanders are characterized by an often ruthless level of rationality, using their drive, determination and sharp minds to achieve whatever end they’ve set for themselves. This statement of my result is truly define me. I have long term plan and have strong desire to achieved it. I review and analyzed my plan every year and change the strategy if I think its needed. My weakness based on this test result are Stubborn and Dominant, Intolerant, Impatient, Cold and Ruthless. These trait are really define me correctly. I’m not suppoted ideas based on emotional considerations. It should based on fact and rational.


v If you have reach the peak of your life and you are about to die, what will be written in your life biography? What is the title? Create a synopsis consist with Opening, Main and Closing part. Testament of a Dreamer Ryf was born on and raised in different city of east borneo. Her mom was registered as health cadre and her dad is a entrepreneurship. She has two younger brothers and she always tried to explore her passion through anykind of activities that related to her life value, spending time with her friends, and love horror and mystery so much. As for now, Ryf taking forensic psychology as her major. One thing that she really enjoy doing her job is help police officers close cases by explaining what kind of a person would be most likely to commit a certain type of crime and what their background could be like. This could helps officers focus on those most likely to have committed the crime under investigation. In addition after her work done, Ryf also always spend her free time to investigate supernatural things.


She do enjoy spend her night in different haunted place and try to feel their presence. She got a creepy experience when staying at one of the haunted hotels in Z city to celebrate the new year. This experience led her to discover the bright spots of the case she had dealt with in the police for months. The story was written of her personal notes which unpublished due to certain matters and since the completion of the case, Ryf continue her job without giving much information to the media.




v Rank 3 main areas in AIESEC where you had the most experience! Highlight briefly in each and how your experience can benefit your LC ? It start when I became an OC of Exchange Controller, I manage and handle EP from different countries which they have different mindset, habit, believe, culture, and point of view with me. I,m not just learn how to adapt in differences but I also learn how to maintain our good relation until now. The second, when i became manager of AD Hoc and I should handle the entre project and KKN and Ad Hoc Project at the same time. I learn how to manage my time, and how to keep track our EP’s. The third, when I became XPD Manager right now with new structure of my entity. At the first, little bit shock but I try to adapt with my teammate character. From this position, I learn what is teamwork means. I believe that

my experience before can help my LC to promote our project to my

previoues EP’s friends and they project.

could help us to make testimonial video about our

v Explain your most impactful inner and outer journey moment in AIESEC! My impactful inner is when I when I should handle three projects at the same time, it was really stressful and pressure to me but when my ep say thanks to me, i realized that what i did was meaningful to her. I also learn how to handle my stress and emotional conflict to give our customers have unforgettable experience. My impuctfull outer is when aiesec umm disbanded and I should collaborate with aiesec ub to fulfill aiesec umm promises to our TN. At the end we cant fulfill the promise because of

misscommunication. This experience make me realizxed that

collaboration is important because if we dont have good collaboration, we will broke up what people hope from us v Based on your AIESEC experience, please explain and elaborate 12 defining elements in AIESEC LQ to your member! There are four main elements of leadership qualities, consist of: Self awareness, empowering others, world citizen and solution oriented


You are self awareness person if u can know who you are . The first thing you have to know is what is ur values and implement ur values in your daily life, then you also have to know what is your strength and how’s your strength can overcome your weakness, beside value and strenght weakness, the last thing that you have to know is ur passion and how can you explore your pasion. How can u know if u have passion when u doing something? You have passion when u are perseverance and grit doing something and u never tired to try even u failed so many times.


How can you know if u can empower other? The first u can communicative effectively


diverse environtment.



communicative effectively?

Communicative effectively is when people can understand what u said, the second is when u can develop and empower other people and also engage them to achieve the bigger purpose, for the example u engage ur friend to be volunteer in the project.


The three main element is world citizen. You can say that you are world citizenship are you have believe in your ability or ur potential to make difference in the world, u have one or more focus on world issues, then u are enjoyable to take any action or responsibility for improving the world.


The last element is solution oriented. U re solution (adapt quickly to face the challenge), u have positive mind when you face the uncertainty, and u dont afraid to take risk when you think its needed

v Please explain about every point in AIESEC Way that can make people who read that see your personal connection with it. This is the basic that we should understand about aiesec. Why aiesec was establish? It all start after second world war and some of young people determined that cross cultural understanding can prevent the similar conflict. We believe in youth and leadership is the fundamental solution and it can develop in anyone. We


leadership quality in aiesec through practical experience in challenging environtment.

v What is AIESEC to you? Explain in one sentence. Aiesec is like a gen for me. Because aiesec vbringing good values to achieved peace v What is AIESEC 2020 means to you? What will be your contribution? The long-term strategy to achieve our vision. I will give contribution in every decision we will take in our operational, we should doing assessment to know what the environment needs and doing analyze in every strategy to make improvement based on assesment result v What is the top 3 needs of (your city/university)? How can AIESEC contribute to answer those needs? Please be specific with action step and measurement of success! -

Has the wrong mindset about volunteering


Less of willingness to take the leadership role


Lack of meaningfull life awareness


We can contribute through our program such as project, campaign, event, etc..


Action step is conduct workshop about the themes of the needs and we should collaborate with others NGO


MoS: # of student s go exchange by volunteering program, # of students become local volunteer for projects, # of studednts apply as member of NGO or any commitee, # of students posting their opinion about meaningfull life on sosmed

Strategic Questions

v Based on the current condition of AIESEC UMM, what are the things that you want to start, stop, and continue in term 17/18 ? Why ? - stop: project report unsubmitted, doesnt follow the lettering flow - Start: implementing new rules, finance class, analyzed member investment toward our operation to support financial sustainability - Continue: finance visit v As the person who will participate in the LC establishment, what








sustainability in Finance Area? As I know, if we want to make our financial sustain, the first thing that we should do is to make sustainable human resources management, then make our product or program sustain which could answer the society needs so our operational could be growth and it’s affect to our financial.

Finance & Governance

v As VP FGL, what is your action to support member investment ? The things that I have to consider if we want to support member investment are what kind of investment that we need based on our entity condition, what are the goal that we want to achieved by this investment and how to get return. v What do you know about administration system in your entity? What is your innovation to make it better ? member still have lack of awareness about administration system, only a few member know the lettering flow. my innovation is make a clear flow toward lettering and fundrising, EB will get charge if dont submit expense plan on time, the project team should give 65 % working capital back if dont submit the project report after the project end. v Explain








Compendium, Audit and MMC ? Why it’s important ? - Internal policy is standard operating procedure of all functional 32

- SOP is a standard or written guideline used to encourage and mobilize a functional to achieve organizational objectives - Local Compendium is AIESEC’s reference document that adapt from national compendium which has been devised to guide and support all members in executing AIESEC’s activities in a manner that is coherent with the organization’s vision and values in local entity. - National Compendium is AIESEC’s reference document that adapt from global compendium which has been devised to guide and support all members in executing AIESEC’s activities in a manner that is coherent with the organization’s vision and values in national level. - Audit is conduct an official financial, legality and operational examination of organization's accounts - MMC is standards that determine the membership status of the entity Because

it can determined our existency which will affect to our operational



v If you are selected, explain at least 3 biggest innovation (must be different from previous terms) you can do as LCVP Finance and Governance in 2018/2019? Also, what will be your top three targets and priorities as LCVP Finance and Governance in 2018/2019 ? 3 biggest innovation: 1. Finance class every month to educate every member about FGL Because of our members lack of FGL knowledge so it s needed to educate them all about FGL and its also because we still difficult to find successor. I think this is the one way to find successor. Why? Based on my hypothesis, there are some reason why our member dont want applying this position which are lack of knowledge about this position or has the wrong mindset. So that’s why education is important. 2. Personal Development Fund This is reward given for VP to increase their potential related with their position through joining training,,seninar or etc



legality controlling every biweekly meeting The accounting manager and VP finance will have biweekly meeting synergy with others functional to control how they run their oprational and give them feedback. My top 3 targets are: human resources management (investment & successor), operational sustainability (leadership exp growth and run based on SOP for each functional), administration and financial sustainability (focus on audit & profitability)

v How is your strategy to make all of members understand about financial condition ? Finance class every month to educate every member about FGL. The education content consist of basic knowledge about FGL, budgetting, MoM, lettering flow, fundrising flow, accounting and reporting, etc 35

v How is your strategy to make member in finance understand about their position to developing their self? Help finance member know their self firstly then correlate it with their finance position and give them example how their position could help them to achieved their goal v If you has Rp 50.000.000, how do you use or budgeting those money? I will go volunteering exchange using Rp. 18.000.000 of that money. After that, I will save the money around Rp. 32.000.000 on Bank v Please explain the financial functional structure in your term ? there are 2 managers of this function which are:


The Managers Position

Job Description Implemented financial standard Implement effective control of all oprational perfunction Make a contract decision making by finance estimation

Operation and finance controller Manager

Control project standard Internal process compliance and audit assistance for accounting compliance Managing fundrising Ensure control s are in place at the operations and in accordance to SOP and internal policy Handle audit package to conduct audit simulation

Organizational specialist and legal Manager

Draft and review all legality documents (MoM, MoU, Expense plan, etc)


Incoming Global Volunteer 〒 What are the strategies to make the process time faster ? beside using astronaut. 1. Putting opportunities earlier on Opportunity Portal putting a strict rule on posting opportunities on EXPA. In their case, the opportunities to be posted on EXPA by the latest march for summer and july for winter. 2. Maintaining partnership strong international relations with trusted entities and provide education and training for sending entities on how to sell Malang iGV projects 3. Effective LC to LC cooperation create Whatsapp groups with both party's PICs, including the MCVP iGV. Talk about creating a tight bond!

For 2nd Preference

4. Fast approachment to EP 6 hours to approach an applicant and give EP the limit time to respond our email which is 2 days and send remind mail if EP haven’t respon our email during 24 hours, 24 hours to accept them, 48 hours to EP’s payment and completed the requirement documents 5. Put PIC contact number on expa, Project logistic charge for EP not too expensive 〒 What will you do to keep your member in a good performance 1. Team standard focus 2. Focused on member development Arrange LDA education to all members, strong manager level in iGV and Mentoring TLs through VP (giving training in small group periodecaly with the correct material and exact timeline for all LEAD space which will be provided to a trainee) 3. Enhancing their work engagement by implementing buddy program and will evaluated by buddy checklist and survey 39

〒 Please tell me how the way boost the quantity of Eps for next term ? 1. Determined our target market 2. We have to know our market perspective and interest issue then align it with current condition of our environtment (people, social) 2. Social media promotion. The promotion content consist of: The article of our last project include the stories from EP’s and trainee based on leadership experience, Impact report (let our customer which is EP’s know that our project impact is aligned with our SDG target and could answer the environment needs), current project booklet and logistic booklet. 〒 Please






in every



customer flow ? 1.


Open-apply: IR collaborate with Brand IM to discuss about content promotion, design and strategy to doing effective virtual promotion 40

2. Consideration Accepted-approved: IR discuss with their team leader to accept EP or not based on EP data, if EP already accepted, completed all documents requirement, pay the exchange fee and conduct webinar with sending entity. 3. Value Delivery Realized-Completed: Project team collaborate with Brand IM to showcase our project through virtual engagement and giving education to EP’s to make purposeful project stories 4. Brand Advocacy IGV functional and brand IM to showcase our Ep's testimony regarding the projects that they join


〒 What are your strategies to make our product have a good NPS ? Be aware of the realization time of the EP need to fill the survey, set the expectations about the important of standar survey and the timeline of it during the preparation process, have synergy communication and know how to treat EP’s in proper way, EP’s have personal goal setting based on LDA, create a concept and timeline for all LEAD spaces which will be provided to an EP, asses standard fulfillment then define strategies to fulfill each standard and how the strategies can be implemented.


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