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General colors: how to
#f19e33 #ee3d23 #eebb00 #333333
In every region there’s a competiotion with different teams. Regarding the European League for examples we have some very famous and important team and we will have inside the book various articles about them. When we have an articles that talks about a team, we try to use the team’s main colors. We have two examples here, in the first there’s the use of the orange, the main color of the team we are talking about. We balance the team’s colors with the one of the esport event, helping people understand where we are in time and who we are talking about by just seeing the colors, instead of reading everything. People will also see the pages they are interested in more easily. It’s important to nota that the important team may change in the different edition of the book, and we always have to keep updated also on the changing of the team’s colors.
Champion pages are very different from the others and their colors vary everytimes. There will not be a color standard for them, exept the one used for the titles, subtitles and quotes. This color will be alwasy the same and cannot be changed. #f19e33 #ee3d23 #eebb00
Preseason update is something we will have every year but colors will change everytime, since the update are always different and they do not refers to the same changes every time. We have to keep an eye out on what the changes are in order to choose the right colors.
#e6c261 #43455a #fd4754

It is to be noted that not every year some events repeat outside the world of esport. Some of them might happen only once in a while, so we will have different colors palette for them. For example during season 9 we had the 10 years Anniversary of the game. In the next number we will not find this colors, as this event only happened this years.