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Esport introduction pages
GENERAL INFORMATIONS Before reading articles regarding different topic we alwasy have the introduction page. We have two main introductory pages and they serve the same purpose but they are about two very different topic. There can’t be a new topic without the presence of a page that introduces it, in order to have some cronological order and to help people understand what we are talking about there’s a need for a page with the function of introduction the topic.
ESPORT INTRODUCTION PAGES The main difference between the two different pages we can have is simple: one is for esport events and the other more graphical for general events. Esport is a very big part of the League of Legends world so we always will have this page that serve to introducte it giving small information and mainly thanking the fans for sticking arount to create this beautiful events. There are some very important feature that cannot miss inside this spread:
- The logo of the esport competition or the graphical elements of it. - A letter to the reader - The name of the event and the year - The dates of the event (from and to)
It is important to hightlight that having a vectorial graphic of the logo of the esport event might be hard sometimes, so it’s import to substitute it with some graphical elements that can recall it also with the usage of color. For minor events like Rift Rivals we don’t need a page like this one, we can simply stick to the general events. It’s already in between the Summer Split and it would be confusing for people who do not know very well the timing of this competition between two regions. It’s better to introduce it with a graphical image and simply stating that the next articles will be about Rift Rivals.
GENERAL EVENTS INTRODUCTION PAGES Regarding the general event introduction pages are used mainly to introduce important event that are not regarding esport. Some elements are mandatory:
- Graphical photo or image regarding the event - Name of the event
The events are different every year and none of them will repeat.