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GENERAL INFORMATIONS LEGENDS will follow the chronological order of esport events with the new contents released ingame. It will be a full recaps of all that happened, following time and date in order to help people navigate better the book.
The book is mainly divided in:
- Intro part: introduction to the book and the first things that happen before the beginning of the esport season - Seasonal esport event: start of the esport events, in between of course there are the release of the new champion or rework. Champion release will serve as a small break inbetween esport artcles. - World Championship: the last important event of the year, the big one: teams fighting for the title of world champions. - Preseason: all the information regarding the season that will start in the next year.
MAP OF CONTENTS Every number will be different regarding articles of course, but there’s a particular map that needs to be followed. Some changes can be made according to what happend during the esport and inside the game.
This listed here is the table of content of LEGENDS SEASON 9. It serves as a guiline for the next ones: Season Start Song New Champion - Sylas
- New name, new studio of LEC - Team roasters for spring split - FNC and their bad start of the split - G2: Dominant team Rework - Kayle and Morgana - FNC from bottom tier to title contenders - Spring Split Finale - MVP and Spring All Pro Team New Champion - Yuumi
- One king to rule them all - G2 Wins: How it happened
Rework - Mordekaiser SUMMER SPLIT (LEC CONTENTS) - Team roasters for summer split - Who starts summer with a bang?
New Champion - Qiyana - SPY to slingshot to top in summer
Rift Rivals 2019
- Can anyone beat G2?
Teamfight Tactics
- Summer Split Finale - MVP and Summer All Pro Team Rework - Pantheon
- Louis Vuitton joins worlds 2019 - Worlds 2019 Group Stage - World Song - Europe makes history in group stage - FNC are definitely contenders - Song - True Damage’s Giants - Finals Opening Ceremony - Worlds Finale New Champion - Senna
New Champion - Aphelios

REGIONAL DIFFERENCES League of Legends is world spread and famous game, there are several regional esport events and different teams. One number will cover them all? No, unfortunately not, it is not possibile. The book will be too big and people might no be interest in knowing what happened in the others Leagues.

For this reason, the content of the magazine will change according the the region it is sold. The main reason for this choice are the fact that people from Europe will be more interested in general in knowing what happened in their region and show no interest in the ones far away from them. It would be a waste of time and money for people to buy a book and then have to search through thousands of articles the one they are interest about. Since this book is a yearly release one, the content inside of it will be different from region to region regarding only the part about regional esport. For example if you buy this book in europe you’ll have the regional esport part talking about the LEC (the european league competition) and not about the LCS, LPL or LCK, the ather major regional competition around the world. If you’re from the States you’ll end up with the regional esport part talking about the LCS (the american competition).

In the end the only difference you’ll find regionally are regarding the esport of every region. The others articles and information in the book will be the same for every region around the world. This seemed the most logical reason to create a product thousands of people would want to buy. It is thought in every choice made, everything is created by the players for the players. We want to give something you can touch to remember the year we passed together, and we want it to be special for you as it was for us to create.