Bramham Parish News

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Bramham Parish News

Our Patron—Nick Lane Fox carries the crucifix into the Church on 12th July followed by Revd Nick Morgan carrying the Easter Light which has been burning since Easter Day.

© Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham

August 2020 Issue No 211


Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d Nick Morgan

Priest in Charge The Vicarage, Church Causeway Thorp Arch, LS23 7AE 849471 Email Mobile 07387 728009 Rev’d Trisha Anslow… Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa 844789 Group Office………… (Office open Monday-9.30—12.30. Tues—Thurs please phone 844402 Or contact by email parishoffice. Friday closed. Churchwardens……… Chips Browning, Moor Cottage, York Road, Long Marston 01904 737345 Jillian Lawson, 21 Lyndon Avenue, Bramham LS23 6RG……………… 844858 Deputy Churchwarden Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG…………… 842850 Magazine Editor bramham.magazine Treasurer……………… Joanne Wilkinson, 41 Firbeck Road, 339512 Secretary……… Roger Freeman, Campden House, Aberford Road, Bramham VCC Members………… Andy Beaumont, Yvonne Gibson, Kate Lofthouse, Dolly Mullen, Maryann Pritchard Organist…………… Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth… 0113 2867998 Sacristan and Church Flowers……… Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham 918725 Deanery Synod……… Michael Ingram THE ARK……… Jennie Saynor,

WHO’S WHO in Bramham Village Hall Committee……..

Chairman: Stewart Gibson… 075 105 666 93 Hall Bookings… 07398 244634 Drama Group Chairman: Pat Rimington………………….. 841435 Football Club… Dave Jacklyn…………………………………… . 07809 561199 Guides…… Fiona Henderson………………………………… … 0777 999 3217 Brownies… Jane Dalton & Joanna Bayton-Smith 07733 117031 Group Scout Leader… Ruth Middleton……………………… …………. 07786 525 593 Scouts…… Jason Turner (Skip)………………………… 07917 230981 Beavers… Danny Hizzet………………………………… ……. 07554 663304 Cubs…… . Dan Warren…………………………. 07528 358 946 Bramham Primary School Executive Head Teacher Mrs Sarah Richards 843682 Chair of Governors Sue Morgan Administrator Louise Humphreys Bramham Parish Council… Richard Bramma (Chair) Helena Buck 849757 Pam Corrigan 07809 775293 Linda Richards 842151 Belinda Heaton 01937 845488 James Ingham 841309 Marie Lynch841328 Clerk Parish Council… Keith Langley Bramham Pavilion… … Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association Bell Ringers Bramham in Bloom… Community Action Group…. Readers Group… Sing Bramham Bramham Shop & Post Office. Folly Allotments Association Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Royal British Legion Mums & Tots Group Leeds Festival Ticket Committee

Anne Topping - Chair Jeremy Kendall Lynne Marshall Philippa Dalton … Jillian Lawson 844858 Lynne Marshall Lynne Williams…. Mike Corrigan, Chair… Paul Marshall … Anthony Wakeham Linda Matthews June Halliday



07731 822562 844529 843520 844767 07921 387751 Marion Hogg 844191 844767 842275 845843 844767 0113 289 2164 541899 845564

Congratulations to Dorothy and Stanley Menzies Dorothy and I celebrated our Diamond Wedding anniversay on the 2nd July believing it would be a quiet occasion. However we were delighted when the post arrived with a bundle of cards. Soon after we received a bottle of champagne and a beautiful but very unusual bouquet of cream roses both gifts from All Saint's Church. In the afternoon our daughter and her husband arrived and luckily the rain stopped so we sat outside and so much enjoyed their company. Our daughter in Ireland sent good wishes from her husband and two grandsons. In her greetings she said that next year we will really celebrate. We are hoping that her words will come true. Although it isn't what we had planned we thank all of you who made our anniversary the success it was. 3


The Book of Remembrance at All Saints’ Bramham AUGUST 3rd 4th 5th 7th 8th 11th 13th 17th 19th 20th 21st 23rd 25th 31st

Muriel Hudson 1988 Reginald Read Shaw 1936 Florence Ella Eastwood John Francis Stirk 1973 Kenneth Kitson 1995 Kathleen Ware 1997 William Midgley Tindall 1985 Stanley Clegg 1990 Elizabeth Mary Bustard 2018 Elsie Cook 1994 Walter Wolf 1998 Lucy Cross 1944 Arthur Gamble 2001 Amos Dalton 1959 Arthur Noble (Priest) 1989 Charles Mullen 1985 Frederick David Heaton 2000 George Edward Kitchen 2005 Ruth Alexandra Watson 2013 Geoffrey Pemberton 2013 Eric Richardson 1989 Diana, Princess of Wales 1997

May they rest in peace


The Blessed Sacrament is permanently reserved in All Saints’ Bramham for the sick and dying. Contact:Revd. Trish or The Parish Office 844402 would be grateful to receive the names of those who are sick or those who are in need of a special home visit. Remembrance Book The Book is updated once a year, the book is in the Lady Chapel at All Saints’ Church.

If you wish to record the name of a member of your family please fill in a form with the full name and the date of death of the deceased and hand it in to the Parish Office or hand to a member of the VCC


Bramham Parish Council July update 2020 Communica ng with residents Firstly, please allow me to introduce myself to you all as the newly elected Chair. My name is Richard Bramma and I joined the Council a few months ago now with a view to giving something back to the village. I have lived here with Liz and our family for the last three years and we consider ourselves very fortunate to live in such a lovely part of Yorkshire. I grew up in Bramley, then lived in Bramhope so Bramham was clearly an obvious choice for our next move! My background is business and accoun ng but I do also think I have a prac cal head on me and like a hands on project. I am keen to do what I can in my newly elected role as Chair and look forward to what lies ahead for our village. So, on to ma ers more pressing : CHRISTMAS LIGHTS : Bramham Community Ac on Group applied for help with funding the £10,200 required for purchasing and installing 12 new bespoke Christmas Lights for the village. It was agreed that the PC would purchase the lights outright as a village asset and work with BCAG who will fund the annual maintenance of £1,200 plus VAT. Further to that Businesses, groups, streets and individuals will also be invited to sponsor addi onal lights via a dona on. More details of this exci ng project for the village will be announced shortly and we will be looking for your input. PAVILION & PLAYGROUND : There will be some permi ed use of the fields subject to the Covid 19 restric ons and we are currently looking at how to safely open the Pavilion and ameni es. Update to follow. The children’s playground is now reopen RESIGNATIONS : The resigna ons of the Clerk, Keith Langley, and the Vice Chair Cllr Pete Dunn were noted and both have been thanked for their contribu on over the years. It was agreed to recruit a replacement for the posi on of Clerk with immediate effect and this has been adver sed accordingly. 7


WEBSITE : We apologise for any user issues accessing our website as we have had some accessibility problems which has prevented us from pos ng informa on. We are currently working on resolving this and also developing the site. COMMITTEES AND WORKING PARTIES : These have been established and various councilors appointed. The inten on is that they will deal with various delegated responsibili es and make the council mee ngs more focused and efficient – more details are given in the Minutes. The CRIME REPORT: The crime report seemed to reflect the relaxa on of lockdown restric ons and residents are encouraged to report crime by dialling 101. PLANNING ISSUES: Church Hill: Work has now ceased and LCC Planning Enforcement Officers have given advice to the property owner and will be visi ng the site. Bramham House: No further developments. Farfield House: there has been a change to the planning applica on with an increase in the number of detached proper es. Work on the site has ceased and we are awai ng a report from LCC Planning Enforcement Officers. Folly House Development : Planning has been given for semi-detached proper es. Developer is to submit a revised applica on. Next Mee ng: Wednesday 2nd September 2020 7.00pm Virtual - if you would like to a end please register with the Clerk. We hope you find this update useful. If you would like to read more detailed informa on about items discussed, the minutes of the mee ng can be found on our parish no ce board and on Bramham Parish Council’s official website. Best wishes

Richard Bramma


Contact: Keith Langley, Bramham Parish Clerk, E mail: Address: 33 Flats Lane, Barwick in Elmet, Leeds, LS15 4LJ, tel: 07471162307 Website: Twi er: @thisisbramham 9


Bramham Parish Council July update 2020 Communica ng with residents Firstly, please allow me to introduce myself to you all as the newly elected Chair. My name is Richard Bramma and I joined the Council a few months ago now with a view to giving something back to the village. I have lived here with Liz and our family for the last three years and we consider ourselves very fortunate to live in such a lovely part of Yorkshire. I grew up in Bramley, then lived in Bramhope so Bramham was clearly an obvious choice for our next move! My background is business and accoun ng but I do also think I have a prac cal head on me and like a hands on project. I am keen to do what I can in my newly elected role as Chair and look forward to what lies ahead for our village. So, on to ma ers more pressing : CHRISTMAS LIGHTS : Bramham Community Ac on Group applied for help with funding the £10,200 required for purchasing and installing 12 new bespoke Christmas Lights for the village. It was agreed that the PC would purchase the lights outright as a village asset and work with BCAG who will fund the annual maintenance of £1,200 plus VAT. Further to that Businesses, groups, streets and individuals will also be invited to sponsor addi onal lights via a dona on. More details of this exci ng project for the village will be announced shortly and we will be looking for your input. PAVILION & PLAYGROUND : There will be some permi ed use of the fields subject to the Covid 19 restric ons and we are currently looking at how to safely open the Pavilion and ameni es. Update to follow. The children’s playground is now reopen RESIGNATIONS : The resigna ons of the Clerk, Keith Langley, and the Vice Chair Cllr Pete Dunn were noted and both have been thanked for their contribu on over the years. It was agreed to recruit a replacement for the posi on of Clerk with immediate effect and this has been adver sed accordingly. 7



The Meetings are suspended for the duration of the Covid 19 crisis. The Chairman—Anne Topping If you require any information about the YCA please get in touch with Anne.

BRAMHAM READERS’ GROUP Next Meeting is on Tuesday 4th of August Time and venue to be decided We will be discussing “Suite Francais” by Irene Nemirovsky Contact Marion 844191 or Jillian 844858 THE CHURCHYARD PROJECT

A couple of years ago we discussed a new Data base for the Churchyard, a good map/plan of the old graves in the churchyard which would record the many names of those mentioned on grave stones. This scheme has not been forgotten but lack of time and helpers put this idea on the back burner. We hope to begin again and if you are interested in the history of our churchyard do get in touch with Neil Ferres 845274 13



The honest answer is that we don’t know exactly. We know that COVID-19 threatens us all in some way, including children, but we don’t know enough. Medical research is underway to help beat COVID-19 but there’s a lack of research specifically focusing on children and how the virus affects them. Parents are living in fear of the unknown with many unanswered ques ons that need tackling. Ques ons such as:

Why are some children more vulnerable to COVID-19 than others?

How is the pandemic affec ng my child's mental health?

How can I protect my child now, and from viruses like this in the future?

We believe that medical research can help find answers to protect children, but we need the funding. We receive no government funding for research so rely on voluntary support.

We need to raise £1 million to fund vital medical research for children To find out more about Ac on please visit the website h ps://ac

Since 1952 Action Medical Research have funded many medical breakthroughs and spent more that £100 million on research that has helped save thousands of children’s lives and changed many more.. They helped to develop the first oral polio vaccine, discovered the importance of folic acid and the use of Ultra sound scanning in pregnancy, they tested the first Rubella vaccine, created the award winning Matrix seating system to help support disabled children.



BRAMHAM VILLAGE HALL At the present time we are studying constantly changing rules and guidelines to ensure that we can open the hall for at least some users as soon as possible It is clear that for some time use will be very limited and users will be required to adhere to the current health and safety requirements. Standard hire agreements will be modified appropriately We are sorry to have to be restrictive in this way but I am sure everyone will understand the need to proceed cautiously Should anyone wish to enquire about the possible hire of the hall or for any information update please contact our booking secretary Keep well everyone On behalf of the Bramham Village Hall Management Committee Stewart Gibson ( Chairman )

The fa est knight at King Arthur’s round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi. Oh no was that a groan I heard? 17




The honest answer is that we don’t know exactly. We know that COVID-19 threatens us all in some way, including children, but we don’t know enough. Medical research is underway to help beat COVID-19 but there’s a lack of research specifically focusing on children and how the virus affects them. Parents are living in fear of the unknown with many unanswered ques ons that need tackling. Ques ons such as:

Why are some children more vulnerable to COVID-19 than others?

How is the pandemic affec ng my child's mental health?

How can I protect my child now, and from viruses like this in the future?

We believe that medical research can help find answers to protect children, but we need the funding. We receive no government funding for research so rely on voluntary support.

We need to raise £1 million to fund vital medical research for children To find out more about Ac on please visit the website h ps://ac

Since 1952 Action Medical Research have funded many medical breakthroughs and spent more that £100 million on research that has helped save thousands of children’s lives and changed many more.. They helped to develop the first oral polio vaccine, discovered the importance of folic acid and the use of Ultra sound scanning in pregnancy, they tested the first Rubella vaccine, created the award winning Matrix seating system to help support disabled children.


THE CHURCH ORGAN On Sunday 12th July when we were allowed to go back into Church for Sunday worship, it was special for another reason, the much restored organ is now finished and sounding wonderful. Simon Noble was able to demonstrate to us all how lucky we are to have this superb instrument in our Parish Church.

The Organ Recital by Simon Lindley had to be postponed due to the pandemic but we will fix another date—perhaps in 2021 when you can all come along and listen to this splendid organ. 21


BRAMHAM VILLAGE HALL At the present time we are studying constantly changing rules and guidelines to ensure that we can open the hall for at least some users as soon as possible It is clear that for some time use will be very limited and users will be required to adhere to the current health and safety requirements. Standard hire agreements will be modified appropriately We are sorry to have to be restrictive in this way but I am sure everyone will understand the need to proceed cautiously Should anyone wish to enquire about the possible hire of the hall or for any information update please contact our booking secretary Keep well everyone On behalf of the Bramham Village Hall Management Committee Stewart Gibson ( Chairman )

The fa est knight at King Arthur’s round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi. Oh no was that a groan I heard? 17


The Letter from Uncle Eustace continued….. I concede that our pulpit has its dangers. I have known several bishops come to grief as their robes wrap themselves around the newel post as they ascend the steps. One, unable to untangle himself, was obliged to preach while half-way up the steps and with his back to the congregation, while our verger was dispatched to find a pair of scissors. Perhaps, before your next visit, we may install a mechanical floor in the pulpit, so that after 10 minutes, it slowly lowers you into the crypt while the congregation can get on with singing the last hymn before getting home in decent time. Your loving uncle, Eustace Taken from the Parish Pump August 2020

THE OPEN DOOR SCHEME The winner of the June draw was Number 8 Mrs Y Banerjea.

Next month we will have an application form in the magazine for you to join the scheme. The money is used to help to keep the Door of All Saints’ Church Bramham Open. A draw is made 4 times each year and the prize is £100 with an extra prize at Christmas of £25. The annual costs of running the Church are very high and during Covid 19 like so many other organisations we have not had any income. We will be delighted to welcome new supporters. Just £10 per person per year. Please contact Anne Palmer 842850 25


Boston Spa Guides

Volunteer with Us

Boston Spa Guides are looking for volunteers. We’re a happy lively unit of girls aged 10-14 years who meet on Monday nights. Do you want to do something amazing and help give girls in your local community more opportunities for fun, friendship, challenge and adventure. There are lots of ways you can volunteer with Girlguiding, it’s flexible and can fit around busy lifestyles. You can even learn new skills and receive training while making a real difference. Contact :- h ps:// register-your-interest/ Clare Elwen Catharine Auty

DO YOU WISH YOU COULD TALK TO SOMEONE IN CONFIDENCE? The small Pastoral Care Team have people with experience of helping the bereaved and people with other concerns. To access this service please telephone the Group Office on 01937 844402 during office hours Monday to Thursday between 9.30 am and 12 noon or email We can then arrange for a visitor to contact you.

DOG MESS IN THE CHURCHYARD Please, please, please do not allow your dogs to foul in the Churchyard. It is particularly dangerous for children and people walking through the area and also very unpleasant for anyone using a mower. 27

CLERGY LETTER - August 2020

Summer is often a time of travel, of getting a change of scene. This year things are more complicated, of course, and the usual rhythm of summer holidays isn't necessarily as it normally would be, but still, many people have days out and holidays in August. Some of us may still be shielding and in selfisolation, though, and this itself is a "different place" to be, though not a welcome one. We have all been in a different place these last six months or so, with society and life changing around us, and all our familiar routines and freedoms curtailed. It's very unsettling, but the Bible is full of examples of people being sent to new places and, despite disruption and discomfort, finding new ways to love God and neighbour. It is a consistent theme of the Bible for the people of God to go to new places and take their faith with them. The people of Israel’s story, which unfolds in the Old Testament, is one of journeying with God, including journeys into exile and slavery and back. In the New Testament Jesus coming to earth to live among us teaches us that the very nature of God is to go, to reveal God’s very self in the middle of human culture, and reveal truth in ways which are comprehensible to us. Ours is an outward-facing faith, and we are a people sent with a message of hope, challenge and love for the whole world. Over the summer, Yorkshire's communities welcome many tourists and visitors, and I wonder how we appear to them? When we go somewhere new, or even somewhere we have visited before but which is not where we live our daily lives, we see things differently. In our daily lives, it is easy for time to simply pass by and for the familiar to go unnoticed. One of the gifts of the last six months has been that we have been forced to look at life with fresh eyes, as if we were merely visiting. 28

Letter continued………… Church services provide another way to do this. We are all strangers in a strange land: exiles from the perfection of life in God forever, the heavenly party which Jesus invites us to, where we really belong. When we gather with others to worship God, whether we join an online service via the Benefice website, or on Facebook, or we gather in one of our church buildings, one thing we are doing is seeking a refreshed vision of life. We ask God to move in our hearts and in our communities to make our corner of God’s own county of Yorkshire that little bit more like God’s heavenly kingdom. We ask the Holy Spirit to give us the ability to look at our community, our nation and our own lives with God’s eyes. We need that fresh look at things every day, being part of God’s great work of renewing the earth and a reminder that we are sent with the Good News that, through Jesus, we can be sure that God’s love wins through. As we discern the extent to which we shall start gathering for worship in church buildings after the summer break, and plan to continue the mission of our village churches online as well as in physical meetings, let's use the summer to look at the life of our villages and the life of our church communities afresh. Let us be challenged by the "change of scene" we've all experienced, and think afresh about how we love one another in our communities and reflect the love of God in how we go about things. Your challenge, should you wish to accept it, is to do that every day as you pray “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” May you increasingly see where God is at work around you, where those glimpses of God’s kingdom have already come, and learn how God is calling you to make your corner of God’s earth that little bit more like heaven. Amen. R . Ni The Priest in Charge, Bramham Benefice The Vicarage, Church Causeway, Thorp Arch 29

Are you trying to avoid plastic—then buy your milk in bottles! Bryn Wilson delivers Bottles of Milk to your doorstep in Bramham three times a week, also available Eggs, Bread, Water, Fruit Juice and of course Milk and Cream. Average price for milk 60p. Editor’s comment

Ring Bryn on 07809 110568

You will be helping the Dairy Farmers and saving the planet

The Bellringers meet on the second and fourth Tuesday in the month at 7.30pm and ring for one hour until 8.30pm. New Bellringers will be very welcome. See you after the Covid restrictions are lifted.

THE CARE OF THE CHURCHYARD BRAMHAM Churchyard is looking quite wonderful at the moment and many people are helping to keep the grass mown. Special thanks to Marc and Sam Mottershead. We have removed the dustbins from near to the church porch as people were putting in broken glass, this nearly caused a major accident the other day. PLEASE DO NOT PUT broken glass and crocks etc in the dustbin. Take it home with you. The big builders sacks are for grass clippings and proper flowers only as the contents are then composted by the farmer. DO NOT PUT IN WREATHS, OASIS, WIRE, florists paper, plastic etc., Please take this rubbish home and place in your own dustbins. Thank you. Churchyard Rules—a copy is on the Church notice board by the Lych Gate.


BRAMHAM BALL Just to advise you that, in light of the current pandemic, we have postponed Bramham Ball until the same Saturday next year, so the new date is Saturday 18th September 2021. All Bookings and deposits will be carried forward.

Nick Hall Bramham Community Action Group EXCITING NEWS!! The Parish Council have kindly agreed to purchase 12 reusable Christmas Lights as an asset for the village with BCAG funding the maintenance and upkeep of these lights. Unfortunately due to Covid 19 the lights are not available until next year, however we do still have the existing 8 lights and we are looking for sponsors for any of these please. If you would like to sponsor a full light these are ÂŁ250 each and it can be either as an individual, groups or business. Jubilee Garden (Wetherby Road/ Lyndon Road) : Thanks very much to all those who volunteered. It is still ongoing but looking much better! If you would still like to volunteer please do get in touch. Thank you to everyone who has supported BCAG. Take care Philippa Dalton

BCAG chair





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Tel 075 445 01478 E-mail

It’s not a watch it’s a compass



The new covers for this magazine will be prepared for the October edition of this Church Magazine. If you have any corrections or additions to you advertisement please let me know as soon as possible. If you have new artwork now is the time to hand it in. There are a few spaces available for new advertisers and we will be delighted to welcome you. Please ring Anne Palmer 01937 842850


The Letter from Uncle Eustace continued….. I concede that our pulpit has its dangers. I have known several bishops come to grief as their robes wrap themselves around the newel post as they ascend the steps. One, unable to untangle himself, was obliged to preach while half-way up the steps and with his back to the congregation, while our verger was dispatched to find a pair of scissors. Perhaps, before your next visit, we may install a mechanical floor in the pulpit, so that after 10 minutes, it slowly lowers you into the crypt while the congregation can get on with singing the last hymn before getting home in decent time. Your loving uncle, Eustace Taken from the Parish Pump August 2020

THE OPEN DOOR SCHEME The winner of the June draw was Number 8 Mrs Y Banerjea.

Next month we will have an application form in the magazine for you to join the scheme. The money is used to help to keep the Door of All Saints’ Church Bramham Open. A draw is made 4 times each year and the prize is £100 with an extra prize at Christmas of £25. The annual costs of running the Church are very high and during Covid 19 like so many other organisations we have not had any income. We will be delighted to welcome new supporters. Just £10 per person per year. Please contact Anne Palmer 842850 25

BUSINESS FOR SALE – BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE AND POST OFFICE A rare opportunity to purchase this very well-established business as the owner is wishing to work part time. The Post Office supplies a range of traditional services including personal banking, pensions, benefits, utility payments, postage and returns acceptance, all from a secure single position fortress counter. The retail side of the business provides an extensive selection of general convenience grocery items, fresh bought-in bakery and dairy products, snack foods, news, confectionary, tobacco lines, greeting cards, sundries and a range of traditional beers, wines and spirits, all displayed in a bright, welcoming minisupermarket-style customer service area. In the Bramham Parish Council village survey, “Bramham Village Store and Post Office” was voted the biggest asset to the village.

Details: For Sale as a Ltd Co at: offers around £50,000 Tenure: Leasehold Business Rates: £0, qualify for small business rate relief 5* Food Hygiene Rating Energy Performance Certificate available as required under current Government legislation The premises has a full Post Office approved alarm system and full CCTV installed To discuss the above or for further detailed information please call in to speak to Lynn 36

There are several ways to contact West Yorkshire Police: Always call 999 in an emergency where there is a danger to life, or a crime in progress. Dial 101 for any non-emergencies or to report a crime. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired people can use textphone 18001 101 Go to the West Yorkshire Police website Click on the ‘Contact us’ button and a range of ways to report will appear including the 101 Live Chat System. Or click on the ‘Report it’ function and numerous types of crime which you can report online will appear. Contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team to speak to a local officer about community issues: Email : Facebook: Twitter: When to call 101 You should call 101 when it is less urgent than 999 but you need to report crime or disorder.For example: Your car has been stolen (not if this is a crime in progress, then call 999) Your property has been damaged You wish to report drug dealing To report a minor traffic accident To speak to the police about a general enquiry By registering with WY Community Alert, you can choose to receive news, appeals, local crime information and prevention advice direct to you by email, text or voice message.


BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE and POST OFFICE Please take the opportunity to call in to see us, we provide:Post Office services, FREE cash withdrawal facility at the post office Lottery, Scratch card and Health Lottery purchases Newspapers and newspaper delivery service Fresh daily bread, milk and other morning goods General groceries, frozen foods and ice creams Dairy products, sandwiches, snacks and confectionary Local farm eggs delivered Fridays, fresh fruit and vegetables on Mondays Tobacco, chilled beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks Greetings cards, stationary and general accessories Mobile phone, Gas and Electricity top up’s, cash back facility Dry Cleaning drop off/collection service Mondays and Thursdays Lynn, Marie, Louise, Philip and Stacey will be happy to help and serve you. Village Store

Post Office



Saturday 08.00-19.00





Bank Hols 07.00-12.30



12 Front Street, Bramham LS23 6RD

Tel: 01937 842275

MAGAZINE DETAILS Please send all articles to Anne Palmer by 14th August to or deliver to Anne at:Old Coach House, Vicarage Lane, Bramham. The letter box is in the side wall of the garage. It is very helpful if you can keep the article to just one page. Please try to send the copy in Word format or as a jpeg, not as a pdf. 38

BRAMHAM BALL Just to advise you that, in light of the current pandemic, we have postponed Bramham Ball until the same Saturday next year, so the new date is Saturday 18th September 2021. All Bookings and deposits will be carried forward.

Nick Hall Bramham Community Action Group EXCITING NEWS!! The Parish Council have kindly agreed to purchase 12 reusable Christmas Lights as an asset for the village with BCAG funding the maintenance and upkeep of these lights. Unfortunately due to Covid 19 the lights are not available until next year, however we do still have the existing 8 lights and we are looking for sponsors for any of these please. If you would like to sponsor a full light these are ÂŁ250 each and it can be either as an individual, groups or business. Jubilee Garden (Wetherby Road/ Lyndon Road) : Thanks very much to all those who volunteered. It is still ongoing but looking much better! If you would still like to volunteer please do get in touch. Thank you to everyone who has supported BCAG. Take care Philippa Dalton

BCAG chair



The Church is open for private prayer everyday 10.00 am until 4.00pm All services online during August Things are now done in a different way for the duration of this dreadful Covid-19 crisis.

Sunday Worship At Home There are plenty of free resources and links from our Children’s page on the website If you do not have a computer you can listen to the sermon on the phone—ring 01937 228825 –at anytime. If you want to follow the service, ask a friend with a computer to print off a copy of the service for you to read. Also worth checking



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