Bramham Parish News

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The winning entry for the V E Day Scarecrow Competition 75th Anniversary. See p19 May June2019 2020 Issue 196

© Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham © Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham

Issue 209 1

Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d Nick Morgan

Priest in Charge The Vicarage, Church Causeway Thorp Arch, LS23 7AE 849471 Email Mobile 07387 728009 Rev’d Trisha Anslow… Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa 844789 Group Office………… (Office open Monday-9.30—12.30. Tues—Thurs please phone 844402 Or contact by email parishoffice. Friday closed. Churchwardens……… Chips Browning, Moor Cottage, York Road, Long Marston 01904 737345 Jillian Lawson, 21 Lyndon Avenue, Bramham LS23 6RG……………… 844858 Deputy Churchwarden Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG…………… 842850 Magazine Editor bramham.magazine Treasurer……………… Joanne Wilkinson, 41 Firbeck Road, 339512 Secretary……… Roger Freeman, Campden House, Aberford Road, Bramham VCC Members………… Andy Beaumont, Yvonne Gibson, Kate Lofthouse, Dolly Mullen, Maryann Pritchard Organist…………… Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth… 0113 2867998 Sacristan and Church Flowers……… Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham 918725 Deanery Synod……… Michael Ingram THE ARK……… Jennie Saynor,

WHO’S WHO in Bramham Village Hall Committee……..

Chairman: Stewart Gibson… 075 105 666 93 Hall Bookings… 07398 244634 Drama Group Chairman: Pat Rimington………………….. 841435 Football Club… Dave Jacklyn…………………………………… . 07809 561199 Guides…… Fiona Henderson………………………………… … 0777 999 3217 Brownies… Jane Dalton & Joanna Bayton-Smith 07733 117031 Group Scout Leader… Ruth Middleton……………………… …………. 07786 525 593 Scouts…… Jason Turner (Skip)………………………… 07917 230981 Beavers… Danny Hizzet………………………………… ……. 07554 663304 Cubs…… . Dan Warren…………………………. 07528 358 946 Bramham Primary School Executive Head Teacher Mrs Sarah Richards 843682 Chair of Governors Sue Morgan Administrator Louise Humphreys Bramham Parish Council… Linda Richards ( Chair) 842151 Pete Dunn (Vice Chair) 843345 Helena Buck 849757 Pam Corrigan 07809 775293 Belinda Heaton 01937 845488 James Ingham 841309 Richard Bramma Robin Lewis Marie Lynch 841328 Clerk Parish Council… Keith Langley Bramham Pavilion… … Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association Bell Ringers Bramham in Bloom… Community Action Group…. Monday Club Readers Group… Sing Bramham Bramham Shop & Post Office. Folly Allotments Association Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Royal British Legion Mums & Tots Group Leeds Festival Ticket Committee

Anne Topping - Chair Jeremy Kendall Lynne Marshall Philippa Dalton … Volunteers required Jillian Lawson 844858 Lynne Marshall Lynne Williams…. Mike Corrigan, Chair… Paul Marshall … Anthony Wakeham Linda Matthews June Halliday


07731 822562 844529 843520 844767 07921 387751 and

Marion Hogg

844191 844767 842275 845843 844767 0113 289 2164 541899 845564

A Special Thank you page



is raising funds for NHS and Martin House by going out each evening after work dressed in Superhero outfits, he is accompanied by his dog Stan Lee.

He is giving great pleasure to children and adults alike. So far he has raised ÂŁ1370 for the NHS and ÂŁ1134. 20 for Martin House. He was also be out on VE Day both Saturday and Sunday bringing in extra money. Well done Liam, much appreciated by many local residents. Linda and Brian Creber

Did you see the mention on Look North on 18th May? See page 21 for a few facts about Martin House.






The Book of Remembrance at All Saints’ Bramham The Memorial list for June, please pray for the repose of the souls of:-

1st Celine Watson 1953 Ronald Anthony Clegg OBE 1995 Alexander Claude Irvine 1995 Arthur Kitchen 2007 2nd Robert William Hills 2000 4th Doreen Smith 1984 5th Michael Edward O'Brien 2006 6th Robert Keith Ware 1980 7th Gertrude May Wilson Roland Allenby 2012 9th Thomas Hebbron 10th Louis Lee Campbell (infant) 11th Yvonne Elsworth 2012 13th William Henry Cook 1965 Peter Stubbs 1981 15th Edith Mary Adams 1956 16th Margaret May Stubbs 2006 17th Denis Stevenson 2003 Patrick Mark McCormick 2006 Maisie Miller 2013 18th Luke Barker (infant) 1995 Jean Mary Wood 2019 19th Charles Harry Kendall 2001 20th Henrietta Pickards 1973 Hilda Amy Stirk 1985 24th Harry Kitchen 2002 29th Muriel Bleasdale 2010 May they Rest in Peace


The Blessed Sacrament is permanently reserved in All Saints’ Bramham for the sick and dying. Contact:Revd. Trish or The Parish Office 844402 would be grateful to receive the names of those who are sick or those who are in need of a special home visit.

Remembrance Book The Book is updated once a year, the book is in the Lady Chapel at All Saints’ Church.

If you wish to record the name of a member of your family please fill in a form with the full name and the date of death of the deceased and hand it in to the Parish Office or hand to a member of the VCC


Bramham Parish Council

.The first full remote Parish Council was held in May. Technical issues notwithstanding, it was good to meet to discuss Parish issues. This meeting also saw the new councillors Richard Bramma, Robin Lewis and Marie Lynch in attendance following the cooption process. Val Whitbread has resigned; she has contributed greatly to the village whilst on the Parish Council. Whilst being Chair of the Council, her achievements include overseeing the Neighbourhood Plan, ensuring that the Pavilion became an important asset to the village, safeguarding the playing field and initiating the work on the Senior Citizens’ Centre. Throughout the years many volunteers have worked with her on behalf of the Community of Bramham. June Halliday is another long serving Councillor who has worked hard for residents, latterly in organising the Leeds Festival Ticket allocation. We are very pleased that although she has now left the council, she will continue this role under the umbrella of the Community Fund. Keith Innocent has also decided to step down from the Council; so there have indeed been considerable changes. The main business of the meeting was largely retrospective, catching up with emergency resolutions which had happened during April including the authorisation of the way in which the Parish Council operates.


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Continued from page 9... The Senior Citizen Centre has passed the pre planning stage with flying colours and now looks to the final approval. Work on refurbishing the area around the War Memorial will start as soon as possible. Bramham House development has been agreed and work has already started on Farfield House. The main business of the Parish Council is to ensure that it operates efficiently and legally in the best interest of all residents, so the next few months of relative lack of activity will see the Council interrogate it’s own systems to make sure that this is happening as well as possible, and put into place measures to address any issues including our IT resilience, something which has become very needful for us all in these changing times. Since March all our lives have been impacted by the Virus. In this village we have seen many and continued acts of kindness and consideration. As a village we have supported each other as neighbours and also helped our wider community for example with Food Bank Donations and making Protective Equipment. As we come to terms with the knowledge that this crisis is more longer term, this community based approach is one I hope will continue to thrive. The economic impact of this Virus will be felt in Bramham too, with pavilion income obliterated by a lack of communal and fundraising events. However, we are a fortunate village which has always benefitted greatly from the involvement of volunteers to support communal endeavours. I have no doubt this will happen again. I believe this approach is what makes Bramham village the best place to live in, whatever the challenging circumstances we face. Linda Richards Chair of the Bramham Parish Council


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The Meetings are suspended for the duration of the Covid 19 crisis. The Chairman—Anne Topping If you require any information about the YCA please get in touch with Anne.

BRAMHAM READERS’ GROUP Next Meeting is on Thursday 11th of June 7.30 pm online We will be discussing “A Gentleman in Moscow” by Amor Towles Contact Marion 844191 or Jillian 844858

THE CHURCHYARD PROJECT A couple of years ago we discussed a new Data base for the Churchyard, a good map/plan of the old graves in the churchyard which would record the many names of those mentioned on grave stones. This scheme has not been forgotten but lack of time and helpers put this idea on the back burner. We hope to begin again and if you are interested in the history of our churchyard do get in touch with Neil Ferres 845274




THE CLERGY LETTER BE ALERT - some tips from St Paul The one thing Christians have always been told to be alert about is prayer. St Paul writes towards the end of his letter to the church in Colossae that they are to devote themselves to prayer and be alert in prayer, and with an attitude of thanks-giving. In a time of trouble and uncertainty for them, they're to see the positives and give thanks for those, whilst also recognizing what isn't good, holy and true in the world and bringing it to God in prayer. Paul wasn't saying that if bad things happened to these Christians it was because they hadn't been alert enough in their prayers! Rather, he was encouraging a thankful attitude of mind, oriented towards God and God's ways, and to make prayer a habit. This kind of prayerful alertness is worth pursuing in our own times, too. Being alert in prayer means seeing the world through the lens of faith - that is, to actively seek a perspective of the world informed by God's way of looking at things. So here is a way of being alert in prayer at the moment. Try praying through this ALERT prayer list, and then think what you might need to do yourself to be part of the answer to that prayer. A - Ally yourself with the outsider, the unpopular, the downtrodden, the poor, the weak, the forgotten and the politically disreputable. Who can you speak up for? Whose voice can you use your privilege to amplify? Whose rights can you defend? L - Love everyone without filtering certain people or kinds of people out: we need to learn to see the image of God in every human, and indeed in the wonder of the world around us. Who do you find it difficult to love? Have you prayed for them?




Clergy Letter for June cont... E - Encourage others. Who can you give thanks for in prayer? Have you told them why you think they're a cause for celebration? R - Repentance means turning away from harmful ways of living and turning to God. It involves a change of heart and direction. What harmful ways of thinking about yourself and others do you need to change? Offer these to God in prayer, say sorry, and pray "Create in my a clean heart, O Lord, and renew a right spirit within me." T - Trust God. No matter what the situation, God is with us. That is not to say that everything will be OK, that we can take silly risks, imagining we are somehow immune to harm. God's own Son ended up nailed to a cross, remember? But Easter reminds us of our hope in Christ: we can trust God, no matter how bleak things are. What do you need to trust God about? What do you want God's reassurance about? So be ALERT in prayer this June. We're all having to get used to new habits this year, and this might be another worth adding to help get a better perspective on the community around us. The Reverend Nick Morgan Priest in Charge, The Bramham Benefice The Vicarage, Church Causeway, Thorp Arch, Wetherby. LS23 7AE

NOW—Take a look at some of the amazing Scarecrows, many depicting the events of the 1939-1949 War, that were on display over the Bank Holiday weekend, on the next page………. 17

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The Hospice was founded by the Revd Richard Seed, formerly Vicar at St Mary’s Boston Spa, and the Hospice was opened in 1987 by The Duchess of Kent The charity provides hospice care for children and young people across West, North and East Yorkshire. It provides family led care to children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening illnesses, either at the hospice or in families’ own homes. It costs Martin House in excess of £9 million each year to provide its services across the region. The majority of this amount is raised through voluntary donations, fundraising and gifts in Wills. Currently, one quarter of the income is from legacies. Congratulations to Liam Hemzell for his amazing fund raising for Martin House. Remember that there is a retail outlet in the High Street in Boston Spa where they will be happy to take unwanted good quality clothing etc., when the shop re opens after Lockdown.


1st and 2nd Thursday at St Mary’s 1.45—3.00pm 4th Thursday BRAMHAM - please check Begins again in September

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THE CHURCH OPEN DOOR SCHEME The winning number for the March Draw was 100 Mrs Nadine Richardson. The next Draw will be on 30th June.

COMMUNITY SINGALONG Once the present restrictions are over we intend to start again with SING BRAMHAM and if the V E Day Celebrations are planned for a later date then we will enjoy providing the Sing along to go with the special event. If you enjoy singing why not come along and join us, we sing for fun and the World War II songs are perfect for this. Prior to the Covid-19 we had made a start—songs sheets had been prepared and all we needed was some rehearsal time. Do come along and join us when we start again. Sopranos, Tenors and Bass voices will be particularly welcome. Lynne Marshall 844767

Ladies of the Benefice – a word from Revd TrishWatching the course of the COVID 19 virus I am worried. As you can well imagine Revd Trish and Wydale Hall would not want any of you to come to harm. It would seem to make sense to postpone our retreat. Ahhhh! I have not cancelled it, but in light of all the uncertainty I think it would be best to put it back to the end of September or the beginning of October. I have not booked a date yet but wait a few weeks to see the lie of the land. I will give you all plenty of notice when I book the new dates.


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BRAMHAM DRAMA GROUP Regretfully because of the Coronavirus both our Spring productions have been postponed There was a tremendous attendance for the junior auditions for the production of “ St Bernard goes to the Dogz “ and the play had just been cast when the government announced the lockdown . The juniors are very disappointed but we do hope to stage the production at a future date We will subsequently update everyone about a possible revised date next year of the Group production of “I Hannah” Meantime our spectacular traditional Christmas pantomime “ Cinderella “ remains in the calendar and further information re auditions and the production itself will follow Meantime stay well everyone Stewart Gibson

BRAMHAM VILLAGE HALL We hope all are regular and occasional users are keeping well in these difficult times Whilst the hall is not in general use at the present time we do continue to investigate the possibilities of extending our storage facilities and we are currently awaiting the advices of our consultant in this respect We will of course be guided by government advice in respect of reopening the hall. Provisional hire of the hall can still be arranged via our online booking facility Stewart Gibson Chairman , Bramham Village Hall Management Committee


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Boston Spa Guides Volunteer with Us

Boston Spa Guides are looking for volunteers. We’re a happy lively unit of girls aged 10-14 years who meet on Monday nights. Do you want to do something amazing and help give girls in your local community more opportunities for fun, friendship, challenge and adventure. There are lots of ways you can volunteer with Girlguiding, it’s flexible and can fit around busy lifestyles. You can even learn new skills and receive training while making a real difference. Contact :- h ps:// Clare Elwen Catharine Auty

DO TAKE NOTE Due to the present Lockdown situation some of the adverts in this magazine have incorrect information. The new advertisement pages will be renewed in the autumn.

PILATES Classes online via Zoom Tuesday 7.30pm Wednesday 6pm Friday 9.15am Classes are suitable for all levels. Please contact Fiona Harris 07906 937352


THE CARE OF THE CHURCHYARD BRAMHAM Churchyard is looking quite wonderful at the moment and many people are helping to keep the grass mown. Special thanks to Marc and Sam Mottershead. We have removed the dustbins from near to the church porch as people were putting in broken glass, this nearly caused a major accident the other day. PLEASE DO NOT PUT broken glass and crocks etc in the dustbin. Take it home with you. The big builders sacks are for grass clippings and proper flowers only as the contents are then composted by the farmer. DO NOT PUT IN WREATHS, OASIS, WIRE, florists paper, plastic etc., Please take this rubbish home and place in your own dustbins. Thank you.

Churchyard Rules—a copy is on the Church notice board by the Lych Gate.


LEEDS FESTIVAL Residents will now be aware that Festival Republic has taken the decision not to stage the Leeds Festival this year. Whilst this is a disappointment, it probably did not come as much of a surprise. The situation is that those people who have arranged to receive Residents’ Tickets for this year’s event will be able to carry them over to next year, and this will be the default outcome. In certain cases, it will be possible for a refund of the donations made to the Bramham Community Fund. However, it is not going to be practical for anything to be arranged whilst the Coronavirus pandemic prevails. Residents can rest assured that the Community Fund has not spent or committed any of this year’s funds, nor will it do so until after the 2021 Festival has taken place. Further developments and up to date information on the situation will initially be posted on our new group Facebook page – “Bramham Festival Residents Tickets”. Simply answer the questions and agree terms to be a member of the group. Alternatively you can email your enquiries to Please remember that June and Kate who organise this process for the benefit of the community are volunteers, and are not in a position to handle large numbers of queries on an individual basis, so you may need to wait for a response. Your patience will be appreciated. One change which has also taken place is that Festival Republic has decided that the whole ticket process should now be undertaken by the Community Fund. However, residents should see little change as the same people will continue to manage the ticket process.

Colin Pool Secretary, Bramham Community Fund


Are you trying to avoid plastic—then buy your milk in bottles! Bryn Wilson delivers Bottles of Milk to your doorstep in Bramham three times a week, also available Eggs, Bread, Water, Fruit Juice and of course Milk and Cream. Average price for milk 60p. Editor’s comment

Ring Bryn on 07809 110568

You will be helping the Dairy Farmers and saving the planet

The Bellringers meet on the second and fourth Tuesday in the month at 7.30pm and ring for one hour until 8.30pm. New Bellringers will be very welcome. Please come along and find our about this great tradition.

On Saturday Morning between 10.00 am and 11.00 am you Can leave your donations in the Car park of Bramham Surgery. Also at the same time at St Mary’s Church Boston Spa.

Items urgently needed:Tinned fish/meat, tinned tomatoes, fruit, sponge puddings, pasta and past sauces, soup, UHT milk, tea bags, biscuits, Potatoes. Toilet Rolls, soap etc.,


BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE and POST OFFICE Dear Customers We are taking the COVID -19 warnings from the Government very seriously and it is paramount that we protect our staff, their families and yourselves from coming into contact with this horrible virus to the best of our ability, in line with the UK Governments instructions. Thank you all for your patience and understanding in adhereing to the physical distancing requirements we have put into place. The really important thing for everyone is to stay safe and well in these very testing times. Lynn, Marie, Louise, Philip and Stacey are still happy to help and serve you. Village Store

Post Office



09.00-17.30 open as usual



Closed until further notice




Bank Hols



12 Front Street, Bramham LS23 6RD Tel: 01937 842275

Thank you Bramham Village Store and Post Office for serving our community so very well.


Saturday 19 September 2020 Bramham Games Field By kind permission of Bramham Parish Council Champagne Reception with canapés Sumptuous 3 Course Dinner Charity Auction Live Music from Func On The Rocks Black Tie THANKS TO YOUR SUPPORT THERE ARE ONLY A HANDFUL OF TABLES LEFT SO PLEASE ENSURE YOU BOOK TODAY For bookings and enquiries please phone or text Nyk on 07775 676628 or email If you feel you could support us, there are many ways to do so with Sponsorship Opportunities, Auction Prizes and Raffle Prizes. If you feel you could help, drop us an email or phone 07775 676628


William of York

8th June 1154

A victim of injustice Have you ever been the victim of someone else’s malice and ambition? Then William of York (d 1154) is the saint for you. William Fitzherbert was born into a noble family, with royal connections. He was also smart – appointed treasurer of York at a young age, and also as a chaplain to King Stephen. But none of it went to his head – he was loved for his kind, amiable and easy-going personality. Then in 1140 Thurston, the archbishop of York, died. The canons of York knew whom they wanted, and with royal support William was made Thurston’s successor. Yet all was not well: a disappointed minority hated him and had the support of powerful men. William was accused of simony, and of being unchaste. The row brought in the Pope and several bishops, and William was cleared. Yet still – all was not well. That Pope died, and the new Pope was a Cistercian, who preferred the enemies of William. And so he was deposed. Yet William seems to have taken all this malice and power-grabbing in his stride. He simply retired to Winchester to live as a devout monk until 1153. Then that year several of his key enemies died, and he was restored as archbishop to York. At last all looked good for him – and he made a triumphant return to York in 1154. But then – disaster struck again: a few days later William was dead – poison was strongly suspected. He was buried in his cathedral, miracles were reported at his tomb. He was regarded as both the victim of grave injustice and as a saint. In 1421 the famous St William window was made; depicting his life and miracles and death in 62 scenes.

The stone coffin of William is in the western crypt of York Minster. The stained glass window is in the South Transept— the first window in the East Aisle.



Today 11th May, there is a chill in the wind but prior to this we have enjoyed lots of lovely weather. Folly Allotment are looking their best for the time of year. Plot Holders have been very busy most probably due to the weather and that we have been able to spend more time out gardening. Around the village the flower displays and gardens are a credit to all residents. Thank you. However everywhere could benefit from some rain. The allotments are showing the results of very much hard work. Beans, potatoes, peas, sweetcorn, brassicas and onions seem to be growing well and the community seems to be flourishing bearing in mind the social distancing!! Please can Bramham in Bloom volunteers empty their flower beds and use the plants for their own garden if desirable. Also keep the tulip bulbs for next year or plant them at home. As I said last month there will not be any new plants until the Autumn because of garden centre closures. Usually we have planted summer bedding in April. Let’s see if we can please keep the village tidy as we can despite the lockdown and weather conditions. I hope the situation changes by the autumn, if not I know all of us will make the best of what we have. Many thanks for your work during the year so far and continue taking care of ourselves and others. Lynne Marshall




HISTORIC BRAMHAM With thanks to Emma Hunter for gathering together FORGOTTEN STORIES in Bramham this has prompted other people to come along and ask all sorts of questions. You can now view the Bramham Archive on line under www.historic bramham thanks to hours of hard work by Neil Ferres combing through the vast paper copies of the village archive, but now easily available on line. If the lockdown has inspired you to DECLUTTER please let us have any old books, postcards, photographs about Bramham as they will be of interest to many people in the village. The booklet THE VILLAGE IN TIMES PAST is always in demand, please do not throw away your copy, we will be delighted to take it from you. We cannot reprint this booklet as there are copyright complications.


FORGOTTEN STORIES OF BRAMHAM Emma Hunter thanks all those who contributed towards this booklet and to everyone who made a purchase, the funds will be donated to the Church. There maybe one or two booklets still available. ÂŁ3 per copy. Please contact Emma at the Parish Office

Wetherby in Support of the Elderly are attempting to maintain as many of our services as possible in these challenging times: -Support through a range of activities that can be accessed electronically to keep you moving -Advice, information or signposting -Wellbeing telephone calls for those of you feeling lonely If you are interested in anything mentioned above please call WiSE on 01937 588994 or email Additionally Wetherby in Support of the Elderly are the Organisational Hub for the area, working in partnership with Leeds City Council and Voluntary Action Leeds who are coordinating the volunteer effort to support older and vulnerable residents living in our community. If anybody is in need of assistance, the first port of call, should be Leeds City Council on 0113 3781877. If anybody wishes to volunteer to support the community effort at Leeds City Council and Voluntary Action Leeds please visit or contact Voluntary Action Leeds on


There are several ways to contact West Yorkshire Police: Always call 999 in an emergency where there is a danger to life, or a crime in progress. Dial 101 for any non-emergencies or to report a crime. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired people can use textphone 18001 101 Go to the West Yorkshire Police website Click on the ‘Contact us’ button and a range of ways to report will appear including the 101 Live Chat System. Or click on the ‘Report it’ function and numerous types of crime which you can report online will appear. Contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team to speak to a local officer about community issues: Email : Facebook: Twitter: When to call 101 You should call 101 when it is less urgent than 999 but you need to report crime or disorder. For example: Your car has been stolen (not if this is a crime in progress, then call 999) Your property has been damaged You wish to report drug dealing To report a minor traffic accident To speak to the police about a general enquiry By registering with WY Community Alert, you can choose to receive news, appeals, local crime information and prevention advice direct to you by email, text or voice message.


BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE and POST OFFICE Please take the opportunity to call in to see us, we provide:POST OFFICE SERVICES, withdrawl facilities


Lottery, Scratch card and Health Lottery purchases Newspapers and newspaper delivery service Fresh daily bread, milk and other morning goods General groceries, frozen foods and ice-creams Dairy products, sandwiches, snacks and confectionary Local farm eggs delivered Fridays, fresh fruit and vegetables on Thursdays Tobacco, chilled beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks Greetings cards, stationary and general accessories Mobile phone, Gas and Electricity top up’s, cash back facility Dry Cleaning drop off/collection service Mondays and Thursdays Village Store Monday—Friday 6.00—19.30 Saturday 7.00—19.30 Sunday and Bank Holidays 7.00—12.30

Post Office 9.00—17.30 9.00—12.30 Closed

Lynn, Marie, Louise, Stacey and Philip will be happy to help and serve you 12 Front Street , Bramham, LS23 6RD - Tel 01937 842275

MAGAZINE DETAILS Please send all articles to Anne Palmer by 14th June to or deliver to Anne at:- Old Coach House, Vicarage Lane, Bramham. The letter box is in the side wall of the garage. It is very helpful if you can keep the article to just one page. Please try to send the copy in Word format or as a jpeg, not as a pdf. You will find this magazine on Facebook and Parish website



Is the Church closed — Nope But things are now done in a different way for the duration of this dreadful Covid-19 crisis.

Sunday Worship At Home There are plenty of free resources and links from our Children’s page on the website

If you do not have a computer you can listen to the sermon on the phone—ring 01937 228825 –at anytime. If you want to follow the service, ask a friend with a computer to print off a copy of the service for you to read. Also worth checking


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