Bramham Parish News

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Bramham Parish News

Making Bramham Smile © Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham

see page 13

March 2021 Issue No 218


Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d Nick Morgan

Priest in Charge The Vicarage, Church Causeway Thorp Arch, LS23 7AE 849471 Email Mobile 07387 728009 Rev’d Trisha Anslow… Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa 844789 Group Office………… (Office open Monday-9.30—12.30. Tues—Thurs please phone 844402 Or contact by email parishoffice. Friday closed. Churchwardens……… Chips Browning, Moor Cottage, York Road, Long Marston Jillian Lawson, 21 Lyndon Avenue, Bramham LS23 6RG……………… Deputy Churchwarden Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG…………… Magazine Editor bramham.magazine Treasurer……………… Joanne Wilkinson, 41 Firbeck Road, Secretary……… Roger Freeman, Campden House, Aberford Road, Bramham VCC Members…………Andy Beaumont, Yvonne Gibson, Kate Lofthouse, Dolly Mullen, Maryann Pritchard Organist…………… Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth… Sacristan and Church Flowers……… Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham Deanery Synod…… Michael Ingram THE ARK……… Jennie Saynor,

01904 737345 844858 842850 339512

0113 2867998 918725

WHO’S WHO in Bramham Village Hall Committee……..

Chairman: Stewart Gibson… 075 105 666 93 Hall Bookings… 07398 244634 Drama Group Chairman: Pat Rimington………………….. 841435 Football Club… Dave Jacklyn…………………………………… . 07809 561199 Guides…… Fiona Henderson………………………………… … 0777 999 3217 Brownies… Jane Dalton & Joanna Bayton-Smith 07733 117031 Group Scout Leader… Ruth Middleton……………………… …………. 07786 525 593 Scouts…… Jason Turner (Skip)………………………… 07917 230981 Beavers… Danny Hizzet………………………………… ……. 07554 663304 Cubs…… . Dan Warren…………………………. 07528 358 946 Bramham Primary School Executive Head Teacher Mrs Sarah Richards 843682 Chair of Governors Sue Morgan Administrator Louise Humphreys Bramham Parish Council… Richard Bramma (Chair) Helena Buck 849757 Pam Corrigan 07809 775293 Linda Richards 842151 James Ingham 841309 Scott Jones Marie Lynch 841328 Michael Corrigan Clerk Parish Council… Bramham Pavilion… … Bell Ringers Bramham in Bloom… Community Action Group…. Readers Group… Sing Bramham Bramham Shop & Post Office. Folly Allotments Association Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Royal British Legion Mums & Tots Group Leeds Festival Ticket Committee

07731 82256 Jeremy Kendall Lynne Marshall Philippa Dalton … Jillian Lawson 844858 Lynne Marshall Lynne Williams…. Mike Corrigan, Chair… Paul Marshall … Anthony Wakeham Linda Matthews June Halliday



843520 844767 07921 387751 Marion Hogg 844191 844767 842275 845843 844767 0113 289 2164 541899 845564

WHEN & WHERE Date 10-14 August, 2021 Loca on Peterborough Arena

Are you looking forward to summer yet? Well, on the basis that it's good to have things to look forward to, I am offering to take a group of 13 - 18 year olds (plus adult helpers) to a five day youth event called "Satellites" between Tuesday 10th August – Saturday 14th August. Any young folk in that age bracket are very welcome to join this group booking whether they are currently involved with our Young Life group or not (but they will need to register with us in advance for safeguarding and insurance reasons). WHAT IS SATELLITES AND WHO IS IT AIMED AT? Satellites is a new five-day Christian youth event from the team at Youthscape, it's aimed at 13 – 18 year olds, and will take place during the school summer holidays in Peterborough. The programme will be very diverse and contains a mix of Christian teaching and worship activities, alongside many opportunities for sport, entertainment, and relaxation. The accommodation is camping, and the cost if you book in advance is £95. Of course, it may be that a physical event can't happen over the summer after all, and I am assured that there is a Plan B involving online and blended participation if that happens, but let's think positively! This looks like an excellent chance for teens to get their heads round life and have a great time. To find out more about Satellites, visit satellites and then please contact me via email for instructions as to how to register as part of our group booking. Revd. Nick Morgan -


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THE CHURCHYARD Since 2010 our unique churchyard has been carefully tended by a a small group of people and we particularly mention Jeremy Kendal , Marc and Sam Mottershead who have maintained a very high standard and the churchyard is now in a very tidy state. TIMES ARE CHANGING and we need help to keep on top of this massive task and plans are being drawn up to tackle the grass cutting for 2021.


We are dividing the churchyard up into smaller and more manageable areas. For example the area around the Church door will be kept well mown all the year around. The north side around the Percy Cross may become the wildlife area with the sowing of wildflowers. This area will then have to be cut/ scythed or strimmed in August. Pathways will be mown around the churchyard perhaps following the Churchyard trail. The East end to be mown regularly; in the spring areas which have snowdrops, daffodils and other bulbs will be left until mid June and then cut and the grass cleared away. The areas of the modern graves are often looked after by some families and those unattended will be an area where we need volunteers. Please contact the Churchwardens (details on page 2 of this magazine) if you think you can help us in any way.


THE CHURCHYARD Since 2010 our unique churchyard has been carefully tended by a a small group of people and we particularly mention Jeremy Kendal , Marc and Sam Mottershead who have maintained a very high standard and the churchyard is now in a very tidy state. TIMES ARE CHANGING and we need help to keep on top of this massive task and plans are being drawn up to tackle the grass cutting for 2021.


We are dividing the churchyard up into smaller and more manageable areas. For example the area around the Church door will be kept well mown all the year around. The north side around the Percy Cross may become the wildlife area with the sowing of wildflowers. This area will then have to be cut/ scythed or strimmed in August. Pathways will be mown around the churchyard perhaps following the Churchyard trail. The East end to be mown regularly; in the spring areas which have snowdrops, daffodils and other bulbs will be left until mid June and then cut and the grass cleared away. The areas of the modern graves are often looked after by some families and those unattended will be an area where we need volunteers. Please contact the Churchwardens (details on page 2 of this magazine) if you think you can help us in any way.


Bramham Parish Council February 2021 update

Hello all, I hope everyone is keeping well, during these cold days and long nights, thankfully as I write this it seems to have warmed up a little. There are certainly signs of life now in the garden and the beautiful snowdrops are once again in full flower, with many other bulbs starting to poke their heads above the soil. Spring is my favourite season of the year with lots of activity taking place in the garden and sheltering in the greenhouse on those cooler days. “In the spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.” – Mark Twain The start of the year is always fairly quiet for your Parish Council, and the agenda was shorter than normal, but nonetheless very important. PARISH COUNCIL VACANCY : There remains a vacancy on the Parish Council and although the closing date has passed for applications, the vacancy will remain open and we intend to look to recruit in a few months time when hopefully we can meet face to face. SENIOR CITIZEN CENTRE : We have submitted a Community Fund bid to partially fund a new bridge across the beck. This would improve the accessibility to the Wildlife Area and allow a wider range of residents to access this space, connecting the two areas together. WEBSITE : The new website is due to go live imminently and should be more accessible and easier to use than the current website. We would be grateful for feedback.


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HIGHWAYS / SPEEDING / PARKING : We are purchasing some bin stickers which will be distributed to various households promoting speed awareness. We have also submitted a bid to the Community Fund to support the purchase of a mobile SID that would then be used in various areas of the village that cause concern to reinforce awareness. ASSETS AND AMENITIES : The Pavilion remains closed due to the Covid-19 restrictions and no bookings are being taken until we have clarity on the way forward and the potential re-opening. It was agreed to set up an Events Working Group with the hope that some activities can be organised later in the year. WILDLIFE AREA : The Tree Survey and Condition Report has now been submitted to Bramham Park, further discussions are due to take place. We have also submitted a Community Fund bid to pay for some of the tree works. PLANNING ISSUES: There is little to report under planning this month with no major activity or applications this month Next meeting: Wednesday 3rd March 2021 7.00pm Virtual - if you would like to attend please register with the Clerk or see the Agenda for the link. We would encourage residents to attend the meetings as its great to have feedback and questions from the wider community. Thank you for reading and for your continued support. If you would like to read more detailed information about items discussed the Minutes of the meeting can be found on our Parish Notice Board and on Bramham Parish Council’s official website. Best wishes Richard Bramma


Bramham Parish Council – Serving your Local Community Contact: Nancy Fairbairn, Bramham Parish Clerk, E mail: Website: Twitter: @thisisbramham


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The Remembrance Book for All Saints’ Bramham FOR March please pray for the repose of the souls of:1st 2nd 5th 6th 7th 8th 14th 15th 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 29th 30th 31st

Amelia Kitchen 1940 Neil Isaiah Lewis 1944 Ethel Winifred Clayton 1975 Edith Joan Buchanan 2018 Doris Hebbron 1979 Walter Ware 2006 Fred Morris 2010 Frank O’Brien Mary Jane Sanderson 1976 Robert Simpson 1981 Walter Chambers 2012 Mary Hilda Young 1991 Thomas Young 1992 Elizabeth Smith 1947 Nellie Bond 1978 Harry Lund 1983 Les Darley 2009 Mary Elizabeth Holly 2009 Alfred Richardson May Booth 2002 Irene Elliott 2007 Amy Smith 1985 Mary Agnes Emily (Lady Bingley) Irene Shenton 2007 Edith Annie (Toppy) Albrecht Ernest Hatfield 1994 Alan Wilkinson 1983 Trevor Norgate 2012 Michael (Mick) Wright 2018 Alice Stirk 1982 Harry Vernon Broadhead 1984 Arthur Hyde 1991 James Herbert William Cook 2004 May they Rest in Peace

The Blessed Sacrament is permanently reserved in All Saints’ Bramham for the sick and dying. Contact:Revd. Trish or The Parish Office 844402 would be grateful to receive the names of those who are sick or those who are in need of a special home visit.

From the Parish Registers 15th February Brian Hardy Harrogate Crematorium

Bramham Benefice www.bramhambenefice. org



Sometimes the best ideas blossom from adversity… and so it was that our ‘Smile Packs’ came to life! Our very own BCAG Chair, Philippa Dalton, had a car malfunction a few weeks ago. As it so happened, her friend, Helen Grogan, was walking by and as they had not seen each other for some time due to Covid and lockdown they had a brief socially distanced chat. Whilst they were chatting another lady came along on the other side of the road and asked if she too could join in as she had not spoken to anyone for weeks! When she then walked on after their conversation this made Philippa and Helen think about how sad it was that there were people in the village, of all ages, who were definitely feeling the loneliness and lack of human contact due to the pandemic…. …and so the idea came to life! With the assistance of Linda Richards, BCAG managed to source Yorkshire Tea, biscuits, daffodils and we added to this a selection of lovely drawings from local children through Bramham Primary School, along with a small leaflet explaining the gift. To all of you who received your bag from either Team Philippa and Stan, Team Helen, Charlie and Bertie or Team Linda and Christopher we do hope our ‘Smile Packs’ did the trick and brought a smile to your faces. Please note the photo on the front cover, 13

continued overleaf..


Bramham Community Action Group is all about our community and caring for one another. If you would like to join our small village committee please contact Philippa on 07921 387751

‘Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu, When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too. I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin. When he smiled I realised I'd passed it on to him. I thought about that smile, then I realised its worth. A single smile, just like mine could travel round the earth. So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected. Let's start an epidemic quick, and get the world infected! Spike Milligan

We have started a new project for the Churchyard in Bramham. The online mapping system has been created by Atlantic Geomatics (UK). There will be high-quality photographs of the existing memorials in the churchyard. The burial registers are already being scanned by a small team, the text will be transcribed on to a portal, and the information will be linked directly to the images and memorial location on the map. This will be a benefit for schools, family historians and local History groups. An underground survey is to be done very soon and this will give valuable information about our ancient Anglo-Saxon churchyard. If you would like to be involved please contact Neil Ferres 845274 Two churchyards in West Yorkshire have completed this exercise and the hope is that many churches will employ this mapping service. For further information consult the website for Yorkshire Historic Churches Trust and you will see an example of the work. 15

Bramham in Bloom MARCH 2021 Welcome to Bramham in Bloom! Today Monday 15th Feb. Ann Ward and I enjoyed a very pleasant walk around the village in the warm glorious sunshine!! Our intentions were to assess the plight of all the flower areas since the rain snow and icy weather came upon us. Most displays and flower beds were very waterlogged and frozen which has made the polyanthus and plants look very sad! Hopefully the warmth will help the plants come to life, Spring will then be on the way. Most areas need usual maintenance after the winter weather. Many bulbs and snowdrops can be seen coming through on Bowcliffe Corner. The Cenotaph planters, Lyndon Road/Clifford Road and the Rockery, Milnthorpe flower beds, Wetherby Road Corner and along by the school fence have all got narcissus, tulips and tete a tetes coming through. The Village Hall troughs and Church troughs need perennial and shrub planting. By the Church porch Bramham in Bloom are going to purchase a planter to rest by the lefthand side. Most areas are overall looking pretty good but are in need of a little tidying up and infilling in certain areas. We would love to hear from some new volunteers to help occasionally with various areas and join the existing volunteer group perhaps once a month for a couple of hours. Please do get in touch for a chat to discover where help is needed, 2020 was a very difficult and unusual year and we really need help. The Senior Citizens’ Garden, the Wildlife Area and Wetherby Road Corner will be areas to have some new planning and work in this new year and lots of exciting movement forward in 2021. Thank you to all the volunteers, sponsors and residents for taking great care of our village so very much throughout the last year. Many community activities take place throughout the year where families and volunteers can help whenever they have some spare time. Looking forward to hearing from you! Lynne Marshall Chair Bramham in Bloom Mar 2021


As part of our Children of Light Festival, we are running an art competition which is open to all the children and young people in York diocese. This is an opportunity for you to be part of our festival in a creative way. Winners in local competitions will be entered into a Diocesan wide competition - winners of the Diocesan wide competition will have their work exhibited around the Diocese and will be invited to afternoon tea with the Archbishop of York at Bishopthorpe Palace. Who can enter? There are 3 age groups for this competition: Key Stage 1 (school years 1 - 2) Key Stage 2 (school years 3 - 6) Key Stage 3 &4 (school years 7-11) What can I do? We want you to create a piece of art on the theme of ‘Being Light in Difficult Times’ This can be anything at all - we encourage you to get as creative as you like! It must be no larger than A4. If you choose to create a sculpture or 3D model, please submit an A4 photograph of this, rather than the sculpture itself. Where do I send it? Please send your artwork clearly labelled on the back with your name, year group and school to: The Parish Office St Mary’s Church High Street Boston Spa LS23 6DR When do I need to send it by? The deadline is: 18th June 2021


The Clergy Letter March 2021!

Since March 2020 we have had 12 months, 13 full moons, 52 weeks, 366 days, 8,784 hours, 527,040 minutes, one pandemic and three lockdowns (and a partridge in a pear tree!!)!! We get on the phone to each other and talk about all the things we miss -family, holidays, chatting in the coffee shops, mooching round the shops, and calling round to each other’s houses for a cuppa. We bemoan the fact that we cannot go into church for a service and we miss the music and the singing of hymns. Oh yes! This last year has been a big trial to us all. Now I am going to prod you in the side and make you think of the positive side of life! What can we list that has been something different in our lives that we have learnt, that we have developed, that we have become part of? We have become so much more aware of the rest of the world, all suffering in the same manner, with the same day to day worries over health, our loved ones, and vaccines. The barriers and borders are no deterrent for this vicious virus, it doesn’t notice our skin colour, our language, or our religion. It doesn’t care that nobody has stepped over our front doorsteps in a year. So where is the positive in this? Suddenly, we are children of the one Creation, on a level playing field with the inhabitants of the whole world. Those of us with computers and mobile phones have become adept at Zooming/ Skyping and Facetiming. The technical vocabulary is another great leap forward in our learning. Eighteen months ago if anyone had told you to look on the website , or go onto Facebook, many of us would have replied that we were not quite sure what to do unless a much younger member of the family could set it up for us! 18

We have become statisticians. The graphs of people with the virus, the people in hospital and sadly, the people who have died in a day/week or month are all displayed on our television screens in every news bulletin. This leads to another growth area, compassion. We feel for those families that are caught up in the that are caught up in the attack of the virus; we share in the grief of so many, we see their pictures on the news, we despair with them when they cannot share the last moments of life with a loved one. We offer a short prayer to ask for comfort for those families. We have become a wider and remotely connected Church. As Christians in a community we have found ways to worship at home, connected by the online services, the phone and by prayer. The re-charging of our Christian ‘batteries’ cannot be done together in church, but we are ready to turn outwards and do God’s work. We have reached out to the lonely by phone calls and emails, we have donated hundreds of gifts to those who are struggling financially, we have continued to stock the foodbank for those same people and we have done small daily acts of kindness to those around us . People will tell you that life will never be the same again, after this last year, and I hope for our sakes it will not. We have come so far in twelve months, we have changed ourselves into global, outward looking Christians who know what God asks us to do. We still need to rejoice with each other when we can come together in worship in church, to delight in greeting each other with a hug, but I hope above all that we continue to grow in the knowledge that we are all part of one world and all children of God’s Creation wherever we are and whatever happens to us. With God’s help we will meet whatever comes our way. Keep safe and content in God’s care.

Rev Trish 19

Afternoon of play, activities and refreshments for babies, toddlers, parents and carers. The play session is followed by a short service, including lots of action songs! CURRENTLY SUSPENDED due to Covid restrictions Contact: The Parish Office once the pandemic is over


BRAMHAM READERS’ GROUP Next Meeting is on Wednesday 17th March via zoom. We will be discussing “Golden Hill” by Francis Spufford. Since it will be St Patrick’s day, you are invited to bring along any Irish poetry, prose, or song to share. Contact Marion 844191 or Jillian 844858

CHRISTMAS LIGHT COMPETITION for 2021. Inviting all residents to design A Christmas light motif. The design can be anything Christmas related. It must be done on an A4 piece of paper. Please write on the back, your name, age, address and contact number. Colours can be used. Each design will be discussed by the committee to decide which designs will be made into actual motifs . We need 12 !! Philippa Dalton

for Bramham Community Action Group 0792 138 7751

DO YOU WISH YOU COULD TALK TO SOMEONE IN CONFIDENCE? The small Pastoral Care Team have people with experience of helping the bereaved and people with other concerns. To access this service please telephone the Group Office on 01937 844402 during office hours Monday to Thursday between 9.30 am and 12 noon or email We can then arrange for a visitor to contact you.




It has always been the aim of the Committee to work with all organisations within the village. We would like to give ALL groups the opportunity of establishing a mutually beneficial working relationship with us With this aim in mind we would invite all organisations who do not currently have someone on the Village Hall Committee to consider nominating a member of your group as a contact point . The nominated member of the organisation would have the option of attending our committee meetings and/or would be a contact point with the committee should there be a communal interest in any matter involving the Village Hall and the particular organisation This invitation is open to all groups ranging from the Parish Council to any small village group who may feel this would be of some benefit to them Should your organisation wish to accept this invitation please contact our secretary Val Whitbread on Alternatively telephone myself on 07510566693 Stewart Gibson Chairman , Bramham Village Hall Management Committee






MARCH there are about 18 very special days this month and perhaps the most well known is Mothering Sunday, 4th Sunday in Lent There is an old Jewish saying: God could not be everywhere, and therefore He made mothers. Mother Church, Mother Earth, Mother of the Gods – our human mothers – all of them have been part of the celebration of ‘Mothering Sunday’ – as the fourth Sunday in Lent is affectionately known. It has been celebrated in the UK since at least the 16th century. In Roman times, great festivals were held every Spring to honour Cybele, Mother of all the Gods. Other pagan festivals in honour of Mother Earth were also celebrated. With the arrival of Christianity, the festival became one honouring Mother Church. During the Middle Ages, young people apprenticed to craftsmen or working as ‘live-in’ servants were allowed only one holiday a year on which to visit their families, which is how ‘Mothering Sunday’ got its name. This special day became a day of family rejoicing, and the Lenten fast was broken. In some places the day was called Simnel Day, because of the sweet cakes called simnel cakes traditionally eaten on that day. In recent years the holiday has changed, and in many ways now resembles the American Mother’s Day, with families going out to Sunday lunch and generally making a fuss of their mother on the day. (Article from the Parish Pump)



A Lenten note from Rev'd Nick You may well be feeling as if last year's Lent has seamlessly run throughout the whole of last year to join with this year's. There has been a sense of giving up so much that is life-enhancing over the past year for so many people, that our English custom of focussing on "giving things up for Lent" perhaps needs to give way to other aspects of Lent tradition this year. I'm not telling you not to give something up for Lent. Rather, I encourage you to keep Lent a little differently, acknowledging the need to be gentle with ourselves, and perhaps focusing more on two other Lenten traditions: giving alms to the needy and prayer and devotions. "Giving alms" Why not set aside an amount each week of Lent to give to the Christian Aid appeal later in the year? These can be dropped off in the wall box at St Mary's Church, or pushed through the Parish Office Letterbox. If you prefer to focus locally, you might like to make a financial donation to support the work of the Wetherby and District Foodbank, or to Helping Hands who are meeting the needs of homeless people and have an Amazon Wishlist of items they know are needed (The full version of Rev Nick’s Lenten note is available—please contact Anne Palmer who will send a copy to you)

WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE A LARGE PRINT COPY OF THIS MAGAZINE? Please ring Anne Palmer and she will print off a copy for you in the font size that you can read easily. This Magazine can be found on the Parish Website every month from now.


BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE and POST OFFICE Please take the opportunity to call in to see us, we provide:Post Office services, FREE cash withdrawal facility at the post office Lottery, Scratch card and Health Lottery purchases Newspapers and newspaper delivery service Fresh daily bread, milk and other morning goods General groceries, frozen foods and ice creams Dairy products, sandwiches, snacks and confectionary Local farm eggs delivered Fridays, fresh fruit and vegetables on Mondays Tobacco, chilled beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks Greetings cards, stationary and general accessories Mobile phone, Gas and Electricity top up’s, cash back facility Dry Cleaning drop off/collection service Mondays and Thursdays Lynn, Marie, Louise, Philip and Stacey will be happy to help and serve you. Village Store

Post Office



Saturday 08.00-19.00





Bank Hols 07.00-12.30



12 Front Street, Bramham LS23 6RD

Tel: 01937 842275

MAGAZINE DETAILS Please send all articles to Anne Palmer by 14th March to or deliver to Anne at:Old Coach House, Vicarage Lane, Bramham. The letter box is in the side wall of the garage. It is very helpful if you can keep the article to just one page. Please try to send the copy in Word format or as a jpeg, not as a pdf. 30


PHONE CHURCH Tradi onal Language (BCP) Service Join our Service on the Phone Sunday mornings at 11.00 am Joining instruc ons for the Phone Church Using your telephone (landline OR mobile) dial: 0333 0164 757 See if you can put your phone on ‘speaker’ or ‘hands free’ so that you can move it away from your ear. This isn’t essen al but might make it easier for you. You will hear a woman’s voice saying “Welcome to Whypay (and a short marke ng message)” then, “Please enter your conference room number followed by the hash key”. So using your keypad type in: 66657450 # this is the Room Number You will then hear the same voice say “Please enter your Guest Pin followed by the hash key” So using your keypad type in: 4086 # this is the Guest Pin When you are connected if you are the first on the line some music will play, when someone arrives you will hear a tone, just say hello to each other and when everyone is there we will begin.

Online services 10.00am Sundays and Wednesdays 32


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