Bramham Parish Newsletter

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An unusual view of the Bramham Bells - to wish you all a very happy new year for 2020 May 2019 January 2020

© Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham

Issue 196

Issue 204 1

Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d Nick Morgan

Priest in Charge The Vicarage, Church Causeway Thorp Arch, LS23 7AE 849471 Email Mobile 07387 728009 Rev’d Trisha Anslow… Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa 844789 Group Office………… (Office open Monday-9.30—12.30. Tues—Thurs please phone 844402 Or contact by email parishoffice. Friday closed. Churchwardens……… Chips Browning, Moor Cottage, York Road, Long Marston 01904 737345 Jillian Lawson, 21 Lyndon Avenue, Bramham LS23 6RG……………… 844858 Deputy Churchwarden Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG…………… 842850 Magazine Editor bramham.magazine Treasurer……………… Joanne Wilkinson, 41 Firbeck Road, 339512 Secretary……… Roger Freeman, Campden House, Aberford Road, Bramham VCC Members………… Andy Beaumont, Yvonne Gibson, Kate Lofthouse, Dolly Mullen, Maryann Pritchard Organist…………… Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth… 0113 2867998 Sacristan and Church Flowers……… Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham 918725 Deanery Synod……… Michael Ingram THE ARK……… Jennie Saynor,

WHO’S WHO in Bramham Village Hall Committee……..

Chairman: Stewart Gibson… 075 105 666 93 Hall Bookings… 07398 244634 Drama Group Chairman: Pat Rimington………………….. 841435 Football Club… Dave Jacklyn…………………………………… . 07809 561199 Guides…… Fiona Henderson………………………………… … 0777 999 3217 Brownies… Jane Dalton & Joanna Bayton-Smith 07733 117031 Group Scout Leader… Ruth Middleton……………………… …………. 07786 525 593 Scouts…… Jason Turner (Skip)………………………… 07917 230981 Beavers… Danny Hizzet………………………………… ……. 07554 663304 Cubs…… . Dan Warren…………………………. 07528 358 946 Bramham Primary School Executive Head Teacher Mrs Sarah Richards 843682 Chair of Governors Sue Morgan Administrator Louise Humphreys Bramham Parish Council… Linda Richards ( Chair) 842151 Pete Dunn (Vice Chair) 843345 Helena Buck 849757 Pam Corrigan 07809 775293 Belinda Heaton 01937 845488 James Ingham 841309 June Halliday 845564 Valerie Whitbread 541075 Clerk Parish Council… Keith Langley Bramham Pavilion… … Yorkshire Countrywomen’s Association Bell Ringers Bramham in Bloom… Community Action Group…. Monday Club Readers Group… Sing Bramham Bramham Shop & Post Office. Folly Allotments Association Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Royal British Legion Mums & Tots Group

Anne Topping - Chair Jeremy Kendall Lynne Marshall Philippa Dalton … Volunteers required Jillian Lawson 844858 Lynne Marshall Lynne Williams…. Mike Corrigan, Chair… Paul Marshall … Anthony Wakeham Linda Matthews


07731 822562 844529 843520 844767 07921 387751 and

Marion Hogg

844191 844767 842275 845843 844767 0113 289 2164 541899

WHAT’S ON IN BRAMHAM THIS JANUARY 8th Mums & Tots coffee morning Village Hall Reader’s Group, The Swan, 7.30pm Parish Council at the Pavilion 8.00 pm 13th AGM Village Hall Committee 8.00pm 15th YCA Supper Room 7.15 pm

DO YOU WISH YOU COULD TALK TO SOMEONE IN CONFIDENCE? The small Pastoral Care Team have people with experience of helping the bereaved and people with other concerns. To access this service please telephone the Group office on 01937 844402 during office hours Monday to Thursday between 9.30 and 12 noon or email, visitor to contact you.

We can then arrange for a

Mollie Browning

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity You are warmly invited to a short lunchtime service followed by a soup lunch Monday 20th January at 12 noon – Boston Spa Methodist Church Wednesday 22nd January at 12 noon – All Saints’ Thorp Arch Thursday 23rd January at 12 noon - St Edward’s, Clifford




Present A Ceilidh With Lairum Rise

Saturday 15th February 2020 7.00 - 10:30 at Bramham Village Hall Tickets ÂŁ12:50 to include Pie & Pea Supper ! Raffle ! Bar ! Tickets available from your local Churches Together rep or Emily on 844345 email: All proceeds to Leeds Asylum Seekers Support Network and SAFE PASSAGE



January 1st 2nd 3rd 5th 6th 6th 7th 9th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 21st 22nd 23rd 25th 24th 26th 27th 29th 30th

Gary Mann (Priest) 2005 Mary Simpson Fred Young 1976 Una Ward Jackson Barbara Barrett 1982 William Arnott Wilkinson Kenneth Barber 2007 George Hebbron Marcia Agnes Mary Lane Fox James Walker Booth 1983 Amelia Wright 2008 Thomas William Goodwin 1972 Joan Alice Bye 2014 Charles Richard Hunter 2018 Daniel Henzell 1970 Frank Reynolds 1998 Maria Van-Laoy Craddy 2011 Mary Stevenson 1976 Robert Owen Nash 1977 Christine Mary Shaw 1994 Emily Molly Stockdale 1989 William Guy 2001 John Chambers Cooper 2010 Gwendoline Wagstaff 1966 Irene Blanchard 1990 Thomas Mace 2006 Emma Kendrew 1975 Frederick William Barker 2004 Charles Reynolds 1982 Ernest Hale 2002 John Reginald Derek Shaw Rita Reynolds 2011 Raymond Easby 2008 James Edward Hunter 1957 Louise Ware 1952 Harry Smith 1967 Robert Bowman 1979 Anthony Howard Aarons (2003) Ernest Charles Hare 2006

The Blessed Sacrament is permanently reserved in All Saints’ Bramham for the sick and dying. Contact:Revd. Trish or The Parish Office 844402 would be grateful to receive the names of those who are sick or those who are in need of a special home visit.


FROM THE PARISH REGISTERS BAPTISM 3rd November Freddie Rupert Alexander Rothery 1st December Spencer Watkins FUNERAL 27th November Margaret Turner

May they Rest in Peace 7


Bramham Parish Council December Report 2019 The CRIME REPORT: Unfortunately the crime report showed a number of burglaries and the s from vehicles in the Parish. The Police strongly recommend that residents keep their car keys well away from the entrance to their proper es. Thanks to residents who are keeping an eye open for anything untoward and suppor ng others. PLANNING ISSUES: Church Hill: Ward Cllr Lamb is con nuing to press Leeds City Council with regard to the safety of the area. Bramham House: The dra S106 document has been produced, but PC has not had sight of it. Planning permission for the development has s ll not yet been ra fied. The consulta ve group will be established as soon as the ra fica on has occurred, to provide a forum for addressing residents’ concerns during construc on. Farfield House: Revised plans have been submi ed which seem to be er reflect the concerns raised by residents, Parish and Ward Councillors. The reduced number and sizing of poten al housing build will be er serve the needs of Bramham Parish and it residents. We now wait to see Planning Group in Leeds respond. HIGHWAYS ISSUES: Cllr Heaton con nues to vigorously pursue the remaining issues with Highways. We await the actual comple on of the projects. The work to re-lay gas and water mains has been very disrup ve but less so following a mee ng with the two companies involved. However, it was disappoin ng that a pledge to not work outside the school un l a er the holidays has not been honoured. Northern Gas Networks have contacted the PC to offer a dona on to the Parish in view of the disrup on, we shall be nego a ng, with a view to using monies towards any dona on towards a regenera on project in the village. PAVILION: The hea ng issues are s ll demanding me and money. This is yet another example of the hard work which is needed and given to maintaining this Village asset, which was very successfully used as the Polling Sta on in the recent elec on. A plaque commemora ng the hard work of Mick Wright and Bramham Football Club has been commissioned, and an event celebra ng his work was held at the Pavilion on Saturday December 21st. SENIOR CITIZENS’ CENTRE: The Parish Council received the Project Bid, Gan Chart and cos ngs from the Appointed Specialist Philip Thompson, and resolved to


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proceed with the first two stages of the process to take the project up to Planning Approval stage. The Bramham Ball 2020: Plans for the Ball con nue, with many ckets already sold. The PC is con nuing to work with the organisers and responding to resident queries regarding planning and organisa on. The Monday Club: On the First Wednesday of the Month, a Community Coffee morning is planned in conjunc on with the regular mums and Tots group, which is held in the village hall. All are very welcome. Bramham Neighbourhood Programme: Monies should become available in the near future as a result of the poten al developments in the village. The Neighbourhood plan has already highlighted some projects and others may come forward from residents. PC needs to look at the priori es, affordability and ming of future investment plans, including exercise track, car parking at school and other resident projects. The deadline for applica on to the Neighbourhood Improvement Fund has been extended un l January 31st 2020: do consider applying. The PC noted with great sadness the death of Paul Topping who served on Bramham Parish Council for many years and looked a er the interests of Bramham Residents. Our sincere condolences are offered to Anne and the family. The Community Christmas Lunch: A big thank you to all who have contributed to the organisa on and delivery of this year’s Community Christmas Lunch on Christmas Day in the Village Hall. Cllr Pete Dunn has once again coordinated this event which has involved a wide range of sponsors, donors and volunteers, a daun ng task indeed, for which many thanks. As we approach the end of one year and the beginning of another, I hope that all residents had a good Christmas and wish them all a Happy New Year. Finally……a reminder Leeds Fes val Alloca on Day will be 8th March 2020 9am-12pm

Next Meeting: Wednesday 8th January 2020 7.30 pm, Pavilion. We hope you find this update useful. If you would like to read more detailed information about items discussed, the minutes of the meeting can be found on our parish notice board and on Bramham Parish Council’s official website. Contact: Keith Langley, Bramham Parish Clerk, E mail: Address: 33 Flats Lane, Barwick in Elmet, Leeds, LS15 4LJ, tel: 07471162307 Website: Twitter: @thisisbramham


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THE YORKSHIRE COUNTRYWOMEN’S ASSOCIATION THE NEXT MEETING will be at 7.15 pm on January 15 and the speaker is Duncan Verity on “Music, Comedy and dance”. New Members always welcome

BRAMHAM READERS’ GROUP Next Meeting is on Wednesday 8th of January 7.30 pm in “The Swan” We will be discussing “Conversations with Friends” By Sally Rooney Contact Marion 844191 or Jillian 844858 BRAMHAM BALL It is with great pleasure that we can now confirm that Bramham Ball 2020 will now take place in the heart of the village, on the Games Field adjacent to the Pavilion on Saturday 19 September 2020. The Bramham Ball Committee wish to thank Bramham Parish Council and the Pavilion Committee for their unanimous support of this fabulous event, raising money for Martin House, Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Macmillan Cancer Support. Tickets and further details will be announced soon. Sponsorship packages are available - please email for further information.




The Bramham in Bloom Team wish everyone A very happy new year. New helpers will always be welcome to join the Group please get in touch with Lynne Marshall

01937 844767

Fun for the over 55’s! Join our friendly Active Life badminton sessions Mondays 11.45 -1.45 at Tadcaster Sports Centre No previous experience or equipment necessary No need to book just turn up ! Monthly Community Coffee Moring Bramham Village Hall Wednesday 8th of January Meet your Neighbours! Have a chat! Everyone is welcome Free advice on computers and the internet In conjunction with Mums and Tots 10.00am- 11.30am If you would like a lift please call 844858




BRAMHAM VILLAGE HALL The Management Committee would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy New Year. Please note our AGM takes place in the Village Hall at 8 p.m. on the 13th January. We will be looking at the past year – a year of high achievement plus change and discussing our plans for the forthcoming year. Meantime , users of the hall will see that a number of inner doors have now been replaced . The new doors not only improve the appearance of the hall but also provide a more effective and safer environment for our users. Plans are now in hand to obtain both ideas and costings for improving the storage facilities in the hall and there is little doubt that this is an area upon which we will be very much focussed in the months ahead The Management Committee have now handed over responsibility for running bars in the hall to the Bramham Community Action Group . Requests for a bar can still be made via the village Hall . We hope that this switch will prove to be a useful source of income for the action group. Stewart Gibson


Bramham Village Hall Management Committee


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Bramham and Shadwell Federation of Schools.

We are looking for committed people to join Governing Body of Bramham and Shadwell Federation as Co-opted Governors. We have vacancies in the co-opted governor category and would welcome applications from people with experience in finance, human resources, legal, health and safety, project management or education. The Governing Body is made up of parents, staff, local authority and co-opted governors. The Governing Body operates at a strategic level and is not involved in the day-to-day running of the two schools in our Federation. We are responsible for both the conduct of the Federation and for the promotion of high standards. We carry out this role by setting the vision for the Federation, ensuring that the schools work efficiently and effectively towards achieving its vision, and that the schools provide a high-quality education for their pupils. This is done by building a thorough knowledge of the Federation and the two communities, by both supporting and constructively challenging the schools and the leadership team, and by ensuring accountability and compliance. Governors need not be experts in education. What is required is an interest and commitment to the schools and the welfare of our pupils along with a time commitment and a willingness to get involved. The recruitment process requires you to complete an application form, a skills audit by the Governing Body and a final interview with representatives from the Governing Body. If you would like to find out more about how you can contribute to governance at our school, would like an application form or have any questions about anything, then please contact Reception Staff who will then arrange for a governor to contact you.



Bramham Community Fund The Bramham Community Fund exists to distribute the money generated by Festival Republic from the sale of residents’ tickets at the Leeds Festival together with other donations made directly by the promoter. The requirement is that funds are to be used for the benefit of the community of Bramham. Since the Leeds Festival moved to Bramham in 2003, the Fund has allocated grants to a value of over £380,000. The last allocation of grants, based on the 2018 Festival took place in March 2019. It is planned that the allocations from the 2019 Festival will be considered in March 2020. The Fund is therefore now inviting applications.

The closing date is 14 February 2020. To keep it simple, there is no formal application form. Just write to the Bramham Community Fund c/o Colin Pool at 7 Prospect Bank, Bramham, LS23 6RS or send an email to saying what you would like a grant for, how much and why. The Fund committee under the chairmanship of Nick Lane Fox will then meet to consider the applications. Proposed projects should normally be completed within one year of the grant being awarded. If a project is expected to exceed that timescale, the application should indicate as such. You should be aware that in the past preference in the allocation of grants has been given to new projects rather than funding the ongoing support of existing activities. Applications cannot be accepted from individuals, commercial organisations or for projects which do not benefit residents of Bramham. Colin Pool


1st and 2nd Thursday at St Mary’s 1.45—3.00pm 4th Thursday BRAMHAM - please check Begins again in September

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The story of a unique antiques business In his long and eventful life, Robert Soper has run several businesses including a period of 25 years organising top-of-the-range antique fairs at historic homes. He will reveal how this came about and how it revolutionised both the world of antiques and stately homes at the Linton Antique Society at 8.00pm on 9 January at

Linton Memorial Hall. Entrance is £7 for nonmembers but why not join the Society? Annual membership of £25 (individual) or £45 (joint) gives access to all talks in the season and the opportunity to participate in private visits. To join, contact Judy Cooper on 0113 345 1815 or download the membership form on the Society’s website, You can also join at any meeting.


have had a couple of visits over the Christmas Season to Wetherby Manor and a residential home in Harrogate, we also enjoyed and joined in the singing at the All Saints’ Carol Service. The Sing Bramham sessions will start again on Tuesday 7th January and we will be delighted to welcome any new people. 7.30 pm in Church where the acoustics are amazing. We are not a CHOIR, but we love singing a wide variety of music, we all sing for fun. For more information please ring Lynne 844767.


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T'WAS JUST BEFORE CHRISTMAS...... Twas a few weeks before Christmas and the t'parish council arrived, to discuss finance and planning and lots more besides. The tables were set in t'Pavilion with care, and chairs for t'public who soon would be there. T'Councillors gathered and took to their seat, Pam, June, James and Helena, Val, Belinda and Pete. Linda with her folders and Keith in position, were settled to start this cold winter session. The attendance was good and there was some hushed quiet chat, A Leeds City Councillor sat at the back. A resident spoke, standing orders suspended, To complain about sleds parked near t'school unattended. Vice chair said, when asked for a quote.... "It'll be Santa's reindeers that's left 'em.... I'll tell you that for nowt!" The council listened patiently, the public did too, And the meeting moved on, the agenda resumed. With matters arising and apologies aired, just two dispensations and interests declared. Then t'chair invited t'clerk to give his reports, And t'council sat, not listening, but deep in their thoughts. There were matters of footpaths and parking, dog fouling and grit, Leeds festival, dementia, allotments and......ssssh....audit.


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Council appointments, grand poobah and such, Neighbourhood funding and grants to discuss. And then in a twinkling we moved to adjourn... To consider of Christmas and what we can learn. The council went quiet, no discourse ensued, The meeting just ended and out people queued. So not much resolved and more debate left to come, The Chair, Clerk and Councillors left, one by one‌ But one villager quipped as he disappeared in t'night... "Happy Christmas to all, and thanks for t'mince pies!" Pete Dunn Christmas 2019

Some of the lovely animals knitted by the Knit and Knatter Group on display in Church.


Well! Can you believe it? January 2020!! For the second time in a few weeks I can say Happy New Year. The first time was on 1st December 2019 when the Church year declared its new year on Advent Sunday. You saw the colour in our churches had turned to purple for the four weeks of reflection and anticipation of the Incarnation. Now we are looking at the Gregorian calendar and wondering where time has gone. How many people around you have already taken down their Christmas tree and filed all those Christmas cards and boxed up the lights that adorned their garden, living room and trees, not even waiting for the 12th night. We all seem in such a hurry to move on to the next thing, as soon as the great festival day is over. How many of your neighbours know that the Christmas season continues until the 2nd of February? The Holy family had been in a hurry to arrive in Bethlehem, for more than one reason. Firstly they had to arrive in time to register at the decree of Caesar Augustus and secondly because no baby waits at the convenience of their mother! We hear the story of the birth in a stable, but in my opinion the little family would have moved as soon as possible into somewhere more fitting; maybe relying on the hospitality of others. Then we hear that they had to flee hurriedly to Egypt- refugees from a dictatorial regime. As we spend the holiday season travelling to and from relatives and friends in the comfort of our cars, trains or even planes we could spare a thought for those who leave the support of relatives and friends to find a more stable life in this day and age. Refugees seem to be a fixture in any generation.


In this modern age, we have the refugees from many countries arriving here in pursuit of a better life for their families, and at the same time we have those people in this country, who could perhaps be considered refugees from a former life as they drift to the cities in search of relief from their troubles. Homelessness, for whatever reason, is a plight we would not wish on anyone and at this time of year we need to help as much as we can. It might well be that we donate money, volunteer in soup-kitchens or pray for those in hostels or on the streets. It is a worldwide condition and needs us to broaden our scope as we pray for the victims of homelessness throughout the world. As Mary, Joseph and the young Jesus were resident in Egypt they were aliens in a foreign land and relied on the hospitality of others to live by. We are not told how long they waited for the emperor to be succeeded by another, but they presumably met with care in their temporary home. The refugees we receive from foreign countries will not have chosen lightly to move to a country far from their homeland and perhaps we have to remind ourselves to be the welcoming hosts to displaced people. It is not always an easy thing to do when our media and even some neighbours will be trying to convince us otherwise, but as Christians, in light of the example set in those biblical times, we can extend our care and love to all who look for respite care in our country.

Revd Trish


Are you trying to avoid plastic—then buy your milk in bottles! Bryn Wilson delivers Bottles of Milk to your doorstep in Bramham three times a week, also available Eggs, Bread, Water, Fruit Juice and of course Milk and Cream. Average price for milk 60p. Editor’s comment

Ring Bryn on 07809 110568

You will be helping the Dairy Farmers and saving the planet

The Bellringers meet on the second and fourth Tuesday in the month at 7.30pm and ring for one hour until 8.30pm. New Bellringers will be very welcome. Please come along and find our about this great tradition.


Wetherby Crime Report figures 01/11/2019- 02/12/2019 Burglary residential 01/11/2019- Tenter Hill, Bramham, Wetherby. Occurred between 11.00 on 27/10/2019 and 14.00 on 01/11/2019. Between dates and times stated unknown suspect/s broke into shed and stole two bikes belonging to the victim. Suspect/s made off in an unknown direction. 04/11/2019-Lyndon Avenue, Bramham, Wetherby. Occurred between 02.00 and 03.00 on 03/11/2019. On date and between times suspect/s unknown enter via property via insecure front door, remove vehicle keys from hallway and make off in victims vehicle. 05/11/2019- Bellwood Avenue, Clifford, Wetherby. Occurred between 21.00 on 04/11/2019 and 07.00 on 05/11/2019. Suspect/s approach residential property and enter through an insecure door and remove a motorbike from the attached outbuilding, suspect/s wheel motorbike in unseen and unknown direction. 19/11/2019- Willow Avenue, Clifford, Wetherby. Occurred between 19.14 and 19.23. Suspect/s force rear kitchen window and climb in. Suspect/s fail to get passed window but leave footprint on window still internally and externally. Suspect/s are disturbed and make off in unknown direction. Burglary Business and Community 04/11/2019- Clifford Moor Road, Boston Spa. Occurred between 17.30 on 03/11/2019 and 06.30 on 04/11/2019. Between times and dates stated, unknown suspect/s approach school and break external gate lock before entering school site. Whilst here, suspect/s use plank of wood to smash top office window and move security sensor. Suspect/s then smash lower office window, gain entry and make untidy search. Suspect/s leave in unknown direction by unknown means. Theft from motor vehicle 08/11/2019- Lyndon Square. Occurred between 19.00 on 07/11/2019 and 15.30 on 08/11/2019. Unknown suspect/s remove vehicle registration plates from vehicle before making off unseen and in unknown direction. 16/11/2019- Lyndon Close, Bramham. Occurred between 18.00 on 15/11/2019 and 09.00 on 16/11/2019. Between times and dates stated, unknown suspect/s gain entry using unknown implement to vehicle via door. Suspect/s steal property from inside vehicle and leave in unseen and unknown direction. Would you like to receive daily updates with regards to crime in the area? Crime prevention advice or good news updates? If the answer is yes please sign up to West Yorkshire Community Alert at the following address:


Due to a recent increase in vehicle crime, please see the below post with regards to vehicle security.


Bramham puts the Sparkle into Christmas Christmas got off to a Sparkling start in Bramham, when the Community Action Group and All Saints’ Church joined together to organize a weekend of Christmas events. On Saturday the 23rd of November between 12 noon and 4pm there was a chance to buy some original and beautiful Christmas gifts at the Christmas Fair in Bramham Village Hall. There was a truly festive atmosphere with delicious homemade refreshments on sale and a very special visitor, straight from the North Pole, who was there to meet the younger visitors to the fair. Just across the way, in All Saints’ Church, the entries to the Christmas Tree Competition were on display and were better than ever this year, with an amazing range of skill and imagination being shown by the entrants. The Church was open again on Sunday afternoon for visitors to admire the trees and enjoy some Christmas shopping and seasonal refreshments—see photo opposite and on page 17. The fun continued on Friday 29th of November when Richard Bramma switched on the Christmas lights in the village square in a ceremony organised by Bramham Community Action Group. With carols from “Sing Bramham” and refreshments from Friends of Bramham School , it was a real community Christmas event. The lights look lovely this year thanks to the generous sponsorship by groups and individuals in the village. A very big “Thank You” to everyone who supported these events in any way. Phillipa Dalton BCAG

Jillian Lawson All Saints’ Church


To All Bramham Residents and Community Groups Turning Bramham’s Neighbourhood Plan into Reality! Bramham Neighbourhood Improvement Fund Deadline for Applica ons Extended!!!! The Neighbourhood Plan for Bramham established a set of aspirations for our village over the next few years. The Parish Council are now looking to turn your ideas and aspirations into reality and are inviting bids for funding for projects which aim to improve our neighbourhood. The Bramham Neighbourhood Improvement Fund is for projects within our Parish, which enhance the environment or infrastructure for the wider community. You can bid for funding for a wide range of projects, but the expenditure must involve buying, building or improving village assets. The fund does not cover maintenance, replacement, repairs, staffing, events or other running costs. You will be expected to manage and deliver the project yourselves, with some support from the Parish Council where appropriate. There is no set format for applications, but bids will need to set out clear objectives, costs, timescales and deliverables for the project, and demonstrate how it will support the wider community and help achieve the aspirations set out in the Neighbourhood Plan. You can reference the Plan through the following link https:// . Section 5 explains the sort of community improvement projects and areas that may be eligible for funding. Examples include: Enhanced fixed playground equipment; Improvement works to existing communal gardens, including shrubs, planting and garden furniture (not maintenance); Provision of new no ce boards and signs; Paving or

sea ng to communal areas. This list is not exhaus ve, and the Parish Council would welcome any new and innova ve ideas that support broad aspira ons. Con nued…………...


All community groups and residents can apply. Applica ons are welcome from individual residents or a smaller group of residents ac ng on behalf of their own neighbourhood area. All applica ons should be sent by email to the Parish Clerk at . The deadline for applica ons for funding has been extended to 31st January 2020. Bramham Primary School is a Community Collection Point under a number of recycling schemes. Please join in and collect the following items for recycling. You can drop off the items in the Collection Box in the School lobby entrance. Any brand of BISCUITS AND CRACKERS PACKAGING – includes individual biscuit wrappers (e.g. Penguin) as well as outer packaging, and also Mini Cheddars – empty and flat

Any brand of CRISPS, POPCORN AND PRETZEL PACKETS, including outer packaging of multi-packs – empty and flat PRINGLES TUBES

Any brand of CONFECTIONERY plastic sweets wrappers – from chocolate bars (e.g. Twix, Dairy Milk), bagged sweets (e.g. Haribos, Maltesers) or individual sweets (e.g. Starburst)

Any brand of ORAL CARE PRODUCTS – used toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes, brush and paste packaging, and electric brush heads – no floss containers Any brand of BREAD BAGS – traditional stretchy plastic bags, not crinkly/shrink wrapped packets – totally empty of crumbs

Any brand of PENS, FELT TIPS, HIGHLIGHTERS AND MARKERS – unwanted, empty, broken – no pencils or crayons



If you have a car and a little time to spare then we’d love to hear from you… The WISE Transport Scheme provides a cost effective way for the over 60’s to get to appointments, meet friends and attend the wide variety of social activities that the WISE area has to offer. With around 200 clients registered to use the service, we need additional volunteer drivers covering a geographical area from Wetherby in the North, Thorner in the South, Harewood in the West to Walton in the East. You won’t need to commit to specific times so you’ll have lots of flexibility and we’ll allocate you a client within close proximity to where you you think you could help? In return for your time, our clients will cover your journey costs and you’ll be able to meet lovely, local people and do something really meaningful in your community. To find out more please contact Bridget Tasker, our WISE Transport Coordinator, by calling WISE office on 01937 222066 alternatively please email her at

FORGOTTEN STORIES OF BRAMHAM We are going to be putting a booklet together of as many stories, memories, diary entries, quotes and pictures, as we can, linked to Bramham during the war years. Were you a child during the war? Do you have a story you could share with others? Do you remember the Americans drinving through the village? We would love to hear from you. Please contact Emma The Parish Office 01937 844402 or 01937 541013


A couple of photos from the Christmas Tree Festival—The Winner of the Junior Section And admiring the Tree in Memory of Mavis Wilson— It was Mavis’ idea to have this competition


BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE and POST OFFICE Please take the opportunity to call in to see us, we provide:POST OFFICE SERVICES, FREE Cash withdrawl facilities Lottery, Scratch card and Health Lottery purchases Newspapers and newspaper delivery service Fresh daily bread, milk and other morning goods General groceries, frozen foods and ice-creams Dairy products, sandwiches, snacks and confectionary Local farm eggs delivered Fridays, fresh fruit and vegetables on Thursdays Tobacco, chilled beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks Greetings cards, stationary and general accessories Mobile phone, Gas and Electricity top up’s, cash back facility Dry Cleaning drop off/collection service Mondays and Thursdays Village Store Monday—Friday 6.00—19.30 Saturday 7.00—19.30 Sunday and Bank Holidays 7.00—12.30

Post Office 9.00—17.30 9.00—12.30 Closed

Lynn, Marie, Louise, Stacey and Philip will be happy to help and serve you 12 Front Street , Bramham, LS23 6RD - Tel 01937 842275

MAGAZINE DETAILS Please send all articles to Anne Palmer by 14th January to or deliver to Anne at:- Old Coach House, Vicarage Lane, Bramham. The letter box is in the side wall of the garage. It is very helpful if you can keep the article to just one page. Please try to send the copy in Word format or as a jpeg, not as a pdf.

NB This Magazine is available on ISSUU Facebook and Parish website



Church Services in January

Friday 3rd January Holy Communion All Saints’ Bramham 10.00am Sunday 5th January Holy Communion St Mary’s Boston Spa 8.00am Christingle All Saints’ Bramham 4.00pm Night Prayer St Mary’s Boston Spa 6.00pm Sunday 12th January Holy Communion All Saints’ Thorp Arch 8.00am Parish Worship (lay led) All Saints’ Bramham 10.00am Night Prayer St Mary’s Boston Spa 6.00pm Sunday 19th January Holy Communion St Mary’s Boston Spa 8.00am Holy Communion All Saints’ Bramham 10.00am Benefice Evensong All Saints’ Thorp Arch 4.30pm Night Prayer St Mary’s Boston Spa 6.00pm Sunday 26th January Holy Communion St Mary’s Boston Spa 8.00am Parish Worship (lay led) All Saints’ Bramham 10.00am Night Prayer St Mary’s Boston Spa 6.00pm A list of all the services in Bramham Benefice can be found on the Church notice board and on the Benefice website


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