Bramham Parish News

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Bramham Parish News

© Copyright All Saints’ Church Bramham

October 2020 Issue No 213


Church Officers for All Saints’ Bramham Rev’d Nick Morgan

Priest in Charge The Vicarage, Church Causeway Thorp Arch, LS23 7AE 849471 Email Mobile 07387 728009 Rev’d Trisha Anslow… Curate, 4 Pine Trees, Boston Spa 844789 Group Office………… (Office open Monday-9.30—12.30. Tues—Thurs please phone 844402 Or contact by email parishoffice. Friday closed. Churchwardens……… Chips Browning, Moor Cottage, York Road, Long Marston Jillian Lawson, 21 Lyndon Avenue, Bramham LS23 6RG……………… Deputy Churchwarden Anne Palmer, Old Coach House, Bramham, LS23 6QG…………… Magazine Editor bramham.magazine Treasurer……………… Joanne Wilkinson, 41 Firbeck Road, Secretary……… Roger Freeman, Campden House, Aberford Road, Bramham VCC Members…………Andy Beaumont, Yvonne Gibson, Kate Lofthouse, Dolly Mullen, Maryann Pritchard Organist…………… Simon Noble, 1 Barley Hill, Crescent, Garforth… Sacristan and Church Flowers……… Dolly Mullen, 9 Bradford Close, Bramham Deanery Synod…… Michael Ingram THE ARK……… Jennie Saynor,

01904 737345 844858 842850 339512

0113 2867998 918725

WHO’S WHO in Bramham Village Hall Committee……..

Chairman: Stewart Gibson… 075 105 666 93 Hall Bookings… 07398 244634 Drama Group Chairman: Pat Rimington………………….. 841435 Football Club… Dave Jacklyn…………………………………… . 07809 561199 Guides…… Fiona Henderson………………………………… … 0777 999 3217 Brownies… Jane Dalton & Joanna Bayton-Smith 07733 117031 Group Scout Leader… Ruth Middleton……………………… …………. 07786 525 593 Scouts…… Jason Turner (Skip)………………………… 07917 230981 Beavers… Danny Hizzet………………………………… ……. 07554 663304 Cubs…… . Dan Warren…………………………. 07528 358 946 Bramham Primary School Executive Head Teacher Mrs Sarah Richards 843682 Chair of Governors Sue Morgan Administrator Louise Humphreys Bramham Parish Council… Richard Bramma (Chair) Helena Buck 849757 Pam Corrigan 07809 775293 Linda Richards 842151 Belinda Heaton 01937 845488 James Ingham 841309 Marie Lynch 841328 Clerk Parish Council… Keith Langley Bramham Pavilion…

Bell Ringers Bramham in Bloom… Community Action Group…. Readers Group… Sing Bramham Bramham Shop & Post Office. Folly Allotments Association Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Royal British Legion Mums & Tots Group Leeds Festival Ticket Committee

07731 822562 Jeremy Kendall Lynne Marshall Philippa Dalton … Jillian Lawson 844858 Lynne Marshall Lynne Williams…. Mike Corrigan, Chair… Paul Marshall … Anthony Wakeham Linda Matthews June Halliday



843520 844767 07921 387751 Marion Hogg 844191 844767 842275 845843 844767 0113 289 2164 541899 845564

MARCIA WAKEHAM. Many of you will know that Marcia was born into the Lane Fox family at Bramham Park. I was lucky enough to marry her in 1963. When she died on 26thAugust we had completed 57 years of marriage. Her death has generated some 135 letters and cards and they provide a truly moving reaction from her friends and relations on her character and personality. She was universally loved by people from every walk of life. They all mention her remarkable modesty which sometimes amounted to shyness. She often claimed to be ‘frightened’ of meeting people she did not know. They emphasise her unselfishness, she always thought of others before herself. Many say what fun she was and how they loved talking to her. Laughter was never far away. Her many friends included the lady on the check out at Sainsbury’s supermarket, her hairdresser Ian, Michael the computer wizard from Hong Kong, both in Boston Spa and the bin men who took the rubbish away without fail on Fridays. She had regular telephone calls from school friends going back over 60 years and a host of God children not to mention our own three and their offspring – five grandchildren in all. She wrote endless letters easily identified due to the huge size of her writing, often finished off along the top of the first page.



Marcia Wakeham………... She had very strong views and opinions and once her mind was made up there was no shifting her. I know to my cost that walking the dogs had to be at least one hour. She hated anything mechanical which included the electric oven in the Bungalow which she steadfastly refused to master. An Aga was the only proper cooking device. Don’t ask who did the cooking. Her views on her ipad are unrepeatable. Money and mathematics were regarded to be enemies. She did her ‘sums’ daily in two separate notebooks. If book one and book two did not match, which was fairly frequently, the error had to be sorted by you know who, not always peacefully! For most of her adult life she lived with a severely bent spine which gave her pain which she never complained of. Known as scoliosis she carried the same genetic make up as her Mother who also suffered in the same way. Many people recognised that she was extremely courageous. Horses and racing were her lifelong passion yet her deformity never stopped her riding her beloved horses. Her strongest views though were rather more serious. She was a devout Christian. She did her ‘holy reading’ daily without fail. She considered the old prayer book the only proper form of worship and holy communion every Sunday at eight in the morning was always observed. Her funeral service had been meticulously planned some years ago. She was only allowed 12 worshippers in the church but how touched she must have been to see so many of her friends in the Bramham village church yard for her burial in the family plot.

OPEN DOOR SCHEME Very many thanks to everyone who has renewed their subscription to the Open Door Scheme. This year more than any other year we need to raise fund for the general running costs of the Church. Covid 19 has forced us to severely restrict access to church, no normal services, no weddings , funerals or special services. An ancient building such as All Saints’ requires approximately £800 per week to keep the church going. 5


Bramham Parish Council September 2020

I do hope everyone is keeping well and has enjoyed the summer despite the restrictions we are still faced with and the weather not being as good as we would have hoped. It’s been a busy time for your council over the summer having finalised the accounts for the year and established the required committees, a few meetings of which have already taken place. These steps build a solid foundation from which we can work on and, importantly, we can now set about the real task of helping to improve the environment we all live in for the benefit of everyone now and also future generations. I’d just like to cover some of the agenda items from the recent meeting and then a few more general topics of interest and discussion. COMMUNICATIONS : The Parish Council work on behalf of the whole community, protecting our assets, working to enhance village life for all residents and dealing with problems the village faces, making considered decisions on your behalf. We understand that sometimes these decisions are not supported by some individuals and as such there is a process where residents can write to us or attend the monthly meeting and raise their concerns which we are happy to take on board and build into the decisions we make. However we act for the village as a whole and understandably we cannot please everyone all of the time, neither can we support a minority view that is not for the benefit of the majority of the village. We are more than happy to receive feedback and comments but we would ask that these are carried out constructively as we are all volunteers serving the local community, as are the other groups in the village, and we want to work together for the benefit of all. I’d also like to remind everyone that in line with most other organisations, as well as in personal life, we can only answer questions and comments which are not anonymous. COVID-19 SBGF : A few months ago we were invited to claim a grant for £10,000 under the Small Business Grant Fund as we were deemed to qualify for this non means tested grant under the scheme rules. Your council applied for this and received the payment within a few days. This money will be used for the benefit of continued page 9……….. 7


the whole community and will support some of the ongoing costs that we will continue to have for the foreseeable future, as well as the upcoming projects we are looking at. Unfortunately under the various rules that govern the spending of parish council money we can only use parish funds for the benefit of the village as a whole and cannot create a special fund to target specific areas of hardship. PARISH COUNCIL VACANCIES : We currently have two vacancies on the Parish Council. We have notified LCC to issue an election notice : a minimum of 10 residents have the opportunity to call an election if it is deemed required. The Parish Council would have to pay for such election out of the parish funds, however due to the COVID-19 restrictions an election could not take place until May 2021 at the earliest. Should an election not be called then the council will invite applications and then follow a formal interview process, using the cooption process to fill the vacancies. If you are interested and want to get involved this is a great way to help the village, make your opinion count and be part of making a difference for your community through the democratic process. We are keen to have a diverse council that represents all parts of the village so please apply or contact the Chair or Clerk to find out more about the role. PAVILION & PLAYGROUND : It is really great to see the playground being used so extensively since it re-opened. We’ve had our annual check which has highlighted some work that needs to be carried out in the coming months, nothing that causes concern but we need to deal with it before it gets any worse. We have therefore approved an expenditure of £5,052 for the repairs. We will keep you notified of when this is to be carried out and try and avoid the school holidays if at all possible. WILDLIFE AREA : Most of you will know the wildlife area which is adjacent to the Senior Citizen’s Centre. We have been contacted by local residents concerning the trees. We have also been contacted by Bramham Park who own the land and let us use it for free. Bramham Park are proposing to very kindly gift most of this area to us and we are currently in discussions with them as to what this would entail as well as looking at the tree management before we take on this area which could be a great asset for the village. Bramham in Bloom have already carried out work to enhance this space and we are in contact with them to ensure we can agree a suitable plan which would complement the redevelopment of the Senior Citizen’s Centre, subject to relevant funding being available and agreed of course. 9


PLANNING ISSUES: Church Hill: LCC have asked the developer to submit a planning application, if one is not forthcoming they will consider enforcement action. Bramham House: No further developments. Farfield House: Cllr Richards will contact the developer to remind them about engaging with residents. Folly House Development : Cllr Richards advised that the Planning Officer was minded to refuse the application for four terraced houses due to overcrowding, and inadequate parking. AOB : We would like to thank the following individuals for their contribution : Belinda Heaton who has decided to step down from the Parish Council. Belinda was particularly involved with the refurbishment of the War Memorial which you will all agree looks so much better now. Thank you Belinda. Peter Dunn, who was Vice Chair and served the council particularly involved in planning applications and associated work and various other community projects Finally thank you to Keith Langley who served as the Clerk of the council Next Meeting: Wednesday 7th October 2020 7.00pm Virtual - if you would like to attend please register with the Clerk. If you would like to read more detailed information about items discussed, the Minutes of the meeting can be found on our parish notice board and on Bramham Parish Council’s official website. Best wishes Richard Bramma


Bramham Parish Council - Serving your Local Community Contact: Nancy Fairbairn, Bramham Parish Clerk, E mail: Website: Twitter: @thisisbramham 11



The Bramham Branch has now disbanded For further information about the YCA please make contact with The YCA at 207 Tadcaster Road, York YO24 1UD Tel: 01904 451 581 BRAMHAM READERS’ GROUP Next Meeting is on Monday 12th of October Time and venue to be decided We will be discussing “Girl, Woman, Other” by Bernadine Everisto Contact Marion 844191 or Jillian 844858

THE CHURCHYARD PROJECT The scanning and mapping of All Saints’ Churchyard has begun. We will keep you informed of progress and if you are interested in this project please contact Neil Ferres for further information 845274 13


St. Luke the Evangelist 18th October To St Luke, a Gentile, we owe the beautifully written Gospel of Luke, and the Book of Acts. He was a Greek physician, a disciple of St Paul, a companion on some of his missionary journeys, and an inspired writer. Luke’s gospel focuses on the compassion of Christ. His gospel contains some of the most moving parables, such as the Good Samaritan and Prodigal Son. This, with his emphasis on poverty, prayer and purity of heart, make up much of his appeal to the Gentles, for whom he wrote. Women figure more prominently in Luke’s gospel than any other: look out for the extended story of the Virgin Birth, and stories of Mary, Elizabeth, and the woman who was a sinner. In Acts, Luke is remarkably good as linking sacred and profane history, as subsequent archaeology has shown. A principal theme of his Acts is how the early Christians moved away from Jerusalem into the pagan world, and especially on to Rome. Luke is the patron saint of doctors, surgeons and artists (due to his picturesque style of writing). His symbol is an ox, sometimes explained by reference to the sacrifice in the Temple at the beginning of his Gospel. In England 28 ancient churches were dedicated to him. Footnote St Luke is also the Patron Saint of Physicians, bachelors, Students and butchers.



Clergy Letter for October Autumn can often seem to be a wistful season. The leaves change colour, the weather turns, the days shorten and nights begin to draw in earlier. Usually, autumn is the time of year when the vibrancy of life suddenly appears to be a little muted. But this is a funny old year and the usual patterns seem disrupted. It is hard to write in advance with any certainty about what October might be like, but as nature changes before our very eyes in a familiar way, perhaps this is a good time to reflect on the changeable nature of life. This year has called into question many of our own certainties, and with this there is an opportunity to empathise with the plight of countless millions around the world who, every year, find their ways of life changed beyond all recognition. The sight of refugees on our screens and in our papers is so commonplace in the 21st Century that we easily lose sight of the human reality that these are people like us. Beyond the photos are people from all walks of life: doctors, teachers, artists, lawyers, engineers, musicians – any occupation you are to name, any walk of life which you yourself pursue. Many of them led lives of relative comfort before war, disaster, genocide, famine or political ineptitude swept through their lives. We should be in no doubt, especially after the months we have experienced lately, that famine, war and pestilence are human universals. In fact, the Bible is full of such tales of these three kinds of disaster (often accompanying one another in sequence!) sweeping through the ancient world. I don’t say this to distress, disturb or depress, because the Bible also offers hope in these repeated stories. These disasters are awful elements of human history, but amid all of that there are other strands of humanity’s tale. In the Bible we learn that we are not alone and adrift. Time and again, God 17


Clergy letter continued from page 27………. reaches out in love to offer justice and hope to those whose lives have been turned upside down, or who find themselves on the sharp end of history. In Jesus we see that God is not aloof from the tide of human affairs. Jesus came not as someone of political power or wealth. Instead, when God sent his only Son, Jesus, he sent him to a politically irrelevant backwater town of an occupied territory of a military superpower, as a carpenter who got his hands dirty in the very ordinary business of life and who chose to hang out with people of no particular significance to the world around them. Within forty years of his death and resurrection, many of his followers had dispersed around the eastern Mediterranean and beyond – some of them, indeed, as refugees fleeing Roman persecution - taking that message of hope with them and enriching the world as they spread the good news. Wherever we find ourselves and our lives this autumn, remember that in seasons of change, even dramatic ones, God is with us, and in Jesus God blesses us so that we might go and bless others. Bless you all.

Rev Nick

Ten Commandments A Sunday School teacher was discussing the Ten Commandments with her five and six-year-olds. A er explaining the commandment to ‘honour thy father and thy mother’, she said: “Is there a commandment that teaches us how to treat our brothers and sisters?” Without missing a beat, one li le boy answered: “Thou shalt not kill.” 19


The Book of Remembrance at All Saints’ Bramham OCTOBER 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 14th 16th 17th 18th 20th 21st

23rd 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th

The Blessed Sacrament is permanently reserved in All Saints’ Bramham for the sick and dying. Contact:-

Ernest Albert Smith 2009 Ethel Randall 1983 Keith Philip Cook 1965 Harry Catton 1990 Ernest Joseph Rodway 1989 George Lane Fox 2012 Harry Sanderson 1970 Doris Jeffrey 1968 Gordon Lewis 1984 Gwen Boswell 1997 Raymond George Plummer 2008 Edward Daniel McKenna 2009 Leslie Frederick Field 1999 Reginald Bustard 2001 Jim Vincent Firth 1983 Laura Butler 1979 Ernest Hare 2001 Kenneth Clive Kitson 1994 John Charles Allenby 2007 Fanny Lunn 1955 Lynne Jacqueline Green 1976 Joseph Henry Clark 1988 Donald George Atkinson 2004 Ethel Hicks 1979 Charles Edward Daniells 1977 Leonard Morris Garwood 2003 Margaret Hargreaves 1986 Michael Campbell 1998 Dorothy Chapman 2005 Ethel Standridge 2010 Barbara Bottle 2010 Helen Marjorie Dixon 2006

Revd. Trish or The Parish Office 844402 would be grateful to receive the names of those who are sick or those who are in need of a special home visit.


Funeral 3rd September Marcia Elizabeth Wakeham



Autumn beckons‌.. Colours changing. Changes in The weather and nights drawing in. We will hopefully keep the village tidy but the planting will be from various garden centres as the plants become available. The large baskets for the Beck Bridge have been ordered And will be ready soon. Colourful baskets on the Walls of Walkers Buildings, the War Memorial containers, the stunning Red Lion floral displays and the troughs have all kept the Square bright and cheerful. Thank you to all the volunteers who are responsible for their maintenance. The area around the beck, the garage, and the perennial bed are also maintained by volunteers but we would welcome more help from these areas to lighten the load. i.e. watering, dead heading and weeding. There is a concern that the litter and weeds along the edges of the Front Street and Tenter Hill pathways would benefit from considerable attention. If each household could help it would soon solve the problem. The village has always managed to score well with the Judges for our high standards of the cleanliness of our public areas around the village. It has been noticed that children have been building dams along the beck down from the Cattle Ramp and also in the Wildlife Area, causing a build up of potentially dangerous effluents in which children have been seen paddling. I have alerted the Parish Council about the condition of the water in the beck. Also Bramham in Bloom sponsorship boards have disappeared from the beck railings and plants have been pulled out and damaged in the slate bed by the bridge. The grassed area at the top of Wetherby Road will be developed as soon as the utilities for the Farfield site have been completed. Bramham in Bloom have created a new lavender bed by the new walled area to the left of the new entrance. Please keep a look out for the new autumn planting. 23


Bramham in Bloom continued……………. Our 2020 Bramham in Bloom AGM will be postponed until sometime in the New Year when we can agree plans for the coming year. Each year the committee meet in January and write a working plan for the coming year. Development of the Senior Citizens garden will be decided when the future of the Refurbishment of the Centre is made public. With grateful thanks to the residents of the Village for your patience in what has been a difficult and unusual year. A very special mention to Keith Howland for mowing all the green areas around the village particularly Lyndon Road rockery corner also to Jackie who maintains the rockery. Lets hope a sense of normality returns in 2021 when our Village can return to the strong and very supportive community it has always been. As Chair of the B in B Committee I must thank my Committee, Volunteers asnd Sponsors for all their dedication and friendship. Lynne Marshall Chair of Bramham in Bloom.

BRAMHAM DRAMA GROUP Sadly, for the first time in the history of the Group, this year’s pantomime has been cancelled due to COVID 19 The pantomime is , of course , something of an annual tradition in our village and will be sorely missed by both our members and our regular audiences We hope to be back in the Spring with an exciting new production and plans are already ahead to stage “ Treasure Island “ next year. Please keep a date free in that first week in December next year Meantime take care everyone and we’ll see you next year!



Please Respect the Churchyard The Churchyard at All Saints’ has been the resting place of many generations of villagers since Saxon Times. A lot of hard work goes into keeping it a place where people from the village can remember their loved ones, or simply sit and enjoy the peace and beauty of the surroundings. It is not a suitable place to exercise dogs. Anyone is welcome to walk through the churchyard with their dog on a short lead but please keep to the path and do not allow your dog to foul anywhere in the churchyard. The Churchwardens



For the Golfers of Bramham

Specialist Dyslexia Tutor (PATOSS APC)

Golfer: How do you like my game?

Available for Private Tuition, Exam Revision for GCSE English and Maths, or general improve-

Caddy: Very good sir, but personally, I prefer golf.

ment with reading/writing/maths Tel 075 445 01478 E-mail



Wetherby in Support of the Elderly are still here! Supporting the vulnerable in partnership with Leeds City Council Community Volunteers. Working hard at the return of a phased, safe and deliverable series of activities. If anybody still needs support for shopping, prescriptions or similar matters please call the WiSE office on 01937 588994 and we will refer any cases to the COVID-19 Helpdesk.


The new covers for this magazine will be prepared for the November edition of this Church Magazine. If you have any corrections or additions to you advertisement please let us know as soon as possible.

If you have new artwork now is the time to hand it in please. The advertisement pages are prepared JUST ONCE each year, but we do accept a very few adverts which can be inserted for one month or two. There are a few spaces available for new advertisers and we will be delighted to welcome you. Paul Marshall Tel: 844767 is in charge of payment for the advertisements in the magazine and he will be pleased to accept your order. Email address is £45 for 1/10th of an A5 page per annum £80 for 2/10th ,£110 for 3/10th £135 for 4/10th, £300 for a full page.


BUSINESS FOR SALE – BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE AND POST OFFICE A rare opportunity to purchase this very well-established business as the owner is wishing to work part time. The Post Office supplies a range of traditional services including personal banking, pensions, benefits, utility payments, postage and returns acceptance, all from a secure single position fortress counter. The retail side of the business provides an extensive selection of general convenience grocery items, fresh bought-in bakery and dairy products, snack foods, news, confectionary, tobacco lines, greeting cards, sundries and a range of traditional beers, wines and spirits, all displayed in a bright, welcoming minisupermarket-style customer service area. In the Bramham Parish Council village survey, “Bramham Village Store and Post Office” was voted the biggest asset to the village.

Details: For Sale as a Ltd Co at: offers around £50,000 Tenure: Leasehold Business Rates: £0, qualify for small business rate relief 5* Food Hygiene Rating Energy Performance Certificate available as required under current Government legislation The premises has a full Post Office approved alarm system and full CCTV installed To discuss the above or for further detailed information please call in to speak to Lynn 32

There are several ways to contact West Yorkshire Police: Always call 999 in an emergency where there is a danger to life, or a crime in progress. Dial 101 for any non-emergencies or to report a crime. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired people can use textphone 18001 101 Go to the West Yorkshire Police website Click on the ‘Contact us’ button and a range of ways to report will appear including the 101 Live Chat System. Or click on the ‘Report it’ function and numerous types of crime which you can report online will appear. Contact your local Neighbourhood Policing Team to speak to a local officer about community issues: Email : Facebook: Twitter: When to call 101 You should call 101 when it is less urgent than 999 but you need to report crime or disorder.For example: Your car has been stolen (not if this is a crime in progress, then call 999) Your property has been damaged You wish to report drug dealing To report a minor traffic accident To speak to the police about a general enquiry By registering with WY Community Alert, you can choose to receive news, appeals, local crime information and prevention advice direct to you by email, text or voice message.


BRAMHAM VILLAGE STORE and POST OFFICE Please take the opportunity to call in to see us, we provide:Post Office services, FREE cash withdrawal facility at the post office Lottery, Scratch card and Health Lottery purchases Newspapers and newspaper delivery service Fresh daily bread, milk and other morning goods General groceries, frozen foods and ice creams Dairy products, sandwiches, snacks and confectionary Local farm eggs delivered Fridays, fresh fruit and vegetables on Mondays Tobacco, chilled beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks Greetings cards, stationary and general accessories Mobile phone, Gas and Electricity top up’s, cash back facility Dry Cleaning drop off/collection service Mondays and Thursdays Lynn, Marie, Louise, Philip and Stacey will be happy to help and serve you. Village Store

Post Office



Saturday 08.00-19.00





Bank Hols 07.00-12.30



12 Front Street, Bramham LS23 6RD

Tel: 01937 842275

MAGAZINE DETAILS Please send all articles to Anne Palmer by 14th October to or deliver to Anne at:Old Coach House, Vicarage Lane, Bramham. The letter box is in the side wall of the garage. It is very helpful if you can keep the article to just one page. Please try to send the copy in Word format or as a jpeg, not as a pdf. 34


Church Services in October A list of all the services in Bramham Benefice can be found on the Church notice board and on the Benefice website http:/ 4th October 10.00 am Holy Communion Rev NJ Morgan 11th October 10.00 am Lay Led Service 18th October 10.00 am BENEFICE SERVICE Benefice Healing Communion at St Mary’s Boston Spa (see page 15 St Luke) 25th October 10.00am Lay Led Service This is Bible Sunday ————————————— If you have never attended a Lay Led Service do come along one Sunday, we would be delighted to see you . 36


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