East Bay Claims Association News Network - May 2019

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East Bay Claims Association May2019

Since 1993 with East Bay!

Volume XXVII Number V

w w w. EastBayClaims.org

Third Annual

EBCA Paint Night!!! Plan Now to Join-In with The East Bay Claims Association for the third annual WEDNESDAY

JUNE 12, 2019 6pm-9pm @ Zio Fraedo’s

611 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA

Sign Up Now, at: www.EastBayClaims.org Members and guests may attend for just $40 per person or $65 per couple includes individual admission, painting canvas & supplies, one drink ticket per person, and sponsored hors d’oeuvres.

Limited Sponsorships are Also Available: Gold Sponsorships just $250 each! includes two paint tickets Silver Sponsorships just $100 each!

Construction Defect Issues Discussed at April EBCA

More inside Structural Errors & Potential Effects on Claims


EBCA is pleased to present our own John Ehlert, as our special guest speaker Wed., May 8, 2019

Getting To Know Your Leaders


EBCA Board Member, Bryan Harrison

EBCA Day @ The A’s! Day baseball July 17


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