March2019/early April
Issue #77
FROM YOUR NEIGHBORS AT: Mountain House Matters! • Mountain House Matters 263 W Adoncia Drive Mountain House, CA 95391
March/early April 2019
Volume 8 • Number 3
Happy Holi - Celebration of Colors Food Truck Night Returns! Annual event rocks Central Park
Postal Customer
Mailed to every Address in the 95391 zip code All Our Mountain House Neighbors
Local Media matters 12th Annual
Better location in the Library court area
Saturday, April 13, 2019 Wicklund & Bethany Villages
Sat., April 27, 2019
Altamont & Questa Villages The first in a new series of Food Truck nights was held Friday, March 15, 2019, in the spacious court area at the end of the MH Library parking lot.
Hundreds of people turned out on a spectacular Sunday afternoon for the 2019 Mountain House Holi celebration of colors back at Central Park, March 24, 2019. People danced and sang, with smiles, laughter and hugs all around, as everyone proceeded to paint one another’s faces, clothes, hair and where ever. Sound provided by MC Productions , the music filled the park as the party ensued. Once all were
photo courtesy of Randy Luiz - MC Productions
properly covered in colors, the dancing continued before sharing in a delightful indian buffet picnic. A Sanskrit word in origin, Holi is an ancient Hindu spring festival originally celebrated in India and Nepal. Holi is known as the “festival of colours” or the “festival of love”, according to Wikipedia. The festival signifies the victory of good over evil, the arrival of spring, end of winter, and, for many, a festive day to meet others,
MOUNTAIN HOUSE, CA – Food Truck Nights are back in a big way as the town welcomes Spring. Being held every other Friday evening in the court area at the end of the Library parking lot, the events are nicely spaced, with numerous food choices. Seating is set up in the middle, with DJ music keeping things lively.
With dates scheduled through May, the first such event took place March 15th, and featured five top quality food vendors, each with their own specialty. Each event is scheduled to run 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. on Friday continued page 2 evenings.
The Mountain House Community Services District is working with the Restaurants On Wheels organization to put these events on, serving to enrich the community at large. - see schedule of events page 14
Accomplishments Abound
LUSD Board recognizes excellence in sports & academia at March 20 meeting
- more on page 3
The MH High School Varsity Boys Basketball team was recognized for their amazing MHHS State Wrestling Champion, Ramona Jimenez, was acknowledged for The MH High School Science Olympiad Blue team was recognized for taking first her standout performance. championship season, going 14-0 in league, and 21-7 overall. place in regionals, unseating 19 year perennial champions, Tokay High.
Sat., May 4, 2019
Hansen & Cordes Villages Mountain House Residents! Participate in the 12th annual MH Community-Wide Garage Sale weekends! Three Saturdays with two villages each. This is always a huge and popular event (or series of events now). Please go online to register to host your garage sale on the appropriate Saturday within your village. MHCommunityGarageSale/ Maps and address lists will be provided before each date to allow for your sale to be readily found. Participating households may include a brief summary of items for sale to be provided in the address list, as well. REGISTER FOR FREE @ MHCommunityGarageSale/
Benjamin Montag was recognized for receiving the San Joaquin County Chapter of the Association of California School Administrator’s Every Student Succeeding award.