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During normal life we can waste up to 40% of the food we buy. During the holiday season our food wastage increases by an additional, and staggering, 25%! Just think: during the holiday season we waste more food than we buy. Karen Heron, CEO and co-founder at food waste composting company Earth Probiotic has some tips on how to reduce our waste (and carry these lessons into the new year as well). · REDUCE FOOD CHOICES If you are hosting an event, prevent overcatering by reducing food choices. This doesn't mean your family and friends will leave your dinner hungry; its really about us humans not overfilling our plates (because isn't it good manners to have a taste of everything!). In general our eyes are always, like my Nana used to say, “too big for your stomach”. · BUY LESS MORE FREQUENTLY. Food can go off pretty quickly. And is also liable to hide itself behind a few jars of pickle at the back of the bottom shelf in your fridge. So plan your meals and buy according to the plan – don't buy for those “just maybe and in case and what if” imaginary cases. There's always a store open near you.
Photo Credit: Freepik
· PLAN AND IMPLEMENT Men shouldn't shop! Research has shown that they are less likely to stick to a plan than women (and they're also terrible at making lists). Write down a shopping list and stick to it. · BUY LOCAL AND BUY SEASONAL Not only will you be supporting your local farmer and manufacturer but you also will reduce waste. The fact is that the further food travels the higher the wastage along the way.
Buying food that is in season generally means that it is local. Non-seasonal food comes from somewhere else and thus has a larger waste factor attached (not to mention the carbon footprint of the transportation itself). · GET YOUR STORAGE RIGHT That old takeaway in its loose fitting polystyrene shell is not going to keep your chips ready for lunch the next day. Purchase appropriate containers (preferably glass with silicon lids which can be reused again and again). And also store in the right place. The modern fridge has been designed to store food for longer periods of time – but only in the appropriate sections. · GET CREATIVE WITH LEFTOVERS In our household we always over-cook stews and curries. For us, these type of foods are better the next day, and are also easily frozen. We are also surprised at how few people make stock – this is the best, pre-composting use of waste vegetable off-cuts, bones and that old chicken carcass. Before you even create the menu, think ahead how you can preserve your leftovers and create these new meals? There are numerous online websites offering fabulous creative ideas for repurposing leftovers. ecobalancelifestyle.com