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Activity Report 2012

Institute of Mechanical Engineering FEUP

Activity Report 2012 UCVE


by AA Fernandes, Coordinator

March 2013


Activity Report 2012 UCVE


1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.1. Research projects finished or in progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3. PhD AND MsC COMPLETED AND IN PROGRESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.1. Thesis PhD completed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.2. PhD Theses in progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3.3. Master’s Theses completed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3.4. Master Theses in progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.5. Supervision of other works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

4. PUBLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

4.1. Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4.2. Book chapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


4.3. Papers in International Journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 4.4. Papers in international conferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 4.5. Papers in national journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 4.6. Papers in national conferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

5. Guest editors of special issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

6. Participation in international and national conferences .


7. National and International exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

8. Participation in international networks . . . . . . . . . . . . .

9. OTHER ACTIVITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51


9.1. External examiners in PhD and Msc examinations . . . . . . . . 51 9.2. Editors of international book series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 9.3. Editors of international journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 9.4. Participation in the editorial board of scientific journals


9.5. Reviewers of international journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


10. Evaluation of projects and grant awards . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 11. Organization of Scientific Conferences and other events . 56 12. Participation in conferences scientific committees . . . . . . 57 13. Participation in other international Panels . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


ANNEX – List of Members in 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59




Activity Report 2012 UCVE





Activity Report 2012 UCVE

1. INTRODUCTION This report describes the activities of the group during the year 2012. Despite the current situation, the performance of the group kept pace with previous years, in terms of scientific publications. However, at the level of project contracting, the effect of budgetary constraints and the economic environment are being felt: there is a decrease of new contracts with the FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology and other national funding agents, which affects the level of recruitment and training of young researchers. New projects, with funding from the European Commission, were secured. The funding received through LAETA - Associate Laboratory, has compensated, in part, the decrease of funds from project contracts; however, delays to process reimbursements by FCT has created a severe cash flow, which affected negatively the performance of the group during 2012. The approved projects, in collaboration with other R&D groups of LAETA (following a recommendation of the Advisory Board) have been completed: the projects involved the areas of experimental and computational biomechanics, dynamics of vehicles, joining with structural adhesives, analysis and optimization of composite materials and advanced design mechanics with composite materials. Human resources at the end of 2012 were: 路 28 PhD members; 路 36 Young researchers (PhD students). The research interests of the members of the group are illustrated in figure 1:




Figure 1 Research interests of the group.






Computational biomechanics, image processing and soft tissue mechanics of the Human Body subsystems: · Female pelvic floor cavity and organs; · Ear; · Cardio-vascular. Structural Integrity of components and structures: · Ultra low cycle fatigue; · Fatigue crack propagation. Manufacturing Processes: · Hydroforming of sandwich materials; · Adhesive bonding. Transport equipment: · Vehicle concept modelling; · Maintenance Strategies for Axle Bearings; · Passenger railway car and seat design; · Commercial vehicle and buses design; · Lightweight car design; · Smart automotive interiors design; · Cross car beam. Computational Methods: · Computational multiscale modelling of metallic/polymeric materials; · Numerical modelling (FEM, XFEM and Meshless methods). Product Innovation Methods.

During 2012 new projects were started, namely: FP7 European project ENLIGHT - Enhanced Lightweight Design, contracted with IDMEC, with coordination by AA Fernandes and participation of the group members, Renato Natal Jorge, Lucas Pires and Antonio Ferreira. The project, which will run for four years, is being undertaken by a consortium of 23 European partners from the automotive industry. A grant from the Commission of 7.9 million euros, of which 272 410 will be the share of IDMEC was received. Cross Car Beam 360 - CCB 360, Proj. 23032 financed by European Regional Development Fund - ERDF through “COMPETE – Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade”, QREN; leader SODECIA. Project contracted with FEUP (end 2014). Members of the group: PT Castro (coordinator), AA Fernandes, Miguel Figueiredo. Funding: 197 595 euros. MAXBE - Interoperable Monitoring Diagnosis and Maintenance Strategies for Axle Bearings” contract 314408, financed by the European Commission in the FP7. Project Leader: DECivil, FEUP, Cecília Vale; Dec. 2012 – Dec. 2015; Members of the R&D group: PT Castro.


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

At the end of December 2012, 24 projects were in progress or completed (19 nationally funded and 5 funded by European or other international funds) coordinated or with the involvement of group members, with a total value of approximately 3 million euros (2 million national and 1 million international), as illustrated in the diagrams below:

2 million euros

0.97 million

3 million




During year 2012 the cash flow was 298 518 euros euros, broken down in the table 1: 2012



44 552

48 465

FCT - Projects

139 156

74 531

Other Projects

10 000

33 522

298 518

263 494

Projectos Internacionais TOTAL

106 975

Table 1 Breakdown of 2012 cash flow.

The table 2 summarizes the main performance indicators of 2012, which are illustrated in figures 1 to 5: INDICATORS






Book chapters



International Journals





National journals conferences



Organization of Conferences and seminars

International Conferences



PhD Theses completed



MSc Theses completed



Members of Editorial Boards of International Journals



Table 2 Performance indicators 2012.



60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2007








Figure 1 Publications in international journals.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2007











Figure 2 Books published.

160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2007

Figure 3 Publications in international conferences.


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2007











Figure 4 PhD Theses completed.

25 20 15 10 5 0 2007 Figure 5 MSc Theses completed.

The recognition of the scientific production of the members of the group is illustrated in figure 6, which represents the citation index h (ISI Web of Science) of a sample of more than 50% of the members PhD.

4 3 2 1 0 2
















Figura 6

Citation index h of members of the group.




2.1. Research projects finished or in progress 1. Computer simulation of radiotherapy treatment of the cancer of the cervix (Project approved under the Program CNPq-University of Porto) · Funding Agency: FCT · Grant: €10.000,00 / Ano · Project Coordinator (Portugal): FEUP: RM Natal Jorge · Project Leader: Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brasil · Starting date: 2010 · Conclusion: 2013 2. Estudo de Estruturas Sandwich Hidroformadas e constituídas por espumas metálicas (PTDC/EME-TME/098050/2008) · Funding Agency: FCT · Grant: €105.000,00 · Project Coordinator (Portugal): IDMEC: RM Natal Jorge · Starting date: Jan 2010 · Conclusion: December 2012 3. VECOM - Vehicle Concept Modeling, Programa Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (FP7-PEOPLE-2007-1-1-ITN) · Funding Agency: European Commission · Grant: €190.000,00 · IDMEC Project Coordinator (Portugal): RM Natal Jorge/ AA Fernandes · Consortium Leader: UPVLC Valencia, Spain · Other particpating institutions: Politécnico de Turim (IT), K.U. Leuven (BE), Univ. Firenza (IT), APT (GR), CVUTP (CR), Fraunhofer (D), OF Arsenal (AU), IFP (F), LMS (BE), AVL (AU), Fiat(IT), BMWA (D) · Starting date: October 2010 · Conclusion: September 2012 4.


Innovative simulation techniques to analyse damage in female pelvic floor · Funding Agency: European Commission · Grant: €2.500,00 · UP Project Coordinator (Portugal): RM Natal Jorge · Starting date: January 2011 · Conclusion: December 2012

Activity Report 2012 UCVE


Bio-computational study of tinnitus (PTDC/SAU-BEB/104992/2008) · Funding Agency: FCT · Grant: €90.000,00 · IDMEC Project Coordinator (Portugal): Fernanda Gentil · Starting date:January 2010 · Conclusion: December 2012


Project QREN, SAIECT – IEC/2/2010) · Funding Agency: QREN · Grant: €851.810,00 · IDMEC Project Coordinator (Portugal): AA Fernandes / RM Natal Jorge / EO Fernandes · Starting date: January 2011 · Conclusion: December 2012

7. CIBEM10 – X Mechanical Engineering Ibero-American Conference, QREN- PCII/2/2010) · Funding Agency: QREN · Grant: €100.000,00 · IDMEC Project Coordinator (Portugal): RM Natal Jorge · Starting date: January 2011 · Conclusion: July 2013 8. ULCF- Ultra Low Cycle Fatigue of Steel Under Cyclic High-Strain Loading Conditions · Funding Agency: Research Fund for Coal and Steel / European Commission: Contract RFSR-CT-2011-00029 · FEUP Grant: €244.531,00 · Consortium Coordinator (Portugal): AA Fernandes (Coord) / AMP Jesus / RM Natal Jorge/ Francisco Pires · Other participating institutions: CSM (IT), OCAS (BE), CIMNE (ES), RWTH (D), UTHESSALY (GR), CPR (IT), SZMF (D) · Starting date: July 2011 · Conclusion: June 2014



9. RAILWAYS – Rolling contact fatigue (FCT project PTDC/EME-PME/100204/2008) · Funding Agency: FCT · Grant: €70.000,00 · IDMEC Coordinator (Portugal): PMST de Castro · Other participating institutions: FCTUC, IST · Starting date: 2010 · Conclusion: 2013 10. LighTRAIN-Design and development of a platform for innovative aluminum passenger coaches · Financial Institution: NSRF; 100k Euros · Principal Contractor: INEGI IR: PMGP Moreira / PMST de Castro · Other participating institutions: ALSTOM Portugal, IST, ISQ, Quantal, EMEF 11. HCV - Commercial Vehicle Hybrid (Grant agreement No.: 234019) · Financial Institution: FP7 – European Commission · Funding: €250.000,00 · Principal Contractor: VOLVO (Sweden) IR: AA Fernandes (behalf of IDMEC) · Other participating institutions: several · Start Date: January 1, 2010 · Completion date: 31 December 20013 12. Numerical simulation and production of polymeric functionally graded materials (PTDC/EME-PME/110084/2009) · Financial Institution: FCT Co-funding · Principal Contractor: INEGI · Collaborating Unit: PALS Martins · Start Date: March 2011 · Completion date: February 2014 13. Cross Car Beam 360 - CCB 360, Proj. 23,032 financed by European Regional Development Fund - ERDF through ‘COMPETE - Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors’, NSRF; SODECIA leader, partner FEUP, (2012-2014). · Funding: €151.000,00 · Collaborating Unit: PT Castro (Coord) / AA Fernandes · Start date: Jan 2013 · Completion date: Jan 2015 14. MAXBE - Interoperable Monitoring Strategies for Diagnosis and Maintenance Axle Bearings, · Contract €314.408,00, financed by the European Commission in the FP7. Project Leader: DECivil, FEUP, Cecilia Vale; Dec. 2012 - Dec. 2015; kick-off meeting Dec. 18, 2012. · Collaborating Unit: PT Castro 14

Activity Report 2012 UCVE

15. SIMCARD - Cardiovascular imaging modeling and simulation (UTAustin/ CA/0047/2008) · Financial Institution: FCT · Funding: €25.000,00 · Principal Contractor: IST · Collaborating Unit: MPL Parente / PALS Martins · Start date: 2009 · Completion date: 2012 16. Adhesively Bonded Functionally graded joint (PTDC/EME-PME/098571/2008) · Financial Institution: FCT · Funding: €105.000,00 · Principal Contractor: IDMEC-Pole FEUP IR: Lucas FM Silva · Other participating institutions: · Start Date: March 2010 · Completion date: February 2013 17. Improved toughness of adhesives filled with cork micro particles (PTDC/EMETME/098752/2008) · Financial Institution: FCT · Funding: €100.000,00 · Principal Contractor: IDMEC - Pole FEUP IR: Lucas FM Silva · Start Date: March 2010 · Completion date: February 2013 18. Experimental characterization of the mechanical behavior of the structural adhesive XNR6852 · Financial Institution: NAGASE Chemtex (Japan) · Funding: €10.000,00 · Principal Contractor: IDMEC - Pole FEUP IR: Lucas FM Silva · Start Date: December 2011 Completion date: November 2012 19.

ENLIGHT-Enhanced Lightweight Design, · Financial Institution: FP7 European Commission · Funding: €272.410,00 · Contractor: IDMEC-Pole FEUP IR: AA Fernandes/R Natal Jorge/Lucas Silva · Other participating institutions: -23 partners from European automotive industry · Start Date: October 2012 · Completion date: October 2016



20. Development of Smart Automotive Interiors (MIT-Pt/EDAM-SI/0025/2008) · Financial Institution: FCT Funding: · Principal Contractor: FEUP IR: FM Andrade Pires · Other participating institutions: IST, Univ. Minho, TMG, Iber-Ollef, FiberSensing · Funding: €240.000,00 · Start Date: July 2009 · Completion date: December 2012 21. New materials and solutions for next generation seats: from TGV trains to regional (MIT-Portugal Program) · Financial Institution: Sunviauto Funding: €30.000,00 · Principal Contractor: IDMEC-Pole FEUP IR: FM Andrade Pires · Other participating institutions: MIT · Start date: September 2010 · Completion date: July 2013 22. Multi-scale modeling of Hexagonal Closed Pack (HCP) Materials with Springback Prediction (PTDC/EME-TME/105688/2008) · Financial Institution: FCT · Funding: €33.266,00 · Principal Contractor: Univ. Aveiro · Collaborating Unit: FM Andrade Pires, JMA César de Sá · Start Date: April 2010 · Completion date: April 2013 23. Multiscale Computational Framework for Modeling Polymer Based Materials (PTDC/EME-PME/108859/2008) · Financial Institution: FCT · Funding: €56.000,00 · Principal Contractor: Univ. Minho · Collaborating Unit: FM Andrade Pires · Start Date: May 2010 · Completion date: April 2013 24. Meshless methods for shells and their coupling / FEM with enrichment (PTDC/ EME-TME/105237/2008) · Financial Institution: FCT · Funding: - €5.220,00 · Principal Contractor: Univ. Aveiro · Collaborating Unit: JMA César de Sá, FM Andrade Pires · Start Date: April 2010 · Completion date: April 2013


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

3. PhD AND MsC COMPLETED AND IN PROGRESS 3.1. PhD Theses completed 1. Alexander Salgado Rui Carreira (FCT scholarship) · “Design the travel experience. Identification and incorporation of passengers’ experience requirements in new bus body development “ · Degree award: FEUP (PhD in Leaders for Technical Industries) · Supervisor: Lia Patricio (FEUP) · Co-supervisor: RM Natal Jorge 2. Ana Maria Azevedo Neves (FCT scholarship) · “Analysis of Functionally graded and laminated plates and shells by a unified formulation and collocation with radial basis functions” · Institution Degree award: FEUP (PhD in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: AJM Ferreira (FEUP) · Co-supervisor: RM Natal Jorge, C Mota Soares 3. Zhen Ma (FCT scholarship) · “Segmentation, Tracking and 3D Reconstruction of Structures Represented in Images: Applications in Medical Images” · Institution Degree award: FEUP (PhD in Biomedical Engineering) · Supervisor: JMRS Tavares (FEUP) · Co-supervisor: RM Natal Jorge 4. Valentin Richter-Trummer · ‘Residual stress effects and damage tolerance behavior of integral lightweight structures manufactured by FSW and MSM’ · Institution Degree award: Faculty of Engineering, University · Supervisor: PTCastro (FEUP) · Co-supervisor: RM Natal Jorge · Co-supervisors Jorge F. dos Santos (HZG, former GKSS), Pedro Vilaca (IST) and industrial supervisor Marco Pacchione (AIRBUS, Hamburg). 5. Filipe Andrade Xavier Costa · “Non-local Modelling of Ductile Damage: Formulation and Numerical Issues” · Institution Degree award:, Faculty of Engineering, University · Supervisor:: José César de Sá (FEUP) · Co-supervisor: FM Andrade Pires 6. Carlos Casimiro Costa (FCT scholarship), · “Design for Sustainability.The engineering of the new living landscape” · Institution Degree award: Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto · Supervisor: AA Fernandes · Co-supervisor: H Fabião




Mariana Seabra Rita Ramos · Continuous-discontinuous Approach for the Modelling of Ductile Fracture · Institution Degree award: Faculty of Engineering, University · Supervisor: José César de Sá (FEUP)

3.2. PhD Thesis in progress 1.

Patricia Carla Gonçalves Teixeira (grant project INEGI) · “Application of Physical Principles in the Analysis of Objects Represented in Images” · Institution: FEUP (PhD in Engineering Sciences) · Supervisor: JMRS Tavares · Co-supervisor: RM Natal Jorge

2. Ilda Reis Marisa de Sá (FCT scholarship) · “Computational Modeling for Analysis of Mechanical Behavior of Structures in Image Sequences: Applications in Medical Imaging” · Institution: FEUP (PhD in Engineering Sciences) · Supervisor: JMRS Tavares · Co-supervisor: RM Natal Jorge 3.

Helder Tiago Carriço Mata · “Study of Hydroformed Sandwich Shells With Metallic Foam Cores · Institution: FEUP (Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: RM Natal Jorge · Co-supervisor: Abel Dias Santos

4. Nickil Mukunthamani (Marie Curie program) · “Structural dynamical analysis by using solid-shell elements” · Institution: FEUP · Supervisor: RM Natal Jorge · Co-supervisor: AA Fernandes 5. Joao Monteiro (FCT scholarship-Marie Curie) · “Metal forming simulation analysis with isogeomtric” · Institution: FEUP · Supervisor: RM Natal Jorge · Co-supervisors: AA Fernandes, MPL Parente


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

6. Carolina Ana Garbe (grant project) · “Rehabilitation of the human ear” · Institution: FEUP (Doctoral Program in Occupational Safety and Health) · Supervisor: RM Natal Jorge · Co-supervisors: F Gentil, MPL Parente 7. Luana Barros · “Development of computer model for the study of noninvasive ventilation” · Institution: FEUP (Doctoral Program in Occupational Safety and Health) · Supervisor: RM Natal Jorge · Co-supervisor: Marta Drummond (FMUP) 8.

Quintela Sofia Fernanda da Silva Brandão · “MRI-based Pelvic Floor Muscles Tractography” · Institution: FEUP (Doctoral Program in Biomedical Engineering) · Supervisor: RM Natal Jorge · Co-supervisors: I Ramos (FMUP), T Mascarenhas (FMUP)

9. Nilza Alexandra Gomes Ramião (FCT grant) · “Breast Tissue Biomechanics” · Institution: FEUP (Doctoral Program in Biomedical Engineering) · Supervisor: PALS Martins · Co-supervisor: AA Fernandes 10. Rita Rynkevic · “Simulation of breast mechanics” · Institution: FEUP (Doctoral Program in Occupational Safety and Health) · Supervisor: PALS Martins · Co-supervisor: MPL Parente 11. Jorge Paulo Dias de Castro · “In-vivo mechanical properties of pelvic tissues women” · Institution: FEUP (Doctoral Program in Occupational Safety and Health) · Supervisor: PALS Martins · Co-supervisor: RM Natal Jorge 12.

Dulce de Oliveira Alves · “Biomechanical Study of Childbirth” · Institution: FEUP (Doctoral Program in Biomedical Engineering) · Supervisor: MPL Parente · Co-supervisor: RM Natal Jorge




Maria Elisabete Teixeira da Silva · “Mechanobiology of the pelvic cavity tissues with related pelvic organ prolapse” · Institution: FEUP (Doctoral Program in Biomedical Engineering) · Supervisor: MPL Parente · Co-supervisors: RM Natal Jorge, T Mascarenhas (FMUP)


Carla Bibiana Monteiro France Santos · “Vestibular Rehabilitation in vertiginous syndrome : a biomechanical approach” · Institution: FEUP (Doctoral Program in Biomedical Engineering) · Supervisor: F Gentil (ESTSP) · Co-supervisors: MPL Parente, RM Natal Jorge


Daniel Francisco Barros Marino Esteves Pina · “Development of a rehabilitation exoskeleton for the lower limbs” · Institution: FEUP (Doctoral Program in Biomedical Engineering) · Supervisor: Gabriel J Mendes · Co-supervisor: RM Natal Jorge

16. Thuane Huyer Rose · “Role of the pelvic floor muscles in the development of stress urinary incontinence in young women” · Institution: FADEUP (Doctoral Program in Physical Activity and Health) · Supervisor: JA Duarte (FADEUP) · Co-supervisors: T Mascarenhas (FMUP), RM Natal Jorge 17. Rosa Paiva · ‘Application of genetic algorithm to optimize the formulation of adhesives’ · Institution: FEUP (PhD in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: LFM da Silva · Co-supervisor: Carlos António Conceição 18.

Daniel Braga · ‘Technical innovative hybrid linear friction welding with adhesive’ · Institution: FEUP (PhD in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: Pedro Moreira (INEGI) · Co-supervisor: LFM da Silva

19. Hilal Erçin (Airbus project) · “Stress gradient effects in laminated composites” · Institution: FEUP (PhD in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: PP Camanho


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

20. Carlos Sousa (project IDMEC) · “Multistable composite structures for application in aircraft structures morphing” · Institution: FEUP (PhD in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: PP Camanho · Co-supervisor: Afzal Suleman (IST) 21. Claudia Cardoso (FCT scholarship) · “Hybrid connections for advanced composites” · Institution: FEUP (PhD in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: PP Camanho · Co-supervisor: F Pires (IST) 22. Cristóvão Lucas Santos · “Mechanical behavior of dowel-type connections in timber structures” · Institution: UBI (PhD in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: JJL Morais (UTAD) · Co-Supervisor: AMP de Jesus (UTAD) / Aurélio Reis (UBI) 23. José António Fonseca de Oliveira Correia (FCT scholarship) · “Probabilistic Approach to Modeling the Fatigue Behavior of Structural Components” · Institution: FEUP (PhD in Civil Engineering) · Supervisor: AMP de Jesus (UTAD) · Co-Supervisor: A Canteli-Fernández (University of Oviedo) / Rui Calçada (FEUP) 24. António Luís da Silva Lima (FCT scholarship) · “Advanced methodologies for fatigue analysis of welded details representative steel bridges” · Institution: FEUP (PhD in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: AA Fernandes · Co-Supervisor: AMP Jesus 25. João Carlos Pereira Rego (FCT scholarship) · “Ultra Low Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Steel Structures” · Institution: FEUP (PhD in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: AA Fernandes · Co-Supervisor: AMP Jesus 26. Filipe Miguel Ferreira Nascimento (FCT - MIT-Portugal Program) · “Smart Seat Design” · Institution: FEUP · Supervisor: FM Andrade Pires · Co-supervisor: Pedro Vilaça (IST)



27. Seyed Mohsen Mirkhalaf Valashani (FCT scholarship) · “Multi-scale Modeling of Polymeric Materials Base” · Institution: FEUP · Supervisor: FM Andrade Pires · Co-supervisor: Ricardo Simões 28. DFC Peixoto (doctoral scholarship from the Calouste Gulbenkian) · Supervisor: PMST Castro, · co-supervisor: L.A. Ferreira 29. Carlos Albuquerque · Institution: FEUP · Supervisor: Rui Calçada (Civil Engng Dep., FEUP) · Co-supervisor: PMST Castro 30. Sonia Liliana Vieira da Silva (FCT scholarship) · “The underlying common mechanisms of Lean design processes”, FEUP · Institution: Delft University / FEUP · Supervisors: AA Fernandes (FEUP), TP da Fonseca (FAUP), Petra Badke Schaub (TU Delft) 31. Paulo Henrique Carvalho Neves Iglesias (grant project IDMEC) · “Crashworthiness of composite sandwich materials for land transportation vehicle applications” · Institution: FEUP (Doctoral Program in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: AA Fernandes · Co-supervisor: A Ferreira 32. Filipe Chaves (project IDMEC) · “Fracture Mechanics characterization of adhesive joints in mixed-mode loading” · Institution: FEUP (PhD in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: LFM da Silva · Co-supervisors: M and D Moura Dillard 33.


Maria Victoria Fernández Castro (FCT scholarship - MIT-Portugal Program) · “Repair of aeronautical structures” · Institution: FEUP / IST / A (PhD in Leaders for Technical Industries) · Supervisor: Marcelo Moura (FEUP) · Co-supervisors: Lucas FM Silva (FEUP), António Torres Marques (FEUP), Manuel Freitas (IST), Thomas Eager (MIT)

Activity Report 2012 UCVE

34. Ricardo Carbas (project IDMEC) · “Functionally graded Adhesively bonded joints” · Institution: FEUP (PhD in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: LFM da Silva · Co-supervisor: Gary Critchlow (Loughborough University, UK) 35. Ana Queiroz (project IDMEC) · “Improved toughness of adhesives filled with cork micro particles” · Institution: FEUP (PhD in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: LFM da Silva · Co-supervisor: Andreas Oechsner (Technical University of Malaysia) 36.

Eduardo Marques · Analysis of adhesive joints for aerospace applications · Institution: FEUP (PhD in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: MF Lucas da Silva


Hugo Queiroz de Faria (INEGI) · “Analytical and Numerical Modeling of the Filament Winding Process” · Institution: FEUP · Supervisor: António Torres Marques · Co-supervisor: FM Andrade Pires

38. Thiago Carvalho Rodrigues Doca (FCT) · “Computational Modeling of Contact” · Institution: FEUP · Supervisor: FM Andrade Pires 39. Fábio José Reis de Pinho (FCT) · “Multi-scale Modeling of Heterogeneous Materials” · Institution: FEUP · Supervisor: FM Andrade Pires 40. David F. Hélder Miranda (FEUP) · “Analytical and Numerical Modeling Behavior geomaterials” · Institution: FEUP · Supervisor: FM Andrade Pires · Co-supervisor: António Torres Marques



41. Anton Sabaleuski (FCT - MIT-Portugal Program) · New Materials and Solutions for Next Generation Seats: From Regional to TGV Trains · Institution: FEUP · Supervisor: FM Andrade Pires · Co-supervisor: PP Camanho 42. Wu Shenghua (grant project) · “Multi-Scale Modeling of Materials with Compact Hexagonal crystal structure (HCP) with Elastic Forecast Return” · Institution: FEUP · Supervisor: FM Andrade Pires · Co-supervisor: Abel Santos 43. Ricardo Torcato (MIT-Portugal Program) · Modeling the Product Development Process: the RIM Case Study · Supervisor: AA Fernandes · Co-Superviores: Ricardo Santos, Richard Roth

3.3. Master’s Theses completed 1. John Mark Fonseca Santos, · ‘Finite elements in structural analysis on long range node center section’, Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, FEUP (double degree with INSA Toulouse) · Supervisor: Ing J. Le Fanic at AIRBUS (Toulouse) · Co-supervisors: J.-C. Passieux (INSA Toulouse), PMST Castro (FEUP) 2. Ana Cristina dos Reis Malheiro · ‘Effect of curing temperature on the glass transition temperature of a structural adhesive’ · Master in Mechanical Engineering FEUP · Supervisor: LFM da Silva 3. Rui Tile · ‘Effect of cure temperature on the glass transition temperature of adhesives’ · Master in Mechanical Engineering FEUP · Supervisor: LFM da Silva 4. Albertino Arteiro · ‘Technology development and structural mechanics of composites built of tow spread thin ply technology’ · Institution: FEUP (Master in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: PP Camanho


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

5. Sebastian Christoph Thies · ‘Contribution to the characterization of the mechanical behavior of the structural steel’, Master thesis Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, 2012 · Supervisor: Paulo MST Castro 6. Daniel Filipe Oliveira Braga · ‘Contour method: procedure optimization’, Master thesis Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, 2012 · Supervisor: Valentin Richter-Trummer · Co-supervisor: Paulo MST Castro 7. André Filipe Alves Cardoso · ‘Measurement of residual stresses from a bending test on four points’, Mechanical Engineering Master thesis, 2012 · Supervisor: Pedro MGP Moreira · Co-Supervisor: Paulo MST Castro 8. Mariana Melo Ferreira Cruz Bartholomeu · ‘Design of a Cargo Handling Equipment, EFACEC Engenharia e Sistemas, SA’, Master thesis Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, 2012 · Supervisors: Dan Ulmamei (EFACEC); Luis Andrade Ferreira and Paulo MST Castro (FEUP) 9. Joaquim Manuel Correia Maeiro · “Characterization rates of fatigue crack propagation material of the metal bridge riveted Fão under the action of requests constant amplitude and variable” · Institution: UTAD (Masters in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: Abilio de Jesus · Co-supervisor: Alfredo Silva Ribeiro 10. Vanessa Tatiana Pires Caldeira · “Numerical and experimental characterization of the brittle behavior of links with pins on wood” · Institution: UTAD (Masters in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: Abilio de Jesus · Co-supervisor: Nuno Magalhaes Dourado 11.

Maria Elizabeth Teixeira da Silva · Biomechanical study of the fetus during vaginal delivery · Institution: FEUP (Masters in Biomedical Engineering) · Supervisor: MPL Parente · Co-supervisor: RM Natal Jorge



12. Nilza Alexandra Gomes Ramião · Biomechanical properties of breast tissues · Institution: FEUP (Masters in Biomedical Engineering) · Supervisor: AA Fernandes · Co-supervisor: PALS Martins

3.4. Master Theses in progress 1.

Maria Helena Cardoso Sequeira · Experimental Study of the Mechanical Properties of Human Abdominal Fascia · Institution: FEUP (Master in Bioengineering) · Supervisor: PALS Martins · Co-supervisor: RM Natal Jorge

2. Pedro Manuel Cardoso Teixeira · Prediction of Ductile Damage in Plastic Forming Processes Sheet Metal and Respective Experimental Validation · Institution: FEUP · Supervisor: Abel Dias Santos · Co-orientadoro: FM Andrade Pires, JMA César de Sá 3. Rui Sanches Fernandes · “Probabilistic analysis of fatigue strength of riveted steel bridges old” · Institution: UTAD (Masters in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: AMP Jesus 4. Romeo Ramada Nunes · Characterization of oligocíclica extreme fatigue behavior of steels for applications in pipelines using cyclic bending tests · Institution: UTAD (Masters in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: AMP Jesus · Co-supervisor: AA Fernandes


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

5. Manuel Rui Gonçalves Pereira · “Analysis of the brittle behavior of the maritime pine wood using the theory of Weibull” · Institution: UTAD (Masters in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: AMP Jesus · Co-supervisor: JJL Morais 6. Luis Miguel Magalhães Queiroz Morais de Carvalho · “Optimizing quasi-static behavior of links with transfer times of bolts on wood” · Institution: UTAD (Masters in Mechanical Engineering) · Supervisor: Nuno M Dourado (UTAD) · Co-supervisor: AMP Jesus 7. Rita Cunha · Integrated Cross-Car Beam Design Concept · Insitution: FEUP · Supervisor: AA Fernandes 8. Carlos Ribeiro · User centered design of medical · Insitution: FEUP (Industrial design · Supervisor: AA Fernandes · Co-supervisor: Sonia Vieira 9. Antonio Torres · New Product development customisation in the shoe industry · Insitution: FEUP (Master Entrepreneurship) · Supervisor: AA Fernandes 10.

Filipe Lima · Enhancing product development processes in uncertainty · Institution: FEP (Master Economy and Innovation Management) · Supervisor: AA Fernandes

11. José Pedro Maia Junqueiro Vilas · Development and Optimization of Laser Applications in Industry · Institution: FEUP (Master in Mechanical Engineering) in collaboration with company Quantal · Supervisor: AA Fernandes



3.5. Supervision of other works 1.


Daniela Saldanha, Research Fellow (Nagase Chemtex) 路 Experimental characterization of the mechanical behavior of the structural adhesive XNR6852 路 Supervisor: M F Lucas da Silva

Activity Report 2012 UCVE

4. PUBLICATIONS 4.1. Books 1. João Manuel RS Tavares, RM Natal Jorge(Editores), Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing-VIPIMAGE 2011, Taylor & Francis, ISBN 978-0-41568395-1, 2012. 2. RM Natal Jorge, João Manuel RS Tavares, Marcos Pinotti, AP Slade (Editores), Technologies for Medical Sciences, Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics, Vol.1, Springer, ISBN 978-94-007-4068-6, 2012. 3. P Di Giamberardino, D Iacoviello, RM Natal Jorge, João Manuel RS Tavares (Editores), Computational Modeling of Objects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications III, Taylor & Francis, ISBN 978-0-415-62134-2, 2012. 4. Lucas FM Silva, David Dillard, Bamber Blackman, RD Adams (Editors), ‘Testing adhesive joints - Best practices’, Wiley, Weinheim, 2012. 5. Andreas Öchsner, Lucas FM Silva, H Altenbach (Editors), ‘Materials with complex behaviour II’, Springer, Heidelberg, 2012. 6. Andreas Öchsner, Lucas FM Silva, H Altenbach (Editors), ‘Analysis and design of biological materials and structures’, Springer, Heidelberg, 2012. 7. A Öchsner, LFM da Silva, H Altenbach (Editors), ‘Mechanics and properties of composed materials and structures’, Springer, Heidelberg, 2012. 8. Lucas FM Silva, ‘Comportamento mecânico dos materiais’, Publindústria, Porto, 2012. 9. PMGP Moreira, L.F.M. da Silva, PMST Castro, eds., ‘Structural Connections for Lightweight Metallic Structures’, Springer, 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-18187-0. 10. José Augusto Trigo Barbosa, Noções sobre Álgebra Linear, Coleção Manual, FEUP Edições, 1ª Edição, 2012 (ISBN 978-972-752-142-5).

4.2. Book chapters 1.

Lucas FM Silva, ‘Preparing bulk specimens by hydrostatic pressure’, in: ‘Best practices in preparing and testing adhesive joints’, Lucas FM Silva, David Dillard, Bamber Blackman, RD Adams (Editors), Wiley, Weinheim, 2012. 2. Lucas FM Silva, ‘Preparing lap joints with flat adherends’, in: ‘Best practices in preparing and testing adhesive joints’, Lucas FM Silva, David Dillard, Bamber Blackman, RD Adams (Editors), Wiley, Weinheim, 2012. 3. Lucas FM Silva, ‘Preparing thick adherend shear test specimens’, in: ‘Best practices in preparing and testing adhesive joints’, Lucas FM Silva, David Dillard, Bamber Blackman, RD Adams (Editors), Wiley, Weinheim, 2012. 4. Lucas FM Silva, ‘Quasi-static testing of bulk tensile specimens’, in: ‘Best practices in preparing and testing adhesive joints’, Lucas FM Silva, David Dillard, Bamber Blackman, RD Adams (Editors), Wiley, Weinheim, 2012. 5. Lucas FM Silva, ‘Quasi-static testing of bulk compression on flat specimen’, in: ‘Best practices in preparing and testing adhesive joints’, Lucas FM Silva, David Dillard, Bamber Blackman, RD Adams (Editors), Wiley, Weinheim, 2012.



6. Lucas FM Silva, ‘Quasi-static testing of thick adherend shear test specimens’, in: ‘Best practices in preparing and testing adhesive joints’, Lucas FM Silva, David Dillard, Bamber Blackman, RD Adams (Editors), Wiley, Weinheim, 2012. 7. Lucas FM Silva, ‘Quasi-static testing of lap joints’, in: ‘Best practices in preparing and testing adhesive joints’, Lucas FM Silva, David Dillard, Bamber Blackman, RD Adams (Editors), Wiley, Weinheim, 2012. 8. Lucas FM Silva, ‘Dynamic elastic modulus’, in: ‘Best practices in preparing and testing adhesive joints’, Lucas FM Silva, David Dillard, Bamber Blackman, RD Adams (Editors), Wiley, Weinheim, 2012. 9. Lucas FM Silva, ‘Dynamic mechanical analysis’, in: ‘Best practices in preparing and testing adhesive joints’, Lucas FM Silva, David Dillard, Bamber Blackman, RD Adams (Editors), Wiley, Weinheim, 2012. 10. Lucas FM Silva, S Giannis, RD Adams ‘Preparing butt joints’, in: ‘Best practices in preparing and testing adhesive joints’, Lucas FM Silva, David Dillard, Bamber Blackman, RD Adams (Editors), Wiley, Weinheim, 2012. 11. Lucas FM Silva, RD Adams ‘Preparing T joint specimens’, in: ‘Best practices in preparing and testing adhesive joints’, Lucas FM Silva, David Dillard, Bamber Blackman, RD Adams (Editors), Wiley, Weinheim, 2012. 12. SMO Tavares, PP Camanho e PMST Castro, Materials selection for airframes: assessmentbased on the specific fatigue behavior, Structural connections for lightweight metallic structures, Springer, 2012 (ISBN 978-3-942-18186-3). 13. PMGP Moreira, V. Richter-Trummer, PMST Castro, ‘Lightweight stiffened panels fabricated using emerging fabrication technologies: fatigue behaviour’, in: PMGP Moreira, L.F.M. da Silva, PMST Castro, eds., ‘Structural connections for lightweight metallic structures’, Springer, 2012, pp.151-172. 14. V. Richter-Trummer, PMGP Moreira, PMST Castro, ‘Damage tolerance of aircraft panels taking into account residual stress’, in: PMGP Moreira, L. F. M. da Silva, PMST Castro, eds., ‘Structural connections for lightweight metallic structures’, Springer, 2012, pp.173-194. 15. SMO Tavares, ‘Welded aeronautical structures: cost and weight considerations’, in: PMGP Moreira, L.F.M. da Silva, PMST Castro, eds., ‘Structural connections for lightweight metallic structures’, Springer, 2012, pp.219-237. 16. SMO Tavares, PP Camanho, PMST Castro, ‘Materials selection for airframes: assessment based on the specific fatigue behavior’, in: PMGP Moreira, L.F.M. da Silva, PMST Castro, eds., ‘Structural connections for lightweight metallic structures’, Springer, 2012, pp.239-261. 17. César De Sá, J.M.A., Andrade Pires, F.M., Andrade, F.X.C, Malcher, L., Seabra, M., Ductile failure modeling: stress dependence, non-locality and damage to fracture transition, Volume 5: Damage Mechanics in Metal Forming and Machining: Advanced formulations, Numerical Implementation and Applications, 2013. 18. JMA Cesar de Sa, FM Andrade Pires, FXC Andrade, L. Malcher, M. Seabra, accepted for publication in Associate Editors: Handbook of Macro to Nano Damage for Materials and Structures, Volume 5, Editor: Dr. K. Saanouni, Ductile failure modelling: stress dependence, non-locality and damage to fracture transition.


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

4.3. Papers in International Journals 1. VLA Trindade, P Martins, S Santos, MPL Parente, RM Natal Jorge, A Santos, L Santos, J Fernandes, “Experimental study of the influence of senescence in the biomechanical properties of the temporal tendon and aponeurosis based on uniaxial tension tests”, Journal of Biomechanics, 45:199-201, 2012. 2. PALS Martins, E Peña, RM Natal Jorge, A Santos, L Santos, T Mascarenhas, B Calvo, “Mechanical characterization and constitutive modeling of the damage process in rectus sheath”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 8:111-122, 2012. 3. AMA Neves, AJM Ferreira, E Carrera, CMC Roque, M Cinefra, RM Natal Jorge, CMM Soares, “A quasi-3D sinusoidal shear deformation theory for the static and free vibration analysis of functionally graded plates”, Composites – Part B, 43:711725, 2012. 4. H Mata, RM Natal Jorge, AD Santos, MPL Parente, RAF Valente, AA Fernandes, “Numerical modeling and experimental study of sandwich shells with metal foam cores”, Key Engineering Materials, 504-506:449-454, 2012. 5. AMA Neves, AJM Ferreira, E Carrera, M Cinefra, CMC Roque, RM Natal Jorge, CMM Soares, “A quasi-3D hyperbolic shear deformation theory for the static and free vibration analysis of functionally graded plates”, Composites Structures, 94:18141825, 2012. 6. M Voinescu, DP Soaresb, RM Natal Jorge, ADavidescu, LJ Machado,“Estimation of the forces generated by the thigh muscles for transtibial amputee gait”, Journal of Biomechanics, 45:972-977, 2012. 7. Z Ma, RM Natal Jorge, T Mascarenhas, JMRS Tavares, “Segmentation of Female Pelvic Cavity in Axial T2-weighted MR Images towards the 3D Reconstruction”, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 28:714726, 2012. 8. J Belinha,RM Natal Jorge,LMJS Dinis, “Bone tissue remodelling analysis considering a radial point interpolator meshless method”, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 36:1660-1670, 2012. 9. MP Lages Parente, RM Natal Jorge, A Aguiar Vieira, S Santos, A Monteiro Baptista, “Experimental and numerical study of the temperature field during creep feed grinding”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 61:127-134, 2012. 10. TH Roza, MP Araujo, R Viana, S Viana, RM Natal Jorge, K Bo, T Mascarenhas, “Pelvic floor muscle training to improve urinary incontinence in young, nulliparous sport students: a pilot study”, International Urogynecology Journal, 23:1069-1073, 2012. 11. AMA Neves, AJM Ferreira, E Carrera, M Cinefra, RM Natal Jorge, CMM Soares, “Static analysis of functionally graded sandwich plates according to a hyperbolic theory considering Zig-Zag and warping effects”, Advances in Engineering Software, 52:30-43, 2012.



12. AMA Neves, AJM Ferreira, E Carrera, M Cinefra, RM Natal Jorge, CMM Soares, “Buckling analysis of sandwich plates with functionally graded skins using a new quasi-3D hyperbolic sine shear deformation theory and collocation with radial basis functions”, ZAMM – Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 92:749766, 2012. 13. João Ribeiro, Hernâni Lopes, Bebiana Mendonça, PALS Martins, “Determinação do Campo de Deslocamentos de Tecidos Biológicos Hiperelásticos.”, Revista Iberoamericana de Ingeniería Mecánica, 16:37-49, 2012. 14. PALS Martins, AL Silva-Filho, A Fonseca, A Santos, L Santos, T Mascarenhas, RM Natal Jorge, AJM Ferreira, “Biomechanical Properties of Vaginal Tissue in Women with Pelvic Organ Prolapse.”, Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, Online, DOI: 10.1159/000343230, 2012. 15. PALS Martins, AL Silva-Filho, A Fonseca, A Santos, L Santos, T Mascarenhas, RM Natal Jorge, AJM Ferreira, “Strength of round and uterosacral ligaments: a biomechanical study.”, Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Article in Press, DOI: 10.1007/s00404-012-2564-3, 2012. 16. MD Banea, Lucas FM Silva, RDSG Campilho, ‘Effect of temperature on tensile strength and mode I fracture toughness of a high temperature epoxy adhesive’, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 26: 939–953, 2012. 17. RDSG Campilho, MD Banea, J A B P Neto, Lucas FM Silva, ‘Modelling of single-lap joints using cohesive zones models: effect of the cohesive parameters on the output of the simulations’, The Journal of Adhesion 88: 513–533, 2012. 18. MD Banea, Lucas FM Silva, RDSG Campilho, ‘Mode II fracture toughness of adhesively bonded joints as a function of temperature: experimental and numerical study’, The Journal of Adhesion 88: 534–551, 2012. 19. RDSG Campilho, AMG Pinto, MD Banea, Lucas FM Silva, ‘Optimization study of hybrid spot-welded/bonded single-lap joints’, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 37: 86–95, 2012. 20. JABP Neto, RDSG Campilho, Lucas FM Silva, ‘Parametric study of adhesive joints with composites’, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 37: 96–101, 2012. 21. MD Banea, Lucas FM Silva, RDSG Campilho, ‘Effect of temperature on the shear strength of aluminium single-lap bonded joints for high temperature applications’, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 388, 2012. 22. Lucas FM Silva, PMGP Moreira, ALD Loureiro, ‘Determination of the strain distribution in adhesive joints using Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG)’, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, doi:10.1080/01694243.2012.698120, 2012. 23. AQ Barbosa, Lucas FM Silva, A Öchsner, J Abenojar, JC del Real, ‘Influence of the size and amount of cork particles on the impact toughness of a structural adhesive’, The Journal of Adhesion 88: 452–470, 2012. (IF: 0.688, NIC: 0). 24. MD Banea, Lucas FM Silva, R DSG Campilho, ‘Moulds design for adhesive bulk and joint specimens manufacturing’, Assembly Automation 32: 284–292, 2012.


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

25. DGP Vieira, JF Meireles, JP Nunes, Lucas FM Silva, ‘Substituting conventional steel alloys by carbon fibre composites in structural parts of an existing laser cutting equipment’, Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 43: 468-478, 2012. 26. S.T. Pinho, R. Darvizeh, P. Robinson, C. Schuecker e PP Camanho, Material and structural response of polymer-matrix fibre-reinforced composites, Journal of Composite Materials, 46, 2313-2341, 2012. 27. E.V. González, P. Maimí, PP Camanho, A. Turon e J.A. Mayugo, Simulation of dropweight impact and compression after impact tests on composite laminates, Composite Structures, 94, 3364-3378, 2012. 28. AR Melro, PP Camanho e S.T. Pinho, Influence of geometrical parameters on the elastic response of unidirectional composite materials, Composite Structures, 94, 3223-3231, 2012. 29. PP Camanho, GH Erçin, G. Catalanotti, S. Mahdi e P. Linde, A finite fracture mechanics model for the prediction of the open-hole strength of composite laminates, Composites - Part A, 43, 1219–1225, 2012. 30. AR Melro, PP Camanho, FMA Pires e S.T. Pinho, Numerical simulation of the non-linear deformation of 5-harness satin weaves, Computational Materials Science, 61, 116-126, 2012. 31. CMC Albuquerque, RMC Miranda, V. Richter-Trummer, MAV de Figueiredo, R. Calçada, PMST de Castro, ‘Fatigue crack propagation behaviour in thick steel weldments’, International Journal of Structural Integrity, vol.3, (2), 2012, pp.184 – 203. 32. V. Richter-Trummer, E. Suzano, M. Beltrão, A. Roos, J.F. dos Santos, PMST Castro, ‘Influence of the FSW clamping force on the final distortion and residual stress field’, Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol.538, 2012, pp.81-88. 33. C. Albuquerque, PMST Castro, R. Calçada, ‘Efficient crack analysis of dynamically loaded structures using a modal superposition of stress intensity factors’, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol.93, 2012, pp.75-91. 34. PMGP Moreira, AMP de Jesus, MAV de Figueiredo, M. Windisch, G. Sinnema, PMST Castro, ‘Fatigue and fracture behaviour of friction stir welded aluminium–lithium 2195’, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, vol.60, (1), 2012, pp.1-9. 35. PMGP Moreira, PMST Castro, ‘Fatigue crack growth on FSW AA2024-T3 aluminum joints’, Key Engineering Materials, vol. 498, 2012, pp 126-138. 36. Michael Papadopoulos, Sérgio Tavares, Marco Pacchione, Spiros Pantelakis, ‘Mechanical behaviour of AA 2024 friction stir overlap welds’, International Journal of Structural Integrity, in press. 37. SMO Tavares, PMST Castro, ‘Lean structures for a more sustainable design’, International Journal of Terraspace Science and Engineering (George Sih, editor). 38. Malcher, L., Andrade Pires, FM, César de Sá, An Assessement of Isotropic Constitutive Models for Ductile Fracture under High and Low Stress Triaxiality, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 30-31, pp. 81-115, 2012. 39. SH Wu, Ana Reis, FM Andrade Pires, Abel D. Santos, A. Barata da Rocha, Study of tool trajectory in incremental forming, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 472475, pp. 1586-1591, 2012.



40. Melro, AR, Camanho, PP, Andrade Pires, FM, Pinho, ST, Numerical simulation of the non-linear deformation of 5-harness satin weaves, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 61, pp. 116-126, 2012. 41. AMP de Jesus, MLR Ripoll, A Fernández-Canteli, E Castillo, HFSG Pereira, “Probabilistic Fatigue Assessment of a Notched Detail Taking Into Account Mean Stress Effects”, Journal of Pressure Vessels Technology, 134(2): 021203 (9 pages), 2012. 42. AMP de Jesus, JMT Pinto, JJL Morais, “Analysis of Solid Wood Beams Strengthened with CFRP Laminates of Distinct Lengths”, Construction and Building Materials, 35: 817–828, 2012. 43. AMP de Jesus, R Matos, BFC Fontoura, C Rebelo, L Simões da Silva, M Veljkovic, “A Comparison of the Fatigue Behaviour between S355 and S690 Steel Grades”, Journal of Construction Steel Research, 79: 140–150, 2012. 44. JAFO Correia, AMP de Jesus, A Fernández-Canteli, “A Procedure to Derive Probabilistic Fatigue Crack Propagation Data”, International Journal of Structural Integrity, 3(2): 158-183, 2012. 45. MH Hafezi, NN Abdullah, JAFO Correia, AMP de Jesus, “An Assessment of a Strain-Life Approach for Fatigue Crack Growth”, International Journal of Structural Integrity, 3(4): 344 – 376, 2012. 46. MD Banea, LFM Da Silva, RDSG Campilho, AMP de Jesus, “Characterization of aluminium single-lap joints for high temperature applications”, Materials Science Forum, 730-732: 721-726, 2012. 47. J Pinto, B Vieira, H Pereira, C Jacinto, P Vilela, A Paiva, S Pereira, VMCF Cunha, H Varum, “Corn cob lightweight concrete for non-structural applications”, Construction and Building Materials, 34, 346-350, 2012. 48. Rui PR Cardoso, JMA Cesar de Sa, The Enhanced Assumed Strain Method for the Isogeometric Analysis of Nearly Incompressible Deformation of Solids. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol.92 nº 1, pp.56-78, 2012. 49. SEABRA, MRR, ŠUŠTARIC, P, CESAR DE SA, JMA and RODIC, T, 2012. Damage driven crack initiation and propagation in ductile metals using XFEM. Computational Mechanics, pp. 1-19. DOI 10.1007/s00466-012-0804-9. 50. Mariana RR Seabra, JMA Cesar de Sa, Primož Šuštaric, Tomaž Rodic. Some numerical issues on the use of XFEM for ductile fracture. Computational Mechanics, Vol.50, pp.611-629, 2012. 51. Malcher, L, Andrade Pires, FM, César de Sá, JMA, An Assessment of Isotropic Constitutive Models for Ductile Fracture under High and Low Stress Triaxiality. International Journal of Plasticity 30–31 (2012) 81–115.


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

4.4. Papers in international conferences 1.

H Mata, RM Natal Jorge, A Santos, MPL Parente, RAF Valente, AA Fernandes, “Numerical modeling and experimental study of sandwich shells with metal foam cores”,in the conference proceedings of The 15th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming, CD pp.449-454, Erlangen, Germany, 14-16 April, 2012. 2. AMA Neves, AJM Ferreira, E Carrera, M Cinefra,C Roque, RM Natal Jorge, CMM Soares, “A quasi-3D sinusoidal shear deformation theory for the static and free vibration analysis of FGM plates”, in the conference Book of Abstracts of ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference YIC2012, A Andrade-Campos, N Lopes, RAF Valente, H Varum (Eds.), pp.37, Aveiro, Portugal, 24-27 April, 2012. 3. C Garbe, F Gentil, MPL Parente, PALS Martins, RM Natal Jorge, J Paço, “Biomechanics studies of central layer of the human middle ear eardrum”, in the conference Book of Abstracts of ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference YIC2012, A Andrade-Campos, N Lopes, RAF Valente, H Varum (Eds.), pp.40, Aveiro, Portugal, 24-27 April, 2012. 4. TH Roza, MP Araujo, MPL Parente, RM Natal Jorge, S Brandão, T Mascarenhas, “Analysis of trampoline jumping through the finite element methods”, in the conference Book of Abstracts of ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference YIC2012, A Andrade-Campos, N Lopes, RAF Valente, H Varum (Eds.), pp.43, Aveiro, Portugal, 24-27 April, 2012. 5. N Mukunthamani, MPL Parente, AA Fernandes, RM Natal Jorge, ”Analysis of time reduction on solide-shell structures based on Finite lementtechinique”, in the conference Book of Abstracts of ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference YIC2012, A Andrade-Campos, N Lopes, RAF Valente, H Varum (Eds.), pp.111, Aveiro, Portugal, 24-27 April, 2012. 6. H Mata, RM Natal Jorge, A Santos, MPL Parente, RAF Valente, AA Fernandes, “Numerical modeling and experimental study of sandwich shells with metal foam cores”, in the conference Book of Abstracts of ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference YIC2012, A Andrade-Campos, N Lopes, RAF Valente, H Varum (Eds.), pp.113, Aveiro, Portugal, 24-27 April, 2012. 7. J Belinha, RM Natal Jorge, LMJS Dinis, “The analysis of laminated plates using a new meshless method”, International Conference on Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures, A Ferreira, E Carrera (Eds), Torino, Italy, 18-20June 2012. 8. AMA Neves, AJM Ferreira, E Carrera, M Cinefra, RM Natal Jorge, CMM Soares, “Influence of zig-zag and warping effects on the free vibration of functionally graded sandwich plates according to hyperbolic shear deformation”, International Conference on Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures, A Ferreira, E Carrera (Eds), Torino, Italy, 18-20June 2012. 9. H Mata, RM Natal Jorge, A Santos, MPL Parente, RAF Valente, AA Fernandes, “Study of panels with metal foam core for forming process”, 1st International Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity, SMO Tavares (Ed), Book of Abstracts, pp.30, FEUP, Portugal, June25-28, 2012.



10. S Moreira, J Belinha, LMJS Dinis,RM Natal Jorge, “The enriched natural neighbor radial point interpolation method for the analysis of crack tip stress fields”, 1st International Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity, SMO TAvares (Ed), Book of Abstracts, pp.68, FEUP, Portugal, June25-28, 2012. 11. J Monteiro, MPL Parente, RM Natal Jorge, AA Fernandes, “Use of isogeometric analysis to simulate a sheet metal forming operation using the finite element code LS-DYNA”, 1st International Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity, SMO Tavares (Ed), Book of Abstracts, pp.69, FEUP, Portugal, June25-28, 2012. 12. N Mukunthamani, MPLParente, AA Fernandes, RM Natal Jorge, “Application of finite element formulation to solid-shell structures for the analysis of time reduction”, 1st International Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity, SMO Tavares (Ed), Book of Abstracts, pp.71, FEUP, Portugal, June25-28, 2012. 13. L Souto, P Talaia, A Ramos, PALS Martins, N Silva, M Drummond, RM Natal Jorge, “Definition of a test-bed for evaluation of house mechanical ventilation systems”, 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 1-4 July, 2012. 14. TH Roza, T Mascarenhas, MPL Parente, S Duarte, S Brandão, RM Natal Jorge, “Evaluation of the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles in symptomatic ans asymptomatic women”, 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 1-4 July, 2012. 15. P Martins, RM Natal Jorge, T Mascarenhas,A Santos, L Santos, “Hyperelastic behavior of women pelvic tissues in fresh cadavers”, 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 1-4 July, 2012. 16. F Gentil, MPL Parente, PALS Martins, C Garbe, E Almeida, JMRS Tavares, RM Natal Jorge, “Stapedotomy-Hough technique to correct otosclerosis”, 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 1-4 July, 2012. 17. C Garbe, F Gentil, MPL Parente, PALS Martins, RM Natal Jorge, “Study of the stress of the tensor tympani muscle for different cases of the eardrum”, 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 1-4 July, 2012. 18. Z Ma, RM Natal Jorge, JMRS Tavares, “Segmentation and 3D reconstruction of female pelvic organs and muscles from T2-weighted magnetic resonance images”, 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 1-4 July, 2012. 19. N Mukunthamani, MPLParente, AA Fernandes, RM Natal Jorge, “Finite element analysis on solid-shell structures using enhanced assumed strain method”, 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC 2012, GA Holzapfel, RW Ogden (Eds), pp.45585, Graz, Austria, July 9-13, 2012. 20. F Gentil, C Garbe, MPL Parente, PALS Martins, JMRS Tavares, RM Natal Jorge, “Myringosclerosis and otosclerosis – their effects in the stapes footplate”, 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC 2012, GA Holzapfel, RW Ogden (Eds), pp.62349, Graz, Austria, July 9-13, 2012.


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

21. H Mata, RM Natal Jorge, A Santos, RAF Valente, MPL Parente, AA Fernandes, “Study on the bulge test applied to sandwich plates with metal foam core”, 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC 2012, GA Holzapfel, RW Ogden (Eds), pp.63658, Graz, Austria, July 9-13, 2012. 22. F Gentil, C Garbe,MPL Parente, PALS Martins, RM Natal Jorge, “Otosclerosis and its correction”, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, JF Silva Gomes, MAP Vaz (Eds), ref 2854, pp.457-458, Porto,Portugal, 22-27 July, 2012. 23. C Garbe, F Gentil, MPL Parente, PALS Martins, RM Natal Jorge,“Study of the effect of different eardrum through the analysis of stapedius muscle strain”, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, JF Silva Gomes, MAP Vaz (Eds), ref 2870, pp.459-460, Porto,Portugal, 22-27 July, 2012. 24. PALS Martins, RM Natal Jorge,P Talaia, L Souto, “Hyperelasticity of rubber-like materials using evolutionary optimization techniques”, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, JF Silva Gomes, MAP Vaz (Eds), ref 2887, pp.481-482, Porto,Portugal, 22-27 July, 2012. 25. P Talaia, L Souto, N Silva, M Drummond, RM Natal Jorge, “Experimental and numerical analysis of contact pressure of house mechanical ventilation systems”, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, JF Silva Gomes, MAP Vaz (Eds), ref 3051, pp.633-634, Porto,Portugal, 22-27 July, 2012. 26. P Talaia, A Ramos, L Souto, PALS Martins,C Relvas, JAO Simões, N Silva, M Drummond, RM Natal Jorge, “Use of reverse engineering tools to create a test-bed for evaluation of house mechanical ventilation systems”, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, JF Silva Gomes, MAP Vaz (Eds), ref 2826, pp.941-942, Porto,Portugal, 22-27 July, 2012. 27. DN Rocha, RM Natal Jorge, M Pinotti, “Dynamics orthosis FEM model”, 7thInternational Conference on Technology and Medical Sciences, Belo Horizonte, Brasil, 23-25 Julho, 2012. 28. H Mata, RM Natal Jorge, MPL Parente, AA Fernandes, AD Santos, RAF Valente, J Xavier, “Establishement of the mechanical properties of aluminium alloy of sandwich plates with metal foam core by using an image correlation procedure”, Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and ApplicationsIII, P Di Giamberardino, D Iacoviello, RM Natal Jorge, JMRS Tavares (Eds.), pp.387-390, Roma, 5-7September 2012. 29. S Brandão, T da Roza, MPL Parente, HA Ferreira, T Mascarenhas, I Ramos, RM Natal Jorge, “Magnetic resonance tractography as a means to evaluate pubovisceral muscle fibers”, 37th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association, IUGA 2012, USB flash drive de Abstracts (239), Brisbane, Australia, 4-8September 2012. 30. T Roza, S Brandão, T Mascarenhas, M Araújo, R Natal Jorge, “Morphological analysis of pubovisceral muscle and measurement of the levator hiatus with axial MRI”, 37th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association, IUGA 2012, USB flash drive de Abstracts (411), Brisbane, Australia, 4-8September 2012.



31. P Martins, RM Natal Jorge, MJ Gomes, RS Versos, A Santos, “Male urethra under large deformations”, 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2012, Abstract #1794, CD-ROM, J Eberhardsteiner et al. (Eds.), Vienna, Austria, 10-14September 2012. 32. MPL Parente, ME Silva, RM Natal Jorge, AA Fernandes, T Mascarenhas,“A numerical study on the fetus head molding and its influence on the biomechanical behavior of the pelvic floor during vaginal delivery”, 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2012, Abstract #1797, CD-ROM, J Eberhardsteineret al. (Eds.), Vienna, Austria, 10-14September 2012. 33. J Belinha, LMJS Dinis, RM Natal Jorge, “The analysis of thick plastes considering a new meshless method”, 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2012, Abstract #1836, CD-ROM, J Eberhardsteiner et al. (Eds.), Vienna, Austria, 10-14September 2012. 34. J Belinha, LMJS Dinis, RM Natal Jorge, “A new meshless method applied to the analysis of 3D structures”, 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2012, Abstract #2211, CD-ROM, J Eberhardsteiner et al. (Eds.), Vienna, Austria, 10-14September 2012. 35. H Mata, RM Natal Jorge, AD Santos, MPL Parente, RAF Valente, AA Fernandes, “Numerical and experimental study of the bulge test of sandwich shells with metal foam cores”, 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2012, Abstract #3725, CD-ROM, J Eberhardsteiner et al. (Eds.), Vienna, Austria, 10-14September 2012. 36. M Gonçalves, RM Natal Jorge,MPL Parente, T Mascarenhas, “Estudo biomecânico do prolapso genital”, XII Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-Americana de NeuroUrologia e Uroginecologia, Libro de Comunicaciones, pp.47-48, Cádiz, 20-22 Set. 2012. 37. AR Silva, RM Natal Jorge,MPL Parente, T Mascarenhas, “Análise da mobilidade do colo vesical com base num modelo computacional”, XII Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-Americana de NeuroUrologia e Uroginecologia, Libro de Comunicaciones, pp.76-77, Cádiz, 20-22Setembro 2012. 38. MPL Parente, ME Silva, RM Natal Jorge, AA Fernandes, T Mascarenhas, “Utilização de técnicas de simulação numérica para avaliação do comportamento biomecânico do pavimento pélvico durante o parto”, XII Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-Americana de NeuroUrologia e Uroginecologia, Libro de Comunicaciones, pp.78-79, Cádiz, 20-22Setembro 2012. 39. SBrandão, T da Roza, MPL Parente, T Mascarenhas, I Ramos, RM Natal Jorge,“A utilidade da tratografia por ressonância magnética na caracterização do músculo pubovisceral”, XII Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-Americana de NeuroUrologia e Uroginecologia, Libro de Comunicaciones, pp.80-81, Cádiz, 20-22Setembro 2012. 40. T da Roza, T Mascarenhas, MPL Parente, RM Natal Jorge,“Relação da idade no deslocamento do pavimento pélvico através da simulação numérica em mulheres com incontinência urinária de esforço”, XII Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-Americana de NeuroUrologia e Uroginecologia, Libro de Comunicaciones, pp.82, Cádiz, 20-22Setembro 2012.


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

41. R Azevedo, M Sousa, T da Roza, R Viana, S Viana, T Mascarenhas,RM Natal Jorge,“A fisioterapia como prevenção da incontinência urinária no pós-parto”, XII Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-Americana de NeuroUrologia e Uroginecologia, Libro de Comunicaciones, pp.99-100, Cádiz, 20-22Setembro 2012. 42. T da Roza, T Mascarenhas, M Araujo, RM Natal Jorge,“Análise do tipo de incontinência urinária mais frequente e o seu impacto na qualidade de vida em desportistas incontinentes”, XII Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-Americana de NeuroUrologia e Uroginecologia, Libro de Comunicaciones, pp.101-102, Cádiz, 20-22Setembro 2012. 43. S Brandão, T da Roza, M Parente, T Mascarenhas, I Ramos, R Natal Jorge, “Magnetic Resonance Tractography as a tool to evaluate pubovisceral muscle morphological changes”, Proceedings of the 29th ESMRMB Annual Scientific Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, MAGMA, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 5(S1):602, 2012. 44. S Brandão, T da Roza, S Duarte, T Mascarenhas, I Ramos, R Natal Jorge, “Pubovisceral muscle measurements in urinary incontinence”, Proceedings of the 29th ESMRMB Annual Scientific Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, MAGMA, Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 5(S1):605, 2012. 45. AP Medeiros, AE Cardoso, AA Fernandes, RM Natal Jorge, “A importância da filosofia lean paraumagestãoeficiente”, IDEMi 2012, International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering and Management for Innovation, DVD, Florianópolis, 21-23 October 2012. 46. AP Medeiros, SSeibel, AA Fernandes, RM Natal Jorge, “Inovando o processo de desenvolvimento de produto: o caso da industria mobiliária”, IDEMi 2012, International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering and Management for Innovation, DVD, Florianópolis, 21-23 October 2012. 47. TH da Roza, S Duarte, T Mascarenhas, M Araujo, RM Natal Jorge, “Study of the alterations in the levator hiatus by pelvic floor ultrasound in young sport students: a preliminary study”, 42nd Annual Meeting of the International ContinenceSociety, Abstract#739, Beijing, China, 15-19 October, 2012. 48. S Brandão, TH da Roza, T Mascarenhas, I Ramos, JA Duarte, MPL Parente, RM Natal Jorge, “The difference of moment of inertia between healthy and incontinent women”, 5th Leading Lights in Urogynaecology Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 8-10 November, 2012. 49. TH da Roza, R Viana, S Viana, T Mascarenhas, MP Araujo, MPL Parente, RM Natal Jorge, “Pelvic floor muscles exercises for female sport students using biomechanical models”, 5th Leading Lights in Urogynaecology Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 8-10 November, 2012. 50. Pals Martins, Carine Dias, Ana Valente, Rita Lopes, Sofia Trindade, Mário Vasconcelos, RM Natal Jorge, “Mechanical behavior of gutta percha points under uniaxial tension”, II Internacional Conference on Biodental Engeening, Porto, 7-8 Dec. 2012. 51. SF Moreira, J Belinha, LMJS Dinis, RM Natal Jorge, “A meshless method analysis of maxillary central incisor”, II Internacional Conference on Biodental Engeening, Porto, 7-8 December 2012.



52. HMS Duarte, J Belinha, LMJS Dinis, RM Natal Jorge, “Analysis of a bar-implant using a meshless method”, II Internacional Conference on Biodental Engeening, Porto, 7-8 December 2012. 53. JRF Andrade, J Belinha, LMJS Dinis, RM Natal Jorge, “Analysis of dental implant using a meshless method”, II Internacional Conference on Biodental Engeening, Porto, 7-8 December 2012. 54. J Belinha, LMJS Dinis, RM Natal Jorge, “Mandible bone tissue remodelling analysis using a new numerical approach”, II Internacional Conference on Biodental Engeening, Porto, 7-8 December 2012. 55. PALS Martins, AP Vieito, PJRO Nóvoa, CMC Roque, “Image Analysis Of Functionally Graded Particle Distribution Using Otsu’s Method”, International Conference on Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures (ICNMMCS), Politecnico di Torino-Italy, 18-20 June 2012. 56. AP Vieito, PALS Martins, PJRO Nóvoa, CMC Roque, “Experimental and numerical analysis of functionally graded polymer plates”, International Conference on Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures (ICNMMCS), Politecnico di Torino-Italy, 18-20 June 2012. 57. N Ramião, P Martins, AA Fernandes, “A state of the art review on the mechanical properties of breast tissue”, 18th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 1-4 July, 2012. 58. N Ramião, AA Fernandes, P Martins, “Human Breast Skin Elasticity”, in the conference Book of Abstracts of ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference YIC2012, A Andrade-Campos, N Lopes, RAF Valente, H Varum (Eds.), pp.49, Aveiro, Portugal, 24-27 April, 2012. 59. FJP Chaves, Lucas FM Silva, MFSF de Moura, D Dillard, ‘Fracture toughness as a function of the mode mixity using non-conventional techniques’, 35th Annual Meeting of The Adhesion Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, EUA, 26-29 de Fevereiro de 2012. 60. RDSG Campilho, MD Banea, Lucas FM Silva, ‘Experimental and Finite Element design of single-lap joints by adhesive-bonding, welding and hybrid joining’, Young Investigators Conference 2012, Aveiro, Portugal, 24-27 de Abril de 2012. 61. FJP Chaves, MFSF Moura, Lucas FM Silva, DA Dillard, ‘Mixed-mode fracture toughness determination using non-conventional techniques’, 1st International Conference International Journal of Structural Integrity, Porto, 25-28 de Junho 2012. 62. MD Banea, Lucas FM Silva, RDSG Campilho, ‘Mechanical characterization of a high temperature epoxy adhesive’, 1st International Conference International Journal of Structural Integrity, Porto, 25-28 de Junho de 2012. 63. A C Arteiro, A A Reis, P O Nóvoa, Lucas FM Silva, MP Zupan, AT Marques, ‘Low velocity impact behavior of cork cored sandwich structures’, 10th International Conference on Sandwich Structures (ICSS-10), Nantes, França, 27-29 de Agosto de 2012. 64. Lucas FM Silva, ‘Design rules and methods to improve the strength of adhesive joints’, 2º Congreso Internacional de Soldadura y tecnologias de unión, Madrid, Espanha, 3-5 de Outubro de 2012.


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

65. AQ Barbosa, Lucas FM Silva, J Abenojar, JC del Real, ‘Influence of the amount of cork particles on the tensile strength of a structural adhesive’, XIII Congreso de Adhesión y Adhesivos, Barcelona, Espanha, 13-14 de Setembro de 2012. 66. A C Arteiro, A A Reis, P O Nóvoa, Lucas FM Silva, MP Zupan, AT Marques, ‘Low velocity impact behavior of cork cored sandwich structures’, ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE2012), Houston, Texas, EUA, 9-15 de Novembro de 2012. 67. MVC Fernández, MFSF de Moura, Lucas FM Silva, AT Marques, ‘Mixed Mode behavior for Composite bonded joints using the SLB test’, 1st International Conference International Journal of Structural Integrity, Porto, 25-28 de Junho de 2012. 68. RDSG Campilho, MD Banea, Lucas FM Silva, ‘Accuracy of adhesive joint strength predictions by finite element analyses’, 1st International Conference International Journal of Structural Integrity, Porto, 25-28 de Junho de 2012. 69. DJS Gonçalves, RDSG Campilho, JFMG da Silva, MD Banea, Lucas FM Silva, ‘Tensile evaluation of adhesively-bonded single-lap joints between natural fibre composite structures’, 6th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting ACE-X 2012, Istanbul, Turquia, 1-4 de Julho de 2012. 70. Lucas FM Silva, ‘Fracture toughness determination of adhesive and co-cured joints in natural fibre composites’, 6th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting ACE-X 2012, Istanbul, Turquia, 1-4 de Julho de 2012. 71. P M G P Moreira, Lucas FM Silva, A L D Loureiro, ‘Determination of the strain distribution in adhesive joints using Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG)’, 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Porto, Portugal, 22-27 de Julho de 2012. 72. RDSG Campilho, P F P Afonso, MD Banea, Lucas FM Silva, ‘Experimental optimization of single-lap and T-peel joints by bonding, welding and hybrid joining’, 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Porto, Portugal, 22-27 de Julho de 2012. 73. RJC Carbas, EAS Marques, AM Lopes, Lucas FM Silva, ‘Effect of cure temperature on the glass transition temperature of an epoxy adhesive’, 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Porto, Portugal, 22-27 de Julho de 2012. 74. DFS Saldanha, Lucas FM Silva, RJC Carbas, FJP Chaves, K Nomura, T Ueda, ‘Mechanical characterization of a novel epoxy adhesive’, Conferência Luso-Brasileira de Adesão e Adesivos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 8-9 de Novembro de 2012. 75. MD Banea, Lucas FM Silva, RDSG Campilho, C Sato, ‘Self-healing adhesive joints’, Conferência Luso-Brasileira de Adesão e Adesivos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 8-9 de Novembro de 2012. 76. FFJP Chaves, MFM de Moura, Lucas FM Silva, D Dillard, ‘Adhesive joints mixed mode testing analysis’, Conferência Luso-Brasileira de Adesão e Adesivos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 8-9 de Novembro de 2012.



77. AQ Barbosa, Lucas FM Silva, JC del Real, J Abenojar, ‘The effect of size and amount of micro particles of cork on the toughness of an epoxy’, Conferência Luso-Brasileira de Adesão e Adesivos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 8-9 de Novembro de 2012. 78. RJC Carbas, EAS Marques, Lucas FM Silva, AM Lopes, ‘Effect of post-cure on the physical and mechanical properties of epoxy adhesives’, Conferência Luso-Brasileira de Adesão e Adesivos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 8-9 de Novembro de 2012. 79. RDSG Campilho, D C Moura, DJS Gonçalves, JFMG da Silva, MD Banea, Lucas FM Silva, ‘Optical measurement method to estimate the tension cohesive law of adhesive joints in natural fibre composites’, Conferência Luso-Brasileira de Adesão e Adesivos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 8-9 de Novembro de 2012. 80. RDSG Campilho, MD Banea, Lucas FM Silva, ‘Cohesive law shape effects on the strength prediction of adhesive joints with cohesive zone models’, Conferência Luso-Brasileira de Adesão e Adesivos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 8-9 de Novembro de 2012. 81. DJS Gonçalves, RDSG Campilho, Lucas FM Silva, JLM Fernandes, ‘Boundary element method in the analysis of single-lap joints’, Conferência Luso-Brasileira de Adesão e Adesivos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 8-9 de Novembro de 2012. 82. EAS Marques, Lucas FM Silva, C Sato, ‘Effect of low temperature on tensile strength and mode I fracture toughness of a room temperature vulcanizing silicone adhesive’, Conferência Luso-Brasileira de Adesão e Adesivos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 8-9 de Novembro de 2012. 83. PMGP Moreira, PMST Castro, ‘A comparison of fatigue crack growth behavior of different Al alloys including their FSW joints’, XIII Portuguese Conference on Fracture, SPM, Coimbra, February 2-3, 2012, proceedings pp.89-93. 84. DFC Peixoto, LAA Ferreira, PMST Castro, ‘Fatigue crack growth rates in railway wheel and rail steels’, XIII Portuguese Conference on Fracture, SPM, Coimbra, February 2-3, 2012, proceedings pp.113-117. 85. DFC Peixoto, ‘Wheel/rail contact fatigue’, II LAETA Young Researchers Meeting 2012, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, April 10-11, 2012. 86. DFC Peixoto, PMST Castro, LAA Ferreira, ‘Fatigue crack growth in railway steel’, 1st Int. Conf. on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, organised by Civil-Comp Press in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, April 18-20, 2012, in: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance, J. Pombo, (editor), Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, United Kingdom, paper 87, 2012. doi:10.4203/ccp.98.87. 87. Daniel FO Braga, Valentin Richter-Trummer, Paulo MST de Castro, ‘The use of contour method for evaluating residual stress fields in butt welded plates’, 1st Int. Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, June 25-28, 2012. 88. C. Thies, C. Albuquerque, SMO Tavares, V. Richter-Trummer, MAV de Figueiredo, PMST Castro, ‘A contribution to the characterization of the mechanical behavior of S355 structural steel’, 1st Int. Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, June 25-28, 2012.


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

89. Daniel Peixoto, Luís A. Ferreira, Paulo MST de Castro, ‘Wheel/rail contact: fatigue behavior’, 1st Int. Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, June 25-28, 2012. 90. PMGP Moreira, PMST Castro, ‘AA2024-T3 FSW tailor welded blanks: fatigue crack growth behavior’, 1st Int. Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, June 25-28, 2012. 91. SMO Tavares, T.G. Santos, ‘Defects detection in aeronautical structures joined by friction stir welding’, 1st Int. Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, June 25-28, 2012. 92. João P.A. Dias, Daniel FO Braga, Paulo MST de Castro, Sérgio M.O. Tavares, Pedro MGP Moreira, ‘Structural solutions for underframe/floor of passenger railway car: stiffness requirements’, poster presentation at the 1st Int. Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, June 25-28, 2012. 93. Daniel Peixoto, Luís A. Ferreira, Paulo M.S.T. Castro, ‘Fatigue crack growth tests in railway wheel and rail steels’, 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics ICEM15, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, July 22-27, 2012. 94. Daniel Peixoto, Carlos Sousa, M. Teresa Restivo, Álvaro Ribeiro, José Rodrigues, ‘Young’s modulus determination: different methods and associated uncertainties’, 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics ICEM15, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, July 22-27, 2012. 95. Daniel FO Braga, Valentin Richter-Trummer, Paulo MST de Castro, ‘Residual stress measurement using the contour method: procedure optimization’, 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics ICEM15, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, July 22-27, 2012. 96. C. Albuquerque, R. Calçada, PMST Castro, ‘Fatigue assessment of a bowstring railway bridge’, The Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology CST2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 4-7, 2012 in: B.H.V. Topping, (editor), “Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology”, Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 106, 2012. doi:10.4203/ccp.99.106. 97. AC Batista, DFC Peixoto, JP Nobre, L. Coelho, DM Ramos, LAA Ferreira, PMST Castro, ‘Residual stress evolution in railway steels’, 9th International Conference on Residual Stresses - ICRS 9, October 7-9, 2012, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. 98. SMO Tavares, PMST Castro, ‘Product development and technology adoption in complex systems: the example of aeronautical products’, II Conferência Internacional de Integração do Design, Engenharia e Gestão para a Inovação, Florianópolis, SC, Brasil, Oct. 21-23, 2012. 99. DFC Peixoto, LAA Ferreira, PMST Castro, ‘Fatigue crack propagation behavior in railway steels’, 16th International Conference Transport Means, Kaunas and Klaipeda, Lithuania, Oct. 25-26, 2012, in: Proceedings of 16th International Conference Transport Means, 2012, pp.21-24.



100. PMGP Moreira, V. Richter-Trummer, PMST Castro, ‘Damage tolerance of stiffened aeronautical panels and residual stress effects’, 16th International Conference Transport Means, Kaunas and Klaipeda, Lithuania, Oct. 25-26, 2012, in: Proceedings of 16th International Conference Transport Means, 2012, pp.162-165. 101. FJP Reis, FM Andrade Pires, The Enforcement of Periodic Boundary Conditions on Arbitrary RVE Discretizations, WCCM 2012 - 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, São Paulo, Brazil, 8 -13 July, 2012. 102. Thiago Doca, FM Andrade Pires, JMA César de Sá, Wear Evolution on Contact Problems, WCCM 2012 - 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, São Paulo, Brazil, 8 -13 July, 2012. 103. SH Wu, FM Andrade Pires, Abel D. Santos, A. Barata da Rocha, An Elasto-Viscoplastic Model for Hexagonal Closed Packed Materials: Formulation and Numerical Implementation, WCCM 2012 - 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, São Paulo, Brazil, 8 -13 July, 2012. 104. M. Mirkhalaf, F. Reis, FM Andrade Pires, R. Simões, Prediction of the Stress-Strain Behavior of Heterogeneous Amorphous Polymers Using Micro-Scale Finite Element Modelling, WCCM 2012 - 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, São Paulo, Brazil, 8 -13 July, 2012. 105. JMA César de Sá, FXC Andrade, FM Andrade Pires, New Advances on the Non-Local Modelling of Ductile Damage, WCCM 2012 - 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, São Paulo, Brazil, 8 -13 July, 2012. 106. SH Wu, FM Andrade Pires, Abel D. Santos, A. Barata da Rocha, A Primal Closest Point Projection Algorithm for Magnesium Alloys, 1st International Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity, 25-28 June 2012, Porto, Portugal, 2012. 107. FJP Reis, FM Andrade Pires, Coupled-Multi Scale Models: Advantages and Limitations, 1st International Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity, 25-28 June 2012, Porto, Portugal, 2012. 108. Shenghua Wu, Ana Reis, AJ Baptista, FM Andrade Pires, Abel D. Santos, A.Barata da Rocha, Numerical simulation of laser forming, YIC2012 – First ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference, Aveiro, Portugal, 24-27 April, 2012. 109. SH Wu, FM Andrade Pires, Abel D. Santos, A. Barata da Rocha, Stress Integration Algorithms for HCP Materials, YIC2012 - First ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference, Aveiro, Portugal, 24-27 April, 2012. 110. P. Teixeira, A. Andrade-Campos, AD Santos, FMA Pires, JMA César de Sá, Optimization strategies for springback compensation in sheet metal forming, YIC2012 - First ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference, Aveiro, Portugal, 24-27 April, 2012. 111. P. Teixeira, Shenghua Wu, AD Santos, A. Barata da Rocha, FM Andrade Pires, Koichi Ito, Naomichi Mori, Failure prediction in sheet metal forming: A comparison between a post-processed fracture indicator and a damage-based criterion, Plasticity 2012 - 18th International Symposium on Plasticity, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 3-8 January 2012.


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

112. JAFO Correia, AMP de Jesus, A Fernández-Canteli, “Probabilistic fatigue behaviour of a structural detail of puddle iron from the Eiffel bridge“, Proceedings of the ICDS12 - International Conference Durable Structures: From Construction to Rehabilitation, LNEC, Lisbon, 31st May-1st June, Portugal, 2012. 113. HFSG Pereira, JAFO Correia, AMP de Jesus, “A discussion on fracture mechanics crack growth-based fatigue life prediction applied to a notched detail“, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, 25-28 June, Porto, Portugal, 2012. 114. JMC Maeiro, AMP de Jesus, AS Ribeiro, ALL Silva, “Fatigue crack propagation behaviour of a puddle iron under constant and variable amplitude loading“, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the International Journal of Structural Integrity, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, 25-28 June, Porto, Portugal, 2012. 115. J Pereira, AMP de Jesus, J Xavier, JMRS Tavares, “Characterisation of S185 Steel Under Monotonic Loading by a Feature Tracking Method“, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics – ICEM15, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, 22-27 July, 2012. 116. J Pereira, , J Xavier, “Modelling Monotonic Behaviour in Steel Components Supported by Image-Based Methods“, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics – ICEM15, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, 22-27 July, 2012. 117. AMP de Jesus, AA Fernandes, ALL Silva, JAFO Correia, “Retrofitting of Old Riveted Portuguese Bridges. Past and Current Remnant Life Assessment Research“, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics – ICEM15, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, 22-27 July, 2012. 118. T Caldeira, N Dourado, AMP de Jesus, M Moura, “Quasi-static behavior of moment-carrying steel-wood doweled joints. An experimental and numerical investigation of pine wood“, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics – ICEM15, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, 22-27 July, 2012. 119. ALL Silva, AMP de Jesus, AA Fernandes, “A numerical approach for local fatigue analysis of bridge details. Analysis of two Portuguese case studies“, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4-7 September, 2012. 120. FXC Andrade, JMA Cesar de Sa, FM Andrade Pires, Assessment and Comparison of Non-Local Models for Ductile Damage, ICDM - International Conference on Damage Mechanics, Belgrade, Serbia, 25 – 27 June 2012. 121. JMA Cesar de Sa, FXC Andrade, FM Andrade Pires, Advances on the Non-Local Modelling of Ductile Damage, WCCM 2012, the 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, São Paulo, Brazil, July 2012. 122. Mariana RR Seabra, JMA Cesar de Sa, Automatic Generation of XFEM Codes and Application to Crack Propagation, WCCM 2012, the 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, São Paulo, Brazil, July 2012.



123. Mariana RR Seabra, JMA Cesar de Sa, Damage Based Criterion on Crack Initiation and Propagation in Ductile Materials, ECCOMAS 2012 European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, September, 2012, Vienna, Austria. 124. Filipe Lima,AA Fernandes, Design thinking as a catalyst for innovation, in 19th International Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Manchester, June 2012.,ISSN: 1998-7374. 125. Albertina Medeiros; Ana Elise Cardoso Inácio; AA Fernandes; Renato Natal Jorge,A importância da filosofia lean para uma gestão eficiente, IDEMi2012, International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering and Management for Innovation, Florianopolis,Brasil,21-23 Outubro 2012. 126. Carlos Casimiro da Costa; Jacinta Casimiro da CostaAfluências e confluências de um design incógnito, IDEMi 2012, International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering and Management for Innovation, Florianopolis, Brasil, 21-23 Outubro 2012. 127. Daniela Valente; AA Fernandes, Innovating in commodity type product industries, IDEMi 2012, International Conference on Integration of Design,Engineering and Management for Innovation, Florianopolis, Brasil, 21-23 Outubro 2012. 128. CS Casimiro da Costa, AA Fernandes, “A sustentabilidade como caminho”, International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering and Management for Innovation - IDEMi 12, UDESC, Brasil, 2012. 129. R Torcato, R Santos, M Dias, R Roth, A Fernandes; “Modelling the product development process to understand decision making in real projects: the rim case study”; in 19th International Product. Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Manchester, June 2012. ISSN: 1998-7374. 130. Vieira, S, Fernandes, A, Badke-Schaub, P, Fonseca, T (2012), Framework of awareness of sources of critical situations and drivers for crucial actions in design. International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering and Management for Innovation, IDEMI, 21-23 October, Florianopolis, Brazil. 131. Vieira, S, Badke-Schaub, P, Fernandes, A, Fonseca, T (2012), Sources of critical situations as crucial actions in design. Design Conference, 21-24 May, Dubrovnik, Croatia. 132. Paulo C Neves, Carlos Santiuste, António JM Ferreira, AA Fernandes, Experimental study of the impact behaviour of thermoplastic beams with mid-span transverse blind holes, accepted for the ICCS17 - International Conference on Composite Structures, 17-21 june 2013, UPorto, FEUP, Porto, Portugal. 133. Paulo C Neves, Carlos Santiuste, António JM Ferreira, AA Fernandes, Numerical study of the critical energy absorbed by thermoplastic beams with mid-span transverse blind holes, accepted for the ICCS17 - International Conference on Composite Structures, 17-21 June 2013, UPorto, FEUP, Porto, Portugal. 134. Paulo C Neves, AA Fernandes, Kent Andersson, David Lantz, Redesign of the Rear Module of an Hybrid Bus Using Composite Sandwich Panels for Hcv Project, Poster presented at the Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures, Politecnico di Torino, AJM Ferreira, E Carrera (Editors), 18-20 June 2012.


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

135. Paulo C Neves, AA Fernandes, Kent Andersson, David Lantz, Modal Analysis of the Rear Module of an Hybrid Bus With Composite Sandwich Panels, ICCE-20, 20th Annual International Conference on Composites or Nano Engineering, Beijing, China July 22-28, 2012. 136. Paulo C Neves, AA Fernandes, Strategies for Weight Reduction of Hybrid Commercial Vehicles, II LAETA Young Researchers Meeting, FEUP, Porto, 10-11 April 2012.

4.5. Papers in national journals 1.

G Vasconcelos, E Poletti, E. Salavessa, AMP de Jesus, PB Lourenço, P Pilaon, “In-plane shear behaviour of traditional timber walls”, Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas, Série II (11): 59-68, 2012. 2. CS Casimiro da Costa, AA Fernandes, “O designer e os caminhos do desenvolvimento sustentável”, Revista Indústria e Ambiente (nº 73), dossier de Gestão Industrial e Ambiente, 2012, (pp. 21-25). 3. CA Garbe, L Souto, F Gentil, MPL Parente, RM Natal Jorge, “Estudo da exposição do ouvido médio ao ruído durante a ventilação não invasiva com helmet”, Segurança, 209:36-39, 2012.

4.6. Papers in national conferences 1.

M Parente, ARMG Silva, MET Silva, RM Natal Jorge, T Mascarenhas, AA Fernandes, “Study on the influence of the fetal head flexion during vaginal delivery by using a computational model”, Acta Obstetrica e Ginecológica Poruguesa, 6:158-164, 2012. 2. LSouto, P Talaia, A Ramos, N Silva, I Coelho, M Drummond, RM Natal Jorge, “Zonas de tensão de uma interface oro-nasal em um modelo computacional”, 19º Congresso de Pneumologia do Norte, Porto, 29 Fevereiro a 3 Março, 2012. 3. T Alaniz, P Talaia, RM Natal Jorge, “Desenvolvimento conceptual de calçado protector para motociclistas urbanos”, VII Encontro Nacional de Riscos, Aveiro, 19-20 Abril, 2012. 4. Moreira S., Dinis LMJS, Jorge RN and Belinha J (2012). “Elasto-static analysis using a meshless method”. 5º Encontro de Investigação Jovem da Universidade do Porto, Reitoria da Universidade do Porto, 22 e 24 de Fevereiro – Porto, Portugal. 5. Moreira S., Dinis LMJS, Jorge RN and Belinha J (2012). “Analysis of crack tip stress fields using a meshless method”. II Encontro de Jovens Investigadores do LAETA 2012. 10 e 11 Abril – FEUP, Porto, Portugal. 6. Carine Dias, Ana Valente, Rita Lopes, Sofia Trindade, Mário Vasconcelos, PALS Martins, “Efeitos da desinfeção química na textura e propriedades físicas dos cones de gutta-percha”, XXXII Congresso Anual SPEMD, Lisboa, 12-13 October 2012.




N Ramião, AA Fernandes, P Martins, “ A preliminary study on breast elasticity and firmness effects”. II Encontro de Jovens Investigadores do LAETA 2012. 10 e 11 Abril – FEUP, Porto, Portugal. 8. JCR Pereira, AMP de Jesus, JMC Xavier, AA Fernandes, “Ultra low-cycle fatigue behaviour of a structural steel”, Proceedings of the XIII Portuguese Conference on Fracture/ XIII Jornadas de Fractura, Coimbra, 2-3 Fevereiro, 2012. 9. AAL Silva, AMP de Jesus, AA Fernandes, “A review of current fatigue assessment techniques for welded joints”, Proceedings of the XIII Portuguese Conference on Fracture/ XIII Jornadas de Fractura, Coimbra, 2-3 Fevereiro, 2012. 10. AA Ribeiro, JMC Maeiro, ALL Silva, AMP de Jesus, “A perspective on fatigue history: theoretical background and fatigue failures”, Proceedings of the XIII Portuguese Conference on Fracture/ XIII Jornadas de Fractura, Coimbra, 2-3 Fevereiro, 2012. 11. TVP Caldeira, AMP de Jesus, NM Dourado, JJL Morais, JLPC Lousada, “Effect of Dowel Spacing and Dowel-to-end Distance on Quasi-Static Mechanical Behaviour of Moment-Carrying Steel-Wood Doweled Joints”, Proceedings of the XIII Portuguese Conference on Fracture/ XIII Jornadas de Fractura, Coimbra, 2-3 Fevereiro, 2012. 12. J Pinto, H Pereira, P Vilela, C Jacinto, J Vieira, A Paiva, S Pereira, J Ferreira, V Cunha, H Varum, “Camada de regularização com agregado de granulado de caroço da espiga de milho”, Proceedings of the 4º Congresso Português de Argamassas e ETICS, Coimbra, Março, 2012.


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

5. Guest editors of special issues 1.

Lucas FM Silva, Andreas Öchsner, RD Adams (Guest Editors), ‘Special issue on durability of adhesive joints’, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, doi: 10.1080/01694243.2012.704166, 2012. (IF: 1.175, NIC: 0). 2. Lucas FM Silva, Andreas Öchsner, RD Adams (Guest Editors), ‘Special issue on joint design 3’, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 37: 1–2, 2012. (IF: 1.853, NIC: 0). 3. Lucas FM Silva, Andreas Öchsner, RD Adams (Guest Editors), ‘Special issue on adhesive properties and adhesion’, The Journal of Adhesion 88: 277–281, 2012. (IF: 0.688, NIC: 0). 4. Andreas Öchsner, Lucas FM Silva, H Altenbach (Guest Editors), ‘Special Edition (ACE-X 2011) Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting’, Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 43: 5, 2012. (IF: 0.365, NIC: 0). 5. Paulo MST de Castro, Pedro MGP Moreira, Andreas Öchsner, guest editors; Guest editorial of special issue, International Journal of Structural Integrity, vol. 3 (2), ‘Selected papers presented at the ACE-X 2011, the 5th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting’.



6. Participation in international and national conferences Members of the group participated actively in training and scientific events as described in sections 4.4 and 4.6.

7. National and International exchange The unit maintains contacts with numerous national and foreign institutions both within projects well as training postgraduate training and education.

8. Participation in international networks The group particcipates in various networks, namely: · European Automotive Research Partners Association” (EARPA); · Network, “Virtual Physiological Human Netowrk of Excelence” (VPH NoE); · EASN – European Aeronautical Science Research Network; · EURNEX – European rail research network.


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

9. OTHER ACTIVITIES 9.1. External examiners in PhD and Msc examinations The members of the unit participated in several master’s and doctorate juries in the University of Porto and other both national and foreign universities.

9.2. Editors of international book series 1. 2.


Lucas FM Silva, Co-Editor da série de livros da Springer “Advanced Structured Materials” ( desde Setembro de 2009. Lucas FM Silva, Co-Editor da série de livros da Springer “Springer Briefs in Engineering: Computational Mechanics” ( desde Setembro de 2010. RM Natal Jorge, Co-editor, Series springer books “Lecture notes in computational vision and biomechanics, since September 2012.

9.3. Editors of international journals 1.


RM Natal Jorge (juntamente com JMRS Tavares), Editors-in-Chief do International Journal for Computational Vision and Biomechanics, Serials Publications, ISSN 0973-6778. LFM da Silva, Editor-in-Chief do The Journal of Adhesion (Taylor & Francis, ISSN: 0021-8464).

9.4. Participation in the editorial board of scientific journals 1.

RM Natal Jorge, JP Journal of Solids and Structures, Pushpa Publishing House, ISSN: 0973-5615. 2. RM Natal Jorge, The Open Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Journal, ISSN: 1874-1525. 3. RM Natal Jorge, “Associate Editor” do The Advances in Computational Research Journal, ISSN: 0975–3273 & E-ISSN: 0975–9085, desde Novembro de 2010. 4. RM Natal Jorge, “Associate Editor” do Journal of Biometrics, ISSN: 0975–3273 & E-ISSN: 0975–9085, desde Novembro de 2010. 5. J. Belinha, Editorial Member of “International Journal of Biometrics and Bioinformatics (IJBB)” from “Computer Science Journals”. 6. J. Belinha, Editorial Member of “International Journal of Composite Materials” (p-ISSN: 2166-479X and e-ISSN: 2166-4919). 7. PALS Martins, Editorial Member of “International Journal of Biometrics and Bioinformatics (IJBB)” from “Computer Science Journals”. 8. PMST Castro, Ciência e Tecnologia dos Materiais (SPM), ISSN0870-8312, founder and member of editorial board 1989-1991; editorial board member since 2010.




PMST de Castro, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, (J Wiley-Blackwell), ISSN 8756-758X, since 2001. 10. PMST de Castro, International Journal of Structural Integrity, (EMERALD), ISSN 1757-9864, since 2008. 11. PMST de Castro, Mecânica Experimental (APAET), ISSN 1646-7078, since issue #1, 1996. 12. PMST de Castro, Mechanika, (Kaunas University of Technology), ISSN 1392-1207 6, since 2004. 13. PMST de Castro, UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering, (Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti), ISSN 14542358, since 2008. 14. LFM da Silva, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Elsevier, ISSN: 0143-7496. 15. LFM da Silva, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, VSP, ISSN: 0169-4243. 16. Lucas FM Silva, Fracture and Structural Integrity (International Journal of the Italian Group of Fracture) ISSN 1971-8993. 17. LFM da Silva, The Journal of Adhesion, Taylor & Francis, ISSN: 0021-8464. 18. LFM da Silva, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications (Sage, ISSN: 1464-4207). 19. LFM da Silva, The Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Welding Equipment and Technology (University of Galati, ISSN: 1221-4639). 20. FM da Silva, Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives (Screvener Publishing, ISSN: 2168-0965). 21. PP Camanho, Composites Part A, Elsevier. 22. PP Camanho, Computers, Materials and Continua, Tech Press. 23. J Cesar Sa, International Journal of Material Forming. 24. J Cesar Sa, Computer Methods in Material Science. 25. J Cesar Sa, Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería.

9.5. Reviewers of international journals 1. RM Natal Jorge, European Journal of Orthodontics: 1 artigo (EJO-2012-OA-0008). 2. RM Natal Jorge, Annals of Biomedical Engineering: 1 artigo (ABME-D-12-04282). 3. RM Natal Jorge, International Urogynechology Journal: 5 artigos (IUJO-D-12-00109, IUJO-D-12-00355, IUJO-D-12-00566, IUJO-D-12-00596, IUJO-D-12-00627). 4. RM Natal Jorge, European Journal ofMechanics – A/Solids: 1 artigo (EJMSOL-D-12-00124). 5. RM Natal Jorge, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering: 1 artigo. 6. RM Natal Jorge, International Journal ofComputer Mathematics: 2artigos (GCOM2012-0355, GCOM-2012-0400). 7. RM Natal Jorge, PLoS ONE: 1 artigo (PONE-D-12-15648).


Activity Report 2012 UCVE


RM Natal Jorge, Proc. of IMechE, Part L, Journal of Materials: Design and Applications: 1 artigo (JMDA553). 9. RM Natal Jorge, Applied Mathematics and Computations: 1 artigo (AMC-D-1202938). 10. RM Natal Jorge, UsakUniversity Journal of Materials Science: 1 artigo (UUJMS-RS-1040812). 11. RM Natal Jorge, Acta Biomaterialia: 1 artigo (AB-12-1275). 12. RM Natal Jorge, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture: 1 artigo (IJMACTOOL-D-12-00557). 13. RM Natal Jorge, Scientific Research and Essays: 1 artigo (SRE-12-536). 14. J. Belinha, Acta Biomaterialia: 1 artigo (AB-12-210). 15. J. Belinha, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering: 1 artigo (CNM-Feb-12-0030). 16. J. Belinha, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements: 1 artigo (EABE-D-11-00093). 17. PALS Martins, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering: 1 artigo (CNM-Feb-12-0034). 18. PALS Martins, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials: 1 artigo (JMBBM-D-12-00428). 19. PALS Martins, European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology: 1 artigo (EJOGRB-12-8770). 20. PMST de Castro, Composite Structures. 21. PMST de Castro, International Journal of Fatigue. 22. PMST de Castro, Materials Science and Engineering – A. 23. PMST de Castro, Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 24. LFM da Silva, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives: 16 artigos (J723, J724, J729, J732, J734, J735, J741, J743, J744, J745, J748, J750, J753, J756, J761, J764). 25. LFM da Silva, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology: 4 artigos (JAST-D-10-00088, sem referência, sem referência, M2128). 26. LFM da Silva, Journal of Composites for Construction: artigo (CCENG-477). 27. LFM da Silva, Composite Structures: 3 artigos (COST-D-11-00164, COST-D-11-00396, COST-D-11-00537). 28. LFM da Silva, Journal of Composite Materials: 1 artigo (JCM-11-0379). 29. LFM da Silva, Composites Part B: Engineering: 2 artigos (JCOMB-D-11-00042, JCOMB-D-11-00287). 30. LFM da Silva, Experimental Mechanics: 1 artigo (EUROPOL-D-11-00429). 31. LFM da Silva, European Polymer Journal: 1 artigo (EXME1231). 32. LFM da Silva, Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design: 1 artigo (JSA759). 33. LFM da Silva, Journal of Testing and Evaluation: 1 artigo (JTE103801-11). 34. FM Andrade Pires, Computational Mechanics, 2 artigos. 35. FM Andrade Pires, Engineering Computations, 3 artigos. 36. FM Andrade Pires, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 1 artigo.



37. FM Andrade Pires, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2 artigos. 38. FM Andrade Pires, Revista Internacional de Metodos Numericos para Calculo y Diseno en Ingeniera, CIMNE, 1 artigo. 39. FM Andrade Pires, Computers and Structures, 2 artigos. 40. AMP de Jesus, Biosystems Engineering: 1 artigo (YBENG-D-12-00215). 41. AMP de Jesus, Journal of Pressure Vessels Technology: 1 artigo (PVT-10-1043). 42. AMP de Jesus, Maderas. Ciencia y tecnologĂ­a: 1 artigo (MCT2012-0038). 43. AMP de Jesus, International Journal of Structural Integrity: 1 artigo (IJSI-10-20120029). 44. AMP de Jesus, Key Engineering Materials: 1 artigo. 45. AA Fernandes, Journal of product Innovation management. 46. AA Fernandes, International Journal of Structural Integrity. 47. AA Fernandes, International Urogynecology Journal. 48. J Cesar Sa, International Journal of Damage Mechanics. 49. J Cesar Sa, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 50. J Cesar Sa, Computers and Structures. 51. J Cesar Sa, Computational Mechanics. 52. J Cesar Sa, Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 53. J Cesar Sa, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 54. J Cesar Sa, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 55. J Cesar Sa, Computational Materials Science. 56. J Cesar Sa, Journal of Symbolic Computation. 57. J Cesar Sa, Computer Methods in Material Science.


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

10.Evaluation of projects and grant awards 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


RM Natal Jorge, Acreditation panel of MSc course,A3ES, 2012. PP Camanho, FP7 projects evaluation (aeronautics). AMP de Jesus, Czech Science Foundation (GACR), October, 2012. AMP de Jesus, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs. General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Operational Programmes “Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship” and Regions In Transition, May 2012. AA Fernandes, project evaluation Research Program of The Research Found for Coal and Steel. PMST de Castro, Assessment of ERASMUS MUNDUS, call for proposals EACEA 42/11, Brussels, June 10-13, 2012. PMST de Castro, Evaluation of Research Quality 2004-2010 (VQR 2004-2010), Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca ANVUR, Italy, Sept. 2012-current. PMST de Castro, Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, one assessment for the Helmholtz-Postdoc Programme, Oct. 2012.



11. Organization of Scientific Conferences and other events 1.

RM Natal Jorge, Organizador, juntamente com P Giamberardino, D Iacoviello, JMRS Tavares, do International Symposium CompIMAGE - Computational Modelling of Objects Represented in Images: Fundamentals, Methods and Applications, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 5-7 September 2012. 2. RM Natal Jorge, Co-chair da International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering and Management for Innovation, IDEMI2012, Florianópolis, 21-23October 2012. 3. RM Natal Jorge, Co-chair da II Internacional Conference on Biodental Engeening, Porto, 7-8December 2012. 4. RM Natal Jorge, Organização do Mini-Symposium, juntamente com RAF Valente, S Reese, E Cueto, Advanced Developments on Finite Element and Meshless Technologies Applied to Metal Forming Simulations, no âmbito do 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, São Paulo, Brasil, 8-13 de Julho, 2012. 5. RM Natal Jorge, Organização do Mini-Symposium, juntamente com JMRS Tavares, JP Papa, Y Zhang, Computational Bioimaging and Visualization, no âmbito do 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, São Paulo, Brasil, 8-13 de Julho, 2012. 6. RM Natal Jorge, Mini-Symposium, RAF Valente, S Reese, E Cueto, Developments on finite element and meshless formulations applied to metal forming problems, no âmbito do 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2012, Vienna, Austria, 10-14September 2012. 7. RM Natal Jorge, Mini-symposium with E Peña, MA Martinez, PALS Martins, Computational models for soft tissues, no âmbito do 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering ECCOMAS 2012, Vienna, Austria, 10-14September 2012. 8. J. Belinha, Mini-Symposium, Meshless Methods Techniques, no âmbito da International Conference on Boundary Element and Meshless Techniques, Prague, Czech Republic, 3-5 September 2012. 9. PALS Martins, Mini-Symposium, Computational models for soft tissues (MS646), 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), Vienna, Austria, 10-14 September 2012. 10. Mini-Symposium on Advances in the Modelling of Forming Operations, WCCM 2012, the 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, São Paulo, Brazil, July 2012. 11. PMST Castro XIII Portuguese Conference on Fracture, SPM, Coimbra, February 2-3, 2012 (PMST Castro, member of the Organizing Committee). 12. PMST Castro 1st Int. Conf. of the International Journal of Structural Integrity, IJSI2012, Porto, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, June 25-28, 2012; chair: PMST Castro; proceedings editor: SMO Tavares.


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

12. Participation in conferences scientific committees 1.

RM Natal Jorge, Member of the Scientific Committee da 15th International Conference on Material Forming, ESAFORM, Erlangen, Germany, 14-16March, 2012. 2. RM Natal Jorge, Membro da Comissão Científica do Tercer Congreso Argentino de Ingeniería Mecánica, III CAIM 2012, Buenos Aires, 3-5 de Outubro 2012. 3. RM Natal Jorge, Member of the Program Committee da 15th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, IWCIA-2012, Austin, Texas, 28-20 de Novembro 2012. 4. RM Natal Jorge, Membro do Comité Científico do Tercero Congreso Argentino de Ingeniería Mecànica, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2-5 Setembro 2012. 5. RM Natal Jorge, Member of the Scientific Committee, International Conference on Integration of Design, Engineering and Management for Innovation, IDEMI2012, Florianópolis, 21-23 October 2012. 6. AMP de Jesus, Scientific committee, XIII Portuguese Conference on Fracture – PCF2012, Coimbra, 2-3 Fevereiro 2012. 7. AMP de Jesus, Scientific committee, 6th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting – ACEX 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, 1-4 July 2012. 8. AMP de Jesus, Scientific Committee, 1º Congresso Luso-Africano de Construção Metálica Sustentável, Luanda, Angola, 27 Julho 2012. 9. PMST Castro 16th International Conference Transport Means, Kaunas and Klaipeda, Lithuania, 25-26 Oct. 2012, (PMST Castro, member of the Scientific Committee). 10. PMST Castro IRF 2013, 4th International Conference on Integrity, Reliability & Failure, Funchal, Portugal, June 23-27, 2013 (reviewer of submissions). 11. PMST Castro ACE-X 2013, 7th Int. Conf. Advanced Computational Engng. and Experimentation, Madrid, Spain, July 1-4, 2013. 12. J Cesar Sá WCCM 2012, the 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, São Paulo, Brazil, July 2012. 13. J Cesar Sá ECCOMAS 2012 European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, September, 2012, Vienna, Austria. 14. J Cesar Sá ICDM - International Conference on Damage Mechanics, Belgrade, Serbia, 25 – 27 June 2012.



13. Participation in other international Panels 1. PP Camanho, member Euromech council. 2. AA Fernandes, Member TGS8 panel, Coal and Steel Research programme, EU. 3. AA Fernandes, National delegate to the FP7 Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies (NMP) (production technologies). 4. PMST Castro, Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais, Coordenador da Divisão Fractura. 5. PMST Castro, Member of the External Advisory Committee, CEMUC - Centro de Engenharia Mecânica da Universidade de Coimbra. 6. J Cesar Sá, Vice President of APMTAC-Portuguese Association of Theoretical, Applied and Computational Mechanics. 7. J Cesar Sá, Member of the General Council of the International Association of Computational Mechanics (IACM). 8. J Cesar Sá, Member of Scientific Computing Committee of ECCOMAS - European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences.


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

Acknowledgments 1. The collaboration of the following organisations / institutions is gratefully acknowledged: · European Commission · Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal · Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCT, Portugal · IDMEC/LAETA, Portugal · INEGI, Portugal · Universidade de Saragoça, Espanha · Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil · Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal · Universidade de Oviedo, Gijón, España · INSA-Lyon, France · Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil · RWTH Aachen University, Germany · DAAD-Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (German Academic Exchange Service), Germany · Instituto de Medicina Legal, Portugal · FMUP/Hospital de São João · AUTOCONCEPTUS · Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (PhD scholarship of DFC Peixoto) · CATIM - Metrologia Dimensional 3D (Jorge Barbosa, Fernando Ferreira) · ERASMUS programme (visit to FEUP Porto of Stefan D. Pastrama; Msc thesis at FEUP Porto of Christoph Thies; MSc thesis of J.T.A. de Melo at the Depart of Aeronautical Engng. of Imperial College London) · QREN 2. The performance of the group is the result of the dedication and effort of all its members and particularly the younger ones to whom thanks are directed. Especial thanks to those behind the scenes, contributing to the success of activities: · Eng. Miguel Figueiredo; · Julia Meira; · Rui Silva.

Porto e FEUP, 4th March 2012 Professor AA Fernandes - Coordinator



ANNEX – List of Members in 2012 Research Group Coordinator: AA Fernandes, Professor Members with doctorate Abílio Manuel Pinho de Jesus

Assistant Professor

Alfredo da Silva Ribeiro

Associate Professor

AA Fernandes

Full Professor

António Rui de Oliveira Santos Silva Melro

Post–Doc Researcher

Carlos Manuel Balboa Reis Gomes

Associate Professor

Carlos Sousa Casimiro da Costa

Assistant Professor

Cristina Maria Clementino Fernandes de Faria Guedes

Assistant Professor

Francisco Manuel Andrade Pires

Visiting Associate Professor

Giuseppe Catalanotti

Post–Doc Researcher

Jorge Américo Oliveira Ponto Belinha

Post–Doc Researcher

José Augusto Trigo Barbosa

Assistant Professor

José Manuel Almeida César de Sá

Full Professor

Lucas Martins Silva

Assistant Professor

Lúcia Maria Jesus Simas Dinis

Associate Professor

Marco Paulo Lages Parente

Senior Researchs

Maria Fernanda Gentil Costa

Prof. Adjunta IPB

Maria Teresa da Quinta Costa Mascarenhas Saraiva

Visiting Associate Professor

Mariana Doina Banea

Post–Doc Researcher

Mariana Rita Ramos Seabra

Post–Doc Researcher

Miguel Vigario de Figueiredo

Senior Researcher

Paulo Manuel Salgado Tavares de Castro

Full Professor

Pedro Alexandre Lopes de Sousa Martins

Post–Doc Researcher

Pedro Manuel Ponces Rodrigues de Castro Camanho

Associate Professor

Renato Natal Jorge

Associate Professor

Sérgio Manuel de Oliveira Tavares

Post–Doc Researcher

Silvestre Taveira Pinho

Visiting Associate Professor

Valentim Richter-Trummer

Post–Doc Researcher

Viriato Teixeira Abreu Antunes

Associate Professor

Zhen Ma

Senior researcher


Activity Report 2012 UCVE

PhD Students Ana Sofia dos Santos Leite Ferreira Ana Sofia Queirós Barbosa Arménio Neves Correia Carolina Ana Garbe Daniel Filipe Coutinho Peixoto Daniel Francisco B. Martinho Esteves Pina Eduardo André de Sousa Marques Fábio José Pinho Reis Filipe José Palhares chaves Filipe Xavier Costa Andrade Hélder Tiago Carriço Mata Henrique Manuel Sousa Duarte João Bernardo Rita Fernandes Pera Monteiro João Ferreira José António Fonseca de Oliveira Correia José Rafael Fernandes Andrade Luana Souto Barros Lucival Malcher Marco da Costa Marques Maria Elizabete Teixeira da Silva Miguel Aníbal Bessa Nilza Alexandre Gomes Ramião Paulo Henrique Carvalho Iglésias Neves Pedro Miguel de Almeida Talaia Pedro Miguel Ramos de Azevedo Maia Rafael Tavares Ricardo João Camilo Carbas Rita Rynkevic Seyede Mohsen Mirkalaf Valashani Sofia Brandão Sónia Liliana da Silva Vieira Susana Fernandes Moreira Thiago de Carvalho Rodrigues Doca Thuane Huyer da Roza Vera Luisa Allen Celestino da Silva Trindade 61



Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica Rua Dr. Roberto Frias 4200-465 Porto Portugal — t. +351. 225 574 167 f. +351. 225 574 170 e.

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