NICE ONE ASDA The Week In Retail was happy enough to pile into Asda when a Which? survey uncovered some of its more dodgy home delivery substitutions recently. If you think sausage rolls instead of toilet rolls and Cadbury Creme Eggs substituted with “bog-standard hen’s eggs” you’ll get the picture. Just not what you ordered. So, in the interests of balanced journalism, we’re please to report the mult has got something right. Specifically, it’s renamed the ‘feminine hygiene’ aisle to ‘period products’. Big deal, you say. Well, it is actually, as period charity Binti International explained in a tweet praising the move: “Thank you and a massive shout out to @asda for leading the way in changing the language around menstruation. Sanitary hygiene or feminine hygiene suggests menstrual products are for
something dirty. Time to change the language #SmashShame.” Commenting on the new signs, an Asda spokesperson said: “We’re proud to have made this change in our stores to better reflect shoppers’ attitudes around
period products. These items are an essential part of the shop for so many, so this change in wording helps us move towards removing the stigma from periods and period products.” So well done Asda. Period.
Anyway, according to SlotsUp,
Cottage pie tops the charts.
It’s National Pie Week, so what bet-
However, it appears that neither
ter way to celebrate than with yet
Cottage or Shepherd’s are even
another pointless article revealing
real pies. A proper pie, according
Britain’s favourite pie?
to British Pie Awards chairman Mat-
The much chewed-over topic is
thew O’Callaghan, “is a whole dish
not without controversy for several
encased in pastry”. So there.
reasons, however. Well, two.
And if you aren’t entirely bored
Firstly, it depends on who you
SlotsUp, a web-based reviewer of
with the subject yet, you’ll be
ask. According to a Hellofresh anal-
online casino games that has inex-
pleased to learn that next Monday
ysis of internet searches, the answer
plicably published its own pie league
is Pi Day – as in circumference-di-
is good old Shepherd’s pie.
vided-by-diameter pi. Why next Mon-
However, if you don’t trust the
We can’t wait for a retaliatory
day? It’s 14 March, or 14/3. Or 3.14,
judgement of a well-known meal
Hellofresh list of Britain’s favourite
as they say in America. Who said
kit provider then you can turn to
virtual fruit machines.
maths was boring?