Departmental Workshop Product innovation ANVI MATHUR PRODUCT DESIGN (L-3) NPD153131
oStudent Name: Anvi Mathur oCourse: BA (Hons.) Product Design oCohort: 2015-2019 oModule Name: Departmental Workshop – Product Innovation oModule Leader: Pranay Mangrati oModule Tutor: Bilal Abid oModule Duration: One Month oModule Credits: 20
Page No.
Project Brief
Class assignment
Concrete mixer
Product Innovation
Heat Glue Gun
Melting points of food items
Injection Moulding
Soldering Iron
Lab Model
Final Concept
Parts of Final Product
3D Model
Parts of Electro Mechanical Product
Exploded View
Acknowledgement I, Anvi Mathur of UG -PD:2015 -19 would like to thank our course leader Pranay Mangrati and module tutor Bilal Abid for guiding and supporting us through this module. At last I would like to acknowledge all the workers who helped me in fabricating the mechanism for my product. I, would also like to acknowledge my family and friends who helped me throughout the process of the project.
Project Brief Innovate a product based upon the mechanism and function of an existing electro mechanical product.
Class Assignment 1 To study a concrete mixing machine and understand the mechanism. Subsequently, find a machine at home with a similar mechanism and compare both of them. Deliverables:
oAnalyse the working of a concrete mixing machine oClick pictures and record videos oLearn about its operation oTalk to workers oFind out problems oFind a machine at home with similar mechanism oCompare both the functions oFind out similarities and differences between the two machines
Concrete Mixer A concrete mixer (also commonly called a cement mixer) is a device that homogeneously combines cement, aggregate such as sand or gravel, and water to form concrete. A typical concrete mixer uses a revolving drum to mix the components. For smaller volume works portable concrete mixers are often used so that the concrete can be made at the construction site, giving the workers ample time to use the concrete before it hardens. This homogenous mixture of concrete is used in constructing roads, structures, buildings, and other construction work. A cement mixer’s mechanism usually includes a rotating barrel, a motor that makes the barrel turn, and a handle which is used to shift the barrel’s position or dump once the concrete mixture is ready. Different types of cement mixers are seen performing various tasks. These mixers differ in their capacity, size, and mode of operation. Each cement mixer is ideal for a particular project.
Picture credits: Self clicked
Types of concrete mixers There are two types of concrete mixers: oBatch Mixers: Concrete mix obtained by this mixer is collected batch by batch and time by time. After pouring all the materials into pan or drum, it mixes all of those for some time and finally discharges. This process is repeated until required amount of concrete mix is obtained. oContinuous Mixers: Continuous mixer, the name itself telling its duty that the loading, mixing and discharging of mix is continuously done until the work is complete or work break occurs. The loading of materials is done continuously by screw feeders. Continuous mixtures are used for very large projects such as dams, bridges, construction of high rise buildings, etc. To determine the mixing method best suited for a specific application, factors to be considered include: oThe location of construction oAmount of concrete needed oConstruction Schedule oCost Ultimately, the quality of the concrete produced determines its performance after placement. An important measure of the quality is the homogeneity of the material after mixing. This paper will review mixing methods in regards to the quality of the concrete produced. Some procedures used to determine the effectiveness of the mixing will be examined.
Batch Mixers Drum Mixers
Batch Mixers
Non-tilting Drum Drum Mixer
Reversing Drum
Pan Mixer Tilting Drum
Drum is fixed with blades, rotating around its axis
Blades or pan rotating around its axis
Drum Mixers oAll the drum mixers have a container. The blades are attached to the inside of the movable drum. Their main purpose is to lift the materials as the drum rotates. In each rotation, the lifted material drops back into the mixer at the bottom of the drum and the cycle starts again. Parameters that can be controlled are the rotation speed of the drum and, in certain mixers, the angle of inclination of the rotation axis. There are three main types of drum mixers:
1. Non-Tilting Drum: The non-tilting drum mixer implies that the orientation of the drum is fixed. The materials are added at one end and discharged at the other
2. Reversing Drum: It is similar to the non-tilting mixer except that the same opening is used to add the constituents and to discharge concrete. The drum rotates in one direction for mixing and in the opposite direction for discharging the concrete.
3. Tilting Drum: The non-tilting drum mixer implies that the orientation of the drum is fixed. The materials are added at one end and discharged at the other
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Pan Mixers All pan mixers work on basically the same principle: a cylindrical pan (fixed or rotating) contains the concrete to be mixed, while one or two sets of blades rotate inside the pan to mix the materials and a blade scrapes the wall of the pan. The shapes of the blades and the axes of rotation vary. The other element of the mixer is the scraper. Sometimes the axis of rotation of the blades coincides with the pan axis. Other pan mixers have the axis offset [planetary motion mixer and counter-current. In some cases, there are two rotations: the blades rotate around their axes and around the axis of the. The other possibility is to have two shafts that rotate in a synchronized manner. This is a blade that is suspended at an angle near the inner wall of the pan. Its role is to scrape the concrete that tends to stagnate near the wall of the pan from the wall and to push it inward so that it encounters the rotating blades. If the pan is rotating, the scraper can simply be fixed, i.e., suspended near the wall of the pan and not moving. If the pan is fixed, the scraper must move to push concrete toward the blades. Usually the individual moving parts, i.e., the blades, the pan, and the scraper, are independently powered.
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Various configurations for pan mixers. The arrows indicate the direction of rotation of the pan, blades, and scraper. 11
Continuous Mixers The second category of mixers is continuous mixers. As the name indicates, the materials are continuously fed into the mixer at the same rate as the concrete is discharged. They are usually non-tilting drums with screwtype blades rotating in the middle of the drum. The drum is tilted downward toward the discharge opening. The mixing time is determined by the slope of the drum (usually about 15°).
These mixers are used for applications that require a short working time, long unloading time, remote sites (not suitable for ready-mix) and/or small deliveries. A major use of these types of mixers is for low slump (non flowable)concretes (e.g., pavements). Due to the short mixing time, the air content is not easily controlled even with the addition of air entraining admixtures
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Loading, Mixing, and Discharging oThe loading method includes the order of loading the constituents into the mixer and also the duration of the loading period. The duration of this period depends on how long the constituents are mixed dry before the addition of water and how fast the constituents are loaded. The loading period is extended from the time when the first constituent is introduced in the mixer to when all the constituents are in the mixer. RILEM divides the loading period into two parts: dry mixing and wet mixing. Dry mixing is the mixing that occurs during loading but before water is introduced. Wet mixing is the mixing after or while water is being introduced, but still during loading. This means that materials are introduced any time during the loading period: all before the water, all after the water, partially before and partially after. oThe mixing time is defined as the time elapsed between the loading of the first constituent to the final discharge of the concrete. According to RILEM mixing time is the time between the loading of all constituents and the beginning of concrete discharge. solid constituents can be added at various stages of the loading period: during dry mixing, after water is added, after a second period of mixing. Picture credits:
Observations of Cement Mixer oThere are 4 components of the Electro Mechanical Cement Mixing Machine: The Drum, The Motor, The shaft and The Pulley. oThe vertical movement is accomplished by mechanical rotation of the wheel manually and the horizontal movement is the electro mechanical movement through motor. oInternal blades lift and tumble the ingredients onto itself to mix well. oWhen the drum is almost horizontal (inclination at 0 degrees), more energy is used. Thus, more concrete is lifted and rotated. oHigher the drop means high energy to concrete. oIf the axis of rotation is vertical, the blades cannot lift the concrete. Thus, the mixing is not good. oDuring mixing cement, the axis of the drum stays at an angle of 15 degrees from horizontal. oThe generator produces the energy to run the motor through Dynamo. oDuring the mixing process, the mixer turns at about 18 rpm in a clockwise direction for 70-100 revolutions. oRapid discharge is accomplished by turning the drum in a counter-clockwise direction.
Products similar to Cement Mixer Electro Mechanical Products that have a similar mechanism to Cement Mixer are:
Vegetable Chopper
Meat Mincer
Twin Spinning Mop
Pasta Maker 15
Pasta Maker Features of Pasta Maker: oKneads dough by mixing Flour, Water and Oil and extrudes a variety of Pasta
oIncludes a stirring bar to mix the dough. It rotates on its axis. oThe long kneading tube makes smooth, bouncy dough oThe parts are detachable for easy assembly and cleaning oThe angled multi pins of the kneading tube and the stirring bar ensure that flour and liquid are mixed evenly and thoroughly from every corner of the chamber oPasta shaping disks are attached to extrude pasta in different shapes oPower: 150W Voltage: 220-240V Frequency: 50Hz oMotor can exert 1600 pounds force when it extrudes dough
Comparison between Cement Mixer and Pasta Maker Similarities between Cement Mixer and Pasta Maker: oBoth need to be rotated for mixing ingredients evenly oIn both of them, the mixture should be of even consistency to operate properly oBoth remove manual labour oBoth of them require power, mixer and a container to operate. Differences between Cement Mixer and Pasta Maker: oThe cement mixer is run by generator due to unavailability of power on the construction site whereas, the pasta maker is run by domestic electricity. oIn the Cement Mixer, the container drum rotates whereas, the stirring bar rotates in the Pasta Maker. oThe drum rotates horizontally and vertically in the Cement Mixer, whereas, the stirring bar revolves only in a clockwise direction in the Pasta Maker.
Product and Innovation oList of Electro mechanical products, their features and innovation that can be made by taking inspiration from the product are: 1. Electric Foot Filer
Product Feature: oRemoval of hard skin oPerfect finish, buffing and smoothening of heels oRoller can be changed according to grain size oPumice stone roller that spins 360 degrees oEasy glide operation Product Innovation: A similar product like a roller with sand paper which is motorized and revolves 360 degrees. It can be used to sand, file and smoothen wooden surfaces. Since it is difficult to sand flat wooden surfaces with hand manually, imitating the movement of the hand, a product like this can be made.
2. Twin Spin Mop: Product Feature: oMopping, Cleaning, Polishing and scrubbing floors oHave microfibre washable pads Product Innovation: oCan be used for cleaning the inside part of toilet pots oCan be used as a spinning hard pad for making a massager for the back or thighs 3. Vegetable Grinder: Product Feature: Have blades which revolve in in a rotary motion for cutting and trimming vegetables Product Innovation: A machine with big blades which will revolve in a rotary motion that can be used to cut grass. 4. Hair Straightener: Product Feature: A device which straightens hair with the use of heat Product Innovation: A device with heat which can be used to iron/ straighten/flatten pleats of clothes/collars of shirts where big presses cannot press properly. This device can be portable.
5. Nebulizer: Product Feature: It is a machine that uses a small compressor to convert medicine from liquid to tiny droplets of mist that can be inhaled directly into the lungs. Product Innovation: A similar device can be made to give for indoor plants which can convert a little amount of water to steam to give moisture. It can save large amounts of water that is used to irrigate plants.
6. Irrigation Sprinkler: Product Feature: An Irrigation sprinkler is a device used to irrigate agricultural crops, lawns, landscapes, golf courses, and other areas. Sprinkler irrigation is the method of applying water to a controlled manner in that is similar to rainfall. The water is distributed through a network that may consist of pumps, valves, pipes, and sprinklers. Product Innovation: While cutting onions, often the eyes start watering. In order to prevent this, a kind of chamber with a mechanism can be made that releases water in a rotating motion to water the onions evenly to remove the acid from the onions. 7. Heat Glue Gun: Product Feature: Hot glue guns are portable devices that utilize and dispense hot melt adhesives. They heat the thermoplastic glue stick and melt to take out hot adhesive.
Product Innovation: The function of heating and melting of glue gun can be used for melting Gur/Chocolate to make syrups for dressing for waffles, pancakes, etc. This concept was finalised to further work upon.
Hot Glue Gun Hot glue guns are portable equipments that dispense hot melted adhesive. First produced in the 1940s, hot melts-thermoplastics in the shape of tubular sticks, were created as an improvement to water-based adhesives that weaken when exposed to humidity. When they were initially fabricated, hot glue guns were used to stick shoe soles, but now they are used to apply glue to delicate cloth fabrics and to denser materials, including wood. To ensure the best bonding results, a compatible hot melt adhesive is essential for each glue gun and application. Hot melts vary in width and length and are generally in the form of waxes, resins and a variation of thermoplastic polymers. The chemical composition of hot melts varies, because they may produce soft or hard glue product. They are manufactured in different colours to match specific job applications. Typically, hot melts are waterproof and able to withstand chemical treatments, but they are not suitable in high temperature applications. Temperature is a major factor in the post glue gun application process. Glue that is exposed to too much light or heat will melt, whereas glue that is exposed to cold temperatures will become brittle. Selecting the right type of gun model is essential for every application: Low temperature guns melt glue at 250 degrees and are suitable for delicate materials. High temperature guns can reach 400 degrees and are only compatible for more durable or “hard� materials. Manufacturers produce dual temperature models for multiple projects.
Parts of a Hot Glue Gun
Picture credits: Amazon
Picture credits: Hakuma
Working/Mechanism of Hot Glue Gun oDuring the process, the hot melt sticks are pushed through the back cavity of the device either manually or by pulling a trigger, depending on the model of the gun. Once activated, the glue is pushed to a check valve, which is a spring loaded with balls that are located directly behind the nozzle. The valves are designed to stop the flow of the glue and to prevent spills. Various glue gun models are equipped with a viewing window which allows the user to determine if an efficient amount of adhesive is in the chamber. oGenerally, melting takes between two and five minutes, but the process may be shorter depending on whether the gun has been preheated or is already in use. In standard glue guns, the temperature of the hot melts is controlled by thermistors, thermally sensitive resistors that limit the heat current during the melting process. Since they regulate heat, glue gun resistors allow operators to handle the device without getting burned. oPTC Ceramic elements: PTC ceramic material is named for its positive thermal coefficient of resistance (i.e., resistance increases upon heating). Most ceramics have a negative coefficient, whereas most metals have positive values. While metals do become slightly more resistant at higher temperatures, this class of ceramics (often barium titanite and lead titanite composites) has a highly nonlinear thermal response, so that it becomes extremely resistive above a composition-dependent threshold temperature. This behaviour causes the material to act as its own thermostat, since current passes when it is cool, and does not when it is hot. oGlue is dispensed from a conical nozzle, which is typically metal and may become extremely hot. Various manufacturers fabricate glue guns that feature nozzles with a protective rubber encasing, to prevent burns. The glue can be dispensed in thin strips, and once expelled from the gun, glue generally takes only a few minutes to dry and harden. oThe heating range of heat glue gun is 120-210 °C.
Experimenting the concept oTo try experimenting at home, I made tubular sticks of Jaggery and chocolate. After pre heating the heat glue gun, I put the chocolate sticks in the Heat Glue gun.
Take jaggery and chocolate and grate it
Rotate and push the stick
Make tubular sticks and freeze them
Push through an external force which goes inside
Push the tubular sticks into the opening of the glue gun
Press the trigger of the glue gun so that the stick moves forward
When the barrel gets heated, the chocolate starts melting and come out from the nozzle
Observations oSince the tubular sticks were not very uniform, the trigger could not push the sticks forward. oAn external force/pressure was required to push the stick forward. oThe temperature set in the glue gun was high, it was burning the melted chocolate. oThe chocolate when melted was not flowing properly. It was dripping and breaking. oSince the chocolate was burning, oil/fat was coming out of the melted chocolate. oThe tubular sticks were breaking while pushing in the glue gun. oThe chocolate was sticking in the sides of the barrel and not moving forward.
Melting point of various food items oMelting point of various items that are melted and used for dressing in food items: oJaggery: 103-106 ° C oChocolate: 301-32 ° C oButter: 32-35 ° C oCaramel: 71-82 ° C oSugar: 160-180 ° C
Insights oThe heating should stop at a set temperature oThe product should be battery operated for ease of usage oThe clogging of nozzle has to be looked upon oThere should be a place for keeping the solid food item oThe product should allow the inner parts to be detached and washed oSince jaggery/chocolate pieces are big, a tube is needed for the pieces to go inside them and then soften and melt into smaller pieces and travel throughout the nozzle and come out in liquid form. oAn extra pressure is needed to push the food item forward. oHeating Range of product: 30-110 °C. oA regulator to regulate the temperature of heating. oWattage needed: 80-160 W
Injection Moulding Injection moulding is the most commonly used manufacturing process for the fabrication of plastic parts. A wide variety of products are manufactured using injection moulding, which vary greatly in their size, complexity, and application. The injection moulding process requires the use of an injection moulding machine, raw plastic material, and a mould. The plastic is melted in the injection moulding machine and then injected into the mould, where it cools and solidifies into the final part. Injection moulding is used to produce thin-walled plastic parts for a wide variety of applications, one of the most common being plastic housings. Plastic housing is a thin-walled enclosure, often requiring many ribs and bosses on the interior. These housings are used in a variety of products including household appliances, consumer electronics, power tools, and as automotive dashboards. Other common thin-walled products include different types of open containers, such as buckets. Injection moulding is also used to produce several everyday items such as toothbrushes or small plastic toys. Many medical devices, including valves and syringes, are manufactured using injection moulding as well.
Mechanism of Injection Moulding oMaterial granules are fed into hopper, then melted down in barrel which is surrounded by heaters. oThe material is pushed forward in the barrel through a reciprocating screw. Rotation of the screw is powered by an electric or hydraulic motor. oThe plastic is heated. It melts and is forced through one way valve oResulting pressure forces valve and screw backwards forming a chamber of plastic oWhen enough plastic builds up, screw is pulled back to decompress. oScrew pushed forward by hydraulic press and one way valve gets closed oMolten plastic is pushed through the nozzle and into the moulds
Flat Tip Soldering Iron oTo get flat heat plates, I bought a 35W flat tip Soldering iron. oIt has two heating plates connected to a thermistor. The heating plates are separated by a metallic piece. They are covered by pieces of asbestos stone which act as an insulator of heat. oThe heating element contains copper wire, nichrome wire oThe maximum heating temperature obtained was 400 °C. oMelting point of Soldering iron: • Solder: 188-240 °C • Iron Tip: 330-350 °C
Picture credits: Self clicked
Things Required for Lab Model oCopper tube: A hollow pipe for melted syrup to travel. Since copper is a good conductor of heat, it was best suited for the purpose. oThermostat with a range of 30-110 °C: A thermostat is a component which senses the temperature of a physical system and performs actions so that the system's temperature is maintained near a desired setpoint. oHeating band 100W: oNozzle oAluminium Funnel for keeping pieces of Chocolate and Jaggery oAluminium box for keeping thermostat oInsulated Pipe for handle oRegulator to set temperature for thermostat oAC current
Lab Model The 1st model that I had made did not work properly. The heating band which was covering the copper tube, was not heating the jaggery pieces consistently. All the jaggery pieces were rolling in front and not getting heated equally. The softened pieces were sticking above the nozzle and cooling and settling there. They were not coming out of the nozzle. An additional force was needed to push the big of jaggery. The heating was needed just above the nozzle melt the pieces near the nozzle and then syrup comes out.
pieces to
A rod like structure was needed with a sharp end with 1 mm less diameter than the copper rod to push the jaggery pieces forward.
Picture credits: Self clicked
Final Lab Model
Picture credits: Self clicked
Final Lab Model
Picture credits: Self clicked
Final Concept
Form Derivation
Parts of Final Product oCopper tube Barrel (20*150mm) oThermostat with a range of 30-110 °C: oHeating band 100W oNozzle (diameter 5mm) oAluminium Funnel with a cap for keeping pieces of Chocolate and Jaggery oAluminium box for keeping thermostat oRegulator to set temperature for thermostat
oReciprocating Screw with large pitch to push the solid material forward (p 10 mm diameter 19.5mm) o12V DC geared motor 300 rpm with high torque to rotate the reciprocating screw slowly o24 V battery oSwitch for switching on and off the machine oLED to indicate when the desired temperature is met oOuter body of ABS/Carbon Fibe (70*200mm)
3D Model
LED to indicate the heating temperature is obtained
Threads to attach and detach nozzle
Hinge for cap of funnel
Parts of the Machine
Parts of the Machine
Exploded View Upper Body
LED Switch Regulator Thermostat Threads
Thermostat Nozzle Stand
100W Heating Band
Copper Barrel
Reciprocating Screw
24V DC geared motor
12V Back Battery
Bottom Body
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