



Apartment News is the official publication of the Apartment Association of Orange County. Apartment News (ISSN 0747-3435) is published monthly for the apartment-house industry. It is published at 525 Cabrillo Park Drive, Suite 125, Santa Ana, CA 92701; (714) 245-9500. Subscription rate for nonmembers is $25 per year. Copyright 2020 by Orange County Multi-Housing Service Corporation. All rights reserved. Postmaster: Send address change to: 525 Cabrillo Park Drive, Suite 125, Santa Ana, CA 92701. Second-class postage paid at Garden Grove, California.
The Resources You Want — The Representation You Need — Since 1961
Published by the Orange County Multi-Housing Service Corporation, a subsidiary of the Apartment Association of Orange County.
525 Cabrillo Park Drive, Suite 125 Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 245-9500 • Fax (714) 245-9505 • www.aaoc.com
n Executive Director – David J. Cordero
n Editor in Chief – David J. Cordero
n Advertising & Media Sales Director – Debbie M. DiBernardo
n Design & Production – Dave Moeller/Graphic Angles
n Printing – Sundance Press
The contents of the Orange County Apartment News may not be reproduced without written permission. The opinions expressed in any article in the Orange County Apartment News are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of the Apartment Association of Orange County or Apartment News This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject manner covered. It is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional service. If legal service or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent person should be sought. Publisher disclaims any liability for published articles, typographical errors, production errors or the accuracy of information provided herein. While Orange County Apartment News makes efforts to ensure the accuracy of information provided herein, publication of advertisements does not constitute any endorsement or recommendation, expressed or implied, of the advertiser or any products or services offered. We reserve the right to reject any advertising or editorial copy.
NOTE: Unless stated otherwise permission to reprint magazine articles is granted on the condition that full credits are given to the author or to other sources and to Apartment News
To promote, protect and enhance the rental housing industry by providing programs and services that enable our members to operate successfully, and by supporting our members’ interests legislatively in order to preserve private property rights.
n President Frank Alvarez
n First Vice President Rick Roshan
n Second Vice President Randy Combs
n Vice President
Legislative Council John Tomlinson
n Treasurer Laurel Dial
n Secretary Nathan Poth
n Sergeant at Arms Craig Kirkpatrick
n Immediate Past President John Tomlinson
n Julia Araiza n Alan Dauger
n Denise Arredondo
Directors Emeriti
n Ronald Berg n Stephen C. Duringer
n Vicki Binford n William R. Gorman
n David A. Cossaboom n Jerry L’Ecuyer
n Nicholas Dunlap n Nick Lieberman
2 CRHP Fall #9 Wednesday, 8:30–12:30 pm, Online
8 Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday, 6 pm, Online
9 CRHP Fall #10 Wednesday, 8:30–12:30 pm, Online
10 Sexual Harassment Prevention Certification (Fall) Thursday, 9–11 am, Online
14 Welcome Home OC mOnday, 10 am, Online
14 Earthquake Vulnerability & Retrofitting 101 mOnday, 1–2 pm, aaOC OffiCe
16 CRHP Fall #11 Wednesday, 8:30–12:30 pm, Online
24 Thanksgiving Day Thursday, OffiCe ClOsed
25 Thanksgiving Holiday friday, OffiCe ClOsed
8 Holiday Party Thursday, 5:30–9 pm, sTraWberry farms GOlf Club, irvine, see paGe 7
13 Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday, 6 pm, Online
15 AAOC Multifamily Forecast Thursday, 7:30–9:00 am, The paCifiC Club, neWpOr T beaCh, see paGe 38
23 Christmas Eve Holiday friday, OffiCe ClOsed
26 Christmas Holiday mOnday, OffiCe ClOsed
30 New Year’s Eve Holiday friday, OffiCe ClOsed
1 New Year’s Day saTurday, OffiCe ClOsed
10 Board of Directors Meeting Tuesday, 6 pm, Online
11 General Membership Meeting Wednesday, 7–9 pm, elks lOdGe, sanTa ana
There is much in my life for which I am grateful — my family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers, as well as my country, my freedoms, and my opportunities to work hard and achieve personal and professional success.
I am also grateful for the Apartment Association of Orange County and all that it has provided me, as well as allowed me to give back over the years. This month, instead of a written article, I thought I would use photos highlight ing some of the outstanding AAOC
events this year to express my thanks and deep appreciation for the associa tion, my fellow members, our industry, and our collective resiliency in this bounce back, post-pandemic year.
I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving, and hope to see you at our AAOC Holiday Party, Dinner, Awards & Board Installation Ceremony on Thursday, December 8, 2022, at Strawberry Farms Golf Club in Irvine. Tickets are on sale at www.AAOC.com.
We have made it a custom to write our magazine articles about new trends and laws directly affecting existing rental-hous ing stock. Well, this article is about legal application of a law that recently had “teeth” amended into it so rental housing will be built and thereby ease the pressure for cities and counties to adopt incredibly burdensome laws that are designed to punish rental housing owners.
A developer is proposing to apply a rarely used state law because a local government, namely the city of Santa Monica, has failed to produce a hous ing plan to accommodate population growth. The law that we are referring to will more likely than not be used in wealthy cities and counties that provide little — if any — housing.
In recent years, the California legis lature and governor have approved laws that erode local control over homebuilding. They argue that local resistance is the key reason behind the housing shortage and high cost of living.
In response, developers finally are willing to challenge local officials.
Santa Monica is not the only city where thousands of dwelling units are proposed to be built. Approximately 20 miles away, for example, a developer that happens to be a power plant owner, is proposing more than 2,200 housing units to be built. Developers in West Hollywood and Beverly Hills are looking at using the same law to build thousands of units.
The Santa Monica development includes a 15-story high-rise with 2,000 dwellings. This would be the tallest down town building. The rest of the units to be built would be spread across 14 buildings.
Do you want to guess what the response has been by local elected offi cials? Their immediate claim is a loss of local control, and that the unique char acter of the community would be lost, including the reasoning behind many of the local government ordinances that place restrictive requirements on rental property owners.
One member of the Santa Monica
City Council claims that, “some of this growth will be destructive to the idea that Santa Monica, somewhere along the line, was supposed to be a beach side town.” Council member Phil Brock stated, “…As we blend into L.A., we will lose that character.”
Brock expects that his fellow coun cil members will try to block at least some projects. This statement is made without reviewing any aspect of the proposed housing development or the laws that could make it possible for the developer to move forward. The law that could be applied in this situation is three decades old and is popularly referred to as the “builder’s remedy.”
When the requirement to produce a housing plan, popularly referred to as a housing element, every eight years (it used to be every four) is breached, developers can essentially propose to build what they want, provided some of the housing is set aside for low- or middle-income households.
Knowing how many times, and how many housing units have not been built
due to the dozens of local governments that have stood in the way of develop ment, state legislators beefed up state laws to make the “builder’s remedy” a viable law by increasing the penalties for cities and counties that reject devel opment and/or reduce density. Even the state attorney general has become assertive by forming a task force to enforce housing rules.
State Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) wrote some of the laws that strengthen the “builder’s remedy.” The senator perfectly summarized the reasoning behind her bill in this fash ion: “The localities themselves gave up local control when they chose to ignore state law.”
A cultural and state legislative shift should not have surprised local elected officials. They were given ample oppor tunity and warning that their policies and practices would no longer be toler ated by the state. The Newsom Administration, state legislature, and attorney general continued their march
at strengthening and enforcing the laws because local officials continued to cre ate roadblocks against much-needed housing. It is the cities and counties that created the housing crises.
The ”builder’s remedy “ could be in play among the 124 cities in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Imperial Counties because their hous ing elements have not been approved by the state Department of Housing and Community Development.
And in San Diego County, the cities of Coronado, Del Mar and Solana Beach are among 11 cities that could be facing the same set of circumstances. The cities’ housing plans must be sent to the state by January 2023. If they fail to submit their plans to the state, and the state does not approve those plans, those cities will face the same set of consequences.
On October 11, the Santa Monica City Council revised its housing plan, which was subsequently certified by state housing officials. However, the
proposal that the developer submitted to the city to construct the 14 build ings, thereby creating 4,562 new apart ments with 941 units set aside for low-income residents, was before the city’s housing plan was revised and approved. Thus the “builder’s remedy” was filed before the deadline.
Santa Monica is well known for adopting one of the strongest rent con trol laws in the state — the reasoning behind the need for the Ellis Act, the reasoning behind Costa Hawkins. It was also one of the first cities to compel developers to provide affordable hous ing as a condition of approval.
The road ahead for the developer will be an arduous one. And we can guaran tee that it will be litigated for years.
Ron Kingston is President of California Strategic Advisors and Legislative Advocate for the Apartment Association of Orange County. For questions regarding this article, please call AAOC at (714) 245-9500.
Over the past few months, I have discussed what different races mean here in Orange County as it relates to rental housing. The coverage may have been particu larly relevant to readers who live or own or operate rental property in a city where housing is presently a high-pro file election year issue for city council candidates. For other readers, you may feel comfortable knowing these issues don’t affect you in your city — at least not yet.
Elections, provide a glimpse into where housing stands as a community issue, and as an indicator of things to come in the larger political landscape.
For the November 2022 election cycle, there were no specific issues in Orange or Riverside Counties to which we could point and identify immediate threats to the rental-housing industry. However, there were some issues involving development and even prop erty taxation worth mentioning.
Aliso Viejo voters will consider “Measure G,” which presents itself as a standard school facilities bond pro posed by the Capistrano Unified School District. The bond measure would exclusively benefit district schools located in the city, but the school dis trict makes no guarantees that it wouldn’t just swap out funding that the general budget would have allocated for these schools and apply it elsewhere in the district.
Laguna Beach has two ballot mea sures that are designed to create trig
gers for which voter approval would be required for major development proj ects. There are no new rental housing projects in the pipeline, nor any antici pated to be proposed, so these mea sures have no impact on the industry.
Costa Mesa is trying to modify a city ordinance that voters approved in 2016 which requires voters to approve certain development proposals. Observers say the ordinance has brought housing development in the city to a halt. According to the city, if approved on November 8th, Measure K would allow housing development in commercial and industrial areas, while keeping residential neighborhoods intact and revitalizing commercial corridors.
Riverside County has a school bond measure or two - but neither the county nor the cities are having an impact on rental housing in this election.
Now, let’s take a look outside of Orange and Riverside Counties where rentalhousing has very much been an issue.
The statewide ballot does not have any housing-related initiatives this election cycle, but several cities and counties in the state do.
Pasadena decided to address hous ing affordability issues via the ballot box this fall. If passed, Measure H would bring both rent control and just cause eviction to the city and make it part of the city charter. This move
would require a city vote to enact any change to these laws.
I know what you’re thinking, “Santa Monica already has rent control.” And while you would be correct, the city apparently found it necessary to try further lowering the percentage by which a rental property owner could raise rents. If passed, Measure EM would allow the rent control board to halt any rent increases during a declared emer gency — regardless of the reason or loca tion of the emergency. If the governor declares a wildfire in Modoc County an emergency, the city of Santa Monica, located in Los Angeles County, could deny rent increases. Extra points if you can point to Modoc County on a map.
Since paying criminals to not com mit crimes wasn’t enough, the city of Richmond decided to propose capping rents at either 60% of CPI or 3% — whichever is lower. The city council placed “Measure P” on the November 2022 ballot apparently so they could later blame the residents when proper ties aren’t kept up due to lack of suffi cient funds.
And saving the best for last…
Have you ever wondered how you can find a policy that is utterly sense less, however, gets lots of “influencer” support? Enter “Measure ULA.”
I drove by my apartment building the other day and noticed that one of my tenants put up a satellite dish antenna, not just one, but three. I just put a new roof on about a year ago. This tenant had the nerve to bolt them right through the new roofing shin gles. Looks terrible. I’m concerned about water leakage, mold and possibly voiding my roof warranty. Can they do that legally?
No. Your standard apartment association rental agreement most likely includes a provision prohibiting the tenant from making modifications or alterations to the premises without the landlord’s prior written consent. The tenant is in breach of the agreement and most courts would agree that the breach is a curable one. Depending upon the extent of the damage to the roof, the tenant’s conduct may rise to the level of
the exterior of your building and repair the damage. You would then deduct the reasonable out of pocket costs from the tenant’s security deposit. You can then demand reimbursement by serving a three-day notice to perform covenant or quit by demanding that the tenant replenish the security deposit for the amount charged. A second option would be to serve a three-day notice to perform covenant or quit, by demand ing that the tenant return the premises to their original condition by removing the satellite dish and repairing anyand-all damage to the building. This option is not preferable because you do not want to instruct the resident to climb on your roof and perform the roof repair himself. Under either scenario, you would be well advised to document the breach by taking pictures of the
allows tenants to maintain a satellite dish antenna on their patios and balco nies, within areas exclusively for the use of the tenant. These do not, however, give the tenant the right to affix an antenna to your roof or install an antenna in the common areas.
There have been numerous incidents where police have come to one of my prop erties lately. I do not know specifically what is going on, but a police officer called me and identified one of my residents as an undesirable. They say he’s suspected of being in a gang and is dealing drugs. They say that if I don’t evict him, the police will prosecute me for allowing a criminal to operate on my property. I may even lose the property! The family has been there for several years, other than a couple bounced checks, they have been model tenants. Help, I cannot afford a vacancy right now,
In this upside-down world we live in today, this is a growing trend in law enforcement. Rather than prosecute the criminal, many law enforcement agencies are taking the lazy way out and threatening the law-abiding land lord, forcing them to evict the resident. Rather than locking up the bad guys, just shuffle them off to another com munity. If the police are certain he is dealing drugs, why haven’t the police done anything about it? If the call you received is inconsistent with your expe rience with your resident, follow up with the police department by asking for documentation supporting their claim. Check if there have been arrests on the property and possibly ask if any illegal drugs have been found there. You can also ask other residents in the building, to gather independent infor mation. If the information you gather supports your resident’s involvement in criminal activity, act immediately. Consult your attorney to determine if you have enough facts to support a
three-day nuisance notice. Remember, a letter from the police department is not enough evidence in court to base a nuisance notice on, testimony from percipient witnesses will be required.
I rented an apartment to four roommates quite a while ago. One of the four is now moving out, but the other three want to stay. The one moving out is demanding that I return his portion of the security deposit. He says that he paid it, so he should get it back. Do I have to?
No, the security deposit remains with you as long as any of the roommates remain in possession of the rental unit. Often, owners and residents will enter into an agreement replacing one resi dent with another, thereby removing the one original resident from the lease. The agreement will further provide that the ‘new’ roommate pay the ‘old’ roommate his portion of the security deposit. Absent a written agreement to
the contrary, the owner should retain the entire security deposit, then when all the remaining roommates vacate, the refund check should be made pay able to all four of the original room mates named in the rental agreement.
This article is presented in a general nature to address typical landlord tenant legal issues. Specific inquiries regarding a particular situation should be addressed to your attorney. C. Tyler Greer is an attorney and shareholder at The Duringer Law Group, PLC, one of the largest and most experienced landlord tenant law firms in the country. The firm has suc cessfully handled over 300,000 landlord tenant matters throughout California and has collected over $300,000,000 in debt since 1988. The firm may be reached at 714.279.1100 or 800.829.6994. Please visit www.DuringerLaw.com for more information.
Remember, the holiday season starts with Halloween and the demand on your properties only gets worse from there. Check each stove and oven for proper operation, many residents only turn on their ovens at this time of year, and the problem may be as simple as a blown-out pilot light. This time of year sees a higher than normal use of the plumbing. It may be a good idea to snake out or hydro-jet your main plumbing lines.
In addition, sending a note to each ten ant on the proper use of the garbage disposal will be useful. Note what they should, and should not, put into the disposal unit. A few items to include on this “No-No” list are banana peels, potato skins, coffee grounds, and any stringy foods. Also, make sure they turn on the water before using the dis poser and put down small amounts of food at a time. Using the disposer as a trash can, and turning it on when full, will lead to a clog.
Christmas and other holidays also mean more people than usual walking on your property. Is your property safe? What are some of the liabilities to worry about? Check trip and fall haz ards. Do you have sprinkler heads sticking up above the grass or land scape near sidewalks? Use pop-up heads to solve this problem. Look for sidewalks that have been pushed up by tree roots. This can be solved with a concrete grinder or replacement of the
section and removal of the tree root. Cut any low-hanging tree branches and look for branches that may break in heavy winter wind or rain. Check your decking for cracks or damage and inspect the exterior stairways for wear and tear. Inspect all your garage door springs as winter wind and rain may make them heavy, causing the door to close or fall unexpectedly. As a precau tion, always replace both garage springs at the same time and throw away any used springs. Never install used garage springs. Check all property lighting and timers.
Remember: Preventive Maintenance is cheaper than Emergency Maintenance!
I have a toilet that runs every ten or twenty minutes. I have replaced the fill valve, the flapper valve, and I have even scrubbed under the rim! In other words, all the items I can think of that are replaceable in the tank are new. What else should I be looking at? Sam
You replaced all the easy ones! When all else fails on a toilet leak down issue, it is time to put on your rubber gloves and get an adjustable wrench. Chances are the problem lies with the flush valve seat. The rubber flapper valve seals against the flush valve seat (the big hole at the bottom of the tank.) to either keep the water in the tank, or to let the water out of the tank. The seat may have a burr, crack, or calcium deposits
that allow a small amount of water to seep past the rubber flush valve. Sanding the seat to remove the burr or calcium deposit is a short-term solu tion, but rarely solves the problem for long. A permanent solution is to replace the flush valve. Start by turning off the water supply, empty the tank com pletely, and remove the water line. Remove the two or three bolts holding the tank to the toilet bowl. Turn the tank upside down and remove the large nylon or brass nut that holds the flush valve to the tank. Install the new flush valve. Be sure the tank bottom is clean, and no debris gets between the new valve’s rubber gasket and the tank. Tighten the large nut on the outside of the tank and you are ready to reassem ble the tank and bowl and put the toilet back into action. When reassembling the tank to the bowl, install new rubber washers and bolts.
Dear Maintenance Men:
I am organizing a preventative main tenance “Tune Up” list for my mainte nance work at my rentals. Most are DIY type repairs, and my goal is to have safer, problem-free units in the long term. Can you help with some tips or ideas I can add to my list? George
Dear George:
Good for you! And good for your resi dents. Staying on top of your mainte nance is a great way to add value to your rental investment and promote timely rent payments etc. Items we would
include on your “Tune Up” list would be to inspect the property and units for liability and habitability items first.
Address these types of items as they can be inexpensive to fix, and costly not to.
General items to look for are:
1. Loose toilets bolts & old flapper valves
2. Leaky faucets and fixtures
3. Replace any white plastic water lines with stainless steel flex lines.
4. Check smoke detectors and consider the addition of carbon monoxide detectors.
5. Loose door handles or knobs
6. Closet door tracks (worn or bent)
7. Door stops — Installed and in proper placement to avoid wall holes
8. Check outside lighting and trip hazards
9. When replacing a garbage disposal, use a ½ hp model. The cheaper 1/3 hp disposers only promote clogs. Show your residents how to use them correctly.
10. Peeling interior and exterior paint — Using EPA lead safe practices, scrape and cover peeling paint immediately.
11. Check for water stains on the ceilings
and find their source. It’s sometimes less expensive to repair a roof before or during a wet winter.
12. Check shower and tub caulking. Remove and replace as needed.
WE NEED Maintenance Questions!!! If you would like to see your maintenance question in the “Dear Maintenance Men” column, please email your questions to DearMaintenanceMen@gmail.com.
If you need maintenance work or a consultation for your building or project, please contact Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. to schedule an appointment. We are available throughout Southern California and can be reached at 714-956-8371. For more information, visit www.BuffaloMaintenance.com
Frank Alvarez is a licensed contractor and the Operations Director and Co-Owner of Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. He has been involved with apartment maintenance and construction for more than 30 years and frequently serves as a guest lecturer and educational instructor. Frank also serves as president of the Apartment Association of Orange County (AAOC) and chair of the AAOC Education Committee. Frank can be reached at (714) 956-8371 or Frankie@ BuffaloMaintenance.com.
Jerry L’Ecuyer is a real estate broker and a Director Emeritus of the Apartment Association of Orange County. He is a past president and longtime board member of the association, in addition to having served as chair of its Education Committee. Jerry has been involved with apartments as a professional since 1988.
Throughout Orange County, housing voucher subsidies are increasing, giving voucher hold ers more housing options and access to a wider selection of rental units throughout the county.
These annual adjustments to sub sidy values make vouchers more com petitive for market rate apartments. So, what does that mean for your rental properties? In short, this is great news for rental housing providers, as even more market rate units can now qualify to lease to voucher holders.
“Orange County Housing Authority is hoping the 2023 Payments Standards will help current Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) participants keep up with the rising cost of rent and will make it easier for current and future voucher participants to maintain and access additional affordable hous ing units in the current rental market in Orange County,” said January Johnson, Manager, Housing Assistance Division, Orange County Housing Authority. “We are optimistic about the new Payment Standards, especially as, for the first time, HUD used up-to-date private rent data to help set Fair Market Rents (FMRs) to ensure that FMRs better reflect housing costs in local communities.”
Housing voucher payment standards are calculated as a percentage of HUD’s Fair Market Rents and can range from 90–120% of the FMRs. Each year, HUD
releases an assessment of what it con siders Fair Market Rent for a geo graphic area, based on the number of bedrooms in the rental unit.
“The goal is to lower the rent burden for current and future participants, reflect the actual local rental market, and balance those goals within the existing budget,” said Johnson.
With the new rates in place, housing vouchers are now comparable with non-subsidized rental payments. For property providers, not only does this open the door to a wider pool of appli cants, but it also gives them access to additional benefits such as guaranteed on-time rental income each month from the public housing authority, pro tection from changes in tenant income, longer tenancy, less lost rent, and turn over expenses.
“Many property providers are unaware of the benefits that can come from renting to voucher holders,” said Steven Gallian, QIP Management. “Voucher holders are just as, if not more, reliable as other tenants, and with guaranteed rental income, I’m able to focus on other aspects of prop erty management. I’ve found it creates a better relationship with the tenant when I’m not worried about when the rent will be paid.”
The recent announcements from all four public housing authorities: Anaheim, Garden Grove, Santa Ana,
and Orange County, represent a sub stantial increase for properties in every Orange County city. Santa Ana has increased voucher values by $505 on average, with the largest increase seen for single family home rentals, but still a sizable increase for 1 and 2 bedrooms of $350. Renters in Anaheim will ben efit from rates set at 110% of FMR, which matches the rates for South County. Those in Garden Grove are receiving a 5% higher portion of FMR and the higher FMR base rate, resulting in an average increase of $383.
In the rest of the county, the biggest increases occurred in Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, and Fountain Valley with an average of a $564 increase. Overall, the average increase is a substantial $423, with an overall average increase of $326 for 1 bedroom and $374 for 2 bedrooms.
“The payment standard increase is going to really level the playing field for our clients,” said Elizabeth Andrade, Chief Executive Officer at Family Assistance Ministries. “Not only is this great news for property providers and voucher holders, but this benefits our community as well—helping to reduce poverty, homelessness, and helping low-wage workers make ends meet.”
If you’d like to learn more about the increased payment standards, or would
Housing Voucher — continued on
Increased demand for EV charging is just around the corner; owners and management companies must be prepared for the potential uptick of EVs at communities.
As climate change continues to alter the environment, people are becoming more conscious of their personal impact on the planet and making an effort to combat the climate emergency. While many strides have already been made to reduce energy consumption and minimize our carbon footprint, some notable advance ments, like the use of electric vehicles (EVs), are gaining traction.
According to a recent KPMG survey, some of the country’s top auto execu tives say that by 2030 more than half of U.S. car sales will consist of EVs. At the 2022 Apartmentalize session, “Powering Up: Providing Charging Stations for EVs at Your Property,” panelists discussed how the expanded use of EVs is chang ing the way they design properties to meet the needs of modern renters and achieve their goal of reducing environ mental impact.
“A lot of people are seeing the market changing with more EV drivers showing up at their communities,” said Gabe Schwartz, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Sitelog IQ. “The land scape is transforming right now. What you saw yesterday is not necessarily reflective of what you’ll see over the next several years.”
While the EV takeover is most prominent in major metropolitan areas at the moment, it won’t be long before it reaches the masses.
“We did a survey of 15,000 residents and found that 91% of respondents currently drive a gas-engined vehicle,”
said Susan Picotte, Senior Vice President of Asset Management and Operations Support for Centerspace. “However, 37% indicated that they plan to purchase a hybrid vehicle in the near future. Furthermore, the average car owner keeps a vehicle for about seven years, which ties in closely to the pre dictions of where we’ll be in 2030.”
Susan Vickery, Principal for Caryatid Consulting, suggested that those survey results are based on what’s here now and that 37% will increase dramatically.
“I think that number will climb sig nificantly when we start seeing a much wider variety and more affordable price range for EVs,” Vickery said. “The real issue right now is long-distance driving. That’s the infrastructure hurdle that we need to jump and get additional super chargers in more remote places.”
Panelists pointed out that although the hesitancy behind consumers pur chasing EVs is due to the perception that the vehicles are too expensive and there is a lack of infrastructure, it really comes down to a shortfall of knowl edge. Regardless of where a buyers’ mindset is at now, the shift is happen ing and operators need to be adequately prepared to supply EV charging sta tions onsite.
Schwartz noted that people over whelmingly prefer to charge their vehi cles at home in their own private parking area.
“Operators need to figure out how to accommodate that preference and decide on the smartest possible install
design,” Schwartz said. “There are mul tiple considerations with it and there are requirements that must be met.”
The ideal time to implement EV charging stations is at the point of con struction, but as Vickery highlighted, the design must be built in a way that allows for additional installations as the need grows. Whether it’s a new build or an existing community, the best way to achieve this is to take a coordinated approach.
Operators should establish consis tency across communities and choose a single EV network provider that includes a standard service package with a single point of contact.
“EVs not only address the environ mental aspect of ESG by encouraging carbon reduction and things like that, but it’s also about community impact and enhancing the modern renter experi ence that makes people want to stay in your communities,” Schwartz said.
Housing Voucher — continued from 16
like assistance determining the range a voucher holder could qualify for when renting your next available unit, call or email WelcomeHomeOCSM to schedule a complimentary consultation.
You can schedule an appointment at bit.ocuw.org/meetwhoc or by calling 949.263.6114.
About the Author: Andrew Ruhland is a Junior Account Executive and Content Writer for LinnellTaylor Marketing.More than 150 members attended the AAOC General Membership Meeting on October 18, 2022, for a comprehensive legislative session wrap up and preview of the new state laws that will affect the rental-housing industry starting in
AAOC State Legislative Advocate Ron Kingston and attorney C. Tyler Greer, Esq. (Duringer Law Group, PLC) cov ered a wide range of policy topics during their presentation, focusing not only on the legislation that was signed into law
by the governor but also doing a “deep dive” into related policy issues that we could see introduced as new legislation in the coming year.
The initial topic covered by Kingston
L to R: Steve Cheung (Walnut Garden Apartments) and Darcy Wagner (Zumper). L to R: Amanda Fielder and Troy Mitchell (CBRE Multifamily SoCal — Dan Blackwell & Team). L to R: Len Allen and James McCormick (Argos Home Systems, Inc.).and Greer was Electric Vehicles (EVs) and that by 2035, only those vehicles will be permitted for new car sales in California. To support this mandate, beginning in early 2024, the California Building Standards Commission and the Department of Economic Development, will research and develop proposals for mandatory installation of EV charging stations — including installation in multifamily communities.
Kingston emphasized that it is imperative that the rental housing industry participate in the process for developing these standards, to avoid
unnecessary costs associated with the installation of EV stations in multifam ily parking lots.
Another issue covered was the future of credit reporting for prospective rent ers. It was stated that until July 1, 2025, property owners of assisted housing developments, with 16 or more dwell ing units, are required to offer lessees the option of having their favorable rental payments reported to at least one consumer reporting agency.
In addition, state law now permits (but does not require) rental housing providers to accept a reusable consumer report from prospective residents to obtain information about their credit
worthiness during the application pro cess. This is a policy are that the legislature is expected to continue exploring during the 2023 legislative session.
Indoor residential water usage is also in for major changes according to Kingston and Greer. Through December 31, 2024, the indoor consumption stan dard shall be 55 gallons per capita daily. From January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2029, the standard shall be 47 gallons per capita daily. And from January 1, 2030, the standard will be 42 gallons per capita daily. How those
AAOC President Frank Alvarez (Buffalo Maintenance) announces the upcoming webinars and special events for the remainder of the year. L to R: Mercedes Shaffer (Investing in the OC) and Marilyn Silverstein discuss current market conditions and different investment strategies for property owners to consider. Thank you to our meeting sponsors: Dish Fiber, Genesis Bank, and Kay Properties & Investments, LLC. L to R: AAOC State Legislative Advocate Ron Kingston and AAOC Vice President of External Affairs Chip Ahlswedestandards will be achieved remains to be seen. How it will be enforced is an even greater question.
The program concluded with Kingston discussing the creation of a Los Angeles Regional Housing Finance Act. This will establish authorization to raise and allocate new revenue through a parcel tax, gross receipts, business tax license tax, a document tax, and the issuance of bonds, including general obligation, revenue, and mortgage bonds, as well as private activity bonds.
Members who would like to watch the meeting video or review the presen tation slide deck can do so by visiting https://www.aaoc.com/meeting-hand outs-and-presentations. To access the information, please be sure you are first logged into your member account.
AAOC wishes to thank the sponsors of the October General Membership Meeting: Dish Fiber, Genesis Bank, and Kay Properties & Investments. Their
support of the association and the pre sentation of this meeting is appreciated.
Finally, there are some changes com ing to the AAOC General Membership Meetings in 2023. Meetings will now be held on Wednesday evenings at a new location — The Santa Ana Elks Lodge
(1751 S. Lyon Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705). The lodge is conveniently located just south of Edinger Avenue and west of the Costa Mesa (55) Freeway.
We look forward to seeing you at our first meeting of the year on Wednesday, January 11, 2023, beginning at 7 p.m.
Tyler Greer (Duringer Law Group, PLC) answers a members’ question.The beauty of our Southern California landscape is also what makes it so menacing. We’ve long known the link between towering mountain ranges and the San Andreas fault. Now we learn that the coastal bluffs of Newport Coast and Laguna were created by another, poten tially more deadly fault.
It was once thought that the Palos Verdes fault zone was a series of little faults, but Harvard researchers have determined it is one singular behemoth of a fissure capable of triggering a cata strophic 7.8 magnitude disaster. Published in the October Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, the study explains how the twisting, dipping action of the fault has warped the coastline — creating the Palos Verdes Peninsula and other landmarks all the way to Dana Point.
If you thought the Northridge quake of 1994 was a whopper, you haven’t seen anything yet, seismologists warn. At a magnitude of 6.8, Northridge was relatively moderate, they say.
The U.S. Geological Survey recently estimated that a magnitude 7.8 earth quake in Southern California could cause the collapse of 50 brittle concrete
buildings housing 7,500 people, and another five high-rise steel structures holding 5,000. From an economic standpoint, international modeling firm AIR Worldwide estimates losses from a quake of that magnitude at upwards of $300 billion. That figure was supported by data analytics firm CoreLogic, which said an earthquake of magnitude 8.3 along the San Andreas could damage up to 3.5 million homes, resulting in reconstruction costs of $289 billion.
Meanwhile, a 2020 study by the University of Southern California says the Puente Hills fault — running about 25 miles through the Los Angeles basin, from Downtown L.A. through La Mirada, and criss-crossing its way into Orange and San Bernardino counties — has the capacity to produce “the costliest disaster in U.S. history.” As many as 18,000 people would die, 735,000 would lose their homes, and up to 100,000 tons of debris would be gen erated. The total economic loss would be as high as $252 billion. That’s due mostly to its location: creeping under neath skyscrapers, heavily traveled infrastructure, and the bulk of the region’s more affordable — but also
BY ALI SAHABImore vulnerable — housing stock.
What’s the difference between a 6.8 and 7.8 magnitude quake? The latter is 10 times larger in wave amplitude, and 32 times greater in release of energy — a difference equal to more than 54 mil lion kilograms of TNT1 — more than twice the explosive power of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki in World War II2. Even more startling, a 7.8 mag nitude earthquake would unleash more than 1,000 times the energy of a 5.8 magnitude (32 x 32 = 1,024). A magni tude 9.0 quake or higher, which has happened five times since 19503 , releases more than a million times the energy of a 5.04.
It’s important to understand the exponential nature of the numbers we assign to seismic events. Only then can we accurately assess the risks posed to our communities. Will your building survive the “Big One” when it comes? It could, but in many instances, a retrofit could significantly improve your odds.
Feel free to reach out to Optimum Seismic at 866 225-8450 or info@ OptimumSeismic.com for a compli mentary consultation. We’ll help you
OC Area Fault — continued on page 32
1 United States Geological Survey, “Earthquake Magnitude, Energy Release, and Shaking Intensity,” https://www.usgs.gov/natural-hazards/earthquakehazards/science/earthquake-magnitude-energy-release-and-shaking-intensity?qt-science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objects
2 Wikipedia, TNT equivalent, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TNT_equivalent
3 Wikipedia, Megathrust earthquakes, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megathrust_earthquake#:~:text=Megathrust%20earthquakes%20occur%20at%20 subduction,forms%20the%20contact%20between%20them.&text=Since%201900%2C%20all%20earthquakes%20of,greater%20have%20been%20 megathrust%20earthquakes.
4 Lumen, “Magnitude versus intensity,” https://courses.lumenlearning.com/geo/chapter/reading-magnitude-versus-intensity/#:~:text=The%20magnitude %20scale%20portrays%20energy,as%20a%20magnitude%205.0%20earthquake.
Harvard researchers report coastal Palos Verdes Fault more frightening than San AndreasHere’s another reason it’s a great time to own rental property. Rising interest rates combined with high home prices are preventing many would-be buyers from purchas ing a home. The rising rates are dimin ishing purchasing power and creating a market where someone can get a much nicer rental home then they can afford to purchase, making it more enticing to rent then own.
Coupled with other demographic trends including a large generation entering the workforce who are looking for housing, as well as the Millennial’s placing a greater focus on spending for experiences rather than tying up capital in housing, younger potential buyers are driving up the demand for rental housing. Let’s explore further the driv ers of this interesting market.
We still have very low inventory in Orange County and significantly higher mortgage rates are preventing a massive number of homeowners from selling their homes. With 72% of all owners having a 30-year fixed rate mortgage of 4% or lower, many do not want to give up their low interest rate and buy a new home at a higher rate. For a seller who wants to downsize, if they sell now,
they could end up having the exact same monthly payment for a much smaller home.
To show you how this works, con sider that an owner with a $2,000,000 home and a 3% fixed interest rate for a 30-year mortgage would have the same monthly payment as an owner with a $1,500,000 home and a 6.5% interest rate. It doesn’t make sense for the homeowner to downsize. This illus trates why even fewer homeowners are placing their homes on the market. They don’t want to give up their lowinterest mortgage.
Those who are selling now are oftentimes opting to rent because they can cash out and lower their monthly payment by renting a home.
The active listing inventory at the start of the Fall season sat at 3,638 homes for sale in all of Orange County. The 3-year average prior to COVID was 6,520 homes on the market at the exact same time of year, which is 79% more for sale signs. As interest rates remain elevated and we head into the winter season, inventory is continuing to diminish, which is typical for this
BY MERCEDES SHAFFERtime of year. In 2023, the question will be whether or not inventory decreases at the same pace as buyer demand.
While some buyers are waiting for a housing market crash with hopes of getting a great deal, distressed homes (both short sales and foreclosures com bined) made up only 0.2% of all listings in Orange County with only five fore closures and two short sales in October. By comparison, during the housing crisis of 2008 there were almost 6,000 distressed homes on the market.
Real estate prices and rents have been skyrocketing for the past twoand-a-half years. Once the Feds abruptly raised interest rates, that changed everything. While they are trying to tamp down inflation, the mar ket has been behaving like a seesaw. When interest rates went down slightly, buyers flooded the market and real estate prices went up. When interest rates remained elevated, buyers retreated from the market and rental prices rose. Both housing prices and rental rates factor into inflation, so it’s a difficult balancing act for the Fed to figure out.
With such low inventory, what I’m seeing is my sellers who have proper ties that are highly desirable, with
Almost two years ago, I focused on the goals of apartment own ership from more of a personal perspective in my article entitled, “Family Traditions & Legacies” (Apartment News, December 2020).
At that time, we were just coming out of the first round of the pandemic. Restrictions were loosening, but no one really knew what lay ahead.
Unfortunately, today, we still face uncertainties. And priorities are chang
ing. After what was over two years of being forced to stay at home, many have taken to travelling. Health issues have arisen. Complexities in navigating systems have added a whole new layer of challenges.
All considered, it is time to revisit that original question: What is it that you really want your ownership to accomplish?
Bill Gorman, when he wrote his book, Cash In on the Myths of Real Estate, put at the very top of his list the importance of having a real estate plan. Just like a financial plan, a real estate plan requires not only goal setting, but benchmarks and periodic evaluations.
In his “Cash In” for Myth 1-1, Bill stated: “Write down your plan and be specific in your goals so that you can evaluate your options in quantifiable terms.” He then added the saying that he has so often told his clients: “If you do not have a real estate plan, the economy has one for you.”
The economy is almost always a top-
of-mind concern. Apartment operations have already been impacted by supplychain issues and labor shortages that have driven up the cost of repairs and maintenance. As a further hit to cashflow, local and state ordinances have made collecting late and unpaid rent a long and burdensome undertaking.
Now apartment owners are facing the consequences of higher inflation. The Fed has already stepped in with aggressive interest rate hikes. Already there is talk of layoffs or, at a minimum a slowdown in hiring. This raises the possibility of residents losing jobs and not being able to pay their rents.
As so ably explained by Nick Lieberman in his recent “Pulse on the Marketplace” report for Apartment News (October 2022), rate increases put a strong pressure on prices and val ues. This is already being seen in the for-sale residential market. The good news, as Lieberman noted, is that more,
Greater Need
continued from 28
excellent marketing, are getting multiple offers and sometimes even setting record prices in both residential and multifamily. With the right market savvy, my buyers are also benefitting from great opportunities. Properties that are coming on the market overpriced, and not properly presented, are sitting longer and having price reductions.
Plans — continued from 30
higher-income earners can’t qualify for loans at today’s mortgage rates, so they are remaining renters longer.
With a written real estate plan, you can start to look at and quantify the possible impacts of these forces will have on your properties and on the goals that you established.
However, you also need to do some serious thinking about the “why” behind those goals.
Most investors got started with the desire to create a nest egg for their retirement and financial security for their entire family. More often than not, that nest egg morphed into a sec ond job of collecting rents, handling repairs and getting units rent-ready upon turn-over. Now, the question is
Ill-timed and unprepared buyers are losing out on deals.
Just a year ago when interest rates were below 3%, anything and everything sold, but today’s shifting market is a “professional’s market” requiring exper tise in navigating the changing condi tions with data, knowledge and skill.
*Data taken from the MLS and ROH
members or heirs. We all recognize that the past few years have had a major impact on how we look at and live our lives. Priorities have shifted and the generational differences as to what is and is not important have grown.
If your apartment ownership goals involve having your children inherit your properties, now is the time to do a check-in with them. What are their hopes and visions? How do they see all that you have accomplished in wealthbuilding through real estate as a part of their future?
The holidays are often when families get together. So, this year, you might consider spending an hour or so doing some asking and listening. What you learn may provide some great insight and even some direction as you start review
About the Author:
If you have questions about buying, selling or dong a 1031 Exchange, I can be reached by phone or text at 714.330.9999, by email at InvestingInTheOC@gmail.com, or visit my website at www.InvestingInTheOC.com.
manager, and property manager as well as transaction coordinator and real estate agent.
Founded in 1972 by William (Bill) R. Gorman, this Brea(CA)-based firm focuses on personalized wealth building through real estate. With a client-first philosophy, the firm serves as an expert resource for informed decision-making and transitioning that creates sustainable legacies for investors and their heirs.
OC Area Fault — continued from 26
get the information you need to make the decision that is right for you.
About the Author: Ali Sahabi, a licensed General Engineering Contractor (GEC), is an expert in seismic resilience and sustainability. He is Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Optimum Seismic, Inc., which has completed more than 3,500 seismic retrofit engineering and construction projects, as well as renovation projects for multifamily residential, commercial, and industrial buildings throughout California.
Armada Power is a transformative technology company offering a patented water heater and grid storage solution that proactively manages individual water heaters into millisecondresponse for a wide range of energy products. Armada’s oneof-a-kind solution effectively unlocks the storage potential of individual water heaters, reduces demand and fuel costs, and enhances grid reliability.
Armada Power’s solution includes several innovative com ponents:
• Pre-heating — Armada Power can heat all tanks to their maximum mechanical temperature prior to an event to ensure maximum user comfort.
• Dual thermistors — Top and bottom temperature mea surements are taken to optimize energy storage capabilities.
• Revenue-grade metering chip — Ensures accurate measure ments, including the ability to bill quality usage data.
• Measurement and validation — Accurate, real-time, and historical data of events and customer impacts.
• Maintenance alerts — The Armada Power solution can determine water heater issues such as burned-out elements, leads, or excessive water draws before the customer notices.
Likewise, Armada Power unlocks many potential product applications to support the grid:
• Non-invasive demand response — Intelligently manage demand response events with pre-heating to enhance the customer experience.
• Time-of-use optimization — Optimize time-of-use rates through shifting water heating with intelligent pre-heating.
• Cold load pickup — Randomization of the time required for water heater reheating after extended outages is built into the firmware.
• Additional stackable applications include renewable firm ing, rebound limits, local feeder congestion, frequency balancing, microgrid stability, and load control
Armada Power solves the grid’s biggest challenges through secure, affordable, grid-scale thermal energy storage. Imagine how Armada Power can work for you.
To learn more about Armada Power, visit armadapower. com or connect with the Armada team at (614)721-4844.
As a property owner, you’ve likely experienced the misalignment between the wider push for sustainability in real estate and the core fundamentals of operating a profit able multifamily asset. Sustainable retrofits such as rooftop solar, energy efficiency and EV charging infrastructure are often structured as capital-intensive projects that might improve property operations but ultimately result in a net loss for the owner. At PearlX, we seek to solve that misalign ment by partnering with owners to turn sustainability proj ects into bankable income sources while still providing residents with amenities that make your property more attractive to renters.
PearlX is a clean technology developer, finance partner and asset manager. We provide, at no cost to the commu nity, clean energy and electrification products that translate into income streams for owners and deliver discounted, clean and reliable energy to residents. Our product suite is anchored by a rooftop solar and backup battery storage array, called the PearlX Virtual Power Plant (VPP). This central product can be paired with additional electrification projects like electric vehicle charging stations, LED lighting, electric heat pumps, and more.
Operating through a triple net lease, we cover all insur ance, tax and maintenance expenses for the VPP and pro vide annual rent payments to the property for the right to operate our system, selling the clean power we generate back to the residents at a discount. PearlX handles all con struction and interconnection, staying in close contact with the onsite community all the while. Our products are cus tom-tailored to the unique considerations of the multifam ily sector, helping owners monetize their property’s energy use in a way unparalleled in the market.
To learn more, please reach out at www.pearlx.com or info@pearlxinfra.com.
(Please see Product & Service Council Contact Index for contact information)
All Product & Service Council Members have signed a Code of Ethics stating that they shall provide the rental-housing industry with the highest standard of integrity, honesty and professionalism.
Access Control Solutions
A.S. Wise, Inc.
Accounting Services
Clarion Management, Inc.
Accounting Software
Yardi Systems Inc.
Answering Service
Anyone Home Rent Dynamics
Apartment Building Inspection
Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro Zebra Construction Inc.
Apartment Market Research Data
ALN Data
Apartment SEO
CBRE Multifamily SoCal – Dan Blackwell & Team Yardi Systems Inc.
Apartment Rental Publications & Services apartments.com Intellirent RentPath
Apartment/Student Housing ARIZE
Colliers International
Kairos Investment Management Company LaundryUp RokitNow
Titanium Restoration Services Company
Appliances Sales, Service & Leasing
ACE Commercial Laundry Equipment, Inc. Expressions Home Gallery
L and D Appliance Corp.
National Service Company
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
FIRST ONSITE Restoration Restoration Management Company
Brennan Law Firm
Duringer Law Group, PLC Fisher & Phillips
Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP Company Newmeyer & Dillion, LLP Schiff & Shelton
Wesierski & Zurek LLP, Lawyers
Bath Restoration or Renovations
Baldwin Construction
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
California Bath Restoration
OC Professional Maintenance Team
Surface Experts of South Irvine TASORO Products
Restoration Services Company
Boiler Systems
DCM Services, Inc
Ironwood Plumbing, Inc. Spicer Mechanical Water Heater Man, Inc.
Building Products Schluter Systems
Buying Group
Optim Real Estate Services Company
OMNIA Partners, Multifamily Housing Cabinets/Refinishing
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
KJ Carpet Wholesale
S M Painting Corp.
Surface Experts of South Irvine TASORO Products
The Door & Window Company
AMS Construction Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
CertaPro Painters of Yorba Linda
Carpet Sales & Service
KJ Carpet Wholesale
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Bio-One of Orange
Crown Building Services Inc.
Titanium Restoration Services Company
Duringer Law Group, PLC
David S. Schonfeld, Attorney at Law
Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP Company
3CS InfoSystems
Cox Communications Knock CRM TouchPoint
Concrete Maintenance & Repair
AMS Construction
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Precision Concrete Cutting
Oliver Mahon Asphalt
AMS Construction
Angelo Termite and Construction
Baldwin Construction Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. CAMP Construction Services
Ingersoll Rand
KD Electric Company
OC Professional Maintenance Team
Optimum Seismic, Inc.
RedRock Technologies
Schluter Systems
TASORO Products
Trane/American Standard Zebra Construction Inc.
3CS InfoSystems
Colliers International
Investment Capital Real Estate
Optim Real Estate Services Company
Section 8 Management Willdan Energy Solutions
PSC Service Provider Directory — continued
Content Restoration
AMS Construction
Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro
Contract Services
CAMP Construction Services
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
California Bath Restoration
KJ Carpet Wholesale Surface Experts of South Irvine TASORO Products
Deck Coatings, Magnesite Repairs, Waterproofing
AMS Construction
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
McCarthy Roofing WICR Waterproofing & Decking
Digital Management Services Rent Dynamics
Drain Cleaning
California Rooter & Plumbing
LA Hydro-Jet & Rooter Service, Inc.
Plumb It Right!
Total Rooter & Plumbing
Draperies/Blinds/Window Coverings
Apex Window Décor
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Drug & Alcohol Testing
TAG / AMS, Inc.
Dryer Vent & Duct Cleaning
Crown Building Services Inc.
Electric Vehicle Products & Services
A-EV Installs
KD Electric Company
ProPower Electric Co Inc.
REVS (Refuel Electric Vehicle Solutions)
Electrical A-EV Installs
KD Electric Company
ProPower Electric Co Inc.
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Electronic Signature
Energy Management
Armada Power Pearlx
Trane/American Standard Yardi Systems Inc.
Zen Ecosystems
Environmental Consulting & Training
American Environmental Specialists, Inc.
American Environmental Specialists, Inc. Bio-One of Orange
Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro Restoration Management Company
Strategic Sanitation Services
Genesis Bank
Estate Planning
Kimball, Tirey & St. John LLP Company
Fencing & Gates
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Fire Safety
Black Bird Fire Protection, Inc.
Fire & Flood Restoration
BluSky Restoration Contractors, LLC Commercial Restoration Company Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro PRC Restoration Precision Environmental Restoration Management Company
Fitness Equipment
Opti-Fit Fitness Solutions
KJ Carpet Wholesale Surface Experts of South Irvine TASORO Products
Urban Surfaces
Trane/American Standard Furniture/Furniture Rental
AFR Furniture
Mesa Artificial Turf/Garage Doors
General Contractor
Angelo Termite and Construction
Baldwin Construction
BluSky Restoration Contractors, LLC
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
EmpireWorks Reconstruction and Painting
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
OC Professional Maintenance Team
PRC Restoration
S M Painting Corp.
Zebra Construction Inc.
Direct Signs and Designs
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
OC Professional Maintenance Team
S M Painting Corp.
Heating & Air Conditioning
Associated Heating & Air Expressions Home Gallery
Ingersoll Rand
L and D Appliance Corp.
OC Professional Maintenance Team
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Spicer Mechanical Trane/American Standard Zen Ecosystems
Brian Berg Insurance Services, Inc.
Deans & Homer, Renter’s Insurance
Dick Wardlow Insurance Brokers
Farmer’s Insurance — Theresa Simes Agency
ISU — The Olson Duncan Agency
Navion Insurance Associates, Inc
NFP Property & Casualty
Rey Insurance Services, Inc. Internet Services
3CS InfoSystems Apartment SEO apartments.com
Cox Communications Dish Fiber RentPath
Zebra Construction Inc.
Investments Alliance Portfolio American 1031
Kay Properties & Investments Company
LordCap Green
Morgan Skenderian Investment Real Estate Group Company
Strategic Sanitation Services
Kitchen Renovations
Baldwin Construction
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
California Bath Restoration Schluter Systems
BrightView Landscape Services, Inc. Mariposa Landscapes, Inc.
ACE Commercial Laundry Equipment, Inc.
All Valley Washer Service Inc.
L and D Appliance Corp.
Landcare Logic
National Service Company
PWS Laundry / Alliance
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. WASH Multi Family Laundry Systems
Alfa Investments & Loans
Alliance Portfolio
CBRE Multifamily SoCal – Dan Blackwell & Team
Chase Multifamily Lending Genesis Bank
Redwood Mortgage Torrey Pines Bank
A-EV Installs
KD Electric Company
ProPower Electric Co Inc.
Magnesite Repairs
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. Mailboxes
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Maintenance, Repairs, Products
A-EV Installs
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Clarion Management, Inc.
Evolution Building Efficiency Ingersoll Rand
KD Electric Company
Mariposa Landscapes, Inc.
OC Professional Maintenance Team
ProPower Electric Co Inc.
Trane/American Standard WICR Waterproofing & Decking
Clarion Management, Inc.
Direct Signs and Designs Intellirent Rent Dynamics
VERO Zumper
Mold Remediation
American Environmental Specialists, Inc.
Bio-One of Orange
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
Green Home Solutions TrueEnviro
Precision Environmental
Optim Real Estate Services Company
Odor Removal
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
Strategic Sanitation Services
Outdoor Furniture & Refinishing
Bassett Outdoor Contract Legacy Customs Patio Guys
Paint Sales & Service
Behr Paint
CertaPro Painters of Yorba Linda EmpireWorks Reconstruction and Painting OC Professional Maintenance Team
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
S M Painting Corp. West Coast Drywall & Paint
Parking Community Boss Zebra Construction Inc. Pest Control
Angelo Termite and Construction Lloyd Pest Control Precision Environmental Western Exterminator Company
Pipe Restoration
Plumb It Right!
Plumbing, Contractors & Supplies
California Rooter & Plumbing EZ Drain & Plumbing Ironwood Plumbing, Inc. Plumb It Right!
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Repipe Specialists, Inc Schluter Systems Total Rooter & Plumbing
Power/Pressure Washing
CertaPro Painters of Yorba Linda Crown Building Services Inc.
Private Security
Defense International Corporation
Private Investigations
FPK Security, Inc.
Property Management
AIM Properties Allen Properties API Property Management
Clarion Management, Inc. Consensys Property Management Company
DM Smithco
Dunlap Property Group
JLE Property Management
L’Abri Management, Inc.
LoCali Management Group
The Management Works
Optim Real Estate Services Company
Orange County Property Management
Prestige Property Management
ProActive Realty Investments
Reynolds Realty Advisors
Roberts Management & Investments
Satellite Management Company
South Coast Real Estate & Property Management Sullivan Property Management
SVN / Vanguard — Cameron Irons
Property Management Software
Anyone Home Appfolio, Inc. Community Boss
Rent Dynamics Rentler
RokitNow Snappt Inc.
VERO Vesync Yardi Systems Inc.
Property Management Staffing & Training
Approved Real Estate
Multi Team Services
NPM Staffing an InterSolutions Company
Section 8 Management
The Liberty Group
Rain Gutters
Argos Homes Systems McCarthy Roofing PSC Service Provider Directory — continued on page 46
Alfa Investments & Loans
Alliance Portfolio
CBRE Multifamily SoCal – Dan Blackwell & Team
Colliers International DM Smithco
Gorman & Associates
Investing in The OC
Investment Capital Real Estate Kairos Investment Management Company Kay Properties & Investments Company
Marcus & Millichap
Morgan Skenderian Investment Real Estate Group Company
Prestige Property Management ProActive Realty Investments
Realtors Commercial Alliance of Orange County (RCAOC)
Section 8 Management
SVN / Vanguard — Cameron Irons Real Estate Broker
Alliance Portfolio
CBRE Multifamily SoCal — Dan Blackwell & Team
KW Commercial
Morgan Skenderian Investment Real Estate Group Company
Optim Real Estate Services Company
AMS Construction
Baldwin Construction Commercial Restoration Company EmpireWorks Reconstruction and Painting Precision Environmental WICR Waterproofing & Decking
Strategic Sanitation Services Rent Payment System
Section 8 Management
Resident Screening Intellirent Rentler SafeRent Solutions Snappt Inc.
VERO Yardi Systems Inc. Roofing
AMS Construction CAMP Construction Services Guardian Roofs by Sudduth Construction Inc. McCarthy Roofing Royal Roofing.com (RWS&P, Inc.)
Direct Signs and Designs
Security Services/Patrol Services ADT Multifamily ARIZE
California Safety Agency Defense International Corporation FPK Security, Inc. Snappt Inc. USGI — Upland Group Vesync
Seismic Retrofitting & Engineering
Optimum Seismic, Inc. Service and Leasing Snappt Inc.
Solar Thermal Pearlx
Approved Real Estate InterLink Multifamily Staffing
Surface Restoration AMS Construction Surface Experts of South Irvine Sustainability/Green Energy LordCap Green Optima
Zen Ecosystems
Telecommunications Cox Communications Dish Fiber Towing
Dedicated Transportation Services Professional Towing LLC TO’ and MO’ Towing
Clarion Management, Inc. Section 8 Management
Trash Services
Strategic Sanitation Services Valet Living Tree Service
Mariposa Landscapes, Inc.
Utilities & Sub Metering Conservice Livable
Southern California Edison-Multi Family Program Zen Ecosystems
Video Commercials
NPM Staffing an InterSolutions Company
Video Surveillance Assure by Remote Ally Water Heaters
California Rooter & Plumbing DCM Services, Inc
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
Total Rooter & Plumbing Water Heater Man, Inc.
Water Heaters Only Inc.
AMS Construction S M Painting Corp.
Schluter Systems
WICR Waterproofing & Decking
Water Removal
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
Precision Environmental
Restoration Management Company
Website Development/Online Advertising
Apartment SEO
Windows & Doors
Bear Windows Inc.
Crown Building Services Inc.
Mesa Artificial Turf/Garage Doors
Moore Replacements
The Door & Window Company
All Product & Service Council Members have signed a Code of Ethics stating that they shall provide the rental-housing industry with the highest standard of integrity, honesty and professionalism.
Chris Counts
23450 Piedras Road Perris, CA 92570 (951) 990-9721 chris@3cs.net
A.S. Wise, Inc.
Jean Sabga 15150 Transistor Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 891-1501 jsabga@aswise.net — www.aswise.net
A-EV Installs
Liliana Phillips 8536 Hamilton Avenue Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (562) 519-0252 lily@ev-installs.com
ACE Commercial Laundry Equipment, Inc.
Multi-Housing Division
14404 Hoover Street Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 897-4342 acelaundry@gmail.com — www.acelaundry.com Provide Sales, Service, Leasing & Parts for Coin-Op Laundry Equipment. See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
ADT Multifamily
1192 Handy Street Orange, CA 92807 (714) 858-1344 We provide home automation, security systems, keyless door locks & smart thermostats.
John Spivey 3330 Garfield Avenue Commerce, CA 90040 (323) 400-7508 jspivey@rentfurniture.com — http://www.rentfurniture.com
AIM Properties
Don St. John 531 E. Chapman Avenue Orange, CA 92866 (714) 633-2344 don@aimproperties.net — www.aimproperties.net
Alfa Investments & Loans
Eddie Luna 19 W 3rd St Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 981-7177 info@alfalending.com
All Valley Washer Service Inc.
John Cottrell 15008 Delano St. Van Nuys, CA 91411 (800) 247-1100 john@allvalleywasher.com — www.allvalleywasher.com
Contact Index — continued on page 48
PSCFrank Allen/Paul Allen/Jessica Siderius
1 Orchard Road, Suite #230 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) 768-6850 frank@allenproperties.net — www.allenproperties.net Property Management Services/Investments.
Alliance Portfolio
James Perry 120 Vantis Drive, Ste 515 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (949)349-1322 rprajitno@allianceportfolio.com
ALN Data
Samantha Wallace 2611 Westgrove Drive, Suite 104 Carrollton, TX 75006 (972) 931-2553 x 218 Samantha@alndata.com — www.alndata.com Apartment data and market research.
American 1031
Adam Bryan 10111 Petit Avenue North Hills, CA 91343 (310) 903-6757 adam@american1031.net
American Environmental Specialists, Inc.
Mr. James F. McClung, Jr. 15183 Springdale Street Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 379-3333 admin@aeshb.com
Consultant: Mold Investigations/Recommendations, Asbestos/Lead Testing, Training. See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
AMS Construction
1159 Iowa Ave., Ste. K Riverside, CA 92507 (833) 267-7663 info@amsroofingconstruction.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Gregg Traum 16161 Scientific Way Irvine, CA 92618 (800) 589-8809 info@angelotermite.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Anyone Home
Jaime Conde 25521 Commercentre Dr #100 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949) 916-3919 lightson@anyonehome.com
Engagement and automation tools through Contact Center and CRM software.
Margie Tabrizi
1400 Bristol St. N Ste-245-A Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 505-5200 margie@apipropertymanagement.com
Apartment SEO
Ronn Ruiz
100 W. Broadway Ave, Suite 425 Long Beach, CA 90802 (877) 309-7363 ronn@apartmentseo.com — apartmentseo.com Advertising firm specializing in Websites, Search & Social Media Marketing.
Adriana Mamola
3161 Michelson Dr, #1675 Irvine, CA 92612 (951) 522-3001 amamola@costar.com
#1 nationwide provider of information and advertising services.
Apex Window Décor
Deepa Gorajia 1132 E. Katella Ave, Suite A16 Orange, CA 92867 (714) 532-2588 deepag@apexwindowdecor.com — www.apexwindowdecor.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Appfolio, Inc.
55 Castilian Dr Goleta, Ca 93117 (866) 648-1536 mindy.sorenson@appfolio.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Approved Real Estate
Jim Forde
4010 Barranca Pkwy, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92604 (714) 875-0979 jim@approvedrealestateacademy.com
Argos Homes Systems
Mr. James Van Dyke
11542 Knott St., Suite B-5 Garden Grove, CA 92641 (714) 894-9534 argosjvandyke@hughes.net
Seamless aluminum rain gutters, fabric awnings, mirrored wardrobe closets. See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Contact Index — continued on page 50
Tsimes@farmersagent.com www.farmers.com/tsimes
Chao Wang
1065 N. Pacificenter Dr, Suite 410 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 479-2050 Chao.Wang@ArizeHub.com
Robert Cooke
230 West Street Columbus, OH 43215-2655 (909) 730-6509 robert.cooke@armadapower.com
Associated Heating & Air
Cheryl Brennan
1320B N Hancock St Anaheim. CA 92807 (714) 777-8833 kthomas@associatedheatingandair.com www.associatedheatingandair.com
Eddie Conlon
4431 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 121 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (866) 439-0318 conlon@remoteally.com
Kate Shoemaker 2913 S Pullman Street Santa Ana, CA 92705 (949) 417-4047 kate.shoemaker@assuredpartners.com
ATI 3360 La Palma Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 412-0828 edwina.garcia@atirestoration.com
Baldwin Construction
Stephanie Harrison
464 Cataract Avenue, Suite A San Dimas, CA 91773 (909) 592-2292 sharrison@baldwincontrusction.net
Bassett Outdoor Contract
Jonathan Bennett PO Box 1280 Haleyville, AL 35565 (205) 486-5102 jlbennett@bassettoutdoorcontract.com
Bear Windows Inc.
George Torres 1400 S Goodrich Blvd Commerce, CA 90022 (888)470-2645 george@bearwindows.com — www.bearwindows.com
Behr Paint
Lori Flores
1601 E. Saint Andrew Pl. Santa Ana, CA 92705-5044 (909) 248-5132 lorflores@behrpaint.com — www.behr.com
Bio-One of Orange
Cory Flores
1439 West Chapman Avenue #159 Orange, CA 92868 (949)306-1733 Cory@Biooneorange.com — www.biooneorange.com
Black Bird Fire Protection, Inc.
10282 Trask Ave Ste D Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 462-6095 info@blackbirdfire.com
BluSky Restoration Contract, LLC
Stefanie Koslosky 1183 Warner Ave Tustin, CA 92780 (562) 760-9279
Brennan Law Firm
Michael Brennan
67 Live Oak Avenue, Suite 105 Arcadia, CA 91006 (626) 294-0500 mike@mbrennanlaw.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Brian Berg Insurance Services, Inc.
Brian Berg 25950 Acero, #345 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 243-9393 Brian@bbisinc.com — www.bbisinc.com
BrightView Landscape Services, Inc.
Kristina Schafer 1960 S Yale St. Santa Ana, CA 92704 (949) 438-8528
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc.
Frank Alvarez
6861 Stanton Ave., Suite G Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 956-8371 www.buffalomaintenance.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
California Bath Restoration
Carly Camacho 1920 E. Warner Ave., Suite 3P Santa Ana, CA 92705 (949) 263-0779 ccamacho@calbath.com
Complete kitchen and bath restoration and refinishing company.
California Rooter & Plumbing
Mr. Mark Fowler 1905 E. Deere Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92705 (949) 222-2202
Plumbing and drain cleaning services. See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
California Safety Agency
Darrell Cowan 8932 Katella, Suite 108 Anaheim, CA 92804 (866) 996-6990 dcowan@csapatrol.com — www.csapatrol.com
CAMP Construction Services
Ronni Anthony 15139 South Post Oak Rd. Houston, TX 77053 (713) 413-2267 ranthony@campconstruction.com
CBRE Multifamily SoCal – Dan Blackwell & Team
Daniel Blackwell
3501 Jamboree Road, Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 307-8319 dan.blackwell@cbre.com — www.cbre.com/invocmultifamily Orange County multifamily investment property sales and 1031 exchanges. See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
CertaPro Painters of Yorba Linda
Jeff Cornelius 2941 E Miraloma Avenue, Suite 7 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 420-5769 jeffcornelius@certapro.com
Chase Multifamily Lending
3 Park Plaza, Suite 1000 Irvine, CA 92614 (866) 937-7199 www.chase.com/mfl
Gabe Jones
4100 Midway Road, Suite 1165 Carrolton, TX 75007 (757) 618-3918 emily@checkpointid.com
Clarion Management, Inc.
101 Pacifica, #260 Irvine, CA 92618 (949)383-4762 bmoody@clarionmgmt.com
Colliers International
Pat Swanson
3 Park Plaza, Ste 1200 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 724-5564 pat.swanson@colliers.com
Commercial Restoration Company
Jeff Mandell 9541 W. Ball Road Anaheim, CA 92804 (858) 922-3219 j.mandell@crcmail.com
Community Boss
Leah Griffiths
2911 1/2 Hewitt Ave Suite 8 Everett, WA 98201 (866) 387-7275 help@communityboss.com — http://communityboss.com
Consensys Property Management Company
Laurel Dial 1380 S. Anaheim Blvd Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 772-4400 laureld@consensyspm.com — www.consensyspm.com
Matt Gordon
750 S. Gateway Dr. River Heights, UT 84321 (866) 947-7379 communications@conservice.com
Cox Communications
Alicia Gray 27121 Towne Centre Dr, Suite 125 Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 (949) 563-8163 alicia.gray@cox.com
Crown Building Services Inc.
Jason Maslach 548 Malloy Ct. Corona, CA 92878 (714) 694-1007 jason@crownservicesinc.com – www.crownservicesinc.com
DCM Services, Inc
David Carlson PO Box 400 Pico Rivera, CA 92056 (800) 504-7103 dcmservices400@gmail.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Deans & Homer, Renter’s Insurance
Debbie Halverson
110 E. Wilson Ave., Suite 102 Fullerton, CA 92832 (800) 345-2054 debbieh@deanshomer.com — www.InsureYourStuff.com
Dedicated Transportation Services
Richard Rodrigues
13700 Harbor Blvd., Suite B Garden Grove, CA 92843 (714) 371-3034 richthetowguy@yahoo.com www.dedicatedtransportationservices.com
Chaz McKinney
130 South Prospect Avenue Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 646-1945 defenseintco@gmail.com
Matt Wardlow
233 High Street Moorpark, CA 93021 (805) 553-0505 x 320 mattw@wardlowinsurance.com — www.wardlowinsurance.com
Insurance brokers specializing in apartments and commercial property.
(NorCal Direct Marketing Inc. DBA)
Angela Waugh
5151 Golden Foothill Pkwy, #110 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 (916) 941-8046 angela@directsd.com — directsd.com
Eva Wai
4223 Fairgrounds Street Riverside, CA 92501 (951) 201-3544 eva.wai@dish.com
Duane Van Handel
1940 W. Orangewood Ave., Suite 201 Orange, CA 92868 (714) 456-9147v456-9983 dvh@dmsmithco.com
Paul Dunlap
801 E. Chapman Avenue Fullerton, CA 92831 (714) 879-0111 pdunlap@dpgre.com — www.dpgre.com
Mr. Stephen C. Duringer, Esq.
181 S. Old Springs Road, 2nd Floor Anaheim Hills, CA 92809 (714) 279-1100, (800) 829-6994 toll free Specializes in landlord/tenant law, debt collection, eviction.
EmpireWorks Reconstruction and Painting
Chet Oshiro 1682 Langley Ave. Irvine, CA 92614 (888) 278-8200 coshiro@empireworks.com — www.empireworks.com
Sherri Galusha
17138 Von Karman Ave Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 271-2085 srgalusha@morsco.com
Major appliances for apartments.
EZ Drain & Plumbing
Stacie Fluhrer 6709 Washington Ave, #944 Whittier, CA 90601 (714) 640-0699 ezdrainandplumbing@gmail.com See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Farmer’s Insurance — Theresa Simes Agency
Terri Simes
17155 Newhope Street #F Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 966-3000 tsimes@farmersagent.com — www.farmersagent.com/tsimes
Insurance for apartments, business, auto, home, life, etc.
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
FIRST ONSITE Restoration
Lisa McCollough 1275 N. Grove St Anaheim, CA 92806 (619) 537-9499 lisa.mccollough@firstonsite.com
Fisher & Phillips
2050 Main Street, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 851-2424 cbaran@laborlawyers.com
Genesis Bank
Lauren DiBiase
4675 MacArthur Ct Suite 1600 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 273-1226 ldibiase@mygenesisbank.com
Gorman & Associates
Sonya Loera PO Box 325 Brea, CA 92822 (714) 255-9998 info@wrgorman.com See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
James Armendariz
20984 Bake Pkwy, Ste 100
Lake Forest, CA 92630 (909) 238-4169 socal@trueenviro.com
Guardian Roofs by Sudduth Construction Inc.
Helen Tredo
1010 N. Batavia St., Suite F Orange, CA 92867 (714) 633-3619
guardianroofsbookkeeping@gmail.com — www.guardianroofs.com
Roofing systems for residential and commercial property for over 30 years. See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
HMWC, CPAs & Business Advisors
David Eisenman
17501 17th St., Suite 100 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 505-9000 david@hmwccpa.com
HMWC, CPAs & Business Advisors
David Eisenman
17501 17th St., Suite 100 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 505-9000 david@hmwccpa.com
Ingersoll Rand
Jesse Estrada 11927 Ottawa Pl. #90 Chino, CA 91710 (909) 306-9390 jesse.estrada@irco.com
Cassandra Joachim
632 Commercial Street, 5th Floor San Francisco, CA 94111 (415) 849-4400 info@myintellirent.com
InterLink Multifamily Staffing
Lisa Wetzel
17321 Irvine Boulevard Tustin, CA 92780 (949)400-1678 lisa@interlinkmultifamily.com
Investing in The OC
Mercedes Shaffer
1200 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 330-9999 InvestingInTheOC@gmail.com — http://investingintheoc.com
Investment Capital Real Estate
Ignacio Diaz, Jr.
1 Park Plaza, Suite 600 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 201-8817 id@investmentcapitalre.com — www.investmentcapitalre.com
Specializing in the purchase, sale and 1031 exchange of apartment buildings.
Ironwood Plumbing, Inc.
Carl Ludwig 101 S. Kraemer Blvd., Suite 100 Placentia, CA 92870 (877) 484-7575 carl@ironwoodplumbing.com — www.ironwoodplumbing.com
ISU — The Olson Duncan
Jim Kinmartin
25550 Hawthorne Blvd #203 Torrance, CA 90505 (310) 373-6441 jim@olsonduncan.com — www.olsonduncan.com
Independent insurance brokerage representing commercial building owners and operators.
JLE Property Management
Denise Arredondo 202 E Broadway Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 778-0480 www.jle1.com — denise@jle1.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Jon Needell
30242 Esperanza Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 (949) 709-8888
jneedell@kimc.com — www.kimc.com
Patricia Aballe
21515 Hawthorne Blvd, 360 Torrance, CA 90503 (855) 899-4597 info@kpi1031.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Derrick Laughlin
17071 E. Imperial Hwy., Suite A6 Yorba Linda, CA 92886 (714) 223-2700 derrick@kdelectric.com — www.kdelectric.com
Electrical wiring & installation for remodels, tenant improvements, new constructions & additions.
Deborah Biggs
2040 Main St., Suite 500
Irvine, CA 92614 (800) 564-6611 deborah.biggs@kts-law.com
Chris Yi PO Box 369 Walnut, CA 91788 (909) 455-0180 AR@kj-carpet.com
Amy Marthaller 1455 Northwest Leary Way, 200 Seattle, WA 98107 (714)718-3891 amarthaller@knockcrm.com — https://www.knockcrm.com
Randy Combs
4010 Barranca Parkway, Ste 100
Irvine, CA 92604 (714) 658-3263 randycombs@kw.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
L and D Appliance Corp.
Henry Hsu 11969 Telegraph Rd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 (562) 946-1105 henryh@lndappl.com — www.lndappl.com
L’Abri Management, Inc.
8141 E. Second Street, Suite 300 Downey, CA 90241 (714) 826-9972 www.labri-inc.com
Full service property management provider for 16+ units.
LA Hydro-Jet & Rooter Service, Inc.
Dan Baldwin 10639 Wixom St Sun Valley, CA 91352 (800) 750-4426 dbaldwin@lahydrojet.com
Landcare Logic
Jalin Gerber 1448 N. Glassell Orange, CA 92867 (951) 316-8002 jalin@landcarelogic.com — www.landcarelogic.com
Howard Lee
1070 N. State College Blvd. Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 533-7835 hmlee_vp@yahoo.com — www.laundryup.com
Legacy Customs
1477 East Cedar Street
Ontario, CA 91761 (909) 923-2558 x120 lily@meadowdecor.com
Daniel Sharabi
PO Box 475852
San Francisco, CA 94147 (877) 789-6027 comesave@livable.com — www.livable.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
David Hinrichs
1331 Morena Blvd, #300 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 843-6369 david.hinrichs@lloydpest.com
Nathan Poth
6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Ste 625 Irvine, CA 92603 (714) 747-9074 Nathan@livinglocali.com — www.livinglocali.com
Boutique style property management.
Jessica Collins
14 Wall Street, Ste 1720 New York, NY 10005 (212)400-7142 team@lordcapgreen.com — https://www.lordcapgreen.com
Joel Duchesne
2911 1/2 Hewitt Ave., Suite 8 Everett, WA 98201 (866) 387-7275 help@luminousresidential.com
Jon Giannola
19800 MacArthur Blvd Ste 150 Irvine, CA 92612 (949) 419-3200 jgiannola@marcusmillichap.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Mariposa Landscapes, Inc.
Larry Rudd
1107 East Walnut Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 (626) 562-0707 larry.rudd@mariposa-ca.com — www.mariposa-ca.com
Aaron Martin
625 W. Katella Ave. #29 Orange, CA 92867 (714) 538-3330
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Meridith Denos
4915 E Hunter Ave Anaheim, CA 92807 (808) 807-7566 mdenos@mesagaragedoors.com — www.mesagaragedoors.com
Mike Moore
1525 W MacArthur Blvd, Unit 16 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 963-0505 mike@moorereplacements.com
4590 Mac Arthur Blvd., Suite 260
Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 251.8800 md@morganskenderian.com
Teresa Manzano Mendoza 17321 Irvine Blvd, #205 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 727-6348 teresa@multiteam.net — www.multiteamservices.com
Anel Burgin 845 N Commerce St Orange, CA 92867 (714) 633-1811 ab_national@yahoo.com — www.apartmentlaundry.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Navion Insurance Associates, Inc
Shawntae Stewart 23001 La Palma Avenue, Ste 120 Yorba Linda, CA 92887 (714) 202-4711 sstewart@navionins.com — www.navionins.com
Newmeyer & Dillion, LLP
Rondi Walsh 895 Dove Street, 5th Floor Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 854-7000 rondi.walsh@ndlf.com
NFP Property & Casualty
Eric R. Marrs, CIC, CRM, Vice President 1551 Tustin Avenue, Suite 500 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 617-2446 eric.r.marrs@nfp.com — www.nfp.com Commercial, Personal & Health Insurance.
NPM Staffing an InterSolutions Company
Laura Aliberti 2400 East Katella Ave., Suite 800 Anaheim, CA 92806 (949) 307-1595 laliberti@npmstaffing.com — www.npmstaffing.com
OC Professional Maintenance Team
Jennifer Barragan
1180 W. Ball Rd. #9134 Anaheim, CA 92812 (714) 583-8633 info@ocproteam.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Oliver Mahon Asphalt
Michelle Hogge 182 Wells Place Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) 548-6398 admin@olivermahon.com
OMNIA Partners, Multifamily Housing
840 Crescent Center Drive, Suite 600 Franklin, TN 37067 lindsey.scholl@omniapartners.com
Opti-Fit Fitness Solutions
Eric Konz PO Box 6716 Folsom, CA 95763 (888) 601-4350 ekonz@opti-fit.com — www.opti-fit.com
Optim Real Estate Services Company
Tom Gibbons
620 Newport Center Drive, 11th Floor Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 200-4610 tom@optimres.com
Optimum Seismic, Inc.
Ali Sahabi 5508 S. Santa Fe Ave. Vernon, CA 90058 (323) 605-0000 asahabi@optimumseismic.com — www.optimumseismic.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Orange County Property Management
Eric Reichert
16742 Gothard Street, Suite 117 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714) 840-1700 eric@ocmgmt.com — orangecountypropertymanagement.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Patio Guys
Joanna Solis 2907 Oak St Santa Ana, CA 92707 (800) 310-4897 commercial@patioguys.com
Phillip Forrester 1612 Cambridge Circle Charlottesville, VA 22903 (323) 863-8403 pf@pearlxinfra.com
PK Security, Inc.
Steve Flamm
P.O. Box 55597 Valencia, CA 91355 (800) 459-4068 stevef@fpksecurity.com
Plumb It Right!
Terry Gepford 2135 North Orange Olive Road Orange, CA 92865 (949) 275-2913 terrylgepford@gmail.com
PRC Restoration
Freddy Rodriguez 23839 Banning Blvd Carson, CA 90745 (562) 490-6900 info@prcrestoration.com — www.prcrestoration.com
Precision Concrete Cutting
Aaron Anderson
650 S Grand Ave #108 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (760)448-0979 aaron@pcctriphazardremoval.com — www.safesidewalks.com
Precision Environmental
Mark Taylor 4350 Transport Street, Suite 109 Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 641-9333 mtaylor@precisionenv.com
Prestige Property Management
Brad Clark
1500 Adams Ave., Suite #201 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (949) 933-1518 brad@prestige-pm.com — www.prestige-pm.com Full Service Real Estate.
ProActive Realty Investments
Rita Aguila 1913 E. 17th Street, Suite 217 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 541-3138 rita@proactiveri.com — www.proactiveri.com Property Management Multifamily & Single Homes, Real Estate Sales.
Professional Towing LLC
Alberto Castellanos
593 North Batavia Street Orange, CA 92868-1218 (714) 616-0290 dispatch@albertostowing.com
ProPower Electric Co Inc.
Angel Rodriguez
11138 Del Amo Boulevard #382 Lakewood, CA 90715 (562) 569-9864 angel@propowerelectricco.com
PWS Laundry / Alliance
John Endahl 12020 Garfield Ave South Gate, CA 90280 (323) 721-8832 jendahl@pswlaundry.com — www.pwslaundrywest.com
Get award-winning, revenue-generating Wi-Fi designed for your community. Our in-house engineers collaborate with each property to design a highly customized managed Wi-Fi solution with industry-leading technology that will meet the demands of tomorrow. Choose a trusted, future-focused provider today: DISH Fiber.
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R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc.
David Rhodes
2350 S. Milliken Ontario, CA 91761 (909) 230-5400 drhodes@rbdist.com — www.rbdist.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
RedRock Technologies
Jake Tirabassi
15215 Alton Parkway, #200 Irvine, CA 92618 (949)386-0798 jaket@itredrock.com
Redwood Mortgage
Mike Micci
177 Bovet Road, Suite 520 San Mateo CA 94402 (949) 793-5130 mike.micci@redwoodmortgage.com
Rent Dynamics
Bryson Jensen 91 East 700 South Logan, UT 84321 (866) 513-7368 marketing@RentDynamics.com — https://rentdynamics.com
Barton Strawn 200 Civic Center Drive, Suite 150 Sandy, UT 84070 (888) 222-1009 www.rentler.com/partner/aaoc — membership@rentler.com
Laura Lemansky 950 East Paces Ferry Road NE, Suite 2600 Atlanta, GA 30326 (949) 943-5177 llemansky@rentpath.com
Daniel Johnston
245 East Olive Ave, 5th Floor Burbank, CA 91502 (703) 801-8269 daniel.johnston@repipespecialists.com
Restoration Management Company
Michelle Lopez 25172 Arctic Ocean Dr., Suite 100 Lake Forest, CA 92630 (949)274-6408 mlopez@rmc.com — www.rmc.com
REVS (Refuel Electric Vehicle Solutions)
David Aaronson 3753 Nottingham St Houston, TX 77005 (713) 927-1693 daaronson@refuelevs.com — www.refuelevs.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Rey Insurance Services, Inc.
Mike Rey 27130 Paseo Espada B523 San Juan Capistrano, CA (949) 487-9661 mike@reyinsuranceservices.com — www.reyinsuranceservices.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Reynolds Realty Advisors
Elizabeth Reynolds 3900 E Miraloma Ave, Suite H Anaheim CA, 92806 (866) 613-7772
Elizabeth@ReynoldsRealtyAdvisors.com www.ReynoldsRealtyAdvisors.com
Roberts Management & Investments
Ray Roberts
3532 Katella Ave, Suite 111 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 430-3588
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Bhavin Patel
26895 Aliso Creek Rd #B329 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (855) 765-4866 info@rokitnow.com — www.rokitnow.com Text messaging services to help communicate with your customers.
Royal Roofing.com (RWS&P, Inc.)
Steve Pinkus 6831 Suva St. Los Angeles, CA 90201 (562) 928-1200 steve@royalroofing.com — www.royalroofing.com
Specializing in flat/low slope roofs, comp. & wood shingle and tile roofs. Solar panel installation. See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Paula Durner
3001 Hackberry Rd, Irving, TX 75063 (419) 367-7615 paula.durner@parkhillholdings.com We are the leading screening and risk management provider for the multifamily industry.
Management Company
Paul Conzelman 1010 E Chestnut Ave Santa Ana, CA 92701 714) 558-2411 ext 124 pconzelman@satellitemanagement.com
Schiff & Shelton
Laurie Schiff
3700 Campus Drive, Suite 202 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 417-2211 laurie@schiff-shelton.com
Mary Yocum
15 Nantucket Lane Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (714)329-0355 myocum@schluter.com
Timothy McDaniel
2008 West Carson Street Torrance, CA 90501 (424) 318-2096 housing@section8management.com
S M Painting Corp.
Salvador Munguia 417 S. Associated Rd. #212 Brea, CA 92821 smpaintscheduling@gmail.com
Snappt Inc.
Daniel Cooper
6100 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90048 (714) 812-2340 dcooper@snappt.com — www.snappt.com
1927 Harbor Blvd., #370 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (800) 541-1962 paul@southcoastrealestatebroker.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Mary Finn Parker 1515 Walnut Grove Ave Rosemead, CA 91770 (714)307-5274 mary.finn@sce.com — www.sce.com
Chad Hegreberg 1210 N. Jefferson #K, Anaheim, CA 92807 (714) 279-9100 chadh@spicermechanical.com — www.spicermechanical.com
Eric Lenning 25801 Obrero Drive #11 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (877) 271-7909 ericl@wasteoptimize.com
Marco Vartanian 2101 E Fourth St., Suite 200A Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 541-0288 Ext: 217 info@sullivanpm.com — www.sullivanpm.com
40 Years of Property Management Experience in Orange County.
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Surface Experts of South Irvine
Heath White 25 Grandbriar Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 (949) 471-0408 hwhite@surfaceexperts.com
The Bee Man SVN / Vanguard — Cameron Irons
Cameron Irons 120 W. 5th Street #210 Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 446-0600 cirons@svn.com — www.svnvanguard.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Rick Denver 10572 Chestnut Street Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 280-0177 rickdenver@tagams.com
TASORO Products
Annie Bing 14107 Brighton Ave Gardena, CA 90249 (714)925-0598 ab@tasoroproducts.com
The Door & Window Company
Elsa Pizana 1529 W. Alton Avenue Santa Ana, CA 92704 (714) 754-4085 elsa@thedoorandwindow.com
The Liberty Group
Carrie Floyd 11801 Pierce Street, Suite 200 Riverside, CA 92505 (951) 744-0057 carrief@thelibertygroup.com — www.thelibertygroup.com
Chip Robinson
1303 Avocado Ave #260 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 644-2063 www.mgtworks.com
We provide apartment property management in Southern California.
Titanium Restoration Services Company
Victor Martinez P.O. Box 4584 Anaheim, CA 92801 (714) 290-5875 titaniumrestoration@gmail.com
Robert Heer
518 N. Poinsettia Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92701 (714) 543-0879 rchjr@pacbell.net
Towing company with 4 locations in Orange County.
Patrick Davern
600 Anton Boulevard Costa Mesa, California 92626 (213)362-5288 pdavern@torreypinesbank.com
Total Rooter & Plumbing
1920 W. Commonwealth #2304 Fullerton, CA 92837 (714) 715-3315 totalbfrp@gmail.com
See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Brian Maguire
13681 Newport Ave, Suite 8118 Tustin, CA 92780 (714) 614-8221 brian@touchpoint365.com — www.touchpoint365.com
Trane/American Standard
Brett Massie
2315 185th Avenue East Lake Tapps, WA 98391 (206) 406-3307 Brett.Massie@TraneTechnologies.com
Urban Surfaces
Brandon Cutler
2380 Railroad Street, Building 101 Corona, CA 92878 (951) 223-4645 brandon.c@urbansurfaces.com — www.urbansurfaces.com
William Estela
2390 E. Orangewood Avenue #520 Anaheim, CA 92806 (855) 787-5263 westela@usg.org — www.usg.org
Briana Sellers
100 South Ashley Drive, Suite 700 Tampa, FL 33602 (813) 248-1327 briana.sellers@valetliving.com — www.valetliving.com
Richard Philpot
335 Madison Avenue, 4th Floor New York, NY 10017 (703) 850-8730 richard@sayvero.com
Chao Wang
1065 N. Pacificenter Dr, Suite 410 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 479-2050 danica.chin@vesync.com
Tracy McMahon
100 N. Sepulveda Blvd., 12th Floor El Segundo, CA 90245 (800) 421-6897 Ext: 1625
Coin-operated laundry equipment. See the Advertisers Index on Page 60 for the location of our ad.
Water Heater Man, Inc.
Jim Green
570 W. Freedom Ave. Orange, CA 92865 (714) 282-7098 tommyg@waterheatermaninc.com
Water Heater/boiler service and installation.
Water Heaters Only Inc.
Yana Carpenter
970 E. Main Street #200 Grass Valley, CA 95945 (800)833-4570 laoffice@waterheatersonly.com — www.waterheatersonly.com
Wesierski & Zurek LLP, Lawyers
Thomas B Cummings Esq.
1 Corporate Park Dr, Fl 2 Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 975-1000 tcummings@wzllp.com — www.wzllp.com Defense of Landlord/Tenant, Premises Liability and Employment Matters.
Aaron Fernandez 1610 W. Linden Avenue Riverside, CA 92507 (951) 778-3592 aaron.fernandez@wcdp.com
WICR Waterproofing & Decking
901 E. Taquitz Canyon Way, Suite A105 Palm Springs, CA 92262 (888) 388-9427 sean@wicr.net
Willdan Energy Solutions
Ross English 2401 East Katella Avenue, Suite 300 Anaheim, CA 92806 (844) 387-5463 MFEEP@willdan.com
Yardi Systems Inc.
430 S. Fairview Avenue Goleta, CA 93117-3124 (805) 699-2040 kelly.krier@yardi.com
Ygrene Energy Fund
Emily Ramey
2100 South McDowell Blvd. Petaluma, CA 94954 (415) 261-7578 emily.ramey@ygrene.com
Zebra Construction Inc. Michelle Durey 145 S Fairfax Ave Los Angeles, CA 90036 (310) 890-3989 info@zebraconstruct.com
Zen Ecosystems
Jack McKee
2901 West Coast Highway Suite 353 Newport Beach, CA 92663 (310) 994-6949 jack.mckee@zenecosystems.com
49 Geary St. San Francisco, CA 94108 714) 262-4213 darcy@zumper.com
JM Air Conditioning & Heating 8
Lin-Ed’s Appliance Service & Repair 45
ORCO Apartment Supply 33
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Back Cover
AMS Construction 59
C & C Paving Company, Inc. 62
Block & Associates Inside Back Cover
Brennan Law Firm 5
Pagter and Perry Isaacson 8
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51
OC Professional Maintenance Team 55
South Coast Construction & Repair 47
Apex Window Decor 68
DCM Services 62
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51
South Coast Construction & Repair 47
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51
Carpet Crafts 27
ORCO Apartment Supply 33
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Back Cover
AMS Construction 59
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51
Rash Yambo Decking & Stairs 30
OC Professional Maintenance Team 55
Window King 17
Aarow Drain & Plumbing 46
California Rooter & Plumbing 35
Apex Window Decor 54
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Back Cover
AMS Construction 59
OC Professional Maintenance Team 55
Sondance Painting 54
Optimum Seismic 61
AMS Construction 59
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51
OC Professional Maintenance Team 55
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51
Carpet Crafts 27
Floor & Decor 57
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51
South Coast Construction & Repair 47
JM Air Conditioning & Heating 8
Farmers Insurance —
Theresa Simes Agency 48
Dish Fiber 57
MTD Kitchen 19
OC Professional Maintenance Team 55
South Coast Construction & Repair 47
California Rooter & Plumbing 35
Alliance Portfolio 53
Bona Fide Mortgage 30
Genesis Bank 37
ORCO Apartment Supply 33
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Back Cover
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51
OC Professional Maintenance Team 55
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Back Cover
California Rooter & Plumbing 35
EZ Drain & Plumbing 40
OC Professional Maintenance Team 63
ORCO Apartment Supply 33
Total Rooter & Plumbing 2
JLE Property Management Inc. 39
Orange County Property Management 24
Roberts Management & Investments 56
South Coast Real Estate & Property Mgmt 11
Argos Home Systems 8
CBRE Insert, Inside Front Cover
Kay Properties and Investments LLC 49
Perch Wealth 31
South Coast Real Estate & Property Mgmt 11
SVN | Vanguard Commercial Real Estate
Advisors — William Webster 29
W. R. Gorman 52
AMS Construction 59
Guardian Roofs Insert, 41
McCarthy Roofing 9
OC Professional Maintenance Team 63
Royal Roofing 23
Livable 34
Southern California Regional Energy Network 39
ACE Commerical Laundry Equipment, Inc. 25
National Service 13
Block & Associates Inside Back Cover
AMS Construction 59
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51
C & C Paving Company, Inc. 62
American Environmental Specialists 40
Block & Associates Inside Back Cover
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51
OC Professional Maintenance Team 55
American Environmental Specialists 40
AMS Construction 59
OC Professional Maintenance Team 55
Rash Yambo Decking & Stairs 30
Sondance Painting 54
California Rooter & Plumbing 35
ORCO Apartment Supply 51
AMS Construction 59
OC Professional Maintenance Team 63
Window King 17
Since 1984, our team has been making California buildings safer, performing full-service seismic retrofit engineering, steel fabrication and construction on soft-story apartments, historical structures, non-ductile concrete buildings, steel frame and unreinforced masonry buildings throughout the state of California.
Our business model is built on value engineering: a systematic method of achieving the optimum ratio of functionality, safety and cost effectiveness.
Soft-story Multifamily
Unreinforced Masonry
Non-ductile Concrete
Steel Moment Frame
leader Proven
In-house Licensed Engineering, Steel Fabrication & Construction
Since 1984, our team has completed more than 3,000 projects
Aarow Drain & Plumbing 46
ACE Commerical Laundry Equipment, Inc. 25
Alliance Portfolio 53
American Environmental Specialists 40
AMS Construction 59
Apex Window Decor 54
Argos Home Systems .................................................... 8
Block & Associates Inside Back Cover
Bona Fide Mortgage ....................................................30
Brennan Law Firm 5
Buffalo Maintenance, Inc. 15, 51
C & C Paving Company, Inc. 62
California Rooter & Plumbing 35
Carpet Crafts 27
CBRE Insert, Inside Front Cover
DCM Services 62
Dish Fiber 57
EZ Drain & Plumbing 40
Farmers Insurance — Theresa Simes Agency 48
Genesis Bank 37
Guardian Roofs Insert, 41
JLE Property Management Inc. ..............................39
JM Air Conditioning & Heating 8
Kay Properties and Investments LLC 49
Lin-Ed’s Appliance Service & Repair 45
Livable 34
McCarthy Roofing 9
MTD Kitchen....................................................................19
National Service 13
OC Professional Maintenance Team 55
Optimum Seismic 61
Orange County Property Management 24
ORCO Apartment Supply ..........................................33
Pagter and Perry Isaacson 8
Perch Wealth 31
Rash Yambo Decking & Stairs 30
R&B Wholesale Distributors, Inc. Back Cover
Roberts Management & Investments 56
Royal Roofing 23
Sondance Painting 54
South Coast Construction & Repair 47
South Coast Real Estate & Property Mgmt........21
SVN | Vanguard Commercial Real Estate
Advisors — William Webster 29
Total Rooter & Plumbing 2
W. R. Gorman 52
WelcomeHomeOC 63 Window King 17
1105 Bedbug Addendum (2017) $ 5.95
1110 Disclosure of Lead-Based Paint & Lead-Based Paint Hazards Addendum (2017) $ 5.95
1125 Non-Smoking Addendum to Rental Agreement (2017) $ 5.95
*1140 Agreement to Rent or Lease (2020) $ 10.95
1141 Just Cause and Rent Cap Addendum (new) $ 5.95
1160 Application to Rent (2018) $ 5.95
1215 Insurance Information for Residents (2015) $ 5.95
1330 Animal Agreement (2017) $ 5.95
1410 Smoke Detection & Carbon Monoxide Device Addendum (2020) $ 5.95
1100 Acknowledgement by Owner of Receipt of Notice to Vacate by Residents (2020) $ 5.95
1230 Move Out/Closing Statement (2015) $ 5.95
1420 Statement of Condition (2014) $ 5.95
1440 Notice of Resident(s) Intent to Vacate (2018) $ 5.95
1450 Notice of Termination of Tenancy (2020) $ 5.95
*1500 Pre-Move Out Inspection Checklist (2017) Duplicate $ 6.95
1250 Emergency Contact Information (2015)
1260 Notice of Belief of Abandonment — Real Property (2011)
1280 Notice of Right to Reclaim Abandoned Property (2020)
1360 Rent Proration Table (2017) Notice of Denial to Rent (2016)
1320 Offer to Rent & Receipt for Prospective Resident Screening, Credit Checking Fees, and/or Holding Deposit (2019) $ 5.95
1350 Application Credit Check/Screening Fee Receipt (2019) $ 5.95
1020 Maintenance Request (2011) $ 4.65
1135 Notice of Contract for Periodic Pest Control Services and Acknowledgement (2016) $ 5.95
1220 Maintenance Report (Door Knob) (12/package) (2015) $ 4.65
1300 Notice of Intent to Enter Rental Premises (2015) $ 5.95
1301 Notice of Dwelling Unit Entry (2002) $ 5.95
1400 Service Request (2011) Triplicate $ 10.55
1170 Proof of Service (2020) $ 5.95
1240 Notice and Demand Regarding Dishonored Check (2011) $ 5.95
1370 Rent Reminder (2015) $ 4.65 1430 Notice of Change of Terms of Tenancy (2008) $ 5.95 1460 Three Day Notice to Pay Rent or Surrender Possession (2020) $ 5.95 1470 Three Day Notice to Perform Covenants or Quit (2020) $ 5.95 1480 Three Day Notice to Surrender Possession (2020) $ 5.95
1150 Apartment Rules and Regulations (2017) $ 5.95 1340 Swimming Pool and Spa/Hot Tub Rules Addendum (2013) $ 5.95
1190 Report of Hours Worked (2014) $ 5.95 1390 Resident Apartment Onsite Manager/ Co-Mgr. Employment Agreement Pkg. (2019) $ 8.95
Member Number Date Received
Person ordering Mail to: Address City, State, Zip Telephone ( ) ____________________ E-mail
Prices subject to taxes and may change without notice. ALL SALES FINAL.
Notice of Change of Terms of Tenancy — Bedbug Addendum (2017) $ 5.95 1130 Addendum to Rental Agreement (2003) $ 5.95 1145 Security Deposit Agreement for Transfer of Deposit Rights (2014) $ 5.95 1210 Guaranty of Rental Agreement (2015) $ 5.95 1395 Satellite Dish and/or Antenna Agreement (2005) $ 5.95 1490 Liquid-Filled Furniture Agreement Addendum (2015) $ 5.95
Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home (English & Spanish) $ 0.50 each Triplicate Rent Receipt Book (100 Receipts) $ 12.50
Microbial Operations and Maintenance Plan — (2016) (An Apartment Owner’s Guide to Mold) $ 45.00
Asbestos/Proposition 65 Handbook and License $ 25.00 plus $ 1.00 per unit
California’s Landlord Law Book: Evictions $ 29.95 California’s Landlord Law Book: Rights & Responsibilities $ 29.95 California Tenant’s Rights $ 20.95 Forms Collection (CD or USB) $ 50.00
A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of AAOC 525 Cabrillo Park Drive, Suite 125, Santa Ana, CA 92701 Phone (714) 245-9500 — FAX (714) 245-9505 www.AAOC.com