A Peaceful Mind Issue 3

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She Leaves a Little Sparkle Wherever She Goes Issue 3

FROM THE EDITOR… If you are like most of us, you are summer months to waiting for the return again, and are sick of stacking on the layers in the morning, only to remove them later on in the day (especially if you live in Melbourne). This month we have touched on the theme of Winter Warmer. If the cold is starting to dwindle away your sunshine, we are ready to brighten up your day.
 I’ve found that dreaming of winter getaways, tasty treats and cozy sweaters are a great way to motivate my day. So, we have bundled up some of our favourites and sprinkled them through out this month’s mag for you to enjoy as well. I could also not be more thankful to our APM Experts who continue to inspire both our readers and myself with their knowledge and experience from all areas of life. At APM we aim to inspire, inform and educate women. Our vision is to support all women and give them a voice to speak up, achieve goals and make connections with other women along the way. Finally, thank you to our wonderful readers who continue to support us and encourage us to create. We also look forward to your feedback and suggestions for our future growth. Be Kind, Courageous and Confident. Taylah Parker



The Path to Self Expression


Heal- Thy Self


How is Your ‘Bottom Line’?


Do You Suffer From ‘Shiny Ball’?

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Lauren Jobson Life Coach

Hayley Martin Nutrition

Helen Jomoa Fitness

Maree Eddings Energy The Real Value is You!

Helen Treloar Business Marketing is From the Head; Anti-Marketing is From the Heart

Kirsten Basford Marketing How Does the Law of Reciprocity Fit into Business?

Penny Votzourakis Customer Service

Hello Beautiful


Hannie Rayson Alisha Karayanis

Guest writer Botanical Perfumery for Health Conscious Women If It’s Not Scheduled, It’s Not Real

LENA TURVEY Productivity Who Am I… Really?

Beckie White Stylist Going Viral: How to Get the Most out of Your Marketing

Julie Bourke

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Technology Action Creates Difference - Dr Catherine Hamlin

Joanne Clark NLP How to Seduce Your Man

Amanda Mallia The Men’s Perspective Nalisha Patel

Guest writer A New View Every Few Weeks


ADVERTISE WITH US Email your ad for approval to editor@apeacefulmind.com.au $60 per issue – direct link to your web site

WRITE FOR US Would you love to be a guest writer for APM? We are always looking for fabulous content that is suitable for Women that Educates ~ Inspires ~ Informs and grows our knowledge and choices.


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Our APM Experts …

La uren Jo bson

Hay ley Ma rtin

Hele n Jom oa

Maree Ed ding s

Life Coach tips and techniques to move you towards your goals in life

Nutritional advice, recipes & wellness articles to elevate your health

Fitness strategies and interesting facts to boost your vitality

Exploring energy and how it flows or blocks your personal power

Hele n T reloa r

K irsten Ba sford

Penny Votz ourak is

Lena T u rv ey

Business & Leadership tips & articles for SME & start-ups

The anti-marketing marketing guru magnifying your brand

Customer service advice to grow sales and client loyalty

Productivity and organisation queen bringing you tips and techniques

Beck ie White

Jul ie Bou rk e

Joanne Cla rk

Ama nda Mal lia

Style your wardrobe & your life using Beckie’s secrets & suggestions

Technology is in everyone’s life! Julie helps you use it and protect it well

Bringing you NLP Success Principles through ‘Women in History’ pieces

Go behind the curtain and into the male mind with Amanda




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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

The Path to Self Expression

Lauren Jobson – LIFE COACH

Self expression can come in many forms; the way we dress, the way we speak, the way we move, what movies we like, what food we like, what places we like etc. It’s all a reflection of self expression and I‘m here to tell you that the more you look after yourself and the more you express what you want, the more beautiful and abundant your life will be. I want to tell you that it’s ok to say no, it’s ok to put yourself first and it’s ok to express your needs. As women, we tend to run around after others doing things to please them, we worry if we will offend someone. Do you find it hard to express yourself? Do you watch others and think, if only I could speak up like they do? If only I had a voice and I could get my ideas out so someone who would listen. Well, here is how you can.

If you sometimes find it not so easy to express yourself then here are a few things you can do: 1) Find opportunities to get out of your comfort zone, for example, asking a question in a room full of people, saying no and really meaning it, dancing like nobody is watching, painting a picture or writing a poem. The more you get out of your comfort zone, the more it will start to feel normal and then you will have a new found way of expressing yourself. This will take time as you are creating new habits and new ways of expressing who you are, so don't worry if you don't feel it straight away. Just keep setting yourself goals and being aware of when you don't fully express yourself.


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

“Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness.”

~ Allen Ginsberg

2) Think back to when you were a child. What did you love to do? What did you adore? What games did you play? What clothes did you wear? Were you outside often? Did you dress up? What did you dream of being when you grew up? This is a great indicator of self expression. As children, we don't have many inhibitions and we are free to express fully what we want. Think of babies who are hungry and how they have no problem screaming the house down in public if they want to be fed! Have a think and see what you find. 3) Think of a time in the past when you fully expressed how you were feeling, good or bad. Can you remember the sensation? Why not do some positive visualisation and think of something you would really like to say or do as a way of expressing yourself. Hold that image in your mind, what are you wearing, what do you look like, where are you, what are you doing and finally, what are you saying to yourself? I want you to really feel it

Now I want you to set yourself a goal. One time this week, I want you to go out into the world, with my full support and fully express what you want. You are beautiful and we need to hear your voice, we need to see and hear your gifts as they are so important. Hiding under a bushel is not an option any more. Speak up and speak out, it’s your time now to be seen, heard and felt. Let’s look to the future through positive eyes with potential and the belief in our potential. With all my love and faith in your potential,

Lauren THREE

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

Hayley Martin – Nutrition

Heal-Thy Self

Photograph; Hayley Martin | True Form Health

The much-dreaded cold and flu season is upon us. You’re popping Vitamin C and Echinacea, using hand sanitizer like it’s going out of fashion and have all of the tissues at the ready… Unfortunately, it takes more than an apple a day to keep the doctor away… Rounding out your plate with plenty of colourful servings of fruit and veg will have your body and immune system running smoothly to support you through the ‘Cold War’.

We all know and love the trusty goodness of garlic, ginger and citrus that battle immune system invaders; and if you’re not familiar, here’s a little introduction: Garlic offers several antioxidants and contains a phytonutrient, which supports cardiac health. It also assists in lowering blood pressure and promotes healthy cholesterol levels.


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

Are You Prepared For the

Ginger boosts immune function and is great for relieving bloating, cramping and nausea. Another antioxidant source, it also contains antiinflammatory and antimicrobial properties and is great for gut health. 
Citrus – oranges, grapefruit, lemons… oh my! A fantastic source of Vitamin C, helping to maintain the body’s defenses, and by adding it to your water, will also help to alkalise your system. Here are a few other items to add to your grocery list coming into the colder seasons: Sweet Potato containing beta-carotene, which fights damaging free radicals. Sweet Potato is easy to find in the grocery store and to incorporate into meals and also adds a boost of Vitamin A, which your skin needs to stay strong and healthy. You may not think of your skin as part of your immune system, but it serves as a first-line fortress against viruses, bacteria and other undesirables. Plus Vitamin A is linked to slowing the ageing process.

‘Cold War’?

Broccoli, an immune-boosting basic, providing Vitamins A, C and glutathione. Broccoli is full of nutrients that protect your body from damage plain and simple! Yoghurt probiotics, or the 'live active cultures' found in yoghurt, are healthy bacteria that keep the gut and intestinal tract free of disease-causing germs. Although they're available in supplement form, a daily 200-gram dose can be just as effective in boosting immunity. (Check the label to ensure your yoghurt has ‘live cultures’ as not all yoghurt does). 
Turmeric, with an impressive list of health benefits, packs a nutritional punch of manganese, zinc, B group vitamins and iron. It’s detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and amazing for digestive health. Turmeric has also been linked to management of inflammatory conditions such as eczema, asthma and arthritis.

Almonds containing riboflavin, niacin, and B vitamins. Almonds may help you bounce back from the effects of stress. You’ll also find 50% of the daily-recommended amount of Vitamin E in a ¼ cup of Almonds - another boost for your immunity. Button Mushrooms not to be dismissed as nutrient poor, these little guys serve up selenium and B vitamins essential to a healthy immune system. Low levels of selenium have been linked to increased risk of developing a more severe flu. Also a great source of iron.

Food for Thought In an ideal world, whole real foods and nutrition would be the primary treatment and medication would be used as a supplement. Nourish your body; your health is your wealth. To your health & happiness,



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

How is your ‘Bottom Line’? Helen Jomoa⏐FITNESS In our jobs we are often measured on how we affect the ‘bottom line’, what profit margins we deliver, or how we can improve sales etc. Everything is measured to decide how each part of the business is performing and if it is good, bad or could-do-better! In the same way, our own personal ‘bottom line’ is no different. The measurement of our beautiful derriere, like measuring profit, is a great indicator of the health of our business. For those of us with comfortable dimpled behinds, our bottoms not only provide us with nice portable cushions, but can give us considerable health benefits as well. Don’t panic, this is not a tale of doom and gloom, it’s actually good news!

WHERE WE STORE FAT It is well researched that women usually carry their fat around their hips, this body type is often called pear shaped – remember, it is where the fat is stored that is important not the volume. Men however, carry their fat (or beer belly), around their midriff. Fat stored around your middle has been shown to increase your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and Type 2 diabetes.

HIP TO WAIST RATIO Research has also shown that the secret to sex appeal lies in the hip to waist ratio, the smaller the waist is to the hips, the more desirable a woman is seen to be. Not surprising it has also been discovered as a key indicator of how healthy we are. So how do you measure-up? Go and find that Ikea tape measure that is in your top draw covered in fluff and un-crease it. Oh don’t tell me I don’t give you glamour, you can do a lot with an Ikea tape measure, trust me, but let’s not get distracted. Here is how you work out your hip to waist ratio. Simply divide your waist measurement by your hip size. Research shows women who have a ratio of between 0.67 - 0.8 are healthier, that is waists between 24in and 28in with 36in hips and waists between 27in and 31in with 40in hips. Now that you and your backside have been formally introduced by the tape measure, how is your ‘bottom line’? Is it good, bad or couldbe-better? If you rated ‘good’ you can pass ‘go’, collect your prize money and ignore jealous looks! If you rated ‘bad’ or ‘could-be-better’ read on…


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Photograph courtesy of Helen Jomoa To shrink the waist and firm the hips we need to do 2 things. We need to lose weight by reducing calories and move more. Yes, that’s it, that’s my rocket science! Now although we cannot ‘spot reduce’ fat from certain areas of our body, (for example get a flat stomach by doing 1000 sit ups a day), you will find that as you loose weight, your body shape starts to appear, like a goddess from the mist. Now you can start to employ some ‘bootilicious’ toning exercises to help get some muscle definition.

Lunges Hear me say ‘squeeze your bottom’ whilst you are doing it. Then sneak-a-peek in the mirror and see and feel how pert your bottom can become. Bonus: It’s also a great total-body exercise for max calorie burn.

Hip Raises


If your hamstrings are cramping it’s because your glutes are weak, but don’t worry you will get stronger and firmer. Just don’t quit because it hurts. Bonus: This is also a cool core exercise as you need to stabilize your abdominals and back to do it.

We Australian’s seem to be eternally embarrassed about our bottoms. Should we be? How does your ‘bottom line’ measure up? If we start giving our derriere the attention it deserves (instead of ignoring it because it’s behind us), we could be confident showing it off, like the Brazilian’s; now there’s a nation that takes their back view very seriously! Check out the confidence of the women as they strut around in tiny bikini bottoms that look like they’re on the wrong way round. But to them it is a serious business; a woman’s greatest asset that they work hard to maintain. After all, they are

Step ups These work your glutes because you have to push your hips forcefully forward to perform this exercise. Bonus: Great one for cardio burn and working quads too.

fully aware of the power of a healthy ‘bottom line’. Are you? Be Well, Be Strong, Be Fabulous.



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Do You Suffer From 'Shiny Ball' Syn Mareedrome? Eddings ⏐ Energy Here we are three weeks into the New Year! Are you still excited or has the shine started to dull on the new plans? Maybe you are still full steam ahead focused on what it was you laid out, or maybe you started strong and have started to fade, or perhaps you are jumping all over the place from shiny ball to shiny ball. Why is it that some of us can set our sights on something and do what it takes to get it, while others struggle with keeping the momentum and focus?

When you don’t know what it feels like to be in your power, you look for systems and process and others to do all the work for you. This is why you fall off the path, let the dream slip and get attracted to shiny balls and start to follow each one as they come along. Not sure if you are in your power or not? See if any of this seems familiar to you... This is what you find yourself saying or doing when you are NOT in your power: •

They have one thing that is always present When you know how to activate this one thing then the ball is always in your court. I am talking about your power.

You compare yourself to others and have unrealistic expectations You blame, judge and criticise You see things as black and white, right or wrong This leaves you feeling like you are suffocating, you don’t trust , don’t feel safe, find things hard and small, you justify and find excuses

When you are in your power you are living and coming from the centre of who you are. You are rock solid. You cannot be pushed off your path. You don’t even notice those shiny balls. You are focused.

When you are out of your power you are at the mercy of your rampant imagination about


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

that have not even happened, conversations you attract other people that want to take your power from you (even if that is unconscious) and you jump from thing to thing to thing, not getting much done at all! It de-rails you as quickly as you can let a new dream float into existence. So what have YOU been giving your power to lately? •

• •

The new client you have not landed yet? The chocolate that you can't seem to say no to? The person you have not called? The conversation you have not had with a co-worker / lover / sibling?

Your power centre is located in your 3rd chakra, above the belly button and below the rib cage – where your diaphragm is. It feels different when you are in and out of power. You should get up close and personal to this place to know what the difference is. First check: place your hand on your diaphragm and breath into your hand. Now take another breath and breathe lower than your hand. How easy does your hand expand? The tighter this place the less power you are in. Simple. So how do you get back into your power once you have let it spew out all over the place?

There are lots of things in your day-to-day that you are giving your power to. It leaves you feeling frustrated, unproductive, heavy, ungrateful and low.

I have recorded something (below) for you, to help you practice.

Keep it close and use it for you knowing that it is yours alone, knowing that when you are in it that you can not be swayed and more importantly you get the stuff done with ease,

Be there often.

you attract that client, you open the conversation, the chocolate is not eaten and you make that call.

It is the epitome of S.E.X.I.

Power is a personal place and it vibrates at a certain rate.

Enjoy your power.

Relish in the beauty of it and what it helps you create.


When you know how it feels you can check on it daily and when it is not you can bring it back.


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

Helen Treloar - BUSINESS

The Real Value


Owners of a practice are often caught up in a

cycle of 'value' conversations; either with themselves or their prospective clients, especially when they are running a practice in an industry that is not regulated. Pricing is open for the creation. They are exchanging their time for money and if they don't show up they don't make any money. I'm talking about consultants, trainers, coaches and anyone who exchanges time for money 1:1. When clients start to go thin on the ground, there is often a temptation to discount and reduce the price of the service being sold, the hope being to attract more buyers. This behaviour can in fact, negatively impact your brand and perceived value in the minds of the prospects. The assumptions they are lead to make about who you are and what you represent, can further impact your lack of sales. When I ask providers to give me a profile of the value they deliver, it's quite interesting to hear the 'technicality' of what it is being delivered. For example; "I deliver training that enables those using Excel to navigate their

way around the program and its shortcuts with ease." Great! Why should I buy it from you? Here is where the real value conversation is had. There are so many people with incredible experience, knowledge and ability who are selling themselves short, as they don't value who they are and what they bring to the table, before the service is offered, let alone delivered. They feel in some way unworthy or not yet good enough to command the respect, attention and price they need to earn a wage. Commonly, I have found that people in this position earn good money that goes to paying the bills and overheads of their business. They fail to take a consistent and quality income out of their business for themselves. They start to feel enslaved by their business and this erodes their self confidence even more. When asking questions about perceived market values, so many times the service provider will talk about their competitors and the 'ceiling' of price they can charge based on who else is charging what. They compare themselves to other providers and feel they need to sit behind them in the pricing pecking order. My advice to practice owners / service providers is this:


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Know your costs - all of them - micro detail. Know your skills and patches of weakness. Know your consistencies and inconsistencies - behaviour and mindset. Know your 'ideal' client and every detail about them - age, gender, profession, income, leisure time use, fears, goals... Know the solutions your services deliver - wider than the product (Excel training), that add value to your client's life. Ask your clients what else they would love to have included in the service provision package. Review the wider market pricing of the services you supply - the common upper and lower ranges. Review the service inclusions of the other 'upper' priced suppliers. Research your perceived 'best' competitor - what it is that makes them so good? Compare your best service package to the next best available in your niche - is there a gap? What resides within that gap?

What 'wage' do you need to draw from your practice in order to live the lifestyle you need v's want (two different figures). Disconnecting what you 'feel comfortable' to charge, and armed with the answers to all of the above and possibly more questions; what $'s do you need to make per month? How many hours of service delivery is required (on your current pricing) to achieve this income from how many clients? You now have the outline of a plan that needs to be worked through. This is a great stage to work with your mentor / coach / trusted adviser. They will be dispassionate about the solutions, they will be there to bounce rational with the emotional.

It's time to step up and claim your value. Be the person you need to be to own your value. Have a 'cheer leader' on your team to push you through your self imposed limits of thinking and hold you accountable to filling the gaps (with confidence, skills and products) that will move you towards your goals. YOU are your greatest value. When you believe it and live it; the quality of your clients will reflect it.


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

Marketing Is From The Head; Anti-Marketing Is From The Heart. Kirsten Basford⏐ANTI-MARKETING

It’s been twenty years since I was at University. That little fact freaks me out but that’s not what this is about. Throughout my degree, the number one book we all studied from was Phillip Kotler's 'Marketing Management'. Kotler was the voice of marketing. It was from this book that I learnt about the 4 P’s and also defining your target market. In a nutshell, defining your target market was a breakdown of the demographic of the customers your product was targeting. It was a checklist to ensure that the product, price, place & promotions were in-line with the age, gender, financial income and living arrangements of your consumer; the

match, then you had success. Over my career I have found that this theory has held true and has brought me much success. We could manipulate the formula to ensure that we sold product, we pushed out our product to our target market and they bought it because the formula worked. I even had a tick box list when producing CD’s, to ensure that all parts of the formula worked and I could estimate how many units would sell within around 5% accuracy. It was close to fool proof. I was in my mid 20’s and I could sell CD’s to older women who loved Kerri-Anne

theory being if all the elements were a


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

‘If You’re Talking to Everybody, You’re Talking to Nobody.’

Kennerley so much that they would buy a CD of her favourite songs, even though I had nothing in common with these women. However, I have seen a shift, certainly over the past 5 years, but more so in the past 12 months. Buzz-words filter throughout corporate life and become part of the everyday vernacular. One such word was 'Avatar'. “What’s the customer avatar of this business/product” someone would say and the answer would be exactly the same: age, gender, income, marital status etc, so really the term Target Market had just been replaced with Customer Avatar. What is crucial to understand is that the tick box of matching the P’s with the Target Market is no longer the formula to success. Nor is the closing of the generation gap an excuse to say our target market is all women, that certainly doesn’t work. If you’re talking to everybody, you’re talking to nobody.

What’s her name? Is she married? Does she have kids? What colour is her hair? What does she eat in the morning? You need to create a real avatar. Picture her, how is she feeling – this is the key – how is she feeling? You need to be able to not only picture her but you need to feel how she would feel. How is she feeling when she is likely to come into contact with you and your business? What solution or enhancement to her life can you make? How will you make her feel when she purchases from you? How do you make her feel when she see’s your website, when she receives an email from you, when she see’s a friend with your product? It’s a state of mind that goes far deeper than we have ever gone before and it’s the only way that you will get a true connection with your customer. Create her, become her, love and nurture her. What can you do to make her day? Create the

What is needed is empathy and this is where the modern Customer Avatar is different from the demographic and even the psychographic elements, such as race and religion, that have been used previously.

only solution for her to not even have a choice. Don’t be scared that you will alienate people, you will attract those around this ideal customer, you will in fact attract more people to you and your brand because you become more real and more relatable.

We need to understand her so deeply that we ‘become’ her. When we are marketing our product or services we are talking to one person

If You’re Talking to Everybody, You’re Talking to Nobody. When there is love and feeling there is a

not a group of people that have a common group of demographic traits. Who is she – no really who is she?

universal pull towards each other. Your vibe attracts your tribe.



A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

Winter Warmers

Gain a head start in preparing for this winter with our collection of recipes, craft ideas and places to dream of (preferably somewhere warm).

Photograph: Hayley Martin | True Form Health


Have you got some spare time on your hands or need a cute little gift, well we’ve got a few ideas for you. Check out the following websites for simple and totally adorable crafts

Ingredients: • 1 zucchini • Drizzle of coconut oil almonds • Silvered What to do: 1. In a pan, toss almonds until golden brown - no oil required, but keep an eye on them as they tend to brown up quick! 2. Move the almonds to a bowl and chop zucchini in half and then long ways. 3. Drizzle with coconut oil and into the pan it goes until just cooked, take off heat and sprinkle almonds on top to serve.


Soup In a Jar http://www.froggooseandbear.com/2014/05/makeyour-own-winter-warmer-soup-in-a-jar/

Hand Warmers http://raeannkelly.com/a-little-cozy-goes-a-longway-and-a-hand-warmer-diy/

Quick, simple and tasty! Great as a side or snack.

Inside goodness: We love adding nuts to salads, sides and as a snack! Almonds - the 'all rounder' nut are full of protein, healthy oils and vitamin E. http://www.trueformhealth.com.au/

Simple Scarfs http://www.allfreeknitting.com/Knit-Scarves/FirstScarf-Tutorial


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

The Law of Reciprocity

is part of

Human Nature – Penny V

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How Does The Law of Reciprocity Fit Into Business? We live in a world governed by laws, some natural and some manmade. In science class we learned about Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Motion, which says that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In business there is a similar law, the Law of Reciprocity, which basically says that when someone gives something to us or does something for us, we feel obligated to pay back in kind. Although not as perfect as Newton’s Law, the Law of Reciprocity is still part of our human nature, and it can be a great tool to use to build up a small business. Have you ever gone out to eat with a friend and then fought over the cheque because the other person paid on your last outing? Have you ever gone out of your way to help a co-worker with a project because he or she had helped you on a prior assignment? These are examples of reciprocity.

person could win a handbag or a wallet. An organic makeup business may offer a free consultation to introduce their product, and then offer special discounts because you were a participant of the event. Free giveaways are a great way to set up the reciprocity trigger. But make sure your potential client doesn’t feel that everyone can receive this same item. A customer needs to feel that he or she is unique and has been singled out to receive this special gift or offer. Then the likelihood of a return 'favour' is greater. Some other triggers can be offering refreshments while customers shop, free delivery with large purchases, free engraving for a jewellery item, or free gift wrap during the holidays. Maybe you could even invite them to participate in a special VIP club where they can

So how can we use this to benefit our small business?

receive exclusive product offers not extended to regular clients.

When we take the time to give a free gift or to do a small favour for a potential client, there is always a chance that the person will respond to a purchase request at a later time.

There are many ways to use the Law of Reciprocity to help your small business grow.

In my line of work I visit many trade shows and business expos. I have seen many businesses use this reciprocity trigger to build their customer database. A clothing manufacturer may have a draw for a product in their fashion

line. Drop a business card in a bowl, and a

What are some ways that have worked for you? Remember; People Buy People.


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

APM’s Book Review by Terena Vanderzee

Hello Beautiful

Author: Hannie Rayson

zIt took me a couple of days to actually start reading this book. I could give you excuses about work, family life etc but they would be excuses. To tell you the truth it was a book I didn’t want to read and didn’t think I would enjoy. I was wrong… oh how was I wrong. I loved it! For me it was a cross between Harp in the South and Puberty Blues, two of my most favourite books growing up in the early eighties. Once I commenced reading I found myself resenting having to cook tea for the kids or help with homework as it meant leaving the suburbia of Melbourne in the 60’s. Every time I would return to the author’s whimsical writing I would smile, it was like I was catching up with an old friend.

I loved reading about her friendships with famous people and I applaud how she wasn’t afraid to name drop. Actually a touch of me was a tiny bit jealous at the nonchalance of her encounters with all types but I never found the novel snobby or condescending.

Her writing isn’t descriptive of the places she had travelled too but more towards people and experiences. Although there had been sad incidents in her life she was always positive and I was glad to laugh while reading the novel instead of curled up in a ball crying. Hello Beautiful is a book about the author’s journey from childhood to adulthood and her bumps and scrapes along the way. It is honest, and touching and I was totally committed to reading it to the end.

Terena xx

There were many times throughout the book where I would burst out into laughter or nod knowingly, because what the author had written was totally relatable to me.


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

Botanical Perfumery for Health Conscious Women

Botanical Perfumes are made from all natural, organic or wild crafted aromatics such as flowers, grasses, moss, seaweed, resins, spices, fruits and woods. Tangy aromatics such as lime, lemon, blood orange, coriander, and pink grapefruit uplift and energise. Red, white and pink roses, jasmine, ylang ylang and honeysuckle tap into the deepest part our feminine selves with their

Guest Writer - Alisha Karayanis

I started my journey as a botanical perfumer while I was recovering from adrenal fatigue. I had completely burned out from being a single mum, whilst working at two places as a Naturopath and teaching Yoga Chi Gung. I had spent so many years taking care of everyone else and now I needed to give back to myself.

I was spending some time in the forest, which meets divine sweet, floral aromas, that we as women the sea near my home. I noticed I was feeling really love. relaxed and renewed as I wandered through the deepest parts of the forest, then back out to the Calming notes of lavender, antique cloves, ocean. I was becoming more in touch with what I vanilla, oakmoss and sandalwood help to relax needed for myself and my future when I visited the the nervous system and help cope with stress, forest and I just loved the smells of the mossy earth which is part of all of our lives . and briny sea air. It was becoming obvious to me that A botanical perfume not only smells amazing, the smells of nature were helping to heal me. makes you feel good, it also contains no toxic The first perfume I made was "Moss" botanical chemicals. fragrance, I wanted to capture and bottle the profoundly healing aromas of the forest. I blended Unfortunately, chemically derived synthetic mossy, earthy aromatics with seaweed and fresh perfume ingredients have, in main stream leafy notes, roses and musky flowers add heart to perfumery, replaced botanical ingredients. the perfume. This is due to the fact that synthetic ingredients cost much less to produce than their botanical counterparts. According to "The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics," some of the synthetic ingredients in mainstream perfumes have toxic and long lasting affects on the human body such as headaches, asthma, allergies, rashes, fatigue, memory loss,

Botanical perfumery allows us to dwell in our feminine natures for a while, something I believe is so needed in our culture of rush and stress to perform. The divine feminine Goddess essence in all women requires the beauty of nature to heal and reveal, it is by no accident we are drawn to and captured by the wondrous aromatic fragrances of

anxiety, depression, nausea, brain fog, flowers. confusion, chronic fatigue, hormone disruption, sperm damage, convulsions, muscle weakness, birth defects and thyroid problems.


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the last time you missed an When was appointment? Have you started a new course but never got around to finishing it? Have you ever missed a school event for your child? If you have not scheduled it into your calendar, it doesn’t exist. It really is that simple.

If It's Not Scheduled, It’s Not Real

Lena Turvey Productivity

Yes, you can probably remember most of your appointments in your head, but let’s face it, when was the last time you only had to remember your appointments?

A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

With each child comes multiple appointments; after school activities, play dates... With each business you run or job you have, more and more deadlines and meetings crop up. Can you really remember everything you have to do? To get on top of everything, try putting all of your appointments in a calendar, either electronic or paper based, whatever works best for you. If you are saying to yourself, 'I already do that!' how about this? Schedule time to complete important work that requires more than one session to complete in your calendar each day, week or month, whatever works for you and keep this time as if it is was a really important meeting. Really, what is more important than you and what you do? Just one hour a day can make huge in-roads into that course you are doing or that project you are working on. Set a timer and work for only for the time you gave yourself in the calendar. Go on, go do it now, I’ll wait… So how did you go? I’d Love to hear



A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015


Is this a question you have ever asked yourself?

level of thinking. One level being...who am I...really?

I have asked this a lot of late. This may not be something that relates to you or you may be able to answer this question in a flash. You may have had the answer to this question for years now and if this is this case, I salute you. I thought I knew ‘me’ very well. However since turning 40 (3 years ago) I have felt like a new chapter of my life has opened up. Questions, with answers I need to find, are written on my pages. It’s like a new book is being written on a new level and the character inside my book (me) is going to a new, higher place of self discovery, one that requires a deeper

I have a blended family. My husband has been married before and I have happily gained a step son (even though I dislike this word, it is the best one I can find at the moment, as I never proclaimed to be his mother, just a person who loved him and his Dad and was there for him,) anyway, he is about to turn 30. I also have 3 children of my own who are teenagers (18 & 15 y.o boys and a 14 y.o girl). When my kids were younger, I was being their mother, a wife and running a small business. I guess what I’m trying to say is amongst all that ‘stuff’ I


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However, what I do have the answer to is this; life is a journey and one to be embraced and I believe I am on a never ending quest. This quest is about self discovery, in search of all that I have to offer, learn and grow from. A quest to find (well actually it isn’t lost, just possibly suppressed) the real me! I am the one who is honest with self and others; the one who stands up for what she believes in; the one who shares her passions and knowledge with the world; the one who loves herself. That is who I am ...Really.

operated some days on autopilot. You know the one, where you feel like someone presses that button and you go floating through the day only to get to the other end and wonder how you got there!

Now, as my kids are older, I have more time for myself (if I allow it). I have time to reflect, forecast and ponder. The pondering brought me to the burning question ‘who am I now?’ and is it a case of now or is it a case of who have I always been? So I have come to the conclusion (whilst I am a ‘work in progress’ until the day I die). I know I am a good person who has strong values that shape the way I want to lead my life. I have beliefs, some a little limiting (I’m working on them!) and many that I love and embrace and influence the woman I am. I have great friends and a fabulous career; I live in a safe area, have a nice house etc. From the outside, all may look rosy. However inside me it occasionally feels like there’s a missing link. Kind of like a bracelet that can’t be worn because its link is missing. Now is this TRUE or have I made this up to fit in with what society and my tribe say must be true? It’s an interesting question. One I don’t have the answer to today.

This article is about styling your life; your personal brand; your inner YOU. In order to create a life-style that represents the best version of you, one must first find the YOU. My passion in personal styling is connecting women who feel lost or disconnected from their own personal brand to a style that empowers them to journey forward. The ‘stuff’ is the story; how we style it will present your story to the world. The story is still being written. To infinity and beyond! Stay tuned... Stylishly yours.


In order to create a life-style that represents the best version of you, one must first find the YOU

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

Going Viral: How to Get the Most out of your Marketing - 4 Part Series.

Julie Bourke⏐ Technology

Viral marketing has become a respectable and most importantly, very effective means of marketing amongst businesses worldwide – that’s if it is done correctly and respectfully. Correctly and respectfully? What does that mean? It means not abusing the system. It means using viral marketing tactics to spread the word about your business, your product and your service without offending others or being self-serving.

#2 – To Add Value. Adding value is not a characteristic unique to viral marketing. It is a common marketing approach across the board. For hundreds of years, business owners have understood the importance of offering their customers “more”. For instance, buy this product and receive this additional product for free. You get the picture. So, this notion of adding value applies to your viral marketing in the same way. However, rather than simply applying added value to your products and services, make value-added offers to those who share your message. For instance, send this message to an

But, viral marketing is inherently self-serving, isn’t it?

additional 10 people, and receive a free product.

Well, yes and no. To be truly effective, viral marketing

Incentivise and you will see results!

must include a give and take approach. You must engage others, take part in conversation, and give as

#3 – To Create Buzz. Similar to sharing, creating buzz

much as you get. In other words, don’t expect your

can be extremely effective. How is it different? While

message to spread itself. Viral marketing takes time,

sharing refers to others literally sharing information with

careful planning and well-thought out execution.

friends (i.e. Like my Facebook page? Sign-up for your own Facebook page today and see more of what I’m up

It has, for lack of a better word, an incurable need for

to, including photos, favourites and more!) creating buzz


is more about spreading the word. Consider how gossip spreads, or the way in which gossip magazines create

While viral marketing can be applied in a number of ways, there are 3 main approaches:

#1 – To Share. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube are in fact products of

stories based on hearsay. The idea is to get people “talking” about you and your business in a positive way so that they begin to encourage others to become customers, sign-up or carry on the conversation on their own.

viral marketing themselves. While their sole purpose is to allow (and encourage) users to share information,

As you can see, viral marketing is about more than

they too must share their service via their users. It’s

inundating your audience with your message. Its about

simple, really. Their users believe in them and enjoy

strategic planning and taking an approach that puts your

their websites so much, that they share those websites

business in a positive light while enticing others to not

with others. Knowing this and trusting this would take

only become customers, but to spread the word as well.

place, these social media powerhouses have become multi-million, some billion dollar businesses thanks to, you guessed it, viral marketing.


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015


Add Value

Create Buzz

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015


Action Creates Difference


Dr Catherine Hamlin Have you ever noticed that talking about what you want isn't really what makes a difference? Talking might be a start but it is ACTION that really makes the difference. In fact if you take (MASSIVE) Action then you can make a world of difference! People often say they want to achieve something, but for whatever reason they never take that first step. Perhaps the goal just sits in a ‘drawer’ gathering dust or they just dip their toe in the water and begin but don’t follow through (think New Year’s resolutions)! Unfortunately, neither strategy is going to get you far along the road to achieving your outcome. The challenge is to get going and create some momentum. And for some people it is their passion, (or sometimes their compassion) that ignites them, banishing any fears, any reluctance and driving them to action.

After answering an advertisement in The Lancet in 1958, Dr. Catherine Hamlin could not stand idly by and allow the curse of obstetric fistula ruin the lives of the young women of Ethiopia. Obstetric fistulas are holes which occur between the rectum and vagina because of extremely long labours (days and days) and birthing difficulties. It is a preventable birthing injury that does not exist in the western world. If left untreated, these injuries result in young girls having to live with a constant flow of urine and faeces streaming down their legs and to the girls becoming outcasts from their families and communities. The prevalence of the condition in Ethiopia, in part, results from very young women being betrothed and therefore becoming pregnant well before their bodies are physically able to cope. It is considered a condition born of poverty and leaves victims publicly humiliated every day of their lives. So Catherine Hamlin and her husband, Reg, were drawn to that poorest of nations and began their life-long work in transforming the lives of these women. Working tirelessly, by 1974 they had established the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital specifically to treat obstetric fistula. Dr. Reg Hamlin died in 1993 and Catherine’s work has continued ever since. Today Catherine Hamlin

Image Reference: http://hamlin.org.au/


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Image Reference: http://hamlin.org.au/about/

who is 90 years old has performed or been involved in more than 34,000 surgeries for this disease, an amazing legacy of action, wouldn’t you agree?

she has received the Companion of the Order of Australia, been nominated twice for Nobel Peace Prizes and been named a National Living Treasure.

With a single-minded focus on the task at hand, she has lived a life of paucity when one of plenty could easily have been hers. She established a charity to receive the donations necessary to fund the operations and a supply chain so the medical necessities could find their way to the hospital where this vital work is performed. Regional centres are now available to assist women in remote communities and a midwifery school has been established to help prevent obstetric fistula occurring in the first place. In a land where poverty, poor sanitation and malnutrition lead to a life expectancy around 50 years, Dr. Hamlin has overcome the obstacles to provide a safe haven for the

Catherine Hamlin’s ability to take massive action in the face of horrendous difficulties and use her

young women this debilitating condition would otherwise have had no mercy for. As a result,

deepest desires, to advance the interests of her patients in a completely selfless manner, are hallmarks of a woman taking action with a single minded pursuit of her goal spirit. Her dedication and drive to live amongst the women she assists and inner need to take action while others merely bear witness, make her a truly great Australian woman of action. Connect to Catherine Hamlin on Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/DrCatherineHamlin Make today your day.


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

How to Seduce Your Man Amanda Mallia - Men

Do you fantasize about sexual confidence? Do you crave being desired and devoured by a good man? A man that nurtures your soul, connects with you intimately and champions your success on every level? Would you like to jump inside his mind and know exactly what it takes to blow your man’s mind in the bedroom and have him coming back for more, time and time again? I’ll share a secret with you, straight from the mouths of my male clientele; the only place our men can be vulnerable and completely surrender away from it all is in the bedroom,

with us, for us. Sadly, these moments are few and far between for most men. How is it not the same for women? What’s holding us back sexually? We are fundamentally aware we want more sex, yet we suppress our desires. The house isn't clean, emails aren't attended to, business to do, blogs to write, accounts to nurture, contacts to follow up, the kids need time or attending to; the list goes on. There is always a place to dedicate time, the question is; “What’s more important?”


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The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our intimate relationship. Given this is a fact, when would be a good time right now to make yours a priority?

Here are a few tips to get you on track: 1. Change your thought process; •

Think like a vixen, you are a sexual being. Your man loves all of you, unconditionally. Be naughty, feel naughty and nurture naughtiness! It’s the part of you that secretly craves to come out and play, but the good girl constantly gets in the way.

2. Accept that life isn't perfect, and neither are you; •

Men love to watch, they are visual creatures. Leave the lights on! Be confident knowing the way you make him feel is all he is focusing on. He is not taking any notice of anything you label as your imperfections. He’s too busy in his happy place. Envision yourself as a bold, sexual goddess and that’s exactly how he will see you too.

3. Step outside your body to increase the experience; •

A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

Sexual confidence is innate. Make an effort to free your body and mind. Make an effort to connect with your animal nature. Unleash your inner vixen today. The challenge is yours for the taking. The upshot of this for your man is also significant. He will open to you, even more than he does currently. You provide connection and vulnerability in a world where men are hardened, taught to be strong, independent and protectors from a young age. In time you’ll notice your relationship at an entire new level, where it goes from there is determined by you. I have couples who experience a life they never imagined as a result of being playful and embracing one another deeply. Remember; Naughty girls experience sexual heaven on earth! Live Intelligently.


Try this – it’s exciting. Imagine watching yourself and your partner during lovemaking. Notice how good it feels as he enters your body, watching the act. This allows you, as a woman, to experience his perceptual position. Notice how your body responds to his touch, savoring the entire experience. Add the sounds of your lovemaking to this experience to excite all of your senses; suddenly you’re in a whole new world.


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

A New View Every Few Weeks! Nalisha Patel, Talks Life, Travel and Choices. Guest Writer - Nalisha Patel My husband and I are world travellers and refuse to wake up to the same view for longer than a few weeks! Basically, we went on holiday on August 12th 2011 and are still traveling, while making money with our online business. We threw out the ‘rule book’ that says you should stay in one spot. We have been traveling for over 3 years now, as the nature of our Online Internet Business allows us to work from just about anywhere. Several years ago, I had started a health and fitness company and my husband was an engineer, working full time 9-5. We were both frustrated, as we really had not seen much of the world. I came across a book called 'The 4 Hour Work Week' by Tim Ferriss which literally changed the way we both thought about working 'hard' until we were 65, retiring and then living life. The book talks about being part of a group

called the "New Rich" where you use the internet to free up your time, create an online business and travel the world and Live Life Now, not waiting until you are 65. We have done just that. We have traveled throughout the US, UK and Europe so far - mostly California, Orlando, New York, Miami, various cities in Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, UK, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands and Hungary. This trip has opened our eyes up to all the different cultures and ways of the world, so we refuse to 'stay home' and look out the window at the same view now that we know we can run a business from anywhere and live a life that is out of the norm. I hope that our short story will inspire YOU to know that you can change how you live by changing just a few key things in your life. It's about rules, choices and goals!

Nalisha Patel


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 3 2015

Daydreaming for Cold Days Winter Escapes

There is no better way to escape the winter cold on a budget than to imagine yourself under the warmth of the sun on an island far away. So we’ve complied a list of 5 magical places where you can picture yourself.

Los Cabos Mexico Natural rock falls by the bay that you can observe from a far or on a sunset boat cruise. And when the sun is too much escape inside to prepare for the booming nightlife.

Jamaica How about a relaxation trip to the mellowest island in the Caribbean? Endless beaches and picturesque coves, each with amazing views. And to top if off take a river cruise through the forest.

Maui If you can’t stay in one spot there are many beach boardwalks and striking roads to take. They will lead you to volcanoes, overlooking cliffs, caves and pristine private beaches.

Cayman Islands With 3 Islands to choose from there are plenty activities to go around. Such as, thriving food markets, snorkelling, and glass bottom boat cruises.

Fiji Whether you want to relax or get active Fiji has many options to satisfy your wants and needs. Even take the family along, and with the many kids clubs, you’ll be relaxing on the beach sipping cocktails, and soaking up the sun in no time.

For more great escapes check out www.fodors.com


Ten in Ten


10 Questions with 10 seconds to Answer APM Anti-Marketing Expert; Kirsten Basford

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BEST ADVICE If your friend is gossiping to you about someone – what is she saying to someone else about you…don’t gossip. PASSIONS This is an interesting question as I am in the “serving my kids” phase of life, so my passion is really watching them grow and thrive. I’m a dedicated “Rugby Union Mum”, A Homework Ninja and a sideline tennis coach. I am also incredibly nerdy about my business, I love it and I love the community I have around it. I am also a soon to be pony club mum, and I can’t wait – wow I can’t believe I even said that one….


ARE YOU A WHY, WHAT, HOW OR ‘WHAT IF’ PERSON? I think I’m a combo of “What If” and “How” I’m a fan of big picture thinking and an even bigger fan of getting shit done!


FAVE BOOK? This is going to really disappoint you. It’s nothing businessey like In Search of Excellence, or Outliers, or even a classic like Wuthering Heights. My favourite book of all time is (well to date anyway) is The Devil Wears Prada. Now before you yell at the screen while reading this let me explain. That book was written about me – I was her – I was Andrea, except he called me Kristen, Jennifer, Liza or even sometimes my name – Kirsten. When I read that book for the first time I honestly thought that it was written about me. It was liberating to know that there were others that had the same position, but also at the other end of it hold that job with fondness.


PERSON WHO INSPIRES YOU MOST? That’s easy, my Brother. His name is Ditch Davey and he is an actor (and a very good international and Logie Award winning actor). He inspires me every day. He is a loving and committed, husband & father. He is so incredibly talented and committed to his craft. His work requires the most insane amount of rejection that I don’t think that any human could take. In my dark days when I only have my own selflimiting beliefs, I draw on what he must go through when big shot producers and directors critique his work. It takes so much more than good looks and talent to keep going. You need the biggest set of kahunas and a bucket load of courage and for that reason he inspires me everyday to keep following my dream.


WHICH FAMOUS PEOPLE (LIVING OR DEAD) WOULD YOU INVITE TO DINNER? Only if you promise not to judge…. Sarah-Jessica Parker – we should be besties


WHAT SKILL / TALENT WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE (THAT YOU DON’T CURRENTLY HAVE): I’d love to be able to sing – I am so rubbish at singing it’s not funny. I’d also love to be able to do calligraphy and I’d love to be able to speak French or Italian.


WHAT FIRES YOU UP AND GETS YOUR EMOTIONS RUNNING? Bullshit artists & people with no integrity, I hate them. Drink drivers are also pretty low on my list.


YOUR ADVICE TO WOMEN? This is tough to answer as my advice wouldn’t be exclusive to women. Make sure you see life with a glass half full. There will be shit times but they will pass and they won’t define you only help to shape you

CHARITY APM has founded a charity specifically to bring opportunity to Australian Women and Children. 2BMe Foundation will raise funds to connect those who are focused and committed to improving their own life circumstances, to the resources that enable them to do so. www.2bmefoundation.org.au We look forward to bringing you more news about what we are doing and how you might get involved very soon.

WRITERS WANTED Do you LOVE to write and believe you a story to tell that inspires or educates women? APM love to share – and your submission will be received with gratitude and excitement.

CONACT US AT: sparkle@apeacefulmind.com.au


Sex and the City. It was such a ground-breaking show. It was fun, naughty and aspirational. Our group of friends all had our own SATC character – for the record I was Carrie! It was and still is my fave TV show of ALL time.




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