APM Issue 17

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From the editor…

Hello our wonderful APMyou Ladies. I Hello ladies, how are going? cannot believe how quickly this year is flying by. It is fair to say we have certainly reached that point in the year As a new brings new where theyear weather has beginnings taken a distinct change. We are having to and changes, when we approach the the house and finding it harder to wear layers upon layers to leave half way point we can begin to reflect on get out ofcan ourevaluate nice warm bedswe n the morning. them. We the goals aimed to achieve and establish new take. I my challenge you all to these days is to plan a head the Isteps havetofound great motivator revaluate your goals. Decide whether or night before. When I’ve got that little extra time in the morning to not you achieved them, are on the way relax instead of rushing around, I know it is going to be a great to, or need a new goal.


This month we are talking all things winter. Many of us struggle with the How are you getting through these cold mornings? We would love winter cold and the fight to get out of to from you. So we all need that bedhear in the morning. one thing. Something that makes us jump out of bed to start the day. Bring We are almost half way through the back the excitement think about time toand year itsyou. start focusing on the what itand is for

From the editor… last six months ofthe the year. The theme From editor…

Hello ourkeep wonderful APMand Ladies. I peeled Finally your eyes ears for this issue was X-mas in June - makcannot believe quickly this exciting year Hello our wonderful APMsome Ladies. I is this month, as how we have ing sure you are on trackhappening. foryear theisrest of flying by.events cannot believeand howchanges quickly this news,

you 2017. Tonotgive that it. extra push to this flying by. You will want to miss Subscribe Asour a new year brings new beginnings newsletters and Facebook page to month we got all your winter tips, tricks and changes, when wewith approach the As a new year new beginnings keep update tobrings date everything and styles to suit your needs. half way point we can begin to reflect and changes, when we approach theon APM. them. We point can evaluate the goals we on half way we can begin to reflect aimed to achieve and establish new Best wishes, them. We Courageous can evaluateand the Confident, goals we Be Kind, steps toto take. I challenge you all new to Taylah Parker aimed achieve and establish Taylah Parker - Editor revaluate your goals. Decide whether steps Editorto take. I challenge you all to or not you achieved them,Decide are on whether the way or revaluate your goals. to, or need a new goal. not you achieved them, are on the way to, or need a new goal. This month we are talking all things winter. Many we of us with the This month arestruggle talking all things winter cold and the fight to get out of winter. Many of us struggle with the bed in the morning. So we all need winter cold and the fight to get out that of one that us that bedthing. in theSomething morning. So wemakes all need jump out of Something bed to startthat the makes day. Bring one thing. us back and the think about jumpthe outexcitement of bed to start day. Bring what is for you. backitthe excitement and think about

what it is for you. Finally keep your eyes and ears peeled this month, asyour we have exciting Finally keep eyes some and ears peeled news, events and changes happening. this month, as we have some exciting You willevents not want miss it. Subscribe to news, andtochanges happening. our newsletters andtoFacebook page to to You will not want miss it. Subscribe keep update to date with everything our newsletters and Facebook page to APM. keep update to date with everything APM. Be Kind, Courageous and Confident, Taylah Parker Be Kind, Courageous and Confident, Editor Taylah Parker

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Interested in advertising with us, email APM at maree@backtome.com Interested in advertising with us, email And we can send you an advertising APM at maree@backtome.com package And we can send you an advertising package

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APM? We are always looking for Would you love to be a guest writer for fabulous content that is suitable for APM? We are always looking for Women that Educates ~ Inspires ~ fabulous content that is suitable for Informs and grows our knowledge and Women that Educates ~ Inspires ~ choices. Informs and grows our knowledge and choices.





Issue 17

6 The Happy Truth About Exercise

AvrIl carpenter A PEACEFUL MIND 8 Make Your Festive Season All Year Long


MOTIVATIONAL LEADERSHIP 11 21 Common Copy Mistakes. Part 1 of a 2 Part Series.



14 Chicken & Spinach Soup




021 2







16 Where Your Focus Goes Your Energy Flows.


18 What’s Hot This June


A PEACEFUL MIND 21 Are You Winter Ready?


26 5 Top Tips for Staying Healthy In Winter.






Our apm writers

Lisa Wiking

A leadership expert, speaker and published author.

Hayley Martin Nutritional advice, recipes & wellness articles to elevate your health

Maree Eddings Exploring energy and how it flows or blocks your personal power

Helen Treloar Business & Leadership tips & articles for SME & start-ups

Avril Carpenter Are you ready to make peace with food and live the delicious life your soul is craving? specialises in the psychology behind weight issues.

Penny Votzourakis Customer service advice to grow sales and client loyalty

Lena Turvey Productivity and organisation queen bringing you tips and techniques

Beckie White Style your wardrobe & your life using Beckie’s secrets & suggestions

Julie Bourke Technology is in everyone’s life! Julie helps you use it and protect it well

Joanne Clark Bringing you NLP Success Principles through ‘Women in History’ pieces

Pippa Hanson Be inspired by Pippa’s personal journey as a business owner, mother and wife

Suzi Petrozzi Her dedication to personal development inspires her to keep growing and living a present, purposeful and powerful life.

She leaves a little

Sparkle wherever

she goes



Exercise… and I say this sadly because I too have my lazy moments …. is a strictly do-ityourself business. If the very thought of these long chilly winter evenings makes you want to retreat to the bingewatching netflix, you’re in good company. A lot of good folk just aren’t that into exercise. And that’s OK. Because here’s some wonderful news… You can still find your thinner sparkle, lose weight and look absolutely..fabulous– without strenuous exercise.

THE HAPPY TRUTH ABOUT EXERCISE or Simple Steps to Losing it This Winter AVRIL CARPENTER – Weight psychology 6

Researcher, Dr James Hill has discovered that the average daily number of steps taken by women is about 5,000 steps. Intriguingly, his study shows that overweight women take 2,000 fewer steps per day than happy-weight their happy weight sisters.


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Think about that for a moment. Only 2,000.steps separates those who are overweight from their happy-weight counterparts. Like to know the distance of 2,000 steps? Four city blocks! FOUR CITY BLOCKS STAND BETWEEN YOU AND YOUR HAPPY WEIGHT. Incredible! Just so we’re clear, Hill isn’t talking about extreme exercise here. He’s not talking about pavementpounding, iron-pumping or sweatinducing exercise…he’s talking about walking. Good old-fashioned, one-foot-infront-of-the-other: walking. All you need to do is get yourself a pedometer (they’re about $10 from a sports shop). From the moment you wake up, attach it to your belt and discover how many steps you currently take in a typical day. Aim to increase your steppage by 2,000 a week until you hit a comfortably, maintainable target. Hill’s study suggests 10,000 steps per day is a good ball park figure. The beauty of walking is its accessibility as most of us have a pavement just outside our house. It’s safe, simple and you can fit it

around your lifestyle. Anytime, anywhere. NO FANCY KIT REQUIRED You don’t need membership. No Lycra kit required.

a gym specialist

BTW: If you adore your spin classes or you love lifting iron…rock on with your bad self! This missive is for the non-exercisers amongst you. You know who you are…. I get there are personal trainers out there who argue that “you must exercise with continuous motion for one-hour to get fitness results”. And once upon a time I’d have agreed with this traditional notion. But I’ve also witnessed many a client who’s eased-up on sweaty gym sessions (that they hated but did because they ‘ought’ to) and have incorporated more walking, and have shifted the kilos. As a former regular marathoner, I have replaced my 100km weeks with small daily walks and have never been happier with the fit of my skinny jeans. KEEP IT SIMPLE

There’s no need to do all 10,000 steps in one walk. That can lead to all sorts of inventive ways to avoid getting out the door. We overwhelm ourselves and do nothing. Instead, take a bunch of 15minute walks throughout the day. It’ll feel good, and by nightfall, you’ll have achieved your 10,000 steps. Take the stairs instead of the lift. Walk your dog. Park your car a block from your office and walk the difference. Disembark the train a stop early and take a stroll. Leave the car in the garage and walk the school run. Move.Dance.Play. You only have one body. It was designed to move. One foot after the other. And now you've got your 10,000 steps, you can reward yourself with your favourite Netflix show!

Avril ! PS: If you’re sitting there reading these words thinking, “I knooooooooooow I need to move my body, I just don’t do it!”, feel free to drop me a line. Hypnotherapy can help you do the doing that you know you need to be your happy shape and size.



A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 17


Thinking about the festive season makes me think about celebrations. And as I reflect on my years in life and business, one of the things I’m certain of, is that the power of celebrating your successes in life and business is what promotes more success. In fact, I would go so far, and say that if you don't celebrate your small wins, you almost certainly wont have the big wins. So what more of a reason do you need than that to ensure you celebrate even the smallest win.


So I thought I’d give you a very simple, yet important 5 step process to ensuring you know how to celebrate your wins no matter how small. For the sake of these steps, I’m going to use the example of saving for your dream holiday. Obviously I


A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 17

encourage you to translate this into your own goal so it becomes real and applicable.

STEP 1: CLARITY: It’s crucial that you are clear on what it is you’re working towards and it’s stated as you want it, not as you don't want it. (For example; “It’s the 1st July 2018, and we’re so thrilled that we’ve saved $10,000 and are now sitting at the travel agency booking our dream holiday to Tahiti.” Not, “I don’t want to spend another winter at home in the cold.” - Notice the difference in energy of these two statements) Your Goal must also be a S.M.A.R.T Goal. Specific, Measured, Achievable, Realistic and Time-lined. It must be Specific, “Save to go on a holiday to Tahiti. Measurable, ensure there is an identifying number to ensure you know when you’ve hit the goal. (Save $10,000 to go on a Holiday to Tahiti). It must be Achievable - (Saving 10% of your income as apposed to 80%). It must also be Realistic - You must be able to physically do/complete your goal, be able to travel and have a passport for example. It’s essential that it’s Time-lined, you’ve identified a date you’d like to have achieve this by. (For

example: “It’s the 1st July 2018, and we’re so thrilled that we’ve saved $10,000 and are now sitting at the travel agency booking our dream holiday to Tahiti.”) STEP 2; BREAK IT DOWN: Once you’re clear on the end goal, it’s now important to break it down in to bite size chunks. As the old saying goes, “How do you eat an elephant? One teaspoon at a time.” If you only focus on the big picture you'll never take the necessary action to move you closer to it. Identify small steps that you’d need to achieve to lead you to the end goal. What are the key milestones you need to achieve to know you are moving closer to your Big Goal. In this example, you could break the $10,000 into $1000 milestones. STEP 3: PLAN TO CELEBRATE Once you’ve identified the milestones, then you need to know where you’re at now. Set yourself a system and a routine so you know each day/week/month where you are at, according to your next milestone. Be clear on what you’re going to do to celebrate when you hit the next milestone and get excited! STEP 4: CELEBRATE Time to Celebrate, how you celebrate will be determined by what the goal is and what you find rewarding. Some people will find a social event, a day out with the family or a shop will be rewarding. Others will find a massage, a bush walk, some quiet time in nature to be rewarding. What ever it is, be

sure that it doesn’t detract too much from the goal. For example, going on a $500 shopping spree, when you’ve hit the $1000 milestone, wouldn’t be a smart idea. Make sure the reward you choose feels good, immerse yourself into the feelings of celebration and fun. Take photos to hold the memory and remind you of this special moment. STEP 5: SET YOUR SIGHTS ON THE NEXT MILESTONE! As you move past that first milestone, feel the buzz, the excitement and energy of reaching that first milestone. Enjoy the memories of the reward you enjoyed, hold on to those feelings of excitement and gratitude for as long as you can. Save a photo on your phone, so you can remember those feelings should there be tough times. Remain focussed on the big picture and now set your sights on the next milestone. How long until you can reward and celebrate again? Work hard, remain focussed and determined and success and the next milestone will most certainly be yours. I wish you all the best in setting out and achieving your Big Goals, by celebrating the small milestones! If you'd like some help in identifying your goals and sign posts, please email me at lisa@motivationalleadership.com.a u or call me on 0408 711 769.



work with your passion 10


A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 17

21 COMMON COPY MISTAKES PART ONE OF A TWO PART SERIES Julie Bourke½ Technology Over the years, while helping website owners improve their website copy, I’ve seen a lot of copy. Some was great, some pretty good, some mediocre and I’m sorry to say…some pretty bad. In this journey of helping people improve their online marketing messages, I’ve come to see that many people make a lot of the same mistakes over and over again. This guide has been written to help you cut your learning curve and eliminate those mistakes that are so easy to make.




Especially when you first start writing copy, there is plenty of background work you need to do before you write your copy. This may be something that you do in your head or it might be something you spend some time brainstorming on paper to get your desired results. When you get good at writing copy, it’s something that comes very naturally to you as you’ll already have a deep understanding of what you need to know to write good copy. Here are some common mistakes people make before they even start writing:

1. Not Understanding Their Target Market: Without understanding who is reading your marketing messages, whether it be emails, sales copy, articles, etc. it’s virtually impossible to sell or even “warmup” your audience effectively. You can’t be everything to everyone. If you sell a product for women that does not mean all women are your customers. You need to find out exactly which women you need to target. Think about your product, what is THE single most important reason your target audience would want to buy it? You need to be able to empathize with your target market, identify their problems and show how your product solves. If you think your product solves everyone’s problems, the passion is lost in your copy and it’s tough to get anyone excited about anything. Still, it IS possible that you have more than one very targeted market for your product. If that’s the case, you should make separate sales pages to drive the appropriate traffic to. For example, if you sell a high-end wrinkle cream and discover that not only are certain types of women buying the cream, but men are interested too, you can create different pages to target

the problems and interests of each group. That way, when you have different advertising campaigns or affiliates who send you traffic, the traffic can be directed to the appropriate page. You will sell more to a highlytargeted group of people than trying a lukewarm approach with the public in general. 2. Not Having a Unique Selling Position (USP): Here’s one of the most important questions you’ll ask yourself before you start trying to write copy. “Why would my customer buy my product instead of a competitor’s?” Now, we already know that in most cases we don’t want to say, “Because I offer the best price,” because that might just send your business into complete bankruptcy. You need to find something more unique about yourself that allows you to sell your product at a profitable price. Some of the best customers you can have, don’t worry about price. In my experience, the best customers are the ones who are more concerned about quality, exceptional service or that just buy because they plain old trust you and feel you understand them.


Really take the time to craft your USP before writing the copy for any product you sell and refer to the training audio for further tips. 3. Not Understanding The Product: Even if it’s your product and you think you know it intimately, make sure you get to know every detail so you can answer every possible question your target audience might have. Know it’s every feature…but more importantly, know the benefits of those features. Couple that with your understanding of your target market & USP, you’ll be a sales force to be reckoned with.

PAGE LAYOUT How you design your page is very important to how well you’ll sell your product. Let’s talk about some of the common errors in page layout: 4. Too Many Distractions: Not every piece of sales copy has to be a full-on sales letter with no logos, navigation, etc. In many cases, it’s very appropriate to sell


a product on a traditional “shopping cart-type” website. In those cases, it’s still important not to take the distractions to an outrageous level. Here are some tips to reduce distractions: • Keep your website navigation to a minimum. Create sub-categories to your website sections if necessary to minimize menu distractions. • If you’re selling your own product on a particular page, remove all banners going to outside pages. Whether it’s paid advertising, an affiliate link, a web ring or anything else, it doesn’t belong on your sales page. Of course, you can do some testing on whether making other product offers increases your bottom line, but generally speaking, get rid of this stuff. • Keep your page header or logo simple and small. Don’t let it take over the whole “above-the-fold” space on your website. A logo or page header can help with branding and can convey a more professional image, but it doesn’t

have to be huge to do that. Most of the above-the-fold space should be reserved for selling your product. 5. Content & Selling in the Same Place: Good sales copy should be informational, but sometimes people drown their sales website in articles and other information because they’ve been told that information generates traffic and trust. Maybe you’ve even heard me say that, but I hope my message wasn’t misunderstood. Generally speaking, your content and your sales information should be kept separate. This might mean that you have a separate domain for all your content where you generate leads for your products and get people to sign up for your mailing list. Or you might have content on the same site as your product information so that visitors from search engines can find it. If you do this, keep the links to your content subtle and away from your product links and information. Perhaps, you can place links to your articles on the bottom navigation of your site.


6. Hyperlinks That Don’t Look Like Hyperlinks: Don’t get cute with links. People are accustomed to blue underlined links, use them. If you insist on using a different colour, at the very least, make sure they are underlined all the time (and not just on a mouse over). If your links don’t look like links, people just aren’t going to click them as readily.


11. No Sub headlines: Sub headlines break up your copy and make it easy to read. It’s also good for people who are scanning your page. If someone is scanning, it’s less likely that all the tiny print is going to make him stop and read, but if getting you have an attention-getting


Once you understand your target market and have crafted your USP, it’s much easier to make the copy flow from your typing fingers. But sometimes it’s not that simple and it’s easy to get stuck on the headline right off the bat. Here are some common headline problems: 7. Headline is Missing: Many websites and web pages are completely missing a headline or they have something mundane and meaningless like, “Welcome!” 8. Headline is Too Long: There are some highly-skilled and popular copywriters that have written some amazing long headlines. Unfortunately, most people are not highly-skilled and famous copywriters that can perform such a feat. Keep your headlines focused on one idea and say it as quickly and concisely as you can. 9. Headlines That Are Not Capitalized: Capitalize your headlines. It makes them easier to read and it’s what people are accustomed to when they read a newspaper or magazine for example. 10. Headlines Sprawl Across the Page: As with all writing online, when it sprawls across the page, it makes it hard to read. A headline that goes straight across the page is even more difficult to read and loses its oomph. Your headlines and sub headlines should be narrower than the rest of your copy. You want people to easily read these parts of your copy, so they can be drawn in and read the rest of what you must say.


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2 teaspoons plus 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, divided ! cup carrot or diced red bell pepper 1 large boneless, skinless chicken breast, cut into quarters 1 large clove garlic, minced 5 cups reduced-sodium chicken broth 1! teaspoons dried marjoram 170g baby spinach, coarsely chopped 1 can cannellini beans or great northern beans, rinsed " cup grated Parmesan cheese " cup lightly packed fresh basil leaves Freshly ground pepper to taste # cup plain or herbed multigrain croutons for garnish (optional)

WHAT TO DO: 1. Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add carrot (or bell pepper) and chicken; cook, turning the chicken and stirring frequently, until the chicken begins to brown, 3 to 4 minutes. Add garlic and cook, stirring, for 1 minute more. Stir in broth and marjoram; bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the chicken is cooked through, about 5 minutes. 2. With a slotted spoon, transfer the chicken pieces to a clean cutting board to cool. Add spinach and beans to the pot and bring to a gentle boil. Cook for 5 minutes to blend the flavours. 3. Combine the remaining 1 tablespoon oil, Parmesan and basil in a food processor (a mini processor works well). Process until a coarse paste forms, adding a little water and scraping down the sides as necessary. 4. Cut the chicken into bite-size pieces. Stir the chicken and pesto into the pot. Season with pepper. Heat until hot. Garnish with croutons, if desired.

To check out more recipes go to: /www.eatingwell.com/



A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 17 Have you ever noticed that when you have a goal, you have a focus and a plan, and you take the necessary steps to get to your outcome? Imagine that you've planned a three-month holiday to Europe. Think about the planning and focus that goes into that. You do all the research, find all the pitfalls to look out for, determine the places you must see, and learn about the different cultures and everything you must know about them. You do your homework because you know your outcome, and you want to have a great holiday. Just turning up just doesn't cut it!


So why is your every day job any different? Isn't it just as important to plan to get the results you want to achieve? Have a measurable goal. It may be hitting the target, learning more about the product you sell, determining marketing outcomes, or selling multiples. When you realize "Where your focus goes, your energy flows," then you can change your thinking and see results quickly. So right now – what are you thinking about? What are you saying to yourself about your



career, your job, the place you work at? Is your focus on improvement, on how to increase sales or improve customer service, or are you focused on something completely different?


A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 17 Look back at the last six months. What sort of results have you achieved? Are you where you want to be? Did you even have any work goals? If you aren’t where you want to be, then what could you have done differently? If you aren't getting the results you want at work, then remember, "Where your focus goes, your energy flows.” What do you want to achieve in the next six months in your career? Here are the 7 steps to help you focus on what you would like to achieve: 1 . Sit in a quiet place and put on some music. Make yourself a cup of tea, or even head to the park or to your favourite place. 2 .Close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. 3 .Write 5 things you achieved in the last 6 months that made you feel good. 4 .Write 3 to 5 things you would like to achieve in the next 6 months. 5 .What is the plan to get you there? Do you need help from a manager and/or your team? What education do you need? 6 .Who will you share this with? 7 .What are your steps in the next 24 hours? Once you have a focus and a plan of action, then you will achieve your outcome. Just like any holiday, there may be a detour. Something could go wrong or have a complete meltdown. The most important thing is you know exactly where your end point is, and how you will get there.




Statement Earrings Add the wow-factor to any outfit by wearing some bold jewellery. But, earrings or necklaces? Whichever takes your fancy. MISS SHOP, MYER $16.95

Heat Pillow A healing blend of locally sourced rosemary, rose petals and juniper berries, this heat pillow assists the body in restoring its natural balance. RESTORE, SUSSAN $39.95

Hand Cream

The harsh cold of winter can be damaging to the skin. Fight against this season with a nourishing moisturizer for your hands. PEPPERMINT GROVE, SUSSAN $19.95


With everything else on our mind, we often forget to stay hydrated. Drink plenty this season with a S’well new bottle. S’well $25 - $50

Cosy Socks

Snuggle under a blanket with some super soft socks. Or sneak them under your boots at work for toasty toes all day. LEVANTE, DAVID JONES $16.95

Winter Boots & Coat The perfect combination of boots and a coat will keep you prepare for any weather and have you looking fabulous. And of course, black goes with everything.


Whether they are woollen or leather, now is the perfect time to get out those gloves. Go for a bold colour to brighten any outfit. TED BAKER, DAVID JONES

Gloves ves

Hot Drink

Coffee, tea or hot chocolate? Name your poison. Whatever your taste is now is the time to indulge in those warm drinks. The tastiest way to kept the warmth all day.

Bold Lips

A deep red lip is the finishing touch to everything and anything. Whether you’re heading to work or the getting the groceries you’ll be dressed from head to toe. MATTETASTIC VERONICA, NAPOLEON PERDIS $38


Naughty Treat

A new pair of pyjamas is like going to sleep in freshly washed sheets. You’ll feel like you’re Who said slippers aren aren’t shoes? Well sleeping on a cloud. So go out now is the time to prove them wrong. and find the softest pair. Cruise around the house in your comfiest pair.

Perfect Pair

You’ve worked hard so far this year. Treat yourself with a little indulgence. These dark chocolate almonds are the perfect naughty but not so unhealthy snack.

A Good Book

Cosy up under a blanket and get lost in a new tale. Not Your Average Nurse, follows the true story of a nurse’s 1970s journey from London to Outback Australia.

Bright Bag

This pop of colour is a must for any wardrobe, especially if you find yourself dressed in head-to-toe black. We might be guilty of just that.




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ARE YOU WINTER READY? IS YOUR WINTER WARDROBE READY TO KEEP YOU WARM AND COZZIE? Beckie White - Stylist Are you stuck on what you ‘need’ in your winter wardrobe? Well the time is now to get organized to avoid the chills. To enjoy the winter months you need a wardrobe that is stylish, timeless, affordable and practical. I would love to share with you my top 7 ‘Must Have’ styles this winter to have your wardrobe working for you. 1. The ‘WHITE SHIRT’ is a timeless, trans-seasonal piece that every woman’s wardrobe needs. It is a great layering piece that looks great under knits and


jackets or even dresses. Look for a style that is slightly longer and with cuffs to create a “Peek a Boo” look at the hem line of a knit. If whites not your choice of colour go for cream or blush. 2. A ‘WARM WINTER KNIT’ – Is a superstar piece this season. Look for one that you can dress up for work and down with jeans for the weekend. You may need two different styles in your wardrobe – 1. relaxed and sloppy. 2. fitted and tailored. This season there are some gorgeous detailing going on with knits – beads and studding is for the fashion forward lady, that will have heads turning.

3. The ‘LEATHER JACKET’ will never fail your winter wardrobe. It can be worn with every outfit and will add texture and style to your look. This item is where you can splash some colour. The biker style has a fabulous pallet this season – Try something new in Blush- Khaki-grey -red or navy.

4. A well fitted ‘DENIM JEAN’ is going to be the most versatile item in your wardrobe. They are also a fabulous trans-seasonal piece. This season its about rolling up the cuff a little to expose a bit of skin with an ankle boot. Another great coloured jean is the black waxed rigs- these babies can take your outfit from day to night in seconds




5.‘SCARVES’ are the ultimate ! accessory winner for your winter wardrobe. The beautiful cable knit snoods are bang on trend this seasonwhich a soooooo warm and snuggly. Be bold with your accessories a wear a bright colour as this will lift the look of your outfit.

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6. The ‘FEDORA HAT” is for those who love fashion and some days need to hide bad hair. Its super stylish and will certainly keep you locks warm. Black or caramel are the most popular choices here.

7. Your winter wardrobe will not be complete without a fabulous pair(s) of stylist boots. Knee length long boots are beginning to make a comeback, in beautiful shades of tan and dove grey. These are universal colours to go with every outfit. Ankle boots are still a very strong trend. They are as comfortable as a runner and great for stylish mums on the run. The ankle boot is extremely versatile and trans seasonal giving you great value for money. I trust my top 7 tips will assist with planning your winter wardrobe. If you have any questions please contact me beckie@missvelvet.com.au Stylish Regards

Beckie 23 !


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coaching & training

Contact joanne@destinypursuit. com.au a few places are available for the next training - 7 Days to be a Practitioner of NLP. Register now at pages.destinypursuit.com/nlp-apm If you are ready for more you can also take your training to the next level in Joanne’s 10 day Master Practitioner training. Register at destinypursuit.com.au/events.php








Pippa Hanson ! personal journey


Winter for me is about looking after the health of myself and those around me. As the days get darker and colder each year I find it really important to focus on staying healthy both physically and mentally. The lack of sunshine makes getting out and moving sometimes challenging, particularly when the seat by the fire is much more enticing. The health of my team is just as important as my family’s health. A healthy body goes a long way to maintaining a healthy mind and a healthy workforce. 1. Eat well Choosing foods that boost your immune system, those high in vitamin C.

2. Exercise regularly Great for the body and the mind, reduces stress and can improve the immune system.

3. Socialise Spend time with friends and family, a good chat goes a long way to maintaining your mental health and reducing stress. 4. Wash your hands regularly Keeping your hands clean to avoid the extra bugs that are around during the winter months. 5. Sleep well Sleep is when our body has time to rejuvenate, and repair our muscles and our mind. May your winter be a healthy one.

Pippa 27 27

CHARITY APM has founded a charity specifically to bring opportunity to Australian Women and WRITERS WANTED CHARITY Children. Do you LOVE to write and believe you a story APM has founded a charity specifically to to tell that inspires or educates women? APM bring opportunity Australian and WRITERS WANTED 2BMe Foundationtoraises fundsWomen to connect love to share – and your submission will be CHARITY Children. Do you LOVE to write and you a story those who are focused and committed to received with gratitude andbelieve excitement. APM has founded a charity specifically to to tell that inspires or educates women? APM improving their own life circumstances, to the bring opportunity to Australian Women and WRITERS WANTED 2BMe Foundation raises funds to connect love to share – and your submission will be resources that enable them to do so. CHARITY Children. Do you LOVE to write and believe you a story those who are focused and committed to received with gratitude and excitement. www.2bmefoundation.org.au CONACT AT: or educates women? APM APM has founded a charity specifically to to tell that US inspires improving their own Australian life circumstances, to the CHARITY sparkle@apeacefulmind.com.au bring and WRITERS WANTED 2BMeopportunity Foundationtoraises fundsWomen to connect love to share – and your submission will be resources that enable them specifically to domore so. news APM has founded charity to We look forward toabringing you Children. you LOVE Do to write and you a story those who are focused and committed to received with gratitude andbelieve excitement. www.2bmefoundation.org.au CONACT AT: or educates women? APM bring opportunity todoing Australian Women and WRITERS WANTED about whattheir we are and how you might to tell that US inspires improving own life circumstances, to the CHARITY sparkle@apeacefulmind.com.au Children. Do LOVE–toand write and believe you story get involved very soon. 2BMe Foundation raises funds to so. connect loveyou to share your submission willa be resources that enable them to do APM has founded a charity specifically to We look forward to bringing you more news to tell that inspires or educates women? APM those who are focused and committed to received with and excitement. www.2bmefoundation.org.au CONACT US gratitude AT: bring opportunity toraises Australian Women and WRITERS WANTED about what we are doing and how you might 2BMe Foundation funds to connect CHARITY love to share – and your submission will be improving their own life circumstances, to the sparkle@apeacefulmind.com.au Children. Do you LOVE to write and believe you a story get involved very soon. those who are focused and committed to APM has founded a charity specifically to received with gratitude and excitement. resources that enable them to domore so. newswww.twitter.com/APeacefulMind_ www.facebook.com/pages/A-Peaceful-Mind www.apeacefulmind.com.au CHARITY We look forward to bringing you to tell that inspires or educates women? APM improving their own life circumstances, to the bring opportunity to Australian Women and WRITERSUS WANTED www.2bmefoundation.org.au APM founded charity specifically to CONACT AT: abouthas what we are adoing and how you might

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