APM Issue 11

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Beauty from The Inside out


Having the best in your team TIPS TO on find the Right staff for the position


Excuse me, I have to go and

be Awesome

Experience True Inner Freedom & Self Love yourhappilyeverafter.com.au

with Lauren Jobson m. 0405 835 686


From the editor… Hello fabulous ladies and welcome back. This month we have touched on the I don’t know if I’m like change in seasons. most of you where I dream of Summer in Winter and then wish from Winter in the Summer. I can never make up my mind.

But to help ease you in, we created a must have list, some delicious snacks to try and books to read. And sprinkled in between are our wonderful writers who continue to inspire me every day. We also have some exciting news to announce and that is we would like to welcome Maree Eddings as our new APM Leader. We wish her the very best and look forward to new things. We would like to thank Helen Treloar and acknowledge the fantastic work that she has done in establishing this amazing platform for us women and know that we would certainly not be where we are today without her. Also ladies keep your eyes peeled and your ears open as an APM Live event may be coming you way. Stay tuned for more. Be Kind, Courageous and Confident, Taylah Parker Editor

ADVERTISE WITH US Email your ad for approval to editor@apeacefulmind.com.au $60 per issue – direct link to your web site

WRITE FOR US Would you love to be a guest writer for APM? We are always looking for fabulous content that is suitable for Women that Educates ~ Inspires ~ Informs and grows our knowledge and choices.



A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11


2 Your Sacred Marriage Within LIFE COACH

Issue 11


6 Beauty From The Inside Out



10 Having Awareness 10 The Paperless Office


12 The New Leader Has New Needs

helen treloar


BUSINESS 16 The Right People In The Right Position



a p e a c e f u l m I nd





A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11


22 5 Tips For Buying In The Sale Season


26 Pinterest For the Personal Self



TECHNOLOGY 28 Congruence – Aligning Vision, Values and Beliefs

joanne clark NLP

30 Want To Be Successful


A PERSONAL JOURNEY 32 Friendship, The natural Detox





34 Autumn / Winter Must Do

check lIst



Part 3 – From AFP – Barbados


Our apm writers

Lauren Jobson

Life Coach tips and techniques to move you towards your goals in life

Hayley Martin Nutritional advice, recipes & wellness articles to elevate your health

Maree Eddings Exploring energy and how it flows or blocks your personal power

Helen Treloar Business & Leadership tips & articles for SME & start-ups

Kirsten Basford The anti-marketing marketing guru magnifying your brand

Penny Votzourakis Customer service advice to grow sales and client loyalty

Lena Turvey Productivity and organisation queen bringing you tips and techniques

Beckie White Style your wardrobe & your life using Beckie’s secrets & suggestions

Julie Bourke Technology is in everyone’s life! Julie helps you use it and protect it well

Joanne Clark Bringing you NLP Success Principles through ‘Women in History’ pieces

Pippa Hanson Be inspired by Pippa’s personal journey as a business owner, mother and wife

She leaves a little

Sparkle wherever

she goes

“If we think about your mind being an ideal marriage, we want your conscious mind to connect to your unconscious mind�

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11

Your sacred marrIage wIthIn

EVERYTHING IS UNAWARE TIL YOU HAVE CONSCIOUSNESS ON IT LAUREN JOBSON ⏐ LIFE COACH This is an extremely important philosophy and it's a massive theme for me in my coaching. This concept is about the two most important energies in the world that make up absolutely everything that we manifest and see; masculine and feminine energies. We need to firstly really understand that when I talk masculine, it doesn't necessarily mean a male. And when I speak feminine, it doesn't mean female. Rather, we can come to understand and appreciate what masculinity is by looking at the male physical form, and also too with the feminine, we look at the female physical form to understand what the energy is. If we think of a male physically, and their reproductive organs and how that works, is that anytime you have an outcome, something outside of you, a goal that you go for and you achieve, in any output, well then that is masculine. Because that is what a male reproductive organ does. It has an outcome. And with feminine, a female receives. When it comes to sex her reproductive parts are internal and so this is about receiving. Anytime you go internal, any time you go inside to receive, in fact every time you breathe in, you have been feminine. Every time you breathe out, you are then being masculine. It's

really important to understand that we have both of these energies as part of us and ALL problems are simply just an imbalance of external and internal functions so we definitely need to acknowledge and use these energies, have them come together to have our beautiful marriage within! You might have heard me talk about already, your conscious mind and your unconscious mind. Your conscious mind, again, the part of you that is aware of everything in this moment. The fact that you're aware of something means that you have something in form. Even a thought inside your mind has form now, because you can make sense of it, you can put a boundary around it. If I thought to myself, "I am Lauren." I have a form, I have a sentence, I have what's called a boundary condition, because that makes sense to me and I can also define what is me, Lauren and what is not me. If I think of my mobile number as another example, just thinking of my mobile number, well that now has form. If I think of what I'm going to have for dinner, you guys get this. You are becoming aware of what you're reading right now, as you read these words you are making form of the ideas. You have awareness around what you are reading and so what you're doing is you're in your masculine energy.

While at the same time, as you go inside your own mind to make internal pictures and to make understanding of this, you're being feminine. Whenever we ask ourselves a question, we are being masculine. When we listen and are open to receiving the answers, we are being feminine. So the part of our minds that is conscious, is masculine as it is aware and it projects form. Our unconscious mind receives direction from the conscious mind and then it receives it to go inside and sources the answers for us, so your unconscious mind until the moment it becomes conscious is being feminine. Our beautiful unconscious mind is where all of our emotions come from, where all of our memories are stored and where all our behaviours function form, hence where real change takes place. If you want better thoughts, by the way, you want to ask better questions. If you want more solutions and to be more resourceful, you want to ask yourself more and better questions. Your unconscious mind simply receives the question and answers it accordingly. For example, “why is this so hard?” you’re unconscious mind will search for reasons for it to be hard and validate that suggestion


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nature of the question. If from the very you asked instead, “How could this be easier?” than imagine the different answers your unconscious mind will receive and inform you.

If we think about your mind being an ideal marriage we want your conscious mind to connect to your unconscious mind and consequently too, your higher self. This marriage would then mean that you are simply becoming aware of more and more about yourself that has previously been out of your awareness. Ways that you can do this is taking the time to go more inwards in your thought, whether that be through sitting in quietness, meditating, yoga, etc. The most self loving thing you can do is to connect more deeply with yourself by listening and paying attention to what’s really going on for you. Checking in with your emotions and not repressing them with coping mechanisms but instead truly listening to what the emotion is wanting you to learn. Your conscious mind connecting and becoming aware of what's going on for you in your unconscious mind. This is your sacred marriage within! It's this co-creation. It's this interdependence. It's not independence on the other, but a co-working, a cocoming together. Your higher self, by the way, is that part of you that knows your direction and your unconscious mind connects to your higher self. In order for your conscious mind to get any kind of resources or awareness in such innateness, such infinity of resources, you need to of course to connect and communicate with your feminine, with your unconscious mind. Everything is unaware until you have consciousness on it. Out of all the possibilities of your thoughts, and the fact that you're born innately loving yourself, having this self-acceptance. You're born pure, you're born innocent. If you look at a little baby, they're totally

happy, they totally adore themselves and love themselves. Of course we've got no capacity to ask them but you can see that you're born without even any sense of being separate, of having a self that is disconnected to everything else. A baby just trusts, feels and adapts. Anyway, what I'm saying is innately your unconscious mind is positive about you and any other negative stuff that your inner voice might tell you is the result of limitations you've picked up on over time. What we want to do is bring those limitations to consciousness. We want to ask with your conscious mind, the light of your conscious mind to shine the light into the darkness of your unconscious mind. It's going to bring up different things. It's going to bring up memories as your unconscious mind stores all of your memories. Certain thoughts and directions, it's going to bring up. Happy memories and also not-so-good memories. What your unconscious mind wants you to do is to become aware of stuff so that you can learn from it. It wants you to resolve times in the past so that you can have your past be resourceful and not emotional. With my guidance that I do with my coaching, I want you just to appreciate that self-love is so much about you connecting with all of who you are, becoming aware of what's been driving you, wherever your motivation's come from, what's really going on for you deep down inside. What have you been living unconsciously with and now becoming conscious of those things gradually, stepby-step. Your unconscious mind will always give you only what you can handle, at the right times. Everything happens for a reason, and this is about us connecting so beautifully with our unconscious minds. For you to have that marriage within.


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11

When it comes to beauty, what’s on the inside really does count and I’m not just talking about the lovely, generous and wonderful qualities we woman possess.

Beauty from .the the Inside Out!

Signs of Beauty – A Reflection of Inner Health Hayley Martin - Nutrition

Without sounding superficial, when we’re healthy our appearance thrives – our external beauty is evident through glowing skin, bright eyes, luscious locks and strong nails, but if you only focus on the outer beauty by caring more about your foundation than your fatty acid intake, you end up feeling and maybe sometimes looking dull and ‘one-dimensional’. Generally speaking, our relationship with beauty is in a bit of a crisis – it can be overwhelming at times, the amount of images bombarding us and leading us away from embracing our own true beauty. Understandably, most of us look to the next ‘product’ for a quick-fix – from primer to anti-wrinkle cream to thickening shampoo to nail hardener - when we think about improving our appearance, when we should be focusing on what we’re feeding our body (and mind).


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To avoid beauty that’s only ‘skindeep and get that glowing complexion, ensure your diet includes nutrient rich foods and minerals. And here’s the real cracker – it’s never too late to start caring for your skin properly because your skin cells are renewed every 6-8 weeks! Get started by introducing more of the following… VITAMIN E: repairs, protects and nourishes your skin. Where to find it: Nuts, seeds, sweet potato, egg yolk, kale, spinach and dairy. ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS: promote cell growth, reduce inflammation and control oils and fats. Where to find it: Avocados, Salmon and other oily fish, olives and olive oil, coconuts and coconut oil, walnuts and chia seeds. SILICA: Strengthens skin tissue, hair and nails. Where to find it: Mangoes, strawberries, green beans, cucumbers, leeks and oats. MAGNESIUM: Slows the aging process, combats breakouts and detoxifies the skin. Where to find it: Dark leafy greens, brown rice, fish, nuts and seeds.

And consuming less… Products that are toxic and cause inflammation like refined sugars and processed foods, trans fats and alcohol.

Also, increase your enzyme load and digestion with raw greens and fight signs of aging with antioxidants (blueberries, raspberries, beetroot, green tea) - they neutralise the effects of substances that damage the body’s cells and boost immunity. Zinc, Vitamin A, Potassium and Selenium are also great for ‘beauty health’ and of course rest and..hydration! Let your true inner beauty shine through… To your health & happiness,


Some People feelbutterfly the rain, others just

get wet! BOB MARLEY

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11

Back in the 90's there was a flurry of articles written about the "future" of the office. One of the biggest changes the futurists predicted was a paperless office. Running a small home office or even your own business these days can be totally paperless and can save you both time and money. When I first investigated this concept I was sceptical that it could work, especially the accounts side of things and of course actually using paper to write things down on! I started implementing many of the techniques I am about to outline below over the past few years and I now work totally paper free except for incoming mail from various industries that refuses to move into the 21st century. Apart from doing the obvious things like changing my billing preferences from paper to email for any bills I get (think Telstra, FOXTEL or electricity for starters), I also switched to emailed accounts for bank statements, super and even family services (centrelink). So I started by eliminating the paper coming into the office, what did I do with the paper in the office? Well most of the paperwork I kept was for the tax man if he should ever want to take a gander at them. I decided I would rather scan anything important and store it on my computer (backed up of course!) than in a cramped filing cabinet. Next, I already used a cloud accounting package which is so awesome to use and keeps everything in perfect order, so I used the app function to take photos of the receipts as they came in, further eliminating the need to scan them later.

I kept one small file of important documents that you just can't shred (birth, death and marriage

certificates for starters) and that's it. When paper comes in, I decide if I need to keep it, if I do, it goes into my scanner and onto my electronic to do list, planner and calendar. I've noticed a significant reduction in the amount of actual mail we get in the mailbox these days, which is a little disappointing to tell you the truth, but it always makes my day to get real mail, especially from friends and family. Entire jobs are now undertaken without a single piece of paper. Jobs come in by email from our websites, further emails and phone calls to quote and to book the job in. Notes are taken on the phone's notes app and are then emailed to the quoting application. iPads and iPhones track the whole process and we can now even use our phones as a credit card and pay at the point of sale! The work is done and then we again invoice by email and receive the funds electronically. The accounts are reconciled in the cloud and documents related to the job are saved in the cloud within the accounting package. Filing systems are now mainly electronic, documents are saved according to the category and are easily located via the search function as all file names are done according to the filing conventions. There are so many tweaks you can do to your own paperless office and i’d love to hear of any that you do! Until next time,


If you’d like more information on getting organised and being more productive, check out Lena’s book, How to be more organised http://www.howtobemoreorganised.com /the-book.php


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John C. Maxwell

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A Peaceful Mind â?? ISSUE 11

The New Leader Has New Needs Helen Treloar â?? business COACH 2020: Blueprints for the new normal study, (Deloitte December 2010); leadership and emerging leaders were high priorities in terms of both development and retention: More than six in ten (64%) have a high or very high fear of losing high-potential talent and leadership. In 2016, in my opinion, little has changed in this regard.

Gold watches... 20 years of service awards... titles... none of these hold the same value as they did for our parent's generation. Life is short and the emerging leaders are not planning on working themselves into their graves. They want and need more from those who hire them...

There is an anxiety attached to talent development, and in my experience, the foundation of the experience is infused in the discussions about investment versus risk. Companies who fail to invest in their emerging leaders, for fear of wasting their money, believing the leaders will ultimately leave, are missing some key benefits and responsibilities. The leader of today wants a brighter tomorrow. They (male and female) have healthy interests and passions outside of the workplace and they no longer believe that their career is the pinnacle of success for them.

Travel - Personal AND Professional Growth - Community Contribution (legacy) - Family/Social-Interests Time - Challenge - Variety - Creativity Collaborative Experiences... these are the values and attributes our new leaders are seeking out. Guess what! If they can't find them, they create them. The start-up sector is booming and is fuelled by passionate people who cannot find what they seek as an experience in a career or have taken their life and lifestyle into their own hands. Corporate Australia is losing talent to lifestyle (start-ups) daily. Read more about the state of Australian..start-ups here: https://www.startupmuster.com/

Lifestyle has replaced work-lifebalance and a flexible attitude to performance and outcomes is very attractive to the emerging leader.

So if you want to attract, develop and retain high quality leaders in your company or organisation (and why would you not!), here are some

thought expanders contemplate...




When focused specifically upon Leadership: How..does your organisation define l eadership? What leadership VALUES (the expectation which, when breached, creates a negative experience) does your organisation live and breathe not just have printed in a mission statement or charter? Do you expect your leaders to stay or do you feel the responsibility of creating the experiences that has them wanting to stay? Are you abreast of each Leader's COMPELLING WHY? That 'thing' that works for them uniquely and has them jumping out of bed to start their day with enthusiasm in your organisation? Are your leaders involved in the future strategy conversations in your business? Are your leaders placed in a box and chastised for stepping outside of their lines? Or are they encouraged




to work as a team who challenge themselves and each other?

Do you compare your Leadership Development Programs (LDP) to outcomes and industry benchmarks? Do you have an LDP? Have you noticed that I have not yet asked for you to measure your leaders performance or technical traits? Hmmmmm I spend 100% of my professional time developing leadership talent. Our conversations are rarely about process, policy or systems. What we DO expand is awareness, values, people strategies, communication, personal limits... Experience is what drives us, not knowledge, but feelings... we seek out the experiences that will bring us the states we desire (and these can be both negative and positive). Creating an environment where Emerging Leaders are free to grow and shine, is not just a 'nice' idea, it is becoming essential. I urge all businesses to accept the null hypothesis: "Leadership Development is a critical component of profitable business development. People Create Profit." - - “Helen Treloar�


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11


PENNY VOTZOURAKIS - CUSTOMER SERVICE Retail faces exciting and challenging times. It has been many years since it has seen consistent growth. The businesses that will survive are those that will develop a retail strategy that matches branding and a customer service strategy that is a driving force focused on customer centricity.

enough to just have product knowledge. Salespeople must know how to build strong rapport with the customer. This begins with understanding how to communicate with the customer, using their preferred communication style, making them feel significant and understood.

Yes, we all know that people purchase online – though in reality this is less than 7%. Most people want to shop in bricks and mortar stores because as humans we still want connection. We want to feel loved and we want to be given significance. This is part of the six core needs we all require to survive on a daily basis.

You must only have the best people on your team. People have money to spend; they have more knowledge than ever before, and some will do their research before coming into the store. Customers want to be treated as the intelligent and astute consumers that they are. They want salespeople who can give them an extraordinary shopping experience. Customers have no loyalty to any retailer because they have many others to choose from.

What many retailers don’t get is that trained sales professionals are their most important asset. It is widely known that salespeople who are respected and treated well will treat their customers well and will go out of their way to deliver the best customer service possible. Having the right people who are trained and who understand how to convert into sales is the key element to a successful retail business. It is no longer

Maybe it’s time to do what you have been putting off! Assess each person on your team in every department, not just the sales department. Answer these questions: •

Do they complement the overall team and have the necessary strengths? Do they add value to the leader

• • •

and the business? Do they have a positive impact on the team? Do they align themselves with the brand strategy? Do they live the core values, the beliefs, and the vision for the business? Do they have the right attitude that will move the business forward?

This is a great place to start because successful leaders must surround themselves with people who have great qualities that will help the leader and the business move forward. Complete this powerful exercise with every staff member to ensure you have the right people in the right position in your business. It will also help you to recognize the training needs of the individual and to initiate a plan. Just like your customers need significance, so does your staff. Then, watch your business grow.


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11

A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11


BY Arianna Huffington APM’S BOOK REVIEW BY LENA TURVEY “On the morning of April6, 2007, I was lying on the floor of my home office in a pool of blood.” So starts Arianna Huffington’s book Thrive.

improving our ability to thrive and just how important it can be. If you only read one section in this book, make sure you read this one.

Arianna collapsed after overworking herself and so begins her journey to thrive. She was working 18 hours a day, seven days a week building her business The Huffington Post Media Group, one of the world’s most influential news and information brands.

A few words of wisdom jumped out to me while reading this book, one of them was “One of my favorite phrases is solvitur ambulando – It is solved by walking.” I just loved the simplicity of it while being totally practical and easily implementable.

She decided to “redefine success” and what it means to lead “the good life.” She dove headlong into collecting the latest scientific data and research on how to thrive rather than just survive. “The old adage that we should live every day as if it were our last usually means that we shouldn’t wait until death is imminent to begin prioritising the things that really matter.” This sums up her quest to find out what matters most to not only herself but also the general population as well. Arianna mentions her keys to unlocking her different way to thrive, the third metric. I won’t spoil it for you, but it is quite revolutionary and I do honestly hope that this catches on throughout the world. She does talk about sleep being one of the major aspects to

Another quote I loved was “When we re-examine what we really want, we realize that everything that happens in our lives – every misfortune, every slight, every loss, and also every joy, every surprise, every happy accident – is a teacher, and life is a giant classroom.” If we change the way we react to and think about the things that happen to us every day, we can see the learning opportunity to grow personally and help us to remain positive even in the worst of circumstances. Slowing down and using technology rather than technologies controlling you are two main themes talked about during this book. Mindfulness and meditation are two techniques she personally uses to slow herself down and center herself when she starts to feel out of control. Through this book flows the feeling of simplicity yet total effectiveness of her new way of life, post her accident. Looking for the wonder in everyday life,

the face of a child, the rain, a seashell, the clouds in the sky, can all help to center you when you take the time to stop and smell the roses. Arianna talks about the sorts of things that bring you a sense of wonder. Finally she talks about giving rather than always receiving, give not to get in return but to genuinely help someone less fortunate than yourself. She shares how she herself and others around her have benefited unexpectedly, by a sense of real peace, after giving without feeling the need for getting something in return. She wanted to ensure that within this book the reader read about her journey of stepping back from a busy life, to see what really is important, but she stresses at the end of the book that it is not just one woman’s journey, that we can all benefit. Overall, this was a technically written book with lots of anecdotes and referencing that follow a lot of research and evidence that she has gathered over the years. It can, at times, be tiring to wade through this evidence, but when she returns to her personal story, it shines through and you can clearly hear her voice and her passion for her discoveries. What did you think of the book? I’d love to know. Happy reading!

Lena xx



A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11

Winter Throw An addition to any room is a throw


or blanket. Adairs has a great range this season, super soft and ready with you to battle the cold.

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The Mixed Rib Knit Cardigan from Sussan’s is a great must have to throw over and complete any outfit. And not to mention keep you feeling snug and warm.

Bright Scarf


Sometimes winter can tend to get a little bit dark and gloomy. This cute little book reminds you in 500 ways things to be happy about. And not to mention its bright yellow front cover is something that will be sure to get you smiley – I mean seriously look at those cute drawings.

Oversized Knit


Happiness Is

You cannot go through winter without a scarf. However, brighten up your outfit with a colour blocking scarf. Country Road has a great range for this season


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Soft Wool Robe

Warm up on those chilly mornings and nights with a super soft woollen robe. This time of year they are everywhere and in every colour so be quick and find your favourite.

Travel Mug

A cute travel mug will keep your coffee warm for you in the morning and hot on the go. Check out Cath Kidston Meadow for some super cut designs

One Pot Wonders

Peter Evans Slow Cooker recipe book is full of great dinner ideas to warm up the belly and cook while your at work – ready to eat when at home


The harsh cold winter air can be damaging to your beautiful face. Keep your skin feeling fresh and smooth with a simple exfoliator. Try Trilogy’s Gentle Face Exfoliate to reveal a smoother more radiant skin.

Ankle Boot

An ankle boot is a classic go to shoe for the colder months. A way to look stylish and keep your toes dry at the same time. Sometimes you can also sneak some warm socks underneath.


Winter Read

On those relaxing nights curled up under a blanket, check out this fabulous read about one woman’s story to success. Michelle Payne’s “Life As I Know It”


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10


Bargains Can Be Great Investments BECKIE⏐StylIst Do you have clothes in your wardrobe that still have the swing tag on them with the big bold lettering reading “SALE”? I know I do! These clothes are what I thought at the time to be a “fabulous buy” but are now merely what I call a ‘poor investment piece’. By this I mean that it has sat in my wardrobe for months and months and never worn. With Mid Season sales all around us it is very easy to get caught up in the moment of shopping for items of clothing that we don’t really need or want. We all love it when we go into our favourite store and find the word SALE everywhere. We automatically get caught up in the frenzy of wanting to buy everything in sight – why? Because many of us love the thought of getting a bargain! To help you control your impulses in sale time, I’m sharing my 5 tops tips to making sure your bargain becomes a smart investment. 5 top tips for shopping in SALE time:


1. Make sure you are really getting a bargain – sometimes during sales, old stock from last season can be put out and marked down hugely which makes it seem like a great deal when in fact it’s not a current style or look. 2. Check the item for damages or faults. Occasionally stores can put out faulty or marked pieces to make the sale look bigger and better. 3. Every store has their own returns and refunds policies. Check if these include sale items – as for many it doesn’t. If you get home and decide the piece you purchased is not right, you may be stuck with it. 4. Ask yourself - Do I need it? So often we buy a piece of clothing only to find that when we get home we already have something either the same or very similar. Smart shopping is about creating options with different pieces of clothing not doubling up. What will I be able to wear this item with? Make sure your new ‘must have’ can work with at least 4 other pieces of clothing in your current wardrobe.

5. Before you hit the shops make a checklist of what you need. This will help you avoid those impulse buys. When creating a wardrobe that has items in it that are easy to put together saving you time and money, it’s best if you can mix and match them. At all times, if we fail to plan we plan to fail, so think about your wardrobe and the different looks you are creating before you go out shopping. Have an idea of the pieces or colours you are looking for and set yourself a budget to play within. Consider putting items ‘onhold’ for a few hours whilst you continue to shop and try things on. Have a coffee and assess your day’s findings and then go back and collect those pieces that best fit your wardrobe and budget. Sales can be fabulous! Or as someone wise once said to me… “you can go broke saving money” J Stylishly Yours in “savvy sale-ing”



A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11

Photograph: Hayley Martin | True Form Health

The A U T U M N S N A C K

H a y l e y m a r t i n - t r u e f o r mT W EhNeT Ya FlOtUhR


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11

PARSNIP CHIPS 3 Parsnips, cut into sticks 3 Tablespoons of your choice of nut butter

Ingredients: • • • •

1 Tablespoon olive oil to taste Salt,

to 200˚C Preheat oven Mix nut butter, oil and salt to a bowl then add the toss through to coat. parsnips and

What to do:

Arrange on a baking paper lined try and keep them in the oven for about 40 minutes until crisp!


Ingredients: • • • • •

Avocado, roughly mashed Cherry Tomatoes, chopped Red onion, chopped Lemon Juice (to taste) Salt & Pepper (optional)

What to do: Combine ingredients in a bowl, mush together and tada! The healthiest (and easiest) guac ever! Enjoy! For more recipes check out the following site www.trueformhealth.com.au




Pinterest іѕ huge. Like, аlmоѕt Facebook-huge. If уоu realize thе value оf social media marketing, Pinterest ѕhоuld dеfіnіtеlу bе оn уоur list. After аll, уоur clients are оn thеrе, аnd thе "social" part оf Pinterest’s particular social media method means thаt once уоu create quality stuff, іt basically gets spread аrоund fоr уоu. Here’s whаt уоu do: SCOPE ARОUND Look аt уоur target demographic, уоur ideal client, аnd look аt whаt thеу’rе pinning. Thіѕ іѕ оbvіоuѕlу whо уоu want tо cater tо, ѕо уоu need tо know whаt thеу think іѕ worth sharing. Bесаuѕе іt’s nоt еnоugh tо reach thеѕе people, уоu have tо give thеm ѕоmеthіng thаt thеу’ll want tо share wіth thеіr friends. Don’t ignore stuff thаt isn't relevant tо уоur industry (I'll get to the value of this), form аn оvеrаll picture and take notes. Yоu’ll see patterns, аnd уоu’ll notice clear trends. SO WHY PINTEREST?

Julie Bourke⏐ Technology

Pinterest For Self Promotion

ARE YOU using Pinterest tO promote YOUR business?

Thе appeal оf Pinterest іѕ thе "personal" quality tо іt. Yоu’rе sharing wіth friends. Tо thаt еnd, make іt clear thаt thеrе’s а person, nоt а company, bеhіnd уоur account. Uѕе уоur actual headshot іnѕtеаd оf thе company logo, аnd uѕе уоur actual name. People get suspicious whеn а company tries tо tell thеm whаt tо like, but thеу respond very favorably whеn а trustworthy-looking person suggests new things. Uѕе catchy, descriptive profile


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11

information about you, mix it up. Obviously put the links tо уоur website аnd оthеr social media pages іn уоur profile. Once уоu have а decent amount оf pins, people whо like thеm wіll want tо know more аbоut уоu, ѕо thеу’ll read уоur profile. Thеу’ll see thе links tо уоur Facebook page аnd Twitter feed, аnd think, "Hm. I like thіѕ lady's stuff. Wе share thе same taste. I will Follow аnd Like." Thеn уоu spread frоm thеrе, via social media magic.

Your boards ѕhоuld bе аbоut аll thе stuff уоur ideal client іѕ interested іn, nоt just уоur stuff. Like аnу social media strategy, thе 80-20 rule applies - but thе difference іѕ thаt іt’s еntіrеlу possible tо have а successful аnd meaningful Pinterest strategy thаt involves posting none оf уоur own stuff. Rеаllу. Try іt.



Don’t forget tо set uр уоur website wіth Pinterest buttons. Most people have thе "Pin It" button оn thеіr toolbar, by having one оn thе site makes іt easy tо…

Evеrуthіng іn life іѕ а give-аnd-take. Sо don’t just give, take. Post mауbе two оf уоur own pins everyday, but look аt whаt оthеr people contribute tоо.

1. Credit уоur site оn thе pin, аnd 2. Allow people tо pin whеn away frоm thеіr usual computer. Thе fewer steps іt takes tо pin ѕоmеthіng, thе more lіkеlу іt іѕ tо bе pinned.

Repin mауbе three оr four things thаt stand оut, аnd follow people whо personify уоur ideal client.

Each product in your shop ѕhоuld have а "Pin It" button, аnd уоur homepage needs а "Follow Me оn Pinterest" button. If ѕоmеоnе likes уоur webpage content, thеу’rе lіkеlу tо follow уоu оn аn impulse. After thаt, thеу’ll see еvеrуthіng уоu pin - аnd thеу’ve done half thе work fоr уоu.

products here, уоu’rе advertising а lifestyle.

Whеn people repin уоur stuff, thаnk thеm. Comment оn people's pins. Yоu know, mingle а bit. And don’t do іt аll аt one time, еіthеr. Spread уоur activity оut оvеr thе course оf а day. Don’t Pin-dump and run. Pinterest marketing іѕ less аbоut selling уоur product аnd more аbоut selling уоurѕеlf аѕ а person.


People like tо see thе humanity bеhіnd thе logo - іt breeds trust. It does take time аnd effort - but іt саn pay off huge.

Definitely don't start pinning аll уоur own products, nobody likes а spambot, whісh іѕ whаt уоu’ll look like.

Pins frequently go viral, spreading way bеуоnd Pinterest boards - іn thіѕ way, іt’s even more effective thаn Facebook.

Remember whеn уоu lurked аrоund уоur ideal clients’ boards? Remember whаt уоu saw? Look аt уоur notes. Thіѕ іѕ whеrе іt comes into play. Yоu’rе nоt advertising

Sо bе patient, craft уоur image аnd curate уоur boards. Pin іt tо win іt.


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 10



CATHERINE SPENCE (1825 – 1910)

Joanne Clark | NLP Have you ever noticed that being first, especially in the sporting arena often attracts great attention and celebration? Yet, in other areas stepping up and being first in our country can expose you to the infamous “tall poppy” attack. As Australians we are familiar with the “tall poppy” criticisms levelled at those of us who stand out “too much”. From the perspective of NLP the “tall poppy” phenomenon is a pattern of behaviour (strategy) that uses the common human fear of not belonging to repress ambitions. This means that in order to feel we belong, or fit in, many of us will play it safe, accept the status quo and live within the expected standards and conditions rather than risk rejection and harsh judgement from people around us. Yet, for many Australian women fitting in or conforming to expectations has not been an ambition, rather we have followed in the footsteps of the women before us and focused on a much bigger picture, making a difference and doing what we believe is right. CATHERINE SPENCE (1825-1910) was a woman who dared to live her life true to her own values. She

believed passionately in the good of all people and that education was the key to helping them. Her unstoppable ambition to create opportunities and education for all drove her to lead women, blazing a trail of firsts for other women to follow, including: •

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First female political candidate to stand for democratic election in the world First fighter for representational voting in Australia (1 person, 1 vote regardless of gender) First female member of several Reform Boards Co-founder of the first fosteringout scheme for children (herself fostering and raising 3 families of orphaned children over the course of her life) Pioneering the children's courts in Australia First professional woman journalist in Australia First woman novelist in Australia Wrote the first social studies textbook used in Australian schools Among the first to combat the squatters' monopoly of land

As Australia’s first professional female journalist, Catherine was a prolific writer. But more than this, she was a writer who regularly upset the apple cart with her forthright and intelligent views. In her autobiography (ch. XXIV) Catherine accurately describes herself as:

"a clear-brained commonsense woman of the world who was entitled to have her views heard". With the prevailing beliefs and limitations imposed on women Catherine challenged the maledominated press of the time. Her columns - although seen as irreverent and impertinent - were so popular they were syndicated to many newspapers. She never penned a Woman's Page, instead focusing on women’s issues and struggles for rights as citizens. A passionate advocate for representational voting she became the vice-president of the Women’s Suffrage League of South Australia. With Catherine a significant player in this organisation, it became an



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11 irresistible political force resulting in South Australian women becoming enfranchised in 1894. This made South Australia the first territory in the colony to grant voting rights to women. Further, she continued to fight for, and eventually won, the right for all women to stand as political candidates at elections, making South Australia the first state in the world to acknowledge this fundamental entitlement. Armed with this newly won right Catherine then stood for election in the 1897 Federal Convention. Despite these successes Catherine knew the job of achieving full democratic rights for women was only partially done. She continued the battle, helping her sisters in Victoria and New South Wales by speaking at many large gatherings where she uncompromisingly urged for all governments to allow women their democratic right to vote. She turned these dinosaurs of government with the power of clear and logical arguments like equality, justice for all and the bleeding obvious – it’s just not fair! Her efforts resulted in an irresistible juggernaut that culminated in all states, territories and the Commonwealth relenting by 1902. Catherine Spence was indeed a remarkable woman. She maintained her focus on the big picture vision of equal rights, and despite many efforts to discredit and undermine her she persisted with passion, vigour and a vision that could not be clouded. Catherine took on and advanced many great causes and earnt the title of the ‘Grand Old Woman of Australia’ when she was laid to rest in 1910. Driven by her values and beliefs she set about transforming

dreams into reality and building a nation filled with opportunities. As we look back and notice that the women who built our country often seemed immune, or at least resistant to the barrage of attacks, criticisms and obstacles levelled at them, attacks designed to cut them down to size. That despite all efforts to have them fit in and conform to the dominant and limiting beliefs about “acceptable” and “proper” behaviour for women so many successfully resisted. Instead they were focused on a much bigger vision, aligned with their strongly held values and driven by their passionate beliefs. This powerful way to achieve success was studied and documented in the development of Neuro Linguistic Programming many years later. This means we have now the recipe that successful and resilient people consistently use to achieve their ultimate vision, and as all good cooks know, once you have the recipe you can master the dish! In NLP we can master the insight to recognise where and when we have alignment between our dreams, values and beliefs. Of course this also means we can identify where there is a misalignment – and then it becomes easy to see why some goals and dreams seem to elude us over and over. With this new awareness we can then choose to focus on what really does matter to us, the big picture – the vision and outcome that aligns with our values and beliefs, or jump into NLP and learn how to upgrade your values

and beliefs so you can continue the tradition of the women who built our country, making a difference and doing what we believe is right.



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11


Pippa Hanson – Personal Journey Knowing what you want the end to look like is the most efficient way to reach your goals. I have applied and continue to apply this in all aspects of my business and private life. Being able to articulate what the end goal is enables you to identify the steps required to get there. Small steps broken down become your plan. Yes, I here you sighing, a plan, really, I don’t like writing things down I just go with the flow day by day. There are many people that are successful and very successful without writing their plan down however I wonder if they would have achieved the end goal sooner with a well laid out plan.

One thing for sure these successful people would know what their end goal looks and be able to articulate it. I’m not talking about pages and pages of notes, just SMART notes, and SMART goals; • • • • •

Simple Measurable Attainable Relevant Time Based

If you think about a goal you have reached in your personal life, cleaning out a wardrobe, deciding to start an exercise program, planning a holiday, the list goes on and the same rules apply.

There may be steps along the way that you need to seek advice and help with and writing down the steps to reach the goals shows where the gaps in your plan are and therefore slows down the success and can also hinder the success. This can not only be disheartening but also financially crippling. Can you articulate the end goal you are trying to achieve? Can you say it out loud? When do you want to achieve these goals by? Enjoy and have fun with this process and I wish you all the success you desire.



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A Peaceful Mind â?? ISSUE 11

Helen Treloar

Soul Food

FrIendshIp ; The Natural Detox Sunday! A day of family, rest, relaxation, or whatever it is that connects you to the end of the working week and brings you peace. I spent last night at the home of one of my dearest friends, with another bestie, and the three of us cooked for each other, cleaned with each other and sat and shared for hours. Good food, honest conversations, laughter, tears and total acceptance and love. I left dinner and drove home with an incredible sense of gratitude and appreciation for the life gifts I constantly receive from these amazing women I am lucky to call friend. We champion each other, we support each other, we nurture each other and we create a space where anything and everything can

be shared and accepted without judgement or criticism. (We also have fabulous debates and disagreements, that remain focused on the content not the person.) It had me thinking... if everyone had friends like this, true friends, friends who held that space of support, where we are free to be our most vulnerable selves, where we can display our fears and concerns as well as share our joys and wins - how many less medications would be prescribed? Connection is a basic human need. Honest connection with love and acceptance, is a gift.

As I say to my children - "if you want to have a true friend, you must first be a true friend." A Peaceful Mind comes from purposeful living, or as the in-word of the moment states, living 'mindfully'. You are a vessel of pure potential; the only person who can realise that potential is YOU x


I am privileged to have such women in my life. Friendship is natures own detox. Tag the friends who are your soulmates to say thank you for bringing wellness into your life.


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11

Your autumn / winter checklist



The colder months can start to be a little harsher on the body. Every night before you go to bed prepare what you want to wear the next day. That way your not running around in the morning searching.

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Just because it is winter do not forget to take care of your body. Now that you’ve got a healthy breakfast idea. Also make sure take time to stretch and move each day

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11

Guest Writer – Nat Smith

Part 3 ~ From AFP To Barbados

W H E N Y O U D O W H A T Y O U L O V E ... On the 1st of January 2013, Jodie signed up for a house sitting site. We had done some house sitting before in Sydney, but now given our financial situation it was fast becoming our only viable option to live. So at a time when many may have asked why don’t you just go back home, we decided instead to go house sitting.

stress of the last 12 months had all come tumbling down upon her. She was a mess. I recall trying to lift the 100 kilograms of luggage we had with us at the time (still not sure how we managed to get it on the flight!) up and down the stairs on the London Tube while Jodie continued to look like she was about to die.

We were first accepted for a four month sit in a stunning multi million dollar property in SW France amongst the vineyards. It was nuts…here we were with literally $300 to our name and suddenly we were being offered free accommodation for four months in a luxury mansion. The mind boggled no end!

Anyway we got to our first house sit and were met by a wonderful lady and her cat Tigs. It was like coming ‘home’. She was so warm and welcoming, and more than anything so grateful we were there to help her look after her cat while she returned home to South Africa for a few weeks. It was an incredible experience and the start of the healing process for us both.

However that sit was months away, and not wanting to stay in Dubai a second longer than we had to, we applied to two others in London. We were accepted, and within weeks we were off. Time to start a new and very much needed chapter… one that would change our lives forever!

Our original idea was to just house sit for a while to get back on our feet financially. Little did we know at that stage, we were in fact being led to the life we absolutely love (yes we were a bit slow!).

On the flight to London Jodie got really sick. It was as if the immense

In fact it was not until we had time to really indulge the lifestyle in the peace and quite of the French

Countryside, that we started to realise that we both had always wanted to travel the world, and that house sitting was unfolding itself as the perfect way that we could do it. Each day we would get emails about new house sitting assignments from all around the world, and we started to observe just how excited we would get about the smorgasbord of places we could suddenly go. It was like the world was opening up for us, and it had been the absolute demise of our business and ourselves that was causing it. In fact if we had not lost our business in Dubai we realised we would still be there, perhaps to this day, trying to make a business work that we actually hated. We have been house sitting now for over 18 months. It has taken us to the UK, France, a remote island in Canada, the jungles of Costa Rica, The Sacred Valley in Peru, Ecuador, a ski resort in Colorado, upstate New York, and now the beautiful island of Barbados in the Caribbean, where I now sit writing this.


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 11

Never in a million years could we ever predict we would have the life we now have. In the 18 months we have house sitting we have travelled through than three weeks paid for no more We have stayed in the accommodation. most incredible locations, had the most amazing experiences and met the most wonderful home owners, neighbours and friends. We have been welcomed and love unconditionally by all the pets we have looked after. We are now truly living a life we love every single day.

created our reality, no matter how much our minds wanted to play victim. Now we have indeed become conscious creators of our reality.

We move countries nearly every month… new locations, new houses, new routines, new languages, new cultures. It is challenging and thrilling all at the same time. There are no comfort zones, no resting on laurels and for us, it is the only way we now choose to live. We have deepened our relationship massively, being away from anyone we know, being together 24/7 and more than anything, being out of the familiar.

If there is one thing I have learned through all of this is trust. Trust that if I play my part in showing up, then I will always be looked after. There have been many times, even recently, where we have almost no money. But we have followed our intuition, checking in with what feels right despite what the outside world might be presenting, and every single time it has worked out. Just like magic.

And I know it was all because we chose to find the gifts in what was happening, no matter what was happening. The whole time things were unfolding in Dubai, no matter how intense it got and what it presented, we always took the time to find the gifts and see how it was serving us. How we ourselves had

THE NEXT CHAPTER We have no idea what the future holds for us…what country we will go to, who we will meet along the journey, or what opportunities will present themselves; and that is the way we love it.

Now we continue to build our business teaching others all about house sitting. We have a Facebook community that has grown completely organically to almost 2000 people, have launched the world’s first mobile magazine

dedicated to house sitting, and are now in the process of launching the ‘House Sitting Academy’ and our podcast. It is true…when you do what you love, what comes naturally for you, and what you know in your heart you have come here to do, it is effortless. You never work another day in your life. In a few months we return for a visit to Australia for the first time in two years. It has been a massive two years for us and it will be really interesting to see just how much we have changed in that time. But the thing I am looking forward to the most on my visit to Australia is meeting my daughters for the first time. You see, when I was in Federal Police training I found out I was pregnant to the guy that later became my husband. We chose to give them up for adoption, and to date I have never seen them, even at birth. They are identical twins, and now 23 years old. I’ll let you know how it goes…



CHARITY APM has founded a charity specifically to bring opportunity to Australian Women and Children. 2BMe Foundation raises funds to connect those who are focused and committed to improving their own life circumstances, to the resources that enable them to do so. www.2bmefoundation.org.au We look forward to bringing you more news about what we are doing and how you might get involved very soon.


WRITERS WANTED Do you LOVE to write and believe you a story to tell that inspires or educates women? APM love to share – and your submission will be received with gratitude and excitement. CONACT US AT: sparkle@apeacefulmind.com.au



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