APM Issue 16

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The five-minute guide to getting started with facebook ads THE BEST WAY TO PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS THROUGH FACEBOOK.




From the editor…

Hello our wonderful APM Ladies. I Welcome back ladies. cannot believe how quickly this year is flying by. As our first issue for the year I would like to begin by As a new yearyour brings new are beginnings asking how goals going so far, are you striving and changes, when we approach towards them? No matter whatthestage you’re in, remember half way point we can begin to reflect on that are evaluate still achievable. them.they We can the goals we aimed to achieve and establish new stepsmonth to take.we I challenge you allon to freedom, and all the ways This are focusing revaluate your goals. Decide whether or in which it can be created. not you achieved them, are on the way Maybe it’safreedom to, or need new goal.in your work life, style or mind-set, but

however you achieve it is up to you.

This month we are talking all things winter. Many of us struggle with the How do you create freedom in your life…? we would love winter cold and the fight to get out of to from you. So we all need that bedhear in the morning. one thing. Something that makes us jump outyou of bed to start the wonderful day. Bring Thank again to our back the excitement and think about team us with inspiring what itwho is forprovide you.

From the editor… stories and messages every month. From the editor…

Hello ourkeep wonderful APMand Ladies. Finally your eyes earsI peeled cannot believe quickly this exciting year Hello our wonderful APMsome Ladies. I is this month, as how we have Best wishes, flying by. cannot believeand howchanges quickly this year is news, events happening.

Taylah to miss it. Subscribe to flying by.Parker You will not want As a new year brings beginnings Editor our newsletters and new Facebook page to and changes, when we approach the As a new yeartobrings neweverything beginnings keep update date with half way point we can begin to reflect and changes, when we approach theon APM. them. We point can evaluate the goals we on half way we can begin to reflect aimed to achieve and establish new them. We Courageous can evaluateand the Confident, goals we Be Kind, steps toto take. I challenge you all new to Taylah Parker aimed achieve and establish revaluate your goals. Decide whether steps Editorto take. I challenge you all to or not you achieved them,Decide are onwhether the way or revaluate your goals. to, or need a new goal. not you achieved them, are on the way to, or need a new goal. This month we are talking all things winter. Many we of us with the This month arestruggle talking all things winter cold and the fight to get out of winter. Many of us struggle with the bed in the morning. So we all need winter cold and the fight to get out that of one that us that bedthing. in theSomething morning. So wemakes all need jump out of Something bed to startthat the makes day. Bring one thing. us back and the think about jumpthe outexcitement of bed to start day. Bring what is for you. backitthe excitement and think about

what it is for you. Finally keep your eyes and ears peeled this month, asyour we have exciting Finally keep eyes some and ears peeled news, events and changes happening. this month, as we have some exciting You willevents not want miss it. Subscribe to news, andtochanges happening. our newsletters andtoFacebook page to to You will not want miss it. Subscribe keep update to date with everything our newsletters and Facebook page to APM. keep update to date with everything APM. Be Kind, Courageous and Confident, Taylah Parker Be Kind, Courageous and Confident, Editor Taylah Parker

ADVERTISE WITH US Interested in advertising with us, email APM at maree@backtome.com And we can send you an advertising package

WRITE FOR US Would you love to be a guest writer for APM? We are always looking for fabulous content that is suitable for Women that Educates ~ Inspires ~ Informs and grows our knowledge and choices.



Interested in advertising with us, email APM at maree@backtome.com Interested in advertising with us, email And we can send you an advertising APM at maree@backtome.com package And we can send you an advertising package

WRITE FOR US WRITE US writer for Would you love to beFOR a guest

APM? We are always looking for Would you love to be a guest writer for fabulous content that is suitable for APM? We are always looking for Women that Educates ~ Inspires ~ fabulous content that is suitable for Informs and grows our knowledge and Women that Educates ~ Inspires ~ choices. Informs and grows our knowledge and choices.



A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 156


Issue 16

6 APM Women In Spotlight

AvrIl carpenter A PEACEFUL MIND

10 My Top 3 Tips for Freedom

PIppa hanson

PERSONAL JOURNEY 12 How to Gain Freedom in an Instant

Maree eddIngs


ENERGY 14 Freedom ‘90


16 We’ve Always Done it This Way!!



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026 012


A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 16


014 18 Hot Cross Muffins



A PEACEFUL MIND 26 The 5 Minute Guide to Getting Started with Facebook Ads



26 Create Freedom in Your Wardrobe

suzI petrozzI


WELLNESS PSYCHOLOGIST 31 Create Freedom in Your Wardrobe



019 3

Our apm writers

Lisa Wiking

A leadership expert, speaker and published author.

Hayley Martin Nutritional advice, recipes & wellness articles to elevate your health

Maree Eddings Exploring energy and how it flows or blocks your personal power

Helen Treloar Business & Leadership tips & articles for SME & start-ups

Avril Carpenter Are you ready to make peace with food and live the delicious life your soul is craving? specialises in the psychology behind weight issues.

Penny Votzourakis Customer service advice to grow sales and client loyalty

Lena Turvey Productivity and organisation queen bringing you tips and techniques

Beckie White Style your wardrobe & your life using Beckie’s secrets & suggestions

Julie Bourke Technology is in everyone’s life! Julie helps you use it and protect it well

Joanne Clark Bringing you NLP Success Principles through ‘Women in History’ pieces

Pippa Hanson Be inspired by Pippa’s personal journey as a business owner, mother and wife

Suzi Petrozzi Her dedication to personal development inspires her to keep growing and living a present, purposeful and powerful life.

She leaves a little

Sparkle wherever

she goes

A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 16

This month we a featuring the wonderful Avril Carpenter.

Having worked in business for 7 years Avril’s mission is to educate and inspire women to have confidence and control around food, so they can be the shape and size they want to be for life – without calorie-counting or sweating their you-knowwhat’s off at the gym. With hypnotherapy Avril helps busy women ignite their thinner sparkle, make peace with food and live the life they hunger for.

1. What was the main driver that compelled you to start your own business?




Well, I started getting the Sunday night blues. You know that feeling when midway through your weekend you start dreading Monday morning. Even though I still enjoyed my corporate role, I'd stopped loving it, and a small voice inside suggested there was something else for me to do. From the outside, my marketing career looked textbook awesome with overseas travel, events, the usual glitzy stuff. But I felt like a fraud. In quiet moments I'd dream about starting my own business where I could help make a difference, but I'd chicken out. It seemed that the higher up the


A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 16

seemed that the higher up the corporate ladder I climbed, the tighter the golden handcuffs. The salary was generous, it seemed easier to stay doing what I knew.... but thank goodness, the small voice inside got louder and louder, and eventually I heard it's message.

2. What have been the biggest challenges that you have encountered running your own business? I've encountered all the usual raising-your-head-above-theparapet mindset stuff! Like perfectionism, allowing myself to be seen and understanding I have enough letters after my name to help others. Initially, it felt vulnerable to 'be me' and to be seen, as opposed to representing a corporation. It's been, and continues to be, incredible learning, a voyage of self-discovery and bloody good fun!

3. What do you most love about being a woman? I love being a woman - especially a woman in this era. We have such an array of options compared to our nanas' generation. I'm grateful for the tenacious women who've done the very heavy lifting in the decades prior to us. But mostly what I love about women is our innate ability to nurture.

4. In the work that you do what are the most common challenges that you find your clients come to you with? The most common issues are weight gain, food obsession, binge and/or comfort eating, low selfconfidence and garden-variety selfsabotages. Every single woman I work with explains "I know what I need to do to be my happy shape and size, but I'm just not doing it." I help them solve that puzzle with hypnosis so that being their happy shape and size is natural.

5. How do you help people with these challenges? You can include any steps or process that you use for your solution in here. The virtual gastric band is a new procedure that uses the power of hypnosis, CBT and NLP to convince your unconscious mind that a silicon band has been fitted around your stomach. The program consists of four hypnotherapy sessions (face-toface or via skype), over a six week period. Happily, with these changes in the unconscious mind, clients report feeling fuller for longer, eating smaller portions and craving more nourishing, fresher foods.

6. Why is it important that we aspire for empowerment? Empowerment is like a positive loop of reinforcement. When we're feeling empowered, we're kinder to ourselves (and to each other and the planet) we're more creative, more nurturing, we're happy little campers. I believe that empowered women are key in creating happy, healthy communities in which we can all flourish. The world needs more of those, wouldn’t you agree? 7. What role has education had in your path to your own empowerment? OK, I'll admit it. My name's Avril Carpenter and I'm an educationo-holic! My mother was a teacher and I still recall her preaching to me as a child, "get yourself educated - it'll give you wings", just as her mother had to her. I understood that education would provide me with a 'ticket to travel', literally and metaphorically, and meant I'd be free to make my own choices rather than needs must. Education has also helped me break some insidiously unhealthy cycles .e.g I was bulimic for a decade, and it was with education that I realised I had choices and freedom to change.



8. What is your advice to someone who wants to be more empowered? Where should they start? STOPTHE COMPARISON-ITIS! We all do it. And we don't even know we're doing it. Most of us unconsciously compare ourselves to other women friends, colleagues or celebrities - and we feel terrible! How often do you close your Facebook feed thinking "geez, I didn't go to Noosa for the long weekend..... how the heck does she look so good at her age? .....how does she have time to coach the netball team, mother her twins, and still smile (and how are her teeth soooo white?!)" When we're comparing ourselves, we never feel good enough. When we're not being ourselves we aren't feeling empowered. There's always going to be someone who's blonder, taller, funnier or has more pots of gold than you. That's OK. Come back to being you. And go from there step by step by step...... To contact Avril go to Visit avrilcarpenter.com Signup to receive 4 Simple Techniques to Stop Emotional Overeating downloadable.


“Empowerment is like a positive loop of reinforcement. When we're feeling empowered, we're kinder to ourselves�



A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 16

Women look after everyone in the family, the children, their partners, ageing parents and inlaws. If we don’t look after ourselves first we are no good to anyone else. That is not the only reason our health matters. It is also about us as individuals, about the life we have been given and the opportunities we have with good health to live enriched lives. Our physical and mental health allow us to function, to contribute, to give back to society and to enjoy life.

MY TOP 3 TIPS FOR F R E E D O M Pippa Hanson ½ personal journey

It couldn’t be clearer to me that good health means freedom. Illhealth impacts on all aspects of our lives; the choices we make, the way we live and our mental outlook and approach to life. Our health can be taken from us so quickly, or it can happen slowly as a result of unmanaged injuries or poor lifestyle choices. Peninsula Health’s Dr Nicky Martin from the Women’s Health team recently stated that “Women don’t put themselves or their health first ever and this has got to change”. She said “Women are the lynchpin of our community and we have to keep them well and functioning”. This is something I have always talked about.


My top 3 tips to freedom are; 1. Health • Eat a well-balanced diet • Exercise regularly • Get enough sleep 2. Happiness • Do what makes you laugh and smile • Spend time with family, friends and other loved ones • Be grateful every day 3. Stress Management Find your own outlet • Meditation • Chatting with friends or professionals • Exercise. Long walks, Cardio workouts, Pilates. • Hobbies


“Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it”




A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 16


A N I N S T A N T…

Maree eddIngs ½energy

When I dig a little deeper the conversations go something like this:

oI can’t seem to shift this weight and I know if I work really hard it may start to shift but I feel trapped in my own body like it doesn’t really matter what I do (unless I starve myself and train for a marathon) this is going to go on for so long and all I really want is to feel free in my body and love myself again

oI feel so trapped by my financial situation and I cannot see a way out, all I want is to feel free right now

You get the picture and I am sure you have your own version of feeling like you need or want more freedom in your life.

oI feel so suffocated by my job. My boss and everyone just wants a piece of me and I cannot longer do this, I just want some freedom to get my stuff done

The thought of not having freedom sucks big time. It can impact your sleep, your moods and the people around you.

When I ask people, what is one of the things that they would most like to experience or that they were right now that is alluding them and often they say, ‘I want to feel more freedom’.

oI feel like I have no way out. I am in this relationship and while I do love this person I am not in love with the relationship. I feel like it is a never-ending struggle and we have been at it so long I can really stop now. I would love to just go away and feel free.


Feeling trapped like you have no choice literally shrinks your being. The energy of moving forward gets vacuumed right out of you. You stop seeing choice and you start to consider what is the lesser of the two evils you can compromise and live with. Um that’s not really the choice that you really want.

Anything that stops you from expanding in thought and movement is a self-imposed entrapment. Freedom is not something that is a reward for being good, or waiting it out, or putting up with other people’s crapola. FREEDOM is a birthright. There you heard it here first. Yes, if you are a human being then you have the right to feel free. The mistake you make as a human is to THINK that you are not able to FEEL this way until everything is perfect and in alignment. When there are no problems and only loving conversations are taking place between two very fit, athletic and vital people………. Nope. Freedom like everything else in life is a choice. Consider this from Doreen Virtue


‘Everything that you do in your life is a by choice, and you are free to choose again. Even Prisoners are free to choose their thoughts so that they feel peace and happiness under any conditions. The next time you start a sentence with the words – I have to – PLEASE STOP.’ Or try the Phoebe Buffay approach – ‘I could help you but I don’t want to” You get to feel free anytime you want regardless of your circumstances. The lack of freedom is a lack of thought about what you really want in your life and what is really important to you. So, what are telling yourself about your own freedom? Where in your life do you wish you felt like you had more freedom? If you could feel freedom right now what would you need to tell yourself instead? What do you choose for you? If all else fails hand over to the master George Michael and rock it out while you are singing it out loud. Enjoy your energetic life and never forget that you always have choice. Here’s to your freedom




George Michael

“freedom ‘90”

I won't let you down I will not give you up Gotta have some faith in the sound It's the one good thing that I've got I won't let you down So please don't give me up ‘Cause I would really, really love to stick around, oh yeah

All we have to do now Is take these lies and make them true somehow All we have to see Is that I don't belong to you And you don't belong to me yeah, yeah Freedom. Freedom. Freedom You've gotta give for what you take

Heaven knows I was just a young boy Didn't know what I wanted to be I was every little hungry schoolgirl's pride and joy And I guess it was enough for me To win the race? A prettier face! Brand new clothes and a big fat place On your rock and roll TV But today the way I play the game is not the same No way Think I'm gonna get myself happy

Freedom. Freedom. Freedom You've gotta give for what you take

I think there's something you should know I think it's time I told you so There's something deep inside of me There's someone else I've got to be Take back your picture in a frame Take back your singing in the rain I just hope you understand Sometimes the clothes do not make the man

Heaven knows we sure had some fun boy What a kick just a buddy and me We had every big shot good-time band on the run boy We were living in a fantasy We won the race Got out of the place I went back home got a brand new face For the boys on MTV But today the way I play the game has got to change Oh yeah Now I'm gonna get myself happy I think there's something you should know I think it's time I stopped the show There's something deep inside of me There's someone I forgot to be Take back your picture in a frame


Don't think that I'll be back again I just hope you understand Sometimes the clothes do not make the man All we have to do now Is take these lies and make them true somehow All we have to see Is that I don't belong to you And you don't belong to me, yeah, yeah. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom You've gotta give for what you take Freedom. Freedom. Freedom You've gotta give for what you take Well it looks like the road to heaven But it feels like the road to hell When I knew which side my bread was buttered I took the knife as well Posing for another picture Everybody's got to sell But when you shake your ass They notice fast And some mistakes were built to last That's what you get That's what you get That's what you get

I say that's what you get That's what you get for changing your mind That's what you get for changing your mind That's what you get That's what you get And after all this time I just hope you understand Sometimes the clothes Do not make the man All we have to do now is take these lies And make them true somehow All we have to see is that i don't belong to you And you don't belong to me yeah, yeah. Freedom. Freedom. Freedom You've got to give for what you take Freedom. Freedom. Freedom You've got to give for what you take Yea you've got to give for what you, give for what you give May not be what you want from me Just the way it's got to be Lose the face now I've got to live I've got to live




A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 16

Recently, I was scrolling through my Instagram feed and I came across this quote: “We’ve always done it this way.” This quote is more powerful than we think. These words have the power to either grow or shrink a business, or sometimes even move it into non-existence. We often hear of businesses closing down, and sometimes it is because they stop being relevant in the current marketplace. They haven’t changed with the fast paced environment that makes up business today. There is no reason to keep your favourite shoes because they’re comfortable when they look tired, have holes in them, and are no longer in fashion. That’s why it is important to always be looking at how to make improvements in business. Look at what is working, what isn’t, and what needs to change. Watch what is happening in the marketplace. What are your customers saying? What is your staff saying? Read the marketplace and act quickly before it’s too late. An agile and quick acting business is one that thrives in this environment.

1. Is there a better way to be doing this process?

9. What type of manager are you, and what improvements can you make?

2. What is no longer relevant in our business?

10. Look at your marketing and your premises. Are they portraying the right message about your business?

3. What would you like to see more of? 4. What would you like to see less of?

Get your team together. Ask questions from a place of curiosity. Listen and take on-board feedback. In this process, there is no place for excuses or taking offense. Then take the necessary action, even if it may cause short-term pain. It will be worth it in the end.

5. Which staff members are no longer the right fit for the business? 6. Map out the customer service process. Is it giving your customer the experience they will remember and will want to tell their friends about? 7. Are we carrying the right stock and the right quantity?

Thrive in your industry by always looking at how you can do things better.

8. What training can you give your staff to help them improve their skills and keep them motivated?


So, when you can hear yourself saying, “But that’s how we have always done it,” change your phrase to, “How can we do it better?” or “What are the needs of the marketplace?” Ten questions you should be asking yourself, your customers, and your staff:


A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 16


Photograph: jamieolver.com



225 g unsalted butter (at room temperature) 200 g light muscovado sugar 150 g ground almonds 100 g buckwheat flour 1 teaspoon ground mixed spice 1½ teaspoons gluten-free baking pow ¼ teaspoon sea salt 1 large orange 3 large free-range eggs (at room temperature) 175 g mixed dried fruit (ideally with candied orange in it) 50 g dried cranberries 1 eating apple (125g) 100 g icing sugar, plus extra for dusitng

1. Heat oven to 180C. In large bowl, beat the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy. 2. Combine almonds, flour, mixed spice, baking powder and salt in a bowl, then sift it on top of the creamed butter and sugar. Add the orange zest, 3 tablespoons of the juice and the eggs to the bowl as well. Beat everything together until you have a thick batter, then stir in the dried fruit, cranberries and apple. 3. Dollop into muffin cases so they’re three-quarters full. Bake for 35 minutes, then turn down the heat to 160C and bake for extra 20–25 minutes, until the muffins are well risen. Leave to cool for 15 minutes. 4. Gradually mix the icing sugar with 4–5 teaspoons of the orange juice to make a thick icing. Spoon into a piping bag with a round nozzle. Pipe crosses onto each muffin, dust with extra icing sugar and leave to set.


To check out more recipes go to: www.jamieolver.com


10 Winter Jacket

1 Soothing Candle Brighten the room with a soothing scent to blow away those winter blues.

A bold trench coat will finish off any outfit this season.

9 Easter Treats 2 Tea Time

Warm up your insides with a sweet drink.

8 Autumn Boots

Decorate your house for Easter with adorable pastels. Bunnies, eggs and more. Touch with a hint of gold to add some sparkle.

Feel stylish in these boots ready to tackle any weather.

3 Statement Scarf

Prepare for the changing weather with a light scarf. A bright material will bring colour to any outfit.

5 Refreshing Scent

Make a change with a new perfume. You’ll feel fresh and free.

7 Skin Treats Treats

Protect your skin before the cold weather gets you.




A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 16


Julie Bourke – Technology TO GETTING STARTED WITH FACEBOOK ADS Facebook Ads is an incredibly powerful advertising platform that has a very low barrier to entry and can potentially help you to get massive exposure among a highly targeted audience. This is a hugely useful tool then and one that can help any business to accelerate and grow. In fact, Facebook Ads is such a powerful marketing tool that you can even use it as the basis for your entire business model. In this five-minute guide then, that is exactly what we are going to do. We’ll go over all the basic and advanced techniques used in Facebook Marketing and look at how we can use them in order to build a highly effective business model that will sell products and grow your audience. Even if you have zero prior knowledge about Facebook or internet marketing, you’ll be able to get a money-making business venture up and running – with zero investment required! Choosing Product




The first thing to do is to choose a niche and a product. The best advertising campaign in the world isn’t going to make much money until you have something to sell!

While we’re not going to go into huge detail here, the basic thing to recognize is that the amount you pay for each click is going to be based on how much competition there is. Advertisers compete for spaces by ‘bidding’ and so if your category is very niche, you’ll get more exposure while spending less. Of course this also limits the size of your potential market though, so you need to balance this just right to maximize your profits. A good niche is always one that has a broad appeal but lets you ‘narrow down’. For example, fitness is a huge niche and too competitive but fitness for diabetics, or fitness for women over 50 is a smaller niche that lets you use more precise targeting and face less competition. Just make sure the topic is something you have some interest in, which will help you to sell your product (and select it to begin with).



A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 16

Now choose your product. Make sure this is something that is high quality and that you really believe in but also make sure it is ‘sellable’. The best products are ones that solve a simple problem or offer a simple benefit, as this is easy to understand and communicate. If you’re selling a supplement then don’t sell a supplement that promises to make people feel healthier and better in every single way – instead solve a problem such as insomnia, or low energy. To find the product you’re going to sell, you also need to think about supply and demand. If you have money to invest, then you can become a reseller and sell products that you buy in wholesale. Make a small cash investment up front (100 jeans for instance) and then sell them on at a profit. Once you’ve made your cash back, pocket some profit and reinvest the rest into even more inventory. Another strategy is to find a dropshipping company. These are wholesalers that don’t require you to put in a minimum order and will instead send your products out for you to buyers. You simply pass on the order and they act on your behalf while remaining in the shadows. Similar is to become an affiliate marketer. Here, you are referring customers to another website where they can order products in order to get commission. This can sometimes be as much as 75% if you go through a website like


Commission Junction or JVZoo. Neither affiliate marketing nor dropshipping require any upfront investment on your part. Finally, why not create your own product? This can involve zero investment too if you choose to make an ebook or perhaps a series of videos. These are digital products that you can send out with zero overheads each time you make a sale! Building a Website to Sell Your Product Next, you’re going to need to create some kind of website to sell your product. Actually, you can skip this step if you’re an affiliate as in that case you’ll simply be able to place your ‘affiliate link’ (a referral link that identifies you as the salesperson) in the advert. Otherwise though, you’re going to want to build a brand and you’re going to need to create some kind of store where people can actually place orders. This store can take various different forms. One option is to create a basic ‘landing page’. This is a single page on your website that is entirely dedicated to selling just one product. There is no selection of different products here, just one long sales script with a ‘buy now’ button at the bottom. Alternatively, you can create an ecommerce store if you’re planning on selling multiple products.

If you already have a brand, then you can use a ‘squeeze page’ and use your Facebook Ads to collect emails for a mailing list instead. This has the advantage of allowing you to market to your audience at will in future, potentially making a lot more profit in the long term, though taking longer to break even. When you create your website and sales page, you should come up with a brand that will help you to create a consistent marketing message and that will let you build familiarity, authority and trust with your audience. Make sure you have a professional-looking log and that you include this in all of your marketing and all of your social media channels and web pages. This will build a consistent image for your business and help you to gain more repeat customers over time. This should also inform the look and messaging behind your Facebook Page. Creating Your Buyer Persona and Targeting Your Campaign The next thing to do is to create a ‘buyer persona’. This is essentially a fictional biography (buy-ography…) of your typical customer. That means thinking about how old they’re likely to be, their gender, their income and even the kinds of things they’re interested in. And this is going to inform the way you


A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 16

create your branding too, to ensure that you have a singular mission and goal for your brand.

For example, if you are selling wedding dresses, then your buyer persona is of course going to be a woman and is of course going to be engaged. Likewise, your buyer persona is going to be someone who lives relatively locally, as most people want to come and try their dresses on before they buy them. The amazing thing about Facebook is that you can choose to show your adverts only to these people. Seeing as you pay for every click, your objective is to make sure that people only click if they’re going to buy – thereby ensuring that you make profit in the long run. You’re never going to get 100% ‘conversions’ but if you can get one in 100 people to buy a wedding dress who clicks your ad, then that’s a very profitable advertising campaign. Simply find the option to create an advert in Facebook and you’ll be asked to choose from all of these things right from the start and that way, you can make sure your ads are finding precisely the right kind of person and that you aren’t wasting a cent. If this was all Facebook did, then you would have a very powerful tool on your hands. But actually, Facebook goes far beyond that by giving you a huge number of additional tools and features that you can use to get a lot more out of your marketing. For starters, Facebook allows you to use more detailed elements when choosing your target audience.

Instead of simply targeting all the women who want wedding dresses, how about targeting the women who want the right kind of wedding dress? For example, it might be that you sell only very high-end, luxury wedding dresses. In that case, you can choose to target your dresses at people who list ‘fashion’ as one of their interests and at people who have a large income. Facebook even lets you filter your audience by looking for specific combinations of factors and by excluding certain groups. So you could choose to show your ads only to people who like fashion AND who have a high salary. Or you could choose not to show them to men. Of course this can easily be tweaked to work for any other


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A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 16

Budgeting The next crucial step in your Facebook Ads campaign is to choose your budget. To do this, you need to think about your profit margin and your conversion rates. How much money do you pocket each time someone buys one of your products? And likewise, how many people who visit your site end up buying a product (this is your conversion rate)? If you make $50 for every sale and one in every 1,000 visitors buys a product, then you can afford to pay 5 cents for each click and not lose or gain any money. If you can increase your conversion rate so that 5% of visitors buy something, or if you can increase your profit margin somehow, then you can afford to pay more.

niche or industry. If you’re selling a product that helps people get to sleep for instance, then you could choose to hone in on busy business people – looking for people who travel a lot and who work long hours and are thus very likely to need a little help getting to sleep so they can perform their very best. Facebook goes even further though. For example, you can use Facebook’s ‘retargeting’ to target people who have previously visited your website (using the ‘Facebook Pixel’) or you can use custom lists to show ads only to people who have subscribed to your mailing list!


Increasing conversion rates ultimately comes down to multiple factors – the product itself of course, the sales pitch you use to make it sound appealing and how well designed and targeted your ads are. Think too about your budget. As well as choosing how much you are willing to spend on each click, you can also choose how much you want to spend each day (your ad will stop showing once you reach this number). Always leave yourself a little budget left over, as that way you will have wiggle room allowing you to experiment with different targeting strategies, different text and different pricing for your products. When you find the ‘sweet spot’ you should find you begin making more money

back from your advertising than you’re spending. This then allows you to take the profit you’re making on each ad and then reinvest it – increasing your daily budget over time and thereby increasing your profits and scaling your business. Going Forward Of course there’s much more to it than that and as you get stuck in with Facebook Ads, you’ll find it’s an incredibly nuanced tool. Many more factors such as the copywriting you use in your ads and options like ‘CPA’ can help to make or break your sales and boost your profits. If you’re interested in learning how to really work Facebook Ads for maximum profit then, be sure to check out the full ebook where we explore that in detail. You’ll learn how to use all of the basic features as well as some truly advanced strategies to help you take your profits into the stratosphere. Otherwise, just jump in and start experimenting! The best way to learn is ‘on the job’ and if you start in a small niche where you can experiment with a smaller budget, you can hone your craft and perfect your strategies ready for the big leagues. With the right product and the right ad, you can generate a truly passive income and let the money roll in while you lay back and relax. But you have to be in it to win it!


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Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE AA Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 1616

2.Take responsibility for what you need to do; and take responsibility for what you don’t need to do. 4. Refusing to get in on the For example, saying no to Blame Game or Gossip someone instead of yes and then becoming resentful and blaming that person for extra stress in your This doesn’t serve anyone. Only talk about someone in context of a life is not taking responsibility for your own needs. Maybe you’ve problem if you are going to a friend’s party that problem-solve the situation. I have been invited to you don’t feel like going but you Suzi seen such ½ huge turn-around in my Petrozzi Wellness Psychologist don’t want to clients when they take an oath to disappoint them. Well, remember that you move on from this kind of energy Remember most important thing disempower yourself by not If there are certain people in We all disempower drain. ourselves at times. is to become more aware of your honouring what you need but also your life that try and pullHere you are into a fewown simple yet powerful Sometimes you are aware and catch behaviour, thought and do others injustice because they these conversations it’ssuggestions time to to help you experience yourself and other times you don’t, feelings. Take time out to be and put boundaries suchfreedom as don’t get to grow and through and fulfilment in your endthatup feeling regret inorplacemore listen to yourself so can hear more you ignore experience. The spendinga less with own them, life by what choosing affirming resentment and creating cycle time of it is that you want and the more change topics work when they start to what you want, shut thoughts and actions: bad you relationships, unhappy need. down your body bysituations, causing family it gossip or or recurring simply tell them you problems don’t feel comfortable talking stress. Unexpressed emotions stay health issues. in the body and if they are not about someone who’s not to your inner voice 1. Listen present. moved and expressed cause Either way there is power in being truly around your needs. stress in the body and become an honest with yourself about how you energy drain. might be disempowering yourself, and We attend to so many other needs 5. Take regular timeincluding out to kids, Suzi others, in relationships, work, health, Petrozzi a WOmen’s family, work, is food, learn about yourself so you family or business and other areas of empowerment Coach and a, school, and the rest. But at what canonkeep and do up-you remember 1 - Yourself 3. Invest in Number life. This is shining light what growing has WellnesstoPsychologist, point put on the r. She has in life. been missed and levelling subconsciously passionfirst? for guiding oxygen mask ona yourself Is it at women to in terms concealed and deciding what needs to This could be of time, to their presence, the point whenreconnect you’re overworked, done and is an It’s important step learning in all about to step and power energy or even befinancially. and purpose. overtired overstressed? If so,If you ready moving forward creating positive Maybe you’ve been thinking about andmore intoayour potentialhow and put to make your life then does this servechanges anyone, change and thattransformation. potential to including greatyourself? a holiday for a long time of or growth a you Itmay be interested doesn’t. Nothing in Suzi’s weekend away use. Whether it’s is through retreat The Empowered with your girlfriends going to fallnext apart. If anything, the noisereading, of both our digitalto podcasts listening or but you keep putting itAmongst off because Woman Live. For further when we hold that space to come be hard there doesn’t seem toand be non-digital any time worlds, evenit can TED talks, back attending information go into our bodies, to really listen discern what is or that workshops, investing in a or you feel guilty to leaving yourbetween and hear what itto:www.theempwoeredwomanlive is that we need, we want what or the two givevalidate family behind. There youtruly never will be andmentor a coach, yourself <http://www.theempwoered what is.com going on for us and worlds expect of you. had to deal theI've permission to learn time until you say yes to yourself allowabout emotionswomanlive.com> such as stress. or withmore this too, my clients and your needs. The you both with yourself, othersand and the world. anger to move. Hold space for what personally, I get older and knowledge is power. think that you don’t have the timeand asRemember, your needs are by taking time out do wiser I notice lot more time to do something special for I need Anda right kind of power brings just yoube with yourself. and space to be with and by and myself yourself the busier things will get. confidence clarity to keep to cost feel itofinto who I am and honour Ask the question is the moving forward in life and keep whatand it in ways that is sacred and cherished. you not investing in yourself? Be making it happen.



Thetomore I do this, the more I become honest and then plan do one aware, small thing for yourself. Whenand you present in who I am, invest in yourself otherwithout peoplefalling start prey to pressure and to treat you expectation. differently.



A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 16

2.Take responsibility for what you need to do; and take responsibility for what you don’t need to do. For example, saying no to someone instead of yes and then becoming resentful and blaming that person for extra stress in your life is not taking responsibility for your own needs. Maybe you’ve a friend’s party that been invited to you don’t feel like going but you don’t want to disappoint them. Well, remember that you disempower yourself by not honouring what you need but also do others injustice because they don’t get to grow through that more you ignore experience. The the more you shut what you want, down your body by causing it stress. Unexpressed emotions stay in the body and if they are not moved and expressed cause stress in the body and become an energy drain. 3. Invest in Number 1 - Yourself in terms of time, This could be energy or even financially. Maybe you’ve been thinking about a holiday for a long time or a weekend away with your girlfriends but you keep putting it off because there doesn’t seem to be any time or you feel guilty leaving your family behind. There never will be time until you say yes to yourself and your needs. The more you think that you don’t have the time to do something special for yourself the busier things will get. Ask the question what is the cost of you not investing in yourself? Be honest and then plan to do one small thing for yourself. When you invest in yourself other people start to treat you differently.


4. Refusing to get in on the Blame Game or Gossip This doesn’t serve anyone. Only talk about someone in context of a problem if you are going to problem-solve the situation. I have seen such huge turn-around in my clients when they take an oath to move on from this kind of energy drain. If there are certain people in your life that try and pull you into these conversations it’s time to put boundaries in place such as spending less time with them, change topics when they start to gossip or simply tell them you don’t feel comfortable talking about someone who’s not present. 5. Take regular time out to learn about yourself so you can keep growing and uplevelling in life. It’s all about learning to step more into your potential and put that potential to great use. Whether it’s through reading, listening to podcasts or even TED talks, attending workshops, or investing in a mentor or a coach, give yourself the permission to learn about yourself, others and the world. Remember, knowledge is power. And right kind of power brings you confidence and clarity to keep moving forward in life and keep making it happen.

Remember most important thing is to become more aware of your own behaviour, thought and feelings. Take time out to be and listen to yourself so can hear what it is that you want and need.

Suzi Suzi Petrozzi is a WOmen’s empowerment Coach and a, Wellness Psychologist, r. She has a passion for guiding women to reconnect to their presence, power and purpose. If you ready to make changes your life then you may be interested in Suzi’s next retreat The Empowered Woman Live. For further information go to:www.theempwoeredwomanlive .com <http://www.theempwoered womanlive.com> .



Have you ever thought what it might be like to be YOUR clothes in YOUR wardrobe? If your clothes were another human being would you treat them the same? I know it’s a crazy idea – but I’d love for you to go with me for a moment. How many of you look into your wardrobes full of clothes and say “I have nothing to wear!!!”? I know I do! Let’s play a scenario of you being your clothes. Imagine being a piece of your clothing hanging in the darkness of the wardrobe day-in day-out, waiting and yearning to be selected to be worn.



Every morning you see sunlight as the wardrobe gets opened only to be told, “I hate you, you are nothing” and then the wardrobe slams shut again and you are left in darkness. Sometimes you are the lucky piece of clothing who wins the lottery, and gets selected for the day or the occasion, and yay, you are super happy and feeling fresh and loved.


However, sometimes you are the unlucky piece of clothing that gets selected, tried on and then tossed on the bed or back into the darkness of the wardrobe – only to feel despair and unloved. You may be a piece of clothing that is filled with happy memories, wonderful compliments and have been worn on special occasions, or you may be a piece of clothing that your owner bought and never really wanted or liked and every time you’re selected you get tossed back. Perhaps you’re that piece of clothing that is two sizes too small for the owner of the wardrobe but they insist on keeping you, trying you on occasionally only to nearly split your seams and say, “maybe next year I’ll fit into you”. You might be a shoe in your wardrobe that is so well worn you have no sole left


and you really need to be either fixed or buried. Whichever piece of clothing you are – your owner has a story attached to you. Can you feel the emotions that build up in your wardrobe over time? Some of your clothes can wait months even years before we wear them again. They just hang around collecting dust and taking up valuable space. I’m sure, if your clothes were humans you wouldn’t treat them that way and I’m sure you would set them free form the darkness of the closet. We all have stories behind every article of clothing in our wardrobes. I have them and I know you do too, as do many of

my clients. We can tell each other “that the blue dress (for example) was worn to my son’s wedding and my husband loved it on me” OR “that black dress, I just bought it on sale and every time I put it on I don’t feel quite right – not sure why – that’s why the tags are still on it” OR “I paid a lot of money for that top” OR “I’m trying to get into those size 8 jeans that fit me 20 years ago before I had 4 kids”. These are just a few examples of the stories I hear and we create. Sometimes these stories /emotions/feelings we have around our clothes can be holding us back.

A Peaceful Mind ½ ISSUE 16

8. Gift your throw out pile to a women’s charity – there are plenty to choose from. I often recommend Dress for Success or the Salvation Army. 9. Buy hangers that are all the same size, colour and shape – this will make your wardrobe look neater. 10. Create a wish list - If there’s an article of clothing you love but it’s past its used by date then go on the hunt to find a replacement – old pilled clothes do not make you feel or look confident.

It could be time you take a REALLY HARD look into your wardrobe and assess it with TRUE HONESTY. It’s time to ‘free’ some of your clothes of the stories you have around them. Time for you to pass them on or donate them to a charity to find a new owner who will love them. Most importantly by getting rid of the unwanted unloved articles of clothing you free up space and de-clutter, making way for the new clothes that you truly love and that represent who you are TODAY. This will create new opportunities as your mind will be clearer. Here’s some helpful tips to create FREEDOM in your wardrobes:


Set aside at least half a day to do this exercise.

11. Create sections in your wardrobe for how you like it – for example all colours together or all articles of clothing together – dressespants-shirts.

2. Invite a friend to help you. 3. Be ready to be honest, have fun and a laugh. 4. Try everything on – yes, I mean everything on.

12. Spray your wardrobe with an essential oil or air fresher when done, to help balance the new energy you have created.

5. Ask yourself – “does this article of clothing fit into my current lifestyle? Where will I wear it?”

13. When finished crack the bottle of bubbles to celebrate the new freer you.

6. Create 3 piles – a throw out pile – a maybe pile – a keeping pile.

Have fun with it ladies and remember we never want to be treated the way we have treated some of our clothes. Stylishly yours,

7. With the maybe pile, if you decide to keep it, put the hanger around the opposite way to all your other clothes and if in 6 months you haven’t worn it, commit to donating it.



CHARITY APM has founded a charity specifically to bring opportunity to Australian Women and WRITERS WANTED CHARITY Children. Do you LOVE to write and believe you a story APM has founded a charity specifically to to tell that inspires or educates women? APM bring opportunity Australian and WRITERS WANTED 2BMe Foundationtoraises fundsWomen to connect love to share – and your submission will be CHARITY Children. Do you LOVE to write and you a story those who are focused and committed to received with gratitude andbelieve excitement. APM has founded a charity specifically to to tell that inspires or educates women? APM improving their own life circumstances, to the bring opportunity to Australian Women and WRITERS WANTED 2BMe Foundation raises funds to connect love to share – and your submission will be resources that enable them to do so. CHARITY Children. Do you LOVE to write and believe you a story those who are focused and committed to received with gratitude and excitement. www.2bmefoundation.org.au CONACT AT: or educates women? APM APM has founded a charity specifically to to tell that US inspires improving their own Australian life circumstances, to the CHARITY sparkle@apeacefulmind.com.au bring and WRITERS WANTED 2BMeopportunity Foundationtoraises fundsWomen to connect love to share – and your submission will be resources that enable them specifically to domore so. news APM has founded charity to We look forward toabringing you Children. you LOVE Do to write and you a story those who are focused and committed to received with gratitude andbelieve excitement. www.2bmefoundation.org.au CONACT AT: or educates women? APM bring opportunity todoing Australian Women and WRITERS WANTED about whattheir we are and how you might to tell that US inspires improving own life circumstances, to the CHARITY sparkle@apeacefulmind.com.au Children. Do LOVE–toand write and believe you story get involved very soon. 2BMe Foundation raises funds to so. connect loveyou to share your submission willa be resources that enable them to do APM has founded a charity specifically to We look forward to bringing you more news to tell that inspires or educates women? APM who are focused and committed to received with and excitement. www.2bmefoundation.org.au those CONACT US gratitude AT: bring opportunity toraises Australian Women and WRITERS WANTED about what we are doing and how you might 2BMe Foundation funds to connect CHARITY love to share – and your submission will be improving their own life circumstances, to the sparkle@apeacefulmind.com.au Children. Do you LOVE to write and believe you a story get involved very soon. those who are focused and committed to APM has founded a charity specifically to received with gratitude and excitement. resources that enable them to domore so. newswww.twitter.com/APeacefulMind_ www.facebook.com/pages/A-Peaceful-Mind www.apeacefulmind.com.au CHARITY We look forward to bringing you to tell that inspires or educates women? APM improving their own life circumstances, to the bring opportunity to Australian Women and WRITERSUS WANTED www.2bmefoundation.org.au APM founded charity specifically to CONACT AT: abouthas what we are adoing and how you might

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