APM Issue 1

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Issue 1


She Leaves a Little Sparkle Wherever She Goes -

FROM THE EDITOR… Proud is the first word that comes to mind, closely followed by excited! Our first issue of the APM E-Mag for women is launched.

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others


Lauren Jobson (Life Coach)

A Group of 12 incredibly talented women form our APM Expert team (which is still growing). Each expert gives you the sum of their knowledge and experience in their niche, through articles each month.

Food for Thought

Hayley Martin (Nutrition)

The ‘guest’ writers are from all walks of life and add inspiration and information to the body of work, with real-life stories of courage and tenacity.


Add to that, a book review, a recipe or two, super quotes to inspire and lots of fun facts and silliness and you have our E-Mag wrapped up and ready to go. At APM we have a clear vision; to bring Women forward in a supportive way, to enable them to speak up, achieve their goals and connect with like-minded women along the way. We will do this through Inspiration, Information & Education. Thank you so much for supporting our vision. I look forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions for the future. Be Kind, Courageous and Confident.


Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

Helen Jomoa (Fitness)


Love Is All You Need

Maree Eddings (Energy)



Leadership Is Mind-ship

Helen Treloar (Business) Anti-Marketing

Kirsten Basford

Taylah Parker Editor



Recipes to please the busy woman


Do What You Like


Penny Votzourakis

(Customer Service)



Organising Can Be Emotional

Lena Turvey (Productivity)



editor@apeacefulmind.com.au to enquire about our rates and packages.



Secrets to Looking Your Best Always

Beckie White (Stylist)

De-clutter Your Computer

Julie Bourke (Technology)


Joanne Clark

ENGAGE WITH US: Facebook Twitter


Take Control of You Results – Nancy Bird

Would you love to be a guest writer for APM? We are always looking for fabulous content that is suitable for Women that Educates ~ Inspires ~ Informs and grows our knowledge and choices.






The Human Ego

Amanda Mallia

(The Men’s Perspective)


InspirationAL Women

APM will soon launch our own charity: 2BMe Foundation. We are looking for like-minded people around Australia to join us in fund raising, service providing and supporting Australian Women and Children to improve their situation in life, education, finances and business. If you want to get involved for an hour, a day, a week or beyond… let us know!

Our APM Experts …

Lauren Jobson

Hayley Martin

Helen Jomoa

Maree Eddings

Life Coach tips and techniques to move you towards your goals in life

Nutritional advice, recipes & wellness articles to elevate your health

Fitness strategies and interesting facts to boost your vitality

Exploring energy and how it flows or blocks your personal power

Helen Treloar

Kirsten Basford

Penny Votzourakis

Lena Turvey

Business & Leadership tips & articles for SME & start-ups

The anti-marketing marketing guru magnifying your brand

Customer service advice to grow sales and client loyalty

Productivity and organisation queen bringing you tips and techniques

Beckie White

Julie Bourke

Joanne Clark

Amanda Mallia

Style your wardrobe & your life using Beckie’s secrets & suggestions

Technology is in everyone’s life! Julie helps you use it and protect it well

Bringing you NLP Success Principles through ‘Women in History’ pieces

Go behind the curtain and into the male mind with Amanda




She Leaves A Little

Sparkle Wherever She Goes… www.apeacefulmind.com.au Page ONE

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Lauren Jobson – LIFE COACH Hello amazing ladies, I’m here to tell you to be easier on yourself, to be truly grateful for where you are now on your journey and for you to give credit to yourself on just how truly amazing you really are! Yes you are...do you believe me? Well just in case you don’t, I will convince you in your belief that you are perfect and perfectly normal just like the rest of us! Unfortunately I think it’s too easy for us, particularly as ambitious and giving women, to judge ourselves in comparison to others who we perceive to ‘have it all together’ and to be doing ‘better’ than us with life in general. When we do this and constantly look outside our self for who is ‘doing it right’ then no wonder we feel more pressure to do more, have more stress and even perhaps have a ‘lack of’ mentality, feeling like we are never enough or have enough. Do you find yourself thinking... How does she do it? (You feel she must have magic powers or have skills and qualities that you just don’t have.) 2. Why can’t I have what she has? (You feel that there is a definite gap between her success and where you are in your own.) 3. Am I the only one who doesn’t have it all together? (You sometimes feel alone with all the things there are to do on a daily basis and it seems that everyone else is coping fine.) 1.

You know what! I think it’s a natural and normal thing that we can all feel these things at certain times in our lives, perhaps just in particular areas of our lives (whether that be professionally or personally). It’s really important now that we stop

looking outside of ourselves, stop comparing and judging in comparison to others, to now come inwards to nurture who we are and be grateful for where we are in our present moment.

Here are 3 things that you can do to live a more fulfilling life, to love who you are and to be satisfied with where you are now in relation to your goals. 1) Know that everyone you are observing has had their challenges along the way and they are still facing their own roadblocks, whether they are showing them externally or not. You may have certain people on a pedestal, thinking that they have these magic powers (you just haven’t tapped into yet) and we need to remember that in observing another’s success, we can assume they have been on a journey of their own to manifest this success. It perhaps hasn’t been as easy for them as it may appear to you. Let this allow you to remember that you are also on a journey and if you keep persisting with action from your heart then you too can manifest that success that you desire. 2) Look back at your life a year ago from today and notice now just how much you have truly grown and accomplished. If you feel that a lot of your external circumstances are the same as they were this time last year, chances are you are still a very different person to who you were back then. Think of all the profound learning you have made about yourself because of the situations you have faced in these last 12 months. What qualities do you now have because of your past experiences? These could be such things as; you are more clear on what you want from life, you have become more empowered within

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yourself because you have had to practice standing up for your boundaries and another one could be, you simply have more strength than you ever had because you have proven to yourself you can move on. Anytime you find yourself looking outwards to what others are accomplishing, let that be a simple reminder in that moment to come back into your own awareness, to your own self, and acknowledge yourself on just how far you really have come. (You go girlfriend!!) 3) I want you to know that everything you have experienced so far in life and wherever you are now on your life journey is of value to others and you have a unique message to share because of it. We are who we are today because of everything we have experienced in our past and because of who you are now and what you have learnt from life, no matter what your journey has been, others can learn and be inspired from you.

and it’s important that you just trust your own journey. This is my message I would like to share with you, to trust that you are where you are supposed to be, here, right now is perfect for you because you have all these wonderful resources you can tap into from your own unique experiences. You can use these in your future and share with others how you have overcome such things. We are all on this journey together with our own separate pathways to take. Let’s learn from our past and have it be resourceful to us so that we can be free in the present moment to choose a compelling future for our self. With all my love and faith in your potential.


Your journey is different from everyone else’s


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

Food for Thought Hayley Martin - Nutrition

Photograph; Hayley Martin | True Form Health

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015 When you think about a balanced life, what comes to mind? Do you think about health, wellbeing and happiness? Do you think about what truly nourishes you? Let’s go back to basics and introduce you to the concept of Primary Foods. Primary foods are nourishment you receive outside of the food you put in your mouth; things such as; physical activity, career, finances, education and personal development, relationships (with self, personal and professional), home environment, social life and spirituality.

you’d go to bed high on life, not a care in the world and not even thinking about food. Now think of a time in your adult life where you were on cloud nine, perhaps you were deeply in love or, working on an exciting project or a job you felt passionate and confident about. You’re motivated, focused, energized and inspired, it doesn’t even bother you when you’re stuck in peak hour traffic, you just switch the radio on and sing along... You’re being sustained by your Primary Foods.

The basic terminology of Primary and Secondary Foods comes from the outlook that, although it’s critical to understand what we’re eating and to make improvements there, all of that is secondary to the quality of one’s life. So we call the food on the plate Secondary and in a bit of a twist, our lifestyle elements Primary.

Compare that with time when things weren’t great, maybe your self esteem was low, you were going through a break up or you’d just overdrawn on your credit card – again, and peak hour traffic was definitely a nightmare; no amount of food (healthy, junk or otherwise) made you feel satisfied… all you actually needed was a big squishy hug or just someone to talk to.

Our lifestyle has an enormous impact on our nutrition and diet - the way we eat, what we eat, how we eat, where and with whom we eat is very strongly influenced by what’s going on in our life. I’ve seen people eat not very healthy food and still have a high level of wellness and I’ve also seen people eat so strictly, being very careful about every little thing that goes into their mouth and yet their health is not that great at all .

Primary foods ‘feed’ us, but they don’t come on a plate. The elements of our day-to-day life, personal relationships and career are all interconnected with our nutrition and overall wellness. Notice how when any or many of these elements are out of whack, you may have a tendency to reach for the processed or comfort foods or if you do have a relatively healthy diet it doesn’t seem to nourish you as much as usual?

Remember when you were just little kid? Life was full of fun, laughter and imagination! You’d spend your afternoons playing in the backyard; protecting your ship (the sand pit) from pirates, baking the most outrageous gourmet dishes (mud pies) and twisting the swing round and round so you’d spin so fast back the other way that you were actually ‘jetting off to the moon’ only to have that adventure interrupted by the inevitable “Dinner’s on the table!”

Aligning your Primary Foods with real, wholesome and fresh Secondary Food is key to finding the flow for a happy, balanced life.

You weren’t even hungry, but you’d consume the smallest amount of food your Mum would let you get away with so you could rush back out and play until the sun started to set, then

To your health & happiness,

Food for thought Take a few minutes today to ask yourself, “How are my Primary and Secondary Foods impacting on my health and wellness?”



A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

Photograph: Helen Jomoa courtesy of Helen Jomoa

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway Helen Jomoa - Fitness

So you want to get active, but you keep putting it off – why? If you had started last year you would be at your goal by now, but you just can’t get motivated. Here are some stories, thoughts and tips that I give to my clients to get them off the sofa. When I was planning for my North Pole expedition, I found an old photo of a previous polar expedition and stuck it on the back of my bedroom door. I cut out a picture of myself and stuck it onto the picture of frozen bearded men. I am a visual person, so this image was a very powerful cue for me to make it happen, especially when I felt self-doubt. Each time I went past the photo, it reminded me to get up and train, or make the next sponsorship phone call. A year later, I achieved my goal of becoming the first English woman to reach the Magnetic North Pole. Being fit, healthy and active gives you confidence. From my point of view it gives me the confidence to attempt huge feats of physical endurance. I believe that our attitudes to fitness are nurtured from a young age. I was brought up in an active family environment where we did outdoor things each weekend. We would go out ‘adventuring’ - usually in the pouring rain – but it was fun! Bringing children up to ‘move’ gives them a huge head start with physical confidence. Knowing why I want to be fit goes to the core of who I am. I like to understand what drives each of my clients, because it is different for everyone. In my experience it involves honesty, trust and support, as clients explore their fears and start believing in what they can achieve. Often what they originally think

changes when they stop limiting themselves with fear. Whether I am planning a polar expedition or helping one of my clients train for a fun run with her daughter, the discipline to ‘making it happen’ is exactly the same:

Goal - Work out what you REALLY want Plan - Break it down into smaller goals, so you see your progress


- Your own personal improvement

Choose Your Own path

- Don’t compare

yourself with others

Positive - Talk positively to your self Knowing your real motive for getting fitter is a very powerful and honest tool. I wonder what photo you will stick up on your wall.



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

Love is all you need

~Seriously they were right Maree Eddings - ENERGY Love is what makes the world go round. Songs are written about it, movies have a special formula for it and everyone wants a piece of it.

settle for connection and it has everything to do with fear. Fear of being too exposed and not accepted, fear of looking silly, fear of being rejected and ultimately not belonging.

Yet it can be an illusive experience for many people.

With connection you always have something in reserve. A way out. You stay protected.

It's no wonder.

There is a price for not stepping into Love.

Our idea or concept of love can become confused by those movies and music. We can create this expectation that love is someone else's job. It is an outcome, an eternal feeling that no-one has responsibility to invest in. It has a rocking movie sound track and perfect conditions.

Love requires synergy.

Anyone that knows love knows the sound track is not always rocking and conditions are rarely perfect. Love is one of our Core needs and yet for most people, they settle for connection. Connection can open the door but it is not Love. So why is Love important and why isn't connection good enough? When you experience Love you experience the most powerful energetic force. When you are Love you are vibrating at the highest possible vibration. It's from this place that you can shift anything. Given its power, there are reasons why people

This starts with you. Love with yourself. Synergy with yourself. Connection on the other hand comes from fear and in fear you are separated from what it is that you desire, what it is that you are trying to achieve. Think about it. Think about the time you have achieved exactly what it is that you desired. Something you wholeheartedly wanted and went after. Was it in business, your personal life, a relationship perhaps, or maybe it was a health and fitness goal? Was this easy to obtain or did you need to go deeper at some stage; find something extra maybe? Now I ask you, when you had to go deeper where did you go, to someone else? Or was it you?

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This is where the Love lives, where you create synergy with yourself. Depend on yourself and open yourself up for many possibilities. It requires absolute synergy. In this place this is where you start to feel the effects of S-E-X-I.

Synergistic Energy eXchange In action! You are clear, committed, drama free, focused and decisive. Things flow and although you have gone deeper it feels easier like it is the way it is meant to be. It is exactly the way it is meant to be. This is the secret to living a life that is true to you. Living from a place of S.E.X.Y and Love is the key to this. Love of and for yourself. Something for you to try: Love takes practice, just because we see it in a movie and we get a feeling from it doesn't simply materialize it for us. So here is something for you to start your S.E.X.Y Love practice. It will require you to put the drama down and all the reasons why you can't and take 5 minutes to sit and breathe. Get comfy on a chair or on the floor and start to think about one area of your life that you have been trying to change. Now start to fantasize about what it is you desire; just one part of your life. It can be one small thing or it can be as big as you like.

As you let all of those visions and words and thoughts come up, focus on what it is you feel. Take as many breaths as you need until you start to click into this and your mind slows down. Take your time; this is a practice. Now notice, how does you body feel when you think of this, stay in this feeling, soak it up. Let the feeling become bigger. How does this feel in your stomach, in your fingers, can you feel it in your veins going through your body? Breathe in this feeling and let yourself become excited. You are now starting to feel what synergy feels like. From this place, write down the first three things that you now know you need to do to get closer to what it is that you desire and that feeling. Where does your focus need to be and what do you need to let go of? We create and manifest from Love not fear so the more you practice the easier S.E.X.Y Love will become. Keep focusing on creating synergy with yourself and let the fun begin. Stay S-E-X-I and smile.

Maree Page Nine

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

Helen Treloar ⏐ Business

LEADERSHIP IS MIND-SHIP “We are human. We tend to do what we know.”

To 'lead' is to inspire, empower and motivate people to do what is required (and at times more) to achieve a result, because they choose to. Leadership is the style of behaviour that creates the space where people can feel completely deflated and under valued or emphatically supported and encouraged to grow and develop with confidence. I have experienced both styles and all in between. The bully leader can appear very successful, and yet they leave a trail of people behind them with self-confidence and self esteem issues. After thousands of hours sitting in front of magnificent clients of all ages and both genders, two key leader roles tend to come to the fore as wielding the most influence (both negative and positive), parents and teachers (school and beyond).

So then, the behaviour of the poor leader is perpetuated. They (the poor leader) take this fact on board as feedback that their 'tough love' approach created success. They even glorify their behaviour as selfless and doing what needed to be done. Added to this comes the justification stories attached to their behaviour of how they survived and thrived through such experiences as a child/youth. It creates character! I could say 'thank you' as it has brought me (a coach) much work! I would prefer however, to ask some thought provoking questions to lead them to review their options as leader moving forward. Questions like: •

What are the specific outcomes your influence / leadership is there to achieve? When did you decided that your style of leadership / influence was the only style for you?

Leaders and Managers do different things. To 'manage' is to organise, structure, control and co-ordinate people or things to achieve a specific result in a specific way. There are many times when management is required of a process or a team. If you are working on a manufacturing production line and decide to take extra time in a specific process, it would lead to a build up of products on the assembly line. Chaos rules.

In my map of reality, everyone is a leader.

You may or may not be surprised to know that so many adults who are confident, successful and 'can do' based in life have internal conflict that goes back to a key relationship or point in time in a key relationship with one of these groups of people of influence. In fact, a number of successful people have achieved success to 'prove a point' and show the leader of negative influence from childhood that they were wrong! They themselves are an exceptional leader as they do everything opposite to that of the leader who negatively influenced them in their past.

to notice that, generally speaking, I've come people tend to think of leadership as management. Unless they hold a position at work of management, they are not a leader.

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

• •

Who has influenced / lead you in a nurturing, empowering and permission based manner to achieve amazing results? If there were other styles of leadership / influence (to yours) that create fabulous results, what would they be? What evidence do you have that your leadership style is empowering, motivating and challenging in a way that creates constant growth both emotionally and technically? If you were to not shout, berate, threaten and put down those in your care, how would you achieve the results you desire? What is it that you would want your students / employees / children to say about you in 10 years from now? What model of leader do you aspire to become? How are you growing your leadership skills?

We are human. We tend to do what we know. There are many exceptional leaders who push the boundaries of knowledge and constantly question how they can improve. They seek the missing links. They are clear on how they want those in their care to feel as they are guided through self imposed limits and boundaries. They believe in the potential of those they lead and they nurture it gracefully through the walls of "I can't". Their people feel strong, confident and empowered to keep pushing through limits and boundaries. They love their leader. A leader once said to me "if I don't threaten and yell they don't perform". Wow! My question here would be: how can you lead them to perform to their potential without shouting and threatening? Here is the wall of I DON'T KNOW, the limit of the leader, the boundary of the mind. In this space, leaders split. A steady stream of ordinary leaders file left and a smaller group of exceptional leaders file right. Some repeat and loop and do want they know, whilst others learn from their mistakes and seek growth and development. They become better leaders. Their influence is far wider than a technical achievement. They change lives for the good. Leadership is Mind-ship. If you cannot conceive it, how can you possibly achieve it? You can't! Here's to those who say with confidence "I don't know how YET, but I am seeking a way." People Create Profit.



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

Anti - marketing Kirsten Basford⏐ANTI-­‐MARKETING

This morning I had a Skype call with a new client; nothing out of the ordinary. Or was it? Let me paint the picture for you... This is a business that is run by two women in the U.S.A, it has been operating for around 12 years and is in the spiritual healing space. It is incredibly niche and is so progressive with the content that you can’t help but be totally enthralled. They have a massive on-

line and offline following, a following many people (including myself) would find more than impressive. You could say that within their niche they are famous, and I mean 'faces on billboards and sides of buses' famous; not in their home country of the United States but in Brazil! I went on this call incredibly open to listen and completely aware that they needed assistance with their marketing, and to be completely honest, I knew that that this client was going to

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be a challenge for me, as there is a lot going on. I had done my research, I had the best agenda and all of the bullet points of everything that I wanted to cover, all the typical marketing stuff. After about 15 minutes that piece of paper, I think, ended up on the floor somewhere, as what happened was totally unexpected and I came away with a totally different perspective. In their quest to simply serve their customers and follow their calling and passion they have built a business, a really successful business, all with AntiMarketing. They have a website that is clunky and looks like it’s from 1996, their branding is inconsistent, they sell out seminars that hold over 1000 people and they haven’t even heard of Eventbrite. Your local Chamber of Commerce Networking meeting would have a field day at how wrong they have it. Here is where I beg to differ. What they have done is connect with their consumers on a totally authentic and real level. They have no marketing expertise but what they have is a genuine gift and something that they communicate with the highest level of integrity. From this, they have amassed a customer base that is loyal and willing to invest. Something that anyone in business is striving for and they have done it unknowingly with Anti-Marketing. They have it so right.

Like many successful entrepreneurs and small business owners they 'accidently' started a business. How many times have you heard it… someone following a passion or calling and doing it their way and making a killing. I love these stories and I love Anti-Marketing. Let me explain…

Anti-Marketing is not and I repeat not a marketing fail. There are plenty of these and they are very bad for business. They make for fabulous social media fodder where a business has pushed too hard and really got in a pickle. Anti-Marketing is marketing without even knowing it. It’s the rule breakers or, without being disrespectful, the blissfully ignorant. They are connecting with their customers in a way that they want to. They have really found their tribe, engaged with them and truly enchanted them. Anti-Marketing is about connection in a raw, very authentic, 'warts and all' kind of way; the kind of way that you find those not so shiny bits, the best bits. It’s the real beauty, the part that connects with you on a human level. They pull their customers to them. They do things differently. They break all of the rules. They know their tribe, they don’t know buzz words.


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

“Anti Marketing

is marketing without

even knowing it ”

I am very excited to be writing for APM and I look forward to sharing with you my view on the modern marketing landscape and in particular

Anti-Marketing. This area is a real passion of mine, as I love to connect with people. Peeps are my inspiration and my purpose and really that’s all that marketing is; connecting. I will share with you all whatever I can, so that you can apply some of the principles to your own business and any areas of life where they will be appropriate. I’m no guru; I’m a nerd, a big nerd of business. And after 18 years of being in the corporate marketing world I may use yukky corporate buzz word jargon from time to time; please call me on it, because I don’t mean to. My challenge to you; Take a moment and reflect about what is your purpose in your business? I mean your real purpose, not the “I need to make some money” kind of purpose but that real “if I don’t do it I can’t breathe properly” kind of purpose. Is it there?

It took me a while to get to where my true passion and purpose was. I thought that I had to be the shiny, perfect “Marketing Consultant” that spoke in buzz words and was all smart and stuff. I’m not saying that I’m not smart I just don’t need to tell you all the time how amazing and smart I am. I’m just going to share with you stuff that I think can really make a difference so that you can get more shit done. If you like it great, if not that’s ok. The first line in your marketing strategy is not Facebook ads, it needs to be your purpose and how this sits with you. Think about it, reach out and ask me any questions, just get really clear. Things become very easy from this point of clarity. I promise.



Chia Seed Berry Pudding Hayley Martin - True Form Health

Eat Exercise Engage

Watch Your Snacks! Photograph: True Form Health

Ingredients: •

1/2 cup chia seeds (white chia seeds are good for this recipe)

400 ml coconut milk

1/4 cup berries (fresh or frozen)

1 teaspoon cinnamon or juice of half a lime (whatever your taste buds fancy!)

2 tablespoons rice malt syrup

Photograph: Helen Jomoa | Terrain There are so many temptations or food rituals at work that we all get into. It is worth knowing the calories of your favourite things, so you don’t eat out of boredom.

What to do: Combine ingredients, divide into 2 jars or bowls and pop them in the fridge until the chia seeds have soaked up all the liquid and set!

A cappuccino (400ml) is 270 calories, and ‘pass-them-round’ snacks such 3 Tim Tams at 300 calories will take an hour’s spin class to burn off.


Serve chilled. The puddings will keep in the fridge for a good few days.

Inside goodness: Chia seeds are rich in omega 3, making us feel fuller for longer. They're versatile and easily accessible and great for all dietary theories.


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning” Bill Gates

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Do What You Like Penny Votzourakis ⏐ Customer Service

Do you like sailing, golf, shopping, or spending time with family? Do you like going to the theatre, finding great hole-in-the-wall places to eat, visiting antique shops, or creating your own fashions? Believe it or not, what you like may be your best sales tool. Author and psychologist Robert Cialdini observed that people buy from you because they like and trust you. If you have similar likes and dislikes to a person, or have some sort of familiarity of background or lifestyle, then you have a connection. The person is no longer a stranger, but an ally.

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As a salesperson, you want to make that connection with a potential customer. You want to be relatable and trusted. Customers need to see that you are on their side and that you are going to do your best to be honest and available, and that you are looking out for their best interests. They need to know they are special to you and that they will receive your best to make their shopping experience a pleasure. Here are some helpful selling tips: •

When customers walk into your establishment, offer them a smile so you show you are friendly and approachable. Make sure your body language matches the smile on your face.

Introduce yourself and get their name. People like being remembered, so use memory techniques to help remember their names and their story. As you assess their needs, try to find some similarities to share. But make sure you let them do some of the talking. You do not want to monopolise the conversation. Offer a refreshment if they have spent some time looking around. Be attentive to them, but don’t hover too much. Some customers want extra attention whilst others just want to know you are a call away. Make them feel extra special by calling them or sending them a thank you note after their shopping experience. This shows you take their customer satisfaction very seriously.

Getting a customer to like and trust you is essential, especially for a small business. What do you do to let your customers know you care? Remember; People Buy People


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

mindfulness Let’s face it – Life’s Busy! TIME is something many of us don’t have much of when it comes to self-indulgence and self-care – or so we say. What if 30 seconds added vitality to your wellbeing? Being mindful throughout your day adds value to your wellbeing and can practiced anywhere, any time for short moments or long relaxing hours. Like ‘money in the bank’ you are depositing a state of calm into your energy & emotion tank and offsetting the moments of stress and negativity – we all have them!

How to be Mindful You’re sitting at the lights in traffic. Notice the sounds of your environment (the song on the radio, the noise of the traffic, the sounds of raindrops on the windscreen). Look for the colours and textures of the things around you. Pay attention to the detail of the medium strip plants and the people walking by; their faces, their disposition, their gate as they walk.

Be grateful Be grateful for specific things in this moment…

Happiness Is Here & Now

In a quiet space, sit up straight in your chair and place both feet flat on the floor, or if outside in nature, cross your legs comfortably and straighten your spine. Close your eyes. Rest one hand on your stomach and breathe deeply. Be still. Out loud or silently, recite simple mantra of peace positivity and repeat slowly purposefully (e.g. “I feel peace through me now”).

your and and flow

The mobility you have that the woman crossing in the wheelchair doesn’t have; the stable home life that you can see the man washing windscreens for gold coins doesn’t have; your eyesight that can take in all of the wonder around you… Take 3 deep breaths in with controlled slow breaths out. Be still for 30 seconds.

Be mindful of your place in the world and the value it brings x


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APM’s Book Review by Lena Turvey

Conversations with God - Book One Author: Donald Walshe Neale decided to write a letter to God in a fit of anger and frustration over his life. That letter became a surprisingly witty two-way conversation, with God answering all of his questions about life.

There are sections of the book that will make you think about your values and perhaps even to motivate you to make the changes in your life you feel you need to. “If there is some aspect of creation you find you do not enjoy, bless it and simply change it.”

There is a lot to take in whilst reading this book and you will probably find yourself taking copious notes, not just with what you connect with in the book, but also the ideas sparked by the inspirational and conversational prose.

Overall this is a well-written, often funny and inspirational book for when you feel the need for change in your life or to help you answer your own burning questions about life.

It is written in a style one can easily relate to with a sense of humour and truly amazing insights into life’s biggest, deepest and sometimes darkest questions.

Happy Reading. Lena’s Score: 6 of out 10


Appreciation is a central theme in this book, appreciating what you already have in life, and also when designing your future life the way you want it to be. There are another two books in this trilogy that delve deeper into areas only briefly touched on in this book. Book two deals with the more global topics of life, and book three talks about more personal issues. It is easy to be sceptical about this book, whether or not Neale really thinks he is talking to God or if it is just a really clever writing style is less important than the messages and the way they are delivered.

Reading with an open mind will give you the most enjoyment. Arguably the most defining quote from the book is “God knows what you know, and what you know is what appears as your reality.”



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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

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Organising can be emotional Lena Turvey – Productivity

It’s not just getting physically organised once or twice a year that keeps you organised. Organising also includes your emotional responses to your changing routines.

So next time you start to change something, try following this easy three-step plan for success:

Getting organised includes keeping the right mindset and working around your own emotions and those of others. For example, if you wanted to start getting yourself more organised for the new school year, you could try choosing and setting out your outfit for the next morning the night before. To do this will require you to not only put a physical system in place, but to also re-train your brain to remember each evening as part of your routine, to set out your clothes.

Step 2 - plan in advance for emotional responses

Sometimes you may not feel like choosing clothes the night before and this is the time to ensure you have a system to deal with emotional response in advance. You might be able to push through and just do it. You might be able to have an accountability buddy (such as your husband or children) to encourage you to keep to your new routine. You might try having a sign that is meant to encourage you to stick to your routine such as “You can do it!” or “You’ll regret it in the morning!” Whatever will work for you, but you will need something for those emotional times.

Step 1 - organise your space / routine / system

Step 3 - tweak as necessary So when you are organising something or setting up a new system or a new routine remember, to plan for your emotional reactions and not just physically organising your space. Have fun organising your time, systems and spaces.

Lena __________________________________________ Want to hear more Lena? You can purchase her book, How to be more organised: Organising your time, systems & spaces from Amazon, Google Play and Kobo __________________________________________


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

Secrets To looking youR best Always

Beckie White ⏐ Style

Looking and feeling your best is not just for occasional events like Christmas, birthdays, date nights and so on. It’s about looking and feeling fabulous 365 days of the year.

After reading this statement some of you may be experiencing the voices in your head saying “Well that’s just great!” or “That’s easy for you to say, you’re a stylist” or “ I don’t have the budget to go shopping often “ or a common one amongst my clients is “I don’t have time for that” and “ I have kids to provide for.”

Well the good news is that those voices in your head can be quickly shut down with one simple sentence…”I am worthy”.

It is the worth we place on ourselves that either has us making excuses for the way we dress or not. It either has us looking and feeling our best always or not. Today I am going to add tremendous value to help you style yourselves better.

How do you know what suits your body shape? Do you ever feel confused about which clothes


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015 are appropriate for your age? Do you have a wardrobe full of clothes and constantly say “I have nothing to wear”? I find it interesting how, as women, we often down-play all that we do and often forget to celebrate the beauty and magnificence of self. It’s something I am curious about. WHY? Is it something we learned from society? Is this mindset passed down from generations to generations? Or is it totally made-up by us to allow ourselves to ‘fit in’ with a particular tribe?

In this article I want to take a look at what really matters when it comes to your style. I am going to personally gift you my top 3 x ‘Styling Secrets Unlocked’. I know that when you implement these styling secrets, you will dramatically change the outcome of your shopping experiences.

These 3 x ’Styling Secrets Unlocked’ were voted by my clients to be gifted to you. These are the ones my clients find to be their favourites and ones that replaced those ‘negative Nelly’ voices in their heads.

My top 3 Styling Tips, as voted by my clients are…

1. Identify 3 key Attributes. It’s a fact that women distort the truth about their bodies 30-40% towards the negative. When you next look in the mirror, identify 3 areas of your body that you love. When you work with highlighting these areas, your confidence soars and you begin to see what the world sees we they look at you. By working with your attributes you embrace what you have. It’s as the saying goes ‘What you focus on is what you get’.

2. Now ladies, this is one your partners will love… I call it “Smart Shopping”. One dress for every season and never look the same twice. I educate my clients that less is more. Invest in good wardrobe pieces (i.e., a little black dress) and learn the art of accessorizing. One dress with different shoes, bags and accessories will change an entire outfit, look and style. It’s also a great tip for those of you who travel alot.

3. Location, Location, Location… When meeting someone for the first time, we get 3 seconds to make an impression. The subconscious mind quickly sums up if we like or dislike a person. It’s important when making a first impression to do all that you can to create opportunity. Necklace placement can add to this. Ladies remember, where the necklace finishes is where the eye is drawn. If your necklace finishes on your bust line, it will enhance your bust. If it finishes on your décolletage area, the eyes are drawn up and if it finishes under the bust line around your tummy area, that’s where the eye will focus. So highlight the areas you want by locating your necklace in the right place for you. A necklace that is very chunky and blocks your entire décolletage can give the impression that you’re closed off. A necklace that is a statement piece and allows skin to still be seen will have you appear more open in nature.

I trust this has been most valuable, in assisting you with your styling. May your dreams be fulfilled and the magical moments embraced.

Stylishly yours


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

De-Clutter Your Computer Julie Bourke⏐ Technology

You've heard all the benefits of de-cluttering your life, your wardrobe, your handbag. Now let’s de- clutter your hard drive. Not only will it free up space on your computer but it will also empower your mind.

Step 1 Uninstall unwanted programs on your computer. On a Mac open Applications in Finder and move unwanted programs to the trash, then empty the trash. On a PC click on Start - Control Panel - Uninstall Programs then click on the program name and select Uninstall Program.

Step 2 Open up Finder on a Mac or Start - Documents on a PC and either move saved files to the trash if no longer needed or to an external hard drive.

Step 3 Move your photo directory to an external hard drive. On a PC this is simply creating a folder on your external drive called Photos then select all of the photos on your hard drive and drag to the new folder. On a Mac open Finder and find the iPhoto directory. Drag this to the external

hard drive. Then open iPhoto while holding down the Option or Alt key. A menu should appear and select Choose Library. Then select the directory that you moved to the external hard drive. In future when you open iPhoto ensure the external hard drive is plugged in otherwise it will create a new directory on your Mac.

Step 4 Clean up your email. As you scroll through your inbox, file as you go. Don’t leave an email until you have decided where to put it. Set up folders to file to including Read Later, Action, Archive and individual client folders. Anything else goes into the trash. If you still have a lot of mail after sorting your inbox each day it’s time to unsubscribe! Over the course of our days we tend to subscribe to various information. Anything that you haven’t opened to read in the last week should be unsubscribed from. Clear it out of your inbox and your head. If you are ready for the information you can always subscribe again later. All emails should have an unsubscribe link at the bottom as part of ICAAN rules.


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

Close the mail program to empty the mail trash. When you have achieved an empty inbox, pat yourself on the back and close it. Set a time each day to action your emails and the rest of the time shut it down. You don’t need the distraction. Finally re-start your computer to ensure the trash is emptied and programs are working correctly.

more advanced methods such as defragmenting the hard drive, hard drive scanners and more. PC Tools and the Mac alternative are good options to use. Search on Google for pc clean up or enlist the services of a professional. If your computer works faster, so can you.


If your computer is still sluggish there are


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

Take control of your results – Nancy bird _____________________________________________________________________

Joanne Clark - NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming

Image Reference: The Daily Telegraph

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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015


e all need heroes. People who inspire us, people we aspire to be like, people we choose to model from. Equipped with Linguistic Programming) we NLP (Neuro truly can follow in the footsteps of our heroes because we know we can!

There are 5 Success Principles in NLP that are crucial to achieving your dreams. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Know your Outcome Take action Have sensory acuity Have behavioural flexibility Have the physiology and psychology of excellence

The first of these and the most fundamental


principle is to Know Your . Makes sense doesn’t it? Knowing where you are headed will certainly assist you to get there. The challenge is to not just know your outcome as a concept, but rather to know it as if it is already something you can see, hear, touch, taste and smell. This is where your heroes come in. I grew up in the suburbs of Melbourne (Australia). Our house was right underneath the approach path for a local airport and on warm sunny days the planes would buzz in and out, coming and going to places that I could only imagine. As a young girl, I would watch them, listen to them, and feel what it would be like to be flying those planes. I used to wonder about exotic adventures and I KNEW that when I grew up I would fly planes. I just KNEW! I could even almost smell the aviation fuel. I had a very clear outcome in mind and I knew I could be a pilot because Nancy Bird had already led the way. If she could do it, then it!

Nancy Bird Back in the 1930’s, the open cockpit of a Gypsy Moth gave the pilot a rush of exhilaration, the throaty thunder of a sabre-tooth tiger and the commanding view of Earth, astronauts were yet to better. Surrounded by these overwhelming distractions and using road maps to navigate, stopwatches and speedometers to ascertain distances and the horizon to level her wings, Nancy Bird learned to fly. What an woman.


Nancy Bird is no less than a hero of Australian aviation and her story is one of succeeding against all odds. You see, in the 1930’s it was

girls didn’t fly

expected that . Not only did they not fly, they didn’t dream to fly, either metaphorically or in reality. Well, it seems, not all girls felt that limitation… At the age of 17, in pursuit of her dreams, Nancy became Charles Kingsford-Smith’s first ever student in the school he operated out of Mascot Airport. She wowed her instructor with her flying aptitude, and became more addicted to her

passion along the way. She broke all the common expectations binding women to their kitchens. She became an outback barnstorming pilot working the local fairs and selling joy-flights to make ends meet. During this period, she also held the record for the fastest time between Melbourne and Adelaide, no doubt making many

men uncomfortable in their cockpits. Nancy Bird didn’t stop there! Her barnstorming life lasted a few years until, led by her abiding sense of humanity, the next challenge presented itself and she became a frontier aviatrix flying for the Far West Children’s Health Scheme. Nancy

I could do


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015 remembers her first flight for that organisation in her Leopold Moth when she flew a panicstricken Sister Webb out to her distant post with her baby scales and clinical equipment. “I shall never forget how brave she was that day. She loathed flying and certainly had no desire to go by air.” The Far West Children’s Health Scheme was established to help outback mothers raising children in far flung settlements without even the most basic of medical care. With no weather forecasting abilities, poor navigational equipment and runways dotted by rabbit warrens, Nancy safely flew her passengers with never a crash recorded against her. She did that because her

Did I follow in the footsteps of Nancy Bird? You bet I did! Flying is everything I dreamed of as that young girl in the suburbs of Melbourne, watching the sky in wonder as the planes flew overhead! I did it because women like Nancy Bird provided

model, so that my dreams could

me with a become reality.

So next time YOUR view is impeded by clouds of doubters and their thundering negativity strikes at


your sense of , think of the exhilaration you’ll feel upon flying with the eagles when you’ve overcome those sparrows. Whose footsteps are you following?

mind-set of providing distinction in the

Are they making your dreams a reality?

face of fear and nay-sayers drove her above and beyond.

Make today your day.

Joanne Image Reference: smh.com.au


Winter Crafting

Why Not Try Something New…

Knitting Embroidery Oil Painting Card Making Scrap Booking Charcoal Sketching Pastel Chalk Drawing Water Colour Painting Bead and Jewellery Making Release your creative expression and enjoy the ‘downtime’ in your Right Brain hemisphere.

On-Line Craft Courses…

www.craftsy.com www.creativebug.com www.craftartedu.com

Don’t believe you are creative? You were born creative – rather than being ‘good’ at something creative, just BE creative. Women ground their energy through creative expression.

Try it!


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A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

The Human Ego Amanda Manilla -­‐ Men

Do you love surprises? Take a moment to really think about your answer. Personally, I love surprises; they can be so much fun!

gatherers of information, exercising the need

to know ongoing, in everything we do, every Picture this; you receive a phone call from your partner. He informs you you’re about to take off for a holiday, no details, nothing to think about just arrive at a destination where everything is taken care of for three months. Your clothes and personal needs are all there waiting for you, your food, activities and daily regime all decided by others. What are you thinking right now?

Perhaps it would be your dream to live a life like this and have others take care of everything for you, ongoing?

task we have and every experience that presents itself.

We need

to know more, more and more.

We want to know everything. The next steps, the outcomes, requirements, how things work, who will be involved and paramount to all this is the need to know we are safe, we have food and shelter and we can survive.

The need to know is the core of human

I think not. In fact, I know not!

existence. If this need is compromised it can cause us to hit out, become moody or aggressive and behave in a manner that is out of sorts for our character.

The human ego has six core needs. I’d like to introduce you to the first need today. This need is

Are you connecting any of the dots here by chance?

fundamental to human survival; it is the


to know. Every human is built the same, and we meet these needs unconsciously. We are hunters and

Your challenge is to nurture this need, notice where it serves and supports you in comparison to where is starves or hinders you. Looping this

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back to your man, take his responsibilities and dreams into consideration for a moment and then I’d like you to massage his needs into yours so they are cross contaminated. What is it you now have pictured in front of you? Whose need is stronger? Can you even notice the difference? It’s fascinating how our needs translate back to our circle of friends, our lifestyle, career mission and dreams as a couple.

We don’t like surprises even though the thought of them is exciting, almost romantic to a degree. When I share this definition with men, connecting behaviour to outcome is rewarding.

The clarity of understanding why perhaps their lady wasn’t so impressed with what they thought would be a memorable experience. Of course, in return ladies, you now have an understanding perhaps why he didn’t respond the way you anticipated when you sprung your news and ideas on him.

So next time you get angry with your man for not planning the spontaneity in your relationship, think of all that could disappoint you should he plan something and it not be as you would like.

Try these three tips to get you on your way: Give your partner feedback, tips and ideas of the little things that brighten your day. This is an easy way to enable him to succeed when planning surprises for you to enjoy as a couple. 2. Surrender your need for control one day a week. Encourage your partner, family and friends to take the lead and be prepared for the experience in return. The level of uncertainty you can live with determines your happiness. Notice how freeing it is to live in the moment. 3. Look for ways to reward your man with love and significance. Men thrive on giving; they live to see their lady happy. Your praise, gratitude and appreciation will fill his emotional bank account to the brim. 1.

Live Intelligently.



A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015

Inspiring Women – An Interview with … Alice De-Zwart-Slamani Alice, tell us a little about yourself. Where were you born, raised and educated? What was life for you pre-20's? I am a Melbourne girl through and through. I was fortunate enough to have two inspiring parents. My father was a successful business executive and my mother dedicated her career to community service. I landed right in the middle, torn between the ideals of both parents. I loved business models but always loved doing it to help others. My studies ended up focusing on business but quickly moved to Non-Profit Association Management. I always enjoyed sports and community theatre and I couldn’t wait to move into the city (from Mt Eliza) as an 18 year old, into my very own apartment. Very Melrose Place! I remember working and studying, living on my own, earning $143 per week. I have no idea how I managed, but it was great!

What is it that inspires you and drives you to take action today? And, what is the action you take? I was diagnosed with MS in 2006. I lost everything; my self-confidence, my mobility, my job and my home. It took me some time to realize that I needed less in my life to feel more empowered in my life. It was a moment I am now thankful for. It’s amazing what we can live without. Over the past (almost) 8 years, I have rebuilt my life, on my terms. I’ve made new friends and lost old friends, but overall re-evaluated basic needs, and what that meant to me. Going without and then starting over, as a new person with a new identity (for me it was as a disabled person) means that I truly understand what it is like for others in similar positions. That is the motivation behind

my work with Bridging the Gaps and The Welcome Group. My husband and I have a blended family of 5. Unfortunately, my two children were born overseas, and I was unable to get the appropriate legal paperwork to bring them to Australia. I came back home for medical treatment and they are now in the safe care of their father, grandparents and loving extended family. A part of me is missing every day. Without our busy household, I feel lost. Putting this grief into action, we became foster parents. We especially work with teens and can show survival of many levels and types of grief. More recently, we have fostered a refugee child; an amazing gift for us all.

When do you feel most inspired? When I feel the magic of what I have done for others, I feel a glow of joy that is indescribable. Delivering a heater to a family, in the middle of a cold night, keeps me passionate. When I know someone is in need, I spring to action! I have found that this motivation keeps me healthy. The busier I am and the more active I am, the harder I work. With the MS, sometimes I just want to lie around and cry, but I check my inbox or notifications and see that someone needs something. I just fly into action. That slap of reality keeps me focused.

Who do you champion and why? I champion for those who grieve. Perhaps it is a teen who rebels due to her loss of innocence or a refugee who grieves the loss of ownership. The loss we feel when we lose ownership is very difficult. It is trauma we don’t speak of as much compared to other types of grief. Having


A Peaceful Mind ⏐ ISSUE 1 2015 nothing that you personally own, other than your identity, is very damaging to the soul. I champion to rebuild that soul in others.

them up for offer. Alternatively, volunteers (no matter how little time you may have) are always needed for hamper packing days, gardening groups, music groups and even drivers of items. Posts are many times a day, on behalf of a family in need. We are desperately short of drivers at the moment. They are the people who are rewarded the most. The opportunity to deliver a box of toys to a small child, or a mattress to an expectant mother (who has been sleeping on the floor) is priceless. It is an opportunity to make connections for a lifetime.

What challenges you most in life and, how would you describe your mindset? My greatest challenge is my grief. Learning to let go of the heartache of not having my children close by. I tackle this with loving my stepchildren like my own and caring for others. I also fight the challenge of Multiple Sclerosis. It is a vicious, life eating disease with no known cure. I was trained through the MS Society to be a Support Group leader and currently manage an online support page. Turning challenges into missions is a character trait I am so thankful for.

______________________________________ Alice de Zwart-Slamani we salute you. Your heart, courage and compassion is both inspirational and compelling. Your drive to use your personal pain as a bridge to understanding others in pain is indeed a positive vehicle for healing.

I find it hard to say no to any challenge. At almost 40, I am still trying to work out if that is a good thing or a bad thing. My mindset: "No challenge is too great."

We encourage our community to support you and your causes in any way they can. Thank you for opening up your life to us and thank you for being you xx

What is your 'base line' belief; the mantra that you go to in times of challenge? I trust myself and know that no matter what I made the best decision that I could, at the time.

What else would you love to share with other women of influence? It doesn't take much to inspire someone! Inspiration starts as a seed. It needs support, ideas and encouragement to grow. If you don’t find that in others, remind yourself that you already contain those qualities. And, if you can't say something nice about yourself, practice!

What can other Women of Influence do to best support you and your causes? The Welcome Group and Bridging the Gaps can both be found on Facebook. If you have any household items you no longer need, please contact the group (via post) and put


Ten in Ten


10 Questions with no more than 10 Word Answers APM Founder – Helen Treloar


APM has founded a charity specifically to bring support to Australian Women and Children.

1. Best Advice Einstein: Keep doing same thing expecting different result is crazy.

2. Passions Inclusion ~ Creativity ~ Communication ~ Leadership ~ EQ ~ Meaning of Life ~ Kindness ~ Family

2BMe Foundation will raise funds to connect those who are focused and committed to improving their circumstances, to the resources that enable them to do so.

3. Are you a Why, What, How or ‘What If’ Person? All. Outline the goal, the reason, the resources, the people...

4. Fave Book? Recently; Oprah Winfrey “What I Know for Sure.”

5. Person Who Inspires You Most? My husband.

6. Which famous people (living or dead) would you invite to dinner? Oprah ~ Robin Williams ~ Hillary Clinton ~ Cate Blanchett ~ Bill Gates ~ Churchill

7. What skill / talent would you like to have (that you don’t currently have): Painting - watercolour contemporary artist

8. What fires you up and gets your emotions running? Cruelty ~ Dishonesty ~ Negative / Harmful Manipulation ~ Segregation ~ Fakery

9. Your advice to women? Simplify. Life is about love, health, relationships, kindness and giving.

10. A TV show that you love & why? All ‘Housewives’ – reminds me that wealth and possessions don’t guarantee happiness, kindness or intelligence.


We look forward to bringing you more news about what we are doing and how you might get involved very soon.

BOOK REVIEWER WANTED Do you LOVE to read and believe you can write informative reviews? APM provides the iBooks to read and they stay in your personal iBook library. 1 book review per month. Contact us at: sparkle@apeacefulmind.com.au www.twitter.com/APeacefulMind_


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