December Heart to Heart Magazine

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Heart to Heart Magazine December 2017

TABLETable OF CONTENTS of Contents Empty Four Reasons Why God Wants Your Whole Life and Heart White Christmas Nostalgia When God Grabs Hold of You: A Transformation Story Going Deeper with God with Christhood What Are You Writing? Who Are You Married To? Remembering Before Whom You Stand A Love Note From Dad Surviving Cuffing Season Hello? Can You Hear Me Now? How to Improve Your Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Health Set Your Mind Holiday Blues Purpose on Display CT Kingdom Business Gift Giving Guide Conquer Fitness 29 Hadassah’s Closet 30 ZoëVillage 31 Self-Published Books 32 Locally Produced Music 33

6 9 11 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28

If you are interested in writing for Heart to Heart Magazine, please email our Editor, Shell Vera, at Please include your phone number and the best time to reach you to discuss your history and include 2 writing samples. All writing is provided for exposure at this time with linkback to your site at your request.

Editor-in-Chief’s Note I would like to personally say thank you to all our supporters. The real meaning of Christmas is Christ. God gave us the greatest gift of all: His son. His son gave his life. There is no greater love. During this holiday season, give the gift of love: a kind word, a hug, a smile, a warm hello. Let us not take Christ out of Christmas because He is the reason for the season. He came as a baby born in a manger to suffer and die so that you and I could have eternal life. Let us remember those who don’t have a home, family, food, nor clothing. Let us be sensitive to the needs of others, and, most of all, spread love. You may not have money to buy someone a gift, but a phone call or an invite for dinner does go a long way. Let this month be a reflection of the many blessings you have received throughout the year. Focus on the positive, give thanks, and be joyful. The Bible states clearly that “Love is patience and it is kind” (1 Cor. 13). Let’s be the same to one another in this season. 3

We’ve reached December! For some of us, this is something to celebrate. It’s been a year of stretching, pain, death, and a lot of trials for many people. For some of you, there have also been many things to celebrate – and you should. This is the time of year when we come together to celebrate the season of birth and family. We step out of our day-to-day and join in holiday parties and celebrate with family and friends we don’t get to see every day. Whether you are reading this and celebrate Christmas as we do, or are another religion and celebrate another holiday, we welcome you to celebrate the ending of the year with us as we appreciate that we have seen another year come and go successfully. We also want to take time to acknowledge those who don’t have family and friends around this time of year. Be sure to look for them around your churches and community. Invite some folks to your parties and into your homes this season. If you are someone who doesn’t have family nearby, talk with others and see what plans folks have. Maybe you’ll find that others in your social circles would love to get together for a meal! Don’t go it alone because you waited for someone to reach out. Sometimes we have to take the first step! Enjoy this month’s issue! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you! ~The Heart to Heart Magazine Team


Save Room For Dessert Heart to Heart Magazine will give a $10.00 Gift card to the first person who sends us the recipe and name for each of these desserts.

What's in the cup?

Empty By Karmen Madan

Empty. "I cannot fill that which is already full.“ I look into myself deep. What I feel is empty He sees as full. So, I hold the proverbial bowl of me in my hands, like Pooh looking into the honey pot. And like Pooh, I don't find the sweet goodness I am looking for. "Helloo-oo-oo?" I call out into the emptiness. "What are you seeing Lord that I am not?“ "I see fear. Fear of failing. Fear of being hurt. Fear of being unwanted. So much fear that you can't allow anything new to come in. No willingness to risk being known. You want relationship, but you are not willing to empty out the fear in order to be filled with being known and loved. Even with me.“ "Hmmm." I don't like that answer much, because I know He is right. "I also see hurt. Hurts that guide and fill every action and thought. You don't see them, because you refuse to bring them into the light. My Light. A dark room can look empty until you turn on the light. And baby you need to let me turn on that light. Until you allow yourself to see and feel the hurts I cannot fill you with healing.“ I say nothing, but my "empty" bowl is starting to feel much heavier in my hands. "Sadness and Anger fill you like intertwined weeds that climb and strangle. You don't see them, but I know you feel them, but you don't like to feel, so you numb yourself from them as much as you can.“ I look again with open eyes. "How do I empty these things, so that you can fill?“ "Trust Me. If you fail, trust Me that I will prosper you later. If you hurt, trust that I will hold you. If you are unwanted, trust that I will always want you. Trust that I will lead you where you are meant to go. Give Me control over guarding your heart. I can guard it much better than you can. Trust Me. You fear knowing Me, because then you will truly know yourself. Trust that I created you without mistake. The you that you fear is not the you that I know and created you to be. Trust Me to show you the hurts without overwhelming you with them. Trust My timing in what I bring to light and when. Trust Me to illuminate that which you have kept in darkness. Stop holding your hand over the light switch and saying you can't turn on the light. Trust Me to hold the switch. Trust that I created all feelings for a reason, even the ones you don't like. There is a purpose for feeling them. Trust that I can work through sadness, anger, and fear, but only if you stop pushing them back down. Stop numbing yourself. Trust Me. It is trust that will empty you, so that I might fill you."



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by Linzy Bruno

It's completely natural and understandable for believers to wonder why God wants our whole lives and whole hearts, at least at some point in our walk with Him. However, this is a vitally important principle in which God has ordained for us, because He knows that this way of living is what's best for us. Here is a concise list God has put on my heart to write: 1). By sacrificing our whole lives to God, we grow stronger in our relationship with Him, which makes our lives better than living by our circumstances or only praying when we have a problem or only considering God when it's convenient, easy or natural. Jesus said it best in Matthew 16:24-25: "Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If any of you wants to be my followers, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow Me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for My sake, you will save it." This means that if we try to manage our own lives, we will fall victim to worry, circumstance and will be easy prey for the devil, that's what Jesus meant by "if you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it." By following the Perfect Example Jesus provided, we will naturally begin to grow stronger in our walk with God. Which brings me to reason number 2. 2). We develop resistance to temptation: "But you disobeyed My Command. Why did you do this? So now I declare that I will no longer drive out the people living in your land. They will be thorns in your sides, and their gods will be a constant temptation to you." (Judges 2:2b) Notice that God said: "I will no longer drive out the people....." He had been driving out the evil people living in the land He gave to the Israelites, that is until they disobeyed Him by worshipping idols and ignoring Him. The evil people represent evil temptation in all of our lives and His statement here clearly depicts that He will subdue temptation when we worship Him and honor our relationship with Him, but He will not if we turn our backs on Him. Okay, granted this is an extreme example, as the Israelites, whom God had spoken to directly and displayed His Almighty Powers to, STILL turned away from Him and worshipped things like carved out statues! But, this verse makes it clear that He will protect us from all evil when we put Him first in our lives.


Another Scripture in which this protection is expressed is recorded in the Book of Romans. Paul told his Church in Romans 8:37: "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Now reverting back to the verse in Judges for a second, notice how angry it made God when the Israelites worshipped idols rather than Him. This brings me to reason number 3. 3). Our God is a jealous God. This is another reason to keep Him first. Why is He jealous? There are several reasons. The Israelites repeatedly went from worshipping God, but then back to worshipping idols. Our idols today translate to: money, power, position, beauty, fame and people we think of as better than we are, like pop stars and celebrities. All of these things equate to idol worship: putting something or someone in higher regard than God. So, God is displeased with this because He knows it is not good for us to think and feel this way, because it causes us to focus on worldly matters and when we do this, we cannot think the way He wants us to think. This is called carnality. Another reason God was so angry with Israel for worshipping idols is that this practice is founded in evil, which is why He allowed such a devastating consequence to fall on them and leave them victim to further evil: they chose evil over good, so God left them to their own devices. Still another reason for God's jealousy is that when His own people do not put Him first, He is not glorified in the earth and if He is not glorified, He is brought down more to our level, which discredits Him and causes people to turn from Him. In other words, carnality sets a bad example for Christians and they can lose their way, hence, even in His desire of maintaining a position of superior entity, He is STILL thinking of what's best for us! 4). When we put God ahead of everything else in our lives and make Him the center of our worlds, we develop the fruit of the spirit, which is Christlikeness. This gradual, but beautiful change grounds us in a stability is not understood or attainable through ordinary (carnal) living. And by developing this propensity in unfeigned loving devotion toward God, our lives are more joyful, peaceful, meaningful and we dwell in a spirit of thanksgiving, even in difficult times. We are transformed by the constant renewal of our minds: THE ONLY WAY to develop Christlikeness, by the help of the Holy Spirit, who teaches us and abides in us; we do this through studying God's Word: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." (Galatians 5:22-23) "Be not conformed to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's Will is--His good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:2) So, by developing Christlikeness, we become blameless in the sight of God. Doesn't that sound inviting to say the very least? So, now we can clearly see that God only decreed His people to devote themselves wholly unto Him: body, soul & spirit was to help us live better and yes, even more prosperous lives. As Jesus teaches us in Matthew 6:33: "Seek first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Acknowledgements: NIV, ESV

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." (Galatians 5:22-23)


White Christmas Nostalgia by Pam Ford Davis With my husband at my side, I snuggled under my electric blanket and viewed a Christmas classic. Bing Crosby's 'White Christmas' was the perfect choice; the familiar sights and sounds of Christmas were fresh as a new fallen snow. Memories catapulted me to a Central New York State Christmas. I was raised outside of Syracuse, in the rural neighborhood of Mycenae. There, I had the excitement of many white Christmases. I will be the first to admit that snow accumulations are not always welcome sites to New Yorkers. Early morning risers must shovel or plow snow covered roads, sidewalks and their driveways. Highways and Interstates become danger zones; frequently, travelers are involved in vehicle accidents. It would be easy to become stranded in sub-zero temperatures in the midst of towering snowdrifts. The reality Dazzling white snow becomes brown slush. Multitudes of Yankees fantasize moves as snowbirds to Florida. We can eradicate the slush of sin. God transforms hearts.

"Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow (Psalm 51:7 KJV)." The LORD gives freely; receive and rejoice in a white Christmas.

Dear Queens, Don’t let this world steal your beauty. Don’t let this world tell you how you should look. Instead, keep that wide-eyed innocence of childhood. And enjoy this season. Embrace the journey and enjoy these days. For they are the ones you will look back upon forever. Dear Queens, Don’t let this world steal your beauty. Instead, remind them of their own. ~Shell Vera

Manuel Rivera entered the ministry 13 years ago. He was 260 pounds and didn’t have a positive view of himself. Having played sports in high school, his insecurities had started building as his waistline expanded and he was struggling to love others because he didn’t truly love himself. He looks back now and realizes it is hard to build a relationship with the Lord when you are practicing so much self-hatred. How many of you can relate to this? Apostle Linda Morales spoke to him candidly one day, stating that she believed he needed to purpose in his heart to lose weight so he could see his ministry grow and step into who he was. She felt it was his weight holding him back and as he shed the weight, he would shed the things that were holding him back. Manny purposed his heart just as Daniel did (Daniel 1:8) and started to see the weight come off and his confidence increase. What he was doing on the inside was coming through his body to the outside. As a music minister as well, he took the stage with more confidence and entered new spiritual realms because he was no longer limited by what people thought of him but was instead becoming free in who he was in the Lord. From a 40/42 waist and XXL shirt to a 32 waist and Medium shirt, Manny made a transformation that many of us don’t feel is possible in our own lives. We want this kind of change but we have so many excuses why we will never achieve it. We let our families or jobs or church obligations become center of our life and we continue to remain overweight. But Manny has some other thoughts on this condition and how the saints of God should be addressing health! We had a chance to talk with him this month and learn more about his journey from the man in the left picture to the man on the right. 13

Purpose Meets Passion As Manny purposed in his heart to lose weight, he noticed his inside man changing. Chains that had long held him tightly bound were falling off. He was dropping dead weight both literally and figuratively. He was already working with En Fuego For Jesus – a bilingual prophetic deliverance ministry that deals with people’s hearts and how they see themselves. As he helped them deal with healing from past relationships, past hurts, moving forward, etc., he realized he could combine his newfound love for personal training and living a healthy lifestyle to show people how to be all around free and take care of this temple we live within. He combined his two passions by working in the ministry and joining the Herballife team to teach folks how to let go of old habits and lifestyles and allow the anointing to flow freely through them. En Fuego for Jesus Working as part of a five-fold prophetic healing and deliverance ministry is intense work. Now that his body and spiritual man are better equipped for it, Manny is living out his purpose each day. He loves to educate people on the need for continued healing and deliverance as a child of God. Even though you are saved, there are still spirits that are living with us that we must deal with, that we haven’t taken the steps to rid ourselves of. Ones that we have invited back into our lives and ones that we are comfortable living with. Based upon Ephesian 4:11, the five-fold ministry shows that people are called to various offices within the body of God and that when you walk in these offices, people will fall on their face because they see God within you. As they fall on their face, God can heal them and they will be set free as they deal with the pains of their past. Deliverance, Manny explains, comes through revelation in the prophetic, dealing with secrets and sharing things that only God knows so people will want to come into an intimate, close relationship with Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 14:25). En Fuego for Jesus not only deals with people’s hearts and helps them on the path toward freedom, but it equips them with training. Those who encounter the ministry who are called into deeper levels of serving can receive training to go deeper into God’s word and learn more about their own calling in the offices of God. Each of the leaders within the ministry are trained to see these callings within people and use that gift with high regard to its accountability to God. Manny’s Story Manny grew up with a mother who did everything for his family. But living without a father was always an insecurity for him. He always longed for that relationship and looked for it in other things. Food seemed to be where it showed up most. He was lacking the skills that he needed to be a man because he never received the training required to show him how to become one. His relationships were failing and he felt like a punk, a wimp. He needed to have someone in his life to expose the anger, resentment, and bitterness toward his dad so he would be able to walk in the authority as a man of God, leading and walking in confidence of his decisions.


As Manny encountered the men and women within the Five-Fold ministry, he began to have this kind of accountability and challenge within his life. No longer being able to use his past for an excuse as to why he was how he was, he has to address the roots of his behavior and insecurity. And then the fateful day came when Apostle Linda Morales addressed him and challenged him to lose weight. Those who have encountered him since then know how the story has turned. Manny is now a man who addresses his issues and tackles them head on. He does not allow things to fester and he goes after his fears with purpose. He is a man of God who is living as a demonstration for others of going after your purpose and living with passion. The Process

The process his transformation was not easy but it was worth it. At first he had to make gradual changes that worked with his comfort zone and built up his confidence. As those started to show results, he would do deeper and push harder. For example, in the beginning he had to let go of waking up with just enough time to grab a coffee and head out the door. Instead he had to wake up with enough time to make a good breakfast so he could replenish himself and fuel his body for the day. Over time, he added workouts, to the point that now he wakes up every day at 4:30 a.m. As he began letting go of bad habits and replacing them with good habits within his life, he also noticed that he was purging “useless items” from his life and getting filled up with spiritual fruits. Manny shared that as you want to change your life to lose weight, you have to learn to say “No” to many things that once were very pleasing to you and “Yes” to things that weren’t. The Bible says to come as you are and you do because God loves you as you are. But He exposes you as you enter into that relationship and points out things that you need to let go so you will be able to go closer to Him and build up your spirit. For example, he shared, letting go of worldly music to replace it with spiritual music. As you do that, you build your spirit up and then begin reading the Word of God more. This will lead to wanting more of God in your life through fellowship with others, which will lead to more reading as you follow up on what you hear at various events and teachings, which will lead to wanting to be around believers more. Do you see the pattern, saints? Words of Encouragement I asked Manny what final words of encouragement he would leave us with, as he has shown us through his music, ministry, and family that he is balancing how to live fully for God while also conducting his business here on Earth. He will soon be auditioning for America’s Got Talent, continues to minister throughout CT, and is always focused on his family. His final words were, “Let your spiritual man continue to be fed and built up by the Word of God while your physical man is being destroyed by the process of losing the fat and burning up calories.” Well spoken, Manny. Well spoken!

To connect with Manuel to learn more about his ministry, music, and transformation, reach out to him on Facebook. 15

Going Deeper with God With Christhood In a recent FaceBook Live video, Jehoshaphat King from Christhood shared with us some tips on how to get to a place where we are living life with God. So many people want to change overnight or get cleaned up before they give their life to God, but Jehoshaphat reminds us that the way to God and living with Him is pretty simple: • Step up with God. • Live by the Book. • Change your focus from self to God by loving Him in our minds, our emotions, and our will. • Build new memories by changing habits to ones of righteousness. • Wait on the Lord; trust Him to come through on time. • Don’t move until He says to move; Surrender to His will. • Deny the flesh and ensure are always willing to walk with Him. While Christhood’s Man Up! Ministry focuses on empowering me to take charge, this teaching is great for women and men. Grab a pen and some paper, set aside an hour of your time, and listen to the full video. Don’t forget to comment and let him know what you thought on the teaching.


WHAT ARE YOU WRITING? by Lewis E. Thomas Did you know you are writing a story with your life every day! Every day you pen a "new page" as you go along your way.

We are all "Writers" though unaware! "We all should be writing with great care!" You see, the Story we are writing will be read out loud before the Angels in Heaven above! At God's Great White Throne Judgment where we will be judged for "CRIMES AGAINST LOVE"!

What kind of story are "you" writing today? Are you living in sin and doing things "your way"? Is your writing/story missing the elements of THE CROSS? Does your story ignore the Gift of Salvation and it's HIGH COST? Are you writing for the glory of God to bring HIM high praise? Or have you been writing a story of rebellion all your days? Do the things you write/do influence others in a holy way? Do the things you write lead others astray? Will your writing lead lost souls to Jesus and God at the end? Or will your story be one that influenced others to die in sin? When you close this rhyme will you pick up a holy pen? Will you start writing a Story that "leads others out" of sin? Be careful what you write each and everyday! Don't write "ANYTHING" that will cause others to stray! When you breathe your final breath and post those two final words "THE END"! IT WILL BE "TOO LATE" TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE'S STORY MY FRIEND! 17

By Apostle Dornett McIntosh Who are you married to? Is it Grumpy? Is it Annoying? Success? Determination? Motivation? Do you really know the person you are married to? Do they really have your best interests at heart? Are you really married to your assignment? You and your spouse should support one another’s Kingdom assignments. Are you married to Jealousy? Are you connected to people who don’t have your best interests at heart? We need to be married to people who are going to push us and motivate us and encourage us to be our best selves. This is more than a sex partner. It is more than someone who is good for what goes on behind closed doors. It needs to be more than the physical stuff. It needs to be more than being a replacement for a man’s mothers. You need someone who is going to support your call and vision. Who are you married to? Are you married to discouragement? Are you in a situation where you don’t want to be at home? If so, what’s wrong there? Something is wrong if you don’t want to be at home. We need to stop allowing what others think and say to allow us to stay in dead-end relationships. You don’t have 20 years to give to dead-end situations. You don’t have time to waste on people who are jealous of you. Do you understand that your wasted time cannot be reclaimed? Saints, you must ask yourself the tough questions. Is this relationship bringing you growth? Or is it one headache after another and one storm after another? While there are ups and downs in relationships, there should not be constant sorrows. Our hairs on our head are numbered and we have a certain amount of time to complete what we have been assigned to do, so we must think about the tough questions. If these questions are getting you thinking, listen to the full video on our Facebook page for more on this very important topic. Don’t let another year go by with you stalled in a wrong relationship! Get it right today! 18

Remembering Before Whom You Stand by Sim Lee It was quiet in the Synagogue that morning when the young boy pointed to the words above the ark that contained the scrolls of the Torah. "Father, you and Rabbi Stanley have told me before what "Know Before Whom You Stand" means, but others say it means so much more. What would that be?" The father smiled at his son, briefly remembering when he had first asked a similar question of his own father. "Well," his father answered, " besides helping us to remember Whom we stand before when we worship, it also means that He wants your full attention and respect when you stand before His Presence. Do you remember reading of Moses at the burning bush when he hid his face from Him when told to take off his shoes before His Presence as it was holy ground?" To stand before Him in worship demands respect and obedience as He had saved our people, His chosen people, from the Egyptians and as He continues to bless us unto this day." Seeing that his little son understood somewhat, he then told him, "You must also remember that when you leave the Synagogue, it is your responsibility to Him to make His Presence better known to your fellowmen through your positive example to others". Later at home, the lad asked for his father's opinion on the differences in the people at the Synagogue as some were always kind and friendly to him, while others seemed to ignore him. "Like the world, our people are also diverse in manner and attitude. Some of them feel that they should always make time for and to remember the children, as they are the greatest gifts that He has given to us and that we will live on through them. Others feel that they have no time for any but themselves and their successes in life, with no thought about anything after death. I can only tell you to hold the memories of the nice ones nearest your heart and to remember to honor them when they are gone." "Father, what exactly does happens to our people when they die?" the little boy asked. "That is somewhat hard to say, Son, and probably a question that would be better answered for you by Rabbi Stanley, but I am pleased you have asked such a questions as there is something I want to tell you about. It is the remembering aspect of death that every father must talk with his children about when they are old enough to understand. I have told you about children being our greatest blessing from Him, but it is more than just through our lifetimes, as it is our belief that we will live on after death through our children. As many of us grow older, we begin asking ourselves just how will my children remember me and what will they do with what I have done? I know in my heart the answer for myself right now. I know that you are a good son and just as I have honored and remembered my father and his father, I know that you will remember and honor me after I am gone, and that you will care for and carry on in my business." The father knew that his firstborn had grasped this first of many conversations that would follow when he said: "Yes Father, I will remember and honor you."


A Love Note From Dad by Tesse Wilson My son, as a man I did not carry you for nine months But from the moment I held you in my arms I was overcome by feelings of tenderness for you I remember as if it was yesterday when I first looked into your eyes and you in mine I touched your tiny fingers My heart melted at your cute yawn The joy I felt when you arrived Oh the day I became a father Memories I will cherish forever From that moment all I knew is that I want to be there for you to: Protect you Provide for you Be a friend to you Most of all to show you how much I love you For you my son I will be a man who shows his tender emotions I remember your first step I have watched you strive and grow You are no longer a baby or toddler for me to cuddle you and rest you upon my chest But my boy, my arms are always open wide to hug you A pat on your back, a brief head rub These are just a few ways I show my affection for you I love when we sit and chat with each other When we share a meal When we make time to bond as father and son Even when I discipline you, my son, it is because I want what is best for you I admire your uniqueness I am proud of you Children are a blessing from the Lord My son, I am a blessed to be your father My daily prayer is for God to grant me long life to see you become a man, become a father So, you understand how I deeply I love you This is just a little love note from me to you Dedicated My dear son, " I love you"

to Richard Reagan Drayton

Every Winter, people start shacking up with folks they would normally not consider spending more than a few hours with just so they can avoid being alone. Warmth, another body, someone to enjoy Netflix and long Winter nights with are just some of the reasons folks give for wanting to connect during the long winter months. It’s easy for even Christians to fall prey to this season of darker nights and shorter days. How can you survive cuffing season with your integrity in tact? •

• •

Go out with group and enjoy events: • There are many concerts, plays, and comedy shows that happen during the Winter months. Take advantage of the indoor events with friends. • Hit up Dave and Buster’s and enjoy a night on the town. When is the last time you really saw how many balls you could shoot in 2 minutes? Or played a good game of air hockey? Consider getting your artists friends together for some worship sessions. Paint, sing, write, and worship together as you avoid the cold nights. Co-Create with God as you bring victory to the Winter season. Avoid new one-on-one relationships during this season. • It’s hard to tell someone’s intent and if you want to keep your integrity, it’s important that you don’t go places alone with people whose intentions you are unaware of. If folks really want to get to know you, they will be happy to get to know your friends as well as you venture into the city and to various events. When the weather gets warmer again, you will have a solid friendship to fall back on when you start spending more time alone. Anyone with clear motives will respect that. Dive deeper into the Word. • We know this one may make you roll your eyes, but if you want to get beyond the desire to just jump into a relationship to stay warm and not feel lonely, there is no better solution than to open your Bible and dive into the Word. Jesus will meet you and you may just find that your character and demeanor changes you over the season into someone ready to meet your mate by Spring time. (No promises though… we aren’t that kind of magazine!)

Whatever you do, the key is to ensure you respect yourself enough not to settle for less than what is intended for you. Don’t settle for seasonal when you can have forever. Just continue to be patient and let God do His thing!


HELLO? CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? by Bob Valleau “Hello? Can you hear me now?” These are popular words from a 2002 Verizon commercial. Somehow I can’t help but think this is a cry of many who suffer from depression this time of year. Thanksgiving and Christmas are supposed to be a joyous time filled with love and laughter. Unfortunately, for some it is a dreaded time to endure and their hope is to make it to the start of a new year. Sadly, life's dynamics change no matter the time of year. However, they are more challenging when you are faced with the reality of your situation and when it seems others have no problem participating in these two annual celebrations. You may ask God: "How am I to be thankful when all I see is despair? How am I to be joyful when I see nothing but strife?“ I’m reminded of the wise insight from the book of Job. Job was a man of unparalleled and genuine piety. He was also a man of well-deserved prosperity. He was a godly gentleman, extremely wealthy, a fine husband, and a faithful father. In a quick and brutal sweep of back-to-back calamities, Job was reduced to a twisted mass of brokenness and grief. The extraordinary accumulation of disasters that hit him would have been enough to finish off any one of us today. Job is left bankrupt, homeless, helpless, and childless. He's left standing beside the ten fresh graves of his now-dead children in a windswept valley. His wife is heaving deep sobs of grief as she kneels beside him, having just heard him say, "Whether our God gives to us or takes everything from us, we will follow Him." She leans over and secretly whispers, "Why don't you just curse God and die?“ Job’s misery turns to mystery with God's silence. If the words of his so-called friends are hard to hear, the silence of God becomes downright intolerable. Not until the thirtyeighth chapter of the book does God finally break the silence, however long that took. Even if it were just a few months, try to imagine. You've become the object of your alleged friends' accusations, and the heavens are brass as you plead for answers from the Almighty, who remains mysteriously mute. Nothing comes to you by way of comfort. It's all so unfair; you've done nothing to deserve such anguish. I find it interesting how, during all of Job’s suffering, he did not reject God, but Job did challenge and accuse Him. The Almighty quieted Job decisively when He finally thundered His own perspective on the situation. God did not answer Job’s question of “Why?” Instead, He overwhelmed Job and his friends with the truth of His majesty and sovereignty. Job came away with a deeper sense of God’s power and splendor, causing Job to hold on to his faith in the midst of such unbelievable tragedy and turmoil. (Read all of Job, Chapter 38.) So, whenever you scream at God, “Hello? Can you hear me now?” His answer may be a long silence. But do not mistake God’s silence for someone who does not care. God’s silence is giving you time to reflect upon who He is and preparing your heart to trust Him more when He finally does speak.


How to Improve Your Mental, Physical, and Spiritual Health by Stephanie Reck To begin improving your mental, physical and spiritual health start by making some realistic goals, and begin implementing small steps towards these goals.

The most important goal you can make is taking care of your spirit. Make goals towards spending daily, intimate time with God. Let all that distracts you and deters you from this time be put aside. Allow at least 30 minutes per day of quiet time with the Lord. Start a Bible study to aid in your spiritual growth, and if you are married make a goal to pray together daily and have a Bible study that you can do together. Do whatever the Lord leads you to do, but do something that will feed your spirit and cause you to mature spirituality. This may look different for other people. That is okay, do what will cause you to grow and mature. If you need spiritual healing in this season, then take some time where you pull back from ministry positions and leadership roles, and allow God to "pour back into you," and restore your soul. If your "cup is empty" you cannot effectively help anyone. There is a season to be on front-line ministry and a season to allow God to pour back into your cup. You may need to be refilled in this season. Go before God and ask Him, "What season am I in?" This may not be the time that you are serving full-force, but a time that God is going to bring refreshment into your dry places. Take care of your spirit first, and everything else will come easier. Next take care of your mental and emotional health. Start by saying, "No," more often. Do things just for fun and pure enjoyment. Listen to your favorite music, read, garden, or paint. Try and spend at least 10 minutes outside in the sun. Set boundaries and limits with other people and on your time. Limit your time with negative and draining people. Set a guard on what causes you stress, and limit what stresses you as much as possible. Do not allow other people's problems to become your problems! Do not carry the burdens and responsibility of other people. Cut out all unnecessary things in your life, make priorities. Finally, take care of your physical body. Get at least 8 hours of sleep. Eat balanced meals with daily fresh fruit and vegetables. Stay away from fried foods and sweets as much as possible. If you do not exercise, start walking at least 3x per week. Take a multi-vitamin and B vitamin daily. Drink plenty of water and drink green tea daily. Take warm baths to relieve tired muscles and to relax you. The mind, body and spirit are connected so, implement goals to improve not just your physical health but your mental and spiritual health as well.


Set Your Mind by Steve Countryman Colossians 3:2 “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Romans 8:5-6 “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” To “set your mind” first requires a decision to be faithful, dedicated and determined. Then make a commitment to follow through with it. Setting your mind is your decision to make a stand, take a stand then standing firm. You are immovable and solid in your decision to stand! Setting your mind addresses both earthly or fleshly desires and what the Holy Spirit desires for you. One affects the other. If you live daily stuck in sinful routines or addictions then living according to the Holy Spirit becomes hard to do and you become ineffective as a Christian. Likewise, if you live according to the Holy Spirit then desires of the flesh, earthly desires, becomes more difficult to do. You must be determined to stand against those sinful things, habits and ways that distract and try to destroy you. You must be committed to live righteously taking advantage of every opportunity to bless and be a blessing to others however it may present itself to you. Even when you don’t see the answer to your prayers or declarations you set your mind to continue on. In both cases you must set your mind not to give up, give in or quit. Overcoming your sinful past by setting your mind to continue to fight the righteous fight. Not giving up, giving in or quitting. When you lack the courage to speak up and step out in faith to bless others or blow it some way you once again set your mind not to stop, give up, give in or quit! Set your mind to declare His Word powerfully over yourself and others. Stop speaking curses by calling yourself names and quit allowing the Devil to whisper lies in your ear about being useless and worthless. Failing at times will happen but… Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” For He is a faithful God who is faithful to His Word and to you. God asks that you believe in Him for He believes in YOU and He has total faith in YOU! 24

Depression is at its highest for many people during the holidays. Please be sure you are taking care of yourself and seeking help if you feel sad. Pastors, counselors, friends, and family members are all valuable resources to reach out to for help when you feel lonely. It is understandable during this time of year to feel overwhelmed with loneliness when you aren’t invited to as many holiday parties as friends from large families or to those in your social circle who seem to make to more gatherings. Don’t be afraid to speak up and voice your desire to attend gatherings. If you have been in the same social circle for years and never have attended parties, people may not extend invites because they don’t think you will attend. Other times, you may find they only have a limited number of seats available. However, there are many others like you looking for things to do and as you get comfortable using your voice to express your desire to do things, others will share their desires and you may find a new group to celebrate the holidays with. Some ways to combat the blues this holiday season also include: • Get out and enjoy the Festival of Lights celebrations in nearby towns. • Not only are they beautiful, but the fresh air will be great to help you sleep later that evening. • Watch some of your favorite childhood movies. Invite a friend or two over to enjoy them with you. • You could start your own annual Holiday Movie Marathon! • Go ice skating, sledding, or for a walk at a local village. • The fresh air will be wonderful and you may meet others with similar interests. • Join a gym or take up another hobby that will allow you to meet others. • Check the local parks and rec sites or Getting through the holidays can be a challenge but with God by your side, you can overcome all trials. If things come to a low, remember that you can always call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline as well, 1-800-273-8255. You are NOT alone. 25

Purpose on Display By Cornieta Whitfield What are you fighting to prove? People spend hundreds and thousands of dollars a year investing in their vision. When purpose is on the line, passion is necessary to make it a reality. Late nights are required. Long hours are imperative. And making it to the top at any cost is necessary, they say. With the increase in technology, googling the next conference is only a click away. Fast and at your fingertips, fame may be in the cards for your life. There are workshops, seminars, and even virtual conferences that can increase the chance that your idea might be the next millionaire idea. With the stake being so high, putting the work into making your dream a reality is vital. But along the way, you have been told so many damaging lies about your ability to become successful. Even though you see your dream as a possibility, you have been taught that hard work is not the way to success. It is causing damage to the dreams of the people around you that will allow you to make it to the top. Wrong.

How often have we heard the words, “You are not going to be anything?” Or better yet, “What you think you trying to do, outshine me?” In our society, it seems that the only way to make it to the top is to tear down the person next to you. It sows a seed of inadequacy in hopes that they drop out the race and by forfeit you become the winner, the man, or the one in charge. No desire to really put in real work but playing a dangerous game of demoting the spirit of others to gain the promotions of being liked by many. And all in all, successful. The Social Learning Theory states that an individual learns through observation and imitation. In other words, it is through the vicarious reinforcement system that we learn if a behavior is rewarded, whether it be positive or negative, and it is then that we will imitate it. If a deed that is negative is rewarded with a positive reinforcement we will imitate just the same as if it was a positive deed that was done. What am I trying to say? We were not born with the capability to demote the spirits of others with negative words. It is through observation that we learn how to trample upon the potential of others to ensure that they do not reach to the top faster than us. So, if it is through observation that we can learn to abase one another, then it through education that we can allow our minds to realign to the purpose of edifying, encouraging, and empowering each other. 26

As an entrepreneur in the field of motivational speaking, it is not my goal to go from company to company to sell a product that will only improve the pockets of the boss. My goal is to provide the tools through workshops, seminars, and conferences using education to reveal, remove, and restore what we have learned that has been detrimental to our ability to grow and be positively impactful. The concept that many of us have not grasped is that we all can be successful. We are all born with purpose. What each individual brings to the table of life is necessary to the bigger picture. What I use to verify an individual outcome is the potential of their purpose not the past of their pain that weights them down. I cannot say that is the criteria for the world.

In a time where so many ideas are taking root, mental retraining is necessary in areas where Christians are becoming entrepreneurs. The integrity of your relationship with God, being shown through your services, needs to be protected. Understanding that society’s concept of what success is and what God’s definition of success is are two different things. It’s being able to understand that daily we have to make the decision that the calling on our life is worth preserving from the world’s concept of “have to make it to the top at any cost”. Surrounding yourself with people who can keep you accountable is necessary in the business world. In the beginning, I asked you the question, “What are you fighting to prove?” The answer is you are fighting to prove that God is not just in the four walls of the church but he is in non-profit organizations, entrepreneurship, and philanthropist opportunities. You are fighting the world’s concept of success so you may be in a place to edify, empower, and encourage. It is not just a business, it is a choice to live on purpose for purpose for Christ in hopes that you can provide more than just a service. You are purpose on display.

CT KINGDOM BUSINESS GIFT GIVING GUIDE Struggling with gift ideas for your family members, colleagues, or some church friends and family? Here are some great gift ideas that also support CT Kingdom Businesses!


At Conquer, Fitness Coach Drew Cost has taken personal training to a new level by incorporating a holistic approach to personal development that includes mind, body, and spirit. Don’t walk in these doors if you don’t truly want to change. For those who can’t get to Hartford or workout during the times he offers classes, he also offers virtual programs so you can train on your own with his guidance.


Partnered with:

Let Us Help You Live Your Best Life! ZoëVillage is committed to providing a holistic approach to wellness in the five main areas of health: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social and Spiritual. We facilitate workshops, organize retreats, collaborate with community organizations, civic groups and churches to provide various fun, educational and engaging events. 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens From the Sean Covey series - This fun, robust training is offered for High School and College-aged students to prepare them for the world from teen into young adult stages. “NO” Is an Answer, Too Geared to t'weens and teens, this fun workshop identifies the social, media and peer pressures to have sex and empowers young people to abstain from engaging in sexual activity.

Confident In the Skin I’m In - Retreat This experience is offered in retreat or workshop format and is catered to specific age groups. Participants engage in meaningful dialogue exploring self-esteem, self-image and confidence boosters. Financial Wellness – Workshop An interactive workshop focusing on financial literacy. Our goal is to educate and empower participants to take control of their finances and their financial future. **Various individual and small group counseling sessions available**



Apostle Dornett McIntosh was born April 17, 1974, in Hamilton, Bermuda, to Pastor Merline Cato and Tatem Willis. She has one son, Jonathan Cunningham-her gift from God, as well as many spiritual sons and daughters in the faith. Apostle Dornett McIntosh is known as a dynamic preacher and teacher of the Word of God. She walks in a powerful gift of exhortation to the body of Christ and she effectively communicates the word of God with passion that brings dry bones back to life. The Lord has called her to operate in a healing & prophetic ministry. She experienced personally the pain of homelessness, sexual abuse, and suicide attempts. At a young age, she had to take charge of her destiny and make adult decisions. She is the founder of Heart of God Healing Center. Apostle Dornett has five ministries under her covering. She has served as a pastor for nine years and knows the pain that pastors go through first hand. She is also willing to provide a helping hand to transition believers from Sunday morning attendees to full-time laborers in the kingdom of God. The Lord has given Apostle Dornett a word to breathe healing and restoration into your ministry. She is available for speaking engagements, revivals, conferences, and workshops. She has an incredible heart of love for God’s people and has freely given of herself in many ways to meet the needs of others. Her passion for the kingdom of God is contagious. Booking info: 860-830-9778 35

Why choose Heart Bible Institute? We’ll prepare you for your kingdom assignment. We offer online degree programs and on campus at the Associate, Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral levels to help prepare you for various ministry opportunities. Use your years of Christian Service to earn your honorary doctorate. Each program is based upon the Word of God. We desire to see you grow deeper in your faith. Our programs are affordable. We pride ourselves on offering some of the lowest online tuition rates, including scholarships and flexible payment options. You can study on your own time. Online college gives you the opportunity to further your education at your own pace. We offer strong support system and excellent student resources including academic advisors.

For more information contact us at : 860-830-9778

Pastors, are you looking to cultivate great leaders? Let us come and facilitate the college-level training for your people. Heart Bible Institute will come to you. Our focus is to train kingdom- minded leaders who know how to serve their local church.



Heart to Heart Magazine December 2017


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