Approach Magazine Feb 2015

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APPROACH Magazine Thailand ISSUE 25: February 2015

Valentine 2015 Cassia Fistula Doc Khuen or Golden Rain Tree

The Earth Atmosphere Composition, Climate & Weather

A Pensioner in Hua Hin Get addicted to saving if you want to improve your life


The Real Taste of Issan

Spicy Catfish with Basil leaves

Pork Chops With French Fries

Tom Yam Goong Soup

Minced spicy pork with rice and Egg

Australian Ribey Steack with vegetables

ZAB WER RESTAURANT - European and Issan Thai Food -

Address : Soi 112, Hua Hin Closed on Wednesday

A wide selection of popular European & Thai dishes Our Bar is well selected with many local and foreign beers and wines.

There is plenty of parking space. Bring your children – We have a Kid´s Menu and a well equipped playground.

Recommended by : TripAdvisor & The international Traveller For more information on our exact location and menu, call : 095 729 2698


WIFI Spaghetti Asian Styly

Interior Restaurant

Children’s Playground


Editor’s Foreword I watched the worse movie I ever watched yesterday “The Interviewâ€?. This is the movie that made such a fuss, headlines, when it was released a couple of weeks ago. It is an absolute nono and you couldn´t even call it funny although it was meant to be funny. It has no story, it has no plot. No wonder North Korea was upset, regardless of the inhumane dictator. Getting a bit confused with the exchange rates. Euro went GRZQ 6ZLVV )UDQF Ă RDWLQJ JDLQHG DQG LV SUDFWLFDOO\ RQ SDU ZLWK WKH (XUR (XUR]RQH GHĂ DWLQJ D ELW 7KDLODQG has practically no foreign debt and good reserves‌this causes the Thai Baht to be where it is‌. Longue vive les hommes qui ont le pouvoir. Been to the Vana Nava Water Jungle ? Lots of fun but lots of Thai Baht as well. However it is a lot of exciting fun (You will never see the editor on the vertical slide) 1HYHUWKHOHVV ZLOO EH WRXJK Ă€QDQFLDOO\ economically and politically. But we shall overcome. APPROACH will continue to improve the contents and make them more interesting. Have a happy Valentine ! Yours Truly GMoss

Editor in Chief Gerard Mosselman Assistant Designer Wanwisa Boonchub Special Contributor Zara Adcock Sales and Marketing Manager Kenyapak Chansiri 2IĂ€FH 0DQDJHU Pimwee P. *UDSKLF 2IĂ€FH

Whale Studio Limited Partner Address: 1/3 Soi Hua Hin 55 Chomsin Rd. Hua Hin Prachuab Khiri Khan 77110 Tel: 032 530 689 Email:

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Electric Mango Steak House & Grill - expect the unexpected



from every day


cob n ob, c o n n o r o inren co w – to , c ah a e o t t t ine i o w p d poor tw e t d i e batkh baokf ered ed or wh h t i wgi lass ass of r drvw d e e v r ske, se d by 1 y 1 gl , a e st panieanied b d e l l i momp gr o l c a c c c o a c a , char rrcchhoiociece, m a r 300 g cee by yyoouu auuc ananddssa


CONTENTS 8 10 12 16 18 22 30


18 32 38 44 46 48 52

US & Euro Markets Pickup Trucks Rule in Thailand Slowing Down the Aging Process AVOCADO HEALTH BENEFITS The Sailing Club Hua Hin


Sponsoring Kids Education


Feb 2015


Ban Chiang Personality Sir Paul McCartney Fashion “LOVE is in the Air” Where to Go What to do Beach in Thailand Festivals in February 2015 The Earth Atmosphere


TEL : 032 532 507



Ban Chiang A UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SINCE 1992 Ban Chiang is an archaeological site located in Nong Han district, Udon Thani Province. Discovered in 1966, the site attracted enormous publicity due to its attractive red painted pottery. Villagers had uncovered some of the pottery in prior years without insight into its age or historical importance. In August 1966 Steve Young, an anthropology and government student at Harvard College, was living in the village conducting interviews for his senior honors thesis. One day while walking down a path in Ban Chiang with his assistant, Young tripped over a root of a Kapok tree and fell on his face in the dirt path. Under him were the exposed tops of pottery jars of small and medium sizes. <RXQJ UHFRJQL]HG WKDW WKH Ă€ULQJ WHFKQLTXHV used to make the pots were very rudimentary but that the designs applied to the surface of the vessels were unique and wonderful. He took samples of pots to Princess Phanthip Chumbote who had the private museum of Suan Pakkad in Bangkok and to Chin Yu Di of WKH 7KDL *RYHUQPHQW¡V )LQH $UWV 'HSDUWPHQW> @ 'XULQJ WKH Ă€UVW IRUPDO VFLHQWLĂ€F H[FDYDWLRQ several skeletons, together with bronze JUDYH JLIWV ZHUH XQHDUWKHG 7KH VLWH¡V ROGHVW graves do not include bronze artefacts and are therefore from a Neolithic culture. The most recent graves date to the Iron Age.


Feb 2015


HERITAGE 7KH ÀUVW GDWLQJ RI WKH DUWHIDFWV UHVXOWHG LQ D UDQJH from 4420 BCE to 3400 BC, which would have made the site the earliest Bronze Age culture in the world. Bronze making began circa 2000 BC. Bronze objects include bracelets, rings, anklets, wires and rods, spearheads, axes and adzes, hooks, blades, and little bells. A new dating initiative for this site has now been undertaken by Professor Thomas Higham of the AMS dating laboratory at Oxford University. This has involved dating the bones from the people who lived at Ban Chiang and the bones of animals interred with them and the results reveal that the initial settlement of Ban Chiang took place by Neolithic rice farmers in about 1500 BC. Wat Pho Si Nai is about a kilometer away from the Ban Chiang Museum - it is the only original archaeological site in a cluster that has not been built on by the encroachment of the village, and well worth a visit. The site shows how pots were buried with people during funeral rites.

The site made headlines in January 2008 when thousands of artifacts from the Ban Chiang cultural tradition and other prehistoric traditions of Thailand were found to illegally be in several California museums and other locations. The plot involved smuggling the items into the country and then donating them to the museums in order to claim large tax write offs. There were said to be more items in the museums WKDQ DW WKH VLWH LWVHOI 7KLV ZDV EURXJKW WR OLJKW GXULQJ KLJK SURÀOH UDLGV conducted by the police after a National Park Service agent had posed under cover as a private collector. If the US government wins its case, which is likely to take several years of litigation, the artefacts are to be returned to Thailand. How to get there: Ban Chiang is in the North East of Thailand towards the Laos border and the Mekong River. Follow Route 2 from Bangkok – Korat and Udon Thani. Than route 22 in Nong Han district. At Rad Rudi rd. directions will lead you to Ban Chiang. It is recommended to spend the night in Udon Thani where there are several choices of hotels. You may want to consult the Tripadvisor web site for additional lodging and reviews. 9



Sir Paul McCartney and The Beatles Legendary Music Personalities WE ALL REMEMBER THE BEATLES AND PAUL McCARTNEY

The Germans call them PilzkĂśpfe, parents warned their children but they brought us music never to forget. Yesterday – Michel – Twist and & Shout – Hey Jude – Let it be – Lucy in the sky with diamonds And hundreds of of others. The Beatles were an English rock band that formed in Liverpool in 1960. With members John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr, they became widely regarded as WKH JUHDWHVW DQG PRVW LQĂ XHQWLDO DFW RI WKH URFN HUD 2IWHQ incorporating classical elements in innovative ways. In the HDUO\ V WKHLU HQRUPRXV SRSXODULW\ Ă€UVW HPHUJHG DV “Beatle maniaâ€?, but as their song writing grew in sophistication they came to be perceived as an embodiment of the ideals VKDUHG E\ WKH HUD¡V VRFLRFXOWXUDO UHYROXWLRQV

known as the White Album, 1968) and Abbey Road (1969). After their break-up in 1970, they each enjoyed successful musical careers. Lennon was shot and killed in December 1980, and Harrison died of lung cancer in November 2001. McCartney and Starr, the surviving members, remain musically active.

The Beatles records are still the best-selling music artists LQ WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV ZLWK PLOOLRQ FHUWLĂ€HG XQLWV 7KH\ have had more number-one albums on the British charts and sold more singles in the UK than any other act. In 2008, WKH JURXS WRSSHG %LOOERDUG PDJD]LQH¡V OLVW RI WKH DOO WLPH most successful “Hot 100â€? artists; as of 2015, they hold the record for most number-one hits on the Hot 100 chart with The Beatles built their reputation playing clubs in Liverpool and twenty. They have received ten Grammy Awards, an Academy Hamburg over a three-year period from 1960. Manager Brian $ZDUG IRU %HVW 2ULJLQDO 6FRUH DQG Ă€IWHHQ ,YRU 1RYHOOR $ZDUGV Epstein moulded them into a professional act and producer &ROOHFWLYHO\ LQFOXGHG LQ 7LPH PDJD]LQH¡V FRPSLODWLRQ RI WKH George Martin enhanced their musical potential. They gained WZHQWLHWK FHQWXU\¡V PRVW LQĂ XHQWLDO SHRSOH WKH\ DUH WKH SRSXODULW\ LQ WKH 8QLWHG .LQJGRP DIWHU WKHLU Ă€UVW KLW ´/RYH 0H best-selling band in history, with estimated sales of over 600 Doâ€?, in late 1962. They acquired the nickname “the Fab Fourâ€? million records. as Beatlemania grew in Britain over the following year, and by early 1964 they had become international stars, leading Of Presley, Lennon said, “Nothing really affected me until I the “British Invasionâ€? of the United States pop market. From KHDUG (OYLV ,I WKHUH KDGQ¡W EHHQ (OYLV WKHUH ZRXOG QRW KDYH 1965 onwards, the Beatles produced what many consider their been the Beatles! Ă€QHVW PDWHULDO LQFOXGLQJ WKH LQQRYDWLYH DQG ZLGHO\ LQĂ XHQWLDO DOEXPV 5XEEHU 6RXO 5HYROYHU 6JW 3HSSHU¡V In 1965, Queen Elizabeth II appointed Lennon, McCartney, Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967), The Beatles (commonly Harrison and Starr Members of the Order of the British Empire. APPROACH

Feb 2015


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Grand Market Hua Hin


LOVE is in the Air‌ 6R 9DOHQWLQH¡V 'D\ LV LQ OHVV WKDQ WZR ZHHNV DQG D WRXFK RI UHG VH[LQHVV DQG passion are a request in your wardrobe. :KHWKHU \RX¡UH JRLQJ RQ D GDWH JRLQJ RXW ZLWK \RXU JLUOIULHQGV RU KDYLQJ D romantic night with your loved one at home. Take a look of my ideas below; as soon as you read it you will get into Valentines Spirit.

The Sexy Red Dress: The ultimate red dress gives you the perfect sexy and sophisticated look for a night out.

A Bit Floral: *HW D OLWWOH HGJ\ ZLWK Ă RUDOV 7KH JUHDW thing about the print is that you can wear it all year long.

A Little Black Dress with Red Accents: Everyone has a little black dress in their closet, so pull yours out and show your romantic spirit with a dashing of red lip, red nails, or red pumps, have look in the following and just with a piece of ribbon you can customize your shoes with lovely bows for the occasion.

For this DIY, start with any pair of heels in your closet. You can add this on any shoes you already own, creating multiple looks without buying new shoes‌ how great is that? It is so easy; it would wrong to not follow it, So I hope to see many bows in all shapes and colors, at your shoes or ankles strolling around Hua hin the Night of the 14th !!


Feb 2015


Guide to Offer Flowers : Flowers have long been the number one and most common choice from men to offer to their beloved ones during Valentines Day. Nowadays, Do way for a man to JHW \RX Ă RZHUV /DGLHV VWHS DKHDG DQG VXUSULVH KLP E\ RIIHU LW WR KLP 1R PDWWHU ZKDW WKLV \HDU VD\ LW ZLWK Ă RZHUV <RX¡OO KDYH D JRRG FKDQFH RI GHFODULQJ your love and devotion to the woman or man of your dreams. 1RWH IRU \RXUVHOI 3OHDVH GRQ¡W ZDLW 9DOHQWLQH¡V 'D\ WR VXUSULVH \RXU GUHDP GDWH SDUWQHU ZLWK Ă RZHUV 'R LW WKH\ OHDVW H[SHFW LW ,Q DGGLWRQ EH GLIIHUHQW 'RQ¡W NHHS JLYLQJ WKH VDPH Ă RZHUV ² EH XQLTXH Here is the message you are sending based on the color and type of Ă RZHU \RX FKRRVH Roses are the most popular choice for stating your feelings. But depend RQ ZKLFK FRORU \RX ZLOO FKRRVH \RX ZRQ¡W VD\ WKH VDPH WKLQJ Red: They are the universal language of love. It states “I love youâ€? if given to your lady. It also speaks of desire and passion. White: White roses declare your eternal love for the girl of your dreams. They also showing her your respect as an equal. If your love is pure then white roses are a great gift for the woman of your dreams. Yellow: They are associated with jealousy and friendship. Red & White: Given together, these two colors demonstrate unity, togetherness. Pink: Pink roses are the sign of happiness. Carnations are most likely a second choice to roses in WKH FRQWH[W RI ORYH 7KH\ DUH D SRSXODU Ă RZHU IRU ERXTXHWV DQG LGHDOO\ PL[HG ZLWK RWKHU FRORUV DQG Ă RZHUV WR PDNH an attractive and meaningful combination. Red: are given for love passion and courage. Pink: GHQRWH D VKRZ RI FRQĂ€GHQFH DQG WKDQNIXOQHVV White: often chosen in context with purity and spirituality. ,I \RXU ORYH LV SXUH VWURQJ DQG VHFXUH WKHQ WKHVH Ă RZHUV are a good choice. Yellow: Yellow carnations are often given to invoke friendship, joy and happiness. Bird Of Paradise LV D WURSLFDO Ă RZHU RULJLQDWLQJ LQ South Africa. We have come to associate its beauty ZLWK XQLTXHQHVV DQG UDULW\ %\ JLIWLQJ WKLV Ă RZHU WR D woman you celebrate her uniqueness in the world. Orchids are mystical and exquisite. If you want to show her/him just how special she/he is, then give orchids. Being in Thailand you will get the lot of variety to choice.

Lilies DUH D ZRQGHUIXO VWDWHO\ Ă RZHU DQG RIWHQ JLYHQ in reverie. If you want to be a little more sophisticated, then consider giving a lily or a whole bunch of them to your lover. White: declare unconditional love. You mean the world to your partner. Peruvian lilies: They represent devotion and friendship. Orange: they show passion, desire. Yellow: Giving a yellow lily can demonstrate feelings of gay love. 13

By Aurelia Pernel Jhangiani Fashion Designer Feb 2015 APPROACH

Interior Decoration Built in Furniture All room type, Condo, Apartment, Hotel. Custom Made Wood Furniture.

Expert in Teakwood Furniture, Decor Items, Interior Design & Renovation 62/9-13 Petchakasem Rd., Nongkae, Hua Hin Tel: 032 537 244 Nearby the Hua Hin Land Office


Tel: 081-378-2333

2 Hua Hin Stores ARB-IMS 1

2nd Floor In front of Home Pro Market Village


On Phetkasem Road Opposite to the Hua Hin Temple


The Biker Team Sweden Club 51 Bikers

When David Larsson came to Thailand about 20 years ago, he fell in love with the country, it´s culture and people. %HLQJ D ERUQ %LNHU LW ZDVQ¡W XQWLO KH planned to bring some friends with their big bikes down to Thailand. And this was the start of the company Biker Team Sweden that today has engaged in motorcycle tours for 8 years mainly in Thailand. A unique and exciting way to enjoy your vacation with your motorcycle with experiences that will be memories for life Riding along picturesque beaches, through small villages, country side and big cities. On their treks, they stop over at villages to interact with the local population. Especially the children are very much attracted to the big bangers. They do two to three motorcycle trips every year here, but each with a different theme.

The Asia Island Tour when the best islands and the most wonderful beaches in Thailand are visited. There is a deep meaning behind all this.

The Asia Adventure Tour takes you through the whole country on a unique trip of Thailand

Special attention is paid to the needy and the hurt. Visiting local schools, hospitals and orphanages to dedicate and donate to the poor is part of every trip. For a lot of youngsters this is very emotional as the seldom see such big motorbikes in their entire lives. The bikers dedicate precious hours to these youngsters and therewith contribute to some life quality. Once back in Hua Hin serious life commences again in his restaurant Club 51 in Soi 51. Pay them a visit for good food , drinks and even better stories.


Feb 2015


new in town Diagon Alley Hua Hin 43 Music Club & Spa Live Music Restaurant Music School

Room for rent day/month Swimming pool

Internet wireless Karaoke & BBQ

Tel/ Fax 032 512 924 Mobile 086 891 4741 Email Open 8 am. to midnight Thai and International breakfast with coffee and tea Restaurant and live music : start 5.30pm. for enjoy your dinner. International food style. Sauna by Hua Hin Sauna Infrared for health and beauty Music start 7.00 pm. by the soft jazz, relax & enjoy in feel like the lobby bar or you can get feel in the garden with Wine or Beer. Diagon Alley Hua Hin Soi 43 near Wang Klang Wone Palace. Please call : 091-734 - 4343


Swedish and Thai Restaurant 199 baht

199 baht

220 baht

Swedish meatballs

Nacho plate

Sausage stroganoff

We are a family business and operate our restaurant with a lot of love for food. Our passion is to provide our guests a first class dining experience We are located in Soi 51 Hua Hin

New in Town Contact : for a business revenue 17



Beaches in Thailand 7KDLODQG KDV VRPH RI WKH ORYHOLHVW EHDFKHV LQ WKH ZRUOG VR LW LV GLIĂ€FXOW WR SLFN WKH perfect one.. Each beach is connected to a destination with its own distinct personality. Whereas there are two coasts and a large selection of islands, we picked 5 popular tourist destinations across the Gulf and Andaman sea.

1. Patong Phuket – Andaman Sea Pretty and popular 7KH ODUJHVW EHDFK RQ WKH LVODQG RI 3KXNHW LV DOVR WKH FRXQWU\¡V most popular beach. With a wide coastline, soft white sand, warm water and plenty of hotels, restaurants and shopping within walking GLVWDQFH LW¡V LPSRVVLEOH WR JHW ERUHG KHUH 7KH YLEUDQW QLJKWOLIH attracts a partying crowd and the jet skis keep the volume cranked to high during the day, so those looking for peace and quiet might want to head elsewhere. 2. Railey Beach, Krabi – Andaman Sea Quiet and sporty 7KRXJK LW¡V WHFKQLFDOO\ RQ WKH PDLQODQG 5DLOH\ %HDFK LV RQO\ DFFHVVLEOH E\ ERDW DQG KDV D GHVHUW LVODQG IHHOLQJ \RX ZRQ¡W Ă€QG RQ PRVW RI WKH FRXQWU\¡V SRSXODU EHDFK GHVWLQDWLRQV &OHDU EOXH ZDWHUV small islands on the horizon and majestic cliffs surround the small beach, which is generally not crowded except during peak season. $VLGH IURP URFN FOLPELQJ VZLPPLQJ DQG VQRUNHOLQJ WKHUH¡V QRW much else to do here but admire the gorgeous scenery, so bring a book and prepare to relax. Though Railey Beach is still much quieter and less developed than most popular Thai beaches, there is more development there every year, and during high season it can feel crowded. APPROACH

Feb 2015



3. Kata Beach, Phuket – Andaman Sea Relaxed Just a couple of miles away from the hustle and bustle of Patong Beach is this quieter, relaxed beach in Southern Phuket. Kata has everything that makes Phuket so popular – palm trees, warm water and nice scenery, but there are no high rise hotels or shopping malls in sight. During low season, waves at this beach can be intense, making it a great place to GR VRPH VXUĂ€QJ EXW QRW WKH SHUIHFW VSRW IRU WKRVH ZLWK \RXQJ FKLOGUHQ 4. Lamai Beach, Samui – Gulf of Siam The perfect balance 7KRXJK 6DPXL¡V EHDFKHV FDQ EH SDFNHG HVSHFLDOO\ GXULQJ KLJK VHDVRQ this beach strikes the perfect balance for visitors looking for pretty VFHQHU\ JRRG VZLPPLQJ DQG SOHQW\ RI RWKHU WKLQJV WR GR ZKHQ \RX¡UH not in the water. At night, the scores of bars and restaurants turn Lamai Beach into a party scene. 5. Hua Hin Beach, Hua Hin – Gulf of Siam Convenient and family-friendly This beach on the Gulf of Siam is immensely popular for locals and LQWHUQDWLRQDO YLVLWRUV WKDQNV WR WKH Ă DW VWUHWFKHV RI EHDFK SOHQW\ RI things to do and the ease of travel from Bangkok. The beach slopes very JHQWO\ LQWR WKH JXOI VR ZKLOH LW¡V QRW WKH EHVW EHDFK IRU UHDO VZLPPLQJ LW¡V D JUHDW SODFH IRU IDPLOLHV ZLWK VPDOO FKLOGUHQ 7KHUH DUH D QXPEHU of beaches South of Hua Hin which are exceptionally beautifull and practically prestine. 19


cool gadgets The Latest Coolest Gadgets TokyoFlash combines earth and extraterrestrial for the Kisai Space Digits Wood LCD watch Tokyoflash has certainly created a name for themselves in the watch market by PDNLQJ ZDWFKHV ZH¡YH QHYHU VHHQ EHIRUH 7KH\ seem to be constantly reinventing the wheel by telling time in ways we always think are too GLIĂ€FXOW WR UHDG DW Ă€UVW 7KH ZRRGHQ ZULVW VWUDS is surprisingly lightweight, and this comes in two styles with either sandalwood or maple with dark sandalwood lines. here are two modes in which you can view the time on the “always onâ€? display. One is the cryptic mode, in which it will take some time to get used to seeing the slightly altered numbers, and the reveal mode where the numbers are easier to read, though still a bit warped. There is an animation mode that will come on every two seconds, but it can be turned off if you so desire. There are blue, natural, and red LCD screen options with the sandalwood or maple options to choose from at a price point of THB 3,000 ( Amazon)

The New Nintendo 3DS XL proves that little changes make a big difference If you love handheld gaming, then you likely have a 3DS, DSi, or something along those lines. Nintendo is near and dear to RXU KHDUWV DQG LW¡V DOZD\V H[FLWLQJ WR VHH what they have up their sleeves. While their latest and greatest in the realm of hardware is not always the most riveting thing ever, sometimes they surprise us. The New Nintendo 3DS XL took something we love and made it better. While the changes are few, they certainly make an impact. Despite the fact that it is incredibly cheesy to put “newâ€? in the name of your V\VWHP \RX FDQ¡W KHOS EXW EH D OLWWOH H[FLWHG 7KLV ZLOO KDYH IDVWHU load times thanks to an improved CPU, a C stick (camera control), ZL and ZR buttons, and it will let you transfer all sorts of data wirelessly without having to remove your SDHC card. THB 7,000 (Amazon)


Feb 2015


Seated Strider helps you burn calories without standing up Now that all of the festivities are well and truly over with, it is time to take stock of the situation – and by that, I mean checking out the waistline, making sure that it did not grow to a number that is larger than that before the mad holiday season of 2014 kicked in. Still, there are tools of the trade to make sure that one who is disciplined enough will be able to lose some weight – and why not do so while you are busy watching TV or working on a thesis? You would be seated in this manner, and this is where the Seated Strider comes in handy. Approx THB 4,500 (Amazon)

“Phone Chargerâ€? is actually a spy device Now that the world has gotten a whole lot more technologically inclined, it goes without saying that it is a whole lot easier to smuggle in electronics into what looks like an ordinary smartphone or tablet accessory – like a charger, for instance. Underneath all of the phony exterior of what looks like a phone charger, lies the internal components of a spy device. In fact, WKLV VS\ GHYLFH LV IXOO ZHOO FDSDEOH RI Ă€JXULQJ RXW HYHU\ single keystroke that you make via a wireless keyboard Apart from that, whatever data that it picks up will be sent VWUDLJKW WR WKH HDYHVGURSSHU¡V FRQQHFWHG VPDUWSKRQH now how about that? In addition, it will work even when unplugged – thanks to a built-in battery, which means it still has some ways left to go before it runs out of juice LWVHOI WKLV SDUWLFXODU GHYLFH ZRXOG DIIHFW RQO\ VSHFLĂ€F wireless keyboards. Most of them would be Microsoftbranded wireless keyboards, so do pay extra attention if you happen to use one of those in your line of work. Microsoft has noted that the Key sweeper will affect only its 2.4 Ghz keyboards that were released before July 2011 – which means no Bluetooth-enabled keyboards would be affected. Other than that, the Key Sweeper can also detect certain keystrokes (such as “TopSecretWebsite.comâ€?), before picking up your username and password, sending it via SMS to the person who planted the device. Not only that, it can also store keystroke logs on the device itself, and these logs can be accessed later on via hardwired USB, or if you happen to place D VHFRQG .H\ 6ZHHSHU GHYLFH ZLWKLQ UDQJH RI WKH Ă€UVW :KHQ SOXJJHG LQ LW ZLOO EH FKDUJHG WKURXJK WKH RXWOHW LWVHOI PDNLQJ this one of the more fool proof devices out there. Having said that, you might want to be more careful the next time a good Samaritan offers to lend you his or her “phone chargerâ€? ( No price at editorial date )

Schwinn Cycle Nav This handy little device is to your bike what WKH 7RP7RP LV WR \RXU FDU 8VLQJ Ă DVKLQJ lights, the CycleNav directs you home and, if you take a wrong turn, it shouts at you. That should keep your attention.( APPROX THB 3,000)




Festivals in February 2015 Flora Festival 2015

King Mengrai Annual Festival

When: 1 February - 28 February 2015 Where: Royal Park Rajapruek, Chiang Mai

When: Early-February 2015 Where: Provincial Stadium, Chiang Rai The King Mengrai Annual Festival is held on Early-February at the SURYLQFLDO VWDGLXP LQ &KLDQJ 5DL¡V Muang district. It features a variety of products for sale including many local handicrafts. Other entertainment on offer includes beauty contests and various games for everyone to enjoy.

Invitation to Flora Festival 2014 Admire WKH YDULHW\ RI WHPSHUDWH Ă RZHUV 'D]]OHG by the light show at the Royal Pavilion and commemorate exhibition Simulation of the Royal Project Learning Center Fancy vegetable pergola and new organization garden from leading organizations in Thailand Enjoy with Music in the garden and cultural performances from neighboring countries Amuse with various activities in special day 1 December, 2014 to 28 February, 2015. 08:00 a.m. - 08:00 p.m. at the Royal Park Rajapruek, Chiang Mai

Chinese New Year When: 19 February 2015 Where: Throughout Thailand Chinese New Year is celebrated in many parts of Thailand where there are Chinese communities. This festival always takes place on the ÀUVW GD\ RI WKH ÀUVW OXQDU PRQWK VR LW changes every year according to the Western Calendar.

Chiang Mai Flower Festival Trang Underwater Wedding Festival When: 14 February 2015 Where: Kantang, Trang

Trang Underwater Wedding Festival is held on 14 February of each year. Every year hundreds of brides and grooms from many countries come to south Thailand for this unique event, with traditional Thai wedding ceremonies, lavish processions and beach parties, plus an underwater declaration of marriage vows at Koh Kradan. APPROACH

Feb 2015

When: Early-February 2015 Where: Suan Buak Hat Park, Mueang District, Chiang Mai /LYLQJ XS WR WKH QDPH Âś5RVH RI WKH 1RUWK ¡ &KLDQJ 0DL RUJDQLVHV the Chiang Mai Flower Festival to VKRZFDVH LWV EHDXWLIXO Ă RZHUV DQG decorative plants which are in full bloom towards the end of the winter season in early February. Suan Buak Hat Park is transformed into an open-air exhibition centre where \RX FDQ Ă€QG D PDJQLĂ€FHQW WDSHVWU\ RI Ă RUDO VSOHQGRU WKDW EODQNHWV WKH ODQG DJULFXOWXUDO H[KLELWLRQV DQG Ă RUDO displays, contests, and sales. Orchid lovers should not miss the opportunity to see a variety of beautiful orchids grown by locals. The festival also IHDWXUHV Ă RZHU GHFRUDWHG Ă RDWV WKDW SDUDGH DURXQG WKH FLW\ VKRZLQJ WKH YLEUDQW FRORUHG Ă RZHUV DV ZHOO DV GDQFHUV LQ WUDGLWLRQDO FRVWXPHV +LJKOLJKW 7KH Ă RUDO Ă RDWV FRPSHWH WR Ă€QG WKH PRVW EHDXWLIXO DQG FUHDWLYH GLVSOD\ DQG WKH EHVW Ă RDW IRU FXOWXUDO SUHVHUYDWLRQ UHFHLYHV D WURSK\ IURP HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. Other highlights include plant and Ă RZHU VDOHV DV ZHOO DV VHYHUDO NLQGV RI FRPSHWLWLRQV



Dok Siew Blooming Festival

King Narai Festival

When: Mid-February 2015 Where: Phu Chi Fah, Chiang Rai

When: Mid-February 2015 Where: Lopburi

7KLV ZRQGHUIXO Ă RUD H[SRVLWLRQ LV KHOG DQQXDOO\ WR GLVSOD\ WKH FKDUP RI &KRQJNR RU 'RN 6LHZ Ă RZHUV LQ EORRP with fogs which can rarely be seen. Highlights of the event also include a wide range of spectacular art and cultural performances from northern tribe people as well as thrilling sport competitions. Be a part of this amazing event organised by Tourism Authority of Thailand.

The annual festival in Lopburi is named after King Narai, one of the great kings of Ayuthaya, who made Lopburi the second capital of Thailand about 350 years ago. The festival is held in his old palace, Phra Narai Ratchanivet Palace. The local people dress up in old costumes, displaying old crafts like fruit carving and weaving, demonstrating traditional sports with swords and sticks, selling traditional food and snacks and playing FKLOGUHQ¡V JDPHV DQG WKHDWUH $ JRRG ZD\ WR JHW WR NQRZ the traditional ways of Thailand.

International Kite Festival When: February 2015 Where: Sanam Luang, Bangkok

Elephant Satoke Fair When: February 2015 Where: Lampang Elephant Conservation Centre, Lampang

Elephant shows, parades, and a decorating contest for WKH HOHSKDQWV¡ VDWRNH D ODUJH NKDQ WRNH DOO OHDG XS WR a feast of fruits and vegetables for the elephants.

Kite playing competition, Thai and international kites show from more over 10 countries, beautifully decorated, ORXG Ă \ KLJK FUHDWLYH PDUDWKRQ DQG ORFDO :DZ.ZDL kite contest, demonstration of making kite 23



Cassia Fistula Doc Khuen or Raja Phuek by Dr.George F. Grossniklaus

Golden rain tree Family: Fabales - Subfamily: Fabaceae - Tribus: Caesalpiniaideae - Genus: Cassieae - Cassia The Cassia Fistula , also known as Purgier Senna, Senna Fisett or Indian laburnum, is a plant of the genus Cassia. It is used in many different ways.

Vegetative characteristics 7KH &DVVLD ÀVWXOD JURZV DV D WUHH DQG UHDFKHV stature heights of 6 to 15, rarely up to 20 meters. The bark of young trees is smooth and ashencolor, however, the bark of old trees is rough and dark brown. The alternate arranged leaves on the branches have a length of 22.5 cm and 40 cm; they are divided into petiole and twisted feathered leaf blade. The bald, round stalk rachis has a length of 12 to FP RQ KHU WKUHH WR HLJKW SDLUV RI OHDà HWV OLQH XS 7KH OHDWKHU\ OHDà HWV DUH XVXDOO\ LQ D OHQJWK RI 6 to 10 up to 20 cm and a width of 4 to 8 cm, ovate or ovate-oblong. 7KH OHDà HWV DUH LQLWLDOO\ KDLU\ à XII\ RQ ERWK VLGHV later they are bald with a glossy top. The early falling Stipules are delta-shaped and 1 to 2 mm long.


Feb 2015



Inflorescences and flowers

7KH à RZHULQJ SHULRG LV IURP $SULO WR -XQH ,Q SHQGDQW KDQJLQJ XVXDOO\ IURP WR UDUHO\ WR FP ORQJ UDFHPRVH LQà RUHVFHQFHV DUH ORRVHO\ DUUDQJHG PDQ\ JROGHQ \HOORZ à RZHUV 7KH LQà RUHVFHQFH VWHP KDV D OHQJWK RI WR FP 7KH KDLU\ EUDFWV DUH RYDWH with a length of 8 to 10 mm. The almost 3 to 6 cm long, slender peduncle is slightly pubescent to glabrous. 7KH UHODWLYHO\ ODUJH IUDJUDQW KHUPDSKURGLWLF ]\JRPRUSKHQ ÀYH SDUW SHWDOV have a diameter of 3.5 to 4 cm with double perianth. =\JRPRUSK GRUVLYHQWUDOO\ RU PRQR V\PPHWULFDO à RZHUV DUH LQ ERWDQ\ UHIHUUHG to; consisting of two mirrored halves, i.e. they have only one plane of symmetry. 7KH EDVH RI WKH à RZHU 5HFHSWDFXOXP LV FXS VKDSHG 7KH ÀYH IUHH DOPRVW identical, golden yellow petals are truncated to a length of 2.5 to 3.5 cm, broadly RERYDWH NHHOHG EULHà \ DQG FOHDUO\ YHLQHG

Ingredients Along with many other ingredients, especially important are ; polyphenols, Oligomeric SURDQWKRF\DQLGLQV 23& Ă DYRQRLGV

Fruits and seeds

Dissemination 7KH RULJLQDO KRPH RI &DVVLD ÀVWXOD LV ORFDWHG on the Indian subcontinent from western Pakistan, eastward to India, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. It grows up to altitudes of about 1200 meters mainly in seasonal green forests. Today, it is cultivated throughout the tropics as an ornamental and crop plant.


The interior of the fruit (manna) is sweet and sticky. There are also the compartments of the sleeve members visible, with one seed.

The hanging, with a length of 30 to 60 cm and a diameter of 1.5 to 2.5 cm rod-shaped, sometimes referred to as sausage-shaped, bald legume is when ripe, shiny black-brown and transversely divided by paper-like septa (members sleeve) each one seed in each of the WR FRPSDUWPHQWV ,W LV ÀOOHG ZLWK a sweet-tasting pulp (fruit pulp). The à DWWHQHG HOOLSWLFDO VHHGV DUH VKLQ\ EURZQ


Utilization 7KH &DVVLD ÀVWXOD VHUYHV DV RUQDPHQWDO WUHH LQ parks, gardens and avenues. The bark of the &DVVLD ÀVWXOD FRQWDLQV WDQQLQV DQG LV WKHUHIRUH used for tanning and the red dye for dyeing. The wood ash is used for pickling. The very hard and durable wood is used for example for the manufacture of agricultural equipment, bridges and support poles. The pulp of the fruit is used in Bengal for à DYRULQJ WREDFFR The pulp contains 60 to 70 percent sugar, some tannic acid and dye. The fruits are sold worldwide in the dry state. The fruit bowl is woody and relatively hard. If you break the VKHOO \RX ZLOO ÀQG WKH IUXLW SXOS DV EODFN licorice similar, washers. The discs separate the seed compartments from each other. The GLVFV KDYH D ÀQH à RUDO DURPD DQG DUH VXLWDEOH for consumption and very sweet because of the KLJK VXJDU FRQWHQW 7KH IUXLWV RI &DVVLD ÀVWXOD were formerly often called manna. Furthermore, the pulp and the seeds act as a very mild laxative. Warning; the seeds are toxic. 25



Thai Residency HOW TO BECOME A THAI RESIDENT Many foreigners who have lived in Thailand for some time may want to enjoy the benefits of obtaining a permanent residence permit. Foreigners who obtain the permit would enjoy the following EHQHÀWV Permission to Permanently Reside in Thailand Permit holders will be allowed to live permanently in Thailand without obtaining a further visa, work permit. However, foreigners working in Thailand are still required to maintain a work permit but are not required to renew their visa each year as normally would be the case without the permit. Permission to Obtain Local Financing Foreigners in Thailand who would like to purchase a FRQGRPLQLXP XQLW DUH QRW OHJDOO\ DOORZHG WR ÀQDQFH LW ORFDOO\ 100% of the purchase price must be remitted from abroad. 3HUPLW KROGHUV UHVLGHQWV DUH DOORZHG WR ÀQG ORFDO ÀQDQFLQJ WKURXJK EDQNV ÀQDQFH FRPSDQLHV LQ 7KDLODQG Apply for Citizenship Obtaining a permit is a prerequisite for foreigners who wish to apply for Thai citizenship. Foreigners may apply for Thai FLWL]HQVKLS DIWHU KROGLQJ D SHUPLW IRU ÀYH FRQVHFXWLYH \HDUV Children Born in Thailand Acquire Thai Nationality


Feb 2015


When either of the parents of a child born in Thailand is a permanent resident that child automatically obtains Thai nationality at the time of birth. In order to qualify for a resident permit, the applicant must IXOĂ€O WKH IROORZLQJ UHTXLUHPHQWV The foreigner must have held a non-immigrant visa and have resided in Thailand for at least three consecutive years on the same non-immigrant visa at the time of application. Foreigners must qualify under one of five categories determined by the immigration department. The requirements can be found under Procedures and requirements are subject to frequent change. Last but not least, the candidate must speak and understand 7KDL ODQJXDJH Ă XHQWO\ For detailed information, contact : Business & Estate Law 2IĂ€FH ² +XD +LQ /DZ\HU ² 0U .UDLYLW Call & Fax: +66(0) 32 900 408. Email:


RETIRING IN HUA HIN Get addicted to saving if you want to improve your life One key to future prosperity is to hide money from yourself.

´:KHQ \RX UHWLUH LW ZRQW PDWWHU KRZ PXFK \RX¡YH HDUQHG have never actively solicited regular premium business. GXULQJ \RXU ZRUNLQJ OLIH DOO WKDW ZLOO PDWWHU LV KRZ PXFK \RX¡YH Now however that has all changed. The big offshore providers savedâ€? have moved the goalposts and their regular premium business is now the best low charge deal that has ever been offered Let me ask you how many retired people you know who have to offshore clients. no regular savings and just get by on state pensions from their country of origin? One key to future prosperity is to hide money from yourself. $QRWKHU ROG VD\LQJ JRHV ´,I WKH SD\PHQWV GRQ¡W KXUW WKH If they had been forced to make pension contributions while pension willâ€?. Be generous with your monthly contribution. working, then their golden years would not be impoverished $IWHU DOO LWV¡ WR \RXUVHOI ones. /LNH DOO WKLQJV LQ OLIH WKH FKRLFH LV \RXUV 'RQ¡W JHW WR EH D And do you really think the young people who have a chance pensioner in Hua Hin complaining about the hot weather, the to make a difference to their own future will suddenly get falling value of sterling and the cost of Complan. enthusiastic about providing for themselves? WKDLODQGH[SDWĂ€QDMQFH#\DKRR FRP 7KH\ ZLOO PDNH PDQ\ H[FXVHV &DQ¡W DIIRUG ULJKW QRZ ,¡P OHDYLQJ WKH FRXQWU\ QH[W \HDU ,¡OO VHOO P\ EXVLQHVV ZKHQ , REMEMBER UHWLUH ,¡YH MXVW ERXJKW D FRQGR 2YHU WKH \HDUV ,¡YH KHDUG them all. One key to future prosperity is to hide money from yourself. They really fail to see that the only person that can look after the old person that they will one day be is the young person that they are now. Mind you ex-pats had not been helped or encouraged to start regular savings for their retirement by offshore pension providers. The charging structure in many cases had been so high that FKDUJHV KDYH RXWZHLJKHG WKH EHQHĂ€WV RI WD[ IUHH JURZWK In the past when people asked for regular premium products (a rare occurrence) I pointed out the punitive charges but I

By Jerry Mcmenamin 27


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The Earth Atmosphere Composition, Climate & Weather Earth is the only planet in our solar system with an atmosphere that can sustain life as we know it.

Layers of Earth’s Atmosphere

The Earth, the third planet from the sun, LV WKH ÀIWK ODUJHVW SODQHW LQ WKH VRODU system; only the gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are bigger. Earth is the largest of the terrestrial planets of the inner solar system, bigger than Mercury, Venus and Mars. The blanket of gases of the atmosphere not only contains the air that we breathe but also protects us from the blasts of heat and radiation emanating from the sun. It warms the planet by day and cools it at night.

there is also less oxygen to breathe. Composition of air - The gases in (DUWK¡V DWPRVSKHUH LQFOXGH Nitrogen – 78 % - Oxygen – 21 % Argon – 0.93 % and Carbon dioxide – 0.038 % Water vapour and other gases also exist in small amounts.

Atmosphere layers (DUWK¡V DWPRVSKHUH LV GLYLGHG LQWR Ă€YH PDLQ OD\HUV WKH H[RVSKHUH WKH thermosphere, the mesosphere, the stratosphere and the troposphere. The atmosphere thins out in each higher 7KH (DUWK¡V DWPRVSKHUH LV DERXW layer until the gases dissipate in space. miles (480 kilometers) thick, but most of it is within 10 miles (16 km) the surface. The troposphere is the layer closest to Air pressure decreases with altitude. At (DUWK¡V VXUIDFH ,W LV WR PLOHV WR sea level, air pressure is about 14.7 NP WKLFN DQG FRQWDLQV KDOI RI (DUWK¡V pounds per square inch (1 kilogram per atmosphere. Nearly all of the water square centimeter). At 10,000 feet (3 vapour and dust in the atmosphere are km), the air pressure is 10 pounds per in this layer and that is why clouds are square inch (0.7 kg per square cm) and found here. APPROACH

Feb 2015


TECHNICAL SCIENCE Radius, diameter and circumference of our Earth The mean radius of Earth is 3,959 miles (6,371 kilometers). However, Earth is QRW TXLWH D VSKHUH 7KH SODQHW¡V URWDWLRQ FDXVHV LW WR EXOJH DW WKH HTXDWRU (DUWK¡V equatorial diameter is 7,926 miles (12,756 kilometers), but from pole to pole, the diameter is 7,900 miles (12,720 km) — a difference of only 40 miles (64 km). Highest and lowest points on Earth Mount Everest is the highest place on Earth above sea level, at 29,028 feet (8,848 meters), but it is not the highest point on Earth —The lowest point on Earth is the Mariana Trench in the ZHVWHUQ 3DFLĂ€F 2FHDQ ,W UHDFKHV GRZQ about 36,200 feet (11,034 meters) below sea level. The sun is at the heart of the solar system. All of the bodies in the solar system — planets, asteroids, comets, etc. — revolve around it.

The stratosphere is the second layer. It starts above the troposphere and ends about 31 miles (50 km) above ground. Ozone is abundant here and it heats the atmosphere while also absorbing harmful radiation from the sun. The air here is very dry, and it is about a thousand times thinner here than it is at sea level. Because of that, this is where MHW DLUFUDIW DQG ZHDWKHU EDOORRQV à \ The mesosphere starts at 31 miles (50 km) and extends to 53 miles (85 km) high. The top of the mesosphere, called the mesopause, is the coldest part of (DUWK¡V DWPRVSKHUH ZLWK WHPSHUDWXUHV averaging about minus 130 degrees F (minus 90 C). The thermosphere extends from about 56 miles (90 km) to between 310 and 620 miles (500 and 1,000 km). Temperatures can get up to 2,700 degrees F (1,500 C) at this altitude. The thermosphere is FRQVLGHUHG SDUW RI (DUWK¡V DWPRVSKHUH

but air density is so low that most of this layer is what is normally thought of as outer space.

The distance from Earth to the sun is called an astronomical unit, or AU, which is used to measure distances throughout the solar system. The AU has been GHĂ€QHG DV PHWHUV (92,955,807 miles). The distance from the earth to the moon is 384,400 km / 238,900 miles.

The exosphere, the highest layer, is extremely thin and is where the atmosphere merges into outer space. It is composed of very widely dispersed particles of hydrogen and helium. Climate and weather Earth is able to support a wide variety of living beings because of its diverse regional climates, which range from extreme cold at the poles to tropical heat at the Equator. The global climate has cooled and warmed throughout history. Today, we are seeing unusually rapid warming. The VFLHQWLĂ€F FRQVHQVXV LV WKDW JUHHQKRXVH gases, which are increasing because of human activities, are trapping heat in the atmosphere. 31



US & Euro Markets Emerging Markets Send Warning Signals The initial catalyst for the plunge in prices this month is the collapse in the price of oil. Unsurprisingly, energy producers in the emerging world and in the corporate world are under severe pressure. However, the underlying issues have been building for some time. The chief culprit is the strong US Dollar and the lack of new Dollars being supplied into the global system. This combination has been slowly throttling HPHUJLQJ PDUNHW JURZWK DQG PDNLQJ LW LQFUHDVLQJO\ GLIĂ€FXOW for those who have borrowed in US Dollars to service their debt. The oil price collapse is symptomatic of a lack of global demand and has clearly brought into focus the frailties of high cost producers.

purchases government securities or other securities from the market in order to lower interest rates and increase the money supply. Quantitative easing increases the money supply by à RRGLQJ ÀQDQFLDO LQVWLWXWLRQV ZLWK FDSLWDO LQ DQ HIIRUW WR SURPRWH increased lending and liquidity.) was that it enabled US companies to issue record amounts of debt. In some cases, debt was used for investment, such as in the energy sector which accounted for fully 40% of all US corporate investment. In some cases, debt was used to buy back shares, which adds nothing to economic growth. Furthermore, bond issuance will dry up, thereby squeezing corporate investment and share buybacks, ultimately hurting economic growth and taking away massive support for US equity prices.

8QOHVV WKH 86 FRQVLVWHQWO\ JURZV LWV FXUUHQW DFFRXQW GHÀFLW global growth will suffer with emerging markets suffering the In economic terms, an increase in growth and consumer most. incomes would obviously help, and of course many are hoping that the US$1 trillion + wealth transfer from energy The potentially destabilising event that happens next is that producers to consumers and business will help. In the long investors who have lent to the emerging markets want some of term it will help, but in the short term, default risks are rising their money back. This is a simple sentiment and momentum and markets are already seeing sharp price declines. Quite event. For as long as investors were making money in a low simply, the only positive outcome is likely to come from more volatility way, they were happy to keep their EM debt. Now central bank stimulus. that it appears that certain issuers will struggle to repay their loans, and the price of bonds is falling and volatility is rising, investors are beginning to question their investments and ,W LV EHOLHYHG WKDW JOREDO ÀQDQFLDO PDUNHWV DUH H[WUHPHO\ IUDJLOH may want their money back. at the moment, and a further deterioration in sentiment could As noted in previous weekly comments, the structure of the easily lead to further sharp price falls as investors look to market is incredibly fragile, and even small sell orders can reduce risk in increasing illiquid markets. cause relatively large price falls. Courtesy of S. Richardson – RMG Management Another obvious outcome of QE (Quantative Easing - An unconventional monetary policy in which a central bank APPROACH

Feb 2015



Germany boasts balanced budget

Germany announced that it had balanced its budget for the ÀUVW WLPH VLQFH DQG SUHVVHG HXUR ]RQH SDUWQHUV WR IROORZ its austere example rather than try to stimulate their stagnant economies with borrowing or central bank money-printing.

They question the need for monetary stimulus at a time when falling oil prices are bringing an economic boost, and argue that buying government bonds raises legal and moral hazards, and could bring future losses for German taxpayers.

Berlin had been aiming to achieve the so-called “schwarze 1XOOÂľ ]HUR GHĂ€FLW LQ EXW VWURQJ WD[ UHYHQXHV DQG ORZHU debt service costs due to rock-bottom interest rates helped it PHHW WKH JRDO D \HDU HDUO\ LQ WKH Ă€QDQFH PLQLVWU\ VDLG

The mood of self-congratulation in Berlin over the balanced EXGJHW PDGH DQ\ HDVLQJ RI Ă€VFDO SROLF\ VHHP XQOLNHO\ HYHQ though the German economy is expected to slow this year. &'8 GHSXW\ SDUOLDPHQWDU\ Ă RRU OHDGHU 0LFKDHO )XFKV WROG Handelsblatt that Germany still had huge a debt pile to clear &KDQFHOORU $QJHOD 0HUNHO¡V JRYHUQPHQW KDV UHEXIIHG FDOOV currently at around 75 percent of GDP, and needed to keep from EU partners led by France and Italy and international saving as a duty to future generations. organisations such as the IMF and the OECD to spend some RI WKH Ă€VFDO ZLQGIDOO RQ JURZWK SURPRWLQJ SXEOLF LQYHVWPHQW CDU general secretary Peter Tauber said the “historic successâ€? sent a clear signal to the rest of Europe that Berlin was leading The announcement came nine days before the European by example and spending only money in its coffers. “This Central Bank may decide to launch large-scale purchases PDUNV D WXUQLQJ SRLQW LQ Ă€QDQFLDO SROLF\ :H¡YH Ă€QDOO\ SXW DQ of euro zone government bonds in an effort to boost growth end to living beyond our means on credit,â€? he said. DQG DYHUW GHĂ DWLRQ LQ WKH QDWLRQ FXUUHQF\ DUHD While more spending could boost domestic demand and +HDGOLQH LQĂ DWLRQ IHOO EHORZ ]HUR LQ 'HFHPEHU DQG FRUH imports from the rest of Europe, Schulz said it was unlikely LQĂ DWLRQ H[FOXGLQJ HQHUJ\ DQG IRRG ZDV VWXFN DW SHUFHQW WR EH DW OHYHOV WKDW FRXOG VLJQLĂ€FDQWO\ DIIHFW HXUR ]RQH JURZWK IDU EHORZ WKH EDQN¡V WDUJHW RI MXVW EHORZ SHUFHQW 3HUVLVWHQW ORZ LQĂ DWLRQ PDNHV LW KDUGHU IRU KLJKO\ LQGHEWHG JRYHUQPHQWV Courtesy of Reuters London DQG KRXVHKROGV WR UHGXFH WKH EXUGHQ*HUPDQ\¡V LQĂ XHQWLDO %XQGHVEDQN DQG FRQVHUYDWLYH Ă€QDQFLDO HVWDEOLVKPHQW RSSRVH so-called quantitative easing (QE) - creating money to buy securities and stimulate the economy. 33



Pamper your skin in the season of Love It seems like love is in the air through all of February. Most people take advantage of this season of love to express care for their loved ones. Since loving yourself is the best way to learn how to love others, our body and our skin deserve a special spot on our love lists to give special care to this season. In this issue I would like to share some good skin pampering tips; WUDGLWLRQDO VNLQ FDUH IURP WKH RXWVLGH OD\HU WR LQVLGH RXW EHDXWLĂ€FDWLRQ IRU DOO RI \RX

Cleanser is the first step to indulge your skin When we think about pampering our skin, we always think of putting fancy over counter products or using advanced beauty technology. However thoroughly FOHDQVLQJ \RXU VNLQ LV WKH Ă€UVW GRRU WR SURYLGH JRRG care for your skin. I think my Approach readers might have their own favorite cleansers since there are different individual needs for all skin types and skin conditions. Make sure that your cleanser gets rid of all make-up and embedded impurities but does not upset your facial oil balance. Anyhow for the special occasion of love, I like treating myself with a step beyond my regular washing routine with “Clarisonic; Facial Sonic Cleansingâ€? Other traditional cleansing ways might not be able to clean your skin as deep as this sonic technology. You can apply your favorite cleanser for an extra clean on Clarisonic and the soft brush spins in circles to gently remove dirt and dead skin cells. The beginning of beautiful skin has started so I am pretty sure that my love one will be pleased by my healthy and perfect complexion.

Emergency care‌..Skin essential oil/ Skin serum There are many natural essential oils in the market today, and they serve for different purposes. Without a doubt good essential oils or serums provide great emergency care for our skin DV ZHOO EHFDXVH RI LW¡V OLJKW DQG IDVW DEVRUELQJ DFWLRQ (OLPLQDWLQJ WKH Ă XLG LV WKH EHDXW\ RI serum so the rest of it is a high concentration of active ingredients in the products ´.LHKO¡V Midnight Recovery Concentrateâ€? is currently one of the most effective face serums on the PDUNHW DQG Ă€OOHG WR WKH EULP ZLWK JRRG IRU your-skin ingredients. Active natural ingredients are Omega-6 fatty acids, Squalane, and other essential oils including Evening Primrose Oil. I was worried that this oil serum might cause a breakout since I have combination skin. However, DIWHU XVLQJ LW IRU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH P\ VNLQ EHFDPH smoother and eventually started glowing each morning. A little kick of its lavender smell is heavenly and perfectly calms me before night time. I have done the research that you could even make it yourself as it has quite a lot of simple essential oils in it, but going to the store to just grab and go is perfect for me. APPROACH

Feb 2015



Keep your skin moisturized is where your skin pampering starts! Because the concentration of active ingredients in essential oil or serum is costly, using it for a certain skin crisis time might be more cost effective. Applying day and night cream or lotion is still the all time skin pampering star. Personally., I love the Estee Lauder product lines, I used to be addicted to “Estee Lauder Idealist even skintone LOOXPLQDWRUÂľ ZKHQ , KDQGOHG ZLWK DIWHU EUHDNRXW P\ LVVXH ,W¡V YHU\ well with reducing uneven skintone, spots and discolorations. Now my moisturizing routine is “Estee Lauder Advanced MultiProtextion Anti-Oxidant Lotion SPF 15â€? after using acne PHGLFDWLRQ DQG LQ P\ ODWH V , FDQ IHHO WKH Ă€UVW VLJQV RI GU\QHVV Elastin level and collagen in the skin starts to break down. I set up moisturizing lotion next to my toothbrush since then. This SURGXFW FRQWDLQV HIIHFWLYH DQWL R[LGDQW LQJUHGLHQWV DQG LW¡V OLJKW weight also comes with a must have broad spectrum sunscreen SPF15. This baby is all I need in one bottle.

Skin detoxification $GGLQJ D VSHFLDO QHZ EHDXW\ UHJLPH LV P\ 9DOHQWLQH¡V 'D\ resolution this year. Our body and skin have been subjected to harmful habits such as smoking, sleep deprivation, stress, poor diet, alcohol, pollution or even constipation are all our skins worst enemies. Cleaning your body from the inside out is the best way to detoxify and rejuvenate your skin. Detoxifying your skin starts with consuming antioxidant-rich foods like fruits and vegetables and taking skin supplements regularly. “Blackmores Radiance Marine Q10â€? is one of the great skin supplements out there. It combines all good skin nutrients and high-quality ingredients such DV PDULQH Ă€VK SURWHLQ H[WUDFW FRHQ]\PH 4 KHUEDO extracts and natural vitamin E, and zinc. I compared this product with others in the market. Blackmores is one of the most complete ones and the price is very reasonable. , W¡V QHYHU WRR HDUO\ RU WRR ODWH WR VWDUW WDNLQJ FKDUJH RI \RXU VNLQ WRGD\ ,Q WKH VHDVRQ RI ORYH ´9DOHQWLQH¡V 'D\Âľ , HQFRXUDJH P\ UHDGHUV GR QRW IRUJHW WR IDOO LQ ORYH ZLWK \RXUVHOI Ă€UVW WKLV \HDU 'RQ¡W EH VK\ WR VKRZ RII \RXU ZHOO GHVHUYHG SDPSHULQJ WR \RXU VNLQ and body by thoroughly cleansing your skin, using skin serum for fast action, applying moisturizer on a daily basis and detoxifying your skin from time to time. Now I want to KHDU \RXU 9DOHQWLQH¡V SDPSHULQJ VWRULHV IURP \RX JX\V DW $SSUDRFKQDWFKD#JPDLO FRP

By Natcha Boonkrong 35


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Pickup Trucks Rule in Thailand When you are in Bangkok, you may observe that small cars and motorcycles are the primary means of transportation on the crowded streets. Once you get out of town this impression changes quickly. Beyond the city limits, pickup trucks are all over the place.

It is expected to reach 2.2 million units this year, according to The Thai Automobile Industry Assn. About half the vehicles made in Thailand are exported. This leaves approximately 1 million trucks in Thailand.

The president of General Motors Thailand, Martin Apfel says : “One-ton pickups rule the world here,” Thailand, a nation of 66 million people is second only to the U.S. in pickup sales. On a per-capita basis, Thailand is No.1 Thais go more for midsize pickups, compared with Americans who tend to prefer full-size models.

Slowly but surely, old utilitarian trucks are giving way to stylish extended-cab versions with rear seating. GM builds 4 door and 2-door extended-cab and singlecab Colorados at its plant in Rayong province southeast of Bangkok. Nearby, Ford and market-leader Toyota produce their midsize pickups, the Ranger and Hilux, respectively. Other made-in-Thailand pickup truck nameplates are Mitsubishi, Isuzu and Nissan.

Double-cab and 1-ton midsize pickups account for 60% of 7KDLODQG·V WRWDO YHKLFOH SURGXFWLRQ

Here are some of the top 2 wheel drive models with Specs / Price :

Chevrolet – Colorado - 2 Door Extended Cabin Duramax Diesel Engine – 2.8 l. / 163 HP. Starting at THB 621,000 Colorado – 4 Door C-Cab – Starting at THB 865,000

Nissan NP 300 Navara King Cab - 2 Door Diesel Engine – 2.8 l. / 163 HP Starting at THB 575,000 NP 300 Double Cab – Starting at THB 656,000


Feb 2015



Ford – Open Cab - 2 Door Diesel Engine – 2.2 l. / 150 HP Starting at THB 654,000 Ranger Double Cab – Starting at THB 764,000

Mitsubishi Double Cab Plus Diesel Engine – 2,4 l. / 181 HP Starting at THB 791,000 No 2 Door version available

Toyota Hilux Vigo Smart Cab Diesel Engine – 2.5 l. / 144 HP Starting at THB 592,000 Vigo Double Cab – Starting at THB 687,000

Isuzu D-Max Space Cab Diesel Engine – 2.5 l. / 163 HP Starting at THB 577,000 D-Max Cab 4 Door – Starting at THB 655,000

Mazda BT Pro 2 Freestyle Cab Diesel Engine 2.2 l. / 125 HP Starting at THB 605,000 BT –Pro Double Cab – Starting at THB 645,000

Inside picture of the Mazda BT-50 Pro Double Cab. A Mazda BT-50 Pro Double Cab 4x4 Automatic with ABS and Leather Seats costs THB 992,000 A comparable Toyota Hilux Vigo 4x4 starts at THB 842,000

4 Wheel drive versions are available on all models at steeper prices and usually have upgraded specs such as ABS, Leather seats, automatic transmission and Navigation systems. Add another THB 300,000 to the price

Fortunately, unless you are a farmer, you hardly need a 4 x 4 Drive on your truck. 39



The Avocado AVOCADO HEALTH BENEFITS The Avocado is native to Central - South America and Asia Avocados are very low in sugar, making them one of the safest fruits to eat. But there is actually more to avocados than their low-fructose properties. Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fat. Removing unhealthy grain carbs from your diet is one of the best ways to support your health and manage your weight. When eliminating these carbs, you must increase the intake of healthy fats. Avocados, along with coconut oil, organic raw butter, and raw nuts like almonds, walnuts and pecans, are one of the most exceptional sources of healthy fats. Aside from providing healthy fats, avocados give you about 20 essential nutrients, such as potassium, which helps balance your vitally important potassium to sodium ratio. Avocados also contain : Vitamin K: 26% of the RDA. - Folate: 20% of the RDA. Vitamin C: 17% of the RDA. - Potassium: 14% of the RDA. - Vitamin B5: 14% of the RDA. Vitamin B6: 13% of the RDA. - Vitamin E: 10% of the RDA and small amounts of Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Phosphorous, Vitamin A, B1 7KLDPLQH % 5LERĂ DYLQ DQG % 1LDFLQ

Feb 2015

$W WKH HQG RI WKH GD\ DYRFDGRV DUH DQ DZHVRPH IRRG 7KH\¡UH loaded with nutrients, many of which are lacking in the modern diet. They are weight loss friendly, heart healthy and‌ last but not least, taste incredible. What more could you ask for in a food? 7KH RLO H[WUDFWHG IURP LWV Ă HVK DYRFDGR RLO DOVR KDV PDQ\ cosmetic uses. $YRFDGR 2LO 6NLQ %HQHĂ€WV In addition to providing the skin with moisture, the antioxidants found in avocado oil -- particularly vitamins A and E -- can help soothe sunburned skin. Avocado oil also contains sterolins, which are natural steroids. They may be effective in boosting collagen production and in treating age spots.

Heart disease is the most common cause of death in the world. It is known that several blood markers are linked to an increased risk. This includes cholesterol, triglycerides,


LQĂ DPPDWRU\ PDUNHUV EORRG SUHVVXUH DQG YDULRXV RWKHUV Studies have shown that avocados can reduce blood triglycerides by up to 20%.levels, lower LDL cholesterol by up to 22% and Increase HDL (the “goodâ€?) cholesterol by up to 11%.


With its high level of vitamin E, avocado oil may reduce itching DQG LQĂ DPPDWLRQ RI WKH VNLQ DQG LV DOVR EHQHĂ€FLDO LQ VRIWHQLQJ rough and cracked skin.

Saga Tailor offers the the largest supply of high quality fabrics, ranging from the best Egyptian cotton to authentic Thai Silk.

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Slowing Down the Aging Process CAN WE REVERSE THE AGING PROCESS ? No matter whether you are 35 feeling 40 or reaching 60 feeling 70. This is all reversible.

Without the proper nutrients and exercise, your body will age about 6 months EXTRA for every year that passes after you reach 40 years of age! Over the age of 35 you lose enough muscle every year to burn off an additional 4 pounds of body fat. You also gain more fat every year, even if your calories stay the same.

thinkers who crave a challenge. A challenge is what keeps you YOUNG, and the best challenge there is happens to be taking control of your health and body. Diets : Low fat diets and eating habits has been the craze for decades and look around you. The ever increasing obesity , fat kids and babies are proof that we are more addicted to sugar and carbs than ever ! Your body needs dietary fat and cholesterol in order to produce vital hormones. 7HVWRVWHURQH WKH œVWUHQJWK¡ KRUPRQH IRU H[DPSOH LV WKH GLUHFW result of cholesterol and dietary fat intake. Fats should not scare you ! They do not make you fat; rather, they help your body regenerate your power hormones. This of course does not mean that you should now go and crave for fat food.

Water : D YLWDO OLIH HVVHQWLDO LVQ¡W MXVW ´JRRG IRU \RXÂľ Âł ZDWHU burns fat. Water suppresses hunger. Water renews your skin. Just drinking 12 ounces of pure water every day can take a IHZ \HDUV RII \RXU IDFH LQ D PDWWHU RI ZHHNV <RX¡OO DOVR GURS fat, have more energy, and save your kidneys and liver from As your brain is your one and only command central, there chronic overwork. Water avoid dehydration which in our part DUH VSHFLĂ€F ZD\V WR PRYH HDW DQG WKLQN ZKLFK LQĂ XHQFHV of the world is a vital health issue. When your kidneys are your brain to stop this rapid aging process. given too little water, your liver has to take over. Your liver is your number one fat-burning organ. ,I \RX¡UH DURXQG WKRVH ZKR DUH FRQVWDQWO\ WDONLQJ DERXW growing old, all their aches and pains, and how life is just Drink at least 2.0 litres of water every day and within a few down hill after 40, avoid them. Surround yourself with positive weeks, the change to your face and body will be noticeable. This all happens at the cost of your shape, your appearance and your strength. This is all reversible !


Feb 2015


HEALTH & WELLNESS Exercise : Quit your crazy long cardio workouts! – Cardiovascular conditioning can be achieved in far less time and with less effort than those long gym classes and hours on the treadmill. In fact, running on the treadmill and other long bouts of cardio work outs can actually accelerate the aging process by increasing free radicals in your body and there are far smarter ways to exercise. Long workouts age you faster than the super short protocols. Exercise produces an excess of what is called free radicals. In small quantities your body can get rid of these radicals but in larger quantities they are out of control and the aging process will start faster. Working out / Exercise : The best bodies are forged from very short and SAFE workouts. Workouts that are hard work, mind you, but work ANYONE can do at ANY age are the most EHQHĂ€FLDO RQHV Body care : First thing every morning, massage organic sesame oil from the health-food store all over your body. Working it in wakes you up and really gets your blood circulating. The oil hydrates the skin, giving it a healthy glow. In the shower—the oil naturally cleans away dead skin cells. Fish Oil : $QWL LQĂ DPPDWRULHV DUH WKH EHVW DQWL DJHUV )URP improving heart and immune functions to helping hair grow and skin look supple, they truly do wonders. 500 milligram FDSVXOHV RI RPHJD Ă€VK RLO PROHFXODUO\ GLVWLOOHG IRU SXULW\ ¡ which means pesticide-free) in the morning and at night will do small wonders.

Make Up : Stop using foundation every day, because it settles into wrinkles and makes them more noticeable. White Sugar: The number-one ingredient to avoid is processed sugar. The reason: It speeds up the aging process by binding to and eventually weakening the collagen in your skin, which can lead to premature wrinkles and sagging. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits every day—Steer clear of Twinkies at all costs! Massage away stress : Moving blocked energy makes you IHHO \RXQJHU IURP WKH LQVLGH RXW (VSHFLDOO\ ORYH UHà H[RORJ\ and deep-tissue massage are good for you. Fruit: Snack on anything with malic acid—like strawberries, apples, and grapes—which act as a natural tooth cleanser and help break down stains. As there are multiple formulas to reduce aging the last recommendation is to avoid stress, worry and confrontation with anger and annoyment. 45







The Sailing Club Hua Hin Sailing has long been a sport of Royalty. The Duke of Edinburgh was a very keen sailor, but no Monarch has been more closely associated with sailing than His Majesty the King of Thailand. Not only is the King an accomplished sailor, having won Gold at the 1967 SEAP Games, he has also designed and built his own boat which he sailed from Hua Hin to Sattahip. So it is surprising that there are no sails to be seen off the coast of the Royal City of Hua Hin. At least not until now. On January 10th 2015 Rear Admiral Sunanthr Mntatuphlin of the Yacht Racing Association of Thailand cut the ribbon to formally open the Sailing Club Hua Hin. Situated in a beautiful location next to the Regent Cha Am Hotel, halfway between Hua Hin and Cha Am, the club has a beautiful raised deck with a stylish bar and restaurant affording superb views over the Gulf of Thailand and all the on water activity in front of the Club. Inside the futuristic boathouse the club boasts 11 brand new Optimist dinghies and 5 Olympic &ODVV /DVHU ;'路V IUHVK RXW RI WKH ER[ IURP WKH 8. ,Q DGGLWLRQ the Club has a 4.80m 40hp security boat to ensure safety at sea.


Feb 2015



The Director of Sailing, Richard Vine, tells us that sailing has been in his blood ever since he ran away from his accountancy studies to teach sailing at Club Med. Sailing, he says, teaches us so many disciplines; respect for the elements, understanding of vectors, responsibility for commanding your own vessel, learning to accept victory and defeat with equanimity and above all great camaraderie. It is his ambition that students from Hua Hin and Cha Am will soon be taking their place on the podium at the annual Hua Hin Regatta, displacing those sailors from Pattaya and Sattahip. When the Regatta comes to town every sailor competing comes from the other side of the Gulf. This will no longer be the case. His son 5REHUW FRPSHWHG IRU WKH ÀUVW WLPH ODVW $SULO DQG GLG YHU\ ZHOO LQ KLV ÀUVW UHJDWWD The aim of the Sailing Club is primarily to teach both young and old the art of sailing. It is a members club with annual fees of 15,000 Baht for the whole family, and then members can rent the boats for small additional fees of 350 Baht for a half day in an Optimist or 600 Baht for a Laser. As an introduction the club is offering \RXQJ VDLORUV D ZKROH GD\·V LQVWUXFWLRQ LQFOXGLQJ OXQFK IRU %DKW 'URS \RXU kid off with us at 9am and pick him up again at 5pm and we guarantee that he will be hooked for life. Says Richard, we are hoping that the local schools will become involved offering VDLOLQJ DV DQ ([WUDFXUULFXODU $FWLYLW\ 2I FRXUVH LI \RX·UH MXVW KHUH RQ KROLGD\ DQG \RX ZDQW D GD\·V LQVWUXFWLRQ \RX FDQ FRPH DORQJ DQG JHW D SULYDWH OHVVRQ IRU 1000 Baht/hour. We are very privileged to have as our Chief Instructor BaiFearn Meeyousamsen who is the number two Laser Radial sailor in Thailand. This charismatic pink haired lady has the kids following her like the Pied Piper. 7KH &OXE·V EDU DQG UHVWDXUDQW LV RSHQ IRU OXQFK XQWLO SP HYHU\ GD\ H[FHSW 0RQGD\ It is already a popular venue because of its trendy look and very affordable prices. Hua Hin is in need of more activities to encourage youngsters to discard their iPads and the Sailing Club Hua Hin looks as though it is stepping right into that gap. 49



+XD +LQ¡V Ă€UVW 6DLOLQJ &OXE was IRXQGHG LQ -DQXDU\ ,W¡V D IDPLO\ club where everyone can learn to sail IURP ² \HDUV %XW LW¡V DERXW PXFK PRUH WKDQ MXVW VDLOLQJ ,W¡V D JUHDW SODFH on the beach with cool shade, trendy bar and a laid back atmosphere where all the family can enjoy the facilities shooting the breeze with their fellow club members.

Black Mountain set to host Thailand Classic Richest Asian Tour and European Tour event in the Kingdom to be staged for three years at Black Mountain Black Mountain Golf Club in Hua Hin will play host to the inaugural Thailand Classic IURP )HEUXDU\ QH[W \HDU ZKHUH LW ZLOO EHFRPH WKH Ă€UVW HYHQW FR VDQFWLRQHG between The Asian Tour and European Tour to be permanently based in Thailand. 7KH WRXUQDPHQW ZKLFK PDUNV WKH (XURSHDQ 7RXU¡V UHWXUQ WR 7KDLODQG DIWHU DQ eight year absence, will be the richest in the Kingdom, with a prize fund of US$2 million dollars.

Chinese New Year in Thailand

9DOHQWLQH¡V 'D\ (YHQWV LQ +XD +LQ Each year on February 14th, many people exchange cards, candy, gifts RU à RZHUV ZLWK WKHLU VSHFLDO ´9DOHQWLQH¾ 7KH GD\ RI URPDQFH ZH FDOO 9DOHQWLQH¡V Day is named after the Christian martyr Saint Valentines and dates back to the 5th century! If you are planning a special night out LQ +XD +LQ GXULQJ 9DOHQWLQH¡V 'D\ \RX have picked a great place! Many Hua Hin, resorts, restaurants, hotels and businesses make special events, dinners, holiday packages and romantic evenings for you to enjoy, with the one you love! To help you choose, we will be posting WKH EHVW ZD\ WR VSHQG 9DOHQWLQH¡V 'D\ with the one you love, while in Hua Hin! valentines-day-events-in-hua-hin/

18 February 2015 (Wednesday) The holiday is celebrated all over Thailand, especially in those areas with large populations RI &KLQHVH ,W¡V LPSRUWDQW WR QRWH WKDW ZKLOH there may be large celebrations on the day, WKH /XQDU 1HZ <HDU LV QRW DQ RIĂ€FLDO QDWLRQDO KROLGD\ *RYHUQPHQW RIĂ€FHV DQG VHUYLFHV remain open. Some businesses may close for the day but as with every other holiday in Thailand, most shops will remain open for business as usual. Plearn Wan is a great family and tourist attration in Hua Hin which will be holding a live concert for all ages.

:KDW LV WKH PHDQLQJ RI œ3OHDUQZDQ¡" Plearnwan is derived from a combination of WKH (QJOLVK ZRUGV œ3OD\ DQG /HDUQ¡ WRJHWKHU ZLWK D 7KDL ZRUG œ:DQ¡ WKDW PHDQV \HVWHUGD\ We gave it this name because we wanted Plearnwan to be a place where everyone can play out the lifestyle of earlier times, and in playing can learn some of the history, ritual, culture, and arts of living of that period Plearnwan is a place for playing and learning the past in order to bring it to life for new generations.Featured Atrist is Ya Ya Ying with special guests Date: February 15th, 2015

Red Cross Hua Hin 58 The Red Cross Music festival is annual event in Hua Hin and is held at the 19 Rai or Queen Sirikit Park. It will be held from February 27th until March 8th and it features different musicians for each GD\ RI WKH HYHQW ,W¡V D JUHDW WLPH RXW IRU HYHU\ RQH of all ages and you can enjoy all types of food and entertainment! APPROACH

Feb 2015

The Hua Hin Flora Fest is held at the Sam Phan Nam Floating Market, just off of Soi # 112 on Soi Thung Yao. Come RXW DQG VHH WKH PDQ\ JUHDW Ă RZHUV GR some shopping, sightseeing and enjoy the many things to do at the Hua Hin Sam Phan Nam Floating Market. The event will run until February 25th It starts from 9:00 am until 7:00 pm 50

ENTERTAINMENT 9DOHQWLQH¡V 3DFNDJH $PDUL +XD +LQ 6KDUH 9DOHQWLQH¡V 'D\ ZLWK D ORYHG RQH at Amari Hua Hin *XHVWV DUH LQYLWHG WR VKDUH 9DOHQWLQH¡V Day, which is all about expressing love, with someone special. A special 9DOHQWLQH¡V SDFNDJH WKDW LQFOXGHV D romantic dinner, a 50% discount at Breeze Spa, late check-out and many other great extras will ensure a lifetime Go-Kart Hua Hin of shared memories for couples. Go-Karting in Hua Hin is an exciting and safe Available from: way to have fun! 01 Feb 2015 - 28 Feb 2015 At high speeds the track is a challenge for even Room type: Deluxe King WKH PRVW H[SHULHQFHG JR .DUWHU¡V /RQJ VWUDLJKWV Minimum stay: 2 Nights sweeping right handers, hairpins and a chicane, Extra nights: 10% discount on extra night(s) keep the very best drivers entertained. Breakfast: Included At lower speeds the track is fun, safe and exciting Also available with: for all the family. So if you fancy an adrenalin ‡ 'HOX[H 7ZLQ pumping alternative to lying on the beach, come ‡ 'HOX[H +LOOVLGH 9LHZ .LQJ and see us and discover what go-karting is all ‡ 'HOX[H +LOOVLGH 9LHZ 7ZLQ about. Located on Hua Hin Soi # 6 ‡ 'HOX[H 3RRO 9LHZ .LQJ ‡ 'HOX[H 2FHDQ )DFLQJ .LQJ ‡ 2QH %HGURRP 6XLWH 3RRO 9LHZ ‡ 2QH %HGURRP 6XLWH 2FHDQ )DFLQJ From THB 5,350 Per night Total Price THB 10,700 *Prices are exclusive of taxes and service charges Description 9DOHQWLQH¡V 'D\ LV DOO DERXW H[SUHVVLQJ \RXU ORYH IRU VRPHRQH *LYH \RXU SDUWQHU \RXU XQGLYLGHG DWWHQWLRQ DQG JR WKH H[WUD PLOH WR SURYH WKHUH¡V QR RQH \RX¡G UDWKHU VKDUH WKLV GD\ ZLWK $ VSHFLDO 9DOHQWLQH¡V SDFNDJH including a romantic dinner, 50% discount at Breeze Spa, late check-out and many other great extras will ensure that you share lifetime memories Hua Hin Safari & Adventure Park together. Book now! Hua Hin Safari & Adventure Park is one of a kind for adventure, traveling and nature treks. Package includes: 7KLV JLYHV D IXQ Ă€OOHG YDULHW\ HQWHUWDLQPHQW DQG Complimentary Buffet Breakfast Daily: A delicious buffet breakfast at Mosaic makes for the perfect start to your activities for you and your family such as Elephant Shows, Polo Riding, Horse Carriage rides, Tigers day. and so much more. 50% Spa Discount: 1RW RQO\ ZLOO \RX HQMR\ WKH VFHQLF YLHZV LW¡V DQ Complete your stay with a visit to our luxury Breeze Spa where you will adventure and thrill as well! enjoy a 50% discount on any treatment. (Discount cannot be applied to We are one of the oldest families in Hua Hin, Pick Me Up treatments and Salon Services). running Hua Hin safari and adventure park . We leave no stone unturned in order to give your Complimentary Late Check-out Until 15:00: Keep your room for longer and with a guaranteed late check-out until family a truly enjoyable time and wonderful memories to take back home. We have elephant 15:00 on your day of departure. trekking , horse rides, horse carriage rides, paint Afternoon Tea: ball, ATV, Relax for Afternoon Tea Set with an imported premium TWG tea at Coral Lounge one time per stay. Champagne with Cold Cuts and Chees: &KDPSDJQH ZLWK D Ă€QH VHOHFWLRQ RI FROG FXWV DQG FKHHVH SODWWHU RQH WLPH per stay for 2 persons. Romantic Dinner with 2 glasses of sparkling wine: Treat your taste buds to an exotic get away with this dinner for two. All served in an elegant ambiance and created using only the best and freshest LQJUHGLHQWV VRXUFHG IURP DURXQG 7KDLODQG <RX¡OO EH WUHDWHG WR D GHOLFLRXV dinner, together with 2 glasses of sparkling wine. ( One time per stay) 51



Sponsoring Kids Education A New Year Resolution: Invest in Children in 2015 Child sponsorship is truly a life-changing investment and an opportunity to provide help for today and hope for tomorrow.

Christmas has already come and gone, and now many of There are several reasons to sponsor a child in 2015: us have begun making our resolutions and goals for 2015. 1. Child sponsorship enables us to provide basic 5HĂ HFWLQJ EDFN RQ WKH &KULVWPDV VHDVRQ ZH PXVW FRQWLQXH necessities for children in need. to remember the value of a child. For those living in poverty, every day can be a challenge just to secure the most basic of necessities. Children lack access to durable clothing, basic medical care, clean water, and nutritious food. More often than not, these children wake up hungry and go to sleep having only eaten one meal that day . . . some may even go several days without eating a single meal.

From Guatemala to India, Africa to the Philippines and GHĂ€QLWHO\ LQ 7KDLODQG FKLOGUHQ DUH LQ QHHG What if this year, in 2015, each of us chose to invest in a life by sponsoring a child? Together, we could impact many young lives, investing in future generations of leaders.

For these children, malnutrition is a serious threat. While ZH OLYH LQ D FLW\ ZLWK LPPHGLDWH DFFHVV WR OLIH¡V PRVW EDVLF necessities, children within our vicinity are suffering from hunger, malnutrition and preventable diseases. Through sponsorship, you can help provide these basic resources to boys and girls in dire need. 2. Child sponsorship provides opportunities for education and sustainability. Children are born into a cycle of generational poverty every day. Time and time again we see that children can become trapped in this cycle of poverty, and tragically, education is WKH Ă€UVW UHVRXUFH WR EH HOLPLQDWHG <HW WKLV LV WKH YHU\ WRRO they need to pursue a career and build a future that will allow them to succeed and support their families. APPROACH

Feb 2015


KIDS & EDUCATION Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.â€? – Nelson Mandela By investing in sponsorship, you can provide an education to a child who never before dreamed of having the opportunity. Education opens the door for these children to break the cycle of poverty and dream of a brighter future they never thought possible. They each have the potential to accomplish great things . . . and through sponsorship, we can unlock that potential. &KLOG VSRQVRUVKLS QRW RQO\ FKDQJHV D FKLOG¡V OLIH it changes your own life. By sponsoring a child, we have the opportunity to turn our thoughts from inward to outward . . . from our own needs to the needs of others. By changing our mindset, we can be part of WKH VROXWLRQ WKH ZRUOG VR GHVSHUDWHO\ QHHGV 7RGD\¡V FKLOGUHQ are our future leaders. There are special boys and girls that need to realize their worth and potential. We are privileged to play a small role by investing in their lives and helping to provide opportunities they may not have had otherwise.

:LOO \RX PDNH LW \RXU 1HZ <HDU¡V UHVROXWLRQ WR LQYHVW LQ DQ LPSRYHULVKHG FKLOG¡V OLIH SURYLGLQJ WKHP ZLWK WKH UHVRXUFHV DQG VXSSRUW WKH\ GHVSHUDWHO\ QHHG" Your sponsorship will give these children access to basic necessities, a quality education, and the opportunity to be cared for by our loving international partners. This generosity and love is literally transforming the lives these children. It is an investment that can change the world . . . one child at a time.

Sponsor a Child Today Bright Dawn Charity Foundation: Web: Email: Rotary Club of Royal Hua Hin: Web: Email: Skäl International Hua Hin & Cha Am: Web:







by Zara Adcock

How To Train Your Dragon 2 (PG) 2014 Based on the books by Cressida Cowell (who co-wrote the script with the director, Dean DeBlois), How To Train Your Dragon 2 FRQWLQXHV ZKHUH WKH Ă€UVW RQH OHIW RII Ă€YH \HDUV ODWHU 3HDFH UXOHV WKURXJKRXW WKH ODQG DQG Hiccup’s father wants him to become Chief of the Vikings, but Hiccup isn’t ready. He is off searching for VRPHWKLQJ KH FDQ¡W QDPH ZKHQ LQVWHDG KH Ă€QGV D ZKROH lot more: a safe haven for dragons where a mysterious warrior lives. $GYHQWXURXV DQG IXQQ\ WKH VHFRQG Ă€OP LPEXHV D JUHDWHU sense of maturity in its themes. It is worth noting that one supporting character is killed in battle, the dragons are treated cruelly by a cruel man, and whilst Hiccup and his villagers respect their dragon friends, they do not hold the same regard for their sheep.

Books: A Living History by Martyn Lyons

Thames and Hudson, 2012, Hardback, Bookommended Price: 1285 Baht This beautifully designed book collects the history of the preservation of the written word throughout the world between two covers. In Books:A Living History, readers will learn everything about the written word from ancient and medieval civilisations; the creation of papyrus, parchment and paper; to the revolutionary invention of the codex; the evolution of printing throughout the ages; forbidden and famous books; how literacy spread beyond the palaces and monasteries to WKH SHRSOH WKH DUULYDO RI WKH SXEOLVKHU WKH ÀJKW IRU FRS\ULJKW and the recent digitalisation and blockbusters of the present day. Author, Martyn Lyons, is an Australian professor who has previously written two other published works on the history of reading and writing, though neither quite as ambitious as Books: A Living History, which most certainly accomplishes its goal. Rarely sentimental, Lyons has written a clear and concise book that will not only add reason for book lovers and bibliophiles to celebrate the book and remember its many triumphs, but will make hearts pang over the darker periods of its past.


This book is a fascinating wealth of knowledge, and I personally would be surprised if any other book comes as close to achieving what this one has. Books: A Living History is a mustread for anyone in love with books. Feb 2015 60

6WLOO WKLV ÀOP LV D JRRG IDPLO\ DQLPDWLRQ WKDW FRPELQHV Vikings with dragon mythology into a sweet and rigorous tale, suitable for ages 8 and up.


ANAGRAMS Rearrange all of the letters in these words to create a different word. Example: lemon = melon 1. Slave = _ _ _ _ _ & _ _ _ _ _ 2. Fire = _ _ _ _ 3. Keep = _ _ _ _ 4. Waste = _ _ _ _ _ 5. Speech = _ _ _ _ _

JOKES Knock, knock. Who’s there? Owls say. Owls say who? Yep. * ACROSS 1. Talk about something (7) 8. Go on as you were before (8) 9. Zodiac star sign (3) 11. Not real (7) 15. Legal document representing property ownership (4) 16. In a line (3) 18. High temperature (3) 20. Eternity (7) 22. Test (4) 24. Tool for locking and unlocking (3) )LQDQFH D SURMHFW IRU JUHDWHU SURÀW

26. Trick (4) 28. Feeling puzzled (8) 32. Optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions (6) 34. Exist (2) 35. Man’s name (6) 37. Number (4) 38. Rain and snow mixed (5) 39. Cosy (4) 40. Piece of cloth worn by babies when eating (3)


Feb 2015 2 15 20

DOWN 2. Unwell (3) )DUPHG ÀHOG

4. Wise person (4) 5. Unite (4) 6. Feathered creature (4) 7. Retailer (6) 10. Honest (5) 12. Woman’s name (4) 13. Label (3) 14. Pair of performers (3) 17. Curds and _ _ _ _ (4) 19. Animal (2) 20. Form hair into tight curls (5) 21. Long narrow view (5) 23. Place of worship (6) 27. Do one’s best (6) 29.Trainee who works to gain experience (6) 30. Type of snake (5) 31. Quiet spell (4) 32. Green plant that grows on rocks and bark (4) 33. Present (4) 34. Type of vehicle (3) 35. Embrace (3) 36. To insert a new and synchronised VRXQGWUDFN WR D ÀOP 62

What do you call it when a pig hits you? A pork chop. * What happens when you cross a shark with a cow? I don’t know but I wouldn’t milk it. Jokes courtesy of Ben Adcock

Puzzle Fun! page 20 by Zara Adcock Copyright © 2015 Zara Adcock

The Giant Bookworm Part Ten $ȷɰʙLɈ The Story So Far: Thanks to Sal (the last giant, Amelia’s employer and friend), Amelia has escaped Reckwood Orphanage yet again. She is safe and sound in Sal’s home but the elation has faded, as Amelia remembers how Sal wasn’t the only one who helped her to freedom...


e were victorious. I had escaped Reckwood and made a fool out of Madame Cole. Sal was so happy to have me back I almost cried. Hours later when he finally let me go to bed, my thoughts slipped back to the orphanage and what had happened when my sobs had subsided, before Sal came to the rescue… *** 3 Hours Earlier

“It’s been a very dull week without you.” Orthella whispered. I sat up quickly, not bothering to hide the surprise in my voice as I hissed, “What do you mean?” Orthella propped herself up on her elbows. “You make things interesting. You’re not what anyone expects you to be. You’re just…Amelia. I’ve always admired that about you, how you manage to block out everyone else’s thoughts and just be yourself,” My pupils must have dilated until they filled up my eyeballs whilst I tried to find her eyes in the dark. Orthella was right, I did block everyone’s thoughts out, but in doing so, I had blocked everyone out too. Orthella admired me? When I found her honey brown eyes I saw Orthella, just as she was, for the first time. I judged everyone without ever really seeing them, I realised, it took a giant to snap me out of my miserable bubble. “So,” said Orthella, oblivious to my remorse. “Are you going to go back or what?” “Go,” I said, and in that second, I actually believed I could escape Reckwood without Sal’s help. “Do you want to come with me?” I blurted. It wasn’t a question I thought about first, but I didn’t regret it either. “Sal wouldn’t mind, Orthella,” I added. I didn’t know if that was true, but I was sure I could convince him to let her stay. “Maybe,” She dithered. “I’m…not sure. Call me Ella please. I hate my full name,” “Okay Ella. Just think about it, alright…” Silence hung between us as we thought. “I would like to come,” Ella said suddenly. “I just don’t think I can.” Why? I wondered but I never got the chance to ask, because right at that moment, the ground shook and the building vibrated with the rumbling crash of footsteps only one person I knew could create. Sal had come for me. And in that same instant, Ella got to her feet, threw me out of the bed, and caused a distraction so that I could run. *** 3 Hours Later I rolled over in bed, pulled the sheet around me tighter and uselessly tried to push the memory of Ella’s kindness aside so that I could get to sleep. But it was like a stray once you start feeding it – it kept coming back to me. It kept finding its way into my heart.

To Be Continued…

By Zara Adcock

Copyright © 2015 Zara Adcock



ANAGRAM ANSWERS Slave = Valse & Salve Fire = Rife Keep = Peek Waste = Sweat Speech = Cheeps

Puzzle Fun! Answers page 20 by Zara Adcock Copyright © 2015 Zara Adcock APPROACH

Feb 2015


Artist Village

Jazz (Baan Silapin)


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Artist Village

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Directory Important Telephone numbers in Hua Hin & Where to go Police Police Emergency Hua Hin Local Police Station Hua Hin Tourist Police – Speak English Ambulance ( Private Enterprise) Fire Brigade Tourist Authority of Thailand Tourist Information ( English Spoken) Information (English Spoken ) Hospitals Bangkok Hospital San Paolo Hospital Hua Hin Hospital Petcharat Hospital - Petchaburi Pediatric Clinic - Dr. Sumet Alternative Medicine –at the San Paolo Hospital Hua Hin Red Cross Transportation & Trains Railway station – Trains to BKK and South Bus station of Hua Hin – VIP bus to Suvannabhumi Airport ( Single trip THB 305) Hua Hin airport - Flights to BKK and Chiang Mai

191 032 533 440-1 032 515 995 032 532 576 199

032 511 351 032 611 491 032 602 019 032 616 800 032 520 402 032 520 401. 032 417 070-8. 032 533 404. 032 520 343 032 512 567.

032 512 770, 032 511 073 032 511 654, 032 512 543, 032 511 230 032 520 343

Local Authorities Department of Land Hua Hin office Local Government (Hua Hin) Hua Hin local water supply The Power Board of Hua Hin Red Cross Wild life Rescue Center

032 536 164, 032 512 407 032 521 340, 032 532 471 032 511 677 032 512 215, 032 513 165 032 512 567 032 458 135

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Feb 2015


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