INTRACOM TELECOM’S 5TH GENERATION POINT-TOMULTIPOINT RADIOS FOR USA’S RDOF GIGABIT TIER SERVICE Athens, Greece - 13 July 2020 - Intracom Telecom, a global telecommunication systems and solutions vendor, employs its advanced 5th generation Point-to-Multipoint (PtMP) radio family, the WIBAS™ G5, that operates in TDD and FDD area licensed microwave spectrum, to contribute to FCC’s goal in bridging the digital divide in rural and sub-urban areas in USA. Intracom Telecom’s ability to fulfill the need for high quality broadband FWA and its successful track record in implementing FWA networks across the globe constitute the perfect combination in helping operators and ISPs to claim compliance up to the Gigabit Tier of the Rural Digital Opportunity Funding (RDOF).
The WIBAS™ G5, is operating at the frequency bands 24.25-29.5 GHz and achieving throughput that exceeds 550 Mbps per subscriber with channels of 100 MHz width. With the use of 2x100 MHz channels each subscriber shall be served with Gigabit Tier throughput, and 500 Mbps in the uplink. Intracom Telecom’s WiBAS™ PtMP technology has become the preferred alternative to fiber and copper access solutions in Europe, Southeast Asia, Middle East and Africa. The company’s recent and successful FWA network deployments are with leading operators and ISPs in Italy, Spain, Indonesia, and South Arica.
CONTACT DETAILS INTRACOM TELECOM A: 19.7 km Markopoulou Ave., Peania, GR 19002 T: +30 210 66 71 000 F: +30 210 66 71 820 E: W: