Arabian Horse Magazine n.3/2016

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DEAR FELLOW ARABIAN HORSE ENTHUSIASTS, Over the last four years, Arabian Horse Magazine has expanded its coverage in the international arena to promote a deeper understanding among breeders and horsemen around the globe. The extraordinary people, great shows and stunning horses that our team has met so far led us to promise that we would find a way to repay your confidence and provide more for you! Through the Aachen issue 2016 we want to stick with that oath. This issue has been published in coincidence with the ‘All Nations Cup’ which will be held at the end of September 2016. As you will note, it has a major focus on the Italian Show Season though it has not neglected to inform you about what’s going around in the U.S., Europe and in the Middle East. This issue too includes a plethora of amazing and diverse articles. Whilst other similar magazines might be reluctant to such a commitment, we embrace it as a means to give back to the entire breeding community and, surely, to all our supporters and general readership. We firmly believe our contribution carries with it an unprecedented opportunity of ‘superior’ knowledge within the breeding industry and it does so through intelligent essays and crafty interviews with breeders, handlers, judges and many other prominent figures of the Arabian horse community, also in order to testify that our magazine is not confined to pages of promotion and advertisements. So, we warmly invite you to endorse the novelty and farsightedness of our project and get thrilled with us as we are now building a brand-new International Arabian Horse generation step by step, issue after issue… A more knowledgeable and specialized generation in the field which alone can guarantee the achievement of outstanding results in years to come. Our final edition in this year 2016 will be presented in Paris in November on the occasion of the World Arabian Horse Championship. We hope to meet most of you there and have the chance to share ideas and relevant information closely. Your support and encouragement are simply amazing!

CARI APPASSIONATI DEL CAVALLO ARABO, Negli ultimi quattro anni, Arabian Horse Magazine ha ampliato la sua copertura a livello internazionale al fine di promuovere una conoscenza sempre più profonda tra gli allevatori e i cavalieri di tutto il mondo. Le persone straordinarie, i grandi spettacoli e i cavalli mozzafiato che il nostro Team ha incontrato sino ad ora ci hanno indotto a promettere che avremmo trovato un modo per ripagarvi tutti e mostrarvi la nostra gratitudine! Con l’edizione di Aachen 2016 vogliamo mantenere questa promessa. Questa edizione è stata pubblicata in coincidenza con la ‘All Nations Cup’, che si terrà alla fine di settembre 2016. Come si può notare, essa ha un ‘focus’ particolare sulla stagione degli show italiani anche se non ha assolutamente trascurato di informarvi su tutto ciò che sta succedendo in giro negli Stati Uniti, in Europa e nel Medio Oriente. Anche questo numero comprende una pletora di articoli sorprendenti. Mentre altre riviste simili potrebbero essere riluttanti a mantenere un impegno di tale portata, noi lo abbracciamo come un mezzo per omaggiare tutta la comunità allevatoriale e, sicuramente, tutti i nostri sostenitori e lettori in generale. Crediamo fermamente che il nostro contributo porti con sé l’opportunità senza precedenti di una ‘superiore’ conoscenza all’interno del settore allevatoriale e lo fa attraverso saggi intelligenti e interviste rivolte specificamente agli allevatori, agli handlers, ai giudici e alle tante altre figure di spicco della comunità del cavallo arabo, anche al fine di testimoniare che la nostra rivista non si limita soltanto a pagine di promozione e pubblicità. Quindi, invitiamo caldamente tutti voi a condividere la novità e la lungimiranza del nostro progetto e ad entusiasmarvi con noi poiché, in tal modo, stiamo costruendo insieme un nuova generazione internazionale del Cavallo Arabo passo dopo passo, numero dopo numero ...Una generazione più informata ed erudita in materia allevatoriale che può, essa soltanto, garantire il raggiungimento di risultati eccellenti anche negli anni a venire. La nostra ultima edizione per quest’anno 2016 sarà presentata a Parigi nel mese di novembre, in occasione del campionato mondiale del cavallo arabo. Speriamo di avere la possibilità di incontrare lì la maggior parte di voi e avere la possibilità di condividere idee e informazioni rilevanti da vicino. Il vostro sostegno e incoraggiamento sono semplicemente incredibili!

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N°3/2016 Editor/Publisher/Art Director

Gianluca Martino

Publisher/Public relations

Noemie Zeller

Photographer/Graphic Designer

Gregor Aymar Journalists

Sonja Smaldone Samantha Mattocks Graphic Designers

Nazario Bizzoco Official Photographer

Joelle Müller Translations

Sonja Smaldone Account

Gianluca Martino Noemie Zeller Debora Martino Lina Bamonte Print

Background Media - Salerno CGM Industria litografica Adv/Redaction

Arabian Vibe mobile: +39 335 8262907

N. 406/016 - N. 1844/16 Direttore Responsabile: Oreste Mottola Iscritto al Registro della Stampa Periodica presso il Tribunale di Salerno il 15/12/2003 al numero 1158 Testata giornalistica in attesa di autorizzazione. Edito da: vibe arabians via irno 175, - 84133 Salerno iscritta al tribunale di salerno in data 18/02/2016 -

Arabian Horse Magazine non risponde della veridicità e dei contenuti dei testi pubblicitari. N°3 - 2016 | 18

Al Shaqab ........................................................................................................................................................................ 001 Al Bidayer Stud .................................................................................................................................................. 024 Dubai Arabian Horse Stud .................................................................................................... 033 Fontanella Magic Arabians Team ........................................................................ 045 Al Saqran Stud...................................................................................................................................................... 061 Shiraz De Lafon .................................................................................................................................................. 070 Al Shiraa Arabians ..................................................................................................................................... 085 Enzo ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 098 Privilege .............................................................................................................................................................................. 118 Milan Show ................................................................................................................................................................... 128 Riding Couples.................................................................................................................................................... 154 Arabian Show Style ................................................................................................................................ 165 Wadee Al Shaqab ....................................................................................................................................... 180 Manerbio Show................................................................................................................................................. 190 Alma Al Tiglio ........................................................................................................................................................ 208 Nazeer ................................................................................................................................................................................. 216 Muhajjal .............................................................................................................................................................................. 238 Calipso OS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 248 Pietrasanta Show .......................................................................................................................................... 264 Al Qahira ........................................................................................................................................................................ 284 Menton Show ...................................................................................................................................................... 290 Roccalumera Show ................................................................................................................................ 312 ETHA .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 328 Montefalco Show ....................................................................................................................................... 334 Vichy Show.................................................................................................................................................................... 362 Oman ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 380


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Come to Experience the Power of our Dream

Quality will never Be out of Fashion... Quality is the way to be remembered...

Soc. Agr. Arabian Inspiration S.r.l. LocalitĂ Case Sparse, 60 - 52044 Centoia - Cortona (AR) ITALY Giacomo Capacci - Phone +39 (0) 5751787099 -

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Come visit us, Make your Dream come True.

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Words by Samantha Mattocks Photo by Gregor Aymar - Nawal - Javan


onna Molta Bella! Has there ever been a more beautiful name? A champion on three continents, Donna Molta Bella is a very showy and captivating four-year-old mare and very much at the heart of Al Saqran Stud, located between Kuwait and UAE. This delightful young mare offers much promise for the future of the stud. This lovely mare is sired by the late DA Valentino, a son of Versace (Fame VF x Precious as Gold). DA Valentino’s impact on the Arabian horse industry in his short, but successful, life can never be underestimated and while his sons are much admired, it is his daughters that are so sought after, and Donna Molta Bella is no exception. DA Valentino’s dam was DA Love (ex Magnifficaa FA by Echo Magnifficoo), a mare that combines the Polish and Jamaal bloodlines with that of her sire, the great Padrons Psyche (Padron x Kilika). The Versace, Padron and Jamaal bloodlines all aligned to produce DA Valentino, a highly pre-potent stallion and one that is much missed.

Before we can look to Donna Molta Bella’s damline, we need to look to the story behind this mare’s conception. Trainer Andrew Sellman wanted to raise some money for St Jude Children’s Research Hospital over Christmas 2010, having heard their annual radio campaign. He asked Claire Larson whether she would donate an embryo from her brilliant mare, RD Fabreanna, at the Scottsdale ArabHorse New Year Farm Tours and she readily agreed. The embryo sold to breeders Dan and Maureen Grossman for $43,000, all of which went to the charity, and they bred RD Fabreanna to their stallion, DA Valentino. RD Fabreanna is a maternal daughter of Magic Dream CAHR (Ali Jamaal x The Dreamspinner), being out of GF Simply Magic (ex GF Providence by Errosotle). Her sire is the superstar producing stallion, Falcon BHF, a son of Bey Shah (Bay El Bey x Star of Ofir) as well as a maternal grandson, being out of Bey Serenade SF (Bey Shah x Brandie Alexandra). As all breeders know, just because the pedigree is in place, this does not necessarily mean that the

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resulting horse will be special enough to take on the world. For Dan and Maureen, they realised as soon as their filly foal arrived in 2012, they had a very special charge indeed. Her early promise was soon realised and as a yearling, Donna Molta Bella swept all before her, taking a unanimous Yearling Filly Championship title at Region 14. She would then go on to take the 2013 US National Champion Yearling Filly and US National Champion Junior Filly titles. Donna Molta Bella’s stellar year, however, came in her two-year-old year, as she was named Champion Two-year-old Filly at the Arabian Breeders’ World Cup in Las Vegas, and also World Cup Gold Supreme Junior Female Champion. She would then take the US National Champion Junior Filly and US National Champion Filly titles, before heading to the stage of the Paris World Championships. There, she would again take the top title, being named World

Champion Filly on her European debut. Quite the feat! Now under the ownership of Al Saqran Stud, Donna Molta Bella spent her three-year old year growing and resting, and 2016 has seen her return to the show-ring, this time in the Middle East. As she prepares to take the challenge of the Dubai International Arabian Horse Show, she has already been named Gold Champion Mare at this year’s Abu Dhabi International Arabian Horse Championships. The story of Donna Molta Bella has only just begun and with her whole future ahead of her, we can all enjoy seeing this beautiful bay mare dance around the show-rings across Europe and the Middle East. With Al Saqran Stud also being home to some impressive stallions, we can also expect to see great things in the breeding barn, too, from this lovely mare. Donna Molta Bella – your future awaits you.

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2013 - Region 14 Unanimous Champion Yearling Filly 2014 - US National Champion Junior Filly 2014 - Supreme Champion Filly Arabian Breeders World Cup, Las Vegas 2014 - World Champion Junior Filly, Paris 2016 - Gold Champion Mare Int. Arabian Horse Championship, Abu Dhabi 2016 - Unanimous Gold Champion Mare at International Arabian Horse Festival Sharjah UAE 2016 - Gold Champion Mare at Dubai International Arabian Horse Championship UAE

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Photo by Carmin , Gregor Aymar

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Words by Samantha Mattocks


adem Arabians, owned Guy and Christine Jamar, is the largest pure Polish Arabian stud in Belgium. Located near Balen, near Antwerp, the stud, run by Christine, is home to around 60 horses, with an average of 25 foals born each spring. With the mare lines very much being based on the Polish bloodlines, Christine is always looking for superb young stallions to bring in to complement her mares. In 2014, this astute judge and breeder found not just a potential stallion to breed her mares to; she believed in him enough to purchase him and add to the very select group of stallions that have called Jadem Arabians ‘home’. The colt in question is Shiraz de Lafon, bred by Mas de Lafon in France. For Christine to buy such a young horse truly underlines her belief in him, and his first foals are showing that her confidence in him was well placed. Shiraz de Lafon was foaled in 2013 and he is sired by the brilliant Shanghai EA, a multiple champion who has earned titles at the All Nations’ Cup, Aachen, the European Championships, the Paris World Championships, and the Dubai International Arabian Horse Championships among others. Shanghai EA is

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RANIA JK (ex Rayyana K by Borsolino K out of MFA Exoticaa)

GALLIANO J (ex Glamour Girl J by QR Marc out of Georgia)

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sired by the ‘champion m a k e r ’ WH Justice (Magnum Psyche x Vona SherRenea by El SherMann) and thus Shiraz de Lafon c o m e s from one of the most coveted sire lines in modern breeding, going back to the great Padrons P s y c h e (Padron x Kilika by Tamerlan), a stallion who at 28 years of age is still very current. Shanghai EA’s dam is the lovely Khidar (Ansata Sinan x Elizja by Esta-Ghalil) daughter, Salymah EA (Libanon Azadika by Om El Azadik out of Warandes Shaklana). Thus, Shanghai EA’s dam brings in Egyptian and El Shaklan (Shaker El Masri x Estopa by Tabal) bloodlines to complement the Crabbet/Russian/ El Shaklan found in the damline. The influence of Khidar on Shiraz de Lafon is reinforced through his dam, Diacira de Lafon, who is a daughter of Khidar. Her dam in turn brings in the Russian lines that Christine loves so much, as she is out of the Ponomarev (Salon x Palitra by Salon) daughter, Devitsa (ex Evitah by Plakat out of Novostj), who is double Aswan (Nazeer x Yoseria by Sheikh El Arab), a stallion who was Egypt’s gift to Russia, reinforcing Shiraz de Lafon’s Egyptian heritage even further. With such wonderful bloodlines, there is little wonder that Christine chose Shiraz de Lafon to be the perfect

outcross for her deeply Polish broodmares. However, having purchased him as a three-month-old colt, Christine also made the decision to show him and at the 2014 European Championships in Lier, Shiraz de Lafon took home the Most Beautiful Head Trophy as well as a Top Five Champion Colt title. He was also named as a Gold Champion at the 2014 West Coast Cup Gold Champion Colt and Bronze Champion Colt title to his name at the Ströhen Show, the International Days for Arabian Horses. As a two-year-old, Shiraz de Lafon won Gold at the Emerald Trophy in Brecht, and this year, he has taken the Silver Junior Male Championship at Al Khalediah European Arabian Horse Festival 2016 in Poland.

More to the point, Shiraz de Lafon is now proving himself as a sire, and he had his first foals this year for Christine, one in partnership with Murilo Kammer, the filly Rania JK (ex Rayyana K by Borsolino K out of MFA Exoticaa). For Jadem Arabians, Shiraz de Lafon has produced one filly and three colts, including Galliano J (ex Glamour Girl J by QR Marc out of Georgia), who took Bronze Champion Foal at the Emerald Trophy. There is no doubt that this vibrant young stallion with his exotic face, smooth body and elegant paces will be a star of the future. He will not only benefit the mares of Jadem Arabians, but those enough lucky enough to use him. His pedigree is superb, and the sons of Shanghai EA are extraordinary. Shiraz de Lafon – the name for the future.

JADEM ARABIANS BVBA Guy & Christine Jamar-Demeersseman Berkensingel 24, 2490 Balen - Belgium Tel: 0032 (0) - Fax: 0032 (0)

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Words by Samantha Mattocks Photos by Kelly


nzo the Amazing. Enzo the Brilliant. Enzo the Extraordinary. All of those superlatives and more could apply to the incomparable Enzo, a much-loved stallion who remained owned by his breeders, Dr Philip Del Pozzo and Brent Stone, for his entire life. The fact that such an amazing horse remained with the same owners is incredible, and reinforces the deep love and belief that Philip and Brent had in ‘Big Red’, their vibrant chestnut stallion, Enzo. Enzo’s story began two decades ago, back in early 1998. For many years, Philip and Brent had long had an affinity with the Arabian horse, and they based their breeding programme on Polish bloodlines. “I always had an ideal in my head, of what I wanted to breed,” Philip told me. “My ideal was a horse with extreme type, classical beauty, wonderful physical characteristics and, of course, a unique, captivating personality. That was what I had in mind when I chose to breed our mare, RD Bey Shahmpane, to the great Padrons Psyche. I firmly believed in this cross and we were excited to do the breeding in 1998.” Before I continue the story of Enzo, it is time to look to his pedigree. His

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dam, the beautiful grey mare RD Bey Shahmpane, was very much at the heart of the stud. She was sired by the great US-bred stallion, Bey Shah, a son of Bay El Bey by Bey-Abi (Errabi x Angyl by Raseyn), Sheila Varian’s first US National Champion – and unanimously so back in 1962. Bey Shah was out of the lovely Star of Ofir, a daughter of the famed Polish stallion Bask (ex Llana by Gazi out of Zaryn).


Bask, in turn, was sired by the legendary Witraz (Ofir x Makata by Fetysz), who will forever be known throughout history for being the horse that survived the Allied bombings of Dresden in the Second World War before returning to his home, Janów Podlaski. Bey Shah is repeated on RD Bey Shahmpane’s damline, as her dam, Bey Shahdar, is sired by him. Bey Shahdar’s dam is the Comet paternal granddaughter, Bold Darling (Dar x Bold Nizba by Lewisfield Bold Hawk), thus infusing the Polish bloodlines even


further. Bold Darling goes back to the historic Crabbet bloodlines, something that would bode well for the resulting foal. Enzo’s sire was the great Padrons Psyche, a stallion that remains a living legend at 28 years of age. A superlative sire and show winner, he was by the famed Padron (Patron x Odessa by Bright

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Wings) and out of Kilika (Tamerlan x Kilifa by Kilimandscharo). Padrons Psyche brings in the bloodlines of Crabbet, Russian and Polish, with a flamboyant dash of Egyptian, and it was little wonder that Philip and Brent had such faith in the cross of this great stallion with their predominantly Polish mare. It was Wednesday 13 January 1999 that Bey Shahmpane lay down to produce what would be a life-changing foal for Philip and Brent. “I was there when she foaled,” explains Brent. “The moment the colt arrived, it was immediately obvious that this cross had produced something very special indeed. So I quickly rang Philip to let him know that an incredible foal had been born. I think he knew by the excitement in my voice that we had achieved Philip’s long-held ideal of an Arabian horse!” Philip was in San Francisco working at the time when he got the call. “I caught the earliest flight out to Los Angeles to see Shahmpane’s colt,” Philip tells me. “I opened the door and she moved aside to reveal a chestnut colt with bright, white socks and a face like I had never seen before,” he recalls. “The foal was like a seahorse – his face was extreme and his long, fine neck came straight up out of his shoulders. His legs were the longest I had ever seen on a foal. Brent had been right when he said that this foal was incredible, and we both knew that he was very, very special indeed. My vision when breeding Psyche and Shahmpane together had been realised. I could not believe it.” As luck would have it, Philip spoke to his brother, James, who worked for Ferrari at Beverly Hills and mentioned that he needed a unique yet powerful name for this very special colt. “James suggested

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the name ‘Enzo’ after the founder of the sport cars,” Philip tells me. “It was perfect!” Such was Philip and Brent’s belief in their young colt that when they were at the US Nationals, 10 months later, they watched trainer and friend Greg Gallún win the US National Champion

Colt title. After Greg left the ring, the business partners found him and said that they had the next US National Champion Colt at home. “Greg gave us a smile and came to our farm with a trailer in tow,” Brent recalls. “He just one look at Enzo, deciding immediately that he was a star, and loaded Enzo that very moment and off they went! The rest, as they say, is history. But what a rich and wonderful history it is! Enzo was just 10 months of age when Greg picked him up that day to take him to Gallún Farms in the glorious Santa Ynez Valley, California. Enzo would stay there until 2014 when he left for Michael Byatt Arabians in New Ulm, Texas. True to Philip and Brent’s promise, Enzo was named the 2000 US National Champion Yearling Colt. Earlier that year, at Enzo’s first show-ring appearance, he was named Scottsdale Yearling Champion Colt and unanimous Region One Champion Colt. Those first titles firmly marked his path to greatness. Two years later, Enzo was named US National Reserve Champion Futurity Colt as well as unanimous Cal Bred Champion Futurity Colt. In 2003, just as Enzo’s first foals were debuting in the show-ring, the now fouryear-old stallion returned to centre stage taking the unanimous Scottsdale Champion Stallion title followed by the US Reserve National Champion Junior Stallion title. Every time Enzo went into the show-ring, his legion of fans grew and once his first foals hit the ground, breeders sat up and took even more notice of this big

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chestnut stallion with the amazing ears, expressive eye, powerful movement and a ton of charisma. Enzo’s first foals were born in 2002 and it was immediately apparent to all around that he would also be a superb sire. “His progeny all had this unmistakable look,” says Philip. “There was no doubt who the sire was! But it was more than just a ‘look’ that Enzo passed on to his progeny – he also gave

Eden C


them an incredible, showy, confident, charismatic personality. From the moment that Enzo’s first foals arrived, his name was on everyone’s lips as a stallion that must be bred to. I am grateful that so many believed in him the same way that Brent and I did – and over the years, the results have been phenomenal.” The year 2005 remains a significant in the history

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of Enzo. In the show-ring, Enzo took the US National Champion Stallion, his fourth National Championship honour. Meanwhile, in the breeding barn, Enzo sired his most famous son, and most successful to date, Eden C. Out of Silken Sable (Genesis C x Touch O Mink by AN Marretto), Eden C is a hugely popular and charismatic stallion and his many titles include US National Champion Yearling Colt, Scottsdale Champion Stallion, Arabian Breeders’ World Cup Champion Stallion, All Nations’ Cup Champion Stallion, and a double Gold Champion Stallion at the Prince Abdulaziz International Arabian Horse Festival in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Other Enzo progeny of note include Hermez E (ex Natalia K by El Nabila B out of Kanduchka K), a 2007 stallion bred by Philip and Brent and now owned by Cavallino Arabians in Beverly Hills, California. In 2008, Chancellor MW (ex Star Chance NA by CWP Chances Are out of Solima) was born, a beautiful grey stallion bred by Cindy Morgan and Ann Wilder who proved to be an amazing sire before his untimely passing in 2013. His daughter, HA Lady Freya (ex Poetic Psyche by Padrons Psyche), bred by Jayne and James Howell of Howell Arabians in the UK, has many titles to her name including taking

Hermez E


HA Lady Freya


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the Junior Yearling Filly Championship in Scottsdale aged just seven months, and then going on to be named Reserve Champion Yearling Filly in Las Vegas and Region 1 Yearling Filly Champion. Also foaled in 2008 were the grey stallion Etro PA (ex Emandoria by Gazal Al Shaqab by Anaza El Farid) and the ethereal Piacolla - ENZO X POLONICA grey mare Bint Alia Psyche IA (ex Alia Psyche IA by Padrons Psyche), now owned by Al Khaled Farm in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In 2010 her full sister, Nyah Joy, followed, a double Scottsdale Champion and Las Vegas Futurity Champion. The Polish State Studs also used Enzo to great effect; the stallions El Omari (ex Embra by Monogramm out of Emilda) and Empire (ex Emira by Laheeb out of Embra) both immediately come to mind. Also of the many noteworthy Enzo daughters bred in Poland are Palabra (ex Palmeta by Ecaho out of Pilica) and Piacolla (ex Polonica by Ekstern out of Panika), both Polish beauties sold for €400,000 and €305,000 through the Pride of Poland Sale. Piacolla went on to claim the European Junior Female Championship title after her sale, and she continues to shine whenever she is shown. Mention must also be made of Elle Dorada (ex El Dorada by Sanadik El Shaklan out of Emigrantka), bred by Manny Vierra of Valley Oak Arabians, then based in California, when they had El Dorada on lease. Foaled in 2006, Elle Dorada is owned by Lenita Perroy of Haras Meia Lua, Brazil, and this beautiful mare holds the record for the highest private sale in the US. Not just a producer of halter horses, Enzo was also renowned for being a top sire of performance progeny. Of particular note is the lovely chestnut

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mare Enzia FMA (ex Sue Bees Honey by Rohara Samurai out of TF Sue Bee). Foaled in 2006, she has won countless Scottsdale and US National Championships in Western Pleasure. There is also Cielo E (ex Echos Hi Fidelity by Echo Magnifficoo out of Lormara) and Troy E (ex Arsyn by Le Fire out of Zita), both of whom have earned Scottsdale, Regional and US National honours in both halter and hunter pleasure. As we know, our precious world of the Arabian horse has been hit hard this year, with too many deaths of friends and horses much loved the world over. It was Saturday 7 May that I awoke to the news that the amazing stallion, Enzo, had passed away suddenly at just 17 years of age. For me, Enzo was a horse that I truly loved, and he was very much part of the backdrop of my own magazine. I had enjoyed seeing him presented so many times during my visits to Gallún Farms in the Santa Ynez Valley, in Las Vegas, and, latterly, with Michael in Scottsdale. It was Michael himself that broke the news:

Elle Dorada

“Enzo recently was taken to Texas A & M hospital for care on an abscess. Everything took a dramatic turn for the worse. Today Enzo passed away. Dr Ashlee Watts attended him and is a super star of a human being. Today, she asked that she be able to make him comfortable, to take him out for a graze on the lawn, and then face what must be faced.” It was a dark day for all of us that loved him – but for Philip and Brent, their pain and

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Engellica E by Enzo out of Monica PGA Full sister to Edisson



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grief was palpable, their only small comfort Mina E by Edisson being that the world grieved with them, and knowing in their heart of hearts that the Enzo legacy will live on forever. Yet, through these dark days, there was a glimmer of hope – a hope for the future. For in 2010, Philip and Brent bred their lovely Monogramm (Negatraz x Monogramma by Knippel) daughter, Monica PGA (ex Extra Special by Eukaliptus out of Show Girl) to Enzo. The result was the now five-year-old grey stallion, Edisson. “From the moment Edisson was born, we believed that he was the future for our farm – and Enzo’s natural replacement,” explains Philip. “We just didn’t think that it would be while Edisson was so young that he would be replacing Enzo as our lead sire.” Edisson’s first show was the Scottsdale All-Arabian Horse Show when he was three years of age, and he broke records, becoming the first horse in Scottsdale history to win both the International Classic Three/four-year-old Champion Stallion title as well as the International Classic Champion Senior Stallion. That same year, Edisson was named unanimous Region 13 Champion Stallion. Philip and Brent bred Edisson to their beautiful mare, Juliet El Jiuliusz (Jiuliusz de Wiec x Illusion PF by Fame VF) and, in 2015, she gifted the partners with Mina E, a beautiful grey filly. “Mina E really is special and we now know, for sure, that Edisson will carry the flag for Enzo,” Philip tells me. Immediately after breeding to Juliet El Jiuliusz, Edisson left the USA for Egypt, where he was leased to Prince Saud of Almamlkah Stud for one year. From there, Monica PGA by Monogramm he has gone on to Fontanella Magic Arabians Dam of Edisson in Italy. His lease ends next year, and with his sire’s passing, Philip and Brent are keen to have this super young stallion home. While the future is safe, nothing will ever truly replace the passing of Enzo. He was one of only two Padron Psyche US National Champions, the other being Magnum Psyche (ex A Fancy Miracle by Sasaki out of Medina Azahara). But more importantly, he was Philip and Brent’s dream – their vision. And he surpassed them, every day, just by being his wonderful, amazing self. RIP Enzo. The world is so much brighter for your presence in it, and your beauty and spirit will live on in the generations to come. Postscript: As if Philip and Brent have not been through enough this year, on 23 August, RD Bey Shahmpane passed away. Our thoughts are with them during what has been a very difficult year for them.

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Photos by Bukra


asterfully organized by Arabite Ltd. by Claudia Mazza, the Milan International B - Arabian Horse Show took place in Gorla Minore, a nice town in the province of Varese, near the Lombard capital of Milan to which the equestrian festival has devoted its formal affiliation from its inception. The event was held between the 15th and 17th April 2016 at the Equestrian Center ‘Equieffe’, the latter born from the passion of Emanuele Fiorelli, International Knight and Federal Instructor, and which for the occasion, was set up with total reliability offering all participants the chance to spend a weekend in comfort and elegance. More than a hundred Purebred Arabians flocked there to delight the fans of this magnificent breed that, on this occasion, did not fail to amaze the public with her spectacular beauty and unmistakable charisma.

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agistralmente organizzato da Arabite srl di Claudia Mazza, il Milan International B Arabian Horse Show ha avuto luogo nella cittadina di Gorla Minore in provincia di Varese, nei pressi del capoluogo lombardo a cui la kermesse equestre ha dedicato sin dall’inizio la sua formale‘appartenenza’. L’Evento è stato celebrato tra il 15 e il 17 Aprile 2016 al Centro Equestre Equieffe, quest’ultimo nato dalla passione di Emanuele Fiorelli, Cavaliere Internazionale e Istruttore federale e, che, per l’occasione, è stato allestito in maniera ineccepibile offrendo a tutti i partecipanti la possibilità di trascorrere un fine settimana all’insegna del comfort e dell’eleganza. Più di cento Purosangue Arabi sono accorsi lì per la gioia degli appassionati di questa magnifica razza che, anche in quest’ occasione non ha mancato di strabiliare il pubblico con la sua spettacolare bellezza e inconfondibile carisma. Sei i giudici internazionali chiamati a valutare

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Six international judges were called to evaluate our Purebreds: Annaratone Ferraroni Maria (Italy), Tarczyński Tomasz (Poland), Darius Claudia (Germany); Santoro Francesco (Italy); Eberhardt Sylvie (Germany) and Husebye Tom (Norway). Impeccable as usual the work done by Mario Bonomi Alessandro and Ivo Ludi as Ringmasters, and Roberto Ceccaroni, Marco Frezza and Dr. Veterinarian John Ranzenigo as Disciplinary Commissioners. We also thank Gianluca Coccetta Filippi for the music and Dr. Laura Mascagna who, besides being a Vet, is like a ‘Jackof-all-trades’ when working at the show, as she fulfills multiple tasks: secretary, speaker, computer secretary for scores recording. Categories were all, as always, very exciting. The Grand Final kept everyone in suspense for much of it until they applauded the final champions of each Category. And so, also the 2016 edition of the Milan International B - Show entirely dedicated to our beloved Purebred Arabians ended in the picturesque setting of the Lombard countryside. Arabite Ltd. in collaboration with the Equestrian Center ‘Equieffe’ offered the best of welcomes to all visitors along with maximum elegance, multi-functionality and sport. The appointment is renewed for next year with other great stellar champions!

i nostri Purosangue: ANNARATONE FERRARONI MARIA (Italia),TARCZYNSKI TOMASZ (Polonia), DARIUS CLAUDIA (Germania); SANTORO FRANCESCO (Italia); EBERHARDT SYLVIE (Germania) e HUSEBYE TOM (Norvegia). Impeccabile come al solito il lavoro svolto da Bonomi Mario Alessandro e Ludi Ivo in qualità di Ringmasters, e da Roberto Ceccaroni, Marco Frezza e il Dott. Veterinario Ranzenigo Giovanni in qualità di Commissari Disciplinari. Si ringraziano inoltre Gianluca Coccetta Filippi per le musiche e la Dott. ssa Laura Mascagna che, oltre ad essere un dottore veterinario, è una figura polivalente quando lavora in show, giacché adempie tutta una serie di compiti: addetta alla segreteria, allo speakeraggio e alla segreteria computer per i punteggi. Le Categorie sono state tutte, come sempre, molto appassionanti. Il Gran Finale ha tenuto tutti col fiato sospeso per gran parte di esso fino a quando sono stati acclamati i campioni definitivi di ogni categoria. E così, anche questa edizione dello Show di Milano interamente dedicata ai nostri amatissimi Purosangue arabi si è conclusa nella bellissima cornice della campagna lombarda. Arabite srl in collaborazione con il Centro Ippico Equieffe di Gorla Minore ha offerto ai presenti un’accoglienza formidabile all’insegna della massima eleganza, della multifunzionalità e dello sport. L’ appuntamento è rinnovato all’anno prossimo con altri grandissimi campioni!

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Yearling Fillies


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Yearling Colts


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Junior Fillies


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M.M. FABRIZIO x LATIFFA Owner: Shazin Stud

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Junior Colts


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Senior Mares


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Senior Stallions


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Futurity Fillies


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PSEQUEL x TF LUNA Owner: Shazin StudS



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Futurity Colts


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Fillies Egyptian Event


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Colts Egyptian Event


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Mares Egyptian Event


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Stallions Egyptian Event


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ello Eiad, hello Amira! First of all thank you so much for accepting our interview for the ‘riding couples’ dedicated section. Let’s start from the very beginning.

WHEN AND WHERE DID YOU FIRST MEET? In 2008 Amira was doing an internship for her study in Equine, the aim to show the vtariability of exterior type in Arabian horses bred in Europe. Eiad has been a Arabian horse enthousiast starting age of 28, his passion for the Arabian horse has only grown since. The love we both share for these nobal creatures brought us together. 28 September, 2008 was the day we first met at the All Nation Cup in Aachen. Even than after going back to our seperate lives faith brought us back together. The second time we met was at Salon du Cheval, the World Championship in France, 2008. Again the sparkle was there as we met, nothing could have been more romantic then a walk down the Champs-elysees during Christmas time with all the lightend trees in the cold month of December. It’s true what they say, From Paris with love and so the story began... EIAD, HOW DID YOU DECLARE YOUR LOVE TO AMIRA? I believe that a strong feeling can’t be explained in words. I knew from the very first day I layed eyes on Amira that we were destined to meet. Where to begin.. Finding the perfect lady. Her kindness, intelligence, the most beautiful smile and of course the love we both share for Arabian horses is what made me fall madly in love. After years went by of wonferful memories I felt blessed meeting a person that completes me like she does. I knew from the start that she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and so I declared my love by proposing some

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place that was special to us both. AMIRA, WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST REACTION? Every once in a while, in the middle of an ordanary life, love gives us farytale. Finding someone with who I can endlessly talk about the passion we both Amira & Eiad 2009, Palestine share without actually boring one another was enough to know we had a connection. I never needed to speek out loud to explain my feelings. Whenever Eiad’s name was mentioned anyone could tell by the look on my face what was going on in my mind. I couldn’t be more happy than to share the rest of my life with a person like him. We all dream of finding our prince on a white horse. Well,, I can say my dream came true! WHAT ARE IN YOUR OPINION THE MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENTS FOR A SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIP TODAY? The success of a relationship starts with trust, we have had periods when we both where living separately as Amira had her Veterinary study in Belgium and Eiad was traveling alot as CEO of a communication corporation. It is important you support each other in each others goals. When ever we had the time off we shared wonderful moments together. Distance means nothing in love that true.

TO WHAT EXTENT IS ‘COMMUNICATION’ IMPORTANT WITHIN A COUPLE? Communication should be part of every healthy relationship, if you are not able to communicate openly to your partner than your partner is not the right one for you. Second, very important to listen, show understanding for each other. ‘MEN COME FROM MARS, AND WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS? DO YOU AGREE? Absolutely, A womans brain is different than a man, the anatomy, chromosomes, hormones etc. All have impact on the way we think and behave, which for both woman and man are extremely different. But while seeing the differences between the brains of men and woman we find a equil value. The difference is what makes us complete each other.

Amira 2016 By Ronahi Juanes


SUCCESSFUL ARABIAN HORSES’ JUDGE IN EUROPE? I feel so blessed to have found Eiad as my partner, Eiad is a very special person. He has always been reaching for succes and is highly respected among his colleges, families and friends. Not only is he filled with kindness, he is a very caring person that will always support me no matter what, incurage me in my dreams and goals and share the love like no other could possibly imagine. I am very proud of what he has accomplished and yet this is only the beginning, I believe that good things come to good people, I can say I am one of the luckiest woman in the world. AMIRA, YOU ARE A JUDGE IN ECAHO AS WELL…WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOUR JOB? I have been a horse enthousiast since I was a little girl, I soon discovered there was nothing I’d rather do than to be more involved with horses. I have followed Equine studies about the evolution, anatomy and

Eiad judging Sint Oedenrode 2016

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genetics of the horse, and had the chance to visit many farm and see hundreds of horses from all breeds. As soon as I came in contact with the Arabian horse breed I realized this noble creature distinguishes itself from any other breed. My love for the Arabian horse has turned into an obsession, I have been reading about the qualities of the different strains and the vision of great breeders. Over the past years Eiad and I have been increasing our number of horses being involved in de reproduction and breeding of what we learn more about every day. Right now I am still building up my experiences to soon be part of the great panel of judges. There is nothing more fascinating than to do what you love doing most. Growing up around these beautiful and extremly intelligent Arabian horses is something that makes every one of them unique in its way. The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams. Amira 1999

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WHY ARE YOU SO FASCINATED BY THE WORLD OF THE ARABIAN HORSE? The Arabian horses are one of the most beautiful creatures. who have captured the hearts of people from all around the globe. A breed which has been existing thousands of years. They are part of the history as in the old Arab literature describing how Arabian horse embraced great historical figures, prophets, leaders, kings and the love that was given by the Bedouins. The Arabian horse was primarily an instrument of war, as were horses in general in most societies of the time. The Arabian horse was highly importance in the Islamic conquering. The superior qualities of the Arabian horse have insured that it has been preserved as the world’s oldest equine breed. The Arabian horse known as the desert horse adapted to their environment, resulting in qualities that make them unique among all equine breeds. They had learned to survive by adjusting to the heat and a dry environment. This gave them strength over years.. For centuries the Arabian breed has been a family to the humans being taken care of and giving them a home created the Arabian to give their loyalty in return. The intelligent, trainability, gentle disposition and stamina of Arabian horses is what gives them the variety of many activities popular today. There is so much more to tell about these incredible creatures. The most fascinating part about them is the pure heart they have and the mind which is willing to work hard for only care and friendship in return.. HOW HAS THE ARABIAN HORSE ENRICHED YOUR LIVES?

It has in many ways actually, first of all they are the reason what brought us together. Being able to go to the shows all around the world is time after time an unforgettable trip. It has brought us to the most beautiful places we would have never thought to go. Also the people we meet from other continents and different cultures who share the same love and appreciation for Arabian horses make it a great journey all the way. To own a Arabian is not only gaining an incredible horse, but also having the opportunity for an exceptional lifestyle as well. EIAD, WHAT DOES YOUR DREAM HORSE LOOK LIKE? The most beautiful excisting creatures have been created by God, we never know what more there is to come until we find what now we might think is unreal. I’m ambitious to produce a Arabian horse which combines all the great qualities of the Arabian legends. Nobody could imagine the beauty of Pianissima before she was born, and this is what keeps the excitement as a breeder. AMIRA, WHO IS YOUR FIRST ARABIAN HORSE, CAN YOU TELL US WHAT MAKES THIS HORSE SO SPECIAL TO YOU?

I had my very first Arabian horse when I was 18 years old. A colt by Al Maraam named El Azeem, he was only a yearling when he flew over to Europe. I went to pick him up at the airport in Belgium and remember as if it was yesterday what went through my mind as soon as I saw him first. As we were approaching the airport we could see the horses being unloaded from far. This one horse was jumping all over the place, my mind was thinking ‘’ God, please don’t let that be him..,, Finally arriving we discovered it actually was, but then as I walked up close to him, the look in his big black eyes was enough for me to know we were going to be friends for a very long time. We’ve shared so many memories, and travelled all around not only for competitions but also for pleasure. Azeem is now 9 years old. He is being ridden and loves to go out for long rides. He was shown in the gelding class in Aachen 2015 winning his class and being top 5 at the championships! This horse has the most amazing character, whenever I have time off the first place to find me will be with Azeem, there’s nothing that goes above precious quality time with a girl and her horse. WHAT ARE, IN YOUR OPINION, THE MOST IMPORTANT QUALITIES TO BECOME A GOOD, MINDFUL JUDGE? Judges have the purpose of evaluating and educating not only future judges but also horse owners, breeders etc. Their knowledge of the standards which provide the fundamental basis of all forms has high importance when it comes to the purpose for the Arabian horse. The judges maintain the integrity of the Arabian breed and it is very important we don’t go down on the quality we have built up over many years and the modern Arabians we see these days. Beside the part of education to become a good Arabian horse judge, you must be gifted with an eye that catches the right beauty of the Arabian horse. A high level of concentration is the key to success in practically everything, as it is for judging, the number of Arabian horses competing at the shows can go up to hundreds of horses. The judges must stay focused as every horse has to be judged equally.

Amira & El Azeem

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our own and pass this on to the new generations.

OEJ Mona liza(Simeon sharav x Monet KA) & Amira

WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO A YOUNG PERSON EAGER TO UNDERTAKE ACTIVITIES AS A PROPER JUDGE? My advice would be to start educating yourself by reading many books written by great people who are well known among the people of the Arabian horse world for example the book; The classic Arabian horse by Peter Upton. Be knowledgable, study the horse inside and out, be able to explain details regarding the quality, confirmation, type and movement. in a proffesional way. Important to visit farms as every breeder has an impact of different bloodlines, also attending to the shows will create a clearer image for the newcomer to compare the horses to aventually judge them in the show ring. The more horses you see the better you train the ‘eye’ for beauty and corectness. WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR THE FUTURE? ANY NEW DREAM IN LIFE? Just recently we moved back to The Netherlands where we have plans to built a new farm nearby a village named Weesp. We have a strong selection of Straight Egyptian arabians, but also a few outcross. We are planning to make a selection of the horses and to make an addition to our breeding program. Our dreams in life is to create a well estableshed breeding concept of

Eiad & Dorar during a visit at the Royal Cavalry of Oman farm

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COULD YOU PLEASE TELL US ABOUT A HORSE WHO HAS PARTICULARLY DISTINGUISHED HERSELF MORPHOLOGICALLY? Most of us can agree that Pianissima was the most beutifull horse of the world, those who have had the chance to see this very special Arabian horse have been very lucky. When seeing her among the other beautiful horses she immediatly catches your attention. Pianissima had the excellence of confermation and high quality of type. First time I saw Pianissima was in 2008, I repeatingly went up close to see her as I couldn’t believe my eyes. She embodied everything we all envision as perfiction in the arabian horse, it is very sad that we had to say goodbye to her last year. TO WHAT EXTENT IS MARKETING RELEVANT IN THIS SECTOR? Within the Arabian horse world there are breeders, trainers all over the world. It isn’t always possible to know where horses have been moved to, who are available for breeding and dates of shows or presentations which will take place etc. Herefor marketing is very important. Sending out email blasts, promoting in magazine, sponsoring at shows make people aware of relevant information and recognizing the stud farms. WHAT ARE THE OBJECTIVES YOU BOTH WOULD LIKE TO REACH IN YOUR CAREER AS A JUDGE? We would love to share our knowledge and pass on the importance of maintaining the quality, type and to contribute on development of the Arabian breed in the world. IN YOUR OPINION, WHO ARE TODAY SOME OF THE MOST ACCOMPLISHED AVAILABLE STALLIONS? WHY? There are a few stallions who have accomplished great success and are still available, I would like to point out a one of them; Gazal Al Shaqab was early discovered for his quality’s looking almost exactly like what you would expect with the combination of his strong pedigree. Every pedigree has two sides of which both have equal importance. The aristocratic pedigree coming from both sides, the influence of the sire who is Straight Egyptian (Anaza El Farid) and brought out the desert origins. His dam the beautiful Kajora who has a very diversal pedigree bringing out a combination of Russian, Polish and Crabbet bloodlines. The combination of both dam and sire have resulted in creating masterpiece. Gazal Al Shaqab had not only been high competition in the show ring taking his titel as World Champion Arabian, he also has proven himself as one of the best breeding stallions in history. His contribution to many of the Arabians we see today who have been influenced by the pedigree which moves on from generation to generation.. Few examples are; Pianissima, Emandorea, Magora, Sultan Al Zobara. Two more stallions I would like to mention who have sadly left us last year are Ansata Hejazi and Ashhal Al Rayyan. Both

stallions are extremely respected in the Arabian horse world, passing on the pure beauty of type. These legens have had high importance to the Arabian horse breed. If we would have to share the history of where it all began, we could go on forever as they have more than just a story to tell. The amazing offspring we find in the Middle East and Europe is endless. We thank them for having their influences and passing on the classic Arabian type. EIAD, AMIRA…WILL YOU BOTH LEAVE US ONE LAST MESSAGE PLEASE? We thank you for the interview and wish you all the best of luck. May we all work together by making the Arabian horse world improve in time. The Arabian horse has written history but yet it still has the future to come..

Tom Oben, Eiad and Amira with Nesj el Markisha (Marwan el Shaqab x Nesj el Khisaya) in Sint Oedenrode NL

Thank you so much for your contribution Amira and Eiad. It has been very nice to have you both with us today and we sincerely wish you all the best in your future endeavors!

2016, Amira with Al Maraam(Imperial Imdal x The Vision HG)

Amira & Eiad 2011, Champs elysees, Paris

Eiad with Mansoura( Al Sa’eedi x Alisha)

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© Gigi Grasso

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Wadee Al Shaqab


Located in a spectacular 980,000 square-metre horseshoe shaped design with a stable capacity for more than 400 horses, Al Shaqab stands today as a continuing homage to the Arabian horse and the tradition of equestrian excellence that has co-evolved with this breed in Qatar. The current team is headed by Breeding and Show Manager Sheikh Hamad Bin Ali Al Thani and it is made up of solely Qatari officials and riders. Sheikh Hamad Bin Ali Al Thani has spent his entire life among horses. He loves his horses immensely and has always been a great horseman and showman. His indefatigable energy and dedication to the horses under his management have no equal terms. Thanks to Sheikh Hamad Bin Ali Al Thani, the entire Arabian horse world is blessed with certain unique horses who have made a difference and major contribution to the breed. It was Sheikh Hamad bin Ali who created the chance to welcome horses of the caliber of Gazal Al Shaqab in 1995 and, later, of his extraordinary son Marwan Al Shaqab, who came in 2000 (Gazal Al Shaqab x Little Liza Fame). It would simply be impossible to imagine modern breeding without these two champions, which today have become living legends. The range of equine disciplines and programs that Al Shaqab promotes does guarantee that the cultural legacy and positive reception of the Arabian breed are fondly handed down in Qatar from generation to generation. Al Shaqab’s breeding philosophy is to preserve the Arabian breed and to produce horses that are beautiful, athletic, and have character and kindness. They must be physically strong to carry their riders.

SH. HAMAD BIN ALI AL THANI Manager of Breeding & Show Department N°3 - 2016 | 183


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Wadee Al Shaqab

(Marwan Al Shaqab x OFW Mishaal) 2010 bay stallion

© Gigi Grasso


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© Gigi Grasso

CAPECCI ARABIAN TRAINING CENTER Paolo Capecci - mobile: +39 3356499739 - email: Gianpaolo Gubbiotti - mobile: +39 3358301574 - email: Susi Gurschler - mobile: +39 3939620285 - N°3 - 2016 | 186

Wadee Al Shaqab The breeding program is divided into three categories: International Arabian horses, combining all Arabian bloodlines; Straight Egyptian Arabians, as defined by The Pyramid Society; and the traditional Qatari bloodlines of the past. The three key World Champion Stallions to Al Shaqab’s breeding program are among the most beautiful Arabian horses you could ever see: besides Gazal Al Shaqab and his son, Marwan al Shaqab who head the International Arabian section, we shall remember Al Adeed Al Shaqab for the one for Straight Egyptians. For 6 years by now, the array of stunning Stallions bred by Al Shaqab includes another extraordinary subject: the 2012 Gold Junior World Champion bay colt Wadee Al Shaqab. Born in 2010, this vibrant stallion is a son of Marwan Al Shaqab and out of the wonderful mare OFW Mishaal. Wadee Al Shaqab is an exceptionally accomplished stallion and boasts an unparalleled show records as he was: 2010 Qatar National Champion Junior Male; 2011 Qatar National Champion Gold Junior Colt; 2012 Al Khalediah International Arabian Horse Championship Gold Champion colt; 2012 Menton - Champion Junior Male, Highest scoring Male and best in Show male and, of course, 2012 Paris- World Champion Junior Male. Today, ‘King’ Wadee is standing in central Italy at ‘Capecci Arabian Training Center’ where Paolo, Susy and Woody and the entire staff of the breeding station are painstakingly looking after him given that the stallion will mostly operate at their Center as Breeding stallion for next year 2017. They all feel blessed by this unprecedented opportunity Sheikh Hamad Bin Ali Al Thani has given to them and will certainly make any effort to reciprocate and honor His Highness for such trust in them. In closing, Paolo, Susy and Woody are very pleased to welcome all of you at their Center to get to know Wadee Al Shaqab closely and be inspired by him...

SH. HAMAD BIN ALI AL THANI Manager of Breeding & Show Department N°3 - 2016 | 187

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Photos by Ewa Imielska-Hebda - Photography

Written by Sonja Smaldone


rom 28th to 29thMay 2016 the International C – European Show was held in Manerbio (Brescia) - promoted and organized by the ‘Ruk Riding Club’ from Darfo Boario Terme and owned by Mrs. Marisa Antonini in collaboration with the Equestrian Center Al.Cle. from Manerbio. A perfect synergy which gave life to two memorable days for all involved: breeders, spectators, many prominent presences from abroad, stunning horses, handlers and experts who all were welcomed with great consideration. The Show took place outside the Palasturla, a very renowned architectural structure built in Campostrini area; today it is one of the best equestrian centers in Europe equipped with everything you need for a show of outstanding quality horses such as our Purebred Arabians. A wonderful setting such as the obstacles grass field that, for the occasion, was transformed into the ring and pre-ring by the organization. Carefully arranged boxes hosted nearly eighty horses which entered the competition. For all those who participated in or simply were there to watch the show, the hotel offered every comfort: a restaurant, VIP’s tables with a small but efficient bar service, a beautiful gazebo to host the jury next to the building that housed Mrs. Luisa Bonomi in charge of the music and Dr. Laura Mascagna who, besides being a Vet, N°3 - 2016 | 192


al 28 al 29 maggio 2016 si è svolto a Manerbio (Brescia) lo Show Internazionale di Classe C - ECHAO – promosso ed organizzato dal Circolo Ippico Ruk di Darfo Boario Terme e di proprietà dell Sig.ra Marisa Antonini in collaborazione con il Centro Ippico Al. Cle. di Manerbio. Una sinergia perfetta, questa, che ha dato vita a due giornate memorabili per tutti i presenti: allevatori, spettatori, molte presenze di spicco dall’Estero, cavalli, handler e addetti ai lavori, accolti con il massimo riguardo. La manifestazione si è tenuta all’aperto presso la rinomatissima struttura del Palasturla, in Località Campostrini, uno dei più bei centri ippici in Europa, dotato di tutto ciò che necessita ad uno Show per cavalli di grande valore quali sono i Purosangue Arabi. Una cornice meravigliosa quella del campo ostacoli in erba, trasformato in ring e pre-ring dall’organizzazione. Box accuratamente allestiti hanno ospitato i quasi ottanta cavalli iscritti alla gara. Per tutti coloro che hanno partecipato o assistito alla manifestazione, la struttura offriva ogni comfort: dal ristorante, ai tavoli Vip con un piccolo ma efficiente servizio bar, un bellissimo gazebo per la giuria vicino all’ edificio che ha ospitato la Sig.ra Marisa Bonomi per la musica e la Dott. ssa Laura Mascagna che, oltre ad essere un dottore veterinario, è una figura ‘jolly’ quando lavora in

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is like a ‘Jack-of-all-trades’ when working at the show, as she fulfills multiple tasks: secretary, speaker, computer secretary for scores recording. The international judge-panel was composed by: Ms. Irina Stigler (Russia); Mrs. Michaela Weidner (Germany); Mr. Sufian Taha (Israel) and Mr. Francesco Sanchi (Italy), while the ring master of this 2016 edition was Mr. Mario Bonomi. The riding Categories were all, as always, very exciting! The Grand Final kept everyone in suspense for much of it until they applauded the final Champions of each category. As for the Yearlings Categories, for the females, Gold Medal for the gorgeous chestnut Fadilla (Fadi Al Shaqab x Bellanima) bred and owned by Pastine Claudio and presented by Arabian Style. Silver Medal for a beautiful daughter of the great champion Marajj - thus a grand-daughter of the legendary Marwan Al Shaqab – the bay Sayyidah Bint Al Shareefah (Marajj x Al Shareefah) bred and owned by Emaj Arabians and presented by handler

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show, in quanto adempie a tutta una serie di compiti: addetta alla segreteria, allo speakeraggio e alla segreteria computer per i punteggi. La giuria in campo era formata dalla Sig.ra Stigler Irina (Russia); la Sig.ra Weidner Michaela (Germania); il Sig. Taha Sufian (Israele) e il Sig. Sanchi Francesco (Italia), mentre il ring Master di questa edizione 2016 è stato il Sig. Mario Bonomi. Le Categorie sono state tutte, come sempre, molto appassionanti. Il Gran Finale ha tenuto tutti col fiato sospeso per gran parte di esso fino a quando sono stati acclamati i campioni definitivi di ogni categoria. Iniziando dalle Categorie Yearlings, per le femmine, Medaglia d’Oro per la graziosissima saura Fadilla (Fadi Al Shaqab x Bellanima) allevata e di proprietà di Pastine Claudio e presentata da Arabian Style. Medaglia d’Argento per una splendida figlia del pluricampione Marajj – dunque nipote del leggendario Marwan Al Shaqab - la baia Sayyidah Bint Al Shareefah (Marajj x Al Shareefah) allevata e di proprietà di Emaj Arabians

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Mary Lang, while the Bronze went to a beautiful granddaughter of QR Marc, the chestnut Nawari El Noor (Emerald J x Norah El Perseus) bred, owned and presented by Emajh Arabians. As for the Yearling Males, Gold Medal for the bay Marlon J (Emerald J x AP Maraya), a magnificent grandson of QR Marc from his sireline, and grandson of the legendary WH Justice from his damline. Marlon J is bred and owned by C. Jamar-Demeesseman and he was presented by handler Cristian Franceschina. Silver for the gray Emagnum Moniscione (Magnum Psyche x Emarra Moniscione) bred and owned by Buzzi Giancarlo and presented by handler Andrea Boscarino, while the gray Chopin By Abigail (NM Nevio x Abigail By Ashiraf) was awarded the Bronze. As for the Juniors Categories, for the females, the Gold Medal went to the chestnut Asyah Scah (Hasman GYO x Amanthea Moniscione). This very pretty filly is bred and owned by Scah Arabians Srl and she was presented by handler Andrea Boscarino. Silver for another granddaughter of QR Marc, the bay Grace J (Emerald J x Gomera J) bred by Jadem Arabians, owned and presented by Emaj Arabians. Bronze for the aristocratic gray Principessa Sissi AF (Redwood Lodge Artique x La Gioconda Chandra), a granddaughter of the famed Straight Egyptian stallion AL Adeed Al Shaqab from her sireline. Principessa Sissi is bred and owned by Penelope Srl and she was presented by Arabian Style. As for the Males of the same category, Gold Medal for the chestnut Invictus (Cavalli x Althea), another lovely grandson of Ajman Moniscione from his damline. He is bred, owned and was presented by Luca Oberti. Silver for the gray D’El Gyo AO (Makissa Adaggio x Nesjel Kyara) bred and owned by Arabian Obsession and presented by handler Luca Oberti, while the chestnut STY Esstimate (Don Giovanni J x Evita El Javier) won the Bronze. This promising colt is bred and owned by Steylaers Giovanna and was presented by handler Roberto Zaniboni. On it went the Senior Categories. Gold ‘Queen’ of the Mares Category the wonderful gray My Whos That Girl (Shangai EA x Lady Prue) bred and owned by My Arabians Cav. Massimo Manfredi and presented by handler Roberto Zaniboni. Silver medal for the chestnut Zara By Mial (Mial x FG Aisha) bred by Giannecchini Filippo, owned by Marco Nardini and presented by handler Diego Zoppellaro, while the Bronze went to the gray Sasha VF (Lumiar Balzac x Jayala HVP) bred by Da Rocha Santos Gabriel, owned

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e presentata da handler Mary Lang, mentre il Bronzo è andato ad una bellissima nipote di QR Marc, la saura Nawari El Noor (Emerald J x Norah El Perseus) allevata, di proprietà e presentata da Emajh Arabians; per i Maschi Yearling, Campione Medaglia d’Oro il baio Marlon J (Emerald J x AP Maraya), uno splendido nipote di QR Marc per linea paterna, nonché nipote del mitico WH Justice per linea materna. Marlon J è allevato e di proprietà di C. Jamar-Demeesseman e presentato da handler Cristian Franceschina. Argento per il grigio Emagnum Moniscione (Magnum Psyche x Emarra Moniscione) allevato e di proprietà di Buzzi Giancarlo e presentato da handler Boscarino Andrea, mentre il grigio Chopin By Abigal (NM Nevio x Abigail By Ashiraf) si è aggiudicato la Medaglia di Bronzo. Per quanto riguarda le Categorie Juniores, per le Femmine, Medaglia d’Oro per la saura Asyah Scah ( Hasman GYO x Amanthea Moniscione). Questa puledra, davvero graziosa, è allevata e di proprietà di Scah Arabians Srl ed è stata presentata da handler Boscarino Andrea. Argento per un’altra nipote di QR Marc, la baia Grace J (Emerald J x Gomera J) allevata da Jadem Arabians, di proprietà e presentata da Emaj Arabians. Bronzo per l’aristocratica grigia Principessa Sissi AF (Redwood Lodge Artique x La Gioconda Chandra), una nipote del grande stallone egiziano puro AL Adeed Al Shaqab da parte di padre. Principessa Sissi è allevata e di proprietà di Penelope Srl ed è stata presentata da Arabian Style. Per i Maschi della medesima Categoria, Oro per il sauro Invictus (Cavalli x Althea), un altro bel nipote di Ajman Moniscione per linea materna, allevato, di proprietà e presentato da Luca Oberti. Argento per il grigio El D’Gyo AO (Makissa Adaggio x Nesjel Kyara) allevato e di proprietà di Arabian Obsession e presentato da handler Luca Oberti, mentre il sauro STY Esstimate (Don Giovanni J x Evita El Javier) si è aggiudicato il Bronzo. Questo promettente puledro è allevato e di proprietà di Steylaers Giovanna ed è stato presentato da handler Zaniboni Roberto. Ma veniamo alle Categorie Seniores. Regina Oro della Categoria Fattrici, la scintillante grigia My Whos That Girl (Shangai EA x Lady Prue) allevata e di proprietà di My Arabians del Cav. Manfredi Massimo e presentata da Zaniboni Roberto. Medaglia d’Argento per la saura Zara By Mial (Mial x FG Aisha) allevata da Giannecchini Filippo, di proprietà di Nardini Marco e presentata da handler Diego Zoppellaro, mentre il Bronzo è andato alla grigia VF Sasha (Lumiar Balzac x Jayala HVP) allevata da Da Rocha

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by Dario De Lorenzo and presented by handler Cristian Franceschina. For the Senior Stallions Category, Gold Medal for the handsome bay Antar (Royal Colours x Gasmira EL Zaid) bred and owned by Iervolino Gianluca and presented by handler Roberto Zaniboni. Silver medal for the bay Jamil Ibn Shaklan P (Shaklan Ibn Bengali x Jaribah) bred and owned by Sencila Bled D.O.O. and presented by handler Stefano Zaniboni, whilst the Bronze went to gray EK Dehor (Psytadel x April Carol) bred by San Pietro Stud, owned by My Arabians by Cav. Massimo Manfredi and presented by handler David Costa. In conclusion, the Futurity Categories. For the females, Gold Medal for the bay Nemesis Regalis

Santos Gabriel, di proprietà di De Lorenzo Dario e presentata da handler Cristian Franceschina. Per la Categoria Stalloni Seniores, Medaglia d’Oro per il bellissimo baio Antar (Royal Colours x Gasmira EL Zaid) allevato e di proprietà di Iervolino Gianluca e presentato da handler Zaniboni Roberto. Medaglia d’Argento per il baio Jamil Ibn Shaklan P (Shaklan Ibn Bengali x Jaribah) allevato e di proprietà di Sencila Bled D.O.O. e presentato da Zaniboni Stefano, mentre la Medaglia di Bronzo è andata al grigio EK Dehor (Psytadel x April Carol) allevato dall’Azienda Agricola San Pietro, di proprietà di My Arabians del Cav. Manfredi Massimo e presentato da handler Costa Davide. In conclusione, le Categorie Futurity. Per le

(SA Faez Simbad x Nashira By Chawy NA) bred and owned by RE Pietro and presented by handler Zoppellaro Diego. Silver medal for the bay Tamira By Christal (MM Nievo x Christal By Tamira) bred and owned by Pietro Taetti and presented by handler Roberto Zaniboni, while the Bronze was won by RK Pearla (Psequel x TF Luna) bred and owned by Shazin Stud and presented by handler Luca Oberti. As for the Futurity Males, the Gold went to the bay RK Alablack (Arethusa Shamir x Lumiara Bachianna) bred by Shazin Stud, owned by Al Judah Stud and presented by handler Luca Oberti. Silver for the gray GW Amadeus (AL Maraam x Fable LC) bred and owned by Vilma Gondola and presented by handler Davide Costa.

femmine, Campionessa Medaglia d’Oro la baia Nemesi Regalis (SA Faez Simbad x Nashira By Chawy NA) allevata e di proprietà di RE Pietro e presentata da handler Zoppellaro Diego. Medaglia d’Argento per la baia Tamira By Christal (MM Nievo x Christal By Tamira) allevata e di proprietà di Taetti Pietro e presentata da handler Zaniboni Roberto, mentre la Medaglia di Bronzo è stata vinta da RK Pearla (Psequel x TF Luna) allevata e di proprietà di Shazin Stud e presentata da handler Luca Oberti. Per i Maschi Futurity, l’Oro è andato al baio RK Alablack (Aretusa Shamir x Lumiara Bachianna) allevato da Shazin Stud, di proprietà di Al Judah Stud e presentato da handler Luca Oberti. Argento per il grigio GW Amadeus (AL Maraam x N°3 - 2016 | 199

Bronze for the bay Paskal By Mama (CFL Egyptian Gold x Mama EL Najba) bred and owned by Negrini Gloria and presented by handler Mariano Davide. And so, also this edition of the Manerbio Show - entirely dedicated to our beloved Purebred Arabians drew to a close, in the beautiful setting of the Lombard countryside. The brand-new architectural structure of the Palasturla (the largest private facility in Europe for equestrian events) offered to all attendants exceptional hospitality with maximum elegance, multifunctionality and sportsmanship. The appointment is renewed for next year with other super star champions!

Favola LC) allevato e di proprietà di Gondola Vilma e presentato da handler Costa Davide. Bronzo per il baio Paskal By Mama (CFL Egyptian Gold x Mama EL Najba) allevato e di proprietà di Negrini Gloria e presentato da handler Mariano Davide. E così, anche questa edizione dello Show di Manerbio interamente dedicata ai nostri amatissimi Purosangue arabi si è conclusa nella bellissima cornice della campagna lombarda. La nuova struttura architettonica del PALASTURLA ( la più grande struttura privata in Europa per manifestazioni equestri) ha offerto ai presenti un’accoglienza formidabile all’insegna della massima eleganza, della multifunzionalità e dello sport. L’ appuntamento è rinnovato all’anno prossimo con altri grandissimi campioni!

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Yearling Fillies FADILLA





MARAJJ x AL SHAREEFAH | 11.00 points Owner: Emaj Arabians



EMERALD J x NORAH EL PERSEUS | 6.00 points Owner: Emaj Arabians

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Yearling Colts MARLON J









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Junior Fillies ASYAH SCAH


HASMAN GYO x AMANTHEA MONISCIONE | 16.00 points Owner: Scah Arabians SRL Societa Agricola



EMERALD J x GOMERA J | 7.00 points Owner: Emaj Arabians




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Junior Colts INVICTUS


CAVALLI x ALTHEA | 14.00 points Owner: Oberti Gianluca







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MIAL x FG AISHA | 5.00 points Owner: NARDINI MARCO




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Senior Stallion ANTAR FG









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Futurity Fillies NEMESI REGALIS








PSEQUEL x TF LUNA | 3.00 points Owner: Shazin Studs

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Futurity Colts RK ALABLACK









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Written by Dr. Laura Grassi


The most recurring word in Alma al Tiglio’s prize record is gold. Gold at Malpensacavalli 2009, in addition to first place in her class, when she was just one-year-old. Gold at Frankfurt the same year. Gold at Sharjah in 2010 (but mind, there are other first of class and a couple of silvers – Menton 2009 and European Championship, Verona 2009 – in between). Gold at Menton in 2010 (not to mention Best Head and Best in Show). Gold at Dubai in 2011 and Las Vegas soon after (once again, leaving aside some more firsts of class, two more silvers, Aachen and Paris 2010, and a bronze at European Championship 2010). Gold again at Al Khalediah (2011), Best Head in Belgium (2014) and first of class in Aachen again (2014). Red gold her coat. Of course, the right description would be chestnut, but golden red are the sparkles that the sunset light gives her when I see her coming home from the paddock. Dark gold, as if coppery, the thin and soft hair of her mane. Golden straws in her eyes… Am I going too far? Maybe I am, but it is love that makes me to. Because love became, and’ I’m going to tell you how. Alma al Tiglio. Ajman Moniscione’s and Amanda al Tiglio’s daughter. A strongly wanted cross by the Buzzis, whose farsightedness in choosing the genetic makeup to gouge out offspring of certain value we all well know by now. Careful consideration, then, in deciding the “booking of the belly” (a leasing in more specific language) of Amanda al Tiglio and securing her coming foal, a good share of worry because breeding always means gambling, and some anxiety in waiting a delivery in contumacy, so to speak, and not at home, where you can spy the future mum daily. Little Alma was born tiny, and her first months have been difficult. Which didn’t prevent the judges, however, from appreciating the strength and perfection of the traits that would make her popular worldwide. There, indeed. Alma travelled a lot. For a horse this doesn’t mean to visit new and interesting places but to face unnerving hours confined into a van or special aircraft container, which can be comfortable albeit nevertheless alien, shaky and noisy,

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La parola che più ricorre nel palmarès di Alma al Tiglio è oro. Oro a Malpensacavalli, oltre che prima della sua categoria, nel 2009, a un anno soltanto. Oro a Francoforte, lo stesso anno. Oro nel 2010 a Sharjah (ma attenzione, in mezzo ci sono alcuni primi di categoria e un paio di argenti - Mentone 2009 e Verona Campionato Europeo 2009). Oro a Mentone nel 2010 (oltre che Miglior Testa e Best in Show). Oro nel 2011 a Dubai e subito dopo a Las Vegas (di nuovo volendo tralasciare alcuni primi di categoria, un paio di argenti, ad Aachen e a Parigi 2010, e un bronzo all’Europeo del 2010). Un altro oro ad Al Khalediah (2011), e poi un Miglior Testa in Belgio (2014) e ancora un primo di categoria ad Aachen (2014). Oro rosso il suo mantello. Certo, la definizione corretta sarebbe sauro bruciato, ma d’oro rosso sono i riflessi risvegliati dal sole basso sul filo dell’orizzonte che vedo quando vado in allevamento verso sera e lei mi arriva incontro dal prato insieme alle compagne e ai puledri. Oro scuro, un po’ ramato, i crini sottili e morbidi della criniera. Pagliuzze d’oro nei suoi occhi… sto esagerando? Forse sì, ma l’amore fa questo effetto. Perché amore è diventato, e vi racconto perché. Alma al Tiglio. Figlia di Ajman Moniscione e Amanda al Tiglio. Incrocio fortemente voluto dai Buzzi, di cui conosciamo ormai la lungimiranza nella scelta del patrimonio genetico da cui tirar fuori progenie di sicuro successo. Attenta riflessione dunque nel decidere l’affitto della pancia (così in gergo, leasing per i linguisti più esigenti) di Amanda al Tiglio e avere il suo prodotto, una buona dose di preoccupazione per l’incognita che il mestiere di allevatore comporta, e l’ansia di aspettare una nascita “in contumacia” e non a casa tua, dove puoi spiare ogni giorno le condizioni della futura mamma. La piccola Alma è nata piccola, e i suoi primi mesi sono stati un po’ stentati. Cosa che però non ha impedito ai giudici di apprezzare fin dai suoi primissimi show l’intensità e la perfezione dei tratti che l’avrebbero resa famosa nel mondo. Ecco, appunto: Alma è stata parecchio in giro per il mondo. Per un cavallo non significa visitare luoghi nuovi e interessanti, ma affrontare ore snervanti chiuso in un van o in

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with no natural light nor grass to be grazed (did you know that the well-being of a horse, both physic and psychological, depends on how many hours it spends moving its jaws?) Furthermore, it means to find oneself in environments even more alien and noisy, crowded with unknown people and similarly unknown akin, and then again to have to run back and forth into rings booming with music and ovations (welldeserved for her, ça va sans dire, but nevertheless a source of fair), and to get used to them. They told me that she was… well, jittery, which is an euphemism to say “difficult”. Always tense, diffident, overreactive, little willing to tolerate day-to-day handling, not to speak of medical procedures when necessary, or even the company of her fellow creatures. The fact is that it is the most

un container da trasporto aereo, che per quanto confortevoli siano sono alieni, traballanti e rumorosi, senza luce naturale e senza erba da brucare (lo sapevate che il benessere psicofisico del cavallo dipende dalla quantità di ore passate a muovere le mascelle?). E poi ritrovarsi in contesti ancora più estranei e rumorosi, affollati di gente sconosciuta e consimili altrettanto sconosciuti, e poi ancora dover correre su e giù in ring roboanti di musica e ovazioni (per lei meritate, ça va sans dire, ma pur sempre fonte di paura), a cui doversi abituare. Mi avevano detto che era…bè, nevrile, praticamente un eufemismo per dire “difficile”. Sempre tesa, diffidente, iperreattiva, poco incline a tollerare manipolazioni di routine o mediche quando necessarie, o addirittura la compagnia dei suoi simili. il fatto è che sono proprio i soggetti più ricchi

Alma Al Tiglio

profound and sensitive subjects that are the most difficult ones. And finally she arrived “home”, at Il Moniscione. A star like she is, in a stud without fine friezes and impressive architecture! However, il Moniscione is a stud as it should be: for the Buzzis breeding is loving horses and respect their nature. As horses, precisely. The farm is plain but practical. Nice wooden boxes, cool during summertime and warm in wintertime: natural light; rich bedding made of straw or wood chip always clean; large paddocks used in rotation to enable them to offer always re-growing grass, thin brooks that never freeze nor gets warm (I know, it sounds like a boring and forced talepicture, but so it is, I swear). Some rules, not many but good.

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dentro, più sensibili, a essere i più difficili. E poi è arrivata “a casa”, al Moniscione. Una star come lei, in un allevamento senza fregi dorati e imponenti architetture! E invece è un allevamento come si deve: per i Buzzi allevare è amare i cavalli e rispettarne la natura. Di cavalli, appunto. La fattoria è “rustica” ma funzionale. Bei box di legno, freschi d’estate e caldi d’inverno; luce naturale; abbondante lettiera di paglia o truciolo sempre pulita; grandi recinti utilizzati a rotazione, così da offrire sempre zone di ricrescita d’erba, e con falde acquifere a dare rivoletti d’acqua che non si scalda e non gela mai (lo so, sembra uno stucchevole quadretto da fiaba, ma vi giuro che è così). Qualche regola, poche ma buone. Regola prima: la socialità. Fattrici e puledri tutti

First one: social interaction. Mares and foals all together, to develop the attitude for sociality typical of the horse. Second one: plenty of space, to do what horses do by nature: grazing and moving constantly, during summer or winter, on the grass, rocks or snow; mandatory acts when in the wild, all the more so at the heart of the horse’s welfare in captivity. Third one: regular daily routine, which becomes habits, which becomes safety and equilibrium for the whole herd, that is wellness again. Fourth one: some handling, in the morning before going to the paddocks or in the evening while coming home. A quick combing of the mane with a comb always close at hand in the pocket, a halter slipped on even if only for few meters, a hind limb picked up just to remind that someone who touches your hoof is not necessarily a menace. Fifth one: consistency and calm in dealing with them, which establish the trust in the human being, which turns into serenity, that is wellbeing (again!) Therefore, Alma found herself (oh wonder!) virtually on holiday. Or better, happily doing her job as a horse for breeding purpose. Within a few weeks all her nervousness gone, all her aversions vanished. A vaccination became a very quick and tolerable bother, like a sting of an insect. A blood sample for sanitary prophylaxis just as a horse-fly bite, quite annoying but nothing to do with a predator’s attack needing to be fighted for dear life. An ultrasound scan in order to grow as a mare by all effects just a boring procedure not harm-bearing (“What a nuisance these humans! But their voice is kind, I’m not afraid of all this”). Alma became a mom. She has produced four offspring so far. However, there is something striking about her to be told, which occurred for two seasons in a row, something worthy of all the gold she won, all the gold of the world and even more. Alma is born to be a mom. She decided it, she showed it to us, and now we know that we can rely on her.


This could seem a different story but no, it is still Alma’s story instead. In 2015 SW Emarra Moniscione, another awesome Ajman Moniscione’s daughter, gives birth to a colt by Magnum Psyche. He is her first born, and the delivery goes easily, but… no way: Emarra doesn’t want the baby. Unskilled, maybe frail by nature, afraid by temper… who knows. The fact is that every attempt at sucking by the foal triggers kicks and bites, despite Giancarlo’s watchful and prompt intervention. After just a couple of ruinous tries, E Magnum Moniscione is too scared to persist. He has not even drunk his colostrum. Here is the first problem. A foal who doesn’t assume colostrum has very few chances to survive. Furthermore, he

insieme, a sviluppare la natura fortemente sociale e ricca di comunicazioni tipica del cavallo. Regola seconda: lo spazio. Per poter fare quello che fanno i cavalli in natura e per natura: brucare e spostarsi continuamente, azioni obbligatorie allo stato brado che in cattività sono alla base del loro benessere psicofisico, estate e inverno, nell’erba, sui sassi o sulla neve. Regola terza: giorni scanditi da ritmi regolari, che diventano abitudini, che diventano sicurezza e serenità per tutto il gruppo, e quindi benessere. Regola quarta: mattino e sera, prima di uscire al pascolo o al rientro dopo la giornata, qualche manualità. Una pettinata veloce di criniera col pettine pronto in tasca mentre si va verso il paddock, una capezza infilata anche solo per pochi metri, un posteriore sollevato tanto per ricordare che chi ti tocca i piedi non ti minaccia. Regola quinta: la coerenza e la calma nel trattare con loro, che instaurano la fiducia nell’essere umano, che si traduce di nuovo in serenità, quindi in benessere. E Alma si è trovata (oh meraviglia!) praticamente in vacanza. O meglio, a fare il suo lavoro di cavallo d’allevamento in tutta serenità. In poche settimane sparita tutta la sua “nevrilità”, sparite tutte le idiosincrasie. Una vaccinazione ha potuto diventare quel che è: una rapidissima e tollerabilissima puntura d’insetto. Un prelievo per la profilassi sanitaria solo un tafano particolarmente molesto, non un minaccioso e pericolosissimo atto predatorio, da combattere con tutte le proprie forze. Una visita ginecologica al fine di diventare a tutti gli effetti una fattrice nient’altro che una procedura un po’ fastidiosa ma indolore. (“Che seccatura questi umani, ma tutto sommato hanno un tono di voce pacato, non mi fanno paura”.) Alma è diventata mamma. Ad oggi ha prodotto quattro figli. Ma c’è una cosa straordinaria di lei da raccontare, che si è ripetuta per due stagioni di fila e che vale tutto l’oro che ha vinto, tutto l’oro del mondo e anche di più. Alma è nata per essere mamma. Lo ha deciso lei, ce lo ha detto, e noi ora sappiamo che possiamo contare su di lei.


Potrebbe sembrare un’altra storia, e invece è ancora la storia di Alma. Nel 2015 SW Emarra Moniscione, un’altra straordinaria figlia di Ajman Moniscione di proprietà dei Buzzi, partorisce un puledro maschio, figlio di Magnum Psyche. È il suo primo figlio, e va tutto bene, solo che…. niente da fare: Emarra il piccolo non lo vuole. Inesperta, dal carattere un po’ fragile, paurosa di indole…. chi lo sa. Sta di fatto che ogni tentativo del puledro di attaccarsi alla mammella scatena calci e morsi, nonostante l’attento e sollecito intervento di Giancarlo. Già

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can’t stay with his mum in their box, because Emarra strikes him ferociously. And here is the second problem. A foal who lives by himself has many chances to become a disturbed, not socialized and emotionally upset subject. A difficult and uphill path lies ahead, for him and for those who by all means want him to live. It will be a month of trials which I’m not going to list: everybody who had an orphan, for any reason, well knows what it means. Artificial nursing, obviously, a task the whole Buzzi family faces with obstinate and brave determination, but also a cascade of medical issues to be faced and solved with a thin margin for survival. Despite all, little E Magnum has grit (he’s proving it today, one year later, with his first successes). With our attention aimed both to his physical and emotional nourishment, we try straightaway to… make him feel like a horse, let him see his akin, not to keep him totally by himself. Even in his second day of life he is outside to enjoy the sun in a small paddock near the mares’ one. The night spent all alone is still an issue, but here the miracle comes. Alma is five months pregnant. During the first two days, when E Magnum is brought outside, we notice that she stands at the corner of the paddock nearest to the baby’s. The third day she even whinnies to call him and in the late afternoon, when both of them go back to their respective quarters, she gets crazy, doesn’t tolerate the separation. We trust her and bring E Magnum into her box. That’s it. The little chap now sleeps with her “aunt”. He’s not out of danger, but this miraculous adoption will make the difference between life and death for him. As I said, it was Alma the one who decided, and we accepted grateful the help she offered. But wait… this is not the end. After a great deal of dithering (a mare with no maternal behavior is not a wise investment for a breeder) Giancarlo decides to breed Emarra again: E Magnum Moniscione is proving himself too special and charismatic not to try another product from her. Maybe next time, with a previous experience behind, it will go better. Pregnancy sets in, and there we arrive at delivery time, three months ago. We are ready this time, we will restrain her by any means if necessary, to allow the coming newborn to milk. An easy delivery this time too and then… well, actually it does go better, Emarra is not scared to death and aggressive as her first time, but to say that she is willing to be a mum is an overstatement. The baby, a colt again, SMA Magic One’s offspring, can drink colostrum and milk in his first few days, but it is a hourly fight: every two hours someone has to stand near Emarra, raise the voice, keep her tied or even pick up one of her limb to keep her still. Eros Moniscione is constantly tense, he goes to the udder just because instinct orders it, but he is scrubby and sad. Emarra doesn’t miss the chance for biting or threatening him if he goes too near, and we realize that even plain cohabitation is not possible, too much stress would make the poor baby grow with fear imprinted. I have an idea: Alma stays with her five-months filly in the box next to Emarra’s. She already knows the newborn (horses don’t need introductions, they feel and sense everything):

dopo due o tre prove andate male, E Magnum Moniscione è troppo spaventato per insistere. Non è riuscito ad assumere nemmeno il colostro. E qui il primo problema. Un puledro che non beve il colostro ha pochissime probabilità di sopravvivere. Addirittura non può stare nel box con la mamma, perché Emarra lo aggredisce con ferocia. E qui il secondo problema. Un puledro che sta da solo ha altissime probabilità di diventare un soggetto disturbato, non socializzato ed emotivamente tormentato. Si prospetta un percorso tutto in salita, per lui e per chi vuole farlo vivere a tutti i costi. Sarà un mese di tribolazioni che non sto a elencare: chi ha avuto un puledro orfano, per qualunque motivo, sa bene cosa vuol dire. Allattamento artificiale, ovviamente, un impegno affrontato da tutta la famiglia Buzzi con cocciuta e coraggiosa determinazione, ma anche una serie di problemi medici a cascata, da affrontare e risolvere con un margine strettissimo a far sperare nella sopravvivenza. Nonostante tutto, il piccolo E Magnum ha grinta (lo sta dimostrando oggi, a un anno di distanza, con i primi successi). Con l’attenzione volta sì al suo nutrimento fisico ma anche a quello emotivo, si è subito cercato di… farlo sentire un cavallo, di fargli almeno vedere i suoi simili, di non tenerlo completamente solo. Già al suo secondo giorno di vita esce a godersi il sole in un piccolo paddock, vicino a quello delle fattrici. Resta ancora il problema della notte, che passa da solo. Ma ecco che accade il miracolo. Alma è gravida di cinque mesi. Nel corso dei primi due giorni in cui E Magnum viene portato fuori, notiamo che lei resta nell’angolo di paddock più vicino al recinto del piccolo. Il terzo giorno addirittura lo chiama e alla sera, quando ciascuno torna nei rispettivi appartamenti, lei sembra impazzire, non tollera il distacco. Ci fidiamo: glielo lo portiamo nel box. È fatta: E Magnum Moniscione ora dorme con la “zia”. Non è fuori pericolo, ma il miracolo dell’adozione per lui farà la differenza tra la vita e la morte. Come dicevo, è stata Alma a decidere, e noi umani abbiamo accolto la sua offerta d’aiuto con gratitudine. Ma aspettate… non è finita qui. Dopo molte titubanze (una fattrice senza attitudine materna non è un buon investimento, in un allevamento), Giancarlo decide di coprire ancora SW Emarra Moniscione: E Magnum Moniscione si sta rivelando troppo bello, tipico e carismatico per non provare ad avere un altro prodotto da lei. Forse la prossima volta, con una prima esperienza alle spalle, andrà meglio. La gravidanza si instaura e procede tranquillamente, e arriviamo al parto, tre mesi fa. Questa volta siamo preparati e allerta, pronti a contenerla con tutti i mezzi per permettere al nascituro di bere alla mammella. Di nuovo un parto facile, e poi… bè, in effetti va un po’ meglio, Emarra non è terrorizzata e aggressiva come la volta precedente, ma dire che sia disposta a fare la mamma sono parole grosse. Il piccolo, un altro maschio, questa volta figlio di SMA Magic One, riesce a bere il colostro e a succhiare dalla mamma per i primi tre o quattro giorni, ma è una guerra: ogni due ore bisogna mettersi di sentinella nel box, fare a Emarra la voce grossa, tenerla legata e spesso anche

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why not propose her to keep him with her? It is not so important that he milks from a mum right now, the bottle can do the job, the most important thing for him is living close to a sweet companion, day and night. No sooner said than done: Eros Moniscione is moved to Alma’s and Asifa Moniscione’s, her last born, box. Alma doesn’t show herself reluctant to have two children tied to her apron strings. In fact, to tell the truth, her legitimate one is really big and strong, she already eats beyond milking, and you know, teenagers are so annoying at times, Alma is quite fed up with her! Lo and behold, another miracle happens, this time the real one: after few minutes Eros, cheeky as all puppies are or maybe just hungry, goes near Alma’s side and reaches out for the udder. Alma flattens her ears, shakes her tail, even lifts a hind limb (but no real kick is meant), but Giancarlo, present and attentive as usual, raises his voice first, then the tone becomes coaxing. In front of our moved eyes, the colt starts suckling with big gulps, and Alma… Alma looks at us for a moment as if questioning, turn her head to sniff the intruder, decides that all in all she has enough milk and enough love, and starts to chew some hay. A nurse again, to all intents and purposes this time. Asifa is moved to the next box. Never weaning was easier: no desperate cries, no jealousy for an usurping “little brother”, no agony of a mother who in the wild would keep her child till close to the birth of her next. This is the way one grows up: without jolts. This is the way one develops confidence and balance: with an attentive parent’s love, not necessarily biological, and a welcoming herd. Let’s go to the pasture to play, now. Every day, together.

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costretta con un arto sollevato. Eros Moniscione è sempre teso, si attacca a bere il latte proprio perché glielo impone l’istinto, ma è magro e triste. Emarra non perde occasione per morderlo o minacciarlo se lui le va troppo vicino, e ci rendiamo conto che anche la semplice convivenza non è possibile, per il piccolo lo stress continuo significa crescere con l’imprinting della paura. Mi viene un’idea: Alma alloggia con la sua puledra di ormai cinque mesi nel box vicino a quello di Emarra. Conosce già il nuovo nato (i cavalli non hanno bisogno di presentazioni ufficiali, sentono e percepiscono tutto), perché non proporle di tenerlo con sé? Ora come ora non interessa tanto che allatti da una madre, il biberon può andar bene comunque, l’importante è che viva tranquillo e in affettuosa compagnia, di notte e di giorno. Detto fatto: Eros Moniscione viene trasferito nel box di Alma e della sua ultima nata, Asifa Moniscione. Alma non si mostra restia ad avere due rampolli attaccati alle gonnelle. Anzi, siamo sinceri: la sua figlia legittima è decisamente grande e grossa, mangia tranquillamente da sola, e poi si sa che gli adolescenti sono alquanto irritanti, lei ne è quasi stufa! Ed ecco che accade di nuovo il miracolo, e questa volta è un miracolo vero: dopo pochi minuti Eros, sfacciato come tutti i cuccioli o forse solo affamato, si avvicina al fianco di Alma e si allunga a cercare la mammella. Alma abbassa le orecchie, agita la coda, solleva persino il posteriore di pochi centimetri, seppur senza vera intenzione, ma Giancarlo, presente e attento come sempre, le fa la voce grossa, poi suadente. Davanti ai nostri occhi commossi, il puledro si mette a succhiare a grandi golate, e Alma… Alma ci guarda per un attimo interrogativa, si gira a studiare l’intruso, lo annusa, decide che tutto sommato ha abbastanza latte e abbastanza amore anche per lui, e si mette a masticare un po’ di fieno. Di nuovo balia, questa volta a tutti gli effetti. Asifa viene spostata nel box accanto. Mai svezzamento fu più indolore: niente nitriti disperati, niente gelosia per un “fratello minore” usurpatore, niente strazio di una madre che in natura terrebbe il puledro fino a ridosso della nascita del successivo. Così si diventa grandi: senza scosse. Così si diventa fiduciosi ed equilibrati: con l’amore di un genitore attento, non necessariamente biologico, e con un branco che ti accoglie. E ogni giorno si va al pascolo insieme, a giocare.

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he stallion Nazeer whose name means “the eye-catcher” was perhaps the best ambassador in the world of the legendary story of Mohammed Ali Pasha and Abbas Pasha Hilmi I, who respectively built their Dar El Beyda and Abassieh Stables; at the time, these were the most important stud farms in Egypt. Nazeer’s kingdom has been indeed an unforgettable one. At that time in El Zahraa, the harem of Nazeer was famous in the entire world for its beauty and quality and it looked after him until his last breath. As it happened for any sovereign (Nazeer), his grooms would provide for everything he needed, dealing with his grooming, monitoring his exercise and his diet, really anything to ensure his strength and health during his old



o stallone Nazeer, il cui nome significa “colui che attira lo sguardo”, è stato forse l’ambasciatore migliore nel mondo della leggendaria storia di Mohammed Ali Pasha e di Abbas Pasha Hilmi I, che costruirono rispettivamente gli allevamenti di Dar El Beyda e di Abassieh, considerati i più importanti nell’Egitto di quel tempo. Quello dello stallone Nazeer è stato un regno indimenticabile. A quel tempo a El Zahraa, l’harem di Nazeer era famoso nel mondo per la bellezza e le qualità e l’ha accudito attentamente fino all’ultimo istante. Come per ogni sovrano (Nazeer), i grooms erano pronti a soddisfare ogni sua esigenza, assistendo alla sua toeletta, sorvegliando il suo esercizio fisico e la sua dieta, per assicurargli forza e salute negli anni della sua vecchiaia.

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age. Nazeer was an authentic monarch. He was so accustomed to constant attention and admiration that you could not doubt that his regal carriage, lively intelligence, dignity and beauty came from royal lineage. Nazeer attracted even long distant visitors; he was worshipped in every corner of the earth and both the American and the European press paid due homage to him. We shall then ask ourselves.” What led Nazeer to reign over his little realm”? Why did history have so much interest in this handsome, white stallion despite his short reign? The answer to these questions is very simple: Nazeer’s ascending line was the most precious you could find at the time. This was confirmed by his offspring, which made him the cornerstone stallion of the Egyptian Arabian breed in modern era. Nazeer was born on August 9th, 1934 at the new stables built by the Royal Agricultural Society (RAS) in Kafr Farouk, which after the Egyptian revolution will take the name of El Zahraa. We should be aware that the breeding farm in Kafr Farouk – before called Royal Khassa – belonged to King Ahmed Fuad I and it was located in Inshass about 23 miles north-east of Cairo (what today is known as Inshass Stud). This breeding facility operated independently of RAS until the end of the monarchy in 1952. Nazeer began his sire career very late in El Zahraa, in the late 40s, early 50s, under the supervision of the Royal Agricultural Society (RAS), which then was called Egyptian Agricultural Organization (EAO), until his death in 1960. His sireline came from Saklawi I, a Saklawi Jedran Ibn Soudan horse who was born in 1886 and bred by the Ruala Bedouins, and his sire was Khalil, also born by the Ruala tribe in 1880. The son of Saklawi I, Saklawi II, out of the famous mare El Dahma, was raised in 1900 by Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilmi II and went coupled with the dam Dalal, granddaughter of Saklawi I and that’s how Gamil Manial - Nazeer’s paternal grandfather - came along. It should be noted that, if we also consider the damline, Saklawi I appears five times in Nazeer’s pedigree. Gamil Manial was bred to Nafaa El Saghira in 1910 (Meanagi Sebeli x Nafaa El Kebira), and the product of this cross was the father of Nazeer, Mansour, a Koheilan Mimreh stallion born in 1921. Nafaa El Saghira, daughter of the mare Nafaa El Kebira (Rabdan x Donia), was raised by Prince Yusuf Kemal Pasha, while very little is known about her father Meanagi Sebeli: born in 1895, the Tahawwi Bedouins took him from Arabia to Egypt and sold him to Prince Ahmed Kemal Pasha. Nazeer’s mother was the beautiful Hadbah Enzahiya, Bint Samiha, 1925 (Kazmeen x Samiha) descending from Bint Hadba El Saghira, a chestnut mare born on February 22nd ,

Nazeer era un autentico monarca, oggetto di continua attenzione e ammirazione e nemmeno per un istante era possibile dubitare che il suo regale portamento, la viva intelligenza, dignità e bellezza fossero di stirpe reale. Nazeer attirava visitatori anche lontani, ammirato in ogni angolo della terra e la stampa americana ed europea gli tributava il dovuto omaggio. Dobbiamo chiederci, cosa ha portato Nazeer a regnare sul suo piccolo reame ? Perché la storia ha accordato tanto interesse a questo bellissimo, bianco stallone, nonostante il breve regno ? 2 La risposta a queste domande è molto semplice: gli ascendenti di Nazeer erano quanto di più pregevole si potessero trovare a quei tempi e la conferma fu la sua progenie, che ne fece la pietra miliare del Cavallo Arabo Egiziano dell’era moderna. Nazeer nacque il 9 Agosto 1934 alle nuove scuderie costruite dalla Royal Agricultural Society (RAS) a Kafr Farouk, che dopo la rivoluzione egiziana prenderanno il nome di El Zahraa. Per ulteriore informazione, l’allevamento di Kafr Farouk, prima chiamato Royal Khassa, era di Re Ahmed Fuad I e situato a Inshass, circa 23 miglia a nord-est del Cairo (quello che ai nostri giorni conosciamo come Inshass Stud), quest’allevamento operò indipendentemente dalla RAS fino alla fine della monarchia nel 1952. Nazeer iniziò la sua carriera produttiva molto tardi, a El Zahraa, verso la fine degli anni 40, inizio anni 50, sotto la supervisione della Royal Agricoltural Society (RAS), che poi fu chiamata Egyptian Agricoltural Organization (EAO), fino alla sua morte avvenuta nel 1960. La linea paterna viene da Saklawi I, un Saklawi Jedran Ibn Soudan nato nel 1886, allevato dalla tribù dei beduini Ruala e suo padre era Khalil, anche lui nato dai 3 Ruala nel 1880. Il figlio di Saklawi I, Saklawi II, nato dalla famosa fattrice El Dahma, fu allevato nel 1900 da Khedivè Abbas Pasha Hilmi II, fu accoppiato alla fattrice Dalal, nipote di Saklawi I e nacque Gamil Manial, nonno paterno di Nazeer. Dobbiamo notare che, se consideriamo anche la linea materna, Saklawi I è presente ben cinque volte nel pedigree di Nazeer. Gamil Manial fu accoppiato a Nafaa El Saghira 1910 (Meanagi Sebeli x Nafaa El Kebira), il prodotto di questo incrocio fu il padre di Nazeer, Mansour, un Koheilan Mimreh nato nel 1921. Nafaa El Saghira, figlia della fattrice Nafaa El Kebira (Rabdan x Donia), fu allevata dal Principe Yusuf Kemal Pasha, mentre di suo padre Meanagi Sebeli, si conosce poco: nato nel 1895, i beduini Tahawwi lo portarono dall’Arabia in Egitto e lo cedettero al Principe Ahmed Kemal Pasha. La madre di Nazeer era la bella Hadbah Enzahiya, Bint Samiha 1925(Kazmeen x Samiha) che discendeva da Bint Hadba El

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1912 at the Kubba Stables owned by Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilmi II, purchased by R.A.S. on February 6th, 1914, and died in 1931. The father of Bint Hadba El Saghira was El Halabi (Saklawi I x Halabia), and her mother was Hadba (Sklawi I x Venus). Speaking of the two grandmothers of Bint Hadba El Saghira, Venus was raised by the Shammar tribe around 1890 whereas Halabia was a Saklawiya Jedraniya mare born in 1880 and belonging to some Abu Amin Halabi who took her to Egypt (in Arabic ‘Halabi’ means ‘coming from Aleppo’ or ‘Haleb’). Halabia became property of Khedive Abbas Pasha Hilmi II, who covered her with the stallion Saklawi I and in 1895 he obtained what it would become the stallion El Halabi, the father of Bint Hadba El Saghira. The father of Bint Samiha, Kazmeen, brings twice into Nazeer’s pedigree Lady Blunt’s Saklawi Jedran Ibn Soudan stallion Mesaoud 1887 (Aziz x Yemameh ) and twice the Saklawiya Jedraniya mare Ghazala 1896 (Ibn Sherara x Bint Helwa) , all descending from the mare Ghazieh raised in the desert by the Ruala tribe. Ghazieh was one of the mares owned by Abbas Pasha 4 Hilmi I and this detail enhanced the Saklawi blood in the ascending line of Nazeer. As for Nazeer’s genetic pool, his ancestors came from the best horses of the desert; this is why he was such a great genes conveyor, but, in that respect, he was also helped by his harem since, among the mares he covered, there were daughters of great stallions such as Shahloul 1931 (Ibn Rabdan x Bin Radia), Sheikh El Arab 1933 (Mansour x Bint Sabah) and Sid Abouhom 1936 (El Deree x Layla). Among them, however, there were mostly great broodmares who have shaped the history of the Egyptian Arabian horse, like Bint Kateefa 1954 (Sid Abouhom x Kateefa), Bukra 1942 (Shahloul x Bin Sabah), Elwya 1950 (Sid Abouhom x Zareefa), Farasha 1951 (Sid Abouhom x Yosreia), Fathia 1950 (Sid Abouhom x Shams), Fayza II 1951 (Sid Abouhom x Nefisa), Fotna (Futna) 1943 (Shahloul x Farida), Halima 1944 (Sheikh El Arab x Ragia), Hemmat 1952 (Sid Abouhom x Maysouna), Kamla 1942 (Sheikh El Arab x Samha), Kateefa 1938 (Shahloul x Bint Rissala), Mabrouka 1951 (Sid Abouhom x Moniet El Nefous), Maisa 1948 (Shahloul x Zareefa), Moniet El Nefous 1946 (Shahloul x Wanisa ), Mouna 1954 (Sid Abouhom x Moniet El Nefous), Om El Saad 1945 (Shahloul x Yashmak ) and Yosreia 1943 (Sheikh El Arab x Hind). To the abovementioned we need to add up some others such as: Helwa 1940 (Hamran II x Bint Farida), Lateefa 1945 (Gamil III x Salwa), Malaka 1941 (Kheir x Bint Bint Riyala), Nefisa 1945 (Balance x Helwa), Ragia 1938 (Ibn Rabdan x Farida) and Zaafarana 1946 (Balance x Samira). After examining Nazeer’s genetic pool we shall ask ourselves N°3 - 2016 | 220

Saghira, una saura, nata il 22 Febbraio 1912 a Kubba Stables di Khedivè Abbas Pasha Hilmi II, acquistata dalla R.A.S. il 6 Febbraio 1914, morì nel 1931. Il padre di Bint Hadba El Saghira era El Halabi(Saklawi I x Halabia) e la madre era Hadba(Sklawi I x Venus). Delle due nonne di Bint Hadba El Saghira, Venus fu allevata dalla tribù dei Shammar circa nel 1890 e Halabia era una Saklawiya Jedraniya nata nel 1880 appartenuta a un certo Abu Amin Halabi che la portò in Egitto (in arabo Halabi significa da Aleppo o Haleb). Halabia divenne proprietà di Khedivè Abbas Pasha Hilmi II che la coprì con lo stallone Saklawi I e nel 1895 ottenne quello che diventerà lo stallone El Halabi, padre di Bint Hadba El Saghira. Il padre di Bint Samiha, Kazmeen, porta nel pedigree di Nazeer due volte lo stallone Saklawi Jedran Ibn Soudan di Lady Blunt, Mesaoud 1887(Aziz x Yemameh) e altre due volte la fattrice Saklawiya Jedraniya, Ghazala 1896(Ibn Sherara x Bint Helwa), tutti discendenti della fattrice Ghazieh allevata nel deserto dalla tribù dei Ruala, che fu una delle fattrici di Abbas Pasha Hilmi I. Questo particolare accresce ancora di più il sangue Saklawi negli ascendenti di Nazeer. Nel potenziale genetico di Nazeer i suoi ascendenti derivano dai migliori cavalli che sono arrivati dal deserto, per questo è stato un grande trasmettitore, ma è stato aiutato anche dal suo harem, perché tra le sue fattrici c’erano figlie di grandi stalloni come Shahloul 1931(Ibn Rabdan x Bin Radia), Sheikh El Arab 1933(Mansour x Bint Sabah) e Sid Abouhom 1936(El Deree x Layla), ma soprattutto tra loro spiccavano grandi trasmettitrici che hanno fatto la storia del Cavallo Arabo Egiziano, come Bint Kateefa 1954(Sid Abouhom x Kateefa), Bukra 1942(Shahloul x Bin Sabah), Elwya 1950(Sid Abouhom x Zareefa), Farasha 1951(Sid Abouhom x Yosreia), Fathia 1950(Sid Abouhom x Shams), Fayza II 1951(Sid Abouhom x Nefisa), Fotna (Futna) 1943(Shahloul x Farida), Halima 1944(Sheikh El Arab x Ragia), Hemmat 1952(Sid Abouhom x Maysouna), Kamla 1942(Sheikh El Arab x Samha), Kateefa 1938(Shahloul x Bint Rissala), Mabrouka 1951(Sid Abouhom x Moniet El Nefous), Maisa 1948(Shahloul x Zareefa), Moniet El Nefous 1946(Shahloul x Wanisa), Mouna 1954(Sid Abouhom x Moniet El Nefous), Om El Saad 1945(Shahloul x Yashmak) e Yosreia 1943(Sheikh El Arab x Hind). A quelle già citate, si sommavano queste altre: Helwa 1940(Hamran II x Bint Farida), Lateefa 1945(Gamil III x Salwa), Malaka 1941 Kheir x Bint Bint Riyala), Nefisa 1945(Balance x Helwa), Ragia 1938(Ibn Rabdan x Farida) e Zaafarana 1946(Balance x Samira). Dopo avere esaminato le potenzialità genetiche di Nazeer, dobbiamo chiederci che tipo di cavallo fosse, quali sono stati i trascorsi della sua vita e perché la sua carriera riproduttiva iniziò abbastanza tardi.

what kind of horse he was, how he spent his life and why his breeding career started quite late. Since he was a foal Nazeer had been a subject you could not underestimate. One day, while he was playing in the sandy arenas of Kafr Farouk (El Zahraa), his conformation and lively behavior captured the expert eye of Sheikh Abdul Aziz El Sabek from the Dawasser tribes of Saudi Arabia who, among the other things, was one of the greatest trainers in Egypt. Sheikh immediately asked the Royal Agricultural Society whether he could take the colt on lease to make him run in flat races and, since he was the person with all requirements for the loan, the permission was granted to him. So Nazeer began his training for the racing season in 1937. Sheikh Abdul Aziz - a brilliant Bedouin old man who would lie about his age saying he was 85 whereas he was said to be centenary, would remember Nazeer with nostalgia. About the horse he would say: “He was almost perfect. It was very difficult to find any faults about him because he had a very big chest and a strong croup. He had good, strong hooves and legs with solid muscle conformation. He was always lively and watchful. A magnificent horse. “Nazeer’s workouts went on successfully and he made

Fin da quando era puledro, Nazeer era un soggetto da non sottovalutare, un giorno, mentre giocava nei recinti sabbiosi di Kafr Farouk (El Zahraa), la sua conformazione e la vivacità del comportamento, attirò l’occhio esperto dello Sceicco Abdul Aziz El Sabek, della tribù Dawasser dell’Arabia Saudita, che era uno dei maggiori allenatori d’Egitto. Questo Sceicco chiese subito alla Royal Agricoltural Society di affidargli quel puledro per farlo correre nelle corse in piano e dato che era persona con tutti i requisiti per il prestito, il permesso fu accordato. Così Nazeer iniziò gli allenamenti per la stagione di corse 1937. Lo Sceicco Abdul Aziz, un anziano brillante beduino che dichiarava 85 anni



his debut on December 4th, 1937, at the luxurious Heliopolis Racecourse, attended by the Egyptian Royal Family and the elite of society, where he got second place losing only for one head. Over his second race on December 18th, 1937 he was in top shape, winning four and a half furlongs in 59 seconds and 3/5. His racing career progressed steadily and between 1937 and 1939 he attended 20 races out of which he won four; he was second six times, third once and fourth four times. When Nazeer was withdrawn from competitions he was still in excellent physical conditions and got back to RAS to become a breeding stallion. Unfortunately, at that time, there already

di età, ma che si diceva fosse centenario, ricordava Nazeer con nostalgia. Diceva: “Era pressoché perfetto. Cercare di trovargli un difetto era molto difficile, perché aveva un torace molto profondo e una groppa robusta. Aveva buoni e robusti zoccoli ed arti, con i suoi muscoli ben disposti. Era sempre vivace e attento. Un cavallo magnifico.” Gli allenamenti di Nazeer procedettero con successo e al suo debutto del 4 Dicembre 1937, nel lussuoso ippodromo di Heliopolis, frequentato dalla famiglia reale egiziana e dall’élite della società, si piazzò secondo, perdendo solo per una testa. Nella sua seconda corsa del 18 Dicembre 1937 si presentò al massimo della forma, vincendo i 4 furlongs e mezzo in 59 secondi e 3/5. La sua carriera agonistica progredì costantemente e tra il 1937 e il 1939 fece 20 corse, dove ne vinse quattro, si è piazzato secondo sei volte, una volta terzo e quattro volte quarto. Quando Nazeer venne ritirato dalle competizioni, era in eccellenti condizioni fisiche e fu restituito alla RAS per farne uno stallone. A quel tempo, sfortuna volle, che ci fossero già altri eccellenti stalloni operanti, come per esempio Ibn Rabdan 1917(Rabdan x Bint Gamila), i cui figli erano molto richiesti nelle importazioni americane degli anni 30 fatte da Henry B. Babson, poi c’era

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existed other excellent operating stallions, such as: Ibn Rabdan 1917 (Rabdan x Bint Gamila), whose foals were in great demand in the American imports made by Henry B. Babson in the 30s. Thus there were: Balance 1928 (Ibn Samhan x Farida), Ibn Samhan 1919 (Samhan x Nafaa El Saghira), Shahloul 1931 (Ibn Rabdan x Bin Radia), Sheikh El Arab 1933 (Mansour x Bint Sabah) and, of course, the father of Nazeer, Mansour 1921 (Gamil El Manial x Nafaa Saghira); so the young and untrained stallion had to wait before having the whole harem only for himself. Nazeer was transferred to one of the farms that RAS owned along the Nile’s Valley, where he was to become the breeding stallion of the farm. Quite sadly, these farms were often poorly managed and horses in these “deposits” were often neglected. Nazeer’s fate changed in the late ‘40s, when HRH Prince Mohamed Taher Pasha became Head of the Royal Agricultural Society and asked General Tibor Pettko Von Szandtner, one of Europe’s most renowned horsemen of the time, to become the manager of Kafr Farouk Stud. General Tibor Von Pettko Szandtner was known throughout Europe as a great expert on four and five carriage competitions, as well as a crosscountry rider, a discipline on which he had also published a book. General Von Szandtner had dealt with breeding horses for 43 years until the spring of 1945, when Soviet troops invaded Hungary and along 8 with another 100,000 Hungarian refugees, he was forced to flee to the West. At that time, General Von Szandtner had served for ten years as Superintendent / Commander of the famous Royal Breeding Farm of the Hungarian State of Babolna, and from 1942 to 1945 in Budapest as Ministry of the Agriculture taking care of all the Hungarian state farms. For General Von Szandtner and his wife, the early years of the Second World War were terrible, but fate had decided that they dealt with Arabian horses again but this time in Egypt. The spouses began rebuilding their lives in that country where the sand of the desert had replaced the European lush green pastures. With an all-military precision, the General Von Szandtner introduced new breeding methods; he made build new buildings to allow mares and their foals to ride freely since before his arrival the animals used to be tied to stakes fixed in the ground as Bedouins would do. He made plant trees for shade where there would be only desert in past times except for a palm trees avenue. He ordered his staff to cleaning and precision, so the breeding farm put on a new face. When

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Balance 1928(Ibn Samhan x Farida), Ibn Samhan 1919(Samhan x Nafaa El Saghira), Shahloul 1931(Ibn Rabdan x Bin Radia), Sheikh El Arab 1933(Mansour x Bint Sabah) e lo stesso padre di Nazeer, Mansour 1921(Gamil Manial x Nafaa El Saghira); di conseguenza il giovane e non ancora collaudato stallone dovette attendere prima di avere il suo harem. Nazeer fu trasferito in una delle fattorie che la RAS aveva lungo la valle del Nilo, dove avrebbe dovuto fare lo stallone per la monta pubblica. Purtroppo queste fattorie spesso erano mal gestite e i cavalli in questi “depositi” erano trascurati. La sorte di Nazeer cambiò alla fine degli anni 40, quando HRH Prince Mohamed Taher Pasha andò alla guida della Royal Agricoltural Society e chiese 7 al Generale Tibor Pettko Von Szandtner, uno dei più rinomati cavallerizzi europei, di dirigere la fattoria Kafr Farouk. Il Generale Tibor Pettko Von Szandtner era noto in tutta Europa come un grande esperto di competizioni di tiro a quattro e a cinque, oltre che come fantino di cross-country, disciplina sulla quale aveva anche pubblicato un libro. Il Generale Von Szandtner si era occupato per ben 43 anni dell’allevamento dei cavalli, fino alla primavera del 1945, quando le truppe sovietiche invasero l’Ungheria e insieme ad altri 100.000 profughi ungheresi, lui fu costretto a fuggire in Occidente. In quel periodo, il Generale Von Szandtner aveva servito per dieci anni come Sovrintendente/ Comandante del famoso Allevamento Reale dello Stato Ungherese di Babolna e dal 1942 al 1945 al Ministero dell’Agricoltura in Budapest, si occupò di tutti gli allevamenti statali ungheresi. Per il Generale Von Szandtner e sua moglie, i primi anni del secondo dopoguerra furono terribili, ma il destino aveva deciso che si sarebbero di nuovo occupati di cavalli arabi e questa volta in Egitto. Fu così che i coniugi cominciarono a ricostruire la loro vita in quel paese, dove al posto dei verdi e grassi pascoli europei c’era la sabbia del deserto. Con una precisione tutta militare, il Generale Von Szandtner introdusse nuovi metodi di allevamento, fece costruire nuovi edifici per permettere alle fattrici e ai puledri di scorrazzare liberi, mentre prima del suo arrivo gli animali erano legati a paletti nel suolo, alla maniera dei beduini. Piantò alberi per l’ombra dove prima, tranne un viale di palme, vi era solo il deserto. Ordinò al personale pulizia e precisione, così l’allevamento ebbe un volto nuovo. Quando il Generale Von Szandtner assunse la direzione dell’allevamento, ridusse drasticamente il numero delle fattrici. Molti stalloni anziani erano già morti da qualche tempo e di

General Von Szandtner became the manager of the stud, he would drastically reduce the number of mares. Many older stallions were already dead for some time, and he only kept one for himself among those still alive. He began a thorough search for subjects to be kept on the farm and made a careful selection according to criteria of type, defects of phenotype and pedigree, so he was looking for a new great stallion. Very soon, the expert eye of General Von Szandtner noticed that Sheikh El Arab, a son of Mansour, had left his indelible mark on the herd of the past and he got just ravished by Mansour. When going to the RAS Stallions Deposits, he sought out Nazeer in Behtim and made him return to the new stables built in Kafr Farouk (El Zahraa). At this point the General Tibor Von Pettko Szandtner had the keystone for the genetic program prepared by his administration. A breeding program aimed at increasing the quality according to specific bloodline combinations, just like H.R.H. Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik and the Scottish Dr. Veterinarian A. E. Branch had done in the past. Over his ten years administrative mandate, General Von Szandtner used Nazeer intensively for reproductive purposes and the results were obvious, because also this son of Mansour proved to be a great sire. Nazeer quickly improved legs in general, siring foals with good conformation and sturdy horses with appreciable size and stature, powerful shoulders and big chest. The heads of Nasser’ sons were highly distinctive features of the bred and they all carried his unique brand of nobility. Telling the sons of Nasser from other foals it was easy, because all conveyed that impression of superiority which is not easy to define and, above all, they all reflected their father’s phenotype. Nasser was an extraordinary handsome horse, with a well balanced figure so typical of the Hadban lineage and a deep gaze. His head was of medium length, fine and noble, his eyes were big, totally black and expressive, and he had a small well-shaped muzzle with wide nostrils capable of great expansion. Nazeer was so fine that his skin looked like

quelli restanti ne conservò uno solo. Iniziò un’accurata ricerca degli individui da tenere in allevamento e fece un’accurata cernita in base alla tipicità, ai difetti del fenotipo e ai pedigrees, così cercò anche un nuovo capo stallone. Subito l’occhio esperto del Generale Von Szandtner notò che Sheikh El Arab, figlio di Mansour, aveva lasciato il suo marchio indelebile nel passato dell’allevamento e rimase conquistato proprio 9 da Mansour, così andando a cercare nei Depositi Stalloni della RAS, egli scovò Nazeer a Behtim e lo fece riportare alle nuove scuderie costruite a Kafr Farouk (El Zahraa). A questo punto il Generale Tibor Pettko Von Szandtner aveva la “chiave di volta” per il programma genetico predisposto dalla sua amministrazione. Un programma di allevamento, rivolto all’incremento della qualità, basato su certe combinazioni di sangue, così come fece in passato H.R.H. Prince Mohamed Ali Tewfik e il veterinario scozzese Dr. A. E. 10 Branch. Nei suoi dieci anni di amministrazione, il Generale Von Szandtner utilizzò intensivamente Nazeer e i risultati furono evidenti, perché anche questo figlio di Mansour dimostrò di essere un grande stallone. Nazeer migliorò subito gli arti in generale, dando figli con una buona conformazione e cavalli robusti, taglia e statura apprezzabili, spalle potenti e profondità del ventre. Le teste dei figli di Nazeer erano molto tipiche, segno distintivo di razza e portavano il suo particolare 11 marchio di nobiltà. Distinguere i figli di Nazeer dagli altri era facile, perché tutti davano quell’impressione di superiorità non facile da definire e soprattutto, riflettevano il fenotipo del padre. Nazeer era un cavallo bellissimo, con un aspetto molto ben bilanciato e tipico della stirpe Hadban, con lo sguardo profondo, la sua testa era di media lunghezza, raffinata e nobile, gli occhi erano grandi, completamente neri ed espressivi, il muso piccolo ben conformato, con le narici larghe e capaci di grande dilatazione. Nazeer aveva talmente tanta finezza che la sua pelle era come carta velina con il reticolo dei capillari chiaramente visibile, aveva un bel garrese con le spalle ben impostate, il suo collo era lungo anche se leggermente

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ecently crowned Gold Champion Junior Filly at the Egyptian Event Europe S-Show in Jüchen (Germany) last August 2016, Dalal Zamani is a daughter of the highly decorated and internationally acclaimed sire of champions Laheeb, an outstanding Dahman Shahwan stallion by strain, and out of Zena Al Buraq, an Arabian Egyptian foundation broodmare who carries some of the rarest old Egyptian blood. From the moment she was born, Dalal was a remarkable filly She has always been the proud and joy of her owner Ahmad Al Babtain from Kuwait “an extremely gracious princess, he argues, who would bounce around the pastures elegantly, independent and full of confidence”. Ahmad’s passion for horses started when he visited his cousin’s Abhaa Arabians farm in Saudi Arabia owned by Saud Albabtain. He felt a spark when he saw the horses and wanted to visit more Egyptian horse farms in Kuwait, Egypt, Qatar, and Europe. After that wonderful experience, Ahmad decided to fully pursue his passion and began his breeding program. When Ahmad started buying horses he started getting very good breeding mares and used stallions from all over the world. Dalal Zamani came along in 2013 from the coupling of two stunning horses. Her sire Laheeb was born on January 2, 1996, at Ariela

Arabians of Bnei Zion, Israel. Laheeb’s sire was the legendary Imperial Imdal (Ansata Imperial x Dalia by Morafic), who stood at the farm for three years during the 1990s; his dam was the imported foundation broodmare AK Latifa (Ibn Moniet el Nefous x Siralima by Ansata Ibn Halima), who topped the 1985 Legacy Sale, at $345,000. Laheeb is strongly linebred on both the top and bottom of his pedigree to Morafic and Ansata Ibn Halima, two of Nazeer’s most influential sons, and is a grandson of U.S. National Champion Stallion Ansata Ibn Sudan. Through his dam, Laheeb traces back to the stallion Sirecho, an important broodmare sire carrying rare old Egyptian blood. While still a suckling, Laheeb made history as one of the very first Israelbred horses to compete at the Middle Eastern Championship show in Amman; there he won his first international title, Best Arabian Foal at Foot. As a yearling he won the title of Israeli National Champion Colt and was high-scoring horse at the same show. Soon afterwards he was off to begin a European show campaign, handled throughout by the extremely talented Arabian presenter, Frank Spoenle of Germany, who has handled Laheeb since birth. Most of Laheeb’s siring career has taken place abroad, first and foremost, in Poland where breeders take a very covetous view of the horse. Some say

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that Laheeb’s true home is with them, maintaining that only in Poland are there enough truly great mares deserving of his attentions. However, also in America Laheeb had the chance to cover some of the country’s finest pure Polish and Polish-related mares. Their progeny will be covered with the finest Polish stallions available with the goal of creating horses that will be competitive not only in America, but also in Paris and Aachen. Referring to the stallion as a ‘miracle of nature’, renowned American judge Mazzei maintains that “Laheeb is the most important Arabian breeding stallion alive today.” Less is known about Dalal’s dam, Zena Al Buraq. This exceptional Arabian Egyptian grey broodmare was born on November




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15th 2004 in Israel by a grandson of Imperial Imdal, Al Manar and out of K Ruya, a wonderful Straight Egyptian Kuhaylan broodmare from Israel. She is bred by David Jearbi from Jerusalem, Israel and owned by Asman Labstri from Israel too. According to the ‘Israel Arab Horse Society’s records, Zena Al Buraq was 2007 Israeli Nationals - Most Classic Head Winner and 2010 Egyptian event Israel - Gold Champion Mare. Today, Dalal Zamani personifies all that is treasured in the Egyptian Arabian: unsurpassed breed type; dignified presence; an ultra-exotic, perfectly proportioned head; a high set, gracefully arched neck; superb balance, smooth shoulders and quarters of good length, strength

and slope; a well muscled, horizontal top-line with a highly placed and proudly carried flagged tail; good three-dimensional substance with plentiful width, depth and muscular development; squarely placed limbs with clean, dense bone and wide sinewy tendons; and a free-moving, animated pace with a distinct aristocratic carriage. Dalal is a dream filly. Wrapped in a silver grey coat, she looks simply gorgeous, very correct and absolutely flawless. Her nature is extraordinary, gentle and she is noble in all her movements, without losing a bit of any of those traits that you would always attach to a princess of this stature. Dalal is now standing in central Italy at ‘Capecci Arabian Training Center’ where Paolo Capecci is masterfully dealing with her training. Capecci first met Dalal on one of his many

trips down to Israel and when he saw the filly it was love at first sight to the extent that he advised Ahmad Al Babtain to buy her. And so did Ahmad! The recent success at the Egyptian Event Europe S-Show in Jüchen (Germany) last August 2016 did nothing but prove the extraordinary physical and spiritual qualities of this upcoming filly. The Show was very well organized, says Ahmad, and it was the first time he participated in a competition as a new farm. Dalal won first place Gold Champion and her owner was extremely happy! Ahmad does hope this will be the start of something great in terms of breeding and competitions results. And since pretty Dalal is only three years old we can only guess at the full measure of the legacy she will leave behind

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uwait has amazing people with amazing Arabian horses. A trip there will certainly lead you to the discovery of several exceptional breeders and find some hidden gems. In Kuwait, people are extremely kind and very hospitable. The farms and breeding programs they are establishing are something startling. The fabulous Ezzain Arabians Stables owned by Mr. Usamah Alkazemi are by all means one of those places you do not want to miss out! The farm is the

most stunning you may ever see and the horses themselves are as beautiful as you will find anywhere. Usamah takes extra good care of his horses, some of which seem to come out of a fairytale fantasy. The name of Ezzain Arabians has long been associated with an extraordinary array of world champions in Straight Egyptians such as : Ezz Ezzain owned by Hanaya Stud; Nabaweyah Ezzain owned by Alrashediah Stud; Albaheiah Ezzain owned by Almaaly Stud, and, all of them were great champions in

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NK Qaswarah

NK Qaswarah

Yaasoob Ezzain

Nayyerah Ezzain

NK Nada

Naqam and Manar Ezzain

Naqam Ezzain

Ezz Ezzain

Nabaweyah Ezzain

(NK Hafid Jamil x NK Nariman)

(Suror Ezzain x Ansata Suleyma)

(Nk Qaswarah X Nayyerah Ezzain)

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(Nk Hafid Jamil X Nk Nariman)

(Adnan x Nashua)

(Ansata Almurtajiz X Najeiah)

(NK Qaswarah x NK Nada)

(Bihnas sisters)

(Ansata Almurtajiz X Nk Nakeebya)

Bihnas Ezzain (two years old)

different shows. A visit to Ezzain Arabians would not be complete without meeting an incredible stallion like the young Bihnas Ezzain proudly owned by Talal Alkazemi. Bihnas is a son of Yaasoob out of Nayyerah, as Yaasoob is a Qaswarah son out of NK Nada. From his sire, Bihnas has been impacted with extra length in all of his lines. Bihnas has inherited much of the classic look that is characteristic of the Dahman strain. He has a gorgeous luminous eyes, fully black with a wonderful shape, finely shaped nostrils and exquisite ears, small and tipped. There is harmony and balance present in this horse. Bihnas Ezzain has longer, muscled forearms and short cannon bones, which are becoming increasingly more difficult to find these days. He is compact, with a smooth and strong top line, balanced below with a well-sprung rib cage. He is a very correct young stallion with high level of refinement and an outstanding type. Bihnas carries some of the most precious and rarest pedigree in Straight Egyptian horses. Today, Bihnas is in Italy where he is standing at the

IATC Center of Paolo Capecci for the 2017 Breeding season. Here, a highly-qualified staff is taking care of him in all respects, first and foremost, that relating to his training and future champion career. At the Center specialized people are also dealing with the freezing of his semen thereby offering to all breeders, national and international, a big opportunity to breed their mares to this fantastic young stallion. On more than one occasion, Bihnas has already made his presence known in Europe, in particular, he was crowned Silver Champion stallion at the Egyptian Event held in Montefalco, Italy, during the Arabian Horse Spring Show this year 2016, and we are sure he is going to seize the heart of many other fellow breeders across the world. In closing, we all expect a lot for this upcoming young stallion to prove himself in future show rings to be a real winner and strongly believe that his offspring will be able to equate, or even perfect, the already extraordinary qualities of their sire.

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Muhajjal 1997 1997 (Imperial Imdal x Maar Bilahh) in the paddock at Sacconi Arabian Stud in Italy.

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Written by Domenico Tocchi | Translated by Sonja Smaldone


ven before his birth many people already knew that Muhajjal would soon become something really special. He was born on April 5th, 1997 at Ariely Arabians, in Israel, son of dam Maar Bilahh (El Halimaar x Bint Nabilahh), who had born on May 29th , 1984 in Rancho Bulakenyo on the Cruz’s stud farm, in California. She would be later sold to Barbara Griffith at Gleannloch Legacy Sale in 1986 and that was recorded as the highest auction price for the two years old fillies, amounting to $ 185,000, and she was going to be part of the breeding program at Imperial Egyptian Stud in Maryland. Successful show horse, Maar Bilahh was in 1987 Region 15 Champion Mare, East Coast Champion Mare, Egyptian Event Supreme Champion Mare and U.S. Top Ten Futurity Mare. In 1993, Maar Bilahh was shipped from the U.S.A. to Israel and became property of what was then called Ariely Arabians which, at the time, was co-owned by Uri Ariely and Eitan Wertheimer until 1999. When the farm became exclusive property of Wertheimer changed its name in Ariela Arabians; Mrs. Chen Kedar kept on working as livestock manager to represent the company in Israel and abroad. Once arrived in Israel, Maar Bilahh won the Israeli National Champion Mare in 1993, the Middle East Reserve Supreme Champion Mare in 1995 and the 1999 First Place at the Irsaeli Nationals. Maar Bilahh was known as the Queen Mother of Ariela Arabians and when she died on a Saturday, on December 19th, 2009 at Ariela Arabians in Israel, she was 25 years old. When passed away, this Queen - not tall but with a beautiful figure, lovely combination of personality and typical beauty took away with her a piece of heart of all those who had known and loved her. The story of Maar Bilahh still continues today with the legacy of her foals and their progenies, thanks to Ariela Arabians that has deeply recognized the potential of this very special mare. I have not had the opportunity to meet Maar Bilahh in person, but as I was told by Mrs. Chen Kedar, manager of Ariela Arabians, Muhajjal took a lot after his dam. Fortunately, before dying Maar Bilahh left us a remarkable offspring. In fact, brothers of Muhajjal are: Imperial Mahzer by Imperial Madheen which became an important breeding stallion for El Nasser in Qatar and also sire of the famous mare Bint Saida El Nasser (2002 Res. World Champion Mare) out of Saida, Konouz out of Kaliya, and Mezna Al Rayyan out of Ansata Magnificent; Imperial Mahzeera, dam of the grey Badraan Al Majid and the bay Medallela both sired by Imperial Al Kamar. Before being exported to Belgium, she also produced two sons by Simeon Sachi (Asfour x Simeon Sheba), Melissa Al Atiq and Mishaal Al Atiq. Moreover, in the U.S.A. Maar Bilahh, went crossbred with Orashan and produced Imperial Orbillah, who in turn, would produce three stallions: MB Talmaar, MB Talman and MB Talaal, all by the son of Amaal Talmaal, then the daughter of El Anaza Nizr, MB Bilaza. Arrived in Israel, Maar Bilahh was mated with Imperial Imdal and produced the mare Mar-Halla, in her turn, dam of the mares Maar Silahh by El Thay Mashour and Mar-Hiba by NK Hafid Jamil. The year before Muhajjal was born Mahbub (2000 Israeli Res. National Champion Stallion). In 2002, Maar Bilahh also foaled Al Safir AA by Al Maraam and eventually the filly Maar Miri AA by Al Ayad, born in 2008.

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So far we have talked a lot about Maar Bilahh, but who is really Muhajjal’s family? His lineage is Hadba Enzahiya, the same as immortal Nazeer (Noseir) who had been foaled by Bint Hadba El Shaghira, the chestnut mare born on February 22nd, 1912 at Kubba Stables – owned by Khedive Abbas Hilmi Pasha II - who was bought by R.A.S. (Royal Agricultural Society) on February 6th, 1914 and died in 1931. Her sire was El Halabi (Saklawi I x Halabia), while her dam


the head breeding stallion on Cruz stud farm until his death which occurred on July 15th, 2002. In addition to having produced outstanding subjects, El Halimaar distinguished himself in the show rings for several victories in halter and “most classic” honor, he was 1983 US National Top Ten Futurity Champion, Class A Halter Champion, Grand Champion Stallion and winner of the 1986 Egyptian Event Get-of-Sire. The dam of El Halimaar was one of the most important mares who the modern era of the Straight Egyptian Arabian Horse has ever had, RDM Maar Hala 1973-2000 (El Hilal x Maar Jumana ) who descends from Maaroufa through Maar Ree’s bloodline. Bred by Dr. & Mrs. R. L. Weaver, RDM Maar Hala has produced all great foals, eight of whom have become champions granting her the recognition of ‘Leading Champion Producing Egyptian Mare’. She was an aristocratic broodmare in the stable and had a behavior worthy of her rank. She passed away in the meadows of Rancho Bulakenyo, surrounded by the love of the Cruzes. The lineage of El Halimaar was Seglawi Jedran Ibn Soudan because the founder of his family was Bint Yamama (Saklawi I x Yemameh) , a gray mare bred by Khedive Abbas Hilmi Pasha II. She was not a Kuhaylan Jellabi as it had erroneously been written in the past. After speaking about Muhajjal’s family, we must say that his sire, Imdal Imperial (Ansata Imperial x Dalia) was a truly outstanding breeding stallion, besides being a great athletic horse who achieved important results in many shows. Imperial Imdal was born on June 29th , 1982 at Barbara Griffith’s Imperial Egyptian Stud in Parkton in Maryland and was considered the best colt among those born in that year. His


was Hadba (Saklawi I x Venus). The family is that of Yosreia, famous dam of the important founder stallion of the Russian Stud Aswan (Raafat) and grand-dam of stallions of the caliber of Galal, Farazdac, Faleh, Ibn Shahrzada, Ibn Galal (Magdi), El Mokhtar. Out of Yosreia and by Sid Abouhom came out Farasha, dam of outstandingstallionsandmares,includingthematernalgreat-granddam of Muhajjal, Nabilahh who made a significant contribution to the development of this family in the United States. Nabilahh was daughter of the beloved Egyptian stallion Antar and her progeny also includes the great Khofo sired by Morafic (born in Egypt, shipped with his dam to Gleannloch and re-sold to Serenity Farms who 2 became the sire of many champions. His daughter, Bint Magidaa was to be one the largest producers of multi-champion horses.) and her full sister was the beautiful Bint Nabilahh who went crossbred with El Halimaar producing Maar Bilahh, dam of Muhajjal. Mating procedures which have occurred in Muhajjal’s family are an example of how the best characteristics may be combined in perfect harmony: beauty, elegance and refinement, perfect structure, excellent movement and extraordinary reproductive capacity. Before proceeding further, I would also mention the maternal grandsire of Muhajjal, the sublime El Halimaar, one of the greatest sons of Ansata Ibn Halima. El Halimaar, bred by Dr. Felino Cruz and his wife in Rancho Bulakenyo, was born on December 2nd, 1980 and was going to be

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parents represented two farms that were the mainstay of the Straight Egyptian selection in the U.S.A. at the time. From his sire Ansata Imperial (Ansata Ibn Sudan x Ansata Delilah) who was U.S. National Top Ten Futurity Colt, Imperial Imdal inherited the chiseled head, wide forehead, perfect shoulders and top line, well sculpted neck and proud demeanor. The dam line, however, added to Imperial Imdal more stature and greater grandeur with a longer neck, which are traits deriving from Gleannloch’s selection of her dam Dahlia (Morafic x Roman II). In fact, the distinctive characteristics of this star mare were: perfect limbs and chest, powerful shoulders with a beautiful top line, a long, arched neck as well as a fluid movement. Barbara Griffith decided to crossbreed two horses from different but complementary breeds, an Ansata one and a Gleannloch one, because she wanted to create something truly special, with the hope of being able to mix their best traits and certainly with Imdal got the result she was aiming to. At the time in the U.S.A. Arabian horses used to be extremely expensive and Straight Egyptians were much sought after, especially subjects such as Imperial Imdal who had behind them a particular story. The passionate Barbara Vallee who has always had a good eye for quality horses, got involved in Imperial Imdal’s life when he was just three weeks old; she literally fell in love with him and decided

– although she knew it would be very expensive to buy the colt by convincing her husband Theron Vallee. Ever since that time for Imperial Imdal began the conquest of the world. When Barbara saw Imdal for the first time, besides his potential, she also noted that the colt was sick. He was, in fact, suffering from a lung disease, but Lady Vallee and her husband nursed him with endless care and love. When the critical period was over, the ‘ugly duck’ turned into a swan. His stunning arched neck, deep breath when running and stopping all of a sudden, exotic presence and well-balanced body, along with the morphological correctness, became his trademark. Under the management of the Vallees, Imperial Imdal became one of the most sought after Straight Egyptian stallions in the U.S.A. and, as a young colt, was 5 introduced to various shows, where he always went into the medalzone.Steve Dady, who had always been his trainer from the beginning, used to accompany him all throughout his victories, i n c l u d i n g the Egyptian Event Supreme C h a m p i o n Stallion Award won in 1986 and in 1990, the victories at East Coast Championship in the U.S.A. both in 1985 and 1986, and his title as the U.S. National Reserve Champion in 1988. In 1986 Imperial Imdal participated in the Paris World Championship show at the Salon du Cheval, where he won getting far enough ahead of his competitors. Imperial Imdal was the first Straight Egyptian to win the title of Senior Champion Stallion at the World Cup in Paris and, from that moment, it was clear to the judges that Imdal had ravished people’s heart and would be acclaimed by spectators worldwide. Imperial Imdal was a great producer and sired both stunning stallions and top class mares. On those days, he was very much sought after for crossbreeding. Later 4


on in 1994 when he had already sired almost 250 foals in the U.S.A., he was shipped across the ocean to get leased for three years to Ariela Arabians in Israel, the latter birthplace of our Muhajjal. After his permanence in Israel - where he left an unforgettable memory of his beauty and magnetism Imperial Imdal returned to the U.S.A. to continue his life as a breeding stallion on different farms. His final destination was Bob Faul’s Chapel Farm together with his son Hadaya El Tareef. On the 8

morning of December 5th, 2003 at Chapel Farm the legendary Imperial Imdal was found lying serene in his stall in his eternal rest. Let me open a parenthesis here to remember these people who are no longer with us. They have been indeed sole architects of the birth and success of Imperial Imdal and I would like to honor them properly.Barbara 9 Griffith and Theron Vallee passed away severalyearsago, while Barbara Vallee died last August31st,2015. M u h a j j a l with his morphological correctness and spectacular movement inherited both from his sire and his dam, statuesque presence with a long, arched neck, transmitted by Imperial Imdal, a beautiful very short head with broad forehead and enormous black eyes inherited from Maar Bilahh - does not only shine as a bright horse star thanks to his parents, but he has also proven to be one of the top international accomplished stallions with the following striking results: 1997 Israeli



National Champion Colt, 1999 First Place Israeli National Championship, 2000 Israeli National Reserve Champion Colt, 2004 Reserve Champion North West Regional Show, United Kingdom, 2004 Champion Stallion UK Egyptian Event, 2005 Second Place

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From her sire, HA Hakimah took the gentle temper, very smart and fast learner. She is particularly fond of those people who she considers part of her breeding, at the same time she has the great show horse’s temperament! Mrs. Chen Kedar - who is very pleased about Muhajjal’s most recent successful reports - told me that, in her opinion, the best son of this stallion born at Ariela Arabians is the jet black Al Hakim, born in 2001 out of dam The Vision HG, and who went sold only as a foal to Black Smoke Arabians, owned by Thomas Mayer in Idar Oberstein in Germany. So I got in touch with Mr. Thomas Mayer who has been so kind to write these few lines which I have


Stallion Elran Cup A Show, Bargloon, Belgium, 2012 Bronze Medal Straight Egyptians World Championship, Rome, Italy. After great achievements at home, the charming and powerful Muhajjal was sold in Britain to Mrs. Sue & Mr. Emrys Jones, parents of Ryan, Rhodri and Rhiannon and owners of Bychan Arabians, now directed by their sons, and located in the southern part of Wales. While staying on this important stud farm - that in 2014celebrated 12 60 years of life - Muhajjal besides having success in worldwide competitions left a stunning progeny, before being exported to Italy in 20072008. So that this stallion, on February 4, 2008 would be bought by Alessio Sacconi, owner of Sacconi Arabian Stud which is located outside the city of Viterbo, in a lovely setting, full of Roman and Etruscan history. Put to rest by the shows, Muhajjal has become the loyal friend of Alessio’s walks, as well as being a cornerstone breeding stallion, who is producing beautiful foals; among them I would like to mention the beautiful AS Rashida born on April 12th , 2009 out of dam Magic Faressa (Ansata Shaamis x AG Eloise) who comes from the Dhamah Shahwaniya lineage of Bint Maisa El Saghira. AS Rashida is now in Saudi Arabia, and her owner is Algannas Stud owned by Mazen 13 Aljayar, where she is producing beautiful foals who all feature Muhajjal’s characters even in the current generation. Muhajjal’s last filly is HA Hakimah who was born on May 29th, 2015 out of dam HA Hadiyah (Frasera Ramses Shah X Asjah Bint Matala). Born in the barn of Hadhad Arabians, in Tuscany, this filly has a remarkable pedigree. As a matter of fact, her dam – multi-champion show mare - comes from the Obeyyah Om Jurays family of Marah, Maysa, El Shahbaa (Inshass Stud).

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reported below: “After DP Black Smoke and Taladinn, we were more than lucky to find Al Hakim. In Paris, in 2001, Frank Spönle showed me a small photo of a black colt…I only saw an excellent body and neck but no face… the end of the day I bought him from Ariela Arabians…When I went to the Luxemburg airport in Jan. 2002 and saw him, I got tears in my eyes…he was soooo much better than in the photos Chen had sent me…. not only was he pretty…he was the most perfect horse


we had ever owned….he did NOT have a single flaw…and he was tall ….157 cm, with a great body… Thus far he is the only black foal out of the famous The Vision, from Ariela Arabians. Before Al Hakim, we had mostly smaller horses with shorter legs, from the Polish lines we used…. but he changed all that……starting with his very first foal, he gave us leggy mares with his qualities…


CAPTIONS: 1) Muhajjal 1997 (Imperial Imdal x Maar Bilahh) - Standing at Sacconi Arabian Stud in Italy. 2) Maar Bilahh 1984 (El Halimaar x Bint Nabilahh) - Dam of Muhajjal. 3) Bint Nabilahh 1970 (Morafic x Nabilahh) - Dam of Maar Bilahh and grand-dam of Muhajjal. 4) El-Halimaar 1980 (Ansata Ibn Halima x RDM Maar Hala) Sire of Maar Bilahh and grand-sire of Muhajjal. 5) RDM-Maar-Hala 1973 (El Hilal x Maar Jumana) - Dam of El Halimaar. 6) Imperial Imdal 1982 (Ansata Imperial x Dalia) sire of Muhajjal - winning the Egyptian Event for the secon time in 1990.

very dominant. Some of his sons and daughters are 160 cm tall. Very early he gave us BS Echnaton out of a mare bred by Nasr Marei..I cried when I saw him in the morning—he is the only baby colt that has ever made me cry like that. Echnaton was a copy of his mother, with a great head and huge..huge eyes..he is 158-9 cm tall. Today our best cross is BS Echnaton on Al Hakim mares, such as BS Kija, BS Amarna, BS Najla, BS Tutanchamoun, BS Tutanchaton, BS A Love Note, and many others. Shows…..we loved him toooo much….so NO Shows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally I must say….he was our best buy in all those years……he


7) Ansata Imperial 1976 (Ansata Ibn Sudan x Ansata Delilah) - Sire of Imperial Imdal and grand-sire of Muhajjal. 8) Dalia 1968 (Morafic x Romana II) - Dam of Iperial Imdal and grand-dam of Muhajjal. 9) Muhajjal 1997 (Imperial Imdal x Maar Bilahh) - at one of his shows in Israel. 10) Muhajjal 1997 (Imperial Imdal x Maar Bilahh) - year 2004, showing in U.K. 11) AS Rashida 2009 (Muhajjal x Magic Faressa) - Bred by Sacconi Arabian Stud, Italy. Owned by Algannas Stud, Saudi Arabia. 12) Ibn Shaddad Algannas - Feb. 2014 (Shaddad Al Rayyan x AS Rashida) - grandson of Muhajjal - Algannas Stud, Saudi Arabia. 13) Hazim Algannas - Jan. 2016 (Shagran Aleaab x AS Rashida) - grand-daughter of Muhajjal - Algannas Stud, Saudi Arabia. 14) HA Hakimah May.29.2015 (Muhajjal x HA Hadiyah) Hadhad Arabians, Italy. 15) Al Hakim 2001 (Muhajjal x The Vision HG) - May.2008 Bred by Ariela Arabians, Israel. Owned by Black Smoke Arabians, Germany. 16) BS Echnaton 2005 (Al Hakim x Ferdous Albadeia) - July.2010 - grandson of Muhajjal - Black Smoke Arabians, Germany. 17) BS Kija 2010 (BS Echnaton x BS Hakima) - Double Al Hakim and double Muhajjal - Black Smoke Arabians, Germany. Owned by Najla Amjad Al-Majed and family, Saudi Arabia.

paid our farm bills for 10 years…..and his sons and daughters will in the future….Thomas.” The horses I have mentioned throughout this paper are just some of Muhajjal’ overall sons. Many others beautiful ones were born and got scattered in various countries. Some others have recently born on different farms -either small or big farms - and we are looking forward to watching them compete and being honored in every possible discipline. At the age of nineteen, Muhajjal he is still in good shape and Sacconi Arabian Stud treats him as a royalty, with the respect and care who such a precious creature certainly deserves.

For Contacts Strada Mezzogrosso, 2 - 01100 Viterbo - Italy Tel: +39 3939260727 Alessio | +39(0) 761306453 Allevamento +39 3929011547 Vanessa (Italia) +39 3347192624 Annalisa (Europa, Medio Oriente, America del Nord) Otello Cecconi +39 3920007000 | N°3 - 2016 | 245

Photos by Mohammad Al Butty N°3 - 2016 | 246

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Photos by Gregor Aymar

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STORY OF CALYPSO OS MUSTAFA AND CALYPSO IMPORTANCE OF LISTENING TO HEART Just one look, that’s all it took! I apologize if you are now stuck with the 1980’s Mazda car jingle looping hopelessly back and forth in your head, it’s just that this slogan fits so perfectly with what happened in the story I’m about to tell you, I just couldn’t help myself. I mean, it is not very often we hear about a single look, a split second in time that—POOF—like magic, has the power to instantly change the rest of a person’s life. Surely, we hear stories all the time about bad things changing people’s lives, but how often do we get to hear about a glance, a feeling, just a moment in time involving a connection with another being that forever changes that person’s life for the better? The following is a story about just one of those moments. It’s a story of how my husband, Mustafa, first met a very special 2-month old colt named CALYPSO OS (CALYPSO) and the profound impact that moment had (and continues to have) on our lives and our breeding program of 40 years. It is my hope that this story could be an inspiration for you to look for the magical moments in your own life and to trust your heart when it talks to you, even when what it is telling you defies all logic.

MEETING CALYPSO IN GERMANY The story of Mustafa and CALYPSO began just over five years

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ago, a few days before Christmas, when he flew to Europe with Kit Hall, his longtime friend, to attend the 2010 Salon Du Cheval Arabian Horse World Championships in Paris, France. They decided that while they were in Europe, they would rent a car and drive to Germany to visit Gestüt Osterhof, the stud farm of Heinz Stöckle and his family. Among other things, Heinz is known for buying the famous sire KUBINEC from a Russian auction and making him a world champion with Frank Spönle. Heinz is also known for standing many other great Arabian stallions at his farm, including the world champion AL LAHAB, WH JUSTICE, STIVAL, and AJMAN MONISCIONE (AJMAN), the latter to which Mustafa had purchased 20 breedings the previous year. Like his sire, WH JUSTICE, AJMAN was quickly developing a worldwide reputation at the time as being a reliable producer of offspring with charismatic presence and exotic type, and Mustafa felt he had to see him in person before strategically deciding which of our mares to breed to him. Despite the weather forecast predicting a treacherous snowstorm that week, Mustafa and Kit decided the potential benefits outweighed the risks and that nothing was going to keep them from seeing AJMAN—besides, being the two comedians that they are, Mustafa and Kit thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company and looked forward to venturing out together across the European countryside, so off they went! Just miles before crossing the French border into Belgium, they would find themselves entering into a real winter wonderland the likes of which they’d only seen on Christmas

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cards. They spent a blissful night within the quaint little town of Lille, France. It’s an amorous little university town filled with 17th-century brick town houses and cobblestone streets and sidewalks aglow with warm hospitality, great food, and holiday cheer. After wandering the streets taking photographs and shopping for gifts for loved ones back home (like me), they jumped back into their rental car and headed south to Gestüt Osterhof in Weitnau, Germany.

Mustafa and Kit made it to Gestüt Osterhof, the whole purpose of the road trip and where both house and the hospitality from Heinz Stöckle and his lovely wife were pleasant and warm.

Calypso and Mustafa

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Mustafa and Kit stayed in the house only long enough to drink down a hot cup of coffee and depart some of the chill from their bones, before asking Heinz to take them back out into the chilly air for a tour of the stables. There was so much anticipation built up to see AJMAN in the flesh, and now Mustafa would finally get an up-close look at the exotic type for which he had become so well-known. The two men waited patiently in the aisle way as Heinz opened the door to AJMAN’s stall and walked in to get the horse. As AJMAN made his appearance, both Mustafa and Kit gasped. Heinz then took him down the aisle way and out to a nearby pasture to turn him loose. Lille, France at Christmas Mustafa said he was touched by AJMAN’s carriage, beauty, and spirit. After the showing, both Mustafa and Kit agreed AJMAN deserved the reputation he was developing internationally as having a showy attitude and sporting the most exotic of heads. “His beauty was absolutely breathtaking,” Mustafa said. Heinz offered to expand the tour, showing Mustafa and Kit some of his foals by AJMAN and other stallions standing at Gestüt Osterhof. Not surprisingly, Mustafa and Kit eagerly accepted. As it happened, the very first stall Heinz brought them to would contain a very special horse, and the following chain of events would be permanently fixed in Mustafa’s memory as the beginning of a whole new chapter in our lives.

SEEING CALYPSO THE FIRST TIME: Any semblance of daylight was long gone by now, and this particular stall happened to fall just outside the glow of the aisle way lights, forcing Mustafa to squint his eyes. Still aroused by visions of AJMAN, the act of straining his eyes to make out what might be waiting for him behind the veil of darkness only heightened the anticipation of what he would see. Just then, Mustafa was startled by the movement of a form coming toward him. Gradually, his eyes made out the rough shape of what could only be a self-assured colt, just two months old, stepping out from the darkness to greet him. Trying to contain his excitement, Mustafa asked Heinz who the foal was, to which Heinz answered nonchalantly, “It’s an AJMAN colt. All of these colts are available for sale.” At that very moment Mustafa realized his trip to Gestüt Osterhof was fateful,

“Mashallah!” he said to himself. Now bathed in light shining through the bars like spotlights following a stage performer, Mustafa could make out the refined lines of the colt, and he was amazed by the way its exquisite silhouette was able to penetrate even the thickest of winter coats. The colt continued to step forward to greet Mustafa with a look he will never forget. The colt’s magnetism, which continues to affect people to this day, had a strong pull on Mustafa’s heart. And this connection grew only deeper when the colt reached out with his attractively arched, virile neck, his extraordinarily large nostrils expanding even further to capture a lungful of Mustafa’s scent. Mustafa couldn’t help but think to himself this must be how Zientarski felt back in 1931, when he first saw the great stallion KUHAILAN HAIFI and wrote in his memoires that his knees buckled underneath him and he felt he was about to faint!


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PHENOTYPE VERSUS GENOTYPE A MOMENT OF ENLIGHTENMENT FOR A BREEDER As a breeder, this was a moment of enlightenment. Mustafa was forced to stop and evaluate his decades-old, blind allegiance to what he considered to be the Classical Polish genotype. His brief exposure to this colt forced him to reevaluate the current effectiveness of the strategy he’d been using for 40 years and ask himself what was most important—maintaining the strict homogeneity of the Classic Polish genotype at all costs or branching out to use other bloodlines with a potential of further enhancing the phenotype? Seeing this colt helped him see the possibility that he could safely remove his decades-old genotypical blinders. Because after 40 years of carefully selecting individuals of the Kuhailan phenotype from such a limited gene pool, he could see that he was simply no longer capable of producing exciting new results with it. It finally felt right to him to broaden his genetic horizons. Of course, this did not mean he would have to let go of the sound breeding principles he had learned from the Poles, it just meant he could benefit from incorporating the blood of individuals with slightly different genotypes into his program, especially now that he had developed a good eye for conformation and the other phenotypical traits he felt were important to maintain within his breeding program. Mustafa simply could not believe a colt with such beauty, spirit, and pedigree could exist! He had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. Not wanting to let this colt go, he purchased him that very

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same night, making it both the quickest and least expected horse purchase he had ever made. Of course, this little colt was CALYPSO OS (AJMAN MONISCIONE x AB NASTRAPSY by PSYTADEL). Heinz walked Mustafa and Kit onward through the barn, peeking into the remaining stalls to get a look at the rest of the colts, but Mustafa said he was so preoccupied with thoughts of CALYPSO that it was impossible for him to focus on much else. He told me that they got to see CALYPSO’s dam, AB NASTRAPSY, that evening, “An impressively substantial, high quality mare,” he said.

CALYPSO’S DAM, AB NASTRAPSY AB NASTRAPSY was a producer of very high quality foals for the Stöckle family and whose embryos were highly sought. Sadly, she passed away last year… an indescribable loss for the Stöckle family and those within the industry who loved her.

SHOWING CALYPSO THROUGHOUT EUROPE-MIDDLE EAST Mustafa purchased CALYPSO for the sole purpose of breeding him to our herd, not to show him, and had plans of bringing him home to our ranch as soon as he was old enough to be weaned so that he could grow up naturally in the mountains, developing sound mind, hoof, coordination, and bone like the rest of the herd. But Heinz contacted us at weaning time to say he would like to show CALYPSO throughout Europe and maybe even the Middle East before we brought him home to the states, so Mustafa agreed to leave CALYPSO in Heinz’s care for at least the next year. We were happy to learn that Heinz would have Katrien Van Dycke handle him. Our family attended 12 of his 13 shows, watching the single missed one (the Elran Cup 2012) online via live stream. He ended up competing all over Europe and the Middle East, winning

five Gold, two Silver, and three Bronze Jr. Colt Championships along with the 2-Year-Old Colt Prettiest Head Award at the 2012 European Championships in Belgium. For us, one of his most memorable achievements occurred in Dubai 2012, when he earned the second highest score of the entire show with 93 pts--just 1/2 pt behind both Pianisima and QR Marc, who tied with 93.5 pts! An important note to make is that CALYPSO is an October foal, meaning he competed against horses that were much older than he was, but he still did very well. Finally, CALYPSO was invited by Al Khalediah Stud to participate in what would become his last show before immigrating home to the United States. He placed second out of 22 among the highest quality two-year-old colts in the world in the 2013 Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Arabian Horse Festival in Saudi Arabia. Then, after a long 20-month wait, he finally got to come home to live with us in the mountains of Northern California, where he assumed his destined role as herd sire.


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CALIPSO OS SHOW RESULTS LIST: 1. Blommeröd (Sweden) Highpoint (92) Jr Champion Colt Gold--at 9 months old 2. Elran Arabian Cup Futurities (Belgium) Highpoint Overall Champion Colt Gold --at 10 months old 3. Aachen German Arabian Nationals Highpoint Jr National Champion Colt Gold --at 11 months old

BREEDING CALYPSO Calipso did get home in March of 2013—the poor guy had just traveled from Germany to Paris and back for the Salon Du Cheval show in December and then flew to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and back to compete in the Al Khalediah show before loading up onto yet another plane to Los Angeles, California. Upon arriving to Los Angeles, he was held a few days before being hauled 11 hours north to a quarantine facility in Sams Valley, Oregon, where he was tested for diseases and forced to live in isolation for 30 days. Fortunately, and ironically, our ranch just happens to be an hour and a half south of Sams Valley, so we were able to drive up there to visit him and keep

4. Abu Dhabi Int’l Arabian Championship Show Highpoint (93.13) Yearling Champion/Jr Colt Bronze--at 16 months old 5. Sharjah Int’l Arabian Horse Festival Highpoint (92.75) Jr Colt Show Champion Gold --at 17 months old 6. Dubai Int’l Arabian Horse Championship Second highest score in show (93; just ó pt behind the tied Pianisima and QR Marc) Jr Colt Silver--at 17 months old 7. Tulip Cup (Holland) Highpoint (92) Jr Colt Champion Gold--at 19 months old 8. Menton (France) (92.5) Second Place TwoYear-Old Colts and Top 5 Jr Champion Colt --at 20 months old 9. Elran Cup (Belgium) (92.25) Second Place Two-Year-Old Colts and Bronze Winner Jr Champion Colt--at 21 months old 10. All Nation’s Cup (Aachen, Germany) (91.40) Fourth Place Two-Year-Old Colts --at 23 months old 11. European Championships (Moorsele, Belgium) (91.70) Second Place & Best Head Award Two Year Old Colts and Bronze Champion Jr Stallion--at 24 months old 12. Salon Du Cheval World Championship Show (Paris, France) (91.7) Sixth Place & Top Ten Jr Stallion--at 25 months old 13. Al Khalediah’s Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Arabian Horse Festival (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) First Place 2 Yr Old Colt and Silver Jr Colt out of 22--at 27 months old N°3 - 2016 | 256

him company until he finished his time in quarantine. One of the first things we did with CALYPSO once he came home, and especially before he bred his first mare, was to have him genetically tested for both disease and color. In February 2013, while CALYPSO was doing his time in quarantine in Sams Valley, Mustafa and I began taking the first of three certification courses in ultrasounding mares, transferring embryos, and collecting and freezing semen. And within a few months, we were certified and put together a brand new functioning laboratory and collection facility at the ranch so we could perform all of these services, ourselves. We began collecting and freezing CALYPSO’s semen that summer to store in the liquid nitrogen tank. CALYPSO was very easy to train to the phantom, and both his collection volume and concentration were high. Also, like his sire, CALYPSO’s post thaw motility percentage was exceptionally high. I inseminated a few of our mares with the frozen semen just to test it for fertility, and it felt like an unbelievable miracle to see the first little flicker of a heartbeat on the ultrasound monitor of the first baby… the heartbeat of a 42-day old embryo! In addition to collecting CALYPSO’s semen for freezing, we also covered about 40 of our mares with him. He was so well behaved, we took him out to the pastures, where together we called the mares from the mountains and they all came running, every time. We teased the mares showing interest and then covered whichever ones were readiest that day, with CALYPSO often helping us determine who was closest to ovulation (We were always amazed at his ability to decipher this via hormonal scent). CALYPSO was behaving just so perfectly…. After covering approximately 50 of our mares throughout the spring and summer of 2013, all we had to do next was wait for the following spring to see the results,

which all but drove us CRAZY! But we kept ourselves (and CALYPSO) busy, thoroughly enjoying every minute we could spend with our beloved new family member. CALYPSO’s personality was just as affectionate, intelligent, and playful as we’d hoped. We knew that he would settle in over time by just letting him be a horse, letting him feel the sun and raindrops on his face, the rocks and dirt under his hooves, letting him swim in the lakes, run and play in the large, open, grass-filled pastures, and, most importantly, letting him socialize with other horses.

CALYPSO FOALS ARRIVE In spring to 2014 CALYPSO’s foals began making their muchanticipated appearances into the world. From their tight, little, curly ears to their refined faces to the silver highlights in every one of their high-set tails, CALYPSO’s influence was easy to see. We felt we had won the genetic lottery and couldn’t be happier! And, just as Mustafa anticipated would happen three and a half years earlier, the large amount of Kuhailan blood in CALYPSO’s pedigree allowed him to produce more than just “chestnut pintos,” as was jokingly predicted by those who did not understand pedigrees. As a matter of fact, when bred to our herd of bay, black-bay, and black colored Kuhailan mares, CALYPSO consistently produced bay and black-bay foals with little or no white. Of the chestnut foals, some did have a good amount of white, but some did not have much white at all, and they were all very high quality individuals, regardless of their color. The first year we ended up having close to 40 foals and due the success of the cross, we decided to breed the mares back to him, again, the following two years, so that as of today, we have three foal crops: one foal crop of two year olds, one foal

crop of yearlings, and a third group of new foals arriving just as this article was being written. Now that CALYPSO, himself, is getting older and we have observed the development of three foal crops, we are getting a better understanding of the way CALYPSO’s foals will turn out. One particularly interesting observation we’ve made is that while so many horses these days are born with exotic type but then lose it as they enter puberty between ages 2-3 years old, disappointingly becoming coarser and coarser over time, CALYPSO’s foals are born of very fine quality and seem to get more refined with age, not less, making them very good investments over the long term. To break it down, CALYPSO’s foals consistently have the following traits: HEAD: • small, short, wedge-shaped heads • dish-like profiles without constricting airflow • soft, wrinkled teacup muzzles with large, expansive nostrils • deep, wrinkled mouths perfect for holding the bit • large, kind, expressive, eyes set widely and low within the head • protruding eye sockets covered in velvety, wrinkled skin • small, alert ears that hook inwardly and curl backwards, set tightly together at an upright angle

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NECK AND THROATLATCH: • necks and throatlatches are even better than CALYPSO’s, throatlatches are very thin and clean with long poll, which could be a testament to the concentration of BASK blood (up to 12-18 times per foal) from both CALYPSO and our Kuhailan mares (very ARISTON-like) • the necks of CALYPSO’s foals seem to come straight up out of their backs due to the obliqueness of their shoulder blades BODY: • square frames with wide hips and chest, legs plumb to the ground underneath • deep heart girth with large barrels • protruding withers sufficient to anchor nuchal ligament, allowing for effortless raising of the forehand and engagement of haunches • no signs of weakness in back or hindquarters • tails are high-set, coming right out of the top of their backs, and carried highly, often flipping over the back • tail hairs contain silver highlights underneath, regardless the color of the foals

Moonlight at Gregs Jan 2016 LEGS: • straight legs with large, low-set hocks and knees • strong, elastic fetlock joints of medium length to provide ultimate flexion without weakness • elbows and stifle joints are large, low-set, and have ample clearance from the body for freedom of movement • textbook long-short alternating bone lengths in fore and hind limbs with oblique joint angles • strong, heavy, deep hooves able to climb through the gravel, boulders, and lava rock of our ranch in the rugged terrain of the Northern California mountains MOTION AND CARRIAGE: • extremely coordinated and fast, able to gallop up and down hills full of boulders • effortless, brilliant self-carriage with naturally raised forehand and engaged haunches, allowing hind limbs to reach up underneath the body (very BASK-like) • balanced transitions between big, long, elastic extended strides and shortened collected, breathtaking balance (very BASK and KUBINEC-like) As it is our protocol, to date, we have allowed our CALYPSO foals to grow up naturally in the mountains with the herd to

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develop both sound mind and body, and as of fall of 2015, no one else had seen them outside of our advertisements. That is, until Greg Knowles came to the ranch in October 2015. Afterwards, when asked what he thought about the foals, he said, “After seeing two wonderful foal crops by Calypso, he proves to be as pre-potent in his type as any horse I have ever seen.” And when asked what he liked most about what Calypso was passing onto his foals, he replied, “type and carriage.” As a breeder, getting feedback from someone like Greg (and other breeders) is very helpful because it can helped bring things to our attention we might have overlooked—both good and bad—as well as confirmed some of our suspicions. In our case, we were delighted to learn we were not becoming “barn blind” regarding CALYPSO’s ability to produce high quality foals.

CALYPSO FOALS MAKE THEIR DEBUT IN THE INDUSTRY At the time, we felt it was really important to let people know what we have been doing with our breeding program the past

Calypso x SS A Lot Of Spark 2016 bay colt 30 years or so. In the end, we were satisfied with the feeling of the space we created within the booth, especially the way it reflected the essence of our beliefs regarding our natural approach to raising and communicating with our horses. From the increased density of our horses’ bones developed from controlled body growth and repeated concussion of bare, flexing hooves over the hard terrain all the way down to the increased volume of oxygen carried by their red blood cells at 3,000 ft elevation, our booth represented our vision and dedication to learning as much as we can about and properly caring for our horses. Our booth was the perfect place to inspire stimulating conversation with hundreds of compassionate people from all over the world who stopped in to visit get a closer look at our bigger than life-sized, spot lit banner pictures of CALYPSO and his foals. It was energizing to hear their curious questions, asking us about our steadfastness to provide our horses an environment that increases and nurtures their positive attributes, allowing them to reach their full potentials. They wanted to know all about what it was like to have so many horses, from how we feed them to how we de-worm and train them—even what it was like to have the herd go galloping by… “the ground shakes and it sounds like thunder!” we told them. Our discussions included the ways we incorporate resistance-free, natural horsemanship, and classical dressage ideologies in our work with the horses.


SS CALYPSOS RUYIA 2015 bay filly Scottsdale 2016

FUTURE PLANS FOR CALYPSO AND FOALS Back at the ranch, we have three foal crops from CALYPSO now: 30 coming up two-year olds, close to 25 yearlings, and 30-40 new foals expected to arrive this summer. All of the foals are growing up to be of very good size despite being raised in the mountains, allowed to grow slowly in order to develop denser bone. We are surprised to see that many of our 2-year old CALYPSO foals are already nearly the same size as their mothers—some even taller! At the time of writing this article we have had eight new foals so far this year (5 bays and three chestnuts), all extremely consistent in quality and phenotype, making us feel all the more blessed to have a breeding horse like CALYPSO in the program.

2016 bay Calypso filly out of SS royal arkadash SPARK by SS ARKADASH by Spark

Now that we are seeing our third foal crop arrive, it is fun to observe the patterns developing further and further beyond what we were able to see during the first and second years. For example, the 2014 and 2016 CALYPSO colts out of the mare SS A LOT OF SPARK (SS VELOCITY x SS SPARKS ROZIE by SPARK) look like identical twins. It was also educational to see the results of breeding CALYPSO to his two strongbacked paternal sisters from our program just to find out what happens when we double up on the AJMAN blood. The first of the double AJMAN foals to arrive is the chestnut colt out of SS AJMALANYA. As you can see, he is full of showy attitude and type. This guy is constantly bouncing around his mother, so full of life! We were pleased to see we got all of the best qualities of both sides, such as very fine skin and an abundance of charisma,

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along with a nice combination of AJMAN’s type and the body of our Kuhailan mares. And the second double AJMAN foal, born just a few days ago, is a bay filly out of SS AJMANS JOI. She is a very high quality filly like all of the others, also without any visible weaknesses, but Mustafa says he was expecting more, something better or something worse, but either way something more extreme, and it didn’t come. Why? We are not sure. We are intrigued by this, however, and plan to inbreed CALYPSO when the time is appropriate and we identify just the right individuals with which to combine the blood. Then we will see what happens after that, we’ll go from there based on what we see revealing itself to really get to know the blood, what’s in it, what recessive traits have been lying dormant in there, maybe even for thousands of years, just waiting to come out and be seen. But that’s just another thing we have to wait for… there is a lot of waiting in this game of breeding horses, a lot more than can be done in one lifetime, which is why the best breeding programs have always been intergenerational, run by families or state studs. Most people just don’t have the patience or discipline to identify their vision and then see it through—whether or not it happens right away and whether or not it makes money—even whether or not it wins ribbons…

are straight and his doc of tail is long with a wide diameter at the base, a good indication that he has substantially sized bones and tendons throughout the rest of his body. In our opinion, the older he gets, the more he looks like KUBINEC, especially in his body shape, attitude, and even his white markings, and, just like KUBINEC, ARAX, and NABEG, Mustafa says it looks as though CALYPSO will become known as a fine producer of his daughters, because he really likes the quality of his fillies to this point. In Mustafa’s opinion, CALYPSO has made a few super colts, but most of his fillies are really high quality, some are world class in comparison. We plan to sell a limited number of breedings to CALYPSO in America and abroad just to see how he crosses with other lines and give other breeders an opportunity to experiment with his blood. We are really looking forward to learning about which lines will cross best. However, we do not intend to sell a lot of breedings because we do not want to saturate his market nor do we want to lose control of the quality of his foals—we want his foals to become collectables and good, sound investments for serious breeders over time. The semen we recently collected in quarantine will be going back to Gestüt Osterhof from where it can be dispersed throughout Europe and the Middle East.

CALYPSO, himself, is growing up very nicely and continues to be a playful, affectionate, and extremely intelligent companion. He still looks like a big golden retriever puppy, showing signs that he is physically still a budding adolescent, likely to grow much bigger. He is maturing into a magnificent stallion, though, with his shoulders and hindquarters developing nice layers of muscling, becoming more massive and masculine as time goes by. But his neck continues to stay upright and nicely shaped, not getting coarser, with his head becoming increasingly smaller in proportion to his body. We have noticed both in CALYPSO and his foals that their heads and ears appear to stop growing early on, because as they get older they are appearing smaller and smaller in relation to the rest of their bodies. CALYPSO’s legs


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So now what? Where do we go with CALYPSO from here? This question is not so easy to answer. Why? Because it forces us to revisit our true purpose, our motives as breeders, something not so easy to do. From this point forward, Mustafa will continue to study and humbly admire the horses, not just ours, but all horses of all breeds, and other animals, too, and let them teach him about the way they think, the way their bodies work, and how they develop in all sorts of ways. He’ll also let them teach him about himself, since understanding his underlying motives, what keeps him in the business, driving him to sacrifice so

Calypso and Chera ranch much, to dedicate so much of his resources, time, and heart to breeding his vision of the Arabian horse, will inevitably affect the outcome. Is it the ribbons? The money? The notoriety? And what is he willing to sacrifice to get it? Will he follow what he believes in his heart to be the truth, such as the lessons from the Quran he was taught as a child? That Mohammed said to cherish the Arabian horse that flies without wings and conquers without sword? Will he keep the belief alive not to touch the Arabian horse with anything harder than a feather? In this way, breeding Arabian horses can be a spiritual quest to be a better person and to make the world a better place. In the short time he has been on this planet, our beloved CALYPSO has already taught us so much and we believe this is only the beginning. We believe he was a gift from God for everyone to enjoy, we just happen to be lucky enough for him to be a part of our lives.

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Comments People: FROM


Calypso touched the hearts of many others the same way he touched us. To commemorate that connection, in 2011 we commissioned stylized equine painter Janice Taylor of Kentucky, Mustafa’s favorite equine artist in the entire world, to paint 100 leather capes, each with a bust and full body image of CALYPSO along with his name painted in Arabic calligraphy, to gift to CALYPSO’s biggest fans. Even before we met CALYPSO, we admired her stylized approach to painting horses with very simple, yet strategically placed lines, but after we saw CALYPSO, we realized that her style was in accord with the flavor of CALYPSO, so that is why we chose her to do this project for us. We have given out about 75 of these very customized, stylish capes to people all over the world, most of them saying they would hang them on their walls to enjoy everyday. We used a photograph of one of these capes to create CALYPSO’s logo

Here is Mustafa wearing his custom made lambskin coat with Janice’s painting of Calypso on the back while waiting for our morning taxi to the European Championships in Belgium 2012.


(USA/Endurance rider/Equine artist): When Mustafa asked me to paint some lambskin capelets with the image of Calypso OS for promotional gifts, I was intrigued. Since he described his young horse as the most beautiful horse in the world, I couldn’t resist. Mustafa sent me several photographs to work with, and oh how very right he was when he had described Calypso! How fun it was to paint such obvious Arabian attributes. From those tippy ears, dished head and those big dreamy, liquid eyes. ..well it never got tiring. What artist wouldn’t love to portray such a lovely creature? I paint many Arabians without reference photos, hoping to catch the magic of their ethereal beauty. With Calypso, it all comes together without the slightest effort. His expression and my free flowing style of painting is the perfect niche. Janice Taylor ~ Janus Studios

ISAAC TAYLOR Here is Talat Abunima’s daughter, Celina, withy mother, Lisa, of Al Fares Arabians at the European Championships 2012, who loved her leather cape! They purchased our grey 2012 AJMAN daughter, SS AJMANS LAHEEB, which they imported to their home in Norway and whom adorable little Celina is now riding!

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(USA/Judge, breeder, trainer of Taylor Ranch Arabians): We were very impressed by the Calypso SS foals we saw at Scottsdale this year. They all had beautiful faces, great shape necks and attitudes that didn’t stop. Given the strong Russian influence in his pedigree we are excited to see how he will cross on the *Nariadni and Om El Bandeiras daughters Kevin and Sara Stuflick have leased to breed to him.


(USA/Breeders): Hopefully this will do for your article .... “Kevin and I were so struck by the beauty of the Calypso SS foals we saw at Scottsdale we knew we wanted to try and create one of our own. We can’t wait to see our first foals born by him next year. “


(USA/Brazil/Breeders/Trainer): Ricardo and I truly loved the CALYPSO babies – The type, quality, and movement of his babies across the board were extremely impressive. In terms of the type of horses today, we really feel CALYPSO is producing offspring that are both genotypically and phenotypically desirable in today’s market. We are planning to breed our VERSACE daughter to CALYPSO, extreme type to extreme type. The CALYPSO babies we have seen have been structurally correct and have had great movement in addition to beautiful type, so we feel this will be a great cross.


(Sweden/Show spectator): When I first saw Calypso as a yearling colt at the Blommeröd Show in 2011 he really caught my eye! He had the tail on his back and he was flying over the grass and his blaze accentuated his pretty head. He popped out from the rest of the crowd.


(USA/Judge): I have always liked Calypso OS! He has extreme type and tons of Charisma. I think his pedigree is very interesting with crosses to the great Padron and one of my favorite stallions Kubinec. It looks like he is siring beautiful foals as well!!!


(Germany/Judge/Calypso’s breeder): (In German) Was soll ich sagen... Er ist vom mir gezüchtet.. Ich kenne ihn und ich denke er hat in Anbetracht der Stuten bei Mustafa einen überwtigenden Job gemacht. Ich denke, dass Calypso OS echt etwas bewirken kann. (Translated from German) What can I say… I bred the horse… I know him and I think he has done a tremendous job with Mustafa’s mares. I think Calypso OS can really create a change in the industry.


(Italy/Breeder/Publisher Tutto Arabi): I believe Calypso has the potential to change the look of the entire breed.


(USA/Auctioneer/Judge/trainer of Arabian Expressions): “After seeing two wonderful foal crops by Calypso, he proves to be as pre-potent in his type as any horse I have ever seen.” And when asked what he liked most about what Calypso was passing onto his foals, he replied, “type and carriage.”


(Germany/Trainer): Hello, Chera already told me that she was in contact with you. And that you guys would write an article about Calypso. Calypso OS came to me when he was still very young, a bit older than 7 months. But there i soon realised that he is a Special little guy. I took him to his first show when he was just only 9 months. This was the show in Sweden, Blommerød. It was a long trip and the day before the show i had him out for a walk in the showring so that he could look around a bit, there he just walked relaxed, quiet, nearly sleeping. But the next morning, when he walked out of the barn, as soon he heard the music and saw the other colts he flipped up his tail on his back and danced his way to the showring and in the showring and to the title gold junior colt. I never will forget that weekend, was amazing to see how he enjoyed it to show off!!! And that with only 9 months. And like this he was every single time on the show, you always could count on him, he always gave his best. He didn’t see it as work, he just likes showing off, just a Real showhorse, a dream of every handler, cause it’s hard to find a horse like this. And on the other hand he was the sweetest horse you could imagine. He loved cuddling, and was happy to learn all kind of tricks, for example if you stroke his nose, he would stick out his tongue for me to hold, and he could play with you with his ball for hours... Calypso for me is a very special horse with the best character you can wish. If you treat him with respect, he will do any thing for you.


(USA/Brazil/Trainer): It is an honor and privilege to be asked to speak my opinion about Calypso OS.What I see from how this genetic giant is producing is exactly how his pedigree says it should. The foals are full of Arabian Type, solid bodies and exceptional attitudes. While I have the moment to comment on this wonderful individual I would like to take the chance to speak about Mr. Mustafa, the way he cares for his horses is fantastic, his vision is extraordinary and his kindness is to the highest degree. The pairing of Calypso and Mr. Mustafa is a solid match that will make great things happen in the Arabian breed together.


(USA/Breeder): When I look at Calypso, I see the full package. Smooth, balanced conformation with nice bone, a perfect, finely chiseled head with just the right shape and proportions, and such a gentle, kind looking eye. Plus, his foals are obviously inheriting these golden traits of his...not an easy feat!


(Italy/Breeders): From the first moment we first saw Calypso OS as young colt, he was able to show something important to us... We got the feeling that he could be a great sire due to his attitude and pedigree. Seeing his foals in Scottsdale, Arizona this February was a confirmation of all that we thought already. In all of his foals he was able to improve upon the quality of the mothers in the same ways and this is very important because it means he is a breeding stallion that is consistent. We really like him a lot and we are very curious to see what kind of change he can do here in Europe. N°3 - 2016 | 263


(USA/Breeder): What beautiful lines, those ears, and such a phenomenal attitude! You must be extremely proud parents – to see such beauty in all of calypsos offspring!!! (In reference to a Calypso colt) What a pose - I’d never believe a colt could look THIS good w/a winter coat on!!! Has to be that incredible Calypso lineage . . . unsurpassing beauty!! Such BEAUTY, Such GRACE - Poetry in Motion!! And with a lifetime ahead of him - you’re so very lucky!! . . . I do believe y’all have such a special bond with this Amazing Arabian!!! Thanks for SHARING him with us!!! And all his babies!!


(England/Breeder): (In reference to a Calypso filly) Oh she’s divine! Look at that little hip. Will you be bringing some of these babies out next year? So want to see them. I remember watching Calypso in Dubai and how he came into the ring - I felt him before I saw him. He was on fire that day!


(USA/Breeder): (In reference to a Calypso filly) Love her, of course we love her! How could we not love your wonderful babies, no matter who they are by? I always love the look they have, but of course I have a special spot for Calypso!


(USA): He is my absolute favorite Arabian stallion, and I love the way he is treated... He is the most perfect Arabian horse I`ve ever seen. In my world, he is absolutely stunning and perfect!!!


Picture perfect - and one of the happiest stallions in the business, I think!


(Italy/equine artist): (in reference to a day old Calypso filly) WOW......WOW....three times WOW! These Calypso babies are ‘very very special’, what a head and proud attitude, so young... and already a ‘princess’ already!!! Love these foals!!!!! I do really love these Calypso OS babies!!!!! I am, like you, so sure that Arabian Horse lovers will have a lot of fun and nice surprises when these group of foals will come to the show rings!!!!


(Herbalist/Rider): What a great life for these babies. Plenty of outside time, wonderful terrain to build strong bodies, plenty of time to learn herd dynamics and lots of friends to play with!


(Equine Sculptor): I see a sculpture. Great foal by a stupendous sire!

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(Lebanon/Breeder): Beautiful nature with beautiful Arabian horses, this means Heaven. I was really waiting to see Calypso’s offspring, and now I am happy I saw some of them, which are all amazing! And I am looking forward to see more, inshallah! Good luck and enjoy having such foals!


(USA/long time breeder and trainer): Now I’m really impressed... send me the pedigree pm... we’re losing Bask % in our may have a goldmine up in them thar’ hills! Love your organics...thinking how big a “rush” both you and Calypso get to see the “ladies” racing/leaping all objects to pursue his wily charms...fending them off him reminds me what a special feeling we had calling in the mares with a bucket of oats on vet check/farrier days...they’d swarm ‘round but never cause harm (albeit we were not proposing ecstasy)...and your soul being nourished knowing you had a wonderfully well-minded horse that still pays attention to your leading in the midst of the rodeo (dare say human male counterparts hard pressed to be as manageable)...and lastly remembering that when we pursued similar endeavors we found we saved considerable expense while producing much higher conception rates...and the way you’re telling the story of you, this horse and how it really happens...very well done...maybe make a will sell!


(USA): He is absolutely breathtaking!


(Germany): (In German) Ja sehr Schade das er nicht mehr in Deutschland steht. (English translation) Yes, it is a great pity that he is no longer in Germany!

YVONNE SANDMO (Norway): Just ship him to Norway!

SONJA PFURTSCHELLER: All babies are amazing!!

ANN WARE DICKENS (USA): His foals are stunning!


(USA/long time breeders): (in reference to CALYPSO’s foals…) Those curly ears; and scoopy kissable muzzles!


(USA/Rider): (in reference to CALYPSO’s foals…) Talk about consistency!

Ottoman Arabians 12125 N Old Stage Rd - Weed, CA 96094 Mustafa Tel: +1 (408) 833 9400 Chera Tel: +1 (530) 859 3155 / Fax: +1 (888) 231 3855 Email: Facebook: “Ottman Arabians” or “Calypso OS”

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nly a few meters away from the beach of Marina di Pietrasanta, bathing site of the city of Pietrasanta lies the ‘Versiliana Park’, one of the greenest areas of Versilia. This area is not only dear to the people who live there, but it has also become a major tourist attraction: along with the beautiful pinewood and singular natural landscape, a treasure chest of cultural attractions and leisure activities does exist inside there. This park, stretching between the conurbations of Marina di Pietrasanta and Forte dei Marmi, is the green lung of the Versilia coast; it has a very large surface with a very long coastal side. It is home to many types of landscapes: from the ancient dunes where there are oaks and pine trees to the dense and gloomy undergrowth; from the scenic riverside rich in cane lines and animated by water turtles and moorhens, to the multi-changing forest in the seasonal cycle or, even, to the most unexpected semi-marshy landscape of ‘blade-plants’, the very last ones remaining in Versilia. In that peaceful frame of the pinewoods stands the ‘Theater’, famous for hosting the ‘Versiliana Festival’, an event which covers the entire summer season. On the stage, all possible forms of theater: drama, dance, music and cabaret. Very important is the ‘Villa’ which, besides being an architectural and historical beauty, is constantly hosting exhibitions of paintings or sculpture. Walking through the pine trees you may come across the ‘Pine Nuts Factory’: a building located not far from the Villa where, in ancient times, local


solo pochi metri dalla spiaggia di Marina di Pietrasanta, località balneare della città di Pietrasanta, si estende il ‘Parco della Versiliana’, una delle zone più verdi della Versilia. Quest’area non è soltanto cara agli abitanti del posto, ma è diventata una méta turistica ambita da molti: oltre alla bellissima pineta e al particolare paesaggio naturale, il turista potrà scoprirvi uno scrigno ricco di attrazioni culturali e attività ricreative. Tale parco, che si allunga tra gli agglomerati di Marina di Pietrasanta e Forte dei Marmi, è il polmone verde della Versilia; ha una superficie molto grande con un lungo lato costiero. Ospita molti tipi di paesaggi: dalle antiche dune dove si ergono lecci e pini al fitto e cupo sottobosco; dalla scenica riva del fiume ricca di cannucce e animata da tartarughe e gallinelle d’acqua, alla foresta multi cangiante nel ciclo stagionale o, addirittura, al più inaspettato paesaggio semipalustre di lame, le ultime rimanenti in Versilia. In questa pacifica cornice del pineto sorge il ‘Teatro’, famoso per ospitare il ‘Festival della Versiliana’, un evento che include tutta la stagione estiva. Sul palco, tutte le possibili forme di teatro: dramma, danza, musica e cabaret. Molto importante è la ‘Villa’ che, oltre ad essere una bellezza storicoarchitettonica è costantemente sede di mostre di pittura o scultura. Passeggiando tra i pini ci si può imbattere nella ‘Fabbrica di pinoli’: un edificio situato non lontano dalla Villa dove, in tempi antichi, gli abitanti del posto solevano estrarre i pinoli che sarebbero poi stati inviati in tutto il mondo. Questo edificio colpisce sempre N°3 - 2016 | 267

villagers used to process native pine trees nuts that would be then sent out across the world. This building always strikes the tourist for the presence, inside of it, of some outlandish tanks and a quite odd ‘machine’. Today, it houses arts exhibitions of all kinds. This pine grove was also very dear to the great Italian poet Gabriele D’Annunzio. He loved riding his own horses along the coastal area. From the greenwoods the poet took inspiration for many of his works and spent most of his summer holidays at the Villa inviting other fellow writers. For about sixteen years now, the ‘Versiliana Park has also been home to the much-awaited show dedicated to our beloved Purebred Arabian. On two magic dates, from the 14th and 15th May 2016, the International ECAHO ‘C’ morphology show, was first and foremost, intended to project and bring Versilia back to its being the ‘Land of Horses’. The wonderful pinewood hosted also another enjoyable event, ‘L’Arte Del Cavallo’, (The Art of the Horse) an equestrian show that has always attracted a great deal of horse lovers and spectators. Hundreds of Purebred Arabians took part in the competition providing the spectators with great entertainment and exhilarating moments. After the preliminary categories, there was the typical tension surrounding the Final Championship. Winner of the Champion Fillies title was the gorgeous grey Najd Al Bayraq (Habibi x A Nobel Design) bred by al Bayaraq Arabian and owned by Al Bayaraq Arabian and Bashar Alawady. The Silver went to the chestnut TW Walina (M.M. Fabrizio x Latiffa) bred by Tripodi Arabians and owned by Shazin Stud, and the Bronze to the bay Mazaya Domitia (Psyrasic x UL Sid Parma) bred and owned by Allman Flavie. The grey multi-champion Jalal Aljassimya (WH Justice x Annaiss) won over the judges and the spectators thanks to his type and was named Unanimous Champion Colts, with the grey D. Hajes (SG Labib x Nefertarji) bred by Dubai Arabian Horse Stud and owned by Al Wawan taking second place on the podium, and the bay CS Prince (Kahil Al Shaqab x CS Opportunity) taking third place. He is bred by Sensi Marco and owned

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il turista per la presenza, al suo interno, di alcune vasche stravaganti e una ‘macchina’ alquanto obsoleta. Oggi ospita mostre di arte di ogni genere. La pineta era molto cara anche al grande poeta italiano Gabriele D’Annunzio. Egli amava molto cavalcare i suoi cavalli lungo l’arenile. Da questa pineta il poeta trasse ispirazione per molte delle sue opere e soleva trascorrere la maggior parte delle sue vacanze estive alla Villa invitando altri colleghi scrittori. Da circa sedici anni, il ‘Parco della Versiliana ospita anche lo spettacolo tanto atteso dedicato al nostro amato Purosangue Arabo. In due magiche date, dal 14 al 15 maggio 2016, lo show di morfologia ‘Internazionale ECAHO ‘C’ ha avuto prima di tutto lo scopo di proiettare e riportare la Versilia al suo essere ‘Terra di cavalli’. La splendida pineta ha ospitato anche un altro piacevole evento, ‘L’Arte Del Cavallo’, una rassegna equestre che ha da sempre attirato una grande quantità di appassionati di cavalli e spettatori. Centinaia di Purosangue Arabi hanno partecipato al concorso regalando al pubblico grande divertimento e momenti esilaranti. Dopo le categorie preliminari, è salita la tensione che di solito circonda il Campionato finale. Vincitrice del titolo di Campionessa puledre è stata la graziosissima grigia Najd Al Bayraq (Habibi x A Design Nobel) allevata da Al Bayaraq Arabian e di proprietà di Al Bayaraq Arabian e Bashar Alawady. L’Argento è andato alla saura TW Walina (M.M. Fabrizio x Latiffa) allevata da Tripodi Arabians e di proprietà di Shazin Stud, ed il Bronzo alla baia Mazaya Domitia (Psyrasic x UL Sid Parma) allevata e di proprietà di Allman Flavie. L’ormai pluricampione grigio Jalal Aljassimya (WH Justice x Annaiss) ha conquistato i giudici e gli spettatori grazie al suo ‘tipo’ ed è stato nominato Campione della Categoria Colts all’unanimità, con il grigio D. Hajes (SG Labib x Nefertarji) allevato da Dubai Arabian Horse Stud e di proprietà di Al Wawan che ha occupato sul podio il secondo posto, e il baio CS Prince (Kahil Al Shaqab x CS Opportunity) che si è aggiudicato il terzo posto. Quest’ultimo è allevato da Sensi Marco ed è di proprietà di Al Artal Arabians Stud.

Regina incontrastata della Categoria Fattrici è stata una cavalla molto nota la cui testa sta diventando sempre più estrema e asciutta: la stupenda grigia Abha La Luna (El Perfecto x Gual Alba) allevata da Ses Planes e di proprietà

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by Al Artal Arabians Stud. Reigning queen of the Mares Category was crowned a well-known mare whose head is becoming more and more extreme and lean: the wonderful grey Abha La Luna (El Perfecto x Gual Alba) bred by Ses Planes and owned Al Mai Stud. Silver medal for the grey Bajadera B ( Teiszir B x 243 Basme B) bred by Barolna RT and owned by Vago Roberto & SNC SocietĂ Agricola, while the Bronze was racked up by the bay Misstake (QR Marc x ABRA B) bred and owned by Calderai Elisabetta. The title of Champion Stallion was awarded to the bay Sabea Al Sahraa (Koronec x Nouf Al Thalitha) bred by Om El Arab International and owned by Athban Stud. The well balanced, very typey, masculine overall appearance of this stallion makes him very special. He has a great deal of admirers all over the world, and his nice character has made him a lot of friends. Silver medal for the grey Mountassar Al Zobair (Khidar x Falha Al Shaqab) bred by Al Zobair Stud and owned by Khalil Ebrahim Ali Muktar, and Bronze for the chestnut Psyches Emotion (Psytadel x Petra PS) bred by Andriolo Giorgio and owned by Longhi Andrea. And so came to an end the sixteenth edition of the show in Marina di Pietrasanta. The Organizing Committee, the Tourism and Sport Office for

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the Municipality of Pietrasanta led, for the technical part, by Luciano Borzonasca did a lot to ensure that the event would be as agreeable as possible, combining the grace and beauty of the Arabian horse with the charm of horses ridden in the Western style. The judges called to score our Purebred Arabians were: Dr. Manfred Neubacher (Austria), Dr. Aragno Gianmarco, (Italy) Mrs. McCrea Wight Janice Aillen (USA) and Mr. Moschini Christian (Italy). Impeccable as usual was the job done by Ivo Ludi in his capacity as ring master, by Mrs. Barbara Raso and Christian Moschini as Disciplinary Commissioners. Not to forget the presence at the show of the International artist Helidon Xhixha who - with his manifesto depicting a steel horse - has intended to represent this sparkling edition and pay tribute to it in such an exceptional way. Congratulations to the winners and the organizers, in particular, to the Fondazione Versiliana and the Municipality of Pietrasanta which continue to strive for and put in all efforts in the preparation of the first morphology date of the year. Hence, the Arabian Horse Magazine editorial Team takes the opportunity to wish everyone the very best of luck at the beginning of the Italian shows season dedicated to our beloved Arabian Horse!

di Al Mai Stud. Medaglia d’Argento per la grigia Bajadera B (Teiszir B x 243 Basme B) allevata da Barolna RT e di proprietà di Vago Roberto & SNC Società Agricola, mentre il Bronzo è stato collezionato dalla baia Misstake (QR Marc x ABRA B) allevata e di proprietà di Calderai Elisabetta. Il titolo di Campione della Categoria Stalloni è stato assegnato al baio Sabea Al Sahraa (Koronec x Nouf Al Thalitha) allevato da Om El Arab International e di proprietà di Athban Stud. L’aspetto corretto, bilanciato e molto maschile di questo stallone lo rende molto speciale. Ha una grande quantità di ammiratori in tutto il mondo, e il suo bel carattere gli ha da sempre guadagnato un sacco di amici. Medaglia d’Argento per il grigio Mountassar Al Zobair (Khidar x Falha Al Shaqab) allevato da Al Zobair Stud e di proprietà di Khalil Ebrahim Ali Muktar, e Bronzo per lo stallone sauro Emotion Psyches (Psytadel x Petra PS) allevato da Andriolo Giorgio e di proprietà di Longhi Andrea. E così si è conclusa anche la sedicesima edizione dello Show di Marina di Pietrasanta. Il Comitato Organizzativo e l’Ufficio del Turismo e dello Sport del Comune di Pietrasanta diretto, per la parte tecnica da Luciano Borzonasca, hanno fatto

di tutto per assicurare una perfetta riuscita dello spettacolo, coniugando la grazia e la bellezza del cavallo arabo al fascino dei cavalli montati in stile occidentale. I giudici chiamati a valutare i nostri Purosangue Arabi sono stati: Dr. Manfred Neubacher (Austria), Dott. Aragno Gianmarco, (Italia) la Sig.ra McCrea Wight Janice Aillen (USA) e il Sig. Moschini Christian (Italia). Impeccabile come al solito il lavoro svolto da Ivo Ludi in qualità di ring master, dalla Sig.ra Barbara Raso e Christian Moschini in qualità di Commissari Disciplinari. Da non dimenticare la presenza allo show dell’artista internazionale Helidon Xhixha il quale - con il suo manifesto raffigurante un cavallo d’acciaio - ha inteso rappresentare e omaggiare così questa sfavillante edizione. Complimenti ai vincitori e agli organizzatori, in particolare, la Fondazione Versiliana e il Comune di Pietrasanta che continuano a compiere notevoli sforzi per la preparazione del primo appuntamento di morfologia dell’anno. Il Team di Arabian Horse Magazine, pertanto, coglie l’occasione di augurare a tutti tanta fortuna per un buon inizio della stagione di spettacoli italiani dedicati al nostro amatissimo Cavallo Arabo!

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Gold Medal


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Yearling Fillies

Silver Medal

Bronze Medal


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Gold Medal


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Yearling Colts

Silver Medal

Bronze Medal


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Gold Medal

NAJD AL BAYRAQ HABIBI x A NOBLE DESIGN 10.00 points Owner: Al Bayaraq Aranians , Bashar Alawadi

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TF WALINA M.M. FABRIZIO x LATIFFA 8.00 points Owner: Shazin Stud

Junior Fillies

Silver Medal

Bronze Medal

MAZAYA DOMITIA PSYRASIC x UL SID PARMA 2.00 points Owner: Allman Flavie

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Gold Medal

JALAL ALJASSIMYA WH JUSTICE x ANNAISS 12.00 points Owner: Al Jassimya Farm

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Junior Colts

Silver Medal

Bronze Medal


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Gold Medal

ABHA LA LUNA EL PERFECTO x GUAL ALBA 12.00 points Owner: Al Mai Stud

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Senior Mares

Silver Medal

Bronze Medal


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Gold Medal

SABEA AL SAHRAA KORONEC x NOUF AL THALITHA 10.00 points Owner: Athbah Stud

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MOUNTASSAR AL ZOBAIR KHIDAR x FALHA AL SHAQAB 8.00 points Owner: Khalil Ebrahim Ali Muktar

Senior Stallions

Silver Medal

Bronze Medal

PSYCHES EMOTION PSYTADEL x PETRA PS 3.00 points Owner: longhi Andrea

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Special Moments

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Written by by Martina Minhard

Photos by Julia Moll


In most cases, an adventure begins with a dream! My dream was to own a second horse as a companion to my Arabo- Haflinger stallion for driving two in hand. In November 1996 I set out on a quest for a noble horse with Arabian blood that suited my sporting needs. After having visited several breeders of purebred Arabians and a disappointing result - I could not find this special Arabian with that certain something – I made a last try accompanied by an International driving judge, and so I met the love of my life LM LIBRETTO (DRAGO X DADOBIA), the foundation stallion of Al-Qahira stud. Libretto was and is an excellent driving horse, always with enthusiasm in front of the carriage, either in competitions or pulling the winter sleigh or just for fun driving out with a light buggy. With Libretto I got his Spanish documents with no idea about his pedigree. But as curious as I have always been, I began to inquire and study and I devoured everything I could find. If Libretto had been out of Russian or Egyptian bloodlines maybe I would not breed Spanish Arabians? No, I don’t think so! After having bought two fillies with a high percentage of Egyptian blood I found Shamal (Abha Harim x Abha Saira), my first pure Spanish mare more than one year later. Working with these two fillies, I recognized the difference. Both of them have been gentle, sweet with great disposition, but as I was an Arabian beginner and I made some mistakes, the Egyptian horses could not forgive. More than once they were insulted for days and I could not even put a halter on them. Shamal could forgive and she is still doing it! In 1998 I bought Bel Princess (El Perfecto x Mel Serilla), the queen of my stables, dam of nine foals and the best leading mare you can imagine. In 1999 the first foal was born, followed by the first foal crop in 2000, among them future double European

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Champion Espinosa Qahira (L.M.Libretto x Shamal). In November 2000 I visited the breeder of Bel Princess and felt in love with her dam Mel Serilla (Calero x Mel Orilla) and she soon joined her daughter. This early summer Mel Serilla followed her daughter Bel Princess again, who died after an intestine rupture, eight months pregnant in may 2013. Princess gave birth to show- and sportchampions, as there are Diamante Qahira, Cascabel Qahira (exported to Switzerland), Valeroso Qahira, Quirinal Qahira, Ebanista Qahira (exported to United Arab Emirates) and Invierno Qahira by L.M.Libretto and Ojinegro Qahira and Favardin Qahira by Ghandour and Sirrocco Qahira (exported to Belgium) by Nubarron Qahira. I terribly miss both, especially Bel Princess, grumbling to her foals, her angry snorts to her mare herd, she will always have a special place in my heart. In 1999 we took part in our first shows, 2001 in the first sport competitions and in winter 2002 the first horses started their training on the race track in Warsow in Poland with good and worse results. In the meantime I bought several mares as there have been L.M.Paca (El Perfecto x Oca), sold to Switzerland as riding horse because she had four stillbirths, two daughters of Arabian Beauty (Nueva L.M. Libretto out of Dacita by Habon II, dam of unbelievable pretty Ultramar Qahira and still at stud, and Arabians Alameda out of Benazir by El Namib, sold in 2011 as riding horse due to infertility), HD-Escada (Barquero x Abha Uard) in 2001, Sevilla (Azlam x Grazalema) in 2004, Shirina Carisma (Calero x Abha Saira) in 2005, Hag-Cirina (El Perfecto x Cidraa) in 2011 and recently Ufifa (Neptuno x Hiafa), she will be the only mare of pure Ybarra bloodlines in Austria. In spring 2003 I travelled to Belgium to cover two mares with the last living son of Makorr, Farrukh out of Faquih. During this trip I also had a look at Ghandour (Ghadames x Esperada), full brother to World Championesse Estepa and to Esplendor, chief sire in Tersk, because I wanted to

Valeroso Qahira (L.M. Libretto / Bel Princess)

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Banderin Qahira (Ojinegro Qahira / Tarambana Qahira) RECENTLY EXPORTED TO SPAIN

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use a special stallion for the Libretto daughter Cascabel Qahira. I found a terribly neglected 22 y. old stallion, very thin but with a lot of fire in his eyes. The result of that journey? I have travelled 4000 kilometers, I have bought another stallion, L.M.Paca had a stillbirth (of course a filly foal) and Nueva has resorbed. Furthermore I could not rebreed due the death of Farrukh one year later. Ghandour joined us in june 2004. I was really afraid he

to Ojinegro. Ghandour died in January 2012, nearly 30 years old. He gave to all of his foals a pretty length of neck, excellent legs and tremendous movements. Till now, all together 55 foals were born in my stud. The most representatives are Espinosa Qahira, 2000, (L.M.Libretto x Shamal), Double European Champion Arabian Sport Horse, competing in open Driving competitions against warmbloods, Avellana Qahira, 2002,

Cabriola Qahira (Nubarron Qahira / Shirina Carisma)

Orovista Qahira (Valeroso Qahira / Nueva)

could be infertile, but in 2005 Ojinegro Qahira out of Bel Princess, Milagros Qahira out of Cascabel Qahira and Kalderon Qahira out of Sevilla were born. Ghandour also gave us Favardin Qahira in 2007 (now competing in Western competitions), fullsister to Ojinegro, and Aventura Qahira in 2009 out of Shirina Carisma and Madrigal Qahira in 2011 out of Mel Serilla, 3â „4 brother

(L.M.Libretto x Shamal), International Austrian & Polish Champion Ladies Side Saddle and Western Pleasure, Bronze Trail, 5. pl. European Championship Western Allround and competing in open Western Pleasure against quarter horses, Vendaval Qahira, 2002, (L.M.Libretto x Nur) European Reserve Champion Cross Mono,

Kalderon Qahira (Ghandour / Sevilla) Photo by Sportfoto Liebmann

Mares enjoying the meadows at the bottom of the tyrolian mountains N°3 - 2016 | 289

exported to United Arab Emirates and doing endurance now. Valeroso Qahira, 2002, (L.M.Libretto x Bel Princess), renowned breeding stallion at stud, offspring in five countries, including Middle East, WAHO Trophy winner 2012, international champion in show and sports. Tarambana Qahira, 2003, (Estopasan x Mel Serilla), Senior Gold Champion, classwinner International show in Brecht, Belgium, several times placed, always 17 in legs and 20 in movements. Ojinegro Qahira, 2005, (Ghandour

Humareda Qahira (Nubarron Qahira / HAG-Cirina)

Ojinegro Qahira (Ghandour / Bel Princess)

x Bel Princess), National Senior Bronze Champion, Liberty Champion and one of the very few arabians, who is placed in dressage, show jumping and eventing competitions against all breeds. 2012 my beloved Shamal gave me a special gift – the black colt foal Lunfardo Qahira by Valeroso Qahira, the only

Tarambana Qahira (Estopasan / Mel Serilla)

black pure Spanish Arabian stallion worldwide out of the Rodania/Reyna female tail line. I also had the big luck that Shamal gave me another black one, a filly in 2013, the prettiest foal I have ever bred, Farfalla Qahira by Nubarron Qahira. But since life is not always fair Farfalla died with 12 days young due gastritis and diarrhea. Although 2013 was the worst year the stud is passing, I

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always try to find new ideas to bring in new lines and I always have new expectations to prove the performance of my horses. Since two years now Kalderon Qahira (Ghandour x Sevilla) is doing open eventing and show jumping competitions. Due an accident on the pasture, Kalderon lost his left eye in foal age, but it does not avoid him to excell against all breeds. Kalderon Qahira is two times winner in Open Eventing in Austria and Czechia. His halfbrother Ojinegro Qahira (out of Bel Princess) is

Madrigal Qahira (Ghandour / Mel Serilla)

the second successful stallion, he is competing successfully in dressage, show jumping and eventing since one year. The third in the league of Ghandour sons Madrigal Qahira (out of Mel Serilla) is started under saddle now and promises to be an excellent sport horse. Three horses of AlQahira stud are awarded with the WAHO Trophy, L.M.Libretto in 2007, Shamal in 2010 and Valeroso Qahira in 2012. As far as I know is it unique in the world that one stud was awarded three times with this prestigious trophy. It has always been my goal to breed a typey Spanish Arabian – not “only” a show horse, but outstanding enough to participate Trinidad Qahira in shows. At the (Shamal / Valeroso Qahira) same time I expect my horses to be functional, either for riding or driving. I am aiming for more than just a pretty head!! To me a beautiful, correct Arabian with type, pedigree, combining performance with a gorgeous character makes the perfect horse! An Arabian horse is in the position to keep up with

sport ponies other races referring dressage and jumping abilities, in relation to stamina the Arabian is superior to them, so why not taking the chance breeding for the sport market, we should offer healthy, mentally strong horses with good movements and Arabian type, each good horse is an advertisement! It was always important for me to compete against all breeds in open competitions, I know it’s not easy, we must all go to our limits to make promotion for the Arabian, it is not enough to present only a show doll, the Arabian race is more, much more! This year Al-Qahira stud celebrates its 20 anniversary. During this time I have met a lot of friendly and enthusiastic people all over the world, who love the breed of Pure Spanish Arabians, who admire my stud and offspring and give me strength and courage to carry on. So the circle closes, my adventure is my dream, my dream is my life, my life with those spectacular Spanish Arabians! Thank you for giving me the chance to tell you my story and the story of Al-Qahira stud. And please, excuse my English, but school days are far over!

Nubarron Qahira (Valeroso Qahira / Jaffar II de F)

Martina Minhard

Lunfardo Qahira (Valeroso Qahira / Shamal)

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Written by Sonja Smaldone Photos by Joelle Muller

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Every year the Arabian horse community travels down to the Mediterranean city of Menton, situated on the French Riviera and just one kilometer from the Italian border. This year the team of Arabian Horse Magazine team headed to this magnificent region of France to enjoy the best that this show had to offer.

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eld on 4-5 June, the Mediterranean & Arab Countries Arabian Horse Championship took place in the picturesque town of Menton, known as la perle de la France. Originally part of neighboring Monaco, Menton is regarded around the world for its lemons, which are used to make local oil and ‘limoncello’ as well as decorating the main arena for the Championships. This magnificent show came this year to its 25th birthday. A show cherished by many Arabian horse devotees throughout the globe and which all and sundry are looking forward to ever since it was organized by Mrs. Christine Chazel, for the first time, back in 1991. Thanks to her commitment and endless dedication, this Arabian Horse Championships is still one of the most renowned shows in Europe. Last June 2016 the Championship turned in black and white for a parade with the utmost elegance! The judging panel consisted of: Mrs. Maria AnnaratoneFerraroni (Italy) Mr. Cedes Bakker (The Netherlands) Mr. Jerzy Bialobok (Poland) D. Mr. Manfred Hain (Germany) Mr. Jo Polo (U.S.A.) and Mr. Marc Veray (France). 144 Purebred Arabians were entered. The beautifully designed catalogue was reading the ‘Who is Who’ in the Arabian horse world. Former world champions, leading sires and champion producing mares combined with promising youngsters. A real treat for all spectators! Because of its 25th anniversary, the organizers of the show also put inside the catalogue memorial pages of the very first show, held in 1991. A good time to reflect on 25 years of horse breeding and to see what was the vibe back then and what the Arabian show horse has become today. The show started on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 pm, which meant that there was plenty of time to catch up with fellow breeders and horse lovers or to enjoy the beach, go to the center of Menton or the nearby situated Monaco.

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The first class to go was the one year old fillies. A big class sponsored by Al Bayda Stud from Egypt. Beautiful fillies sired by champion sires and super mares entered the marvelously decorated show arena. Two fillies stood out from the rest and were awarded with the first and second price. Class winner was the gorgeous grey D Ajayeb (D Ajayeb RFI Farid x Ladi Veronika) bred and owned by the ecstatic Dubai Arabian Horse Stud from the UAE. Second placed was the bay HDM Maria-Apal (RFI Farid x WW Imania Apal) bred by Mertens Eleonore from Belgium and owned by Ajman Stud from the UAE. 3rd in this class was the bay Lolou al Nasser (RFI Farid x Rihab Al Nasser) bred and owned by Al Nasser Stud from Qatar. The second class to go was another group of yearling fillies, sponsored by Al Thumama Stud from Qatar. High quality young ladies with high hopes for the future paraded in the arena. A big win was the extremely typey D Jawaher (Fa El Rasheem x D Noor) showing for owner and breeder Dubai Arabian Horse Stud from the UAE. Second placed filly was the gleaming chestnut Ghalyah Al Hawajer (FA El Rasheem x Valentyna F) bred and owned by Al Hawajer Stud from the UAE. A 3rd place was for Aria AL Baydaa (Ajman Moniscione x RA Marwans Elygance) bred by ARIA International from the United States and owned by Abayydaa Stud from Egypt. On it went with the two year old fillies sponsored by Royal Cavalry of Oman. Winner of this class was the gorgeous bay Mai Aljassimya (FA EL Rasheem x RP Miss Surprise) bred and owned by Aljassimya Farm from Qatar. Second place in this class was another beautiful bay, Remal Al Shaqab (Wadee AL Shaqab x Pilar) showing for her breeder and owner Al Shaqab Stud from Qatar. 3rd place for another little jewel standing at Al Shaqab Stud, the grey Bohour Al Shaqab (Kahil Al Shaqab x Wind Kamila). Another big class of beautiful 2 year old fillies, sponsored by De Cartherey Arabians was up next. Class winner the amazing bay Sultanat Al Shaqab (Marwan Al Shaqab x OFW Mishaahl) showing for breeder and

owner Al Shaqab Stud. Second place was for the bay filly Mazaya Domitia (Psyrasic x Ul Sid Parma) to the joy of her breeder and owner Domitia Farms from France. 3rd was the black shiny filly Adaya ( Klintz Just Dream x Alexzndrie Passion) bred by Tisseraud Aurelie and owned by Parlato Patricia from France. The next class was the one of the 3 year old fillies, sponsored by Al Shahania Stud from Qatar. Won by the amazing chestnut

After the show, there was a special gala dinner to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the show. Everybody who has been closely involved with the show over the past 25 years received a special ‘thank you’ award. The food was delicious, the music great and everyone was having a great time! The next day, the show started at 9:30am with the one year old colts. A class sponsored by El Farida Stud from Egypt, with Al Zobair Stud from

filly Elle Flamenca (Ajman Moniscione x Allmara MA) for breeder Markelle Arabians from the United States and owner Dubai Arabian Horse Stud from the UAE. 2nd in class was the chestnut Farah Al Shaqab (Al Adeed Shaqab x SWF Valencia) bred and owned by Al Shaqab Stud from Qatar. 3rd position was for the incredible grey Bint Hazy Al Khalediah (EL Palacio x Hazy Al Khalediah) bred and owned by AL Khalediah Stables from Saudia Arabia. The day ended with an outstanding senior mares class of 7 years and older. All of very high quality, sponsored by Albidayer Stud from the UAE. Winner of this class was the wonderful grey mare Fahera (TS Apolo x Epy) for breeder Lo Giudice Lo Vito from Italy and owner Al Shiraa Stables from the UAE. 2nd in the class was Bleuenn Milin Avel (Padrons Immage x Ischia) for breeder Le Bivic Marie-Claude and owners Savenier Felicité & Jean Jacques from France. 3rd in the class was the Italian bred Magic Ma Cherie (Windsprees Mirage x Elettra) owned by Al Shiraa Stables from the UAE.

the UAE being the main patron. A lot of visitors were present to watch this last day of the show and it started off good! Class winner was the amazing bay colt Cyclone OS (RFI Farid x Inspired Najla) bred and owned by Gestut Osterhof from Germany. 2nd in this class was another son of RFI Farid, the bay colt Vivaldi Regalis (RFI Farid x Natisse Regalis) for breeder and owner Re Pietro from Italy. 3rd position was for Fantastyk (IM Bayard Cathare x Lupy Fantastika) showing for breeder and owner Lust Nathalie from France. The next class was for the 2 year old colts, sponsored by Al Shiraa Arabians. Winner of this class was the very handsome bay Luigi (Kanz Albidayer x Lolita) showing for breeder D. Saelens from Belgium and owner AL Shahania Stud from Qatar. Runner up was the grey Alexxanderr (Excalibur EA x AR Most Irresistible) bred by Butler Frances and Carson Brandi from the United States and owned by Alsayed Stud from Saudi Arabia. 3rd place was for a gorgeous son of WH Justice, Jalal

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Aljassimya (WH Justice x Annaiss) bred and owned by Aljassimya Farm from Qatar. The show continued with the class of 3 year old colts, sponsored by Kalliste Arabians from France. Convincingly won by the stunning bay Gallardo J (Esmeral J x Gomera

The last class before the break was the one of the 8 years and older stallions, sponsored by Asayel Stud from Kuwait with APCA being the main patron of the entire Senior section. Class winner was the eye-catching grey Shangai EA (WH Justice x Salimah) showing for breeder

J) making his breeder Jadem Arabians from Belgium and owner Ajman Stud from the UAE very happy! 2nd in the class was the bay Ghazwan Aljassimya (Marwan Al Shaqab x Athina El Jamaal) to the joy of his breeder and owner Aljassimya Farm from Qatar.3rd in this class was the silver grey Sundown K.A (QR Marc x L. Serenella) bred and owned by Knocke Arabians from Belgium.

Equus Arabians from Spain and owner Ajman Stud from the UAE. 2nd in the class was the gleaming chestnut IM Bayard Cathare (Padrons Immage x Shamilah Bagheera) bred by Roques Richard from France and owned by Royal Cavalry of Oman. 3rd in the Class the Spanish bred chestnut Abha Qatar (Marwan Al Shaqab x ZT Ludjkalba) owned by Al Mohamadia Stud from the

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Time to go to the Final Championships! The championships started with the junior females, sponsored by Al Khaled Farm from Saudi Arabia. Gold medal winner: Elle Flamenca bred by Markelle Arabians (USA) and o w n e d by Dubai Arabian Horse Stud ( UA E ) . Silver medal winner: Farah Al Shaqab bred and owned by al Shaqab Stud (QA). B r o n z e m e d a l winner: MAI Aljassimya bred and owned by Aljassimya (QA). Next were the senior female championships, sponsored by Dubai Arabian Horse Stud. Gold medal winner: Aljana OS bred by Gestut Osterh (Germany) and owned by Albaydaa Farm (Egypt). Silver medal winner: Wadad Zamani bred by Al Kasaby Osman (IL) and owned by Hanaya Arabians (CH) Bronze medal winner: Ghazalah Alaalya bred by The Primavere Partnership (US) and owned by Al AAlya Stud (KSA). Next were the junior male championships, sponsored by Al Aryam Arabians from Abu Dhabi, UAE. Gold medal winner: Gallardo J bred by Jadem Arabians and owned by Ajman Stud. Silver medal winner: LUIGI bred by D. Saelens (BE) and owned by AL Shahania Stud (QA).

Bronze Medal winner: Ghazwan Aljassimya bred and owned by Aljassimya Farm. The senior stallions championships concluded this magnificent show which, like every year on Sunday night, saw a clash among titans with world champions and other winners of the most successful international competitions contending for the first place on the podium. A championship with a line-up of three stunning Purebred Arabian sires, divining the quality always present at this show! Gold medal winner: EKS Alihandro bred by Elkasun Arabians Willie Brown and owned by Athbah Stud – HRH Abdulaziz Bin Ahmed Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud from Saudi Arabia. Silver medal winner: Shanghai EA bred by Equus Arabians from Spain and owned by Ajman Stud from the UAE. Bronze medal winner: IM Bayard Cathare bred by Roques Richard from France and owned by Royal Cavalry of Oman from the Sultanate of Oman. There were also some other trophies to be presented. Best in Show Mare sponsored by Al Shaqab Stud was the already Gold Medal Champion Yearling Fillies A Ajayeb (RFI Farid x Ladi Veronika) bred and owned by Dubai Arabian Horse Stud from the UAE. Best in Show Stallion was crowned Gold Medal Champion Senior Stallions EKS Alihandro (Marwan Al Shaqab x OFW Psylhouette) bred by Elkasun Arabians – Willie Brown from the United States and owned by Athba Stud – HRH Abdulaziz Bin Ahmed Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud from Saudi Arabia. With these trophies shining in the sunlight of Menton, the 25th intense edition of this show full of high quality horses and perfectly organized by Madame Christianne & Monsieur Jean-Pierre Chazel drew to a close, a crucial stage for the European circuit. We shall all meet again next year together with other extraordinary champions!

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Yearling Fillies


Gold Medal

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HDM MARIA APAL RFI FARID x WW IMANIA | 14.00 points Owner: Ajman Stud

Silver Medal




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Yearling Colts


Gold Medal

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JAAL AL JASSIMYA WH JUSTICE x ANNAISS | 8.00 points Owner: Al Jassimya Farm

Silver Medal




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Junior Fillies


Gold Medal

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Silver Medal


FA EL RASHEEM x RP MISS SURPRISE | 12.00 points Owner: Al Jassimya Farm


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Junior Colts

GALLARDO J EMERALD J x GOMERA J | 20.00 points Owner: Ajman Stud

Gold Medal

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LUIGI KANZ ALBIDAYER x LOLITA | 11.00 points Owner: Al Shahania Stud

Silver Medal


MARWAN AL SHAQAB x ATHINA EL JAMAAL| 6.00 points Owner: Al Jassimya Farm


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Senior Mares


Gold Medal

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WADAD ZAMANI LAHEEB x ZENA AL BURAQ | 8.00 points Owner: Hanaya Arabians

Silver Medal


MONTICETO LN x JMF JEZELL | 8.00 points Owner: Al Aalya Stud


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Senior Stallions


Gold Medal

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SHANGHAI EA WH JUSTICE x SALYMAH EA | 11.00 points Owner: Ajman Stud

Silver Medal




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Special Moments

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Roccalumera is a very nice small Sicilian town situated on the Ionian coast in the province of Messina. It belongs to the Union of Municipalities of the Ionic Valleys of ‘Peloritani’. It is a town of ancient origins that today boasts ancient traditions and an extraordinary beautiful sea that its inhabitants and the many tourists who come during the summer season do not wish to surrender. The name Roccalumera comes from the Latin ‘Roccae Alumeriae’ meaning ‘Alum Rock’. ‘Rock’ by the owners and ‘Alum’ to indicate the important mines that were located on this territory.

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Roccalumera è un bellissimo piccolo comune siciliano sito sulla costa ionica della provincia di Messina. Appartiene all’Unione dei Comuni delle Valli Ioniche dei Peloritani. È un comune di antiche origini che oggi può vantare tradizioni millenarie e un mare bellissimo al quale non rinunciano i suoi abitanti e i numerosi turisti che accorrono durante la stagione estiva. Il nome Roccalumera deriva da Roccae Alumeriae che significa Rocca dell’Allume, Rocca dai proprietari e Allume ad indicare le importanti miniere che si trovavano su questo territorio.

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Today Roccalumera has a resident population of roughly 4,187 inhabitants and it is divided into neighborhoods and villages: Ficara, in which the majestic Saracen tower stands intact near the Church of the Madonna della Catena, and Putioli near the Church of ‘Our Lady of Carmel’. The so called ‘Bagli’ stand out as charming hallmarks of the country: etymologically derived from the word ‘bailiff ’, a judge who decided over the disputes arising among the land and livestock owners. In the feudal period, the ‘Baglio’ was a large enclosed courtyard used as a fish-agricultural market; the historic district of ‘Baglio’ with the eighteenth-century Church of SS. Crucifix, a picturesque fishing village, lies between Mirone Road and Verdi Road, once the old Consular Valeria Road that crossed the route from Messina to Taormina. Typical nooks and crannies of that time extend all along the village, with the distinctive round-shaped wooden doors that recall ancient architectural typologies, picturesque corners where the ancient sea-crafts have survived up to present days. The Municipality of Roccalumera is very accustomed to and efficient in promoting touristic initiatives that do not neglect local traditions, history, cultural and architectural heritage, the typical products of the country and everything about its origins, its history but also its present. Just over four thousand inhabitants who during the summer season will multiply exponentially thanks to the many tourists flocking to this place. Tourism is closely linked to the country’s economy with several businesses at the service of tourists. Well aware of this are the current Mayor of Roccalumera Gaetano Argiroffi and the City Council who have always done and still do their utmost to promote and organize a full program of artistic, cultural and sports events that make more pleasant the stay of tourists and not only! The most important events are: the International Folklore Festival and the Festival of Verdello. The International Folklore Festival is definitely the most important event with the participation of groups of artists from around the world. It is an important social

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Roccalumera oggi registra una popolazione residente di circa 4.187 abitanti ed è articolata in quartieri e borghi: Ficara, in cui si erge intatta l’imponente Torre Saracena nei pressi della chiesa della Madonna della Catena, e Putioli, nei pressi della chiesa della Madonna del Carmelo. Si distinguono come caratteristici del paese i Bagli: etimologicamente la voce deriva da ‘baglivo’, un giudice che decideva sulle liti che sorgevano tra proprietari di terre e di

animali. Nel periodo feudale il Baglio era un grande cortile chiuso adibito a mercato ittico-agricolo; il quartiere storico del Baglio con la chiesetta settecentesca del SS. Crocefisso, caratteristico borgo di pescatori, si estende tra la via Mirone e la Via Verdi, un tempo via Consolare Valeria, che attraversava il percorso da Messina a Taormina. Anfratti tipici di quel tempo costeggiano il borgo, con portoni in legno dalle caratteristiche forme tondeggianti che richiamano antiche tipologie architettoniche, angoli pittoreschi dove sopravvivono ancora oggi gli antichi mestieri del mare. Il Comune di Roccalumera è molto predisposto ed efficiente nel promuovere le iniziative di carattere ludico turistico

and cultural event during which Roccamulera becomes a meeting place for different cultures and sharing. The Verdello Festival is meant to raise awareness and promote a local product as the ‘Verdello’ a particular type of lemon that is an exclusive product of the country and is obtained through a particular process. Other events worth mentioning are the ‘Estemporanea’ exhibit on painting and sculpture by contemporary artists, a much

awaited cultural moment that gives the possibility to ‘local artists to show off their talent’, and the ‘Inter-communal Trekking of Friendship’ which provides a route through all the beauties of the area. It has importance at a regional level and takes place over three days. In the Municipality of Roccalumera, theatrical, musical evenings and fashion shows take place especially during the summer. Rounding out the schedule, there is then the now famous Marikshel Arabians Championship that was held on 18th and 19th June 2016. After the two previous editions in 2014 and 2015 (the first on a Regional level and the second on a National one) the

che non tralascino le tradizioni, la storia, i beni culturali ed architettonici, i prodotti tipici del paese e tutto ciò che riguarda le sue origini, la sua storia ma anche il suo presente. Poco più di quattromila abitanti che durante la stagione estiva si moltiplicano in modo esponenziale grazie ai numerosissimi turisti che arrivano in questo luogo. Al turismo è molto legata l’economia del paese con le numerose attività commerciali al servizio del turista. Lo sanno bene l’attuale Sindaco Gaetano Argiroffi e l’Amministrazione comunale che in quest’ottica si prodigano al fine di promuovere un nutrito programma di manifestazioni artistiche e culturali che possano allietare il soggiorno dei turisti e non solo. Le manifestazioni più importanti sono: il Festival Internazionale del Folclore e la Sagra del Verdello. Il Festival Internazionale del Folclore è sicuramente l’evento più importante al quale partecipano gruppi di artisti provenienti da tutto il mondo; è un importante momento sociale e culturale durante il quale Roccamulera diventa luogo d’incontro e di condivisione per diverse culture. La Sagra del Verdello è stata pensata per far conoscere e diffondere un prodotto tipico locale come il limone ‘verdello’ che è un prodotto esclusivo del paese e si ottiene tramite un procedimento particolare. Altri eventi da segnalare sono l’Estemporanea di pittura e scultura di artisti contemporanei, un momento culturale di grande spessore che da la possibilità ad artisti della zona di ‘mettersi in mostra’, e il Trekking intercomunale dell’amicizia che prevede un percorso che attraversa tutte le bellezze della zona. Ha importanza a carattere regionale e si svolge nell’arco di tre giornate. Nel Comune di Roccalumera, manifestazioni teatrali, serate musicali e sfilate di moda hanno luogo soprattutto durante il periodo estivo. A completare il calendario c’è poi, ormai da tre anni, il famoso Campionato Marikshel Arabians che con grande orgoglio delle Autorità amministrative locali - si è tenuto dal 18 al 19 giugno 2016. Dopo le due precedenti edizioni del 2014 e 2015 (la prima a livello Regionale e la seconda invece, Nazionale) quest’anno la manifestazione ha fatto il salto di qualità varcando i confini italiani e approdando sul palcoscenico internazionale. Un successo

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event has made this year a great leap forward crossing the Italian border and landing on the international stage. A success that has gone far beyond the most optimistic expectations thanks to the organizers who, over the past months, have taken care of every aspect of the show. The equestrian competition was sponsored by the City of Roccalumera led by Mayor Gaetano Argiroffi and directed, for the technical part, by Santo D’Amore, well-known breeder of award-winning horses, who, along with his son Salvatore and his daughter-in-law Santina Gugliotta, dealt with every aspect of the show earning plaudits and praise from all. 84 enrolled Arabian horses and riders came from Italy, France, Germany, Malta and Saudi Arabia, and were evaluated by an international jury which had the difficult task of selecting ‘the best of the best’ as most of the horses are real stars on the world stage and boast a track record of victories that would put many ‘human champions’ of the sport to bitter shame! This exceptional event conveyed in Roccalumera hundreds of people interested in this lovely show (including breeders, handlers, owners, and groomers). It was a unique event of extraordinary importance there in Sicily because Arabian horses were brilliantly shown according to the highest quality morphology tests (movement, conformation, beauty, and trot) in front of hundreds of spectators, participants and judges who were part of the Jury. The show started on Saturday, June 18th at 15:30 rather than at 9:00 am as planned, due to the strike of airplane pilots and the resulting cancellation of all flights from Ciampino Airport, near Rome. With most of the judges stuck in Rome, the organization took immediate steps to make available to judges alternative means of transport. And so the show could successfully take off in the heat of the early afternoon with the Preliminary Categories. Gold Champion of the Yearling Female Category, the beautiful grey MAGIC EL JADIDA (Magic Pharaoh x Magic Ohara) bred and owned by MAGIC FONTANELLA ARABIANS. Silver for MG Marabella (Avalon Lba x GW La Premiera) bred and owned by MG ARABIANS Snc , while the Bronze was awarded to Petra D ‘AGRO (Extreme Elaziz x Estopa D’Agro) bred and owned by MIANO SANTI. As for the Yearling Male Category, Gold Medal for the gray Dubay By Ashiraf (Shams El Ashiraf x Faizah BM) bred by Crosta Pietro Angelo. Silver medal for Brando BG (MONNTRACHET x BHADIA) bred and owned

che è andato oltre le più rosee previsioni grazie soprattutto agli organizzatori che nell’ultimo mese hanno curato ogni aspetto dello show . La competizione equina è stata sponsorizzata dal Comune di Roccalumera guidata dal sindaco Gaetano Argiroffi che ha affidato la regia a Santo D’Amore, noto allevatore di pluripremiati cavalli, che assieme al figlio Salvatore e la moglie, l’infaticabile Santina Gugliotta ha diretto con maestria e professionalità ogni aspetto dello show riscuotendo plausi ed elogi da tutti. Gli 84 purosangue arabi e cavalieri iscritti sono giunti dall’Italia, Francia, Germania, Malta e Arabia Saudita e sono stati valutati da una giuria internazionale che ha avuto il difficile compito di eleggere i migliori tra migliori giacché la maggior parte dei cavalli sono delle vere e proprie star del panorama mondiale che vantano un curriculum di vittorie che farebbe impallidire parecchi campioni “umani” dello sport. Quest’evento eccezionale ha convogliato a Roccalumera centinaia di persone interessate alla manifestazione tra handlers, proprietari e groomers. E’ stato un evento unico, straordinario lì in Sicilia perché i cavalli arabi si sono magistralmente esibiti in prove di morfologia di altissima qualità (portamento, conformazione, bellezza, passo) davanti a centinaia di spettatori e dei giudici intervenuti e che hanno fatto parte della commissione giudicatrice. Lo show è iniziato sabato 18 Giugno alle ore 15:30 e non alle ore 9:00 come previsto a causa dello sciopero dei piloti di aerei e la conseguente cancellazione dei voli in partenza dall’aeroporto di Ciampino. Con buona parte dei giudici bloccati a Roma, l’organizzazione si è prontamente attivata per mettere a disposizione dei giudici dei mezzi di trasporto alternativi. E così, dopo momenti di disagio e tensione, lo show è decollato con successo nelle ore calde del primo pomeriggio con le Categorie Preliminari. Campionessa Gold della Categoria Yearling Female , la bellissima grigia MAGIC EL JADIDA (Magic Faraone x Magic Ohara) allevata e di proprietà di FONTANELLA MAGIC ARABIANS. Argento per MG MARABELLA ( Avalon Lba x GW La Premiera) allevata e di proprietà di MG ARABIANS Snc, mentre il Bronzo è stato assegnato a PETRA D’ AGRO (Extreme Elaziz x Estopa D’Agro) allevata e di proprietà di MIANO SANTI. Per quanto riguarda la Categoria Yearling Male, l’Oro è andato al grigio Dubay By Ashiraf (Shams El Ashiraf x Faizah BM) allevato da Crosta Pietro Angelo. Medaglia d’Argento per Brando BG (MONNTRACHET x BHADIA) di Busellini Giuseppe e Bronzo per il baio Aretusa Balzak (ARETUSA ALI x LUMIAR BACHIANNA) allevato e di proprietà del Team Aretusa Arabians di Lucia Palumbo.

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by Busellini Giuseppe and Bronze for the bay Arethusa Balzak (ARETUSA ALI x LUMIAR BACHIANNA) bred and owned by Lucia Palumbo’s Aretusa Arabians Team. Who won the title of Champion Junior Filly was the very gracious NIHAL (Shanghai EA x Free GS) bred by Di Giovanni Gianfranco and owned by Scaramella Emanuela. Silver Medal for DAPHNE (Arethusa Shamir x Lumiar Bachianna) bred and owned by Lucia Palumbo’s ARETUSA ARABIANS TEAM, while SOUBRETTE MAGIC (Magic Mon Ami x CC Magic Countess) bred and owned by MAGIC FONTANELLA ARABIANS was awarded the Bronze. As regards the Junior Colts Category, Gold Medal for BLA SALVADOR (Magic Magnifique x Gazals Serina) bred by Stud Arabians Sweden AB and Arnold Francis Fenech. The Silver went to ENGULO EEA (Shangai EA x Enjora E) bred by Enzo LTD and Fontanella Magic Arabians while the Bronze was racked up by MUHAMMADALI DE FALCO (AMG Dalii x ESKARA PR) bred and owned by Nardini Marco. Undisputed Champion of the Senior Females Category, the wonderful EXPOSITA K.A. (QR Marc x Ekina) bred by NV Zoutekreken & Gheysens Paul. Silver Medal for PS SHADY EL SHAMS (WH Justice x Papeete) bred by Pecorari Silvano and MG Arabians, and Bronze for DIVINE BY SAJIDA (EL Canyon x Sajida) bred by Boscarino Giuseppe and owned by Scaramella Emanuela. As for the Senior Stallions Category, the Gold was won by the stunning MAGIC MON CHERI (Versus Magic x Magic Ma Cherie) bred and owned by Fontanella Magic Arabians. Silver Medal for AL ANEED LDA (Alixir x ILLA Magidaa LDA) bred by LD Arabians and owned by

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Vincitrice del titolo di Campionessa puledre Juniors è stata la graziosissima NIHAL (Shanghai EA x GS Libera) allevata da Di Giovanni Gianfranco e di proprietà di Scaramella Emanuela. Medaglia d’Argento per DAFNE (Aretusa Shamir x Lumiar Bachianna) allevata e di proprietà di ARETUSA ARABIANS TEAM di Palumbo Lucia, mentre MAGIC SOUBRETTE (Magic Mon Ami x CC Magic Contessa) allevata e di proprietà di FONTANELLA MAGIC ARABIANS si è aggiudicata il Bronzo. Per quanto concerne la Categoria Junior Colts, medaglia d’Oro per BLA SALVADOR (Magic Magnifique x Gazals Serina) allevato da Sweden Arabians Stud AB e di proprietà di Fenech Arnold Francis. L’Argento è andato a Engulo EEA (Shangai EA x Enjora E) allevato da Enzo LTD e di proprietà di Fontanella Magic Arabians mentre il Bronzo è andato a MUHAMMADALI DE FALCO (AMG Dalii x PR Eskara) allevato e di proprietà di Nardini Marco. Campionessa incontrastata della Categoria Senior Females, la meravigliosa EXPOSITA K.A. (QR Marc x Ekina) allevata da NV Zoutekreken & Gheysens Paul. Medaglia d’Argento per PS SHADY EL SHAMS (WH Justice x Papeete) allevata da Pecorari Silvano e di proprietà di MG Arabians. Medaglia di Bronzo per DIVINA BY SAJIDA (EL Canyon x Sajida) allevata da Boscarino Giacomo e di proprietà di Scaramella Emanuela. Per la categoria dei Senior Stallions, l’Oro è stato vinto dal maestoso MAGIC MON CHERI (Versus Magic x Magic Ma Cherie) allevato e di proprietà Di Fontanella Magic Arabians. Medaglia d’Argento per AL ANEED LDA (Alixir x ILLA Magidaa LDA) allevato da LD Arabians e di proprietà di Fontanella Magic Arabians. In ultimo si è

Fontanella Magic Arabians. Finally, to perform for us, the Male Futurity Category which was won by MISTER GRAY (Lazaal x Miss Grant) bred and owned by Francesco Caruso. An international judge panel intervened to score our beautiful Purebred Arabians. This was ably composed by: Annarotone Ferraroni Maria (Italy), Pilar Cavero Pino (Spain) Mascagna Laura (Italy), and the elegant Teobaldelli Gian Paolo (Italy). Impeccable the job done as always by Roberto Ceccaroni in quality of ring master and SAR Teresa de Borbon Marquesa De Laula, godmother of the equestrian competition, who for this occasion came directly from Spain, and Raso Barbara both as a Disciplinary Commissioners. Absolutely thrilling the atmosphere at the beach party with all the breeders on Saturday evening at ‘Lido Baciami’ where everyone had the chance to relax and have fun dancing Latin American and the most popular music of the 70’s. It has definitely been a show to be scheduled again for next year, especially for Arabian horses’ lovers and children. Also because the Arabian horse is one of the oldest and most prestigious horse breeds. It is a very noble horse, with an arched neck and shiny skin. To be just as shiny is the sea of Roccalumera, AOC Sicilian sea with all its beauty and crystal water. In his final greetings that preceded the end of the show, Mayor Argiroffi and the organizer Santo D’Amore invited everyone there not to miss out the fourth edition in 2017 that might have many pleasant surprises! And over at Arabian Horse Magazine Team, we will certainly be there…

esibita la Categoria Futurity Maschi vinta da MISTER GRAY (Lazaal x Miss Grant) allevato e di proprietà di Caruso Francesco. I giudici intervenuti a valutare i nostri bellissimi Purosangue Arabi sono stati: Annarotone Ferraroni Maria (Italia), Cavero Pino Pilar (Spagna) Mascagna Laura (Italia), l’elegante Teobaldelli Gian Paolo (Italia). Impeccabile il lavoro svolto come sempre da Roberto Ceccaroni in qualità di ring master e da SAR De Borbon Teresa Marquesa De Laula, madrina della competizione equina che per l’occasione è giunta direttamente dalla Spagna, e da Raso Barbara in qualità di Commissari Disciplinari. Goliardica l’atmosfera regnante al party in spiaggia la sera di sabato 18 con gli allevatori presso il Lido Baciami Beach dove tutti hanno avuto la possibilità di rilassarsi e divertirsi sulle note di musica latina e revival anni 70. E’ stato sicuramente uno spettacolo da rifare, soprattutto per gli appassionati e i bambini. Anche perché il cavallo arabo è una fra le razze equine tra le più antiche e prestigiose. E’ un cavallo molto nobile, dal collo arcuato e dalla pelle luccicante. Ad essere altrettanto luccicante è il mare di Roccalumera, mare siciliano doc con tutta la sua bellezza e limpidezza. Nei saluti che hanno preceduto la chiusura dello show, il Sindaco Argiroffi e il patron Santo D’Amore hanno invitato i presenti a non mancare all’edizione numero quattro nel 2017 che potrebbe riservare tante piacevoli sorprese! E noi di Arabian Horse Magazine non mancheremo di certo a quest’appuntamento….

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Gold Medal


Yearling Fillies


Silver Medal


Bronze Medal

MG MARABELLA AVALON LBA x GW LA PREMIERE 2.00 points Owner: M G ARABIANS snc N°3 - 2016 | 322

Gold Medal

DUBAI BY ASHIRAF SHAMS EL ASHIRAF x FAIZAH BM 4.00 points Owner: franco caia

Yearling Colts

Silver Medal


Bronze Medal


Gold Medal


Junior Fillies


Silver Medal


Bronze Medal

DAFNE ARETUSA SHAMIR x LUMIAR BACHIANNA 2.00 points Owner: ARETUSA ARABIANS TEAM di Palumbo Lucia N°3 - 2016 | 324

Gold Medal


Junior Colts

Silver Medal


Bronze Medal


Gold Medal


Senior Mares

QR MARC x EKINA 4.00 points Owner: Al Safid Stud

Silver Medal


Bronze Medal


Gold Medal


Senior Stallions

Silver Medal


Bronze Medal


Special Moments

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Handlers and Trainers profession


n earlier days, owners and breeders of the Arabian horse used to prepare their horses by themselves and bring them to the various shows. Nowadays, this industry got so professional to the extent that in every country we may now find many training centers. There are different kinds of schooling/ training methodologies around the world as those from Brazil & US, Europe and Middle East. Years ago, many trainers from Brazil and the United States moved to Europe and the way to train horses changed significantly. Lately, also many trainers and handlers have been to the United States to improve their expertise on schooling and training for managerial positions. The training center is not only about training and showing horses, but it also involves a very complicated job implying a thorough management of the horses and their 100% involvement as a breeding station as well as their use for reproductions and promotion purposes. For this reason, many trainers, though they keep their own job, end up with also dealing with breedings and reproduction issues. Just like many handlers who today also take care about management, marketing and promotion. In modern days this profession may become really complicated with a plethora of rules

both from national and world associations. Reason why four years ago, in Dubai, handlers and trainers did decide to start ETHA which means Europe Trainer and Handler Association. This marked a great achievement as handlers and trainers could find altogether the way to establish one common strong connection among them, but ETHA also serves as a forum to share, discuss and change opinions and envisage new systems to develop their professional skills. In order to provide both national and world associations with new ideas to improve general situations expressly finalized to shows commitments, we got in touch with Tom Schoukens, President of ETHA and some other members. We could discover a very nice association working hard for this profession, and perfectly aware of all what is going on around the shows. A year ago, our Magazine decided to allow handlers to talk about themselves in dedicated sections and promote their own training center. After one year of such experience, we did realize we forgot to talk about trainers and the important job they are doing in training centers. They are not so popular like handlers, but strategically very important. So from this issue onwards, we will also have our handler of the day and a couple of trainers/ young handlers.

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Congratulations from the entire world to Toader Iacoban

The winner of the first annual MVG Award in Chantilly

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urrounded by the finest vineyards and olive groves there stands Montefalco on top of a hill overlooking the plain divided by the watercourses of the rivers Topino and Clitunno. Due to this favorable position, the town has been awarded since 1568 the title of ‘Terrace of Umbria’. From there, on a clear day, you can enjoy - from various angles - a 360 degree view stretching over the entire valley between Perugia and Spoleto, from the slopes of the Sub-Apennines to those of the Martani Mounts. According to historical tradition, the place-name of Montefalco is due to Frederick II King of Swabia. While visiting these settings in the thirteenth century, the Emperor did notice a massive presence of hawks in the area, so he decided to change the name of the town from previous Coccorone (Cors Coronae) into the present one. The presence of the bird of prey in the territory has


ontefalco, circondato da bellissimi vigneti e uliveti, è situato in cima a una collina che domina la pianura dei fiumi Topino e Clitunno. Per questa favorevole posizione panoramica, dal 1568 gli è stato attribuito l’appellativo di ‘Ringhiera dell’Umbria’. Da qui, nelle giornate più limpide, è possibile ammirare, da vari punti belvedere, un panorama a 360° che spazia dall’intera vallata tra Perugia e Spoleto, dai versanti del Sub-Appennino a quelli dei Monti Martani. Il toponimo Montefalco si deve, secondo la tradizione, a Federico II di Svevia. L’Imperatore, che era in visita di quei posti nel tredicesimo secolo, notò una presenza notevole di falchi nell’area e decise pertanto di cambiare il nome della località da Coccorone (Cors Coronae) in quello attuale. La presenza dell’uccello rapace nel territorio è andata via via scemando, fino a raggiungere il minimo storico in età moderna. Il 31 luglio 2007 è stata

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been gradually declining, reaching its lowest record in the modern age. On 31st July 2007, a couple of kestrels was released in the skies of Montefalco for restocking purposes. The project was a huge success and kestrels have kept reproducing themselves ever since. Over the summer season, this beautiful and ancient borough can offer to its tourists a wide range of traditional events, local festivals, numerous cooking shows and cultural activities. Moreover, from the 25th to the 26th last June, there was a welcome return on the programme schedule of the Arabian Horse Spring National ‘C’ show. The town gates reopened to hundreds of Purebred Arabians which flocked in Montefalco to participate in the competition organized by ‘The Desert Arabian Horse A.S.D.’ in collaboration with the Municipality of Montefalco.

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Six judges – national and international – were invited to score our Purebrebred Arabians: Mrs. Stigler Irina (Russia) Mrs. Annarotone Ferraroni Maria (Italy) Mrs. Perroy Maria Elena R. (Brazil) Mrs. Darius Claudia (Germany) Mr. Aragno Gianmarco (Italy) and Mr. Moschini Cristian (Italy). Absolutely flawless the job done by Mr. Roberto Ceccaroni in quality of ring master, and by Mr. Teobaldelli Gian Paolo e Mrs. Raso Barbara as Disciplinary Commissioners. The show kicked off on Saturday morning 25th June at 08:30 am with the Straight Egyptian Event at the equestrian center ‘Le Lame Horses Sporting Club’, surrounded by the plentiful vineyards of Sagrantino. Thereafter, the Stallion Parade and the Breeders’ party offered by the organizers with disco music, and the Grand Final on Sunday 26th June which ended at 8:00 pm with the following results. The title of Champion Yearling Females was awarded to a very pretty grand-daughter of the legendary sire Marwan Al Shaqab, the bay Mah Hadiya (Wadee Al Shaqab x

liberata nei cieli di Montefalco una coppia di gheppi, con finalità di ripopolamento. Il progetto ha avuto un grandissimo successo e i gheppi si sono riprodotti. Durante la stagione estiva, questo bellissimo e antico borgo offre ai suoi turisti un calendario fittissimo di manifestazioni folkloristiche, sagre locali, spettacoli enogastronomici e attività culturali. Lo scorso giugno, dal 25 al 26, vi è stato poi un graditissimo ritorno - nel calendario di programmazione - dello show Nazionale di morfologia che ha visto riaprire le porte della cittadina di Montefalco a centinaia di cavalli purosangue arabi partecipanti al concorso di Categoria C Nazionale organizzato da The Desert Arabian Horse Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica in collaborazione con il Comune di Montefalco. Sei i giudici – nazionali e internazionali - chiamati a giudicare i nostri Purosangue Arabi: Stigler Irina (Russia) Annarotone Ferraroni Maria (Italia) Perroy Maria Helena R. (Brasile) Darius Claudia (Germania) Aragno Gianmarco (Italia) Moschini Cristian (Italia). Impeccabile come al solito il lavoro svolto da Roberto Ceccaroni in

qualità di ring master a da Teobaldelli Gian Paolo e Raso Barbara in qualità di Commissari Disciplinari. Lo Show ha preso il via sabato mattina 25 giugno alle ore 08:30 am con lo Straight Egyptian Event al centro ippico Le Lame Horses Sporting Club, circondato dai rigogliosi vigneti del Sagrantino. A seguire la Parata Stalloni e il Breeders’party offerto dagli organizzatori con musica disco, e il Gran Finale di domenica 26 giugno che si è concluso alle 8:00 pm con i seguenti risultati. Titolo di Campionessa della Categoria Femmine Yearling, una graziosissima nipote del leggendario sire Marwan Al Shaqab, la baia Mah Hadiya (Wadee Al Shaqab x RD Excelsa) allevata e di proprietà di Morelli Mauro e presentata da handler Giacomo Capacci. Secondo posto per la grigia Magic Bint Cherie (Magic Mon Cheri x Magic Manaar) allevata e di proprietà di

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RD Excelsa) bred and owned by Mauro Morelli and presented by handler Giacomo Capacci. Second place for the gray Magic Bint Cherie (Magic Mon Cheri x Magic Manaar) bred and owned by Fontanella Magic Arabians and presented by handler Enrico Mearelli. Third place for the gray AS Victoria (Sultan Al Shaqab x AS Zenobia) bred and owned by Soc. Agr. Le Quercette. Regarding the Yearling Males Category, Gold medal for the gray Dandi MPE (Shanghai EA x Fallujah) bred and owned by Farima Az. Agricola. Silver for the gray Safeer AL Mshalla (Wadee Al Shaqab x Shaklan Lady) bred and owned by Marcello Brunelli, and Bronze for the also gray Magic Còrason (Magic Mon Ami x CC Magic Contessa) bred and owned by Fontanella Magic Arabians. As for the Junior Fillies Category, the Gold went to the bay PS Jubilee (PS Reminiscence x Thee Aurora) bred by Sheila OR Peter Stewart, owned by Marinello Tonino and presented by handler Giacomo Capacci. Silver medal for the chestnut Clotilde (Cavalli x Estrella) bred and owned by Filippini Giancarlo’s Tresca Farm, and presented by handler Paolo Capecci. Bronze for

Fontanella Magic Arabians e presentata da handler Enrico Mearelli. Terzo posto per la grigia AS Victoria (Sultan Al Shaqab x AS Zenobia) allevata e di proprietà di Soc. Agr. Le Quercette. Per quanto riguarda la Categoria Maschi Yearling, Medaglia d’oro per il grigio Dandi MPE ( Shanghai EA x Falluja) allevato e di proprietà di Farima Azienda Agricola. Medaglia d’argento per il grigio Safeer AL Mshalla (Wadee Al Shaqab x Shaklan Lady) allevato e di proprietà di Brunelli Marcello. Bronzo per il grigio Magic Còrason (Magic Mon Ami x CC Magic Contessa) allevato e di proprietà di Fontanella Magic Arabians. Per la Categoria Puledre Junior, l’Oro è andato alla baia PS Jubilee (PS Reminescence x Thee Aurora) allevata da Sheila OR Peter Stewart, di proprietà di Marinello Tonino e presentata da handler Giacomo Capacci. Medaglia d’Argento per la saura Clotilde (Cavalli x Estrella) allevata e di proprietà di Az. Agr. Tresca di Filippini Giancarlo e presentata da handler Paolo Capecci. Bronzo per una splendida nipote del grande Magnum Psyche, la baia Jumana del Palazzotto (WH Justice x ZB Lamante), allevata e di proprietà di Paolo Capecci.

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a stunning granddaughter of the great Magnum Psyche, the bay Jumana Del Palazzotto (WH Justice x ZB Lamante) bred and owned by Paolo Capecci. As for the Junior Colts Category, striking victory for the exotic bay Navada Di Mar (Psyrasic x Isabeau Di Mar OS) bred and owned by Marco Franchini and presented by handler Giacomo Capacci. Second place for the bay CS Prince (Kaki Al Shaqab x CS Opportunity) bred by Sensi Marco, owned by Artal At Arabians and presented by handler Paolo Capecci, while the third place went to another son of Shangai EA, the well-known Engulo EEA (Shangai EA x Enjora E) bred by ENZO Ltd. and owned by Fontanella Magic Arabians. Next to be shown, the Senior Categories. Champion Senior mare, the beautiful gray SG Wenusia (SDP Taylor x Wenus By Wernera) bred and owned by Scuderia Groane and presented by handler Paolo Capecci. Silver for the gray AP Indirah (Nevan x Imdella) bred by Cutrona Pietro and owned by Woody Arabians. Bronze for the bay AD Stella BGP (Hadidi x Carina Dei Mori) bred and owned by Antonio Dionisi and presented by handler Maccabel Luca. Finally, to perform it was the Senior Stallions Category won by a wonderful son of Marwan Al Shaqab, the gleaming chestnut GR Marvel (Marwan Al Shaqab x LC Ferrarity) bred and owned by Sara Mets and presented by handler Paolo Capecci. Second

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place for the bay Ocean OS (Ajman Moniscione x Natalia) bred by Gestut Osterhof, owned by Antonio Amicucci, who, also as a handler, made his stallion parade in the arena, while the gray Jandeh AL Naif (Ansata Shalim x Ansata Nile GYPSY) won third place. The latter is bred by Al Naif Stud and owned by Fontanella Magic Arabians. And so, this year too, the lovely town of Montefalco celebrated the beauty and elegance of our beloved Arabian Horse in the beautiful surroundings of the Umbrian countryside, encircled by the green hills and lush colors of the Sagrantino vineyards. Two wonderful days full of grace and sport, gorgeous food and wine and a ‘strictly’ local hospitality. Congratulations to the winners and the organizers, in particular, to ‘The Desert Arabian Horse A.S.D.’ in collaboration with the Municipality of Montefalco which continue to make considerable efforts for the preparation of this important event in Umbria. Congratulations also to Mirjam Boschini as the official speaker of the show, Marzia Allinovi for the efficient secretarial work, Francesca Torazza as the official photographer, Francesco Paolo Capizzi whose job it was to welcome all exhibitors and, last not the least, to Denise Capizzi for the direction of the VIPs area. The appointment is for next year with other great champions!

Per la Categoria Puledri Junior, vittoria per l’esotico baio Navada Di Mar (Psyrasic x Isabeau di Mar OS) allevato e di proprietà di Franchini Marco e presentato da handler Giacomo Capacci. Secondo posto per il baio CS Prince (Kaki Al Shaqab x CS Opportunity) allevato da Sensi Marco, di proprietà di Al Artal Arabians e presentato da handler Paolo Capecci, mentre il Terzo posto è andato ad un altro figlio di Shangai EA, l’ormai noto Engulo EEA (Shangai EA x Enjora E) allevato da ENZO Ltd e di proprietà di Fontanella Magic Arabians. Sono seguite poi le Categorie Seniores. Campionessa della Categoria Fattrici, la splendida grigia SG Wenusia (SDP Taylor x Wenus By Wernera) allevata e di proprietà di Scuderia Groane e presentata da handler Paolo Capecci. Argento per la grigia AP Indirah (Nevan x Imdella) allevata da Cutrona Pietro e di proprietà di Woody Arabians. Bronzo per la baia AD Stella BGP (Hadidi x Carina Dei Mori) allevata e di proprietà di Dionisi Antonio e presentata da handler Maccabel Luca . Infine ad esibirsi è stata la Categoria Stalloni vinta da uno splendido figlio di Marwan Al Shaqab, lo scintillante sauro GR Marvel (Marwan Al Shaqab x LC Ferrarity) allevato e di proprietà di Sarah Mets e presentato da handler Paolo Capecci. Secondo posto per il baio Ocean OS (Ajman Moniscione x Natalia) allevato da Gestut Osterhof,

di proprietà di Antonio Amicucci il quale, in qualità anche di handler, lo ha fatto sfilare in arena, mentre il grigio Jandeh AL Naif (Ansata Shalim x Ansata Nile GYPSY) si è aggiudicato il Terzo posto. Quest’ultimo è allevato da Al Naif Stud e di proprietà di Fontanella Magic Arabians. E così, anche quest’anno, la graziosa cittadina di Montefalco ha celebrato la bellezza e l’eleganza del nostro amato cavallo arabo nella splendida cornice della campagna umbra, circondata dal verde delle colline limitrofi e dai colori lussureggianti delle vigne del Sagrantino. Due giorni meravigliosi all’insegna della raffinatezza e dello sport, di cibo, vino e ospitalità rigorosamente locali. Complimenti ai vincitori e agli organizzatori, in particolare, all’Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica ‘The Desert Arabian Horse’ in collaborazione con il Comune di Montefalco che continuano a compiere notevoli sforzi per la preparazione di questo importante evento di morfologia in Umbria. Congratulazioni a Mirjam Boschini in qualità di speaker ufficiale, a Marzia Allinovi per il lavoro di segreteria, a Francesca Torazza in qualità di fotografo ufficiale, a Francesco Paolo Capizzi addetto all’accoglienza espositori e, infine, a Denise Capizzi per la direzione dell’area Vip. L’appuntamento è per l’anno prossimo con altri grandissimi campioni!

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Yearling Fillies

Mah Hadiya


Gold Medal

Magic Bint Cherie


Silver Medal

As Victoria


Bronze Medal

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Yearling Colts

Dandi Mpe

SHANGHAI EA x FALLUJA | 360.50 points Owner: FARIMA SOC. AGRICOLA s.r.l.

Gold Medal

Safeer Al Mshalla


Silver Medal

Magic Corason


Bronze Medal Medal Bronze

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Junior Fillies

Ps Jubilee


Gold Medal


CAVALLI x ESTRELLA | 13.00 points Owner: AZ AGR TRESCA di Filippini Giancarlo

Silver Medal

Jumana del Palazzotto


Bronze Medal

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Junior Colts

Navar Di Mar


Gold Medal

Cs Prince Bay


Silver Medal

Engulo Eea


Bronze Medal

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Senior Mares

Sg Wenusia


Gold Medal

Ap Indirah

NEVAN x IMDELLA | 10.00 points Owner: WOODY ARABIANS

Silver Medal

Ad Stella Bgp


Bronze Medal

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Senior Stallions

Gr Marvel


Gold Medal

Ocean Os


Silver Medal

Jandeh Al Naif


Bronze Medal

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Futurity Fillies

Sheikha Al Juman RFI FARID x PF PANAMA | 56.00 points Owner: Al Juman Stud

Gold Medal



Silver Medal

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Rashida By Shahrazad ALIM PS x SHAHRAZAD SC | 24.00 points Owner: FRANCIA JURY

Bronze Medal

Futurity Colts

Cl Shaadi


Gold Medal

Sl Shaasil


Silver Medal

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Egyptian Event

Junior Fillies

Fotna Al Baidaa


Gold Medal



Silver Medal

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SH Ibtihal


Bronze Medal

Egyptian Event

Junior Colts

Baasim Aa


Gold Medal

Hanaya Karam


Silver Medal

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Egyptian Event

Senior Mares

Oej Mona Liza


Gold Medal

Sl Jamila


Silver Medal

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Sl Pharida


Bronze Medal

Egyptian Event

Senior Stallions

Frasera Ramsete


Gold Medal

Bihnas Ezzain


Silver Medal

Fa Nile Safir


Bronze Medal

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Special Awards

Sg Wenusia


Best Head Female

Gr Marvel


Best Head Male

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Ocean Os


Best Mover

Antonio Amicucci Best Senior Handler

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HEAD OF HEALTH DEPARTMENT: DR. ANTONIO TORTORA • Imaging Equine Center • The Nursery • 24 h Birth Service Center • C.F.A. • Embryo-Transfer Center • Semen Collection Center and Semen Storage • Semen freezing Center • Laboratory inside the hospital • Stables Center • Surgery Center • Training Center • Handling Center

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government funds granted by the city itself - the hospital at Al Firas Stud was mainly conceived to serve the public; and it does so, not only by ensuring a performance of all tasks investing the equine gynecology sphere, but counting on an fully competent and cutting-edge staff also with reference to Training and Handling activities for the shows. As I have previously mentioned, Ajban is a small town on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi, the capital, and it is home to many farms of which the most prestigious one is Al Firas Stud. Created down to the last detail, the Stud

Sharja che è una città a sud di Dubai e che è un ospedale che nasce con fondi governativi della città stessa questo di Al Firas Stud è il primo a proporsi al pubblico garantendo non solo la copertura di tutte le mansioni che investono la sfera della ginecologia equina ma accompagnandosi con personale assolutamente competente e all’avanguardia anche all’attività di Training ed Handling per gli Shows. Ajban come si accennava precedentemente è un piccolo centro alle porte di Abu Dhabi , la capitale, ed ospita numerose ‘farms’ di cui la più prestigiosa è quella di Al Firas Stud. Curata essa nei minimi dettagli si estende in

rom Firas Mashal’s breeding experience - an important business man from Abu Dhabi, capital city of the United Arab Emirates, it originates a brand new project with the important collaboration and healthcare assistance of Dr. Antonio Tortora from Italy. The project which now is at its early stage - involves the construction at Al Firas Stud Arabians in Ajban, a small town on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi - of an equine veterinary hospital at the service of the stable itself but mainly to serve the public. This is what the new project is about since, in the UAE, all the most important business people create dedicated clinics in their structures hosting medical teams from foreign countries. Except for the hospital in Sharjah, a city south of Dubai - which was established thanks to

all’ esperienza allevatoriale di un importante uomo di affari della capitale degli Emirati Arabi Uniti Abu Dhabi, Firas Mashal, nasce un progetto del tutto nuovo con l’importante collaborazione e assistenza sanitaria dall’Italia del Dr. Antonio Tortora. Il progetto già ormai in fase di partenza prevede la realizzazione presso l’allevamento e le scuderie dell Al Firas Stud Arabians in Ajban , piccolo centro alle porte di Abu Dhabi di un ospedale veterinario equino al servizio della scuderia stessa ma soprattutto al servizio del pubblico. E’ questo il progetto nuovo dato che negli Emirati Arabi Uniti tutti i più importanti uomini d’affari creano nelle proprie strutture delle cliniche per l’asservimento unico della scuderia stessa con équipe mediche provenienti da paesi esteri. Fatta eccezione dell’ospedale presente in

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stretches on about two hectares of land fully covered by a wonderful and green British-style lawn in total contrast to the typical desert landscape of the region. On these meadows there are paddocks for the horses who - consistently with the ambient temperature - are kept outdoors. The stables are two: one hosting the hospital it has been recently built with a total of 50 horse posts; inside of the main stable, there is a laboratory where embryo collection and treatment, as well as equine semen collection and freezing of the same, are performed when necessary. Outside the stables there are sandy arenas, and a

circa due ettari di superficie interamente coperti di un meraviglioso e verde prato inglese in totale contrasto con quello che è il paesaggio tipico della regione assolutamente desertico. Su questi prati sono alloggiati i paddock per lo sgambamento dei cavalli che compatibilmente con le temperature ambientali vengono tenuti all’aperto. Le scuderie sono due di cui quella relativa all’ ospedale assolutamente di recentissima costruzione per un totale di 50 posti cavallo; all’interno della scuderia principale è presente il laboratorio interno dove viene eseguito il prelievo ed il trattamento degli embrioni e il prelievo

carousel for the training and handling of horses in the show preparation phase. At this point, it is necessary to express a thought in favor of the founder and owner of this initiative Mr. Firas Mashal. As I mentioned earlier, the creation of this structure is due to an idea of Firas. The project ‘Al Firas Stud Hospital’ arising from his passion for breeding Arabian horses has garnished sympathy among the Arabian horse community in the UAE, as it is a viable technical and professional

e congelamento all’ occorrenza del seme equino. All’esterno delle scuderie sono presenti campo in sabbia, tondino in sabbia e la giostra per il training e handling dei cavalli in preparazione dello Show. A questo punto diventa doveroso esprimere un pensiero per il fondatore e proprietario di questa iniziativa il Signor Firas Mashal: è come accennavo in precedenza da una sua idea di Firas la nascita di questa struttura. Dalla sua passione allevatoriale per il cavallo arabo che il progetto Al Firas Stud Hospital che ha trovato prima in fase embrionale poi ormai in dirittura di arrivo grandi

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alternative to the still very known Sharjah Hospital in Sharjah: either for a matter of distance between the capital and the center south of Dubai or to offer the passionate public an alternative structure where, despite the non vast proportions of Firas Hospital, they can receive medical assistance and have some human contact with those who are present at the Stud: from the Vet to the groom, and from the handler to the owner in particular. After spending about 6 weeks this winter to cooperate in the project at its early stage, I can say I know Firas and his entire staff quite well, and I am absolutely convinced about the good intents of the project thanks, first and foremost, to the great entrepreneurial experience of the owner, and above all, to his attention to detail. As a matter of fact, the structure has been equipped with all the latest equipment to provide the public with technical and professional services. The nature of Firas’s project has been highly approved first by the undersigned who is now ready to move to the UAE in the winter months. At this point, in conclusion, it now seems to me right to express my opinion and my thoughts about my choice of going over there - even if not permanently - in the winter months, moving 5000 km away from my family. After almost 17 years of work as a professional Veterinary and a life spent for the love of horses, being at the service of their owners at night and day without continuous solutions, I can say I have found real friends among the Arabs and also that human and professional respect I have not gained here, with any generalizations. The problem is not at all economic in nature but of human nature. Unfortunately, here, in Italy, and I say unfortunately because this is my country, we have no human regard or professional respect for those people who – under all circumstances - have always put aside their personal and private life in order to guarantee the necessary assistance to the beloved horses. I am sorry about that because after so long, and after having invested so much in my Medical Center in Salerno, I am compelled by events to leave my country. A thought, however, goes to the people who hold me in great professional and personal esteem; I will always keep them in my heart and I will certainly continue to assist them with the passion I have always had whether in Italy or away from home.

consensi nell’ contesto dell’allevamento del cavallo Arabo in UAE , se non altro per proporre una alternativa valida tecnica e professionale al comunque molto noto Sharja Hospital di Sharja. Sia per una questione di distanze che ci sono tra la capitale e il centro a sud di Dubai sia per proporre al pubblico appassionato una alternativa dove per le non vaste proporzioni di Al Firas Hospital di avere un

assistenza medica ed un contatto umano con chi è presente in azienda dal Veterinario, all’ uomo di scuderia, all’Handler e soprattutto al gestore proprietario. Dopo aver trascorso durante questo inverno circa 6 settimane per collaborare al progetto in fase embrionale posso dire di aver conosciuto bene Firas e tutto il suo Staff e posso essere assolutamente convinto della bontà del progetto dovuto prima di tutto alla grande esperienza imprenditoriale e soprattutto nella cura di ogni dettaglio del proprietario. Tant’è che la struttura è stata dotata di tutte le attrezzature all’avanguardia per fornire un servizio tecnico e professionale al pubblico interessato. La natura del suo progetto ha trovato grande consenso prima di tutto nel sottoscritto pronto ormai a spostarsi nei mesi invernali negli Emirati Arabi. A questo punto in conclusione pare ormai doveroso un mio parere ed un mio pensiero soprattutto relativo alla scelta di spostarmi anche se non in via definitiva nei mesi invernali tra l’altro spostando a 5000 km di distanza la mia famiglia. Dopo ormai 17 anni di professione ed una vita spesa per amore dei cavalli ed al servizio dei loro proprietari di notte e di giorno senza soluzioni di continuo, posso dire di avere trovato presso gli amici arabi il rispetto umano e professionale che non ho qui, senza generalizzazioni. Il problema non è di natura economica, assolutamente, ma di natura umana. Qui, in Italia, purtroppo, e dico purtroppo perché questo è il mio paese, non abbiamo stima umana né tantomeno rispetto professionale per chi in ogni circostanza ha sempre messo da parte la sua vita personale e privata per garantire l’assistenza necessaria agli amati cavalli. Questo mi dispiace perché dopo tanto tempo, e dopo avere investito nel mio Centro Medico in Salerno, mi trovo, costretto dagli eventi, a lasciare il mio paese. Un pensiero va comunque alle persone che hanno grande stima professionale ed umana di me che porto comunque nel mio cuore e, che, anche a distanza e quando sarò in Italia, continuerò a seguire con la passione che ho sempre avuto.

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pa town ‘par excellence’, and ancient French city, Vichy has got no shortage of heritage and architectural attractions to magnetize passing tourists and spa guests in search of well-being. What marks the most to Vichy, surely the remains of the thermal center of the nineteenth century. One can still admire an eclectic and impressive architectural ensemble like the Allier Napoleon III Park, a covered metal gallery of the Parc des Sources, with its chestnut and plane trees, or the Dômes spa center. The Congress Palace, Opera, 1865, is also a must in the city. This former large casino decor Rudnicki Art Nouveau painter, is complemented with a performance hall, lounges and a ballroom. The sources that have made the reputation of Vichy can be discovered, like the source Chomel, that of the Hospital or that of Celestine, in the lobby of the sources, all glass and metal. Revered in poorly healing spa guests, the Black Madonna of St. Blaise church, Notre-Dame-des-Malades,

takes its place amidst beautiful stained glass windows and mosaics in very modern style. On the banks of the Allier largest confluence of the Loire, parks and other green spaces abound. On both sides of Bellerive Bridge, the Englishstyle gardens are an opportunity to stroll and enjoy the weather, while walking on the right bank appointed allows picnicking, biking to walk on the tracks bike or to relax. In summer, games are installed for the youngest. Some museums adorn the city of Vichy as the Museum of Arts of Africa and Asia, with a collection of 4,000 objects collected by missionaries or individuals, or space-Valéry Larbaud museum with manuscripts or papers the same hand of the famous writer. The Museum of the Opera, meanwhile, keeps the archives of the former opera Vichy. These, as well as costumes, sheet music and other artistic objects are presented on the occasion of temporary exhibitions. In the city streets, the Vichy palaces whose

exuberant architecture testifies to the golden age of hydrotherapy, striking looks, like the style of Neomoorish Dômes spa center, or the many chalets and villas of the spa town. They mix the Swiss and colonial styles and were built in 1862 to house Napoleon III. Tastefully renovated, extensively pedestrianised and decorated with flowers, Vichy’s town centre is ideal for strolling and shopping seven days a week including on public holidays. Along its tree-lined streets, under the Art Deco stained glass and wrought iron galleries, you can discover oldstyle shops, top of the range brands, major store chains, antique dealers, craftsmen and art galleries before taking a welcome break to enjoy the sweet treats awaiting you in a Napoleon III styled teashop just as you are getting peckish! In Vichy, at every step of the way you will appreciate the high quality of the environment combining architecture with nature, history with modernity and bracing activities with relaxing

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breaks. However, Vichy is not only the place to look after yourself! We cannot ignore either virtues or appeal of its mineral sources, yet, the beautiful historical town and the famous spas have all become protagonists of one of the not-to- miss out International Arabian horses shows in Europe. For years now Vichy welcomes Arabian Horse Shows with admirable style. Our wonderful horses, the luxurious structure of the Stade du Sichon, the impeccable organization of Christiane and Daniel Souppat (Acas) make this exceptional venue possible year after year. This year the ECAHO International B show took place on 30th and 31st July 2016. Almost hundreds horses were registered from all over the world including Italy. The team of Judges on this occasion was formed by: Mr. Gallun Greg (U.S.A), Mrs. Jamar-Demeersseman Christine (Belgium), Mr. Santoro Francesco (Italy), Mrs. Stojanowska Anna (Poland), Mrs. Stigler Irina (Russia). Mr. Ladek Alain was Ring

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Master. The Disciplinary Committee was formed by Dr. Vivian Van Eerten, (Netherlands) Mrs. Barbara Pfistner (Switzerland) and Dr. Veterinary Hodenq (France). The lovely music and the speaker’s voice that kept us company over the two days, could only be those of Mr. Hassan Valsan and Mr. Arnaud Bertero. The Venue followed its schedule perfectly. Colts, fillies and mares were shown on Saturday; the Stallions on Sunday, followed by the Final Championship and Special Prizes. In the Yearling Fillies Category, two gorgeous daughters of FA EL Raheem were prized with Gold and Silver. They were respectively: the bay D Jawaher out of D Noor, and the bay D Masah out of Angeliccah; both are bred and owned by Dubai Arabian Horse Stud. Bronze medal for a daughter of Kahil Al Shaqab, the bay Anwar Al Shahania (out of Sierra Tango TT) bred and owned by Al Shahania Stud. As for the Yearling Colts Category, Gold Medal for the grey Anaaz Alfayyad (Fayyad Alfayyad x Katifa Al Zobair) bred and

owned by Al Fayyad Stud. Silver for the chestnut Avalon Saphir De Lune (Aria Tresor IA x Avalon Ajma Dream) bred by Elevage Des Saphirs De Lune and owned by Panchaud Pascale, while the Bronze was awarded to the grey Oziera Nadym (Shangai EA x Nusaibah) bred by Oziera Arabians and owned by Forest Cecile. As for the Juniors Categories, Gold Champion Filly was the bay Nirah Meia Lua (WH Justice x Niceya EL Perseus) bred by Maria Helena Perroy-Ribeiro and owned by Al Shahania Stud. Silver for the bay Malaya NA (Ever After NA x Margarita PSY) bred by Robert L. & Dixie L. North Family Trust and owned by Royal Cavalry of Oman, while the Bronze went to the grey Labeebah Albidayer (Shangai EA x Falcons Love Song BHF) bred and owned by Albidayer Stud. As for the Males of the same Category, Gold Champion Colt was the bay Sharaf Al Shahania (FA EL Rasheem x Marwan Cristal RCA) bred and owned by Al Shahania Stud. Silver for the bay Masoun Al Adeyat

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(Ajman Moniscione x Maryah OS) bred and owned by Royal Cavalry of Oman, while the Bronze was taken by the bay R’Adjah De Cartherey (QR Marc x Badi’ah De Cartherey) bred and owned by Chantal Rigat. Next were the Senior Female Championships. Gold medal winner the wonderful grey mare D Nawal (Royal Colours x ) bred and owned by Dubai Arabian Horse Stud. Silver medal winner the grey EKS Shakira (Shakira El Marwan x Poetico B) bred by M.W. Brown and owned by Royal Cavalry of Oman. Bronze medal winner the grey Marwa Bint El Nor (Mouadaar BKV x El Nor Kinaani) bred by Salah Knaangh and owned by Al Shahania Stud. On it went the Senior Stallions championships which concluded this magnificent show that, like every year

on Sunday night, saw a clash among titans with world champions and other winners of the most successful international competitions contending for the first place on the podium. A championship with a line-up of three stunning Purebred Arabian sires, divining the quality always present at this show! Gold medal winner the stunning grey Abbar (WH Justice x Lady Sorrel) bred and owned by Royal Cavalry of Oman. Silver medal winner the bay Absolut De Djoon (QR Marc x Almeria DE Joseph) bred by Haras De Djoonam and owned by Naser Eslamifard. Bronze medal winner the grey Nader BU Thaila (Nader Al Shaqab x Osoul Al Shaqab) bred by BU Thaila Farm and owned by Abdul Hadi Manaa Al Hajri. There were also some other trophies to be presented. Best French Horse was the bay Mirwanah

Kalliste (Marwan Al Shaqab x Nakubaya Kossack) bred and owned by Earl Kalliste Arabians. Best Foreign Horse was the grey EKS Shakira (Shakira EL Marwan x Poetico B) bred by M.W. Brown and owned by Royal Cavalry of Oman. Most Beautiful Head was the bay D Jawaher (FA EL Rasheem x D Noor) bred and owned by Dubai Arabian Horse Stud. Best in Show the bay D Jawaver (Fa El Rasheem x D Noor) whose excellence, as it can be noted, was prized more than once in this amazing competition. With these special trophies, the 5th intense edition of this show full of high quality horses and perfectly organized by Christiane and Daniel Souppat (Acas) came to an end, a fundamental stage for the International circuit. The rendez-vous is for next year together with other stellar champions!

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Yearling Fillies D JAWAHER





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Junior Fillies NIRAH MEIA LUA






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Senior Mares D NAWAL





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Senior stallions ABBAR






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Today people talk a lot about animal well-being. However, are we sure that we really know what it means? Well, it may sound obvious: wellbeing, feeling well, being well. We all know its meaning, and we are all certain, in absolute good faith, that we are doing all that needs to be done to offer our animals a good life. But what really is animal welfare? To best define it we first have to be aware that we are speaking of animals that we have to take care of, for our sustenance, sport or leisure. Animals in captivity, that is, not in a state of nature, which suffer the harshest of limitations, due to the lack of freedom. This is the reason why the general definition of welfare, (“a state of physical and psychological health in which the subject is in harmony with its environment”), inevitably becomes “the condition of an animal related to its attempts to adapt itself to the environment”. This implying that every change of the environment causes physiological and behavioral reactions directed to adapt to it. When the effort to compensate for the change fails, stress takes over. However, the concept of animal welfare, similarly to that of the human’s, experienced an evolving interpretation over the time. Today, in order to measure it, we tend to give determinant significance to the psychological condition of the subject, as well as to its moods and feelings. At present it is undisputed that welfare is a multidimensional concept, which certainly implies the physical health as well as mental health. Therefore, the welfare is a characteristic of the animal itself and not something coming from outside; it means that beyond the lack of physical pain, the animal must have the chance to express behaviors typical of the species and be able to live a life in keeping with its needs, both physiological and behavioral. In order to take care of the animal’s well-being, there are two unavoidable necessities: (1) to know the characteristics of that animal, both individual and species-specific, and (2) to have a standard protocol to measure the presence, or absence, of well-being. In 1965, in response to the book Animal Machines by Ruth Harrison, which raised great outrage both in the public opinion and the experts’, the British Government appointed a committee to control intensive farming. In 1979 this committee became the Farm Animal Welfare Council, which drew up a list of requirements in defense of animal health and welfare. Later the list was formalized into the so-called Five Freedoms, that today are the guidelines of several organizations for animal’s defense worldwide. They are: 1. Freedom from hunger or thirst; 2. Freedom from discomfort; 3. Freedom from pain, injury or disease; 4. Freedom from fear and distress; 5. Freedom to express normal behavior; The first four are well defined and self-explaining. However, the fifth requires some careful thought: accordingly to the first of the unavoidable necessities above mentioned, to offer an animal, whatever animal, the possibility (or freedom) to express their normal behavior, we have to know the specific animal’s characteristics and needs, both individual and of the species. Now, one could ask: why should we spend so much time, efforts and often even money to study, understand and change our behavioral habits towards the animals, so rooted that they are almost laws? Well, I think there are two reasons. The first logical one (and some may feel outraged by it) is that animals that feel well produce more, cost less, and all in all pay off more. This is

Oggi si parla tanto di benessere animale. Siamo sicuri però di sapere davvero cosa vuol dire? Certo, sembra banale: ben-essere, star bene. Tutti sappiamo cosa vuol dire. E tutti siamo convinti, in assoluta buona fede, di fare tutto quello che c’è da fare per dare ai nostri animali una buona vita. Ma cos’è davvero il benessere animale? Per definirlo con esattezza dobbiamo innanzitutto partire dalla consapevolezza che stiamo parlando degli animali affidati alle nostre cure, vuoi per il nostro sostentamento alimentare, vuoi per il lavoro, vuoi per lo sport o lo svago. Si tratta quindi di animali in cattività (nel senso ampio del termine, cioè non allo stato naturale), che si trovano sempre e comunque, a dispetto delle migliori intenzioni, a soffrire della limitazione più grande: la mancanza di libertà. Ecco perché la definizione generica di benessere, che lo qualifica come “uno stato di salute sia fisica che mentale in cui l’animale è in armonia con il suo ambiente”, diventa giocoforza “lo stato di un animale in relazione ai suoi tentativi di adattarsi all’ambiente”. Là dove si sottintende che ogni cambiamento ambientale significativo provoca una reazione fisiologica e comportamentale volta ad adattarsi a esso. Quando il tentativo di compensare il cambiamento fallisce, subentra lo stress. Tuttavia il concetto di benessere animale, non diversamente da quello di benessere umano, ha subito nel tempo un’evoluzione interpretativa. Oggi, ai fini della sua valutazione, si tende a dare un’importanza determinante allo stato mentale del soggetto, nonché ai suoi stati d’animo e alle sue emozioni. Si riconosce ormai come il benessere sia un concetto multidimensionale, che comprende senz’altro la salute fisica ma anche quella mentale. Il welfare è dunque una caratteristica dell’animale, e non una cosa che gli viene fornita dall’esterno; alla base di esso, oltre indubbiamente all’assenza di sofferenza fisica, sta la possibilità di esprimere i comportamenti peculiari della specie e poter perciò condurre una vita consona alle esigenze fisiologiche e comportamentali della stessa.

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Per poter provvedere al benessere di un animale, due sono i punti di partenza imprescindibili: conoscere le caratteristiche individuali e specie-specifiche di quell’animale, e avere un protocollo il più possibile standardizzato per misurare la presenza, o l’assenza, di benessere. Nel 1965, in risposta al libro di Ruth Harrison Animal Machines, che suscitò parecchia indignazione nel pubblico e tra gli addetti ai lavori, il governo inglese nominò una commissione di controllo degli allevamenti intensivi. Nel 1979 questa commissione divenne il Farm Animal Welfare Council, che redasse una lista di requisiti a tutela di tutti gli animali affidati alle cure dell’uomo. La lista fu formalizzata nelle cosiddette Cinque Libertà, che sono oggi le linee guida di svariate organizzazioni mondiali per la tutela della salute e del benessere animale. Esse sono: • La libertà dalla fame e dalla sete. • La libertà dal disagio nelle strutture di ricovero. • La libertà dal dolore, dalle ferite e dalle malattie. • La libertà dalla paura e dallo stress. • La libertà di esprimere un comportamento normale e caratteristico della specie. Se le prime quattro della lista sono ben definite e si spiegano da sé, la quinta è forse quella che più invita alla riflessione, riallacciandosi al primo dei due punti chiave per la valutazione del benessere: per poter offrire a un animale, qualunque esso sia, la possibilità (o libertà) di esprimere un comportamento normale bisogna conoscerne le caratteristiche e le esigenze, sia di specie che individuali.

true not only for productive livestock, but also household pets. If you, or someone you know, has lived with a dog who suffers from separation anxiety, you know how difficult it can be. A horse with crib-biting risks severe gastric and intestinal problems. An aggressive subject can be a serious risk for the human beings or other animals. Therefore, the first answer could be a mere economic calculation, or simply logic, anthropocentric but still logic. However, the second reason is the one which really forces to a quantum leap and leads to the real answer: we have to do it because it is fair. Because the moment we arrogate to ourselves the right to “use” the animals, in any ways, we have not only the duty to take care of them materially, but also to respect them as sentient beings and respect their characteristics and their needs. And to do so we need to know them more thoroughly than we believe we do. Therefore, we must be educated in order to understand. In the next issue of this column we will specifically examine the socalled indicators of wellness, in particular those of the horse. While it is easy to recognize extreme situations of suffering, maltreatments first and last, it is far more difficult to recognize the psychological distress caused. Any individual, human beings included, tries to compensate for negative situations with adaptive behaviors, some positive and useful, other unwelcome but simply reactions to negative stimuli or painful situations. To understand then, so that to do better and be able to give our animals the best environment and treatment possible. It is our moral duty to build a good life for them. It is their unquestionable right to have it.

Ora ci si potrebbe chiedere: ma perché bisogna spendere tanto tempo e impiegare tante energie e spesso denaro per capire, studiare e poi cambiare le nostre abitudini di comportamento verso gli animali, così radicate da essere quasi delle leggi? Ebbene, io credo che le risposte possibili siano due. La prima è quella che, d’acchito, potrebbe convincere di più (anche se forse farà indignare qualcuno): perché gli animali che stanno bene producono di più, costano meno, e in definitiva rendono di più. E mi riferisco non solo agli animali propriamente da reddito, ma anche a quelli d’affezione: la convivenza con un cane affetto da ansia da separazione è difficilissima, chi ha provato lo sa bene. Un cavallo con il ticchio d’appoggio rischia di incorrere in gravi problemi gastrici e intestinali. Un soggetto aggressivo può diventare un pericolo reale, per gli esseri umani che gli stanno vicino. Quindi potrebbe trattarsi di mero calcolo economico, o semplicemente di logica, antropocentrica ma comunque logica. È però la seconda risposta quella che obbliga davvero al salto di qualità: bisogna farlo perché è giusto così. Perché nel momento in cui noi esseri umani ci arroghiamo il diritto di “usare” gli animali, in qualsiasi modo, abbiamo non solo il dovere di provvedere a loro materialmente, ma anche di rispettarli in quanto esseri senzienti, e di rispettare le loro peculiarità e le loro esigenze. Per farlo, dobbiamo conoscerli, più di quanto già crediamo di fare. Conoscere per capire, quindi. Nel prossimo appuntamento di questa rubrica esamineremo più nel dettaglio i cosiddetti indicatori di benessere, riferendoci specificamente al cavallo. Perché se è lampante riconoscere le situazioni di malessere estreme, quelle definibili senz’altro come maltrattamenti, più difficile è invece valutare gli stati di disagio psicologico, che ogni individuo, essere umano compreso, cerca di compensare con comportamenti adattativi, alcuni fruttuosi e positivi, altri che risultano “indesiderati” ma sono sempre e solo reazioni a stimoli negativi o esperienze sgradevoli. Conoscere per fare di meglio, dunque. E soprattutto per poter offrire ai nostri animali il miglior ambiente e il miglior trattamento possibili, necessari per vivere una buona vita. Nostro dovere morale costruirla per loro, loro indiscutibile diritto averla.

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N°3 - 2016 | 382

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N°3 - 2016 | 385

N°3 - 2016 | 386

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