3 minute read
Arts and Sciences
College Row
Phi Beta Kappa
June 1954 Ann Alter Agnew James Howard Alltop Sharon Lee Averitt Georgia Adams Current Janet Baldwin Arnold B. Babknecht Erma June Clevinger Jerry Lou Dreisbach Forrest D. Ellis Mary Augustine Fleischer Rosemary Forsythe Elton Fender Jackson Janet Hosea Jackson Donald Barton Johnson Ellen Rosanne Musgrave Angeline Prado Ronald Anthony Restifo Abe N. Roth Norman Eugene Saul Richard B. Solomon Harold South William R. Stewart Morton Edward Tavel Louis Theodore Tenta James Eugene Witek Charles Richard Wyttenback Jane Zaiser
September 1954 John Stuart Thornton Louise Ann Nelson
February 1955 Elizabeth Buchanan Jacquelyn Sandy Cramer Patricia Distelhorst James Elliot Faller Thomas Eldon Long Rosalia Eugenia Rey June 1955 Michael G. Ellsasser Harvey Feigenbaum Anna Lou Gerhart Jean Louise Rogers Lowry Anabel Lee Ratcliff Charles Albert Rau Roderick H. Turner
arts and sciences
The College of Arts and Sciences was founded in 1870 to organize into one division the courses which had been offered since the founding of the university. The college has been molded and enlarged until it now has an enrollment of 1770.
Ranging from courses in astronomy to sociology, the curriculum offers an opportunity for a broad, varied education. From this division, students may enter a multitude of occupational fields. The .excellent facilities of the College of Arts and Sciences make it one of the nation's best.

Chemistry Building
Frank T. Gucker, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences
Arts and Sciences
The requirements of the College of Arts and Sciences include courses in foreign language, English, science, and the social sciences, besides classes in the student's specific concentration area,

Within the Geography Library can be found 60,000 maps. Indiana's collection constitutes one of the largest in the nation. Hours in the English Building ...

Shadows in art . . .

Hours in the laboratory constitute a large portion of the Arts and Sciences major's time.
Row I: Don Young, John Rutherford, Thomas Fleming (Sec.), Al Hopper (Treas.), Bill Chumley, Dan Thomasson. Row III: Robert Bolin, Stephen Jacobson. Row II: Jerry Hargis (Pres.), Richard McLaughlin, Philip Fox, John Stevens (V. P.).
Sigma Delta Chi

Sigma Delta Chi, national professional fraternity for men in journalism, has been on this campus since 1914. Prominent professional journalists speak at the meetings. Sigma Delta Chi annually sponsors the Blanket Hop, the oldest traditional dance at I.U. The proceeds from the dance make possible the blankets given to the senior "I" men by Sigma Delta Chi.
At the annual Gridiron Banquet, Sigma Delta Chi presents two faculty awards, the Leather Medal for the greatest contribution to the University and the Brown Derby awarded the most popular faculty member. The Big Wheel award is presented to a person outside the University who has made an outstanding contribution to I.U. Sigma Delta Chi presents a plaque to an outstanding high school senior and awards to 10 senior men at I.U. This fraternity also publishes the Crimson Bull, the campus humor magazine.
News of another issue of the Crimson Bull?
Row I: Janice Linke (V. P.), Joan Emhardt (Treas.), Marilyn Schetter, Kathie Neff, Ginny Krause. Row II: Ann Porter, Anne Marshall, Mary Ann Espey, Susan Wal- lace, Nancy Wagner. Row III: Jane Brown (Sec.), Dixie Allred, Judy Benjamin, Carol Capel, Lynn Sproatt, Peggy Cook (Pres.).
I licta Sigs report for tree decorating duty.

Theta Sigma Phi
Theta Sigma Phi, national professional fraternity for women in journalism, was established at University of Washington in 1909. On a national scale the organization boasts the membership of many women prominent in journalism.
The members of this honorary must maintain a high college average and plan to make some phase of journalism their career. On the local level, they attend meetings at which prominent women in journalism speak and advise them. They also sponsor the annual Razz Banquet attended by the University "400".
The main objective of Theta Sigma Phi is "To unite women engaging in or planning to engage in journalism."
SITTING: Laurence L. Powell (V. P.), Jerry Strauss (Pres.), Jay Ridinger. STANDING: Dr. E. C. Chenoweth, Tom Thorson (Sec.-Treas.).
Delta Sigma Rho National Forensics Honorary
Theta Alpha Phi Dramatic Fraternity

Row I: Beverly Brenner, Richard Weinman (P1-es,), Sharon Hanna, Phyllis Witte. Row II: Carol Hudson (Treas.), Richard Voigts, Robert Meadors, Michael Ream.