3 minute read
business and Economics Building
Beta Gamma Sigma
D.B.A. Howard R. Delancy William R. Hammond Lester B. Strickler Joseph F. Trosper Jack T. Turner
M.B.A. Frank M. Busch Calvin L. Cooke Alan D. Gilman James S. Meyer Edward A. Money Patsy D. Price John C. Richard Martin R. Tannen Robert M. Whitsel
Faculty Leo R. Dowling Robert H. Shaffer
Seniors, 1954 Robert R. Glenn Hellen M. Glennie Carrie L. Milan
Seniors, 1955 Barbara L. Alm Louis R. Bauer Robert L. Bluemle Carol E. Clawson Michael Cusick Carolyn E. Fee Sondra S. Hellmich Glenn T. Hoemig James R. Holzbach Lucy J. Hubbard Arthur H. Lawrence Fred L. Peacock Calvin G. Skinner Sadako Tottori William P. Trempel Robert S. Trinkle Frederick A. Whelchel
Seniors, 1956 Donald G. Brown Nelson E. Kelley William T. Rumph James R. Wolfe
The School of Business is one of the fastest growing and most popular schools on the campus. Because the demands of today's business competition are so great, it has become almost necessary for those interested in business careers to be college graduates. For this purpose the School of Commerce was founded in 1920 from which the School of Business Administration emerged.

Arthur M. Weimer, Dean of the School of Business
Tomorrow's Leaders

The office clerk, the brokers of the stockmarket, the instructors, the C. P. A., the executives—the multitude. To prepare us for the literal business world, 1,900 business students study in Bloomington. The instructural staff, experts in their respective field, lend pebbles of their knowledge of the business world to us.
As we gather the stones, we compile them and walk the stairway to success. Some attain their goals, some are satisfied and some are disappointed, but all are grateful for a chance to become tomorrow's leaders in the business world—a result of expert training in the School of Business.
Cramming for the management mid-term . . . 11. k E. hookworm
Time for a break . .

Row I: Gerald Hibnick, Denny Philpott, Lee Tanner (Treas.), William Wessel, David Gadsin, Norman Rappe (Pres.), Wayne Eastridge. Row II: Dean Davis (Sec.), James Dickey, Richard Prendergast, Wayne Arr, I - Simon (V. P.), Marquis Hammett, John Crim, Lawrence Magner, Gary Ash. Row III: Fred Peacock, Tom Schoenherr, R. Clifton Andersen, David Owens, Mack McKinzie, William Myers, Donald Beattie, Jr.
Alpha Kappa Psi Commerce Fraternity
Delta Sigma Pi Business Administration Fraternity

Row I: Paul Lineweaver, Charles Sims (Pres.), Max Morris, John Bugay, Al Koehlinger (V. P.), Bill Noone, Nich Linville, Gary Wilson, Richard Cowen, John Gallagher. Row II: Ronald Foust, Max Goshert, Jack Maxton, William Barnett, Larry Parker (Sec.), Robert Tripp, Edwin Byrd, Kent Arvin, Ward Sexson, David Gentry, William Higgins. Row III: Raymond Epperson, David Porter, Needham Hurst, John Heseman, Paul Skjerseth, Edward Clark, Donald Engelking, Paul Lange, David Henry, Robert Wiebke, Paul Simpson, Row IV: Arthur Love, Roger Berkes, Jim Wagner, Hugh Moreillon, Robert Mason, Richard Giessler, Granville Whitaker, Richard Davis, Norris Krall (Treas.), Willard Henderson, Dillard Henderson.
Row I: Nina Ferguson (Treas.), Dorothy Eib, Sandra Joy Flinn, Martha Ross, Carolyn Cohee, Joan Norton (Pres,), Doreen Zavada, Betty Holbrook. Row II: Patricia Kalamaros, Sabra Black, Joan Fritz, Patricia Grimmer, Lee L. Jenkins, Doris Adams. Row III: Sue Hellmich, Mary Ann Mayer (V, P.), Jean Halterman, Mary Strawn, Marian Moe (Sec.).
Gamma Alpha Chi Women's Advertising Honorary
Omicron Delta Business Sorority

Row I: Martha Price, Mary Anne Barkley, Lois Ann Cole, Barbara Foster, Patricia Ann Houpt, Nina Ferguson (Pres.), Judie Walter, Doris Hays, Jane Pfenninger. Row II: Waneta Laughlin, Dottie Gaskins, Kay Gentry, Caroline Ashley (Treas.), Marilyn Phillips, Barbara Taulman, Joyce Anderson, Phyllis Blair, Anne Jamison, Janet Carr, Donna Bell. Row HI: Jackie Lineback, Doris Adams, Daisy Baker, Barbara Fretz, Barbara Welcher, Janet MacDonald, Marguerite Hook, June Tomolak (Rec. Sec.), Pat Hapner, Jane Good, Fran Hubbard. Row IV: Leanne Osborne, Helen Polley, Phyllis Dykins, Patricia Green, Mary Ann Mayer, Kay Wynn Goby, Mary Strawn, Beverly Boegaholtz, Mary Ellen Kimes, Marian Moe (Corr. Sec.), Patricia Kalamaros.