Luke Greenhalgh 2020 Portfolio
Master of Architecture Liverpool School of Art and Design
‘About me page’ I am a 24 year old March student currently in the process of finishing my March degree. Throughout the process I have found it interesting getting to explore my own interests in architecture and they have helped my to develop a great appretiation for aspects of architecture I had previously overlooked.
Contents Year 2 Semester 2: Thesis Design Project Year 2 Semester 1: Group Urban Design Year 2 Semester 1: Live Project
1 13 21
Year 1 Semester 2: Housing Design Project
Year 1 Semester 1: Dissertation
Year 1 Semester 1: Group Urban Design
Curriculum Vitae 39
24 The Thesis focuses on two concepts. The first is the 24 hour city and the second is the use of artificial light as a method of changing the use and perception of buildings at night. Following on from these concepts the growth of the global light festival events is explored as a new event to connect the proposed masterplan with the wider city of Chester. The proposed addition to the masterplan being a building that acts as primarily a factory for the creation of sculptures and the design of performance pieces for light festivals, supplying the various light festivals that are part of the Light Up the North Initiative. The secondary function of the building will be a small set of offices from which the festivals can be organised along with small educational facilities for lectures and design workshops. The Building will also redesign the exterior surroundings so that it becomes more suitable for larger scale sculptures to be placed to become a focal point for a Chester based light festival.
The intention is for the Light up the north initiative to base itself in Chester providing a location from which the various exhibits can be created for each of the festivals. The group will be encouraged to involve the local community of the newly developed area surrounding the building. As well as this the creation of an exhibition space would be added to allow experimental and successful exhibits to be shown yearly in an area accessable at night to ensure the building is truly a 24 hour one. Due to the locaiton of chester it would also be suggested that there is the addition of an 8th festival based in chester which will eminate from the building on the event nights. There will also be the suggestion of the addition of the Light Night in Liverpool as well due to its proximity and its similarities with the Lumiere festival in Durham. These additions would make sence both economically and logistically in an effort to streamline the light festival process to ensure the north of england can become a leading region in light festival development.
York Leeds
Initial sketches for the thesis focused around the concept of the building opening up and exposing itself to the public for an event. Similar in manner to what the les machines de l’ile complex achieves in france
Roof primarily a sawtooth design of standing seam zinc cladding with the addition of a more standard flat roof scheme in areas. Exterior Walls brick exterior on the primary worshop elements with a timber cladding around the entrance and office areas. the internal structure of the walls is primarily 5 ply CLT panels with a birch internal face and concrete blocks used to reinforce the areas where the walls are thicker ot accomodate the brick.
Internal Walls primarily timber stud walls with a birch plywood face unpainted. stair cored are instead made of reinforced concrete.
Frame LVL frame ranging in thickness based upon a 7500mm x 7500mm grid for the primary sections
Foundations reinforced concrete strip foundations
Floors buildup 1. Ground 2. Reinforced concrete strip foundation 3. Damp proof and gas membrane 4. 50mm insulation 5. 500 gauge polythene sheet 6. Concrete slab 7. Polished screed floor 8. Timber I joint beam 9. Plywood birch faced ceiling 10. Osb board Wall Buildup 11. 5 ply ClLT panel with birch to internal face 12. 160mm vapour barrier 13. Breather Membrane 14. Concrete block 100mm 15. Rain water pipe 16. Concrete block 150mm 17. Facing brick 100mm 18. Stone lintel 19. Double glazed top hung window 20. Vertical timber rail 21. Teracotta cladding 22. Brick soldier course 23. Silver Anadised Aluminium Capping Frame 24. 300mm x 300mm LVL timber column 25. LVL timber steel anchoring to concrete 26. 300mm x 400mm LVL Timber Beam 27. 300mm x 600mm LVL Timber Beam Roof 28. Vapour barrier layer 29. Rigid insulation board 30. Aluminium flashing 31. Timber railing 32. Standing seam zinc cladding
RE The Masterplan was a collaborative venture focused on attempting to revitalise the western side of Chester while also resolving existing flooding concerns in the area. The final masterplan was a large scale intervention that would have an estimated cost of over ÂŁ1 billion. The masterplan design would later be further expanded upon for the further stages of the thesis to add a secondary layer of activity and function to the scheme.
The Chester Development has three main goals. The first to re-develop the city of C h e s t e r. To r e - e n f o r c e t h e original Chester history and to re-design aspects of the city that do not work in the best ways possible. Our scheme for the city involves taking the golf course and creating a new city within this area. The development will be split up from the rest of the city with the use of the existing river around the golf course and also we have shown added rivers in the development. Each section of the island h a s d i ff e r e n t f u n c t i o n s t o i t , t h e s e b e i n g ; h o u s i n g , o ff i c e a n d w o r k s p a c e s , a c t i v i t y ’s , hotels, restaurants and bars and more. Tw o ‘ f l o o d l o c k s ’ h a v e b e e n added in the deign to ease water levels from rising to much and flooding the new island. These areas will flood once the water rises to a hight, and then empty when the water level starts to settle.
Typical Water Level : Not Flooded
Mid Water Level : Slight Flooding
High / Extreme Water Level : New Created Water-ways Fully Flooded
Th e fi r st i mage we have s ho w n he re g iv e an ex ampl e o f ho w t he w ate r w i l l run w he n t he
The se cond i m ag e sho w s h ow t h e s p a ce re a c t s t o s l ig h t c h a n g e s in w a t e r le v e l w h e re u s u a l-
l evel i s no t exceed ing t he no r mal l e v e l . The w at e r f l o w s t o t he nor t h of t he si te and t he n
l y t he are a w oul d be gin t o floor on t o t h e g old cou rs e a n d ra ce cou rs e . Th e w a t e r w il l s t a r t
Th e fin a l ima g e s h ow s a n h ig h ex a mp le of w h e n t h e wa t er level get t o t h e p o i n t wh ere i t
u - t u r n s to face down, t here is al so o ne ex t ra w at e r w ay t o ai d w i t h t he wate r curre nt l y si t t i ng
to pour i n and cre ate in t e r n a l p ools of w a t e r a n d s t re a ms w h ic h w il l p a s s from on e e n d t o
a rou n d t he site.
t he ot he r.
Th e green fores t s pace in t h e midd l e o f t he se w at e r w ay s g ive s t he use rs of t he ci ty a space
The g re e n space whi c h is c u rre n t ly t h e re w il l b e g in t o b og u p, t h is w il l p rov e d s p a ce for
t o co m e a nd get away from e v e r y day l if e and e njo y t he nat ure w e pl an to bri ng back i nto
wi l d l i fe such as wi l d b ird s a n d fis h t o e n t e r t h is s p a ce g iv in g t h e m a n e w h ome or re s t b it e .
t h e spa ce.
We pl an to use wi l d g ra s s a n d t re s s w h ic h me a n s t h e y w il l b e a b le t o s u r v iv e t h e flood in g
w il l p a s s ov e r t h e b a rrie r a n d fil l t h e g re e n s p a ce co m p let ely. On ce t h e wa t er h i t s t h i s leve it c re a t e a n u mb e r of d iffe re n t is la n d w h ic h c a n n o w o n ly b e a cces s ed t h o ugh t h es e i co n i c b rid g e s p la ce d on e a c h c ros s in g in t o t h e is la n d . Th e g re e n s p a ce s t h a t s it in t h e s e c h a n n e ls a re n o w co m p let ely s ub m erged , c rea t i n g n ew h ome s for t h e w a t e r l ife s u c h a s ot t e rs , fis h a n d b i rd wh i c h t h e r i ver i s wel l kn o w f o r. Th e w a t e r c a n t h e n ex it t h e c h a n n e l on ce t h e le v e l dro p s s t a r t i n g t h e c yc le o ver a gi n .
Ground floor retail, upper f l o o r o ff i c e s Ground floor retail, upper floor residential Hotel Restaurants Local tial
O ff i c e s Luxury apartments L u x u r y o ff i c e s Sports / lesiure centre School Nature preserve Private residential
Kensington Vision Feasability Study The Kensington vision Feasability Study was the cumilaiton of the live project team I was a part of at LJMU for the Kensington Vision non profit organisation. The overall aim was to provide a doccument outlining the development of a block of terraced houses with store fronts into a medium sized hostel while also expanding on existing business premices and providing the groundwork for further future expansion
Density and Quality: Defining the Terrace The Canal side parks of Liverpool are an ideal area for development with the abundance of space theyprovide, the views of the canal and the proximity to cycle paths and public transport. The parksthemselves are not in best use and serve little purpose other than occupying dead space in the city. Due to the ever increasing demand for more housing and the growth of the city it would be suitableto provide a denser space of living that still provides adequate comfort as well as the communal spiritthat can feel lost in overly dense areas. Due to both the linear aspect of the site and the need for densityincrease the traditional terrace and its evolution under Naeve Brown will be a significant influence onthe design.
As a further note to increase the viability of the site as well as its aesthetic appeal proposals for smallcommercial developments and a higher density flat complex which will be implemented on the site toavoid the stereotypical monolithic dead ends of a terrace block. A facade of brick would be most complementary of the area due to the heavy use currently in place andin terms of height the development would only be suitable for 4-6 stories maximum due to the generallow rise of the surrounding area.
per image position 1, lower image Position 2
The Artistic use of Artificial light in Architecture and the Urban Environment This specialist study explored the impact of artificial light on architecture and the urban environment. The impact was explored in four distinct areas. These areas were the impact of artificial light in art, a study of light festivals in Europe, the impact on American Architecture and the impact on Japanese Architecture. From these areas of study a conclusion was drawn as to what the future impacts of artificial light on architecture and the urban space may be and how cities can evolve to better harbor these impacts for their benefit. Contents Preface 1 - Introduction 2 - Impact on Art - Theatre - Projection Mapping - Refik Anadol 3 - Light Festivals - Overview - Festivals in the UK - Durham Lumiere - Fête des lumières 4 - Impact on European and American Architecture - European cities general - American architectural impact 5 - Impact on Japanese Architecture - introduction of western ideals - Ginza - Tadao Ando 6 - Conclusion Apendix - List of light festivals - Lyon map - Biographies - Bibliography - Image references
During my studies for this disertation I went on a study trip to the Fete Des Lumieres in Lyon, France for the full weekend event exploring the city during the day and night to both immerse myself in the event but to also understand the changes that light brought to the area both natural and artificial.
Sequential Squares For the first design project of the academic year, we were tasked with the formulation of an urban design scheme within the town of Ellesmere Port. We given free reign to redevelop a site within the town as we saw fit. Building initially upon research of Ellesmere Port as a whole, the design turns its focus towards our chosen site within the town, following analysis of the site with development, design and final outcome drawings and diagrams.
Development of design strategy - Ellesmere Port
The main concept of our urban design project is to redevelop the Civic Centre of Ellesmere Port and its surrounding areas in order to provide an accessible, inviting pedestrian route through to the centre of the town, linking existing areas of interest and parkways to allow those living in areas of Ellesmere Port further from the town centre to easily and safely use this new route to commute or travel by foot or by bike into the most central areas of the town. This proposed route begins at Whitby park, moving through the Ellesmere Port Arcades and ultimately joining Whitby Road, where it would connect to, follow, and enhance existing routes towards the train station and docks.
Existing square improved with a framing feature facade of new council office extension
Traffic calming measures using road material changes to give priority to pedestrians and cyclists
New square for seasonal activities and easy access ot both the bus station and the library
New commercial shopping street linking the new squares with upper floor appartments
New Higher density homes with off road parking
Traffic calming measures using road material changes to give priority to pedestrians and cyclists
New large square with restaurants spilling around the edges. with offices to the upper floors
Existing kids club moved to a new building with views from the main ro while retianing the original outdoor activities area
The overall masterplan is based around the redevelopment and creation of 3 unique squares along the proposed route. The northernmost being the existing civic square which will be redefined primarily through the addition of new building extensions while retaining many of its existing features. The centre square will be a new multi use square primarily paved that would allow for a flexibility of use throughout the year. The final square is the southernmost which is to become an entertainment and leisure square reflecting its close proximity to whitby park. finally a new small shopping boulevard will be created joining the two new squares together.
Sections A-E - Ellesmere Port
The Market Square Continuing on the development of the squential squares I took the development of the central square to the next level of detail. This was primarily deciding on the materiality of the square which became entirely dark paving of black limestone cut in various shapes and layed in different orientations to dictate the different areas of the building.This was then edged with dark grey granite with concrete paving slabs used in the surrounding areas. The choice of all paving was ot allow the flexibility to change the use of the square depending on time of year and time of day with the paving shape changes dictating the directions the public would move around the square. To finalise the square two lines of LED lighting would be used in the ground to highlight the route across the square during the night.
Curriculum Vitae & contacts Education
GCSE: Canon Slade Secondary School (2007-2012)
A*. 5A’s, 2B’s, C
A Level: Runshaw College (2012-2015)
B Mathematics C Physics C Graphic Design
University: Liverpool John Moores University (2015-2017)
2:1 Architecture
University: Liverpool John Moores University (2018-present)
In Progress
Skills Archicad Revit Sketchup Autocad Lumion Twinmotion Photoshop Illustrator In Design Microsoft Office
Advanced Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Advanced Advanced
Personal Skills and Interests Hard-working, Commited, Responsible, Self Critical, Available to travel, Team worker, Adaptable, Inquisitive, Photography, Music, Film, Travel, Football, Woodworking, Cooking
Work Experience Data Cleanser, Exchange Utility, Bury, 2015 I worked as a data Cleanser between July and August on a short term contract in between years at university. It was a competetive environment due ot having my progress tracked daily to ensure I reached and surpassed the targets I was set. Reference: Kelly Iverson, Director, Part 1 Architectural Assistant, Campbell Driver Partnership, Blackburn, 2017-2018 I spent a year out between my undergraduate and postgraduate studies working as an architectural assistant at the small firm in Blackburn. Despite the small size of the practice they had extensive relationships with large clients across the Blackburn, Accrington and Burnley area. Within a short space of time I was given extensive responsibilities at the practice being given jobs as a design lead on some smaller domestic and commercial jobs while also having heavy involment for large jobs such as Accrington Football Clubs stadium expansions and Accrington Town Hall’s renovaiton works. Due to this I gained extensive experience working on large and small scale commercial, residential and domestic projects. Due to my work on Accrington Town Hall I also gained a significant amount of experience dealing with a grade 2 listed building Reference: David Barrowclough, Director, Data Cleanser, Crown, Bury, 2019-present I am Currently working as a data cleanser for crown sorting through irregularities with the massed amounts of data crown and its subsidiary companies have. The job requires me to work effectively and clearly with my team members to ensure we hit our deadlines before systems move out of development. On occasion I have worked on slightly different jobs in the company including testing of developing systems as well as workign through commercial contracts and ensuring they are prepared for digital use. Reference: Colin Woor, Head of IT department,